December 22, 2010

iSteve Christmas Panhandling Drive

It's time to shake my tin cup again.

You can send me an email and I'll send you my P.O. Box address.

Or, you can use Paypal to send me money directly. Use any credit card or your Paypal account. To get started, just click on the Paypal "Donate" button on the top of column to the right.

When that takes you to Paypal, if you want to use your credit card, fill in your credit card info on the lower left part of the screen by clicking on the word "Continue" in the lower center/left.

Or, if you want to use your Paypal account, fill in your Paypal ID and password on the lower right of the screen.

Thanks. I appreciate it, deeply.


  1. I am trying to sell everyone on the Boxing Day Challenge, 12/26: rightist bloggers from really prominent sites like OneSTDV, Dennis, you, Ilkka, and Mencius, should comment on obscure bloggers. I don't mean me, really, since I haven't posted anything good & political for a while, but I recommend Chris Roach, Cassandra Goldman, Erich the Hesperado, and Sagat. Of course, since they're obscure, I'm sure there are a lot in the latter group I don't know.

  2. Does still work? For us lazy one click guys?

  3. I know you're trying to be endearing with the self-deprecating shtick, but it's really an insult to your writing to deem asking for donations "panhandling".

    You do great work and you should be compensated for it. Simple as that.

    [Unfortunately I have no money to give. But I give you lots of traffic, so hopefully that counts for something.]

  4. I'm always amazed at how Bill O'Reilly manages to produce best selling book after best selling book. I tried to read one once while having lunch at a book store.

    Much the same can be said for the books of Bernie Goldberg - very light on material and a new one every couple months.

    A better comparison might be Dinesh D'Souza. He actually writes real books on occasion.

    The point is that all these men make a lot of money writing books about current political issues and related matters. Why don't you?

    Writing books isn't all that hard and producing an excellent blog or other web content isn't all that easy.

    It's all about focusing your talents into the most remunerative channels. For an American it would be like choosing to play soccer rather than baseball - similar athletic challenges but tremendously different financial rewards. Of course it's just the opposite for Europeans.

    Ann Coulter writes a lot of books and a weekly column. One of her secrets is that she just re-packages her free columns into not free books. You have enough material on the web right now for several books.

    You are leaving money on the table.


  5. "[Unfortunately I have no money to give. But I give you lots of traffic, so hopefully that counts for something.]"

    Really, Champ, it doesn't.

  6. Steve-O, take some of STDV's "traffic" down to Wal-Mart and finish your Christmas shopping.

  7. "Really, Champ, it doesn't."

    Screw you, chimp.

  8. "I'm always amazed at how Bill O'Reilly manages to produce best selling book after best selling book. I tried to read one once while having lunch at a book store."

    Bill O'Reilly is a brand and he probably doesn't even read his own books, let alone write them. The fact that they are light on material (and any original thought) suggests it's a ghostwriter who has seen enough Factor broadcasts to know what Bill O'Reilly _would_ write.

    "Ann Coulter writes a lot of books and a weekly column. One of her secrets is that she just re-packages her free columns into not free books. You have enough material on the web right now for several books."

    To be fair, not all of Coulter's books are like that. Unlike O'Reilly, she actually is an intellectual and she definitely writes her own books. That's how she became famous.

    Sailer has written a book but he foolishly released a semi-edited PDF of it a while back and gave it away for free to all the HBD deadbeats. The fact that it has VDare's logo on it means it has next to no chance of it showing up in a bookstore near you. If the Steveonauts here really care, they could get Sailer in touch with a real publisher to promote his ideas. Yeah, it's not easy but if he emphasizes that he's not a WN and drops the Jew thing for his book, they won't be scared off.


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