January 19, 2011

The Conservative McCain

Much of liberaldom's "eliminationist" rhetoric regarding Arizona has been an attempt to eliminate from the electoral playing field this guy.


  1. McCain is one of the few Republicans I actually like, and I don't enjoy seeing post-election attacks on him by fellow Dems. I thought he ran a decent campaign, right up until he picked Sarah Palin. He represents the old type of Rockefeller Republicanism that's been completely washed away in a wave of divisive Tea Party shrillness. Ironically, those same types of people led far better lives when their party of choice was more moderate. Post 1994 right-wing GOP gave the thumbs up to corporate America outsourcing all those fly-over jobs.

    Imho this country would be immeasurably improved by having a Republican Party that was mainly center-right (ie. Rockefeller) rather than far-right and a Democrat Party that was center-left.

    Maybe in 2016, after Obama's second term, the Democrat candidate can pick a moderate Republican as a running mate. I think that would go over quite well with the electorate.

  2. One reason that Arizona has come out with all these conservative laws is a campaign finance law that reduces the power of business interests to influence Republican politics. With publicly financed candidates, the Republican party resembles the base more than it resembles the Chamber of Commerce. The Supreme Court is looking at the law and will probably strike it down.

  3. Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Krugman1/19/11, 5:46 AM

    Well the photo you linked to showed a clearly eliminationist angry white man.

    Pictures don't lie and they couldn't print it if it wasn't true.

    Support the MSM, eliminate the eliminationist with prejudice!

  4. Do you think the election of this guy signals that the Republicans are ready to embrace being the party of white folks?

    Why, exactly, is there supposed to be some sort of stigma against white folks voting as a block for their self-interest?

    The basic philosophy of the Democratic party is pushing vengefully for the self-interest of their treasured voting blocks: black, SWLP women and gays. Why's it good for them to do this, but bad for whites?

    The election of a black president has blown the rationale for this to hell. You just can't argue any longer that there is something inherently evil in white folks voting as a block for their self-interest.

    Of course, Sarah Palin is at the heart of this, too. She represents those political untouchables, lower and middle class whites in flyover country.

  5. Maybe he should run for president. The pickings in the GOP field seem pretty slim.

  6. I just pooped on a Facebook status by a state pol here who was hyping Sarah Palin..70+ comments saying isn't she great, she'll win etc. So I said, still don't know her position on immigration, are we going to continue to import poverty?

    It went quiet real quick.

  7. in the last week, a serial killer was arrested in philadelphia, a serial rapist was arrested in los angeles, and some guy shot people at a high school in los angeles.

    amount of television coverage of these events: almost zero.

    the suspects were not european males, which doesn't fit the liberal agenda.

    i do want liberals to explain the school shooting though. that was impossible and could not have actually happened. guns are not legal at schools so nobody could have gotten shot.

    oh wait. maybe the "gun free zone" signs were in spanish? and the shooter doesn't speak spanish?

  8. Swarthy Anglo1/19/11, 9:50 AM

    I'm especially heartened that Pearce is a Mormon, given that other high-ranking LDS adherents are egregious on immigration.

    Church officials have equated fact- and logic-based discussion of immigration with demagoguery, and have urged stake presidents to "tone down" their treatment of the issue, driven by the same motives as the MSM in making this call. Utah's attorney general, Mark Shurtleff, wants to create a guest-worker program in which Utah businesses can bid for low-wage labor from Nuevo Leon. Every single story on immigration from the Deseret News, the Church-owned Salt Lake City newspaper, sobs on behalf of "compassion."

    The authoritarian nature of the Mormon Church, in which Church Presidents are deemed "prophets," makes the path chosen by Pearce and a few other celebrity Mormons -- like Utah State legislator Stephen Sandstrom -- all the more lonely and perilous. Their example offers an unflattering contrast to various Catholic and Protestant pseudo-conservatives.

  9. Swarthy Anglo1/19/11, 9:57 AM

    What's wrong with the Mormon elite, in one sentence:

    "In November 2006 he received the highest award given by Mexico to a non-Mexican, The Order of the Aztec Eagle, presented to him by President Vicente Fox."


  10. John McCain ran a racist presidential campaign. If you don't believe me, just ask Paul Krugman.

  11. what?! you're still on this thing?

    this is beneath, this conspiracy theory non-sense, really.

  12. I am sure that is correct. But what did the assassination of Pym Fortune get? Gert Wilders. Who will someday be PM. And if not him, someone even less forgiving.

    If Dr. King had never been born, or been killed early on, or had not decided to crusade for Civil Rights, eventually something akin to our current arrangement would have been made, because the broad social forces enabled/driven by technology would have acted the same way they did in history. Whites all moved to the suburbs and did not care if Black majority rule came to pass in the cities. They no longer lived there.

    Kotkin's piece on tribes is telling. So too the failure of "managed nationalism" in Putin's Russia (nationalist riots) covered by the FT.

    The elites idea of constant apology and groveling by Whites to non-Whites over bad stuff done decades ago was sustainable only when good times were rolling and there was no obvious threat of being a minority. No one even in good times likes being a sudden minority in their own country, and the benefit of elite status-mongering is outweighed by fear and competition for basic resources as China's emergence drives up all limited resources to new heights.

    Hence tribalism here. Urging the elimination of guys like Pearce may skew history this way or that, but the broad sweep will remain.

  13. He represents everything that the Northeast Liberal Media hates - with what appears to be a legislative record long enough to show he can get the job done.

    How great is this? (Though he's backed several low-tax measures, Pearce has had a sometimes tense relationship with Arizona's business community because of his positions on illegal immigration.)

    Principles and citizenism are more important than profits. Pearce for President!

  14. Pearce for President!

    My initial impression was that this guy would make a good VEEP for Sarah.

  15. Post 1994 right-wing GOP gave the thumbs up to corporate America outsourcing all those fly-over jobs.

    That is Rockefeller Republicanism in action.

    Imho this country would be immeasurably improved by having a Republican Party that was mainly center-right (ie. Rockefeller) rather than far-right

    Because the current Republican party is far right? Hardy har har.

  16. >what?! you're still on this thing? this is beneath, this conspiracy theory non-sense, really.<

    Hm. Methinks Steve hit a nerve.

    Whiskey said

    >Urging the elimination of guys like Pearce may skew history this way or that, but the broad sweep will remain.<

    In other words (paraphrasing from "Casablanca"): "And what if you track down these men and kill them? What if you murdered all of us? From every corner of Europe, hundreds, thousands, would rise to take our places. Even Communists can't kill that fast."

  17. If any one private institution has undermined America, it's the Rockefeller Foundation.

    (Did you see, during the coverage of the recent American election, the acceptance speech of the Democrat who won his race by shooting a gun at a piece of paper on TV? He praised and praised his backer in the most astonishingly servile language...one guess as to the last name of the kingmaker.)

  18. "in the last week, a serial killer was arrested in philadelphia, a serial rapist was arrested in los angeles, and some guy shot people at a high school in los angeles."

    We did hear about Omar Thornton, didn't we, Champ?

  19. Palin backed McCain over JD Hayworth. I do not want her on a presidential ticket.

    Why is it that all our potential nominees (Huckabee, Romney, Palin, Gingrich, Pence) have to be so horrible? Isn't there at least one protectionist/restrictionist candidate who could step in and win the primary? I don't want to be stuck with another 4 years of the usual crap.

    Seriously, who is a conservative supposed to vote for? I voted for Bush and voted for McCain. I can't say that I really liked either of them, but who else am I supposed to vote for? Gore, Kerry, and Obama?

  20. the suspects were not european males, which doesn't fit the liberal agenda.

    All the victims were non-european as well, correct? So perhaps it has nothing to do with left/right. White people are just more interesting.

  21. "Palin backed McCain over JD Hayworth. I do not want her on a presidential ticket."

    Yeah that's right, and throwing the guy who gave you YOUR WHOLE CAREER under the bus, would go over so well with the electorate.

  22. All the victims were non-european as well, correct?

    No, all three known victims of the Philadelphia serial killer are white. They're Nicole Piacentini, Elaine Goldman, and Casey Mahoney, in case anyone wants to research. Their accused killer, Antonio Rodriquez, was described thusly in a Reuters story:

    "The suspect, who was recently released from prison, speaks fluent Spanish and English and is known in the Kensington neighborhood by the nickname of "Black", said Capt. James Clark, at the news conference that led to the arrest."

    That article provided a mugshot that corroborated the nickname, but not one big-media report on the DNA-match arrest shows photographs of both the perp and the victims.

    Just one of those random things, I'm sure.

  23. Why can old folks just not give it up? McCain needs to retire. I don't hate the man, but please, someone younger, like 40 or 50 at least.

  24. "I'm especially heartened that Pearce is a Mormon, given that other high-ranking LDS adherents are egregious on immigration."

    Indeed: Shurtleff, Herbert, Bennett, Huntsman, as well as every other former governor. The Church can't hide it forever, however. Utah's new senator, Mike Lee, is by all appearances solidly pro-enforcement, and even Orrin Hatch realized he had to vote against his own beloved DREAM Act in order to survive in office.

    "Church officials have equated fact- and logic-based discussion of immigration with demagoguery, and have urged stake presidents to "tone down" their treatment of the issue"

    They never did talk about the issue in church. Stereotypes aside, Mormon church meetings are diststinctly apolitical affairs. Talk to a few current or former bishops, however, and probably every single one will have stories about members upset by the Church's pro-illegal leanings. The former bishops I know have plenty. In fact, they are upset over it themselves.

    My own sense is that the Church is very cozy with its wealthiest members - Ivorys, Marriotts, Fultons, Holdings, etc. - and those elites, disproportionately, earned their fortunes in industries where sheap labor is particularly important.

    "Palin backed McCain over JD Hayworth. I do not want her on a presidential ticket.

    Hard to blame anyone (esp. Palin) for backing McCain over Hayworth. I will blame people, Mitt Romney among them, for endorsing Bob Bennett over Mike Lee. And no, I don't care for Palin.

  25. So the Republican masses love John McCain and would never forgive Palin for backing JD Hayworth?

    If JD had some establishment support, he could've toppled McCain. Instead we ended up the "Maverick" for another 6 years. Then you people turn around and complain about the Senate trying to pass a new amnesty every 6 months, without grasping why we are in this position to begin with.

  26. Truth sez: "We did hear about Omar Thornton, didn't we, Champ?"

    What did we hear? (abridged version)

    1- Whiteys got what they deserved.

    2- Thornton was somehow a victim.

  27. Steve, it was 2:55 AM in California when I sent my comment, you posted it at 3:03 AM.

    And that's not the first time!

    Do you sometimes sleep or are you a polyphasic genius?

    (It's a rhetorical question of course.)

  28. Joe Sobran's Shade1/20/11, 8:55 AM

    "He represents the old type of Rockefeller Republicanism that's been completely washed away in a wave of divisive Tea Party shrillness."

    Rockefeller Republicanism got washed away in a wave of totalitarian neocon purging.

    You want to see divisive shrillness? Look what happens when a non-jew says "blood libel".

  29. No, that's what YOU heard.

  30. "We did hear about Omar Thornton, didn't we, Champ?"

    Yeah. And by the time Loughner came along the media had completely forgot.

    The media would have used the same white racism narrative if Thornton had been white and killed six black coworkers. Except they would have given it 10X the coverage and there would have been shrill, divisive calls from non-white pundits and pols to repeal the 1st and 2nd amendments.

  31. Continue to import genocide?1/20/11, 11:20 AM

    So I said, still don't know her position on immigration, are we going to continue to import poverty?

    So swamping the native population by importing aliens is okay as long as the aliens have money?

  32. "Yeah. And by the time Loughner came along the media had completely forgot."

    N-, THAT WAS FIVE MONTHS AGO!!!!! are they still talking about the Son of Sam?

  33. Pearce flirted with running against McCain this past cycle, but held off. He is definitely positioning himself for a run on the federal level.

    If you like the guy, put your money where your mouth is. DONATE

  34. "Truth said...

    "Palin backed McCain over JD Hayworth. I do not want her on a presidential ticket."

    Yeah that's right, and throwing the guy who gave you YOUR WHOLE CAREER under the bus, would go over so well with the electorate."

    It's often worked for Obama: Bill Ayers? Who? Jeremiah Wright? Sorry, not ringing a bell.

    And anyay, McCain didn't give Palin her whole career - she was a governor before she was picked for the VP slot.

  35. Well, I don't remember Obama endorsing another writer for a journalism award over Ayers, nor do I remember Jeremiah Wright offering the President a job.

    And yes, being governor of Alaska for a year is a sure-fire recipe to be a POTUS contender!

  36. "Sighing In NYC said...

    Ironically, those same types of people led far better lives when their party of choice was more moderate. Post 1994 right-wing GOP gave the thumbs up to corporate America outsourcing all those fly-over jobs."

    And John McCain is exactly that kind of free-trade Republican, who would happily outsource every job in America, all the while proclaiming that americans are better off because we can shop at Walmart, where the prices are so low. He doesn't care about domestic policy anyway. He only ran in order to be a War President. Like General Patton, McCain wants to lead a lot of men (or as may be the case, a lot of men, and women, and transexuals) in a desperate battle.

    If you libs like John McCain, you are welcome to him. Take him - he's yours.

  37. "Truth said...

    Well, I don't remember Obama endorsing another writer for a journalism award over Ayers, nor do I remember Jeremiah Wright offering the President a job."

    I don't remember McCain introducing Palin to a bunch of wealthy kingmakers when she was a political nobody, or giving her 20 years worth of blue-collar white street cred.

    "And yes, being governor of Alaska for a year is a sure-fire recipe to be a POTUS contender!"

    Apparently it's roughly as good as being a Senator from Illinois for a whole four years, and all on top of no other experience than state politician, law professor and "community activist" - whatever the hell that is.

  38. "I don't remember McCain introducing Palin to a bunch of wealthy kingmakers when she was a political nobody, or giving her 20 years worth of blue-collar white street cred."

    Grasshopper, please.


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