February 18, 2011

Beyonce's Sammy Sosafication

Beyonce, the top African-American singing star, has apparently been expensively turning herself into a Scarlett Johansson-lookalike. Not surprisingly, according to Sailer's Law of Female Journalism, a female journalist is taking it very personally.
Why I believe Beyonce is betraying all black and Asian women

By Yasmin Alibhai-brown

Betrayal: Beyonce's change of skin tone appears to deny her heritage and send out a bad message to the youngsters who see the images

Not so long ago, I sat in a nursery class in Wandsworth, South London, where a teacher was conducting a test to discover how the children felt about their race.

She asked each youngster to hug the doll in the classroom that looked most  like them.

Naomi, a black girl, at once grabbed a blonde, blue-eyed doll and wouldn’t let go. Tears rolled down her face when it was gently taken from her.

... Of course, black and [South] Asian parents work hard to give their children a positive self-image and confidence in their appearance, despite the cultural forces stacked against them.

But when black celebrities appear to deny their heritage by trying to make themselves look white, I despair for the youngsters who see those images.

One black friend of mine, who has a 13-year-old daughter, was incandescent this week when she saw the picture of U.S. singer Beyonce at a pre-Grammy awards party.

Her complexion and limbs were translucently pallid, her locks long, straight and blonde.

Now, racial mixing since the days of slavery means ‘black’ Americans come in a whole range of skin hues, but in recent years Beyonce’s tone seems miraculously to be changing from dusky to peachy.

In my VDARE article last year about retired baseball slugger Sammy Sosa's adventures with skin-lightening, I made a political suggestion so weird that I'm going to toss it out there again:
However, when seen from a global perspective, this assumption that the Republican Party is doomed because immigrants view it as The White Party in an increasingly nonwhite America seems … parochial.

The real question in American politics might turn out to be: Can the Democrats of the Post-Obama Era thrive as The Black Party in an increasingly non-black America?

Of course, that real question won’t be asked much as long as the government continues to offer immigrants and their descendants money and prizes for identifying as non-white.


  1. "Beyonce, the top African-American singing star, has apparently been expensively turning herself into a Scarlett Johansson-lookalike."

    She needs to keep trying, then.

  2. Why use the term african-american and not mulatto?

  3. Beyonce, the top African-American singing star, has apparently been expensively turning herself into a Scarlett Johansson-lookalike.

    Other than the hair, what else do you surmise she's doing?

  4. Isn't this kinda silly? Even before the make-over, she wasn't the most black-looking black woman in the world. So, the fact that the black people chose her to represent their community was bogus to begin with. For all I know, Beyonce's DNA could be 70% white, so if she's trying to look whiter, she isn't betraying her 'race'--whatever it is--at all.

    Also, are 'black' journalists--especially on TV--ever conscious of the fact that the majority of 'black' journalists tend to be very white-looking?
    It is ironic when a white-looking 'black' journalist pretend to speak for the black community?

    And what about the fact that many successful black men prefer to get it on with blonde white women and give birth to mulatto babies? Of course, some of those mulatto babies will grow up to bitch about how OTHER black people are betraying their own race.
    I guess this is why Obama married a very obviously black woman in his youth when he was most into that black power ideology stuff. Had he married later when his mind was clearer, he probably would have chosen a white woman, Jewish woman, or a mulatto woman than the gross-looking Ms Hell.

    Another thing. Isn't it ironic that a light-skinned elitist Pakistani woman should be making a big deal of this issue? How is she, a light-skinned Pakistani, representative of the 'people of color' of her ethnic/racial origin? Before she lectures to other people, she should stare in the mirror, take a good look at her very light-skinned face--atypical of most Indians and Pakistanis--and grapple with her own privileged place in life before bitching about other people.

  5. "Why use the term african-american and not mulatto?"

    Legacy of American one-drop rule.

  6. This Alibihi-Brown is a piece of work. I remember several years ago Michael Moore was over in London on a media campaign for Farenheit 911. At some hall in which he was speaking, he made a statement that if the people on the planes that hit the WTC and Pentagon had been black, rather than chicken shit white people, those terrorists wouldn't have stood a chance. Brown--who had been in attendance--was livid. NOT because he had just insulted a bunch of idenitifiable murder victims, but because he implied that blacks were prone to violence (or something).

  7. Turd in the Punchbowl2/18/11, 9:25 PM

    I thought Sailer's Law of Female Journalism was that female journalists want society's norms redefined to make themse
    lves appear hotter.

    This is a clearer example of a more primal law of group dynamics. Alibhai-brown makes that crystal clear by using the word betrayal.

    I'd like to see an op-ed in the Daily Mail concerning Heidi Klum's betrayal.

  8. Btw, even if black women don't use blonde wigs, most of them wear black wigs or straighten their hair to de-nappize it. Isn't that a betrayal of blackness too? Should all black women go for afros like Angela Davis?

  9. You know what would be an awesomer scandal? Beyonce is white, and hired a black actor to play her father. She only appeared in public with a wig and fake tan. One day she just slipped up and went outside au naturel. Even if we assume she is black, how can she betray dark Indians? She's never claimed to be Indian.

    The authors friend whose daughter tried scraping of her skin, I don't think she got learned that from whites. Dark white people and blacks in the US don't try to peal themselves: I think that must be a beautiful part of their very advanced culture.

  10. She's probably using curcumin-based skin creams designed to lighten skin. Curcumoids have a suppressive effect on melanocytes in experiments.

  11. "Why I believe Beyonce is betraying all black and Asian women".

    The word "betray" is curious.

    What organization, group, tribe, clan or family could a high-yalla Christian Caribbean girl like Beyonce owe a duty of loyalty to that would also include brown-skinned peasant Paki/Bengali Muslims in England (aka "Asians").

    Lets be honest, here. If Beyonce walked the streets in Pakistan dressed like that, the "Asians" to whom she owes some duty of loyalty would gang rape her as a Western Whore in a heartbeat.

    Why should she owe some loyalty to a bunch of sawed-off oversexed guys who wander the streets all day long wearing flour sack pyjamas?

  12. i still don't understand how this skin process works! how the heck is this done? what is the procedure for changing your skin that much?!

    in a related development, here is the "skin gun":


    this is just staggering stuff from jorg gerlach of germany.


  13. Even if that photo here is accurate, remove the blonde wig/dye job and Beyonce is still not as light as her creole mother.

    Perhaps Beyonce is closer to her mother as is usually the case, and she doesn't want to betray that heritage.

  14. Slightly off-topic, but...

    How many black/Asian/Latino journalists write about anything other than racial/ethnic issues?

    How many female journalists write about anything other than "female" issues?

    I can think of maybe two or three in each category.

  15. Yazza married a (very wealthy) white guy for her second marriage.

    But I'm rather fond of her. Where others saw an anti-Brit leftie whinger, I saw an anti-Brit social conservative - admittedly with a chip on each shoulder, but with a certain honesty and fairness that she couldn't keep out of her work.

    She is pretty much the only commentator I've seen (outside of the blogs) who suggests that the perpetual media and educational narrative of the evil white racist may have some unpleasant consequences :

    "I have talked to some black and Asian inmates serving time in prison for such (racist) crimes: most justify their actions as collective retribution for attacks on "their people". A knife for a knife, they think, will make for a better world"

  16. "Other than the hair, what else do you surmise she's doing?"

    According to the feminist whiner who wrote the Beyonce article, she is using skin whiteners. Look at the Sailer article on Sosa to see it more clearly in action.

    Of course, the fact that social pressure exists on whites to tan to look "healthy" and "cool" and the health consequences of tanning are never brought up in the articles by feminists of color.

  17. Dear Steve,

    Your comment about the future of the Democrats as a black party is well put. Right now in LA, Mexicans and Central Americans are conducting a forcible campaign of ethnic cleansing, driving blacks out of traditional black neighborhoods and taking their jobs.

    My lefty, pro-Latino wife (Polish Catholic roots) actually recognizes this but suppresses it from her consciousness.

    The Democrat support for mass Latino immigration cuts at the economic and physical security of blacks. One wonders how long this tension can last.

  18. "Why use the term african-american and not mulatto?

    ...Beyonce's DNA could be 70% white, so if she's trying to look whiter, she isn't betraying her 'race'--whatever it is--at all.

    Beyonce Knowle's father is a typical-looking, dark-skinned black American. Her mother is a fairish Louisiana Creole of black, white, and Native American descent. Ergo, the black portion of Beyonce’s genes likely constitutes the majority.



  19. She "sat in" on an "experiment" about race at a nursery? I find this extremely offensive and disturbing in many ways. They are using other people's children as guinea pigs and are probably attempting to figure out ways to mold the thinking process of children so that they grow up to have the right outlook. All under the cover education, what's best for them, etc. The young children think they're getting gifts when told to hug a doll, then get them yanked away, albeit "gently", causing at least one to cry. She and the teacher shouldn't be allowed near children as there is something unhealthy and manipulative about them. Insofar as Beyonce goes, she's just entertainment fluff who's never represented herself as a deep thinker or philosopher. Perhaps I should be angry with Lady Ga-Ga for making us whites look idiotic.

  20. If you want to get into truly weird race stuff, do some research on the whole Louisiana creole mulatto-quadroon-octoroon thing from colonial days to now. I've been acquainted with a few, and the whole notion of color that most of this country has goes out the window with creole people.

  21. none of the above2/19/11, 8:00 AM

    I wonder what this writer thinks of it, when white women (perhaps with a drop of black or American Indian blood in there somewhere) go to the tanning salon, sunbathe, or get a perm? Or what she makes of the high appeal of East Asian women among European men?

    Of course, nobody owes any kind of debt to the set of people who share their skin tone. (And if anyone suggested such a debt on behalf of whites, I expect this writer would freak out denouncing them.)

  22. Had he married later when his mind was clearer, he probably would have chosen a white woman, Jewish woman, or a mulatto woman than the gross-looking Ms Hell.

    The anti-black meme that emanates from some of these posts gives me pause. Gross-looking? Our First Lady has a healthy, slender frame and a “handsome” appearance (Steve Sailer’s precise description in quotations). What is so physically repulsive about her beyond that of the average American woman that justifies a depiction of her as visually gross?

    Michelle Obama is by no means a statue of classical feminine beauty like Scarlet Johansson, Halle Berry, or Mila Kunis. However, which First Lady or political figure, apart from a Jacqueline Kennedy, Sarah Palin, or Yulia Tymoshenko, achieves such an image? The above description of Michelle reeks of unnecessary hyperbole and misdirected anger and serves to attract the least palatable HBD supporters.

    Unless one resides in the Playboy Mansion or the set of Fox News, one must admit that Ms. Obama looks, in the very least, no worse than the typical lady encountered in daily life. How is such an admission avoidable?

  23. I don't find this surprising at all. It seems to be something like "regression to the mean". Light skinned Caucasians go to tanning salons and dark skinned Africans try to lighten up with bleaching creams.

    In the future we will have more control over what we look like. Some preferences are already clear.

    For example no one will choose to have bad teeth or acne. No one will want to be as short as Al Pacino - certainly not Al Pacino himself - he already wears funny shoes.

    In terms of skin shade, everyone seems to be looking for the kind of skin seen on desert peoples - light tan. We seem to want the kind of skin appropriate for lounging on the beach at Cancun.

    The really remarkable thing about Beyonce is that she can actually sing - as well as just shake her booty. Among modern chanteuses she is almost unique in being a competent vocalist in the old fashion sense of being like Ella Fitzgerald as opposed to being like Britney Spears.

    In the days of radio Ella Fitzgerald did fine. Today with MTV type videos she would be in some trouble. Somehow Beyonce can sing in spite of her face and body.

    BTW - Am I the only one who objects to Ella being honored during Black History Month? Her father was Irish and I've always thought it was the Irish half that contributed to her way with a song.


  24. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is (was?) married to a white. Do as I say.....

  25. Beyonce needs to keep it up. I could never understand why so many men found her so attractive; to me she just wasn't very appealing. To me, that picture is the best I've ever see her look.

  26. I think "Yazza's" second husband may be a poof and so does she!

    Her "anti-Brit social conservatism" seems to include a large component of Jew-hating.

  27. I'd like to see an op-ed in the Daily Mail concerning Heidi Klum's betrayal.

    Notice there is rarely any hand wringing analysis of the increasing numbers of White women giving birth to or adopting non-White children.

    Why not question the racial self hate, pathology and insidious cultural condition that contributes to this trend?

  28. Naomi, a black girl, at once grabbed a blonde, blue-eyed doll...

    Now even the English can't spell the English word "blond" anymore.

    Well, at least they can still pronounce "protester", which American media zombies haven't been able to do for some time now.

  29. Betrayal? So Yasmin, a typically thin-skinned and thick-headed female journalist, feels a sense of betrayal because a black (actually mixed-race) woman is trying to look whiter? BFD.

    She ought to try being a conservative white woman thinking about the trajectory of Stanley Ann Dunham's life.

  30. Rob, great stuff. You need to turn that into a 'treatment'.

  31. Zombie Strom Thurmond2/19/11, 12:03 PM

    For the record, Beyonce looks pretty damned hot as a white chick.

  32. Beyonce is getting exactly what she wants, attention. If she had gone in the other direction she would disappear into the woodwork.

  33. Re: Rihanna

    She's gone redhead which doesn't inspire the same rage.

  34. @Reg: the word is of French, not English origin, so it correctly is "blonde" when referring to a female and "blond" when referring to a male. The doll was female so it was correctly called "blonde".

  35. I just hope she doesn't try to turn herself into a man like Michael Jackson tried to turn himself into a kind of a woman.

    Btw, will race-change operation be an option in the future(like sex-change operation)?

    And if leftists insist that 'race' is all just a myth and we can be whatever we wish to be(since race is purely a social construct that can be worn or tossed away like a dress), what does it matter if Beyonce wants to look white, green, pink, beize, or purple? If it's okay for white kids to get dreadlocks and beat on bong drums, why is it wrong for blacks to wanna look white?

    And if the author is really into Africaness and Asianness, why is she, a person of Pakistani origin, a citizen of UK and writer in English? Shouldn't she live amongst her own kind in Pakistan and express her views in Urdu? I'll bet a whole bunch of Pakistanis see her as a 'white-wanna-be traitor to Islam and Pakistani identity and values'.

    Strange, aint it? If white people wanna remain white, it is 'racist' and 'xenophobic' on their part. To be good, whites must step outside of and even reject their whiteness.
    But when non-whites wanna step outside their race, they are condemned as 'race traitors'--and this accusation is made most often by non-whites who have stepped outside their racial/cultural milieu themselves. Look at Jeremiah Wright. He now lives in a plush mansion in a mostly white community.
    Multi-culti leftits sure are schizo.

  36. "The anti-black meme that emanates from some of these posts gives me pause. Gross-looking? Our First Lady has a healthy, slender frame and a “handsome” appearance (Steve Sailer’s precise description in quotations)."

    I would agree with this if she were a man. I mean there's something wrong when the woman looks more masculine than her hubby. And just look at her bear-trap jaws. Look at her locomotive engine butt. It may be a firm hard butt but it belongs more on the back of a mule than on a woman.
    And she sounds retarded.

  37. I read somewhere that the females of each racial group are always slightly lighter skinned than the males.

    If so then the male drift would always be to lighter skin and women with darker skin would need to lighten to compete.

    If so a diverse world will inevitably end up completely black over time unless this was consciously prevented.

    Actual diversity, as opposed to diversity as a code-word for anti-white racism, requires separation.

  38. Surely Y A-B knows that race is only skin deep?

    Since we are all the same underneath why shouldnt Beyonce change her appearance, after all there are no real differences bewteen races.

    Surely Y A-B isnt implying there are real, fundamental differences and messing around with the surface changes nothing.

    Wouldnt that be racist of her?

  39. Re Michelle Obama Look at her locomotive engine butt.

    I kinda like that ;-)

  40. The anti-black meme that emanates from some of these posts gives me pause. Gross-looking? Our First Lady has a healthy, slender frame and a “handsome” appearance (Steve Sailer’s precise description in quotations). What is so physically repulsive about her beyond that of the average American woman that justifies a depiction of her as visually gross?

    The strong reaction against Michelle Obama probably originates in the MSM's sickening attempts to label her as sexy.


  41. "Am I the only one who objects to Ella being honored during Black History Month? Her father was Irish and I've always thought it was the Irish half that contributed to her way with a song."


    Yeah, that must be it! I really didn't need to print your name here for everyone to know who wrote it, did I?

  42. "And just look at her bear-trap jaws. Look at her locomotive engine butt. It may be a firm hard butt but it belongs more on the back of a mule than on a woman.
    And she sounds retarded."

    The retort "it takes one to know one" certainly is apropos here.

  43. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in her own words: "When I turned 39, he was off, with a young blonde."

    Maybe that explains something?

  44. "Am I the only one who objects to Ella being honored during Black History Month? Her father was Irish and I've always thought it was the Irish half that contributed to her way with a song."

    Nobody reveres the Irish more than I do for their many, many contributions to the arts. But I think Ella's way with a song was due to God and Ella. And if you want to get technical about it, the comparatively broad and slightly flattened bone structure typical of so many black people's faces helps a lot in achieving the resonance needed to be a good or in Ella's case, great singer.

    Nothing sweeter or purer in all the world than Ella singing the first four notes of "I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good".

  45. "The strong reaction against Michelle Obama probably originates in the MSM's sickening attempts to label her as sexy."

    I think you're right. They've worked hard to present her as a woman of style, grace, femininity, and sexiness.

    Women's mags try to do this with virtually every First Lady. It sells mags. When they don't get a Jackie Kennedy, they make do with what they have and hyperbolize any positive trait and spin negative ones. Thus, the white-haired, grandmotherly and wrinkled Barbara Bush was portrayed as dignified and blue-blood gracious; the fresh, well-groomed, friendly-faced but not sexy Laura Bush was presented as a model of patience, kindness, and home-spun charm; the lawyerly, aggressive young Hillary was presented as a symbol of Baby Boomer women with professional ambitions; the second term, weight-gaining Hillary who had gone through Whitewater and Monica was presented as a model of perseverence....you get the idea.
    Women's mags are always on the side of the First Lady.

    Men, on the other hand, are very blunt in their assessment of a First Lady's sex appeal *if* the mags or the MSM constantly bring up the topic fo sex appeal, and it is true that they have brought up that topic in a way they didn't with the Bush First Ladies. You can't go through a grocery store check-out stand w/out seeing magazine covers touting Michelle's workout regimen and muscle building, her attempt to effect dietary changes, her fashion, etc.

    Thus, when the media spends so much time on the issue of her looks, men respond. I'm white and the men around me are primarily white. Most voted for Obama; most are not complimentary about her looks. The comments can be distilled down to one thing--she has what they view as masculine traits.

    Those traits are a heavy and protruding lower jaw, excessive height, small breasts with large frame, and muscles. The trapezius muscle development she displays seems to be a particular turn-off to them.

    Women who voted for Obama seem very complimentary of her appearance. They admire her for her exercise regimen. They understand that her big butt probably bothers her as much as their butts (those who have them) bother them. No woman except my best friend has mentioned her lower jaw protrusion, but being a woman, I know they have noticed it. We all have. They aren't about to criticize her for it. Some have mentioned they prefer her muscles to their flab while others have said she might be "over-doing the development of certain muscles."

    In short, however, white women are very careful in a groups about criticizing her. They'd be much more brutal in taking apart a white First Lady. I guess that surprises no one on this blog.

  46. Steve -- read this bit of irony I found on the net....

    Solange Knowles (Beyonce's sister) was recently on Oprah where she spoke about her hair and her decision to cut it all off. The whole episode was about how women, especially black women, are too concerned about their hair and how their hair is seen in the eyes of others.

    After shaving her head, she spoke about how when she would take out her weave she wouldn’t feel beautiful or noticeable. Solange also revealed that she spent about $40-50,000 a year on hair.

  47. At least she hasn't gone nearly as far as Michael Jackson, and was honest enough to not try to blame it on a disease

  48. I don't see how your law applies in this case. The author is a relatively fair skinned woman of Pakistani descent. She honestly looks lighter skinned than Beyonce-


    She's too old to be beyonce, and she happens to keep herself out of shape, but she is a caucasian featured woman with relatively light brown skin. All she has to do is dye her hair golden to be what she complains that beyonce is. And beyonce doesn't even have white -gril hair. She buys it from chinese women and has it dyed blonde.

    This author is not actually suggesting that society alter beauty standards so that she is considered attractive because she is not saying that beyonce should look older or fatter.

  49. "Now even the English can't spell the English word "blond" anymore."

    Not so. It's one of those words we got from the Froggies and we treat it accordingly. A chap is blond. A girl is blonde. I'd never thought about it, but it's one of the very few words we do that with.

    PS - why the unpleasantness about Michelle's looks? With anyone who's photographed a lot you can find unflattering ones. She looks OK to me (and their kids are sweet). It's her politics that are the problem, surely?

  50. Now even the English can't spell the English word "blond" anymore.

    The spelling was fine.

    "Blond" = masculine.
    "Blonde" = feminine.

  51. 'Re: Rihanna
    She's gone redhead which doesn't inspire the same rage.'

    Hot redheads = White, slim, real redhead, eyecatching upper body motherly attributes, natural; i.e. green eyes combined with abundance of charming freckles.

    Not so hot redheads = Mulatto, thick upper body and trunk-like legs, fake redhead, C- -, unnatural union between green eyes and Adobe Photoshop.

  52. "Laban said...

    PS - why the unpleasantness about Michelle's looks?"

    Cause she kinda looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein.

  53. If I were advising Michelle Obama I'd tell her a simple re-doing of the rakish angle of her eyebrows into a gentler curve would soften what many feel is a face that looks angry.

    Even the most high paid make-up artists, which I am sure she has, do bad things to their clients.

  54. none of the above2/20/11, 8:56 PM

    If you saw Michelle Obama in the HR office, or across the desk at a parent-teacher conference, she would be utterly unremarkable--neither especially ugly nor especially pretty, just what a 40-something mother of two often looks like.

    The push to make her some kind of icon of beauty and fashion is weird. Yes, there are many really beautiful and classy black women. But the first lady looks much more like the median educated black woman in her 40s than like a model or actress.

  55. I don't see why the media never calls out minorities on their own racism/colourism. Minorities whining about skin colour is just projection.

  56. Yeah, I am writing an article about that very thing. It's a quandary for sure because the feds want the darkest of dark Mexicans with flattest of noses to declare themselves racially white. While many of them do look white they want to remain racially Mexican or Latino or something other than racially white. So, that argument does not make sense. Why would the feds want them to declare white and be minority too? Now they are counted as minority.

    Blacks remain the same though.

  57. Beyonce is a colored creole. And they are exotic looking I know. I am planning an article about this racial question and who's who in the racial world.

  58. Uh-huh, now Beyonce painted blackface for a photo shot and that made leftists unhappy, too.

  59. she is an african american and she is also a mixed american.

    she has the right to try different looks as long as she doesn't try to be something she isn't.

    if she wants to have a more african american look one day she can.

    if she wants to have a more multiracial or mixed look one day she can.

    if another week she wants to look in between both she has the right and shouldn't receive negative comments.

    both of my grandmothers on mother and fathers side are multiracial mixed women with black in them and both resemble beyonce's mothers kind of features. and both of my grandfathers on mother and fathers side are black men. And then my great grandparents 2 are not considered black in their community and the other 2 with obvious black features but still lightweight mixed.

    so you would imagine there is a lot of mixing repetition in my blood with african america to african to a whole other ethnicity that is not of black origin back and forth, but with the physical genes i recieved i am more like a pharrel looking guy some days and tupac other days.

    society was so hard on me growing up being so proper and didn't want to ever come off as a stereotype i was naturally more like a mixed dude in personality and sort of in looks, but i didn't consider myself that i want to be defined by my personality. and i get so confused as my features were wishy washy changing back in forth throughout my life as i grew older and same with my parents. i want a balance between the two most days and other days i go with how i feel, i pitty patty back and forth with what i want to be like sometimes. no one should judge me as i am not being immoral with trying to be who i want and what i try to embrace so its no ones concern. i am who i am i didn't ask for such mixing in my ancestry sometimes it gets quite confusing but i am who i am. I have always been self made collecting different influences but that is just the life i was given.

    SO we can leave it like that and move on.


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