February 21, 2011

Government electing a new people in Bahrain

From my new VDARE.com column:
The unprovoked killing by government forces of five Shi’ite protestors in the Persian Gulf statelet of Bahrain, headquarters for the U.S. Fifth Fleet, turns out upon examination to be deeply intertwined with Bahrain’s troubles with diversity and immigration. ...

The Shi’ites argue that the minority Sunni rulers of Bahrain have been trying, in effect, to elect a new people by importing Sunni mercenaries from poorer countries and putting them on the path to citizenship. ...

Back on June 22, 2009, Yaroslav Trofimov noted in the Wall Street Journal in U.S. Navy Fleet’s Mideast Home Is Facing Rise in Sectarian Tension:
" 'There seems to be a clear political strategy to alter the country's demographic balance in order to counter the Shiite voting power,' says Toby C. Jones, professor of Middle East studies at Rutgers University and a former Bahrain-based analyst at the International Crisis Group think tank. 'This naturalization stuff is a time bomb.'"

No kidding.

It’s funny how much more readily the American MainStream Media grasps how unfair it is for the government to elect a new people in Bahrain—while they cheer it on in the U.S.

Read the whole thing there.


  1. Of course, here our elites aren't importing people like them, just people who will vote for them and mow their lawns. So, maybe those minor differences are causing the media to regard these as completely different developments?

  2. Good column, Steve, firing on all cylinders as usual.

    A very similar situation has unfolded in Britain in the last decade.The British Labour Party (ironically, it was founded for the sole purpose of defending the working-class, and was Marxist tinged in its philosophy), instituted a totally insane and utterly mad 'open door immigration' policy (apparently, the appartachiks in the Labour Party thought of themselves as being 'nice little clever 'Economist' and WSJ reading globalists and new right hardmen), which resulted in the biggest immigration wave in Britain's recorded and pre-recorded history, bigger than the Anglo-Saxon invasion in fact.
    After the subprime sh*t hit the fan, Britain now faces massive and fast rising unemployment.But due to the 'Labour' Party's madness a new working-class (mostly Polish, where wages are a tenth of British ones)has literally wiped the board and replaced the native British in virtually all labor occupations.
    It's no exaggerration to say that Britain is now an outer colony of Poland.
    Ironically, it's the nominally socialist 'Labour' Party that has proved the worth of Karl Marx's 'reserve army of unemployed' thesis.

  3. It’s funny how much more readily the American MainStream Media grasps how unfair it is for the government to elect a new people in Bahrain—while they cheer it on in the U.S.

    I haven't seen the media 'cheering' for population replacement. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.

    And bringing in people to work jobs isn't quite the same thing as bringing in people to machine-gun the natives.

    And...eh, why do I bother?

    As I've said before, the corporations want the borders open, so they'll stay open no matter how many tantrums you throw.

  4. Steve, you were right: the events in Egypt (Egypt, Bahrain, whatever) really are dull. I couldn't get through two paragraphs of your article without my eyes glazing over... :)

  5. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do... for $8/hr with no benefits.

    Kick out the Mexicans, scale back the welfare state, and let the labor market clear, and things will be fine.

  6. The US government's enthusiasm for population replacement in France:


  7. Kind of like the British planting all those Protestants in Ulster.

  8. I saw thing thing about population change in Bahrain on the TV news, and immedieately thought: "This is Sailer stuff! Maybe I should email him with an idea for a blogpost!" Not fast enough, it seems.

  9. I haven't seen the media 'cheering' for population replacement. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.

    The media 'cheers' for population replacement indirectly via rigorously censoring out all the negative effects (living costs, unemployment, pollution, lowering social trust, crime, violence, schools, hospitals, taxes, etc) and emphasizing all the positive, many of which are marginal or outright false overall, like law-abiding, hard working, tax-paying, family values holding, vibrancy, diversity, increased, competitiveness, etc.

    The media also viciously slanders anyone who points out the negative effects of unqualified, unrestricted illegal immigration.

  10. "sober realization"

    Yep, no sob stories about illegal immigrant families in the media. No sir, it's all sober economic analysis. Varibles in an equation. Yes indeedy.

  11. mostly Polish, where wages are a tenth of British ones)has literally wiped the board and replaced the native British in virtually all labor occupations.

    I think you mean wages in Poland, not that Polish workers are working at one tenth of the pay of British workers in Britain.

    The gap has closed somewhat now. The incentive to move to the UK has declined as exchange rates have shifted. Poles may still be better off coming to Britain but not that much better off. Not once you factor in the cost of living, never mind uprooting yoursefl.

    Many Poles still here seem to be in for the long haul, buying houses, putting children into school. A few years ago it was very much a short term, guest worker arrangement.

    Ironically the reason we hear so much about the Poles is because they are white. Indigenous Brits are allowed to complain about them. Complaining about the more vibrant newcomers borders on being illegal ie the ones people really want to complain about.

  12. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.

    That would at least be honest.

    What we get is emotive bleating and handwringing. If it was sober in nature there might be some real debate tolerated.

  13. As I've said before, the corporations want the borders open, so they'll stay open no matter how many tantrums you throw.

    Corporations also want unrestrained development and be free to pollute, but they don't get those. Tellingly, corporations are most restrained in areas that are the most elite SWPLish like California and coastal enclaves like Boston and NYC.

    No, it's the SWPL super-elite and their striving SWPL followers that are the main decision-makers on immigration policy (or lack thereof).

    If the SWPL super-elite didn't want massive illegal immigration in the middle/lower class neighborhoods like they don't want pollution or development in their backyards, you would not see it.

    Corporations in some industries like finance are free to plunder relatively regulation-free only because the SWPL super-elites have monopolized the massive profits from the corruption for themselves.

  14. The people elect the leaders who in turn elect a new people.

    The problem in America is that patriotic immigration reform (immigration restriction & deportation), while receiving the support of most Americas, receives only "soft" support. American's will vote for the Dem., for example, who supports shamnesty because they REALLY support social security, etc., versus a Republican who supports patriotic immigration reform but does't satisfy the voters' "must-haves."

  15. @le sigh Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.
    .. you forgot to add 'can't or won't do at wages that the elite want to pay.

    Meat packing is an example of a job blue collar workers were happy to do for 20.00 an hour in the mid 90s, now the average pay is about 10.00 all imported workers.

    If you are so stupid, greedy and myopic to realize that eroding the middle and civic classes means an end to democracy, I don't what to say except... what is your ethnic background?

  16. Le Sigh/Future PR said... I haven't seen the media 'cheering' for population replacement.

    Perhaps you couldn't hear the TV over your loud sighs?

  17. .The British Labour Party (ironically, it was founded for the sole purpose of defending the working-class, and was Marxist tinged in its philosophy), instituted a totally insane and utterly mad 'open door immigration' policy
    you forgot one vital element of this story - the "Lord" Levy scandal- Levy, hithero not a 'lord' basically said to Blair- support Israel, the IRaq war and open borders and you won't have to worry about those dumb native born Englishmen or getting campaign contributions from them, or any real opposition.. and true to his word, Levy and his co-ethnics were able to pull it off.

    Its a pattern in the West since they collaborated and aided the Moorish invasion of Spain.

  18. Yea, Sir, the irony is painful... and hilarious... and painful...

  19. It’s funny how much more readily the American MainStream Media grasps how unfair it is for the government to elect a new people in Bahrain—while they cheer it on in the U.S.

    That is because the people who control the media in the United States are part of the same ethnoreligious group that is trying to replace the white gentile population of the United States with a non-white one.

  20. Why does the government in Bahrain even need to elect a new people? How hard can that country be to govern?

    It isn't Bahrain surgery.

  21. "I haven't seen the media 'cheering' for population replacement. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do."


    "immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't to for 8 bucks an hour/less than that under the table."

    Fixed that for ya.

    "And bringing in people to work jobs isn't quite the same thing as bringing in people to machine-gun the natives."

    Um, did you read the original post? MOST OF BAHRAIN is foreign-born now. You think they imported half the population just to "machine-gun the natives"? These people were brought in for cheap labour, just like the Mexicans.

  22. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.

    Do you really believe that with an unemployment rate greater than 9% that Hispanic immigrants are doing jobs that Americans will not do?

  23. Le Sigh, the moron, says:

    I haven't seen the media 'cheering' for population replacement. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.

    Just watch the movie John Q, from 2002, and realize how long the Democrats and their lap dogs in the media (or is it the other way around) have been working on ObamaCare.

  24. Le Sigh, why do you have a link to some random YouTube video?

    Also, you're full of shit.

  25. Steve,no matter how tight' and restrictive a cartel is, it can never, in the long run cause the price of its exclusive product to rise above its market price (ie the price that the consumer is willing to pay for it), Economics 101, supply and demand curves, maximizing profits and all that, equilibrium points etc.
    The two oil shocks of 1973 and '81, which knocked the stuffing out of the west, might have enriched OPEC members for a bit, but they had the effect of killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.Basically they price hikes wiped out the west to the point where the west simply could not pay its oil bill, the elites of that tine unleashed the most savage deflation in order to reduce output and thus oil demand.This worked only too well.Mass unemployment became engrained in Britain and Europe and elsewhere but as oil demand consequently fell,by 1986, the oil price fell precipituously.
    The greedy bastards got their comeuppance in the end, they're own economies took a pasting, but alas at the price of much suffering in the industrialised world.

  26. I'm sure the rulers of Bahrain can understand America's immigration situation perfectly while having real trouble seeing what all the fuss is about at home.

    Its not that the concept is difficult. Its who-whom.

  27. A No Bahrainer.

  28. There's no such thing as a labor shortage. Just employers who are unwilling to pay the market wage.

  29. From Steve's article in VDare: "And they[Bahrain's troubles with diversity and immigration] turn out to be uncomfortably not completely dissimilar to ours.

    Why uncomfortably? Why not conveniently? Here's a situation re immigration that parallels our own--but that no one can assert is the fault of white people's xenophobia, racism and bigotry. It makes a good case against immigration sponsored by the government yet opposed by the [majority of] the governed.

    "It’s funny how much more readily the American MainStream Media grasps how unfair it is for the government to elect a new people in Bahrain—while they cheer it on in the U.S."

    Presumably by funny, you mean peculiar, not humorous. While there's still some rather tawdry amusement to be had by mocking the MSM, its own comical properties have long since ceased to amuse me.

  30. As I've said before, the corporations want the borders open, so they'll stay open no matter how many tantrums you throw.
    you are saying that the will of the people and democratic process is utterly inconsequential, and, we're racist jerks for complaining? Thanks for the clarification.

  31. "Le Sigh/Future PR said...

    Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do."

    This assertion is utter horseshit, of the kind typically made by population-replacement stooges like you.

  32. I'm with you and always have been on the encouragement of immigration of farm workers. But I can't get very exercised about H1-B visas and computer programmers.

    The first time an white Anglo-Saxon argued for cheap farm labor was 1609 in Jamestown. White indentured servants simply died in the Virginia fields. So they sent away for some African slaves.

    That was the start of the trouble. The descendants of those blacks now account for most of our violent crime and drag down our schools. Areas with too many blacks are blighted areas.

    This reality is obscured by government programs - I see it's still Black History Month. But the reality is clear. Colonial Englishmen (and others) reaped a short term economic benefit from the importation of cheap agricultural labor and their progeny (us) have been paying for it ever since.

    This economic-demographic disaster in being repeated again with illegal Mexican and Mayan labor. After they have cleaned our toilets we will be left with a permanent unskilled and ineducable populace of welfare recipients. We are also setting the stage for - Brown History Month - as the government tries frantically to publicize the accomplishments of the illegals.

    But the residue of the H1-B Visa program is likely to be a generation of especially clever new citizens.

    The talk about H1-B Visa programmers depressing the wages of the locals is rot. As I have posted before, programming is different. It's a little like direct sales in that 80% of the production comes from 20% of the staff. Most private firms therefore pay programmers a base salary and a bonus. If a native programmer never gets a bonus he is like a waitress who never gets a tip - a worker of questionable value.

    Even if it were true that the H1-B program was unfair to some locals it would be worth it so as to capture the genes of these talented foreigners. The H1-B program is a scheme designed to drain the brains from other countries - something that is clearly good for America.

    After a little "regression to the mean" the next generation of illegals Mexicans might have IQs that have risen to 90 while the second generation of H1-B programmers might have IQs that have fallen to 120.


  33. I haven't seen the media 'cheering' for population replacement. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.

    There are no such jobs. Are you truly so stupid that you don't know? There are jobs natives won't do at particular wage and benefit levels. Rising wages and improving working conditions used to be core goals of progressives. Y'all really do change courses when the scab labor is squat and brown.

  34. I haven't seen the media 'cheering' for population replacement. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.

    You're an imbecile. Leaving aside the fact that our media is not "sober", it's a basic truth of free market economics that there is no such thing as jobs that Americans can't or won't do.

    There is work that Americans can't or won't do at the price point being set by you leftists, but that's a whole different matter.

  35. And bringing in people to work jobs isn't quite the same thing as bringing in people to machine-gun the natives.

    refusing to police borders so criminals and drug cartels can get in, knowing that rates of violence, rape, and criminal activity will increase, just so the super wealthy can have cheap nannies and undercut lower middle class wages is a crime in my book, and it is certainly treason.

  36. @Anonymous

    baharnas and ajams and howalas, oh my!

    There's a blog called HBD Chick?

    LOL. Why would the gender of the author have to factor into the equation?

  37. No, there couldn't possibly be any major differences between Bahrain and the US. No, not at all.

  38. 'immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do. '

    This is pro-corporate cant. While the writers for the WSJ and similar publications appear to be very familiar with the law of supply and demand when it comes to commodity prices, they quickly forget it when labor is the good in question. Thus one sees articles about the 'shortage' of this or that type of labor, when the reality is that the price of said labor is inconveniently high for someone. It may well be that the prevailing wage for (say) picking fruit would have to rise fivefold in order for US citizens to do the work, but this is not the same as saying that Americans won't do it; it just means that certain business models might not work without immigrant (illegal or otherwise) labor. Or that profits would suffer.

  39. Baby, the Bahrain Must Fall.

  40. Sunni and Shia do matter, Muslims are not fuzzy-hat wearing Presbyterians. But the Sunni-Shia split can be papered over by convenient interests and history is full of this sort of thing. It does not last but alliance of convenience does.

    That being said, what's driving Bahrain is not so much population replacement as a huge crisis of living. [It appears Egypt was not that boring after all Steve.]

    Libya, might seen Khadaffi gone today or tomorrow. And Libya is a place with little foreign workers, not certainly on Bahrain's level, still mostly tribal/Taureg, with ample gas/oil reserves. But Khadaffi stole so much there was nothing left to provide patronage to the people squeezed by sky high and rapid increases in food, clothing, and energy. [Same is happening here btw.] It is the same in Morocco (riots/protests) and Iran (same). Even in China.

    Anon above -- Corporations are not all-powerful, that's a pathetic myth pushed by stupid Hollywood writers and Alan Moore/V for Vendetta fanboys. They're run by PC-blinded, Diversity loving men and women as prone to mistakes as Khadaffi, Mubarak, the Shah, and others.

    Rapidly rising prices put things to a head. You can tolerate a slow, steady erosion of your ethnic/racial dominance with payoffs and rising income. You can't with a sudden shock that leaves you staring starvation in the face. [We are likely looking at $200 oil soon. Qadawari has returned to Egypt, Zawahari has sent messages saying he might also.] But it goes further. When Libya collapses, how many millions will show up on Italian shores in Sicily and the Mainland?

    Its a Schengen Zone country, meaning refugees can move anywhere. Italy and the rest of the EU lack the means (any real navy) and will to keep refugees out. So the rapid Camp of the Saints situation is almost at hand. Goodbye Europe, hello Benghazi on the Tiber.

    And the near immediate Islamization of Europe and domination of the formerly White native population (ala Lara Logan's treatment -- assault as the crowd in Cairo screamed "Jew, Jew" -- Logan is not Jewish) will rapidly destroy by example any White support for PC/Multiculturalism/Diversity.

  41. Yes, except that in terms of the bourgeois values and general level of civilization, it's the Shiites who are the "Latinos" and Sunnis who are the "whites" in this context.

    Maybe this makes it like 19th-c. Texas...

    Steve, do you want to comment on how the discussion of the Lara Logan sexual assault is completely HBD-blind?

  42. The government of Libya has imported large numbers of black africans and this is a large part of the reason for the riots.

  43. @anonymous I'm not greedy, stupid or myopic. I just realize that Americans expecting to be paid as if the good times were still rolling is the height of uneducated hubris. And my ethnicity is no concern of yours.

  44. I'll say this of recent events:

    They are blowing away all paradigms: left, right, neocon, liberal, Huntington, Ron Paul, etc.

    Clash of Civilizations argued that not all people want freedom; some prefer autocracy for cultural/historical reasons, but just look at the surge all across the Middle East calling for freedom.

    Islam is incompatible with democracy. With liberal democracy maybe, but who can deny the democratic nature of what's happening?

    Democratization will be good for Israel/bad for Israel. By golly, it's both. New leaders may be more anti-Zionist but the rise of democracy means more internal squabbling, which means less ability for an Arab nation to have a single foreign policy objective.

    There are no black swans in the Muslim world where the culture is and will be predictable medievalist. Well, well, one guy sets himself afire in Tunisia and enflames the entire region,and we are seeing massive changes.

    US foreign policy is key to the future of the region. True to some extent, but recent events were something almost no one predicted few months ago. Not even the CIA.


    Everyone is trying to take credit or blame others for recent events, but the crsis tells us history is much bigger than whatever theories or assumptions we can cook up.

  45. Immigrants don't have that entitlement mentality that natives do, so YES they will do the jobs for less pay that Americans will not accept.

    So it's true.

    Don't deny it. You're embarassing yourselves.

  46. LeSigh,
    Your notion, "And bringing in people to work jobs isn't quite the same thing as bringing in people to machine-gun the natives."

    .....is only superficially true. Instead of an immediate threat, as in Bahrain, a slow burning demographic fuse has been lit. The natives, in the US and here in the UK, may not face the machine guns today, but will they in 20 years, in 40 years, or whenever?

    The standard woolly minded liberal take on this is that high immigrant birth rates are guaranteed to fall, and the unwillingness to integrate will disappear. Let's hope this proves to be the case, and I would guess there is a better than fifty fifty chance this will occur, but are you happy to stake the lives of your grandchildren on this being the case?

  47. The British started the policy of importing Sunnis to dilute the influence of Iran, which controlled the island for more than 200 years and forced the population to convert to Shia, and from 1950-1970 made some efforts to get it back.

  48. The oil market is tight enough right now that OPEC can maximize its revenue by producing at capacity. The danger isn't a realignment of OPEC toward the price hawks. The danger is that some countries will be unable to produce their quota due to civil unrest or incompetence. Nigeria and Venezuela are already in that category.

  49. "jobs Americans won't do"

    Another angle is that there are jobs Americans shouldn't be doing -- or better said, jobs that "people in America' shouldn't be doing.

    A prime example is the totally new phenomenon of a garment industry in LA. There is no historical basis for this, it is just that with such an abundance of cheap labor, some 'entrepreneurs' -- overwhelmingly immigrants themselves-- started one. Now, there is no way anyone is going to tell me that starting a 19th century industry, one that economies usually shuck off as soon as they start to advance (remember, comparative advantage?) is good for the Los Angeles area.

    Then there are the ridiculous jobs, like those guys that buff off a few water spots after a car has been driven through a car wash. Sorry, but importng a 30 year old with three kids in the school system to dry off some spots on a Hummer is not good for the well being of the econmy, certain not that of the natives.

  50. The standard woolly minded liberal take on this is that high immigrant birth rates are guaranteed to fall, and the unwillingness to integrate will disappear.
    I think you give the left too much credit, many see this a 'punishment' or 'payback' for 'imperialism' and 'racism' and yes they are stupid or arrogant enough to think that NAMs will hold hands with them and sing 'we shall overcome' when the scales tip.

    And my ethnicity is no concern of yours.
    Oh yes it is, if you're honest. There's a, oh.. 90% chance that given a set of political views, you can pinpoint a person's ethnicity (other demographics will change this a little but not a lot). So far, I can safely guess, unless you want to lie like whiskey, well you're definitely not scots irish or anglo saxon.

  51. Le sigh : I'm not greedy, stupid or myopic. I just realize that Americans expecting to be paid as if the good times were still rolling is the height of uneducated hubris.
    that's not what you said, you said that we have no choice, corporations want cheap labor and they are going to get it, immigration laws and democracy be damned.

    Corporations have RECORD profits and profit margins. they COULD afford to pay more, but they CHOOSE to import cheap labor and pay themselves ever increasing bonuses and ever increasing salaries (even in bad years) it's myopic greed, plain and simple.

  52. I'm with you and always have been on the encouragement of immigration of farm workers.
    Why? it hurts the POOREST americans - I am old enough to remember when high school kids did this in parts of illinois - my mom used to do it as a kid and my grandparents were middle class.
    it showed the kids the value of work they got some pocket money and it created a sense of community.

    But CHEAP LABOR is lazy STUPIDITY - it STIFLES innovation - look how far along Japan is with labor saving crop picking and other agricultural devices. The roman empire relied on slave labor and thus had no motivation to develop steam technology which was in existence.

    The so called globalists, are just uncreative, lazy, elitist decadent bunch who CANNOT compete with innovative anglo saxons and other Europeans in an environment where there is a strong middle class, no debt and innovation -not mercantile caste hustling and corruption, is required to survive.

  53. Immigrants don't have that entitlement mentality that natives do, so YES they will do the jobs for less pay that Americans will not accept.
    who has the entitlement mentality? lazy elitists who expect that people work for dirt wages - lazy elitists who want to lower the average wage

    Again to Le Sigh and the other idiots here. a democracy a civil republic CANNOT survive without a strong middle class with strong savings and little debt, otherwise it will become an economy like east Europe - peasants in perpetual debt, and virtually no gentile middle class. That is exactly what the mercantile castes in this country - not just 'the jews' but the 'hustling' gujartis, sri lankans, armenians, 'men with gold chains' as sailer calls them are creating.

  54. Immigrants don't have that entitlement mentality that natives do, so YES they will do the jobs for less pay that Americans will not accept.

    I suppose it's safe to say that people used to working for $5/wk in other countries will be happy to come to America and work for twenty times that much.

    But what makes you an imbecile is thinking that this should allowed.

  55. I just realize that Americans expecting to be paid as if the good times were still rolling is the height of uneducated hubris.

    And why is "what Americans expect" any concern of yours?

  56. Hey, Brits, we'll take your Poles and you can have our... other people.

  57. Rob, I want to swipe your Bahrain surgery gag. Email me your name at rmay@mac.com and I'll give you credit.

  58. "You are saying that the will of the people and democratic process is utterly inconsequential."

    What will of the people? Not a single major politician anywhere got elected on the platform of anti-immigration.

  59. lesigh:
    just realize that Americans expecting to be paid as if the good times were still rolling is the height of uneducated hubris
    uh huh so why are executives in all industries, even with losses and layoffs paying themselves like 'the good times are still rolling'

  60. So, maybe those minor differences are causing the media to regard these as completely different developments?

    I think we get what we're supposed to know when we watch Star Trek. See, in Star Trek, diversity and the multicult are doubleplusgood. Well, more like air, than actually good. Inevitable. The Way It Is. Et cetera. Anyway, if you look at the demographics of Star Trek, you see that however many centuries into the future, the demographics are the same as America in the late 20th century. Hundreds of years of diversity and multicult as vital as air, and...no change.

    I think that's supposed to be our vision. That's as far as we're supposed to think things through - centuries of diversity and multicult and open borders...and nothing will change. Go back to sleep, white man...shhh...

    If you think through the consequences, well, you're obviously trouble, and a racist, and nothing a racist thinks or says matters...

    This really seems to be about the shape of the turd they're selling us.

  61. "I just realize that Americans expecting to be paid as if the good times were still rolling is the height of uneducated hubris."

    So how big a paycut did you tell YOUR boss to give you?

    Or are you not American?

  62. The first time an white Anglo-Saxon argued for cheap farm labor was 1609 in Jamestown. White indentured servants simply died in the Virginia fields. So they sent away for some African slaves.

    No, they did not "send away" for African slaves. The Africans showed up unsolicited in the hands of privateers.

    Arrival of first Africans to Virginia Colony

    Mystery of Va.'s First Slaves Is Unlocked 400 Years Later

  63. I haven't seen the media 'cheering' for population replacement. Just a sober realization that immigrants do jobs that the natives can't or won't do.

    There's nothing sober about labor scabs on a national scale. Immigrants don't do jobs that Americans can't or won't do. That turd is never going to shine, no matter how much you polish it. It's like me saying Americans are lazy because they won't clean toilets for a dollar a day, because some immigrant somewhere, happy to escape the dump that is his homeland, will.

    And bringing in people to work jobs isn't quite the same thing as bringing in people to machine-gun the natives.

    Nope, you're right, not the same.

    Far, far more effective. If you want to commit genocide, then a soft, morphine-like approach is definitely the way to go.

    If I can get a people to sign its own death warrant, what's a little fraud in the process? It's all good, black-letter law, right?

    And...eh, why do I bother?

    I dunno...no morals?

    As I've said before, the corporations want the borders open, so they'll stay open no matter how many tantrums you throw.

    As I've said before, the corps are free to do what they do, and the media is free to do what they do, and I'm free to throw tantrums. Helps me sleep at night.

    At least the corps and the media get checks for what they do. What's your excuse?

  64. Corporations also want unrestrained development and be free to pollute, but they don't get those. Tellingly, corporations are most restrained in areas that are the most elite SWPLish like California and coastal enclaves like Boston and NYC.

    No, it's the SWPL super-elite and their striving SWPL followers that are the main decision-makers on immigration policy (or lack thereof).

    If the SWPL super-elite didn't want massive illegal immigration in the middle/lower class neighborhoods like they don't want pollution or development in their backyards, you would not see it.

    Corporations in some industries like finance are free to plunder relatively regulation-free only because the SWPL super-elites have monopolized the massive profits from the corruption for themselves.

    Tell me, what's this "SWPL super-elite's" position on Israel? Does it approve of the ethnic nationalist character of Israel? I mean, you seem to think this "SWPL super-elite" calls the shots, right? And if it calls the shots, that means it's happy with the ethnic nationalist character of Israel, right? But that seems really odd to me, because this same "SWPL super-elite" goes batshit crazy at the idea of crackers doing for themselves what Jews do for themselves in Israel.

    I know it sounds like I'm being super-sarcastic here, but I'm really not. Obviously I think the Jewish elite calls the shots, and this SWPL-elite is a bunch of made-up bullshit to spare people who want to get close to the actual problem, but not too close (smacking as it does of anti-semitism). But I'm also trying to figure out what people with your (and similar) beliefs actually believe. I mean, do any of these slap-you-in-the-face-with-a-stinky-trout contradictions actually bother you people, as you're regurgitating the latest flavor of "The WASPS/SWPLS/Protestants/Puritans did it"?

    Okay, sure, it's not as simple as "the Jews did it" either, but we've got some pretty GLARING contradictions to work through, here, dont'cha think? Isn't it about time someone EXPLAINED them to dummies like me?

  65. Immigrants don't have that entitlement mentality that natives do, so YES they will do the jobs for less pay that Americans will not accept.

    Lol. They don't have the un-entitlement mentality that the natives do, either, so YES they will commit welfare fraud and any other kind of milk-the-system fraud they can get away with, at the drop of a hat. I've seen it first hand.

    As for the attitude that somehow we're all supposed to be shamed into silence because we don't want to live in a country where the working class has to live out of vans, or five families per apartment to compete, I mean, WTF can we really say to that? Other than "no thanks"?

  66. but are you happy to stake the lives of your grandchildren on this being the case?

    Am I wrong in my instinct that being "progressive" means not entertaining such questions? Thinking them "creepy" or otherwise beyond the Pale?

  67. American's will vote for the Dem., for example, who supports shamnesty because they REALLY support social security, etc., versus a Republican who supports patriotic immigration reform but does't satisfy the voters' "must-haves."

    Telling isnt it. How carefully framed the agendas are to avoid offering voters a package of policies they really want.

    Why its almost as if it were deliberate.

  68. Rob - It isn't Bahrain surgery.

    Lol! Brilliant!

  69. "Immigrants don't have that entitlement mentality that natives do, so YES they will do the jobs for less pay that Americans will not accept."

    Yes, how DARE Americans feel entitled to first-world living standards! Whose country do they think this is?!?!?

  70. Comment Inflation2/21/11, 6:11 PM

    say what you will about the 'elites' of this country but they do have the moral upper-hand on you complainers. think about what you're favoring here. think about it for a second.. you want to *close* the door on other people.

    just view it from that perspective.

    you are country-blocking people who do not look like you.

    what could be so moral about that?

  71. Immigrants don't have that entitlement mentality that natives do, so YES they will do the jobs for less pay that Americans will not accept.

    So it's true.

    Don't deny it. You're embarassing yourselves.

    We have a record for dumbest anon! We realize that immigration drives wages down. We think that is bad. Is really so amazingly hard to understand that some people read The Jungle and didn't say 'Hot damn. I sure wish I owned a slaughterhouse like that!'

    Le sigh said...
    @anonymous I'm not greedy, stupid or myopic. I just realize that Americans expecting to be paid as if the good times were still rolling is the height of uneducated hubris. And my ethnicity is no concern of yours.
    You're right. Too many Americans think that. Trying to live all high on the hog. We need a wealth tax. 1-2% on all assets over say $1 million. A transfer tax for American citizens moving money in and out of the US. Social security taxes should be applied to all income, earned or not.

    Too many people living like the good times are rolling, right?

  72. "I just realize that Americans expecting to be paid as if the good times were still rolling is the height of uneducated hubris."

    More to the point, left-wingers expecting the rest of us Americans to fund their agenda as if the good times were still rolling is the height of indoctrinated hubris.

  73. Good to see your posts returning to normal. Suggestion: why don't you just not post for the 3 or 4 days you are on vacation or sick or whatever instead of having bizarro isteve that annoys and confuses us. I think most of your readers could deal with the absence of a daily article/commentary rather than having to sift through the unrealities of notSteve's posts pretending as if there are no anomalies in content, style, ideology, etc..

  74. It may well be that the prevailing wage for (say) picking fruit would have to rise fivefold in order for US citizens to do the work, but this is not the same as saying that Americans won't do it; it just means that certain business models might not work without immigrant (illegal or otherwise) labor. Or that profits would suffer.

    And the price of fruit would be a lot higher. The price of a lot of things would be a lot higher if they had to produced at wages native-born Americans were willing to accept.

    Health care, for example, is expensive as it is. How much more would it cost if the bedpan-emptiers had to be recruited only from the native-born population?

    I agree with all the comments here that immigration is undercutting the wages of working-class Americans, but it's a bit disingenuous to pretend that only nanny-employing SWPLs benefit. Middle-class Americans benefit from cheap imported labor, too, and any honest discussion about immigration has to consider that.

  75. Rocky Balboa2/21/11, 7:20 PM

    Fredo Arias-King, an aide and foreign political ambassador of Mexican President Vicente Fox, wrote an interesting opinion piece on immigration in 2006. The piece is entitled "Immigration and Usurpation" and discusses the motivations behind U.S. politicans, both Democratic and Republican, in pushing massive migration from Mexico and other Latin nations. Having gone on numerous delegations to meet American politicians, he has quite a bit of inside insight on their thinking.

    This is a link to the piece:


    I highly reccomend reading it if you want to understand why our politicians are so radically pro-migration and pro-amnesty. Steve and many other conservatives blogged on the piece back in 2006, but I think the rest of you should read it.

    Mr. Arias-King claims that Mexico features a patron-client political system. For us Americans, a good comparison would be the present day Chicago political machine, except even more corrupt. Under Mexico's patron-client system, the political bosses provide services and jobs to their constiuents. In turn, the constituents supply their votes to the incumbent politican and turn a blind eye to the incumbents shenanigans. It's essentially the type of wheeling and dealing politics that we had in NYC during the Tammany Hall era.

    It's Mr. Arias-King's contention that politicians want to see the American electorate Latinized, so they can establish a patron-client relationship with the immigrant Hispanic-American electorate and create their own political machines in the U.S. By doing so, they can increase the scope of their power, the probability of reelection, and public tolerance of their corruption.

    In my next post, I'll put some relevant quotes down.

  76. Why not just open the borders and let 300 million Hindu peasants move here? A family will work for about $200 a month or $2500 per year, and there isn't anything too nasty for them to do.

    You can buy a few underage prostitots for a couple hundred bucks each and you are in like Flint.

    You just try to find some American whore who will cook, clean and service you for $5-10 a day. Lazy, that's what they are.

    Talk about a libertarian dream world, Anonymous. Wow! With 300 million Hindu peasants in America it will really increase efficiency and utterly wipe out that awful sense of American "entitlement".

    Get rid of health and safety laws, pollution laws, SSI, Workmens Comp and all the other greed- and sloth-inducing things that make Americans the laziest, greediest people around and you will prevent the Hindu peasants from being corrupted and looking for handouts.

    A little India right here in America. just thing about it: corpses floating down the Ganges/Mississippi, open defecation, child slavery, the whole shmear. Talk about improved work efficiency and a lack of entitlement!

    Remind me to tell you about life in Chittagong in 1973. It was wide open and big-time libertarian, guy, just like you like it.

  77. "You just try to find some American whore who will cook, clean and service you for $5-10 a day. Lazy, that's what they are."

    I love you, Big Bill.

  78. America is being destroyed by immigration. Just take note of the fact that white 3rd graders aren't even a majortiy now,when in 1970 whites were about 89-90% of the population.

    America officially sucks.

  79. @ Baloo who said, "Rob, I want to swipe your Bahrain surgery gag."

    The Bahrain surgery remark was clever, yes. But I also enjoyed your "Hey, Brits, we'll take your Poles and you can have our... other people."

  80. Rocky Balboa2/21/11, 7:39 PM

    Continued from above. These are the piece of Mr. Arias-King's article that I found most fascinating. I'll quote a few.


    "Also curiously, the Republican enthusiasm for increased immigration also was not so much about voting in the end, even with "converted" Latinos. Instead, these legislators seemingly believed that they could weaken the restraining and frustrating straightjacket devised by the Founding Fathers and abetted by American norms. In that idealized "new" United States, political uncertainty, demanding constituents, difficult elections, and accountability in general would "go away" after tinkering with the People, who have given lawmakers their privileges but who, like a Sword of Damocles, can also "unfairly" take them away. Hispanics would acquiesce and assist in the "natural progress" of these legislators to remain in power and increase the scope of that power. In this sense, Republicans and Democrats were similar.


    "While I can recall many accolades for the Mexican immigrants and for Mexican-Americans (one white congressman even gave me a "high five" when recalling that Californian Hispanics were headed for majority status), I remember few instances when a legislator spoke well of his or her white constituents. One even called them "rednecks," and apologized to us on their behalf for their incorrect attitude on immigration. Most of them seemed to advocate changing the ethnic composition of the United States as an end in itself."
    "One leading Republican senator over a period of months was advising us, through a mutual acquaintance, about which mechanisms to follow and which other legislators to lobby in order to ensure passage of the amnesty proposal. In the meantime, he would speak on television about the need to "militarize" the border. This senator was recently singled out by a taxpayer�s advocacy group as a leader in "pork"-related politics.


    I think this might be Trent Lott. Lott was known as huge porker while in the Senate and was very influential (in 2006), but he talked about militarizing the border a few times.
    "New Mexico is a poor place, with one of the highest proportion of people living on food stamps � Its political tradition also long had a Latin American feel, based around a padr�n system of clients and bosses. The bosses ran grocery stores, gave you credit, helped you if you needed a job. And all you had to do was vote for the Democrats � New Mexican politics is still about jobs, contracts and personal loyalty, not ideology. And [Governor] Mr. Richardson personifies this.6


    For those of you that wonder why the Bushes are so gung ho about amnesty, read the above quote. It's not about ideology, but about personal loyalty. The Bushes, who are experts on Latin culture, want to cultivate a longterm relationship with Hispanic-American immigrants. Much like the Kennedys did with Catholics and Irish-Americans.

  81. Rocky Balboa2/21/11, 7:39 PM

    Continued from above.

    "Trailer-park poverty combined with a cult of personality, where government initiatives regularly bear the governor�s name, as they would with some Latin American potentate (the governor is half Mexican himself), prevails in a state that is 40 percent Hispanic, including Hispanics already many generations in the United States."

    Funny thing is that New Mexico's Hispanics have been here for generations, but they've built a political system similar to what their coethnics have across the border.
    "Some legislators had also mentioned to us (oftentimes laughing) how they had "defanged" or "gutted" anti-immigration bills and measures, by neglecting to fund this program or tabling that provision, or deleting the other measure, etc. "Yes, we passed that law, but it can�t work because we also�" was a usual comment to assuage the Mexican delegations.


    Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Trent Lott, McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bush (of course), and Haley Barbour of some of the politicians that have gutted immigration enforcement over the years.
    "My feeling is that if the vote on granting amnesty to the illegal migrants was up for a secret vote, then perhaps we would see a 90 percent vote in favor, coinciding with my random sample from six years ago.

    "These pathologies are already evident across the border. For example, at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, when even President Clinton�s strongest backers such as Rep. Richard Gephardt were distancing themselves from him and calling on the president to "tell the truth," the Hispanic Caucus in the U.S. Congress lent its support to the president. Rep. Esteban Torres stated "We�re going to stand by him to the end � no matter what!"11 The case of the "unconditional support" by the Hispanics in Congress to their patron demonstrated why the Montesquieu-Madisonian model had difficulty functioning in the Latin American context. This type of unconditional support seems to be what professional politicians of both parties expect from their Hispanic constituents and allies.


  82. "Middle-class Americans benefit from cheap imported labor, too, and any honest discussion about immigration has to consider that."

    How do they beneit? Their good jobs are being stolen and they have to take lower paid jobs, which cancels out any benefits from the lower cost of a service, and then subsidize businesses that hire these immigrants by paying for their health care, jails and schools,while at the same time making themselves minorities in their own country?

    No American benefits from this,

  83. "Immigrants don't have that entitlement mentality that natives do, so YES they will do the jobs for less pay that Americans will not accept.

    So it's true.

    Don't deny it. You're embarassing yourselves."

    That's a double-damned lie. I've worked in jobs alongside other Americans that non-Americans walked away from b/c they found the work too hard.

    Go peddle your crap where they're dumb enough to buy it.

  84. "They don't have the un-entitlement mentality that the natives do, either, so YES they will commit welfare fraud and any other kind of milk-the-system fraud they can get away with, at the drop of a hat. I've seen it first hand."

    You must be poor, Sport.

  85. "Le Sigh/Future PR said...

    And bringing in people to work jobs isn't quite the same thing as bringing in people to machine-gun the natives."

    Apparently, it is. The rulers of Bahrain and Libya seem to have brought in some foreigners for the express purpose of machine-gunning the natives.

  86. "Anonymous said...

    Health care, for example, is expensive as it is. How much more would it cost if the bedpan-emptiers had to be recruited only from the native-born population?"

    How much cheaper would health-care cost if my insurance premiums didn't have to pay for some latina's C-section? Or the other two kids she dropped on american soil? Or the english/spanish and spanish/mayan interpereter the hospital required to treat her? Or to treat the mexican day-laborer who showed up in the ER with active TB?

    How much less would my taxes be if they did not go to build a new school for all the ninos and ninas that Yolanda and Pedro foisted off on us? Or if we didn't have to hire more prison guards to guard their cousin Jesus, after he kills a gas-station clerk and gets locked up for the rest of his life?

    I could go on.....

  87. "Svigor said...

    As for the attitude that somehow we're all supposed to be shamed into silence because we don't want to live in a country where the working class has to live out of vans, or five families per apartment to compete, I mean, WTF can we really say to that? Other than "no thanks"?"

    Actually there is something else we can say to that. And it ends with "...and the horse you rode in on".

  88. And the price of fruit would be a lot higher.

    Very little of the cost of fruit and vegetables is composed of the wages paid to the people who pick it. You could double the wages of lettuce pickers and the cost of lettuce would go up maybe ten percent.

    Besides, according to free market theory, if wages are lower in Central America then fruit is supposed to be grown and picked there.

  89. "you are country-blocking people who do not look like you. what could be so moral about that?"

    Are you 14 years old?

    Read Big Bill's comment.

    While you're at it, ask yourself how moral Israel is.

  90. just view it from that perspective.

    you are country-blocking people who do not look like you.

    what could be so moral about that?

    The same thing that's moral about outlawing slavery and rape and theft: the protection of people's rights to their own bodies and what they produce.

    This is known as "property", which is a concept you believe in for yourself but -- for some unexplained reason -- not for us.

    We know that you believe in property for yourself because you will not accept the following challenge: email your PIN to ben tillman 2003 at yahoo dot com, and then send your ATM card to the address I email back to you.

    If you don't do that -- and you won't -- you are "[money]-blocking people who don't look like you" (i.e., exercising a property right), and you are therefore a profoundly evil hypocrite.

  91. For whoever said Huntington is left in the dust by recent events, political scientists are citing his work on the "third wave" of democratization and the "crisis of governance".

  92. If anyone's got an 'entitlement mentality', it's the immigrants themselves.
    Why, they feel 'entitled' to foist themselves upon another ethnicity's nation (I use the word 'nation' -from natio, birth and not country, deliberately).A nation that they or their ancestors did absolutely nothing to build up or defend, simply to cash-in on the capital accumulated by the hard-work and sacrifice of another ethnicity who strived and died for *their* own posterity.
    I like to call it nation hi-jacking.
    It also reminds me of the behavior of the ichneumon wasp in laying its eggs (Google it if you don't know).

  93. The truth is, that under a predatory capitalist system there is *always* someone out there (by 'out here' I now have to include the whole world due to the globalists), willing to do ypur job for less money - and thus giving the employer every opportunity to replace you to fatten his own pocket.Traditionally, a very strong argument against open borders was that good employers (those who actually gave a damn about their employees)would always be at a competitive disadvantage to the unscrupulous, thus engendering a terrible downward spiral resulting in Marx's classic dichotomy between the wretched hopeless poor and the filthy rih.
    Look at South Africa.Despite 50%+ unemployment amongst native black South Africans and pitiable wages and conditions, Zimbabwean refugees have been 'taking the jobs black South African's won't do'. Zimbabweans happen to be even more wretched than South Africans.

  94. This wave of 'desert revolutions' kicked off with the unrest in Tunisia last month.The cause of this was the self-immolation of an unemployed college graduate forced to sell fruit and veg from a roadside stall to survive.Apparently some rough police overturned his cart and kicked him off his pitch because e didn't have a permit.This was the trigger for hidden unrest, engendered primarily by the current inflation wave that has pushed subsistence living Tunisians to the brink.
    The cause of the current inflation wave is China's mammoth cash pile and spending power, due not least to that nation grabbing the lion's share or world production.
    Ain't free trade great? - of course the know-it-alls at the WSJ and 'The Economist' will maintain to their last breath that 'free trade "enriches" all its participants'.

  95. "..say what you will about the 'elites' of this country but they do have the moral upper-hand on you complainers."

    OK. Am I supposed to laugh? On the out chance you are serious, come again? The elites have the moral upper hand?
    It is not their jobs or money on the line, you moron. They have the upper hand and don't mind destroying the "lower classes" with it because it doesn't hurt them at all. Not now anyway.
    You are laughable. if you're for real.

  96. "...you are country-blocking people who do not look like you."

    What do you look like? Just curious.
    What is a "country-blocker", anyway? Does it mean we are blocking whole countries from sending their whole country (the poorer and/or more stupid) here? Or does it mean we want to block our own country from an invasion of the job/body-snatchers?
    You sound like you are perhaps Chinese, or maybe an Indian who went through a quick crash course at a call-center, with English as a fourth language. Or maybe you're just a mentally challenged "American." Or maybe you're a joker. Yeah--I think the last fits best.

  97. @Kylie, thanks — you might like my cartoons HERE.

  98. Those Koreans grocers in ghettos who employ their cousins, etc. - are they taking natives' jobs?

  99. "Complaining about the more vibrant newcomers borders on being illegal ie the ones people really want to complain about."

    It doesn't border on illegal. It is illegal. People have gone to prison for it although much more important is the risk of losing your job etc.

    However your main point is correct. Large scale white immigration made it possible for people to complain because the laws are against "racial" hatred.

  100. "The talk about H1-B Visa programmers depressing the wages of the locals is rot."

    IT is exceptional in that the globalizers seem to be aiming at complete replacement rather than simply driving down wages.

    "Immigrants don't have that entitlement mentality that natives do, so YES they will do the jobs for less pay that Americans will not accept."

    Recent immigrants send most of their wages home to their own country. They'll work for half because that half when converted into their home currency is twice what they could earn at home.

    Once immigrants have been in place for a while they disappear into the shadows of welfare fraud mixed with illegal working and the corporations need more new immigrants.


    "and the unwillingness to integrate will disappear. Let's hope this proves to be the case, and I would guess there is a better than fifty fifty chance this will occur"

    There is zero chance of this occurring. When people are a small minority in an area they assimilate to white norms to stand out as little as possible. Once they're a majority they revert to ther own cultural norms.

    "Middle-class Americans benefit from cheap imported labor, too, and any honest discussion about immigration has to consider that."

    Gross, not net.

  101. FWIW, my rendition of Rob's "Bahrain Surgery" gag is up HERE.

  102. Doesn't the annoying, long winded "albertosaurus" realize that these millions of HB1's and foreign students we are are importing are not atomized individuals, but members of groups who will cooperate to get the upper hand on the natives?

  103. @ Baloo, thanks for the link to your cartoons, especially the "Bahrain surgery" one.

  104. Intentional Parallel to US Military Recruitment of Foreigners? Does anyone know the numbers/percentages of US military recruits of foreign birth? When I went through Basic Training less than a decade ago, it was teeming with girls and boys from Central America, Columbia, and the Dominican Republic; and men from the former Soviet Union. Now in the National Guard there are many recruits from Sub-Saharan Africa. Every immigrant soldier I’ve spoken to is on track for US citizenship.


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