March 5, 2011

Chin stroking time

From the top story in the LA Times:
African migrant workers and black Libyans are targeted by fighters who suspect them of being mercenaries hired by Kadafi.
... Across eastern Libya, rebel fighters and their supporters are detaining, intimidating and frequently beating African immigrants and black Libyans, accusing them of fighting as mercenaries on behalf of Kadafi, witnesses and human rights workers say.
I noticed that English-language reporters could quite easily grasp the unfairness of the government of Bahrain electing a new people of foreign mercenaries to thwart majority rule -- I guess because both the natives of Bahrain and the immigrants/mercenaries are Arabs or at least Muslims. So, the media's crucial Who?/Whom? sensors don't get tripped in Bahrain. Therefore, they can think about Bahrain in a straightforward, principled manner: You know, it's really not fair for the government to import foreigners to win elections over the native majority. (Not being good at analogies or at self-critical thinking, they don't notice how this line of thought could also apply to the U.S.).

But in Libya, Kaddafi's mercenaries are largely black immigrants, so that snarls everything up for the American press when attempting to do their Who? / Whom? calculations:

Kaddafi: Bad
Rebels: Good
Immigrants: Good
Mercenaries: Bad
Blacks: PlusGood
Being mean to blacks: Double Plus UnGood
Rebels being mean to Kaddafi's immigrant black mercenaries: Does Not Compute!

It's very complicated, isn't it?


  1. Can media just hurry up and tell us who's the bad guy and who's the good guy already?

    They're so much quicker regarding domestic issues.

  2. Something I've always wondered......... How well do blacks and North African Arabs get along? I figure the two groups must interact quite a bit, as North Africa has a lot of oil wealth that draws African migrants up north.

    When France had rioting in the banlieu suburbs, it seemed like the blacks and Arabs were doing a lot of the rioting together, with blacks taking the lead. I recall seeing a lot of pictures with one black kid leading a group of Arabs. Contrast that situation with our south central LA riots, where there was a huge meele involving every race against every other race. If there's anyone French here, perhaps they'd care to comment about the dynamics of Arab-black relations in their country and if there's much tension.

  3. Loling my ass off, that's so funny how you put that.

  4. They're poor blacks doing the jobs Libyans won't do.
    They're poor blacks exploited by Gadaffi for his own purposes.

  5. Most of the news we're getting at present about Libya is coming through the mainstream media, therefore much of it is certainly just lies, spin, disinformation. Since hardly anyone has any genuine expertise about Libya all kinds of nonsense can be sold to the public. If Gaddafi has indeed hired mercenaries then he's not getting his money's worth. He should have hired some real ones from Europe. Two hundred European mercenaries would be worth more than ten thousand Tuaregs or other assorted motley African gunslingers. Of course, the US, Britain and other busybodies would fly into a rage at any European country that had any citizens fighting for Gaddafi. The Africans, on the other hand, are nameless, faceless, and probably ineffectual.

  6. Everything gets complicated when reality must be filtered through ideology. (See, Krugman, generally).

  7. Imagine my surprise to find out the headline "Chin stroking time" was about blacks and Libya. I immediately assumed upon seeing this headline that it was about the belligerent Chinese trade ambassadors once again coming to DC to have their frustrations cooled down by the Obama administration.

  8. James Westman3/5/11, 6:04 AM

    That headline sounds like a Jeopardy question. What do black Libyans have to do with the arrival of Chinese trade ambassadors to DC to have their frustrations cooled by the Obama administration?

  9. OT: I'm sure you're aware of this, but CNN on VDare, brimlow

  10. A more general pattern is that the less human capital a group has, the more sympathetic PC opinion is to it. When Bantu blacks lord over Pygmies or Bushmen in Africa, PC opinion is on the side of the Pygmies and Bushmen. If in India a higher caste lords over a lower one of the same skin tone, PC opinion will be on the side of the lower caste.

    The leftist mindset is generally against excellence. Nietzsche has said that deep down it's all driven by envy.

  11. I shall essay to cut the Gordian Knot:

    What element or elements in this Libyan dust-up is or are good for Jews?

    That question will determine media and governmental policy, once it is answered (assuming it hasn't already been answered). Any cognitive dissonance of swipples is irrelevant; blowing with the wind of any fad fed to them, they have no serious form of cognition anyway.

  12. How come their' are "mercenaries" and ours are "contractors". I hired a contractor to do some work in my house this summer. He didn't shoot or kill anyone.

  13. Epic post is epic.

  14. I thought even Sailer suggested that since it can't be determined whether or not those of African descent are mercenaries or merely immigrants the population shouldn't be given free reign to say nasty things to them or beat them up.

  15. Let me get this straight. You're saying in 2012 after he lost the election but refused to vacate the office and thereby set off the Second Civil War, Obama will be criticized for enlisting the Mexican Drug Cartels as mercenaries?

    Sometimes you're just too subtle for me. But I think I get what you're saying this time.


  16. "Across eastern Libya, rebel fighters and their supporters are detaining, intimidating and frequently beating African immigrants and black Libyans,"

    Uh, African(AFRICAN!!!) immigrants?

    Who the hell wrote this?

    Libya is in AFRICA!!!!!

  17. international Jew3/5/11, 1:23 PM

    Prediction: millions of subsaharan Africans will now claim political asylum by posing as persecuted black Libyans.

  18. Yes, very entertaining in an Animal Farm kind of way: “four legs good, two legs baaad …”; I’ll raise your poor black ‘immigrant’ and double down with a crazed Arab ‘rebel’. For my money, I think Steve has roughly the correct MSM weighting scheme; but David is correct overall. This will work out once the Israeli lobby establishes who we are supposed to root for (i.e., if not support outright). Clearly, the Libyan Arabs need to stop shooting and/or threatening on camera Sub-Sahara black interlopers and do it when the cameras are turned off; or more likely the Jewish lobby will indicate that the cameras just need to be turned off and that part filtered out. The short answer is that if it looks like the Muslim Brotherhood is behind the Arab rebels then the media will turn on them faster than you can say “Muhammad is a racist nativist”, otherwise they are “plucky rebels” who you just got to be pulling for.

  19. "When France had rioting in the banlieu suburbs, it seemed like the blacks and Arabs were doing a lot of the rioting together, with blacks taking the lead. "

    dA Blakz is riotin'

    C'mon, dude. Clearly the majority of rioters in France were Arabs/North Africans. Few blacks participated. Some get along and some don't.

    "Prediction: millions of subsaharan Africans will now claim political asylum by posing as persecuted black Libyans."

    I think somebody feels threatened that his rank in the order of persecution precedence is in jeaopordy. Don't worry :(

    In a couple weeks the liberal news media will cease to care about the issue, and we can all go back crying over the holocaust.

  20. The penultimate question: How does the Reverend Jeremiah Wright feel about this?

  21. "How come their' are "mercenaries" and ours are "contractors". I hired a contractor to do some work in my house this summer. He didn't shoot or kill anyone."

    I just spent the better part of the afternoon fixing the sink stopper and elbow drain in a bathroom at my mother's house.

    Trust me, I wish I could have hired a Blackwater plumber. Sometimes a .45 pistol can fix in a second what a snake, pliers, wrenches and teflon plumbing tape take hours to do.

  22. In history often the ruler with the biggest impact is the one who has managed to live the longest. Think: Rameses II, Augustus Caesar, and Louis XIV. Tradionally the biggest political problem has been succession not incumbancy. Think: The War of the Austrian Succession, the War of the Spanish Succession, and Henry VIII's quest for a son.

    But now somehow longevity is no longer desireable. I guess it really is a time for change.

    Let's have the UN promulgate term limits for national leaders. If they can't manage that - the hell with them. I've never understood why we tolerate a world government that can't even make everyone drive on the same side of the street.


  23. Now, THAT was funny.

  24. Very funny post. Thank God for Charlie Sheen to divert our attention away from what's happening in Libya. The neocons must really hate that guy.

  25. lol, good post

  26. Captain Jack Aubrey3/5/11, 5:26 PM

    "The leftist mindset is generally against excellence. Nietzsche has said that deep down it's all driven by envy."

    Nice theory, but it fails when the media sides with Asians and Jews over whites, big business CEOs over native workers, or just about any group over white Southerners.

    Occam's Razor: the leftist mindset is against whites: conservative, middle-class whites, especially.

    Of course now that these black Africans are unwelcome in Libya it is Europe to which they will flee, and which will be expected to take them in, and not their own home countries.

  27. Anon, are you the "how well do southerners and blacks get along?" and "how well do (I forget, but there was another one recently) and blacks get along?" comments guy?

    Maybe we've found your handle?

  28. Perhaps off topic...

    Very few of the "Chinese" soldiers who attacked the students at the square in 1989 were actually Han Chinese.

  29. So when we finally all band together to oppose our Diversity Overlords, will they use Apache helicopters and Predator drone attacks to stop our separatist movement.

  30. These days I feel very stupid to have ever wondered why you like Waugh so much.

  31. Captain Jack Aubrey, it's both. Anti-white racism is a part of it, but I think that a general hatred of excellence is too. If it wasn't, why would leftists side with Tibetans against Han Chinese, for example? I've read that in Chinese college entrance exams Tibet is always the lowest scoring province. Han Chinese appear to be smarter and more industrious than Tibetans, so leftists brand them as oppressors. Leftists also side with untouchables and tribals in India against high-caste Indians, with Brazilian immigrants to Japan against native Japanese, etc.

  32. Doing nothing in situations like this may well be the best possible approach. Consider that if the Obama Administration decides it should take some sort of action, it will be getting its advice from American experts on North Africa like this one:

    Andrew M. Warren (c. 1968–) is an author, spy and former CIA operative, who served as Station Chief of the CIA field office in Algiers during 07-2008.

    He has martial arts training, extensive knowledge of the Middle East, and speaks six Arabic dialects as well as Persian. He is a convert to Islam. He earned a Bachelor of Arts at Norfolk State University, graduating in 1993.

    Warren was stationed in Algeria since 2007 and recalled by the CIA in October 2008. He was fired in 2009. In late 2008, two Algerian women came forward and accused Warren of drugging and raping them while at his home. On February 17, 2008, Warren admitted that he had sexually assaulted one of the woman on the U.S. Embassy property in Algiers, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Warren told authorities the sex was consensual. Subsequently, following a search of his Algiers home, investigators found, what appeared to be evidence of "tradecraft" associated with stalkers rather than spies: multiple computer drives and data-storage devices, a handbook on the investigation of sexual assaults and quantities of Xanax and Valium—tranquilizers that government experts claim are commonly used in date-rape assaults.

    He was indicted on June 18, 2009, by a grand jury of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on one count of sexual abuse and was arraigned on June 30, 2009. He was investigated by the Department of State's Diplomatic Security Service and prosecuted by attorneys from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice's Criminal Division (Domestic Security Section). Warren was arrested April 26, 2010 in Norfolk, after he missed a pretrial appearance earlier in the month. He was in possession of a handgun and drug paraphernalia.

    On June 7, 2010, Warren pleaded guilty to abusive sexual contact and unlawful use of cocaine while possessing a firearm.

    Picture of the perp

  33. This is one of the reasons I hate that limp-wristed, soft, wet, pink PC 'liberal' brand of leftism (that seems to carry the Democrat Party and much of American discourse), it's just so damned CHILDISH - favoring one side over another because in wank-liberal moral calculus the 'designated victims' or annointed ones are always blameless and moraly worthy.
    5-year olds playing games with favorite Teddy are able to construct more complex moral frameworks than this.

  34. A good rule of thumb: whatever group has uglier women, on average, is the one that the Leftists will favor.

  35. "If it wasn't, why would leftists side with Tibetans against Han Chinese, for example?"

    Oh, c'mon, you can figure this one out for yourself. The leftists side with the underdog. Sometimes that coincides with (or comes from) a lack of excellence, but sometimes it's political underdogs, no matter what their human potential is.

    And yes, pedestrian leftist whites really have been brainwashed enough to believe East Asians, and especially Jews, are underdogs in the West.

  36. "Very few of the "Chinese" soldiers who attacked the students at the square in 1989 were actually Han Chinese."

    Anon, do you have a cite for this?

  37. The tone of the liberal newspapers was interesting.

    They referred to the African mercenaries as "young soldiers" and theorized on their mental states (e.g. that they were "terrified" on being caught by the Libyans).

    In fact, the young men were (1) not wearing uniforms and (2) were toting guns for (3)a dictator (4)in someone else's country.

    This translates most accurately to "mercenary".

    But of course "mercenary" is a not-nice word.

  38. RE blacks & arabs rioting in France.

    I believe that a majority of arabs in France are 'French', they have French citizenship. If they riot, get caught, they might do prison time but thats it.

    Blacks otoh are much more likely to be illegals, if they get caught rioting they may be deported.

  39. "Those "poor" black immigrants are just doing the jobs other Lybians won't do - like KILLING OTHER LYBIANS."

    Actually, Sport, other Libyans have done quite a fine job of that, for a few millennia now.

  40. "Leftists also side with untouchables and tribals in India against high-caste Indians, with Brazilian immigrants to Japan against native Japanese, etc."

    ....With David against Goliath...this madness must end!

  41. "it will be getting its advice from American experts on North Africa like this one:"

    Getting advice on North Africa from experts who speak six Arabic dialects and Persian?

    No wonder this thing has gotten out of hand!

  42. Hapalong Cassidy3/6/11, 8:13 AM

    "Very few of the "Chinese" soldiers who attacked the students at the square in 1989 were actually Han Chinese."

    This touches on what I consider the biggest crisis China may face in the future - the growing non-Han population. Non-Hans are specifically excluded from China's One Child policy, which has predictably resulted in them growing to be nearly 10% of China's population. This policy is a leftover of the Maoist mindset, which considered nationalism and racial identity to be threats to communist ideals. And the reason this is bad is simply HBD. The non-Han are to the Han as Hispanics are to the White majority in the U.S.

  43. "So when we finally all band together to oppose our Diversity Overlords, will they use Apache helicopters and Predator drone attacks to stop our separatist movement."

    And people wonder why the elites have been so eager to feminize the military. The same bunch (yes, I mean the distaff side) who oppose the death penalty and all foreign wars would, I suspect, be more than willing to kill fellow white Americans in the name of social justice.

  44. Did La Times or any other news source come up with headlines like BLACKS IN LIBYA MURDERING LIBYAN ARABS AT THE BEHEST OF GADDAFI?

    Liberal white/Jewish narratives must always present blacks as victims, especially of non-blacks.
    Same in Europe. When Africans in Europe rob, rape, and murder, no news. But if Europeans demand that something be done about it, they are 'xenophobes' calling for violence against noble blacks.

  45. "With David against Goliath...this madness must end!"

    Without a question. When the weak are helped by outside forces to triumph over the strong, all of humanity loses. Humanity, like all the other earthly species, is a product of evolution, not of a staff meeting at a lefty NGO. A decrease in fitness points to extinction.

    Oh, and I don't think anybody in that story helped David defeat Goliath. He proved his fitness the old-fashioned way - by winning.

  46. Anonymous Bill said...

    They are doing more than just beating them.


    That profession can be dangerous. Them's the breaks...

    - Wild Goose

  47. "A more general pattern is that the less human capital a group has, the more sympathetic PC opinion is to it"
    I wrote something similar here, and someone made the same point about Nietzche. Never read him myself.

  48. "So when we finally all band together to oppose our Diversity Overlords, will they use Apache helicopters and Predator drone attacks to stop our separatist movement."

    And people wonder why the elites have been so eager to feminize the military. The same bunch (yes, I mean the distaff side) who oppose the death penalty and all foreign wars would, I suspect, be more than willing to kill fellow white Americans in the name of social justice.

    Feminizing the military guarantees they'll get their ass kicked in the coming internal conflict. And this is coming from someone who was in ROTC in college. I was a piece of weak, pathetic shite. I showed up for just about every PT or training session either drunk or hung over. I could barely do 20 push-ups, much less 10 pull-ups. Run a mile? Yeah right....I was the bottom of the barrel except for the females. When compared to them, I was like Arnold from Predator. And I didn't even mention the whole rack a slide and pull a trigger thing...

  49. "When the weak are helped by outside forces to triumph over the strong, all of humanity loses. Humanity, like all the other earthly species, is a product of evolution, not of a staff meeting at a lefty NGO."

    But but but ... If the team that consists of "underdog plus lefty NGO" wins out over the other team, doesn't that by your own definition prove that the "underdog plus lefty NGO" team is stronger? The stronger team has beaten the weaker one (even if the weaker one has been claiming to be stronger), and has done so in open combat.

    So what's your evo-bio problem with that, man?

  50. Let's face it, liberals would probably fail to compute at the part about "black mercenaries". In the liberal imagination, all mercenaries in Africa are Rhodesian expatriates like Leonard DiCaprio's character in "Blood Diamond".

  51. Actually, Sport, other Libyans have done quite a fine job of that, for a few millennia now.

    Nah. That's just a racist xenophobic excuse. Even honkies will wash dishes, if you pay them enough. Been doing it well for millennia now.

  52. Getting advice on North Africa from experts who speak six Arabic dialects and Persian?

    No wonder this thing has gotten out of hand!

    You forgot his degree from an elite university.

  53. alonzo portfolio3/6/11, 4:00 PM

    CJ, thanks for that. I wonder if the CIA ever hired anyone with a B.A. from somewhere like Norfolk State, who wasn't black. By the way, does anyone believe that guy actually can speak Farsi?

  54. Off topic, but here is a study in the Sailershpere:

    Apparently experts who claim in public that hard work is all that matters for success actually are much more impressed by innate talent.

  55. "Andrew M. Warren (c. 1968–) is an author, spy and former CIA operative, who served as Station Chief of the CIA field office in Algiers during 07-2008."'

    Peel the lid back on this guy and his "storied career" according to the Washington Post. Odds are even that he was just average but due to his tone was exalted and pushed up the ladder. With predictable results.

  56. Hippie peace sign = Double double Plus Good.
    That clinches it.

  57. Anti-white racism is a part of it, but I think that a general hatred of excellence is too. If it wasn't, why would leftists side with Tibetans against Han Chinese, for example? I've read that in Chinese college entrance exams Tibet is always the lowest scoring province. Han Chinese appear to be smarter and more industrious than Tibetans, so leftists brand them as oppressors. Leftists also side with untouchables and tribals in India against high-caste Indians, with Brazilian immigrants to Japan against native Japanese, etc.

    It's go nothing to do with a hatred of excellence. It has everything to do with the need to subvert. The Western media is just a tool of the tribe, and the tribe has always been about subverting the established order and riding the ensuing turbulence into power.

    For example, the reason the media supports the Tibetans against the Hans in China is that at the moment, China is ruled by Chinese for the benefit of the Chinese. The tribe holds little sway there. But if the established order in China collapsed, you would see great scope for various "experts" and "consultants" to swoop upon the
    hapless Chinese and help local proxies build a new order. This new order would be "democratic" in the same way that Russia under Yeltsin/the oligarchs/ Larry Summers was democratic.

    So whenever you see the media support a given side in a conflict between peoples, look at it through the lens of a certain tribe upsetting the established order for the purpose of creating a new order in which that tribe holds great influence.

  58. Ha ha -- nicely done, Steve.

  59. Something I've always wondered......... How well do blacks and North African Arabs get along?

    If you've never been in an Arab-owned store with a black customer, I want to live where you live.

    Summary: the Arabs do not like blacks. I'll spare you the anecdotes.

  60. A more general pattern is that the less human capital a group has, the more sympathetic PC opinion is to it.

    With two exceptions, of course. The group that forms PC opinion has plenty of human capital, but is by far the most sacrosanct of the sacred cows. Then there are the poor Injuns, who are lacking in capital (compared to European-Americans) but get little sympathy for the simple reason that the point of PC is to control the territory that the Indians once claimed.

  61. "Uh, African(AFRICAN!!!) immigrants?

    Who the hell wrote this?

    Libya is in AFRICA!!!!!"

    Who wrote this? People have immigrated to Libya from other African countries.

    He was right, and you were wrong. When the author said "Africans", he meant "Sub-Saharan Africans". Virtually all of Libya's immigrants are Africans; there is no distinction to be made between African and non-African immigrants since there are almost none of the latter.

  62. none of the above3/6/11, 7:47 PM

    I keep reading stories of tens of thousands of foreign workers bugging out of Libya, and it makes me wonder how soon we will see critical infrastructure seize up. I mean, to the extent that the foreigners were there working on future stuff, it's an economic loss, but nothing urgent. But I wonder how many of the now-fled foreigners (and now-fled Libyans whose salable skills and ready cash led them to decide they and their familes would be happier in some other country for the duration of the civil war) were required to keep the lights on, the hospitals manned, etc.

    Does anyone know? If the foreigners leaving means that a big chunk of the skilled workforce is leaving, you could imagine things going to hell in Libya very quickly.

  63. Han Chinese appear to be smarter and more industrious than Tibetans, so leftists brand them as oppressors.

    You're off your rocker. The Chinese are presented as aggressors, so they're perceived as aggressors.

  64. Truth wrote:

    "it will be getting its advice from American experts on North Africa like this one:"

    Getting advice on North Africa from experts who speak six Arabic dialects and Persian?

    No wonder this thing has gotten out of hand!"

    Really? You think that someone who is willing to use his government immunity to rape women in a foreign country is still someone to be listened to?

    A person who is that venal has truly betrayed everyone in service overseas, and pretty obviously doesn't have any interest other than what is best for him, regardless of how many languages he may speak. You really bit off a big one to justify this time sport.

  65. I thought even Sailer suggested that since it can't be determined whether or not those of African descent are mercenaries or merely immigrants the population shouldn't be given free reign to say nasty things to them or beat them up.

    Not again -- Libya is in Africa. They're all of African descent.

    But more to the point: you're saying the population should be pacified and prostrated before immigrants? Of course, the population should be allowed to say nasty things to them and to beat them up. That's why we have an army -- to do MORE than merely beat up unwanted immigrants.

  66. A more general pattern is that the less human capital a group has, the more sympathetic PC opinion is to it. When Bantu blacks lord over Pygmies or Bushmen in Africa, PC opinion is on the side of the Pygmies and Bushmen. If in India a higher caste lords over a lower one of the same skin tone, PC opinion will be on the side of the lower caste.

    The leftist mindset is generally against excellence. Nietzsche has said that deep down it's all driven by envy.

    Nietzsche seemed more of a staunch individualist than a social darwinist.

  67. Krugman in NYT - "Falling Demand For Brains" - so thats why wages are stagnating!

  68. Captain Jack Aubrey3/7/11, 4:52 AM

    "Then there are the poor Injuns, who are lacking in capital (compared to European-Americans) but get little sympathy for the simple reason that the point of PC is to control the territory that the Indians once claimed."

    The poor Injuns were given their own land, their own sovereign territory, and set apart from the rest of us, and still managed to eff it up and sit on their reservations all day and booze it up. There is no legacy of slavery to make excuses with. Aside from that, they've always been here, and no one is trying to kick them out.

    Asians have never been here, and Latinos have never been here, and some on the right are trying to reduce their arrival rates and send the illegal ones back home. So the Left has to pretend that those groups have been oppressed when they never really were.

  69. "Liberal white/Jewish narratives must always present blacks as victims, especially of non-blacks."

    Then I guess liberal whites and Jews don't have much sway in the media, because in the past year alone there have been numerous stories about black on non-black (mostly hispanic and asian) violence:

    -Black gang members arrested in Denver for targetting whites for beatings/robberies.

    -Blacks in Staten Island targetting hispanics for beatings/robberies.

    -Blacks in Oakland targetting asians for beatings/robberies.

    -Two blacks in NYC arrested for killing a hispanic during a "hate crime"

    -Blacks beating up asians at Philadelphia high school

    These are just some that I remember offhand.

  70. ben tillman:

    "That's why we have an army -- to do MORE than merely beat up unwanted immigrants."

    The US army is a civilian led army under control of Barak Obama, who was elected by the majority of US citizens.
    Your claim is unprincipled and unconstitional.

  71. "Nietzsche seemed more of a staunch individualist than a social darwinist."

    You can say he was both, actually. It is relatively easy to infer from his writings that he believed human improvement to be the only logical result of individualism. And, at least to a certain extent, he was right.

  72. Feminizing the military guarantees they'll get their ass kicked in the coming internal conflict.

    There are some female officers who were exceptions, but all of the female enlisted I knew were whiny, weak, sluttish, gossipy hag-whores. The military would be better off without them. Any military job a female can do competently is a job that doesn't need to be part of the military.

  73. Perhaps Lara Logan can get in there and sort it out? In the Sunday paper I saw a picture of a group of young men at a place called the Green Plaza(?) in beautiful downtown Tripoli---Green?Really?--and they were all cheering and holding pics of Ghaddafi,with his little cap and sunglassess,from his earlier hot days,not his current broken down tranny-freak monster look,..but they were all cheering for Ghaddafi. How much of a glass-half-full guy do you have to be to be cheering for this idiot?? (Made the mistake of watching some Hannity over the weekend. First guest was Newt. He was deeply concerned about...Israel. Next was Rudy. He had just gotten back from Israel. He was in a state of near hysteria with worry over...Israel."They have 5 minutes to react,Sean,"he said."FIVE MINUTES!!" )

  74. "Did La Times or any other news source come up with headlines like BLACKS IN LIBYA MURDERING LIBYAN ARABS AT THE BEHEST OF GADDAFI?"

    Did the LA Times or any other news source come up with headlines like WHITES IN IRAQ MURDERING IRAQUI ARABS AT THE BEHEST OF BUSH?

  75. "Feminizing the military guarantees they'll get their ass kicked in the coming internal conflict...I was the bottom of the barrel except for the females. When compared to them, I was like Arnold from Predator. And I didn't even mention the whole rack a slide and pull a trigger thing..."

    But of course. My only concern is sheer numbers--that whole Three Percent notion.

    I'm always amazed at women and p-whipped men who laud women's physical strength. Apparently they've never watched or participated in a mock wrestling/tickling situation between a man and woman. I dated an out-of-shape guy who nevertheless could easily pin me down (without hurting me and with my consent) when he tickled me. When I injured my leg, another boyfriend easily carried me on his back to home, over half a mile. How many women could do either of those things?

    I do have the rack the slide and pull the trigger thing covered, though.

    My initial point was that I believe leftist females feel enough animosity toward us that the question of using lethal force against us would be merely academic for many of them.

  76. Ray Sawhill wrote:

    "So what's your evo-bio problem with that, man?"

    I dislike the fact that the strong have been brainwashed to feel guilty about their strength, to forfeit its use, sometimes even when they're attacked. The effect of this sort of brainwashing is harmful to all of humanity. I'm sure tha the fitness of the entire species has been affected.

  77. "Feminizing the military guarantees they'll get their ass kicked in the coming internal conflict."

    Aye. I suspect when it comes time to steer the Predator drones and drop the firebombs on us, the ladies will, instead, sit down and have a good cry.

  78. re. above threads on females in combat:

    The girls will be in air conditoned offices, sipping a diet cokes controlling a robot twin-gatling gun chopper that will be blowing your shit away.

  79. Mark Steyn is just about the only presence in the popular media [to the extent that he occasionally guest-hosts for the EIB] who "gets it" [or at least who has the gonads to go on the record about what's causing almost all of our problems]:

    Arid Uka's Gratitude
    Multiculturalism says he's as German as Helmut and Franz. Except he's not.

    ...What's south of Europe's border? Why, it's even livelier. In Libya, there are presently 1 million refugees from sub-Saharan Africa whose ambition is to get in a boat to Italy. There isn't a lot to stop them. Between now and mid-century, Islam and sub-Saharan Africa will be responsible for almost all the world's population growth - and yet, aside from a few thousand layabout Saudi princes whoring in Mayfair, they will enjoy almost none of the world's wealth. Niger had 10 million people in 2000, and half a million of them were starving children. By 2010, they had 15 million, and more children were starving. By 2100, they're predicted to hit 100 million. But they won't - because it would be unreasonable to expect an extra 90 million people to stay in a country that can't feed a population a tenth that size. So they will look elsewhere - to countries with great infrastructure, generous welfare, and among the aging natives a kind of civilizational wasting disease so advanced that, as a point of moral virtue, they are incapable of enforcing their borders...

  80. Then there are the poor Injuns

    The meek don't seem to be inheriting the Earth vis-a-vis Israel, either.

    Who-whom kicks the shit out of the underdog theory; more accurately, the former subsumes the latter.

  81. Out-of-control diversity is a great thing, eh?

    Btw, if liberals say there is no such thing as 'race' and all peoples are alike, why do we need diversity? If a black guy, white guy, brown guy, yellow guy, red guy, etc, etc are all the same, then a nation that is 100% white or 100% black is just as good as a nation that is made up of 20% of each 'race'. I mean if 'race is a myth' and if 'racial differences' are either trivial, insignificant, or illusory. Indeed, if 'race is a myth', how can there be diversity when racial differences(aka diversity)is just a myth?

    Clever liberals will then say... 'yes, race is a myth but we mean cultural diversity'. If we follow this logic, suppose some disease were to wipe out all Chinese people. Suppose blacks or whites were to settle in China and learn to speak Chinese language and adopt Chinese culture. Would it be the same as before? Would New China be the same as Old China since the New Chinese, though white or black, speak Chinese language, play Chinese music, and eat Chinese food? Or, how about if a disease were to wipe out all Nigerians, and if Chinese were to settle in Nigeria and took on Nigerian identity and spoke Nigerian languages and beat on bongo drums. Would that be the same too? I mean if racial differences don't amount to a plate of beans.
    If the differences among peoples are only cultural but never racial--since race is just a myth--, liberal logic would have to say YES.

    Similarly, if we follow liberal logic, Israel would still be Israel if we were to remove all current Jews living there and repopulate them with Chinese or Hindus AS LONG AS Chinese or Hindus learn Hebrew and adopt Jewish cultural identity(and maybe historical identity too as Holocaust victims). Since there can't be any possible racial difference between Jews and Chinese--again, since race is just a myth--, Jews should be okay with this.

    And since cultural identity is closely intertwined with historical identity, if a white guy adopted black culture, could he also take on the black identity of noble slave victimhood?

  82. "C'mon, dude. Clearly the majority of rioters in France were Arabs/North Africans. Few blacks participated."

    The rioters were heavily black, perhaps a majority. The black population in France in exploding due to immigration and high birth rates, while the Arab population appears to be static.

  83. "I dated an out-of-shape guy who nevertheless could easily pin me down (without hurting me and with my consent) when he tickled me."

    Sportette; TMI?

    I don't know if an anecdote was necessary.

  84. I dislike the fact that the strong have been brainwashed to feel guilty about their strength, to forfeit its use, sometimes even when they're attacked. The effect of this sort of brainwashing is harmful to all of humanity. I'm sure tha the fitness of the entire species has been affected.

    Strength (physical or otherwise) is not the same as evolutionary fitness.

  85. "ben tillman:

    'That's why we have an army -- to do MORE than merely beat up unwanted immigrants.'

    The US army is a civilian led army under control of Barak[sic] Obama, who was elected by the majority of US citizens.
    Your claim is unprincipled and unconstitional[sic]."

    Huh? Non-responsive and nonsensical. Next time, try posting before you indulge in whatever.

  86. "Then I guess liberal whites and Jews don't have much sway in the media, because in the past year alone there have been numerous stories about black on non-black (mostly hispanic and asian) violence"

    Exactly. White Nationalists/HBDers want everyone to believe that black hate crimes are not reported. Not true. Racially motivated violence of any kind will receive media coverage.

    "Doing nothing in situations like this may well be the best possible approach. Consider that if the Obama Administration decides it should take some sort of action, it will be getting its advice from American experts on North Africa like"

    This story is similar to some of the ones posted here:
    Scroll down to see the story of the white American guy who raped and killed two Iraqi Arab girls. Happens quite often.

    "Precisely the opposite of the truth. Most of the French Peugeot-fryers were as black as night."

    Your link isn't working, David. But regardless, a few pictures of black rioters says nothing about the majority. Those riots were caused by the killing of a non-black North African youth by French police (i.e., not a "black issue"). I could show you pictures from 1992 Los Angeles of white and latino rioters, but that would say nothing about the race of the majority of rioters.

    Truthfully, many people are afraid of blacks so they usually get blamed for riots. During the Greek riots, for example, some white nationalists claimed that those blond haired blue eyed kids throwing molotov cocktails and breaking windows were "black". Huh...

  87. "Truthfully, many people are afraid of blacks..."

    Ahh, but can YOU be truthful about why that is? Didn't think so.

    In the US blacks commit murders about 10 times more often than whites per capita. There is a ton of statistics about that.

  88. There are some female officers who were exceptions, but all of the female enlisted I knew were whiny, weak, sluttish, gossipy hag-whores.

    Yeah, but were they hawt?

  89. Strength (physical or otherwise) is not the same as evolutionary fitness.

    Careful there.

    A while back, I got in a huge spat with The Derb & Charles Murray about the semantics of the difference between "evolution" and "devolution", but I couldn't seem to make any headway with those guys.

    For them, it's Darwinian Nihilism or bust.

  90. "Sportette; TMI?

    I don't know if an anecdote was necessary."

    I'm not responsible for the directions your mind went as the result of reading my recollection of innocent horseplay* indulged in by a couple who were fully clothed.

    I think I'd better err on the side of caution and not offer you any mores Pezs until you've cooled your jets some.

    *That's "horse", Sport, not "fore".

  91. "Anonymous said...

    The US army is a civilian led army under control of Barak Obama, who was elected by the majority of US citizens."

    Despite the fact that he may not be eligible for office or, perhaps, even be a citizen. But why bother with a mere technicality.

  92. none of the above3/7/11, 8:42 PM

    If you're waiting till your wife hits 40 to try for that one kid you've decided you want, your physical strength or willingness to be violent are probably not having much effect on your fitness in the evolutionary sense.

  93. >White Nationalists/HBDers want everyone to believe that black hate crimes are not reported. Not true. Racially motivated violence of any kind will receive media coverage.<

    Oh, it will, will it?

    Well, I feel reassured now.

    Like the Channon Christian/Chris Newsom rape-torture-murder did, eh?

    There was some local media coverage, but it was only after the "White Nationalists/HBDers" whom you so despise set up a roar that anyone more than 20 miles outside the area heard of it.

    "Racially motivated violence of any kind will receive..." You are good at writing the sort of language contained in corporate policy handbooks (what should be is how it is). You are much less good at, and evidently indifferent to, reporting reality (what actually is).

    "The government will treat all people fairly in racial matters."

    "No one will be ultimately discriminated against because of religion."

    "All evildoers will be found and punished."

    My God! What power and authority I must have! I merely have to type it, and it becomes reality! Rather addictive, that "should be = is" business.


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