March 2, 2011

Four helicopters

I was walking down the street last night and way to the south there were four helicopters hovering in a rough diamond. I figure there's a car chase down Ventura and they're filming it for the TV news, but the more I watch the more I realize they are a lot farther south, more like over Mulholland Drive at the top of the Hollywood Hills. And, they aren't following somebody driving 90 mph, they're just hovering there. So, I said to myself, "I bet they are hovering over Charlie Sheen's house."

And I was right.


  1. Charlie needs some Stingers.

  2. Im afraid Sheen has committed a career "no-no".

    It wasn't shooting Kelly Preson, beating up Densie Richards, tearing up hotel rooms, getting caught with drugs, being a client of Heidi Fleiss, threatening Brooke Mueller with a knife, or roughing up various hookers. It was something he said, something subtle, that gently reminded the public that all in Hollywood isn't what it seems. He named someone's "real name", and not their stage name-thats it.

    Then the media turned its dispossessed eye atop the tower or Barad-dur onto Charlie's drug-addled-body and the voice of Sauron the Deciever said, "I see you" and "you are wearing my ring, and I'll now take it back" to Charlie.

    His career is finished.

  3. Sailer has a mutant strong sense of intuition.

  4. Help me out, TV and YouTube watchers. What's some of the funniest shit Chuck has said?

    I was at a friend's the other day and saw a couple bites (I have tiger blood in my veins, I can slam 7 gram rocks and not die 'cuz I got it like that) but I want more. What did he say about his cheeseball dad? I just heard he badmouthed the patriarch but no details.

    Help a brotha out here.

  5. For all the talk about how negligent was the press in examining mental illness after the shooting at Va Tech a few years back and most recently after the slaughter committed by Jared Loughner, who most probably is paranoid schizophrenic, they are at it again.

    I don't know if Sheen's lack of impulse control led directly to drug use which then fried his brain which then caused this looney behavior or if mental illness, maybe a form of bi-polar, is the cause of his drug habit and has led to all his behavioral manifestations. Maybe he's just a damn narcissist who has done so many drugs his brain is forever gone. Chicken or the egg? Doesn't matter.

    It's depressing that we love to *watch* someone sink into this pit (oh, goodie, we get to watch), even more depressing to know that some real losers envy him.

    I want the cameras off him.

  6. Amazing. Imagine if you put that brain to work on HBD journalism or something.


  7. "Brooke Mueller, in court documents, has accused Charlie Sheen of sending an anti-semitic text message about his manager, Mark Burg. Mueller alleges that Sheen wrote, "I must execute mark b like the stoopid jew pig that he is."

    In addition to Sheen, Julian Assange and Christian Dior designer John Galliano are the latest anti-Semites to join the list. Gallian may face up to six months in prison and up to $30,000 in fines, if convicted for calling a woman a "dirty Jew face." Fortunately, the Pope let the Jews off the hook for killing Jesus...

  8. Regarding his dad Martin Sheen, Charlie was on 20/20 Tues night and he mentioned that he almost died at birth.

    The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was not breathing. Charlie said that his dad was "practicing his Catholicism with his Bible" and that the doctor admonished Mr. Sheen to stop that nonsense and to focus on helping the baby.

    Martin Sheen is half Irish and Half Galician Spanish, anybody know if Galician Spanish have trouble with alcohol like their cousins in Eire?

  9. "Martin Sheen is half Irish and Half Galician Spanish, anybody know if Galician Spanish have trouble with alcohol like their cousins in Eire?"

    Galicians are Celts. As such they may have a drinking problem.

  10. Four helicopters? Somebody better clear that airspace!

    ""I'm sorry, man, but I've got magic. I've got poetry in my fingertips. Most of the time — and this includes naps — I'm an F-18, bro. And I will destroy you in the air. I will deploy my ordinance to the ground."

    (ital mine, the poetry above all Charlie)

  11. Were they black?

  12. Emphasizing that Chuck Lorre changed his name to something less ethnic is pretty rich coming from a guy who started life as Carlos Estevez.

  13. "Were they black?"

    Nah, the press would be a whole lot tougher on Chuck if he were.

  14. "Truth said...

    "Were they black?"

    Nah, the press would be a whole lot tougher on Chuck if he were."

    She meant the helicopters, dipshit. Try reading before you troll.

  15. Would it be fair to say that part of the reason so many celebrities do such stupid sh** is that their moronic fan base idolizes them to the point where the celebs can lose touch with reality and start believing that they are more important and deserving than they are?

  16. "The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was not breathing."

    Seems it did some damage.

  17. I keep expecting that on one of those interviews, Charlie will face the camera, reach behind his head and pull off his "Mission Impossible" rubber face mask and reveal - Lindsey Lohan.


  18. Why not just leave the guy alone?

  19. Anonymous: I think that was true at one time, but it seems as if lately the various tabloids and gossip sites admit - indeed, revel in - the fact that these celebrities are awful people, yet follow their every move anyway.

  20. "Martin Sheen is half Irish and Half Galician Spanish, anybody know if Galician Spanish have trouble with alcohol like their cousins in Eire?"

    All I know is that I've once seen someone try to explain Fidel Castro's independent-mindedness, stubborness and loquatiousness through his Galician heritage.

  21. You know what's the worst thing about these types of posts? That our resident troll Anon never comments on them. His inane, irrelevant appeals to the perceived wisdom have grown on me; I almost feel like I need to post on his behalf. So here goes:

    "You should be happy, Steve, that the white police are coming down hard on a successful Hispanic man like Carlos Estevez. After all, with him out of the way, they'll be more room in hollywood for members of the white nationalist tribe like yourself."

    So, how'd I do?

  22. Would it be fair to say that part of the reason so many celebrities do such stupid sh** is that their moronic fan base idolizes them to the point where the celebs can lose touch with reality and start believing that they are more important and deserving than they are?

    Sure. I don't think that's all that new, though. What's relatively new is the extravagant levels of wealth and technology that allowed the dramatic expansion of the celebrity class and the reach of celebrity itself.

  23. Mr. Anon, I think that Truth was being facetious!

  24. I was born exactly one day after Charlie Sheen and if I partied as hard as he does I would be in the hospital! It is going to catch up to him sooner than he thinks!

  25. "She meant the helicopters, dipshit."

    Again, Grasshopper, it's called satire.

  26. Yes, Anon, it would be fair. Look at Ayn Rand.

  27. Again, Grasshopper, it's called satire.

    I thought satire was supposed to be funny. That's the best way to avoid the confusion, I think.

  28. Wow it must cost a lot of money to have 4 helicopters hover that long.

    I wonder if this is what causes most UFO sightings?

  29. "I thought satire was supposed to be funny. That's the best way to avoid the confusion, I think."

    Was that satire?

    Was it funny?

  30. Sheen's success on "Men" was being the bad boy women hoped to tame in real life. His show was the #1 comedy, held an astonishing 75% of the original ratings in repeats (most do about 30-45%), and brought in about $1 billion combined profit for the Studio and CBS.

    BUT .. the thing that Sheen did was destroy his bad boy image by replacing it with "crazy." Women will make excuse after excuse for an Alpha Male, but not so much for a guy thought of as "Crazy." If Mel Gibson had not had the "crazy" tag his anti-semitic remarks would not have hurt him. Sheen pointing out his producer Lorre/Levine is Jewish would have been shrugged off by his female fanbase, but he ruined things for himself by acting/sounding/looking crazy.

    Women will forgive (in general) ANYTHING an Alpha Male does. Crazy = beta male, and women are unforgiving for men who are no longer sexy.

    Sheen was accused of stabbing a former girlfriend. Of threatening to kill soon to be ex-wife with a knife on Christmas Day. Of beating Denise Richards. Of shooting Kelly Preston. None of this deterred or put off his female fanbase, he was just that more of the bad boy to tame. He now looks sick, unwell, unsteady, and crazy.

    He's done.

  31. "Im afraid Sheen has committed a career "no-no".

    It wasn't shooting Kelly Preson, beating up Densie Richards, tearing up hotel rooms, getting caught with drugs, being a client of Heidi Fleiss, threatening Brooke Mueller with a knife, or roughing up various hookers."

    I thought you were going to say, it was smoking a cigarette in plain view.
    Gilbert Pinfold.

  32. "BUT .. the thing that Sheen did was destroy his bad boy image by replacing it with "crazy." Women will make excuse after excuse for an Alpha Male, but not so much for a guy thought of as "Crazy." If Mel Gibson had not had the "crazy" tag his anti-semitic remarks would not have hurt him. Sheen pointing out his producer Lorre/Levine is Jewish would have been shrugged off by his female fanbase, but he ruined things for himself by acting/sounding/looking crazy."

    I thought, when commenters here were making the case that Jewish power is the cause of the downfall of Mel Gibson, you said no, it was women's fault that Mel got in hot water for his remarks, that he's no longer "alpha" because he's old.

    And I thought you said at the time, too, that Charlie can get away with anything because he's (still) "alpha" to women (being younger). You didn't say anything about "crazy = beta" then.

    Tom Cruise's couch-jumping excitement for Katie Holmes (how crazy / therefore "beta" can you *get*?) didn't prevent women from flocking to see him in Valkyries.

  33. "Sheen's success on "Men" was being the bad boy women hoped to tame in real life."

    Wiskey, I'll bet the most devoted, the most ardent Sheen fans are guys. They watch Monday Night Football, then tune in to "Men."

    If football runs over it, they catch the re-runs. The guys would be early middle-aged, balding, and pot-bellied and use Charlie's character for a half hour, living vicariously through him.

    The best part of the show is (or at least was when he was younger) the kid.

  34. Good thing too. Otherwise, they would have hovered over Sailer's house.

  35. "'Every time I cross this border I feel like I've left the land of lunatics. You are not armed and dangerous. You do not shoot each other ... I always feel a bit more human when I come here.'"

    Martin Sheen September 2003

    The Wit and Wisdom of Martin Sheen

    "No father could ever be prouder of his son. I hold Charlie's accomplishments dearer than my own."

    Martin Sheen on his all-American boy, Charlie

    Martin Sheen Summary

    Apparently, Charlie's not the only member of the Estevez family whose long-time substance abuse has diminished his clarity of thought. Or it could be just the typical left-wing hypocrisy: gun control and sanity for thee but not for me (and mine).

  36. (Michael Farris)

    "Would it be fair to say that part of the reason so many celebrities do such stupid sh** ....?"

    Losing touch with reality is one small part. The easier explanation is that people who aspire to be celebrities are mostly just not very stable to begin with.

  37. And I thought you said at the time, too, that Charlie can get away with anything because he's (still) "alpha" to women (being younger). You didn't say anything about "crazy = beta" then.

    That's what's so neat about post hoc predictions: they have an accuracy rate of 100%.

  38. "Dahinda said...

    Mr. Anon, I think that Truth was being facetious!"

    I think he was being stupid. It's a reasonable assumption given his history on this site.

  39. Hey Abdullah, I never got around to a "my bad" on the "you're full of it" comment I made in the face morphing thread, bad.

  40. Was that satire?

    Was it funny?

    You lost me. Not that that's hard to do lately, what with all the 7 gram rocks me and Chuck have been bangin'.


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