April 18, 2011

A prediction

Over the last few decades, our society has made impressive progress on solving one of the two main hurdles -- crime and schools -- to raising a middle class family in dense urban neighborhood. We reduced the crime rate through a variety of means, the most obvious of which has been by throwing a huge number of guys in jail, most of them minorities. 

In 1974, Harvard political scientist James Q. Wilson published a little book called Thinking About Crime in which he said that the best way to fight crime is lock more criminals up for longer periods. You see, he explained, when they're in prison, they can't victimize people who aren't in prison. This concept was very controversial at the time. Wilson's plan to fight crime by locking up criminals would obviously inflict disparate impact discrimination upon minorities, and that was just inconceivable to most advanced thinkers in 1974. 

Eventually, however, that's exactly what we started doing. And, in the long run, it worked. 

Today, you aren't supposed to remember this or think about it, but very few people are much bothered by it. Between 1981 and the early 1990s, I had my car windows smashed four or five times by criminals. I bought a new car in 1988 without a radio so that the bastards wouldn't smash my windows to steal it. So my wife bought a $10 transistor radio so she could listen to tinny-sounding music while she was driving. And they smashed my window and stole her radio and fenced it for about a buck. 

But I haven't had that happen to me since the mid-1990s. Why not? Well, for one reason is that a lot of these bastards got caught and locked up. Some of the criminals who did this to me may well be still in prison for other stuff they did.

Guess what? I sure don't miss that aspect of The Old Days: walking to my car and finding its windows smashed. Most people don't.

What about schools? How will today's well-educated young white urbanites figure out a way to educate their kids in public schools in urban neighborhoods? 

I don't know, but I suspect the SWPLs will eventually solve this problem. There is simply too much talent that wants to live downtown and, eventually, raise their kids there for this problem to go unsolved forever. I suspect the solutions will turn out to be about as racially insensitive as the solutions for crime turned out to be. 

My guess is that smart white urbanites will figure out ways to keep most non-Asian minority children out of their own kids' urban public schools. Sure, it sounds inconceivable today, but the real estate is so valuable that tomorrow's SWPLs will figure out ways to do it. 

And, at some point, they'll just do it

After it's done, it will be considered in as bad taste for any uncouth person to point out that the reason Ansel Jr.'s public high school school in the city in 2031 is almost all white or Asian is because white people pushed through reforms that had massive disparate impact on blacks and Hispanics as it is considered uncouth today to point out that Park Slope or Silver Lake or wherever is now full of white people because white people a few decades ago pushed through reforms that locked up lots of black and Hispanic people. 

But, it will happen.


  1. I was just reading that many states are starting to cut their prison budgets by releasing inmates early, and not by not incarcerating so many in the first place, thru non-imprisonment sentencing, etc. Seems we're coming full-circle back to the 1970s.

  2. This is going to happen to Chicago under Rahm Emmanuelle. For example, Chicago recently passed an ordinance "greenifying" diesel pickup trucks used by contractors. Guess who the majority of contractors are in Chicago?

  3. It seems like a sure way to make yourself hated is to state clearly "shameful" principles on which "respectable" people in fact act (but don't want to admit to acting upon).

    Virtually every SWPL out there -- certainly every SWPL with school-age children -- is walking around with a deep, dark secret they can't admit to anyone: in their actions, and hence in their innermost thoughts, they are as "racist" as Steve Sailer. Paradoxically, the fact that the SWPLs themselves are at least as "racist" as Steve is the source of the hysteria with which they denounce him. For someone with secret "racist" thoughts they try to conceal from everyone, there's a kind of psychological RELIEF which comes from denouncing Steve: "I'M not the racist -- Steve Sailer is!!" It's almost akin to "slut shaming" by women who are themselves kind of slutty: "I'M not the slut, SHE is!!"

    It follows from this that denunciations of "racism" are particularly noticeable among SWPL women, who, like all women, have to worry about being raped. In their heart of hearts, they know that "youths" pose much more of a rape threat, and take actions to try to avoid this. And then to make up for their own "thoughtcrime" they all the more hysterically denounce it in others. I wonder how many of these Slate-Salon-NYT women writers send their high-school age kids to the DC-NYC public schools, or walk around black areas at night. (Not many).

    Another blogger who invites hysterical reactions of this kind is Roissy. Again, women don't like seeing the dark, secret impulses which actually motivate their sexual behavior brought to light, and so they shoot the messenger.

  4. they've started, havent they? there are already urban public schools that seem to get away with white/Asianness. also what's the difference between Silver Lake and "downtown." I mean, SWPLs already have their white schools in places like Park Slope because they pushed the minorities out. they can just turn any other "downtowns" into Park Slopes.

  5. Charter schools, Waiting for Superman, Section 8 "banlieueization" of the welfare class along with "Parisification" of increasingly expensive city real estate... We're starting to see the outlines of a comprehensive solution. Even $4 gas tends to make everyone a bit less mobile and keeps people close to their own neighborhoods, meaning that high gas prices are not really a bad thing for the urbanizing SWPL crowd. Keep an eye on where they build, and where they don't build, public transportation in and out of the new Whiteopias, and also what happens to school district borders and busing programs following the 2007 Parents Involved Supreme Court case.

  6. "My guess is that smart white urbanites will figure out ways to keep most non-Asian minority children out of their own kids' urban public schools."

    Ohh, ohh, Mr Sailer, Mr Sailer! My hand is up. I know the answer.

    Check out on the internet the Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY), run by Stanford University. It provides e-learning courses for "gifted and talented students." With a program like this, in theory you don't have to exclude non-gifted, untalented students, but what are the chances they will sign up? You then pool with local parents to set up an e-classroom somewhere in your neighborhood where a proctor, whose salary is a shared expense, keeps the students safe and handles minor discipline problems. These aren't schools -- they are just screening rooms for smart, non-disruptive kids watching lecturers in Palo Alto. So they aren't subject to title IX or anything: it's cooperative daycare.

  7. Oops, I had a typo in my previous comment. It should have been: "...and by not incarcerating so many in the first place..."

    It wasn't supposed to be a double negative.

  8. Captain Jack Aubrey4/18/11, 10:21 PM

    "My guess is that smart white urbanites will figure out ways to keep most non-Asian minority children out of their own kids' urban public schools."

    Non-Jewish whites don't stick together. They simply don't. The day they begin to ignore other cultural differences (gay v. straight, religious v. agnostic) and stick together, US politics will change forever.

    It already seems to be getting easier to get liberal friends to admit what they would not have before. I'm still not certain it will happen, or will happen in time to make a difference. However, I think an economy that continues to stagnate will speed the process along.

    One policy that I think would help the white reconquista is granting more favorable tax treatment to home remodeling expenses, especially in "urban" neighborhoods. This could be done under the guise of reducing sprawl, and it would only benefit those people who itemize, i.e., disproportionately whites and Asians.

  9. I agree 100%. I recently moved to milwaukee and everyone said, "don't live in the city and send your kids to mps." i agreed, but i also thought that, "crap, in 6 years or so, the suburbs will be dead, and everyone (who is white) will live in the city and my suburban home will be worth shit." I didn't know what to do. I bought a home in cedarburg. Hopefully, the white suburban paradigm will last long enough to get my kids through school.

  10. In short, virtual learning is the key. Any learning enterprise based on bricks and mortar schools, run by government employees, can be appropriated for NAM enrollment. The profile of high achieving whites and Asians -- self-disciplined, curious, goal oriented -- nullifies the need for a dedicated, physical space for lessons, managed by bureaucrats.

    If you don't need a free lunch, you don't need a lunchroom.

  11. Brilliant article. I used to think that problems needed to be handled explicitly if we were to make progress, but I guess a lot can be accomplished by lying to ourselves. Obviously, Whites have put policies in place that keep criminals (mostly minorities) off the street. But they don't talk about it.

    My only concern is how demographically different will America be in 20 years? Could the changes be so large as to make these programs impossible? Can we just keep locking up more and more Blacks and Hispanics?

  12. It won't happen Steve. Already the literati in NYC are pining for the bad old days of the 1970s. Laurie Anderson, Tina Brown, etc. want to bring back crime and graffiti and seamy sex shops in Times Square. As LBK notes, prisoners will have to be let go to spend money on illegals and their descendants in most states.

    Basically, most SWPL are not having kids. White TFR is around 1.4 IIRC. Whites just won't have kids, too expensive. Latinos have kids at 16 -- welfare transfer payments from Whites pay for them. Unaffordable family formation on both ends!

  13. It's already happening, private schools that are not parochial and not Harvard Westlake, charter schools that are far removed from the big public high schools we went to. Look at the late Lily Burk, who despite her mother's extreme SWPL liberalism, attended a school that (from memory, I looked it up at the time), which is abot 70% white. No need to note that is at sharp variance with the teen demographics of LA. The other day there was a lock down of a studio city elementary (on SeƱor Solano made that necessary). All the kids I saw in the video were white (and, I suspect, most were a subgroup of white)

    BTW Lily Burk's father Greg Burk seems to have made his return to journalism with an LAT article slagging off Catholicism, except for recent actions which make it and its doctrine more acceptable to Jews. Strange for a former music opinionator interested in something called Metal-Jazz (I believe it was.) A strange turn, but I guess trauma will do that to you.

  14. This seems to be happening via economics.

    Blacks are being financially driven out of the tony white/asian areas of SF, LA, NY, DC, etc. Hispanics somehow manage to hang on, but are not usually a major disruption.

    The problem is, like most good things in America, this too is becoming a winner-take-all scenario. Only the very elite can afford to live in Palo Alto or NE DC - the middle classes are screwed.

    Most urban public schools will continue their downward spiral. Private schools and homeschooling will probably increasngly be solutions for non-elite white/asians to escape the destruction of our public schools.

  15. Frank Zimring's The Great American Crime Decline devotes chapter 5 to a comparison with Canada. They had a similar crime wave from roughly the ’60s through the ’80s, followed by a steady decline of similar magnitude as in the US up through today.

    However, Canada didn’t greatly change its rate of imprisonment or of policemen per capita (p.121):

    “For the period 1980-2000, the imprisonment rate tripled in the United States and increased by 4% in Canada.”

    In Canada, “The number of police officers grew only 3,000 in 20 years after 1980, failing by far to keep pace with population growth. During the 1990s [when crime steadily fell], the employment of police per 100,000 population fell from 204 to 183, almost exactly 10%. No precise numbers are available on the expansion in police in the United States, but there is universal agreement that there was an expansion. The estimate used in chapter 4 was Stephen Levitt’s 14% for the 1990s.”

    The only big similarity between the US and Canada was a change in the share of the population filled by males aged 15-29. Up during high-crime times, down during low-crime times. It was only a weak or moderate explanatory variable, though.

  16. Regardless of what solution the swpls come up with, before long the leftists will get wise to it and deploy counter-measures. Never underestimate the ability of radicals to throw wrenches into the workings of society.

    So rather than a once-and-for-all permanent solution, this is likely to be a never-ending chess game. Once side makes a move, then the other, ad infinitum.

  17. International Jew4/18/11, 10:45 PM

    OT, but Edwin Rubenstein is quoted, at length, in the MSM, in an article that is otherwise pure propaganda for illegal immigration:

  18. In fact, none of the obvious policy measures that we took can explain the crime decline. That's why everyone believed, right up through the early and mid 1990s, that things were only going to get worse.

    After all, the NAM fraction of the country was going to increase, there was a forecast for a slight rise in young males during the '90s, illegitimacy rates ditto, and so on. The tough-on-crime measures begun over a decade earlier didn't seem to be having any effect -- too many replacement criminals for those who were removed.

    Since the only consistent change that criminologists find in the crime rate going up or down is simply the share of the population that's young males -- which is not the result of government action -- policy more or less doesn't have any effect positive or negative.

    Zimring mentions that by the mid-'70s, both liberal and conservative criminologists had given up any hope of figuring out how to reduce crime, since controlled experiments to add more cops, lock more people up, etc., to a test-case community, compared to a control community, didn't reduce crime rates.

  19. New World Order4/18/11, 10:59 PM

    Concentrating the swpls in the big cities will make it easier for us to nuke them. It's all going according to our plans. Hahahahahahahahahah.

  20. This sort of thing goes back and forth. Crime gets out of hand, so liberals finally decide on tough measures and take conservative actions. Things greatly improve, and white folks begin to sigh with relief and cook up new 'progressive' schemes that will weaken the 'conservative' approach and bring back the old problem.

    The funny paradox is that the success of conservative social and economic policies lead to more liberalism. When people feel richer and more secure, they feel more do-goody. It was in the dot.com bubble yrs--when people felt soooooo rich--that some were seriously discussing 'reparations' for slavery. But once the bubble went pop, the idea fizzled out--though I suppose the Housing Bubble was kinda sold as a defacto '40 acres and a mule' for every black(and even brown)family. But that took another bubble to turn people into do-good airheads.

  21. Freakonomics ... abortion ...

  22. "Virtually every SWPL out there -- certainly every SWPL with school-age children -- is walking around with a deep, dark secret they can't admit to anyone: in their actions, and hence in their innermost thoughts, they are as "racist" as Steve Sailer."

    They are reluctant 'racists' who won't admit it. We are reluctant 'racists' who will admit it.
    In contrast, STORMFRONT and NATION OF ISLAM guys are willful 'racists' who get a kick out of hating people who are different. Some people just hate to hate.

    I don't think swapples nor we want to 'hate' or 'fear' anyone. But reality is reality, and some groups are fearful and/or not very likable. Swapples feel this but won't admit it. We feel it and will admit it. We are more honest than swapples and more decent than outright 'racists' like Farrakhan and Neo-Nazis.

  23. "Concentrating the swpls in the big cities will make it easier for us to nuke them. It's all going according to our plans. Hahahahahahahahahah."

    Use the neutron bomb. Save the museums.

  24. Praying for the day.

    "In their heart of hearts, [SWPL women] know that 'youths' pose much more of a rape threat, and take actions to try to avoid this."

    This hypocrisy makes their criminally stupid SlutWalk anti-anti-rape "nothing we do could possibly make us responsible for the consequences" protests even more despicable.

  25. I don't have that much faith in the SWPL crowd, that they'd be able implement anything that would solve the school problem. After all, the other part of the formula, that of locking up more career malefactors, doesn't seem to have been very appealing to their sensitivities; we'd still be waiting were it up to them to make it happen. However, they seem to be enjoying the benefits of an invigorated police and prison service industry and now live in areas they previously would have avoided.
    I suppose if they have a large enough geographic area as a base that's nearly all white then they can push for a neighborhood school system, with no inflow from other parts of the city. They can then work on the quality of their local schools. That seems to be one possibility.
    Unfortunately, the just announced new CEO of the CPS is just another nattily dressed black man. You know the type: expensive suit, well groomed hair, good talker, a "reformer" who'll probably rack up a lot of expensive meals on his expense account. How amenable he'll be in helping white parents with the things they care about can only be guessed at.

  26. Why not just be open, honest and upfront about it - just like Little Rock High School, Arkansas 1957, for example - and formally introduce racial segregation?

    Perhaps blunt, bluff honesty is always the best policy.

  27. In terms of their utter uselesness and destructiveness 'criminologists' run economists a very close second.
    I well remember, back in the 70s that the prevailing opinion amongst 'clever' criminologists (ie pompous hairy men with bull voices and strings of credentials), was that not only was prison destructive to the 'dignity and psyche' of the poor put upon societal victim, it also simply did not work (ie 'reform' the offender and stop recidivism).
    The left took to this like a duck to water (the analogy to immigration is obvious), and power forces pushed this limp-wristed lefty line as official policy - the right agreed too, strangely.Another symptom of this wimp thinking pushed by elites is the move to abolish the death penalty (which,is, apparently pushed with almost religious moral fervor by the 'human dignity' brigade, it being deified as an article of faith just like the other martyr heroic causes like 'race and gender equality' - all of these causes, ironically the left will kill and maim with no mercy to uphold).
    Anyhow, as Stve relates the 'clever criminologists' were just a load of worthless wankers whose opinions mattered less than your garbage man's - and cost the public a damn sight more to support to boot - Crime sky-rocketed once the 'remedies' were applied.
    The moral here is that social scietists, especially the left leaning sort, are not oly wrong, wrong, wrong ass over tit wrong in fact, but in actual fact incalculably destructive.

  28. Magnet programs are located in urban schools, but the magnet students don't interact at all with the regular students as I understand. SWPLs will come up with some kind of special academies- strictly as an educational reform, of course! not to keep their children away from minorities! for their own kids.

  29. I am Lugash.

    Hmm, when reading this I swore it was satire.

    You're assuming that crime will be kept under control.

    We've had to hire a lot more cops and pay them a fair amount. Manpower and/or salary cuts could could quickly kill their motivation.

    Ditto for prison cutbacks and DoJ destruction of hiring standards.

    My personal criminal indicators(graffiti, panhandling, parking lot grifters) have shot up dramatically over the past year, coinciding with minor cutbacks in our police force.

    The criminal element is surpressed, but not gone.

    I am Lugash.

  30. Perhaps some kind of new environmental policies can be used to re-segregate schools. May sound crazy but look at what Portland has accomplished via such laws and other restrictions on building new homes. Never underestimate the cleverness of SWPLs. Of course, it doesn't help the rest of us Whites any.

    Speaking of environmentalism, does anyone know why EO Wilson has so personally attacked Bjorn Lomborg the Skeptical Environmentalist). Lomborg seems like a pretty honest guy to me. It hurts me to see Wilson attack him like this, because I have admired Wilson for his courage early in his career.

    Wilson knows what it is like to be unfairly attacked, so why would he subject Bjorn Lomborg to the same treatment? There seems to be a real bitter edge to it. I can't justify Wilson savaging someone who has a different take on Global Warming.

  31. White TFR is around 1.4 IIRC.

    LOL. Whiskey can write the most arrant nonsense without missing a beat. He's a natural liar and bullshitter.

  32. Chicago turned over Cabrini Green to the developers as the land was simply too valuable for public housing. Magnet and charter schools are becoming more common as a way to get mostly white and Asian public schools in the city. Roscoe Village, which used to be full of black gang bangers, is now a mecca for white yuppies with small children. The white reconquista indeed...

  33. "My guess is that smart white urbanites will figure out ways to keep most non-Asian minority children out of their own kids' urban public schools."

    Probably push them into the suburbs or small towns where your readers live...

    The strong do what they wish, the weak suffer what they must. We're talking about political weakness as you guys could probably beat the SWPLs in a stand-up fight, of course...

  34. In particular, I think the mechanism will be gentrification. Once the cities are white and yellow, they can send their kids there.

  35. "Non-Jewish whites don't stick together. They simply don't. The day they begin to ignore other cultural differences (gay v. straight, religious v. agnostic) and stick together, US politics will change forever"

    Individual white ethnies (Irish, Italian, and of course Jewish) have been forming blocs in the cities for a while now. You have to think you're a minority to form a bloc. Even in the South Jim Crow was strongest in the majority-black states.

  36. "They are reluctant 'racists' who won't admit it. We are reluctant 'racists' who will admit it.
    In contrast, STORMFRONT and NATION OF ISLAM guys are willful 'racists' who get a kick out of hating people who are different. Some people just hate to hate."

    Wow, that kind of sums up this whole site. Might not be necessary to read it anymore ;)

  37. I would guess that your observation about radios has a lot to do with the fact that consumer electronics have become a lot cheaper.

    If you were buying a stereo for your car, would you try to save money by buying a used one? Probably not, as most people don't buy used electronics anymore.

    So there really isn't a market for hot car radios anymore.

    Anyway, I agree it's interesting how America's prisons don't mirror America's racial makeup and yet Leftists don't make a big deal about it. Possibly the liberal leadership in the US has made a calculated decision that this is a losing issue for them.

  38. Yeah right.

    Perhaps one day westerners might wake up and realise that although they are getting poorer and poorer and theie economies increasingly bombed out, China is still getting richer at a rate of knots.
    Perhaps they might figure out it's something to do with the globalists, elitists, the political class, 'free trade' and 'clever' economists who set the lead.
    But then again they might not.
    In any case don't hold your breath.

  39. Steve,

    You used to live in Chicago. Google "Bell School District" and you'll see that this has already happened.

  40. White people will still be around in 2031?

  41. Henry Canaday4/19/11, 4:30 AM

    The other way to cut crime is to catch and punish criminals earlier in their careers, but punish them more briefly. Less crime. Less misery for the law-abiding. Less wasted time by the criminally disposed.

    But the Supreme Court effectively forbade this approach in the sixties, so we went with the dumb, miserable but effective solution. Liberalism ties its own shoelaces together.


  42. I well remember, back in the 70s that the prevailing opinion amongst 'clever' criminologists (ie pompous hairy men with bull voices and strings of credentials), was that not only was prison destructive to the 'dignity and psyche' of the poor put upon societal victim, it also simply did not work (ie 'reform' the offender and stop recidivism).

    Here in Australia, outgoing director of public prosecutions for New South Wales, Nicholas Cowdery, objected to longer prison terms because, quoting him from memory, "the immediate result would be more people in prison." That was his objection. Hard to see how you can win against people with that mindset.

    If someone's charged with a crime it's fairly likely that he's committed other crimes prior to being charged, so keeping people like him in prison for as much of the potential prime of his criminal career (age-wise) as possible seems like a good idea to me. Now, the idea that this is destructive to the prisoner's psyche is at least plausible, in which case, okay fine, make the prison experience less destructive to the psyche -- but keep the bastard in prison. Win-win! But no, liberals still insist this solution "doesn't work."

    (This isn't to say lengthy prison terms are necessarily appropriate for minor or petty crimes. Imprisoning people for petty crimes could well be likely to upgrade their criminal skill-sets and harden their antisocial attitudes, resulting in more impactful recidivism on release.)

  43. Steve, you're assuming that large numbers of swipples want to have kids. In reality I suspect that fewer of them want to have kids than have ever wanted them in any human population. To anyone who says that modern Germany or Italy are even worse off, I'll say that Germans and northern Italians are ALL swipples. Euro-Americans have still retained some working-class and religious-minded elements. The birth rate among American swipples is probably similar to the native German birth rate, meaning it's the lowest ever recorded on Earth and still falling.

    How much political pull this dwindling population's very lukewarm desire to have kids can have I don't know.

  44. Incarceration has helped lower the property crime rate, but isn't another factor easy credit?

    If unskilled young thugs can't get cheap credit to help them masquerade as, say, Pitbull's cousin, they're going to look pretty pathetic in the prole "dating" market. A pretty powerful incentive - practically an obligation - to rip off Whitey's property.

  45. Similar discussions have been going in Israel for many, many years. The Jews need a way to discriminate against Christians and Muslims that is not incredibly obvious.

    One of the ways that members of the Knesset considered to get money to Jews (5-10 years ago) was to provide welfare payments to families who had more than 5 kids apiece.

    As the advocates for the law explained in the Jewish press, most Christians and Muslims stop at 5 kids and most fundamentalist Jews have 6 or more. By picking 5 kids as the cutoff, they could provide welfare primarily to Jews.

    Another method is using apartment complex/neighborhood committees to determine whether potential new residents would be "compatible" with the existing residents.

    Jews can be very creative when it comes to their racial survival and dominance. Israel is a valuable testbed to monitor for effective racial and ethnic control.

    For sheer effectiveness, one has to admire their commitment to race purity and racial control in their homeland.

  46. You have written for today a rare optimistic essay. I'm optimistic too but on a longer timescale. I'm less so about the near future.

    Your prediction makes some sense in a future where things are pretty much the same as they are today. But that seems quite unlikely given US and world economics.

    The debt ceiling will be raised in the near future and there will very likely be a successor to QE-2.

    The FED has been buying up all the toxic assets of the housing bubble. They are in effect printing money. There have been a number of consequences already. Commodity inflation is the one most easily understood. Investors move their assets into gold and silver and out of dollars, commodities like wheat push up weekly groceries bills and the price of gas soars. Because the dollar is - for now - the world reserve currency, wheat and oil are priced in dollars. Thus our monetary policies have repercussions in foreign lands.

    The Egyptian riots started as food riots. Some of that was because of bad crops in Ukraine and a little of it was the US gasohol nonsense, but most of the rest was because QE-2 drives up the price of food both here and abroad. The "Arab Spring" is a hunger for bread as much as it is a hunger for democracy.

    S&P's report yesterday on American credit worthiness is yet another indication that the dollar as we know may be on its last legs. Other nations are trying to decouple themselves from us. If and when that happens we lose a lot of our ability to borrow which may hasten the day of fiscal reckoning.

    We know that the privileged civil servants in Wisconsin are no more willing to reform than are the Greeks. We can foresee riots, strikes, and civil unrest all the way to the horizon.

    The Tea Party movement is probably just a foretaste of what is to come. They are a revolt of "The Makers" against "The Takers". In the simplest racial terms Whites (and Asians) versus the Blacks(and Hispanics).

    AFDC for example is an entitlement program. It is also a largely a Black program. Cutting back AFDC or eliminating it altogether, will give us Whites in the streets wanting to save money and Blacks in the street trying to preserve their current benefits. If America takes a serious economic downturn as many predict, a lot of the Mexican illegal alien problem disappears as the illegals realize that it's cheaper and easier to live back home when you are unemployed.

    Entitlement reform in a future, poorer America will likely exclude illegal Mexicans from schools and hospitals too.

    The Makers vs. Takers confrontations should tend to raise race consciousness. I suspect that we won't have time for race stealthy policies to be created that act the way you describe.


  47. Steve, they're doing it in Dallas. Check out the background on Woodrow Wilson High in East Dallas. SWPL parents have carved out a significantly white haven in the midst of DISD, which is almost 90 percent black and brown.

  48. Basically, most SWPL are not having kids. White TFR is around 1.4 IIRC.

    White TFR is around 1.8 - 1.9. This includes lower class whites, Mormons, Amish, etc., so its not just SWPLs. I bet the TFR rate for college-educated folks of no particular religious affiliation (a good proxy for SWPLs) is pretty darn low. Not that 1.8 isn't low already.

    -Osvaldo M.

  49. Home-schooling has increased exponentially over the last couple of years. It seems that the trade-off between living in a city versus a life-less suburbs out in the boonies has become too great (especially with the continued gentrification in some cities).
    I plan to home-school my children, even if I can afford private school or if the public ones are devoid of NAMS. The culture itself is sick and I don't want my kids near it. I'm not religious, btw.

  50. If you want to live in the city you have to know when to buy(move in) and when to sell(get the hell out).The smart money buys low and after the area becomes gentrified and well to do, it then sends in ghetto peoples to destroy the area. You job is to know when to sell before economic disaster strikes. When you buy at the tail end housing is overly expensive and the realestate taxes will kill you if you are of modest means.

  51. I don't know the answer. But maybe Tyler Yglesias will know it when he graduates from the U Street Hockey Academy in 25 years.

  52. "As the advocates for the law explained in the Jewish press, most Christians and Muslims stop at 5 kids and most fundamentalist Jews have 6 or more. By picking 5 kids as the cutoff, they could provide welfare primarily to Jews."

    Would you mind providing a link to some of these articles?


  53. "The major cities are all getting Whiter, as the high-IQ White liberals drive the Blacks and Hispanics out to regions populated primarily by low-IQ Whites "

    Yes, but they don't want to drive NAMs too far away. Somebody needs to come to their townhouse and clean the landslides off the back of their toilets.

  54. Instead of locking up more blacks and Hispanics, swapple elites may relocate them by policy or economic pressures to middle-class/lower-middle-class/working-class/poor-class conservative white communities. Or Hispanics may be used more as a buffer. (Who cares if the OTHER whites--the bigots--are victimized by black crime? They probably deserve it, like the white victims of black violence in South Africa. And who care if a 11 yr old Hispanic girl is raped? Not NY Times.) We are seeing many blacks return to the South cuz there are no jobs in the North where the economy is geared toward the 'creative class'. So, more blacks will head south and take over 'red states' and victimize those evil rednecks who deserve to get their asses whupped by noble blacks who have a right to be enraged.
    Also, by social policy--in the name of integration--, government(both federal and local)will tear down more black housing in the city and send those folks out to the suburbs. White conservatives won't like it but won't protest either cuz they don't wanna sound 'racist'.

    In other words, swapples, in the name of 'integration' will work to integrate OTHER whites(especially conservatives)with blacks. Swapples will feel justified in forcing 'social justice' on all those 'racist' whites who don't wanna integrate. Swapples believe themselves to be living in 'diverse' cities; since they already practicing integration, they are not 'racist'; after all, NY liberal Jews are for the 'mosque' near 'ground zero'.

    Swapples believe that since they rub shoulders with their share of 'people of color' and blacks, white conservatives should be forced to do the same.

    Of course, swapple integration is a funny sort of thing. Where Obama came from, Hyde Park, I am told is both integrated and segregated. It's integrated in the sense that it's surrounded by the black community and is welcome to buppies(black yuppies). But the Hyde Park community itself is mostly white and Jewish and has little room for poor blacks.

  55. It's like, in the name of justice in jobs, swapples keep the fancy prestige jobs--lawyering, doctoring, 'creative', finance, etc--mostly to themselves while forcing white policemen, firemen, and lower-level workers to make room for less qualified blacks and Hispanics. This way, swapples get to have it both ways. They maintain an exclusive world of their own while feeling all high-and-mighty morally by helping blacks and Hispanics against those evil 'racist' whites.

    White liberals sacrifice less fortunate whites in the name of their moral superiority.
    Elena Kagan grew up in an exclusive world of her affluent Jewish/white kind but is working to undermine the security and safety of middle-class and lower-class whites.

    Globalism works the same way. We hear all this stuff about working and sharing with the rest of the world, but while middle class and working class lose(or 'share') their jobs to overseas laborers, the 'creative' class rake in more and more. In the new system, some people--swapples--are essential while the rest are expendable.

  56. Swapples don't care about crime rates as long as THEY aint getting mugged or murdered. If mostly rednecks, conservative whites, and blue-collar whites were getting killed or robbed, what do swapples care? It's like Jews care about dead Jews in Israel but don't care about dead Palestinians in Gaza or dead whites in South Africa. It's all about WHO WHOM. Swapples have devised a whomsday machine.

    In the past, blue-collar and middle class conservative reaction to crime did matter cuz America was majority white. Many blue-collar whites turned to the GOP cuz they got sick of crime and etc, which led to Nixon and Reagan's presidencies.
    But with white share of the population dwindling, swapples can cut a deal with 'people of color'. Swapples get to keep and even expand their own privilege while the neighborhoods and jobs of middle class and working class whites are flung wide open to non-whites.

    Obama, Sotomayor, and Holder understand the bargain.

    And by spreading the gay agenda to young kids everywhere, swapple elites have in effect castrated angry white males. When white males are raised to feel 'sensitive' to gays, they've lost it. And when white girls will not date anyone who is a 'homophobe', white males will have to be ever more 'sensitive' to win the hearts of girls.
    'Gay sensitivity' is a means to psychologically wussify white males. It's like goading Schwarzenegger to play a pregnant man, after which his career never rebounded.

  57. "I plan to home-school my children, even if I can afford private school or if the public ones are devoid of NAMS. The culture itself is sick and I don't want my kids near it."

    Exactly. I don't have kids but wouldn't want them near this culture if I did. I myself avoid it as much as possible. I find it demeaning and chaotic.

    I'm not religious, either.

  58. This is Sailer's most optimistic post ever. There are even ways to combine it with the new-ish swipple desire to put young blacks and Mexicans in more structured environments away from their mothers (the fathers are already gone).

    There seems to be a trend towards classifying a**holes as having various psychological disorders. As the tech to predict criminality and stupidity from fMRI or whatever, special programs for those 'disabled' kids will keep them away from the decent ones.

    Schools for savages, the genetic underclass, the criminal-welfare class, whatever we want to call them, will be boarding schools. They might not be called that, but it's the next step after school breakfasts, after school programs, etc. Depriving children of their mothers is cruel, but the mothers can't parent well enough [witness Sunday's NYT article or editorial on Caplan's new book: nature wins in the will-read-a-parenting-book classes. Nurture matters at the margins for the poor and deprived] The obvious swipple answer is improved nurture, and stupid black single moms will never be able to do it on their own. Odds are that underclass babymammas provide negative nurture, each night undoing all the good that nice white ladies did all day.

    So black kids will go into 24 hour a day 'schools.' Their mothers will also go into structured environments. Without kids in the home, they won't get welfare. They won't be more employable, and [unless repatriated] less dumb english-speaking latinas will drive most nominally middle class black women out of pink collar jobs. As feminists and other liberals like to point out, child support is for the child: that should apply regardless of who cares for the child. Instead of getting 'paid' for breeding, single moms who lose custody would effectively pay a per child tax for 18+ years. Some will get to go to jail for long periods of time when they don't pay. Without the welfare, they'll turn to crime like male blacks did. Working towards reducing the sex disparity in incarceration would take a while to pay off, but incarcerating the worst black women through their child-bearing years will have tremendous payoff. Hell, neglecting your children to the point the state takes them away should carry a mandatory min. prison sentence. What liberal will say that child abuse and neglect are good enough for black kids?

    Some kids are bads, they're just dumbs. What about the dumbs? Give them accelerated remedial classes. I like that phrase, very Orwellian. Since the dumbs keep falling behind in regular classes, they'll go into programs to the basics that they didn't learn the first few times around so that they'll bloom later. Of course, most will never catch up, and won't interfere with educating the average and smarter kids.

  59. Home schooling is the short-term answer that is available today.

    Longer term, I suspect we will see more of what we had when I was in grade school. When I was in grade school they had a system of "phases". We students took a yearly exam which measured academic knowledge. The results were in the form of reading percentiles and math/science percentiles, that is an 80 percentile meant you scored better than 80% of students in the same grade. Then you could take different "phase" classes, (also based on your grades). The end result was that I took only phase 4 and phase 5 classes all the way from grade 1 to 12. Even though there were about 10% AA's in my school, and another 10% rowdy "tough guy" white punk-types, I never had any of them in any class I took. It worked for me. Expect to see something like this in gentrifying urban school districts. The white and asian students will attend schools with the NAM's, but they will fill the phase 4 and phase 5 classes, and the phase 1 and phase 2 classes will all be 100% NAM's.

  60. Steve - I predict SWPLs will flee the cities to rural whitopias with a good internet connection and am arport. If neither is present when they get there, they'll build them.

    US cities are becoming increasingly crowded, expensive, dirty and dangerous. Municipal pay and pensions are being cut. The response by the public sector will be some good old-fashioned graft to maintain their living standards. For American SWPLs, it's much easier to move out than to hire bodyguards and buy kidnapping insurance just to say you live downtown.

  61. Legal segregation of public schools was problematic.

    Repeal the Civil Rights Act, let private housing discrimination prevail, and draw your school districts accordingly.

  62. Does anyone have statistics regarding white on white crime? Has this been disaggregated from general crime stats?

  63. Let's not forget SWPL's other favorite vehicle for for rehabbing recently hospitable neighborhoods and schools: Section 8 vouchers. Better to spread crime and blight among the working class neighborhoods than to have the riff-raff near their downtown loft or the Victorian in the urban core while they are renovating.

  64. The more SWPLs try to fix public schools, the more "racist" they will become. I just saw that with an artsy German acquaintance who is living in a gentrifying "diverse" neighborhood in Boston. He has a 6 year old, and apparently a bunch of SWPL parents with small children got together a few years ago and decided to "fix" the local public school. Apparently it's working pretty well in kindergarten and first grade, but the older grades - i.e. the kids born before the SWPL invasion, are still awful. Of course all the push for improving the school is coming from whites. This acquaintance was mentioning how frustrated he was that there seems to be no parental involvement from the black and latino parents, even of the children in his daughter's grade. They're happy to let whites push for better teachers, better administrators, better infrastructure, etc. but won't lift a finger to help. As a hard working German, this attitude is just incomprehensible to him. He wouldn't say it outright, but I could see the liberal illusions about race crumbling before his eyes.

  65. "AFDC for example is an entitlement program. It is also a largely a Black program."

    Not according to census statistics, they say that there are 1.5 million black mothers and 2.1 million white mothers on the program.


  66. Wes
    "My only concern is how demographically different will America be in 20 years? Could the changes be so large as to make these programs impossible? Can we just keep locking up more and more Blacks and Hispanics?"

    No. Even if only 1% of immigrants are criminals that's 10,000 extra every million - and it's a lot more than 1%. If the US had instituted the current prison program with closed borders as well then the US would be a low-crime paradise now.

    On top of that the average black IQ would have been increased through the black women all getting knocked up by the same small group of smarter guys who avoided prison.

  67. "The only big similarity between the US and Canada was a change in the share of the population filled by males aged 15-29. Up during high-crime times, down during low-crime times. It was only a weak or moderate explanatory variable, though."

    Crime is predominantly young males.

    The changing age structure in the western countries *should* have led to a drop in crime across the board. In reality the drop was masked or reversed in areas of high immigration depending on class / race / culture / gender and age distribution of the immigrants.

  68. Unpleasant times ahead. Invest in gold, silver, brass and lead!

  69. Who really cares if they create a SWPL utopia if we can't afford it?

  70. It has already happened.

    Houston ISD.

    Lamar HS and Bellaire HS.

  71. "Over the last few decades, our society has made impressive progress on solving one of the two main hurdles -- crime and schools -- to raising a middle class family in dense urban neighborhood."

    um, these only became problems when africans showed up in the cities. there was no "problem" before 1950, and cities were usually desirable places to live. this is what white flight was all about. there couldn't have been white flight if there were no europeans there to begin with. in 2011 even the word itself, "urban", has a strong connotation of "not european" when only 50 years ago or so, most cities were mostly european and had been for hundreds of years.

    i know you know that and i know that wasn't the point of your post, but, i think it has been so long now that most major urban centers were nearly 100% europeans that people have forgetten such a state of affairs even existed.

    this is not to say every single dense city was a paradise in the "bad old days" of a european united states, but plenty of dense urban cities were desirable places to live, and they did not have sky high crime or bad schools. before NAMs, being middle class in a city was common and not an intractable, impossible scenario.

  72. People fantasizing about the future on boards like this never take political power into account. Their fantasy is that even when whites become a minority they'll still have the money and somehow still control the society, control the destruction. They look around and see the vast number of non-whites today and think "Things are pretty much as they have been" but these minorities haven't started voting and and haven't seized political power yet. When they do you'll find out just how deluded you were. Though they are usually found together there is a difference between money and power, never forget that.

  73. Charles Murray wrote something similar on Custodial Democracy:

    "The social segregation of the underclass has been nearly perfected. We have not learnt how to compensate for the parenting deficits that cripple the lives of children of the underclass, but we have learnt how to avoid dealing with the consequences."

  74. SWPL's are a recent phenomenon that I suspect will be unrecognizable in a generation. White culture isn't static--it's incredibly volatile--and swipples may just be the hippies of today. For a segment of the current generation it may be the equivalent of the Lost Generation's moving to Paris; when the Depression came they returned home and got real jobs.

  75. Another method is using apartment complex/neighborhood committees to determine whether potential new residents would be "compatible" with the existing residents.

    Isn't this the purpose of "co-ops" in Manhattan?

  76. helene edwards4/19/11, 12:36 PM

    Steve, as a lifelong Californian and a lawyer working at the trial level, I think you're off base here. As for the issue of schools and present-day SWPL's, you really ought to check out the growth in private elementary schools in San Francisco since the 70's. Something like 35 to 3. So whites aren't "figuring out" anything with the public schools. The only good kids left there are asians, and as we already know, those parents aren't politically hamstrung in dealing with NAM's. As for the crime decline, at least in California you'd have to look at whether the details of 1982's Prop. 8 (which I can't remember), in any way reflected Wilson. My impression is that initial sentences are not longer. It may be that probation is granted less often for initial convictions, but even that seems doubtful. It seems to me that if you graphed the California crime decline with blacks' growing control of the public purse, you'd get a close match. Many more young blacks have money in their pockets than before 1990, that's all.

  77. Steve, they're doing it in Dallas. Check out the background on Woodrow Wilson High in East Dallas. SWPL parents have carved out a significantly white haven in the midst of DISD, which is almost 90 percent black and brown.

    And they were doing it till they caught at Preston Hollow Elementary, which serves the most heavily Jewish part of town and feeds into Hillcrest High.

  78. Another method is schools-within-schools via gifted programs and AP (and similar) coursework. I know SWPLs who send their kids to heavily black schools. The way they work it is to get their kid a score of >130 on an IQ test. Actually, you only have to get a properly certified psychologist to *say* they got such a score. Curiously, the expensive SWPL psychologists referred by other SWPL parents deliver above 130 IQ scores with amazing consistency. Capiche?

    If the school is really friendly to this kind of thing, they can work the class schedule so that the gifted kids (so sadly!) can't have gym with the un-gifted kids because of conflicts. Even if they don't, parents will figure out how to conflict them.

    So, this seems like a solved problem to me.

  79. Steve is wrong about the crime problem being "solved."

    Look at this from the Statistical Abstract of the United States. The violent crime rate and the property crime rate in the US were each around 2,000 per 100,000 in the sixties. This rose as high as 6,000/5,000 in 1991. Then it fell to 4,000/3,500 in 2002, and it has declined a little more since.

    So, our "solution" involves crime today being only twice as bad as it was in the sixties instead of three times as bad. It was even lower in the fifties and before.

  80. It's always surprised me that you can walk through an upper middle class urban neighborhood (let's say Queen Anne in Seattle) and find the local schools are full of low performing NAMs. Either all the wealthy people are childless or use public schools.

  81. " Also, many south Asians, like Indians, exhibit many of the unfortunate personality traits of blacks (e.g. dishonesty, deceit. etc.)."

    Oh I don't know, Sport; You guy's version of Jesus, Chairman Mao, was pretty dishonest and decitful.

  82. In the long term, land prices will rise enough in the big metros that NAMs will be priced out. Even subsidized housing development land could get sold off too, as it'd be too valuable an asset to keep locked up.

    We're alread seeing this trend of some cities getting whiter (or staying equally white), while suburbs grow in diversity. DC, NYC, Atlanta, Seattle have all experienced this. I'd bet this could be the dominant trend in this century.

    In France, the cities usually tend to be pretty white for the most part, especially the urban core. The West and North Africans are concentrated on the outskirts and in the suburban banlieus. This hasn't been so true in the U.S., as we've been more willing to use mechanisms like public housing and rent control to keep cities affordable. We also have more land, so urban housing wasn't nearly as pricey here. With the population increasing (thanks to immigration) and growing demand to live in the big metros, I'd say that we are heading to a France situation.

    The downside is that NAMs, who are rapidly growing in numbers, will have to live somewhere. My guess is that they'll swarm the suburbs and exurbs. The more affordable suburbs of the south/southwest and Texas will be completely NAMified. In the north, the trend will be less so, as urban and suburban housing prices are already too high. A good example of this is the Seattle/Portland suburbs v.s. the Dallas/Houston/Fort Worth/Atlanta suburbs.

    SWPLs get a bunch of Portlands and Seattles. Red Staters get to live in NAMville. Welcome to the future of America.

  83. "North Asians have high average IQs (e.g. the Chinese at 100)"

    100 isn't high. It's average.

  84. The schools that I've been in tended to be "segregated" on a by class level, there are crude ways of accomplishing what they will and do want to do without overtly being called on it. However it is my belief that society may just give up on trying to prevent people from exercising their freedom of association. The cities will be desparate for tax revenue so they'll be willing to look the other way on these types of issues.

  85. TH -- the White TFR is out of the 2010 Census IIRC. It has declined dramatically since 2000, which makes sense, cost of living has gone up considerably in the last ten years, as real wages have declined.

    Whites don't get transfer payments to create welfare "Unaffordable Family Formation" at age 16 like Hispanics. As real wages decline, women have kids later and later, or not at all. STEVE SAILER wrote it was a 1.6 TFR:

    "For example, in 2005, the TFR in California of foreign-born Latinas was 3.7, while it was 2.2 among American-born Latinas. This means that the typical Latina immigrant can expect to have over 8.1 grandchildren, or double the replacement rate. In contrast, Asian immigrant women in California can expect 2.8 grandchildren (2.0 TFR for the first generation and 1.4 in subsequent generations). American-born white women in California can expect to average 2.6 grandchildren each due to their 1.6 TFR."

  86. somewhat on topic, but you folks have probably read that mcdonald's attempted to hire 50,000 (!) new employees today. now THAT is the future of america. damning numbers from mcdonald's own corporate statistics: the average pay will be $8 an hour. the average age of an employee has risen from 22 in 2000, to 29 in 2010.

    in other words, adults are now relying on these no skill mcdonald's jobs as their primary source of income, instead of these jobs being temporary transitional jobs for teenagers and college students. meanwhile the average wage has not increased. it's been about 7 or 8 dollars for like 20 years.

    even worse were the news media's reports on mcdonald's hiring events, which showed practically endless seas of africans crowding mcdonald's locations for these jobs. if that's what black americans have been reduced to, relying on no skill fast food jobs, the nation has a major demographic cauldron ready to boil over at any minute, mitigated only by the astronomical government handouts this group receives. if there was ever a time to boot the immivaders, now is it. it's a no lose proposition, good for pretty much everybody in america.

    this mcdonald's situation would seem to be unavoidable in the future should present demographic and immigration trends continue. reducing the quality of the US workforce and the concomitant increase in the quality of the china workforce does not bode well for america and portends obvious bifurcation of global labor pools.

  87. "Ansel Jr." Nice touch.

  88. Re school "phases (djf at 8:49 AM), this sort of unofficial sorting takes place via various means. When I was a kid, the public schools utilized "tracking," and I, too, rarely took a class with blacks other than PE after 9th grade (there WERE no blacks in elementary school, and there was minimal tracking in middle school). Currently, the local high schools (which have high Asian/Indian populations and small black/Latino ones) utilize remedial classes. This siphons off the majority of blacks - particularly those who descended on our part of Texas from Katrina (they'll never leave). The NAMS and the Jews take the AP or International Baccalaureate classes; the smarter whites take honors classes, and the rest of the students take regular classes. JROTC is mixed, but has a strong conservative White component. Orchestra is totally Asian, Band is mixed, various smaller choral/music/dance groups are White. The students tend to sort themselves out by race, even if they would never admit it. The parents often initiate this in other ways; our district still maintains a reputation for "highly desirable/high quality" schools, but they are heavily NAM and Whites are moving to private schools or to suburbs further out - the usual run away, then run away again when the enrichers invariably follow.

    Most private schools (secular and Christian both) are heavily White until high school, when they all recruit blacks for their football/basketball teams.

  89. There's one difference between crime and education. Though many blacks and Hispanics were locked up, those communities also felt safer thanks to more thugs-off-the-streets. So, tough-on-crime measures had some support in the black and Hispanic community.

    But what will blacks and Hispanics get out of swapples having their own schools? My guess is swapples, to show that they are 'progressive', will try to push more integration but it will be between problematic blacks and lower-class whites--while swapples themselves integrate with creme-de-la-creme of black community(the children of Obamas and Holders and etc).

  90. There's tons and tons of cheap available housing out in the exurbs. Not very viable with $5 or $10 gasoline. But if you're unemployed and don't have anywhere to drive who cares! Give the NAMs section 8 vouchers, food stamps, etc., move them out there.

  91. This just in.

    Kindergartner brings loaded gun to school in Houston.


  92. "AFDC for example is an entitlement program. It is also a largely a Black program."

    Not according to census statistics, they say that there are 1.5 million black mothers and 2.1 million white mothers on the program.

    No, the TEXT says there were (not "are", since the figures are from 1993) 2.1 million white mothers using the program, but the STATISTICS do not say that, since as many as 600,000 Hispanics are included in that total.

    It's been maybe 10 years since black welfare mothers surpassed white mothers in absolute numbers.

  93. If I had to choose between buying a shiny McMansion in the burbs or a run down old inner suburb house I'd go for the old inner suburb. One of those 100 year old places that maybe still has some trolley right of way. Much more likely to get gentrified while the burbs turn into slums.

  94. Texas and Atlanta are pretty much gone. Low land prices, lots of jobs, high growth = immigrants and NAMs.

    You would think that with all the screwing that Red State Republicans are getting from our immigration policies, they'd be standing up and saying something. Yet all I hear is silence.

  95. "Oh I don't know, Sport; You guy's version of Jesus, Chairman Mao, was pretty dishonest and decitful."

    This is pretty dopey - that's like saying Hitler was the German version of Jesus. The closest East Asian equivalent of Jesus (i.e. a historical figure who defined the tenure and sensibility of a civilization) was Confucius - with the Buddha coming a close second. The influence of Lao Tzu on the people who mattered was negligible for most of Eastern Asian history.

  96. Whiskey, you are, of course, dead wrong. The white TFR was 1.8 in 2009. Steve was talking about California. I won't give sources because they are very easy to find, and because you obviously prefer your own fictional statistics.

  97. silly girl:

    This just in.

    Kindergartner brings loaded gun to school in Houston

    Public / government schooling will eat itself.

  98. David Davenport4/19/11, 7:04 PM

    ... but it's the next step after school breakfasts, after school programs, etc. Depriving children of their mothers is cruel, but the mothers can't parent well enough ...

    So they shouldn't become mothers.

    Let's have more Planned Parenthood clinics in the appropriate parts of town.

  99. Good column Steve. We all know the truth. Even liberals know it. We all mouth the cliche's about racism and how we judge men by the content of their character not the color of their skin...

    But everyone (except a few bat-crazy lefties) doesn't want to live a neighborhood with TOO many blacks or send their kids to a school with TOO many blacks. A couple or 10 percent for diversity is OK, but after that...

    Hispanics are the same, but not as bad. So 20 percent Hispanic is OK, but otherwise...

    Of course, the rich and powerful have always thought like this. Black and Brown are OK, as long they have enough green.

  100. ...if that's what black americans have been reduced to, relying on no skill fast food jobs, the nation has a major demographic cauldron ready to boil over at any minute, mitigated only by the astronomical government handouts this group receives...

    I was gonna get all snarkish, and say, "You must be new here", but then I scrolled back up and realized that you were "jody".

    So what gives?

    Anyone who has spent as little as two or three days at iSteve knows damned well that we're sitting on top of "a major demographic cauldron ready to boil over at any minute".

    Which is kinda the entire purpose of following Steve, and Charles Murray, and La Griffe, and the Derb, and Spengler, and Mark Steyn, and Theodore Dalrymple, etc etc etc.

  101. As oil becomes more expensive, and Those Awful Conservatives win more court cases, "neighborhood schools" will become all the rage; school districts will eliminate busing to save money (or to pay teachers more), and voila - white & asian schools.

    Here in the Bay Area, we've got enough school districts that it's actually pretty easy to do this in suburban areas - compare Palo Alto Unified to Ravenswood City Unified right across the freeway. (Ravenswood is East Palo Alto.) But doing it in San Francisco will require wiping out busing, because there SWPL kids aren't smart enough for Lowell.

  102. SWPLs get a bunch of Portlands and Seattles. Red Staters get to live in NAMville. Welcome to the future of America.

    If that's the case, then the future looks familiar. Alexis de Tocqueville made the following observation many years ago in Democracy in America: "Racial prejudice appears to me stronger in the states that have abolished slavery than in those where slavery still exists, and nowhere is it shown to be as intolerant as in states where servitude has always been unknown."

    Texas and Atlanta are pretty much gone. Low land prices, lots of jobs, high growth = immigrants and NAMs.

    So far NAMs haven't burnt Atlanta to the ground, which can't be said about Yankees. *knock on wood*

  103. "No, the TEXT says there were (not "are", since the figures are from 1993) 2.1 million white mothers using the program, but the STATISTICS do not say that, since as many as 600,000 Hispanics are included in that total."

    Insignificant. He said that ADFC was a BLACK program, from where I sit this implies MAJORITY. You did not post a link.

  104. I understand why you wouldnt want to live in a neighborhood where your car gets busted into all the time.

    Can someone explain why people don't want there kids to go to black schools? Are they that violent? Are they like jails? What's the dea?

    Serious answers please. (0 points for saying "You don't undertand." and then not explaining. If you want to BS about my naivite, FAIL, I already know...)

  105. "This is pretty dopey - that's like saying Hitler was the German version of Jesus."

    What would you see more often (per square mile), statues, paintings, and other depictions of Hitler in Germany, or Mao in China?

    Confucius was not a holy man, he was probably more equivalent to Shakespere than Jesus, and Buddha was not Chinese...and by the way, it was snark.

  106. I like how the focus is squarely on the "privileged servants in Wisconsin".

    Bravo to the American propaganda machine from deflecting populist anger from Goldman Sachs, Magnetar and their ilk onto your fellow middle class (not for long!) Americans.

    I really think that the centrists (called the left wing) and the right have a lot in common, namely the dislike of the neocon/neolib policies (yes, they are the same, they have very little to do with the right or left).

    For that union to happen and for things to start hopping, the left will have to let go of their wedge issues (gays! America is not a christian country! diversity!) and the right will have to get rid of theirs... starting with their hatred of their fellow citizens.

    We agree on banksters, we are anti corruption, we want positive change.

    If Kucinich and Ron Paul can work together, I don't see the traditional liberals (not neolibs) and conservatives (paleos welcome) cannot.

  107. "Chicago turned over Cabrini Green to the developers as the land was simply too valuable for public housing. Magnet and charter schools are becoming more common as a way to get mostly white and Asian public schools in the city. Roscoe Village, which used to be full of black gang bangers, is now a mecca for white yuppies with small children. The white reconquista indeed... "

    Have visited Chicago twice recently (In 2008 and 2010), I have to agree the city seems to be gentrifying just like NYC and DC did earlier. Lots of upper and upper-middle class yuppies everywhere you look, poor areas being taken over steadily by college grads and their offspring with many nannies of all ethnicities strolling the little ones to the zoo, while mom and dad both work. The process just took a little longer than in NYC because Daley Jr. wasn't as far right on crime as Giuliani was. Do you need further proof, a upper middle class Jewish guy just got elected mayor going away!?!

  108. "Can someone explain why people don't want there kids to go to black schools? Are they that violent? Are they like jails? What's the dea? [deal sic]"

    I went to a majority black high school for first 2 years.

    Fresh fish off the sea, barely spoke English, shy to boot.

    Some black guys were good to me, looked at me like a mascot - sorta. Taught me slang, taught me how to hang, that sort of thing.

    The bad experiences... a mob of black kids WILL pick on the lone white kid, no ifs or buts about it. Teachers WILL choose to not notice anything.

    I have had a bunch of kids roll in 2 cars when I was walking home, surround me so that the guy I "affronted" could smack my face and feel big. I didn't dare fight back because you can pack a LOT of kids into two cars.

    I have had my watch stolen from an open locker, and when confronting the guy whom I saw off the angle with my eye do it tell me that he will kill me.

    A black security guard saved my life (no kidding) when I alerted him, my watch was found, and the black security guard told the "honor student" in no uncertain terms that "if I hear anything happens to the white boy, I will hurt you".

    Whoever you are, Mr. Security Guard, thank YOU. I am 100% sure that good man saved my life.

    Metal detectors... in school.

    Security guards, in white uniforms... patrolling hallways.

    Being pushed down.

    Black guys wanted to race me as I was tall and fast, and if they did not win were... miffed.

    Because I was tall and somewhat powerful, it was like a rite of passage to pick (or try to) on me.

    The bad outweigh the good... I viewed the experience like a prison with very lax security.

    The emphasis was on not getting into trouble, and I cannot remember learning anything other than to look around a lot.

    The problem with blacks is that there is a mob mentality, and if a white kid defends himself successfully, the rest of the crowd will join in to "help a brotha out", and stomp on the white kid. Seen it happen.

    I came from a communist country where the official propaganda was very pro black, and against the oppressive system which kept the black people down.

    I was not a racist before coming into this country - hell, I haven't seen a black person other than on TV!

    Note: avoid gym and especially swimming lessons. No teacher/security guard EVER (well, usually) enters the locker room. You have been warned. Some bad stuff (not just with me as the vic) happens in the locker rooms.

    So, a black school, for the Anonymous who was asking - short version:
    A GREAT character builder, a REAL school on the Yoo Ess of Ey, I highly recommend it to all the SWPL kids - three thumbs up!

  109. gee truth, why is it that when i even bother to read your tripe i cannot understand a fuck what u are trying to say?

  110. "gee truth, why is it that when i even bother to read your tripe i cannot understand a fuck what u are trying to say?"

    Truth is a pretty sharp guy.

  111. "I went to a majority black high school for first 2 years..."

    As the great Elanor Roosevelt once said' "Life is 5% what happens to you, and 95% how you react to it."

    So, American Goy, with this in mind, the pertinent question is; are you now a strong, confident, young man 'of experience', or a sniveling pathetic little pussy?

  112. "gee truth, why is it that when i even bother to read your tripe i cannot understand a fuck what u are trying to say?"

    Beats me, Chief; might be something to do with that 'g' thing I keep reading about here.


  113. For that union to happen and for things to start hopping, the left will have to let go of their wedge issues (gays! America is not a christian country! diversity!) and the right will have to get rid of theirs... starting with their hatred of their fellow citizens.

    We agree on banksters, we are anti corruption, we want positive change.

    If Kucinich and Ron Paul can work together, I don't see the traditional liberals (not neolibs) and conservatives (paleos welcome) cannot.

    Virtually all mainstream discussion in the US is devoted to preventing what you describe from happening. So is our immigration policy - an ethnically diverse population is easy to keep divided against itself.

  114. What are black schools like? Here's a glimps from the frontline:

    "What it's like to teach blacks."


  115. No response to Agnostic?

  116. "Beats me, Chief; might be something to do with that 'g' thing I keep reading about here."


    And it's a poor, low-iQ, low-skilled, writer who blames his audience for not understanding his babbling. So the low-G thing lands squarely on YOU, there, Troof.

  117. "Can someone explain why people don't want there kids to go to black schools? Are they that violent? Are they like jails? What's the dea?"

    Welcome, Naive Anon. You have entered the Realm of Free Thought. Brace yerself, because it's dizzying at first, but then you're going to love this place.

    Black schools are bad because they are violent, certainly. But that's not the whole of it. Black children are far more likely to be disruptive in a myriad of ways, from poking your neighbor to making funny noises while the teacher is trying to give directions.
    Also, because Blacks have lower IQs on average and the Good and the Great have determined we Must Not Let Them Fail, the lessons are dumbed-down. So a bright White child in a significantly-Black school is not going to be presented the curriculum that will allow him to learn at the pace and level of complexity he's capable of.
    So not only is your White child going to live in fear of being physically attacked, he's going to emerge mentally stunted.

  118. "It's important to distinguish North Asians from South Asians. I find it amusing that white people group North and South Asians together. We are very different."

    My personal classification nowadays is East, South-East, South and Central.

    "100 isn't high. It's average."

    It's a high average. If the averages for different groups were 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 then 100 is a high average.

    "Can someone explain why people don't want there kids to go to black schools? Are they that violent? Are they like jails? What's the dea?"

    They're like a prison movie with lower average testosterone. If you're White in a very minority White school then you'll get attacked all the time. It's not all of them and your ass will get saved occasionally by one of them helping you out but i'd say 20% or so are violently racist toward White people and are liable to attack you out of the blue if they feel like it and have good odds (size or numbers). I'd imagine it wouldn't be as bad if SWPL teachers didn't ignore it but impossible to know for sure.

    Mine was all boys but my sister's was mixed and there was also a huge amount of sexual assault and the occasional gang rape on top of the standard violence.

    My experience when the proportions are the other way round was that with White kids there are also a lot of racial incidents but they are 90% verbal. It's hard to compare the quantity because the severity was so much less. Again that may be partly due to SWPL teachers not ignoring it when it's that way round.

    Luckily i didn't need to but i would have killed and robbed people if it was the only way to avoid my kids going to a school like that.


  119. "Confucius was not a holy man, he was probably more equivalent to Shakespere than Jesus, and Buddha was not Chinese...and by the way, it was snark."

    Snark or not, it was a stupid thing to say/write. And thinking that Confucius is closer to Shakespeare than to Jesus is pretty dumb as well - Confucius wasn't a man of letters, he left no body of written work in either verse or prose. He certainly wasn't a holy man or religious figure, but his influence is comparable to that of Jesus Christ, in that he was considered a paragon of conduct and he influence the character of an entire civilization.

    I'm aware that Buddha wasn't Chinese, but his influence in Eastern Asian culture is still profound. You're aware that Jesus was of Palestinian origin, despite his consummate influence in Western civilization?

  120. Regarding the comment about "nannies of all ethnicities" working for these yuppies, let me point out that lots of them are illegal aliens. If they're here legally then most of them are working on the cheap for cash (as do the illegals) and don't report their income. Also, lots of them, if not most, receive Food Stamps and Medicaid since they are officially low income. Most have spouses who also work, sometimes for cash, sometimes not. The government subsidizes these yuppies through the back door by making it possible for them to get low cost nannies. The yups are also beneficiaries of the welfare system; it's just that their tracks are covered.

  121. How bad are majority Black secondary schools?Well, look at it this way: Even Blacks don't want to attend them.

  122. "And it's a poor, low-iQ, low-skilled, writer who blames his audience for not understanding his babbling."

    Oh c'mon Jay-Sim, are we really going to shoot the messenger?

  123. How bad are majority Black neighbourhoods? Even Blacks don't want to live there.

  124. the pertinent question is; are you now a strong, confident, young man 'of experience', or a sniveling pathetic little pussy?

    Excellent counsel that Troofus would never dream of applying to himself or his bruthas.

  125. A. Wong:
    I'm aware that Buddha wasn't Chinese, but his influence in Eastern Asian culture is still profound. You're aware that Jesus was of Palestinian origin, despite his consummate influence in Western civilization?

    Too many people don't realize that both Buddhism and Christianity are foreign imports to the civilizations they most influenced.

    Buddha was not the short, fat, bald, jolly Chinaman often seen in Chinese restaurants. He was a tall, skinny, grim, hirsute Northern Indian. There is no historical record of what Jesus looked like, but he was not likely the blond blue-eyed clean-cut gent from thousands of stained-glass windows and children's story books. Mohammed, historically known to be a burly blue-eyed redhead, was probably whiter than Jesus.

  126. Steve: "My guess is that smart white urbanites will figure out ways to keep most non-Asian minority children out of their own kids' urban public schools."

    Someday, but not today.

    Here in northern California, SWPLs 'deal with' the problem by running away. Private schools are big, and the more liberal the area, the heavier the use of private schools.

    The last time I studied the problem, I plotted 2004-05 private school attendance vs. voting for Bush in 2004 across California's 58 counties. I found R=-0.73, led, natch, by ultra-liberal San Francisco, with 29.30% of kids in private school.

    Two recent developments may change that, however:

    Recession-era parents are cutting back on private schooling, and it is possible that this could tip White parents into the sort of activism they'd need to retake public schools.

    Also, Nice Areas(TM) are under full-scale attack, as Steve pointed out a few weeks ago. Poor NAMs will be forced into wealthy areas, which also may hasten the Great Wising Up.

    Your Correspondent in N. CA

  127. American Goy and JSM, thanks for the serious replies to my post. Just wanted some perspective. In that spirit, I'd have to say, I'd be pretty adamant about trying to get my kids into white or at least non-black schools. Like others said, even most black people would probably agree.

    Good points, thanks,
    Mr. Naive

  128. I would argue that Shakespere's influence on the culture, morals, and daily lifestyle of England is much more equivalent to that of Confucius on China, than Jesus on anywhere.

    And yo, Jesus had skin like ash and hair like lambswool...just sayin'!

  129. Nine-of-Diamonds4/21/11, 12:40 PM

    ""AFDC for example is an entitlement program. It is also a largely a Black program."

    Not according to census statistics, they say that there are 1.5 million black mothers and 2.1 million white mothers on the program.


    Wow, sport. Glad to see you're not pig-ignorant of America's demographics, sport.

  130. Truth:

    "AFDC for example is an entitlement program. It is also a largely a Black program."

    Not according to census statistics, they say that there are 1.5 million black mothers and 2.1 million white mothers on the program.

    With those rates of utilization, it's fair to say AFDC is a black program.

  131. "With those rates of utilization, it's fair to say AFDC is a black program.

    I'm not a math expert, but I think of, say breast cancer as a 'woman's problem.'

    I'm well aware that there are men who get breast cancer, but due to the fact that 90% of the recipients are women, I think that the disease's reputation as 'a woman's problem' is well deserved.

    Now if, oh, 40% of the people suffering from breast cancer were women, would it still be considered a 'woman's problem'?

    Now, I understand the issue anti-gnostic; you have bought into the cool-aid because either:

    a. You are naive
    b. You except whatever mass-media insinuation you hear as fact
    c. You desperately wanted to

    Now let me let you in on a little secret:

    in terms of percentage, black people are over represented in ALL forms of welfare

    It terms of percentage of aid, black people receive a minority of the pie in ALL forms of welfare as well, that includes everything to free government cheese.

    Now, when your tax dollar goes to welfare, the majority of it goes to people who are not black. Fact.

  132. Interesting Data4/21/11, 11:30 PM

    Truth's ADFC link shows:

    2010 US population (300M)
    63% White
    15% Hispanic
    12% Black
    5% Asian
    2% Other/Mixed

    % of Mothers on ADFC
    30% Hispanics (Foreign-born)
    25% Blacks: 1.5M
    20% Hispanics (All): 748K
    <7% Whites: (may incl Hispanics)

    The actual % of non-Hispanic Whites (Caucasians) may be significantly lower than 7% if Hispanics are included in the given "White" category as is done in reporting federal criminal reports.

  133. I guess, you're a "National Merit Scholar" also, in extrapolating those percentages from this:

    The chances of receiving AFDC payments differ by race and Hispanic origin, but not the nativity of the mother.

    * Race: About 1 in 4 Black mothers of childbearing ages (1.5 million) were AFDC recipients, higher than the 7 percent of corresponding White mothers (2.1 million).

    Despite these differences in recipiency rates, Black AFDC mothers did not have significantly more children than their White counterparts.

    * Hispanic origin: Nearly 1 in 5 Hispanic mothers (784,000) aged 15 to 44 were on AFDC.

    By comparison, about 1 in 10 (3.0 million) non-Hispanic mothers were AFDC recipents. Although both Hispanic and non-Hispanic mothers on AFDC were an average of 20 years old when they had their first child, Hispanic women had almost 0.7 more children than non-Hispanic women. About 3 in 10 Hispanic mothers on AFDC were born outside the United States.

  134. "Mohammed, historically known to be a burly blue-eyed redhead, was probably whiter than Jesus.

    4/20/11 3:30 PM"

    Well, sort of. Red heads of the Scottish type were in short supply in the Arabian desert. btw, there is a description of Jesus in the Vatican describing him as sun-tanned with hair divided in the middle, bleached on top and of an "oriental" (black I guess) coloor further down; nose straight and thin, mouth nicely formed, seen often to smile but never to laugh; eyes olive green. Olive green eyes are v. common in the middle east.

    Here's a thumbnail of Muhammad:

    Ahmed said: “ I was told by by Hashim son of Al-Qasim, he said: I was told by Abu Moaiwa (Shaiban), quoting Othman son of Aballah, he said:

    “We went to Um Salamah (The Prophet’s wife) and she showed us some of the Prophet’s hair, It was red from Henna and Katam.”

    Ibn Bakir told me, he said: I was told by Al-Laith, he heard it from Saeed Ibn Abi Hilal, he heard it from Rabi'a, son of Abi Abdel Rahman, he said: I heard Anas, son of Malik describe the Prophet [PBUH], he said:

    “The Prophet was neither conspicuously tall, nor short; neither, very white, nor tawny. His hair was neither much curled, nor very straight. Allah sent him at the age of forty, he stayed for ten years in Mecca and for ten more years in Medina. Allah took him unto Him at the age of sixty and he scarcely had ten white hairs on his head and in his beard.” Rabi’a said: I then saw some of the Prophet’s hair, and it was red, I asked about it and was told it was because of perfume.”
    Imam Ahmed and Imam Bukhari wrote in their books, both on the authority of Othman, son of Abdallah"

    Perfume probably meant henna. Men commonly hennaed their hair well into old age.

  135. Here's how it will happen: the whites involved will be Jewish.

    Their own synagogues, their own schools, their own gated neighborhoods and managed apartment buildings, their own informal and formal networks, their own laywers. Large sections of some American cities are (in the spirit of "Chinatown" or "Little Italy") Jewish Town. (Not orthodox, not even necessarily Reform!)

    Not saying it's a bad thing. I'm saying it won't be goy anglos who get it done.

  136. So if The Man is a liberal everyone recognizes the power of a dark power elite to shape society?


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