April 21, 2011

Preemptive anti-anti-Semitism

For almost two weeks, the most popular story on the Washington Post website has been "Why Beck Lost It" by columnist Dana Milbank about Fox News' firing of meal ticket Glenn Beck. 
And, most ominously, he began to traffic regularly in anti-Semitic themes. 
This vile turn for Beck reached its logical extreme two weeks ago, when he devoted his entire show to a conspiracy theory about various bankers, including the Rothschilds, to create the Federal Reserve. To make this case, Beck hosted the conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin, who has publicly argued that the anti-Semitic tract “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” “accurately describes much of what is happening in our world today.” 
Griffin’s Web site dabbles in a variety of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including his view that “present-day political Zionists are promoting the New World Order.” 
A month earlier, Beck, on his radio program, had described Reform rabbis as “generally political in nature,” adding: “It’s almost like Islam, radicalized Islam in a way.” 
A few months before that, he had attacked the Jewish billionaire George Soros, a Holocaust survivor, as a “puppet master” and read descriptions of him as an “unscrupulous profiteer” who “sucks the blood from people.” Beck falsely called Soros “a collaborator” with Nazis who “saw people into the gas chambers.” 
Fox deserves credit for finally putting an end to this.

An end to what? Reread the paragraphs above and look for any meat to Milbank's anti-Semitic libel of Beck.

If Dana Milbank's explanation is correct, Beck was fired at least partly out of preemptive anti-anti-Semitism. At minimum, Milbank's explanation appears to be highly popular with readers of the Washington Post and not terribly controversial.

As I pointed out back in January, forces were already gathering to snuff Beck's voice out.

The problem with Beck was not that he is anti-Semitic (he's highly pro-Semitic), but because he's an autodidact. He reads books, and then he gets up and rambles about what he's learned as he tries to connect together his new knowledge.

The problem with Beck was that he was a potential loose cannon. And we can't have that.


  1. That's correct: He hadn't been properly indoctrinated by the professoriat. It simply will not do.

  2. Does the unorthodox behavior of the poorest people in America stir antisemitism as well?

  3. Beck opposes Wall Street, which is mainly Jewish now. The ethnic connection is temporary; Wall Street was just as evil in the '20s when it was mainly Presbyterian.

    The Gramscian MSM loves to conflate those two oppositions to stifle all anti-Wall Street thinking.

    But Steve is also conflating when he says Beck is an autodidact. Many autodidacts are careful and rigorous thinkers.

    Beck's problem is that he's a sloppy thinker. He'd still be a sloppy thinker after earning a graduate degree; he'd just be a narrow-minded and bigoted sloppy thinker, incapable of considering anything outside the collegiate leftist canon.

  4. Sinbad McBundy4/21/11, 7:09 AM

    But how do you tease apart *the Big Jews* who might have feared him going off the range and on the other hand the guys who run the central banks and thus the world.

    Aren't they one and the same? so it's just as plausible that they wanted him off the air because of his anti-plutocrat propaganda.

  5. Had the results not been so serious, the Jewish attack on Beck would be funny, given his obsessive pro-semite attitude. His real downfall seems to have been telling truth - on TV -about Soros, which of course, can't be done because he's a Jew.

    Basically, you can call a Jewish Scumbag, a "Scumbag", as long as you NEVER mention he's Jewish. OTOH, you can mention someone's Jewish if you praise him. Of course, this rule applies only to Gentiles.

  6. "various bankers, including the Rothschilds, to create the Federal Reserve"

    Um...duh. Also the Morgans and Rockefellers. Do some people actually dispute this?

  7. Milbank is Yale Skull & Bones, 1990. He knows his role.

  8. Can't agree with you there Steve. Those excerpts were pretty damning.

  9. I'm not sure I get the part about Asians providing perspective. If Obama had wanted to wrestle with the issue of Asians he could have stayed in Hawaii or gone to California maybe, but as it was he went to Chicago were it was all black vs. white. His father's conflict was black vs. white, and that's what he wanted to recreate.

    Or if Bill Ayers wrote or intensively edited the book, he might have just thrown out stuff about Asians as not fitting with the story.

  10. "The problem with Beck was not that he is anti-Semitic (he's highly pro-Semitic), but because he's an autodidact."

    The problem with Beck was that he is a shameless crybaby clown.

  11. Reread the paragraphs above and look for any meat to Milbank's anti-Semitic libel of Beck.

    Well, two things in those paragraphs tickle my suspicions.

    First is "hosting" this guy Griffin. I have no idea what the reporter means by "hosted," but if Griffin is the nut he's made out to be, giving him a sympathetic treatment (if that's what occurred) would make me wonder about Beck's views.

    Second is describing Soros as a "profiteer" who "sucks the blood from people." Beck would have to be unbelievably naive not to know that such terminology would make him sound like an antisemite, even if he isn't one. He could have made the same point with different words. The fact that he didn't suggests that he either wants to appeal to antisemites or (what I think is more likely) wants to paint himself as a victim of PC run amok when the inevitable complaints are made.

  12. Someone talked up Beck to me so I tuned in. I felt he rambled and went off on too many tangents so I didn't bother listening again. My impression was that although being autodidactic is a good thing, Beck was too much of a recent autodidact and hadn't had enough time to properly digest it all and create a coherent outlook. He was working on it and in time I felt he would get better in sorting facts out and making sense of them, regardless of whether or not it coincided with my own outlook.
    I guess they didn't like the path he was taking and decided to act quickly. He might not have made a good team player.

  13. Not a big fan of Beck, but the unrelenting attacks on him seem disproportionate. Does he say more dumb or offensive things than Rattigan, O'Reily, Nancy Grace, or Ed Schultz?

    About that autodictat thing: I've long thought this passage by Andre Maurois (on Sir Robert Peel) had some application to Beck:

    Like all intelligent men who are not in any way creative, Sir Robert Peel was dangerously sympathetic towards the creations of others. Incapable of formulating a system, he threw himself voraciously on those he came across, and applied them more vigorously than would their inventors.

  14. Anybody ever done a compare and contrast of the "Nazi taint" meme in the press, Soros v. the current pope? Not interested in either one's alleged Nazi past in itself, but I get the impression that most MSM types are convinced that the latter was a Nazi goon, while the former is a slandered innocent, on just about the same weight of evidence.

  15. I think Beck likes, even loves, the Jews of his imagination but doesn't like Jews of reality. The Jews of his imagination are free-dom loving libertarian conservatives, American patriots, fighters for liberty, noble survivors of the Holocaust, etc.
    But the Jews of reality have been communists, far-leftists, anti-white people like Tim Wise, global financiers bankrolling the Democratic Party, etc.
    Also, conservatives have this romantic notion of: rich successful individualism = libertarian-conservatism...
    when in fact, many successful people--not least among Jews--are on the liberal side.
    Since the GOP is for the rich, free enterprise, and lower-taxes, it is assumed by most conservatives that the world is divided between successful hardworking conservative people vs the lazy liberal rabble out for freebies. In fact, at least in America and Europe, some of most 'progressive' people are in the most successful category.

    So, Beck is either confused or angry that Jews, the most successful people in the world, should be on the Left and be unappreciative of people like him who go out on a limb to love and support Jews.

    Beck is either a blind fool or a clever operator. He never calls out 'bad Jews' as Jews but he always calls out 'good Jews' as Jews. So, even though he goes after 'bad Jews', they are 'statists', 'puppet masters', 'socialists', etc than Jews. Even Soros is mentioned more as an 'anti-semite' than as a Jew. But when Beck talks about 'good Jews', he goes on and on about their great noble Jewishness, as when he bawls like a baby about Israel.
    But Jews are unmoved by anything he does. To them, he's either a goy clown or a closet-anti-semite trying to outJew the Jew.
    Consider Beck's take on MLK. We all know MLK was pro-affirmative action and economically socialist/statist. But Beck ignores all this REAL King and prefers the King of his own imagination based on 'content of his character than color of the skin'. (Funny that MLK has been deified for the volume of his voice, and Obama has been made president for the same reason. I guess the voice is more soulful than skin color.)
    Is Beck just a damn fool... or is he pulling the Spinozan trick as described in this interesting article?


    Something tells me both. Like most people, he grew up with DIARY OF ANNE FRANK, SCHINDLER'S LIST, and all those PBS Holocaust docs. So, he came to see Jews as good, good, good, noble, noble, noble. But the more he snooped around, he found out a lot of bad stuff about Jews. He also knows Jews are superpowerful. So, he knows even criticism of Jews cannot be presented as criticism of Jews but as defense of noble wonderful Jews against few rotten apples. After all, Beck says he's for the wonderful Holocaust victims--the good Jews--against the 'bad Jew' Soros who collaborated with the Nazis. The problem is 90% of Jews are 'bad Jews' if we go by Beck's idea of good/evil. So, Beck's Jewish strategy will not work, anymore than the GOP strategy to defend and win over 'good blacks' against those 'bad blacks'. Problem is most blacks are 'bad blacks'--statist Democrats.

  16. Beck the autodidact needs to read Kevin MacDonald. Then all the other pieces will finally fall into place.

  17. Is there anything more boring in the world than a Jew claiming everything around him is proof of anti-Semitism? Dana is probably nervously sweating for the moment when he is tending his greenery and one of the bushes calls out, "There's a Jew behind me!" It could happen.

  18. Anyone who believes that Fox News is conservative, or that most Republican congressmen are, has been fooled. A populist third party is long overdue.

  19. Please tell me his most brilliant insight into our world.


  20. As I recall, Rush Limbaugh had a television show back in the early 90s. It was a much different format than Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, et al. The show was eventually driven off the air by a boycott, but Limbaugh is still on the radio today, and every bit as influential.

    Beck will survive. Given how boring his TV show was, it's probably for the better. I still don't like or trust Rupert Murdoch.

  21. No, the problem with Beck is, his ratings have gone into the tank in the last year.

  22. Beck is neither anti-Semitic nor pro-Semitic. He is pro-Israel in the vein of a Mormon trying to be a born-again Christian trying to precipitate the Second Coming. He is against the surging anti-Hell Christian movement, and he probably believes that Jews who refuse to accept Jesus will burn. The real reason Beck lost his show was that he called Nobel Laureate Saint Obama a racist for endorsing the view that a white cop was racist for showing up at a residence that was twice broken into and for trying to question the black professor who broke in the second time. Beck’s insensitivity led to a boycott that was led by Soros and the gay Republican/Democrat who trashed Clinton/Bush, David Brock. It’s as simple as that.

  23. I see Griffin also wrote World Without Cancer. Laetrile, now there's a blast from the past.

  24. The absolute taboo on ANTI-SEMITISM!!! means Ashkenazi-Americans are either saints, or up to no good.

    Because only saints could resist taking advantage when there's no possibility of being accused, much less caught or punished.

  25. That's correct: He hadn't been properly indoctrinated by the professoriat. It simply will not do.

    Which is why any sufficiently advanced civilization is increasingly likely over time to strangle critical thinking first chance it gets; can't have people thinking "bullshit!" in class, or asking too many pointed questions while the poor prof's trying to do his job.

  26. And as Steve hints, Beck's sin was probably not anti-Semitism, but insufficient anti-anti-Semitism.

  27. OT: reading about ancient Greece at Wikipedia yesterday, I came across this gem:

    Slaves outside of Sparta almost never revolted because they were made up of too many nationalities and were too scattered to organize.

    Diversity + Slavery = oligarchic bliss.

  28. And of course, there's the one book you won't see discussed by either Glenn Beck or Steve Sailer: The Culture of Critique

  29. Sharp observations.

    I encourage anyone who already hasn't to watch this video of Griffin dissecting the Federal Reserve and see if the accusations in the Wash Post ring true.

  30. "Beck opposes Wall Street, which is mainly Jewish now. The ethnic connection is temporary; Wall Street was just as evil in the '20s when it was mainly Presbyterian."

    It was just as greedy but not just as anti-white as Jewish-run Wall Street is.

  31. "No, the problem with Beck is, his ratings have gone into the tank in the last year."

    Largely because the Christian Right is made up of Christian Zionists. Also, many people turned to Fox to get the alternative view when white house, Congress, and MSM were all in the hands of liberals. Now that Congress is in the hands of the GOP, Americans are less worried about the liberal agenda.

  32. The idea that Beck was fired from Fox for being a conspiracy theorist is itself a conspiracy theory.

    The reason Beck was fired or pushed out or encouraged to go was pretty simple. He became more trouble than he was worth.

    The TV host job is a job of great volatility. They come and go. Most people in their professional careers have never been actually fired. But Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity frequently brag about how often they've been canned. In that career firings are commonplace.

    Secondly Fox News has become more careful now that it been targeted by the President and most of the Democrats. They are now less likely to take on the establishment as they themselves have become established. They no longer need to fight for market share. They just need to hold onto their existing market share.

    Beck isn't one of the top Fox News guys. O'Reilly is first, Hannity is second, Van Susteren is third and I believe Shepard Smith is next. Fox has always had Beck on in non-critical time slots. I've only seen his show once because he's on either too early or too late for me.

    Finally Beck's format places too much pressure on him. O'Reilly and Hannity have extremely structured programs. Basically they grab stories and plug them into their pre-existing slots. O'Reilly for example has his two perky, foxy female lawyers on each week to chew on the week's latest legal outrage. O'Reilly has a large host of supporting players. He can take the lead on a breaking story but he doesn't have to. Much of the time he can relax and counter-punch.

    Beck however has to make his own news stories and his format is radically liquid. He doesn't have rigid show segments like O'Reilly and he doesn't have the semi-permanent guests like Hannity and Van Susteren. He's up there alone on camera with a blackboard every night.

    Jay Leno was an established stand up comedian and originally thought he could just use his own material and do his own ad-libbing for his nightly monologue. He soon learned otherwise. TV ate his material too fast. He was drying up, but he had writers to fall back on. Beck is an interesting guy but what he has tried to do has proven to be beyond the capabilities of just one man.

    That's why on that one time I watched his show he was so wrong about the lessons of the fall of the Roman Republic. He was stretching. He was trying to fill another full hour alone on camera, making points and drawing parallels in an subject where he was not in any sense an expert. If Hannity wanted to draw a lesson from classical history he would just interview Victor Davis Hanson.

    But don't despair. Beck will be back.


  33. We all know who runs America....

  34. Glenn Beck loves Israel as much as any other commentator out there. For him, Israel is the 51st state.

    Last year, after the flotilla, MJ Rosenberg criticized Glenn Beck for being too pro-Israel.


  35. Glenn Beck has called Vanity Fair, Union organizers, and members of the Obama administration "openly anti-semitic."


  36. I thought Beck was losing advertisers big time and that was the reason FOX let him go. First the advertisers dropped him because of sliding ratings and then FOX dropped him, simple as that. Not because he didn't fit some politically "safe" profile.

  37. Steve Sailor: Closet Anti-Semite

  38. Soros in fact is proud of his record of rounding up Jews in Hungary during WWII (as a teenager) and selling their seized property at a profit. Soros BTW is the most anti-Zionist person around. He has repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel.

    Beck's program on the creation of the Federal Reserve focused on Rockefeller and JP Morgan -- both famously ... non-Jews.

    If anything, Beck's pro-Israel stance killed his show, because James Murdoch who is now COO of News Corp. hates Israel and the Right. He wants to turn Fox News from a profit center making $1 billion a year in free cash to MSNBC.

  39. Soros in fact is proud of his record of rounding up Jews in Hungary during WWII (as a teenager) and selling their seized property at a profit. Soros BTW is the most anti-Zionist person around. He has repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel.

    Beck's program on the creation of the Federal Reserve focused on Rockefeller and JP Morgan -- both famously ... non-Jews.

    If anything, Beck's pro-Israel stance killed his show, because James Murdoch who is now COO of News Corp. hates Israel and the Right. He wants to turn Fox News from a profit center making $1 billion a year in free cash to MSNBC.

    You never fail to disappoint, Whiskey.

  40. What most people here don't get (I'd include Steve here as well) is that American Jews are radically different from Israelis. Israelis live with the reality that Arabs and Palestinians and Iranians really want to kill them. All of them. And no bargain, niceness, groveling, apology, or concession will change that. They are Jews, and Muslims, nearly all of them, want to kill them. Even little kids among them.

    US Jews are about as Jewish as American Christians are Christian. Which is to say, not very much at all. They never go to Temple. They don't identify with any religious views. They don't view themselves as chosen people. They are hostile to the existence of "embarrassing cousins" in Israel who the world hates, particularly fashionable opinion. They are not observant nor do they consider themselves much as Jews. They intermarry like crazy.

  41. Look at Art Spiegelman, writer/artist creator of the comic book "Maus" (about the Holocaust). His main response to 9/11 was to lambaste GWB over being "insensitive" to Muslims and not apologizing for making them angry enough to commit 9/11, and calling for a "single state" in Israel (i.e. erasing it with Palestine). Spiegelman was outraged by the bombing of Afghanistan. Like I might add, Joe Biden who called it a prosecutable war crime.

    When a prominent "Jew" whose main work deals with the Holocaust echoes Joe Biden ... he's about as Jewish as bacon and eggs.

    Beck got canned because James Murdoch is doing just what he said he would ... remake Fox into MSNBC even if it loses money and no longer provides the cash to service News Corp. Debt every year (which is considerable, they owe each year about $1 billion in interest -- they are highly leveraged). Rupert Murdoch is over 80 IIRC, or close to it, and handing over the reins to his older set of kids (well except Lachlan). Like Pinch Sulzberger, they lack the ability to run a company profitably. News, in the next ten years, is likely to fall the way the NYT did.

  42. Mr. Fauxman: the Kiryas Joel, NY ultra-orthodox Jews are doing the same thing they do in Israel: study the Talmud, procreate children and sponge off the state.

    Beck's problem was that he was beginning to connect the dots connecting Wall Street and the major banks to our economic collapse and the systemic problems of our boom/bust economy. Nobody who does that will last on any major network.

  43. Beck wasn't let go because of his bad ratings. His ratings for his time-slot are excellent for cable TV.

    The problem is that Beck only makes $2 of $56 million a year from FOX. FOX wasn't going to give him a raise, since their business model is based on relatively cheap talk show hosts. Nor did they want to give Beck a better time slot.

    Basically, Beck had to do his 3 hour radio show and 1 hour for FOX every day and he wasn't really making that much money out FOX TV. Plus he had to put up with a bunch of boneheaded FOX execs telling what he couldn't say.

  44. I also think Jews hate Palin for the same reason. They're scared of her. Not Kosher. She's some Goy up in Alaska who probably doesn't even know or socialize with many Jews. You can imagine them thinking:

    Palin... not good for the Jews...goes Hunting, whats up with that?...social conservative...Alaska...Idaho State...has an Israeli flag but what does that mean?...probably never ate a bagel or been to any bar mitzvahs...could be a closet antisemitic!!...nope, better destroy her...Mitts OK though...Bill and Jonah think he's super...went to Ivy league... Easy to beat in 2012.

  45. So, Whiskey, you are saying that Glenn Beck was fired for being too pro-Israel?

  46. "And of course, there's the one book you won't see discussed by either Glenn Beck or Steve Sailer: The Culture of Critique"

    Kevin Macdonald is way too single-minded and simple-minded on the Jewish question, almost to the point of near-autism.
    He's also unprincipled, as when he said he'd gladly throw Palestinians--for whom he expresses faux compassion--under the bus IF Jews would side with Europeans against Muslims.

    I give him credit for courage, and he has no doubt done some interesting research and work on Jewish history and Jewish influence, but his explanation for everything is 'almost all Jews are bad' and 'most Jewish success is bogus and undeserved'. He's either a fool or liar or both.

  47. "I also think Jews hate Palin for the same reason. They're scared of her."

    On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, Jews must know that Palin is an achilles highheel on the Right. She makes conservatives look really stupid.

  48. Someone mentioned the need for a populist third party. Is such a thing possible anymore in America? I am afraid the numbers of people who would support such a thing (non-SWPL Whites for the most part)has dwindled to low already.

    I have a feeling that White people who have been afraid to stand up for themselves as a group will suffer the fate of all cowards: Seeing themselves pushed aside as losers.

  49. The problem with Beck was that he is a shameless crybaby clown.

    Sure, but he's always been that, and it didn't get him fired. He was fired because he criticized some very powerful Jewish bankers. That was the kiss of death for his TV career.

  50. Milbank's statement that "Beck falsely called Soros “a collaborator” with Nazis who “saw people into the gas chambers.”" is at least partly incorrect. Soros worked for the Judenrat in Budapest, which was the collaborator group the Nazis set up. Beck's claim that Soros "saw people into the gas chambers" doesn't appear to be true, even metaphorically.

  51. Soros worked for the Judenrat in Budapest, which was the collaborator group the Nazis set up.

    I believe he was 13 years old at the time.

    I think Soros' main sin is that he's a supporter of liberal causes.

  52. Why Beck Lost It

    Yep, he lost it. Went nuts, crazy, insane. You know how we know that?

    Because the only possible explanation for the smallest indication of criticism or suspicion of jews or insufficient philo-semitism is mental illness.

  53. "his explanation for everything is 'almost all Jews are bad' and 'most Jewish success is bogus and undeserved'"

    this is a misrepresentation of MacDonald, who is a lot more subtle than that

  54. I love Glenn Beck!he is almost as funny as John Stewart.

  55. Arthur O. Sulzberger4/21/11, 6:05 PM

    it looks like you've got more commenters -and readers?- than my Times itself.

  56. What most people here don't get

    It ain't for any lack of trying on your part.

    US Jews are about as Jewish as American Christians are Christian. Which is to say, not very much at all. They never go to Temple. They don't identify with any religious views. They don't view themselves as chosen people.

    You and your tired "it's a religion" schtick. Yawn. That was old when *I* started reading up on Ashkenazis. But get all sweaty with your straw man if that's what lights your fire.

    They are hostile to the existence of "embarrassing cousins" in Israel who the world hates

    Outright lie.

    particularly fashionable opinion.

    Hushed tone fashionable opinion. Or radical fringers. The establishment is not "hostile" to Israel. Not that that would matter, of course, as long as they show deference to the Israel Lobby, which of course they do.

    They are not observant nor do they consider themselves much as Jews.

    I notice you didn't pack the "Jews are just like SWPLs" thing into the sausage this time. You're learning.

    They intermarry like crazy.

    Lie. They "intermarry" less than other white Americans; far less in many cases - their "intermarriage" rates are about half that of Irish-Americans, for example.

  57. Kevin Macdonald is way too single-minded and simple-minded on the Jewish question, almost to the point of near-autism.

    You haven't read his books, and you therefore should not be commenting.

  58. Beck made the classic mistake that most shabbos goys make when pandering to Jews. He thought that his frequent Muslim bashing has won him a ticket to the exclusive Jewish club -- getting all the privileges that come with it, such as the freedom to express oneself openly. Boy was he wrong.

    This is a good lesson to all Shabbos Goys out there: You’ll never be a member of that club. Make one wrong move and you are done!

  59. Dana Milbank is, of course, Jewish.

    Dana Milbank and Dana Miliband are both Jewish? I thought I might be confusing the one with the other.

  60. Abe Fauxman, I salute you. That article - and that leading picture - is beyond a parody.

  61. Maybe Beck can get a job with NPR.

  62. Off topic alert from the link submitted by another isteve-o reader:


    "There is an unutterable secret among
    teachers: Almost all realize that blacks
    do not respond to traditional white

    This is a KEY statement.

    We ARE different, and it does not matter in the final analysis whether it is nature, nurture or both.

    In my experience black students respond to heavy handed authority figures much better than to wimpy white do-gooder dreamers, especially white women.

    Basically, think military academy, or (yes, non PC) prison.

    The teacher MUST be a GOD in a black classroom, able to deal punishment AT WILL.

    A troublemaker kid must be expelled - I am against 3 strikes and you are out, EXCEPT in a public school.

    Throw the bums out, arrest the moms who come in yapping about "maaaaaaay angeeeeeel!" for disturbing the peace, and you will see results.

    Maybe not on a white kids level, but things WILL improve.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled isteve comments section.

  63. He's also unprincipled, as when he said he'd gladly throw Palestinians--for whom he expresses faux compassion--under the bus IF Jews would side with Europeans against Muslims.

    As opposed to principled Jews who throw Palestinians under the bus while siding with Muslims against Europeans. (Just watch every video over at MyPostingCareer's "The Center for Scientific Antisemitism" thread for examples.)

    I'm not sure about Kevin MacDonald's theory about Jews, but I strongly suspect Jews (at least the Ashkenazim) are narcissists. This type probably goes well with being a self-promoting, self-absorbed and verbally facile middle-man minority and every single characteristic of "the disease" mentioned in Wikipedia's multiple descriptions of narcissism is something people have repeatedly observed in Jews. Narcissism also appears to be more heritable than many of the Big Four or Big Five personality traits.

  64. What most people here don't get (I'd include Steve here as well) is that American Jews are radically different from Israelis. Israelis live with the reality that Arabs and Palestinians and Iranians really want to kill them. All of them. And no bargain, niceness, groveling, apology, or concession will change that. They are Jews, and Muslims, nearly all of them, want to kill them. Even little kids among them.

    US Jews are about as Jewish as American Christians are Christian. Which is to say, not very much at all. They never go to Temple. They don't identify with any religious views. They don't view themselves as chosen people. They are hostile to the existence of "embarrassing cousins" in Israel who the world hates, particularly fashionable opinion. They are not observant nor do they consider themselves much as Jews. They intermarry like crazy.

    Sad, but true. Jews don't have/don't want to know/care about islamic reality. They'd better understand real quick.

  65. Yeah, we know who's "running the country" ... running it right into the ground.

  66. Thanks AmericanGoy, and Weekend Shalom!

  67. Quote: "There is an unutterable secret among teachers: Almost all realize that blacks do not respond to traditional white instruction." This is a KEY statement. We ARE different, and it does not matter in the final analysis whether it is nature, nurture or both.

    blacks: whites as whites:jews

    If that is the way you think about them, imagine how they think about us.

  68. ""I also think Jews hate Palin for the same reason. They're scared of her."

    If Jews hate Palin, why does her show run on a Jewish network?

  69. If Jews hate Palin, why does her show run on a Jewish network?

    Same reason Amos & Andy did.

  70. "If Jews hate Palin, why does her show run on a Jewish network?"

    Same reason Hollywood sometimes make conservative movies and why liberal Jewish-owned publishing companies release conservative books. To rake in big money from masses of dumb goyim. Of course, most of the political contributions made by Hollywood and publishing companies go mostly to Democrats.

    Even so, in order for Palin to play the media and political game, she has to say, loud and clear, that she loves, loves, and loves Jews. In fact, conservatives have to declare even more loudly that they love Jews since their policies go against social policies favored by Jews. It's like if you displease your mother by the things you actually do, you have to compensate by saying you love her soooo much and by sending her the biggest mother's day gift in the whole wide world.

    In the world/age of Holocaustian Faith, it is a given among both Democrats and Republicans that Jews are the best, a noblest, most suffering-succotash, most saintliest, etc. So, everything about Jews is supposed to be good and wonderful. Since most Jews are liberal, non-Jewish liberals have a easier time of pleasing Jews. But conservatives have a real problem since their social values or political agendas don't jibe with the all-knowing and all-wonderful Jews. Conservatives have a Jew-pleasing deficit.
    So, conservatives must compensate by saying they are totally head-over-heels in love with Jews. Since conservatives don't agree with much of Jewish social policy, it comes to an almost blind-worship of Zionism and the silly hope that if we love Israel a bit more, eventually most Jews will become conservatives.

  71. "What most people here don't get (I'd include Steve here as well) is that American Jews are radically different from Israelis. Israelis live with the reality that Arabs and Palestinians and Iranians really want to kill them."

    But Haim Saban, as an Israeli, must know all about the reality in the Middle East. But he supports the Democrats. And though Israelis grumble about Obama, most of them know that he's no less the running dog of AIPAC. Also, guys like Rahm Emanuel and many others served in the Israeli army, so they must know all about the reality in Israel. But they still support Democrats.
    If Obama were genuinely an anti-Jewish and pro-Palestinian radical, then Israelis may indeed see things differently. But most Israelis surely know Obama aint gonna do anything that jeopardizes the future of Israel. If Obama loses Jewish support, he is toast, and he knows it. And he knows that NY TIMES is no less Zionist than COMMENTARY, though liberal Jews make a bigger show of being, ehem, 'critical' of Israel, which really comes to nothing more than lipservice and wrist-slapping.

    What non-Jewish Americans should know is this: they are under occupation under Jewish rule just like the Palestinians. We are all Palestinians now!! I know I am.

  72. "As opposed to principled Jews who throw Palestinians under the bus while siding with Muslims against Europeans."

    I never said Jews were principled. What I'm implying is that MacDonald is as sleazy and devious as the Jews he denounces. Worse, he's stupid. A Jew would NEVER openly expose his cards, as MacDonald did.
    By saying what he did, the world knows his sympathy for the Palestinians is nothing but pure opportunism. Can you imagine a Jew loudly and openly saying something like, "we'll gladly dump the blacks if white conservatives give us what we want"? Even if Jews settle on doing such a thing, they would be shhhhhhh about it(like supporting get-tough-on-crime policies that locked up lots of black and Hispanic criminals).

  73. I think Beck just couldn't resist pushing the envelope more and more. The more he got away with 'outrageous' things and the more his popularity shot up, he felt compelled to go an extra inch, foot, mile.

    It's like we know KOMMENT KONTROL will not tolerate certain things, but when we see some pretty 'wild' comments make it through moderation, we grow bolder and bolder and push all the way... until KOMMENT KONTROL brings out the guillotine.
    Beck rose so high so fast that he got itchy about pushing it bit more and more and more.

    I'll say this though. Jews are full of it. Howard Zinn's HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES is a lop-sided anti-white-gentile history book that places all the blame for the world's ill on the white man, but Jews have NO PROBLEM with that. But Jews get sooo pissed when someone points that many Jews had a negative impact on history Putting all the blame on wasps is fine. But putting the same kind of blame on Jewish termites is wrong!!!
    Jews want every student to get his history from the likes of Howard Zinn, but they flip out when the likes of Beck points out the skeletons in the Jewish closet.

    Interestingly enough, Zinn's HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES is a kind of neo-Bible. If the BIBLE give us the history of the ancient world where Jews were always the good people and goyim were bad people, HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES gives us a history where whites(especially wasps)are always the bad people, and the people-of-color(to be led by noble Jewish immigrants)are always the good people.

    Just as the Bible tells of the noble and oppressed Jews seeking liberation from evil Egyptians and then finding(and fighting for) their promised land in Palestine, the secular Judeo-centric history of Zinn's book essentially tells of Evil European Egyptianesque-whites and Evil Canaanite-like-American-whites. So, the noble Jews flee the anti-semitic European-Egytians and then find their promised land by waging war against the racist wasp-American-canaanites. And just as the Israelites formed certain alliances with non-Jewish tribes to defeat the Canaanites and Philistines, Jews forge alliances with 'people of color' to overthrow the white 'racist' oppressors.

    Zinn's book is not a history book. It is an updated neo-Judeo-centric secular Bible for the modern era.

  74. If bad ratings get people fired, why did Katie Couric have her gig for so long?

  75. If Jews hate Palin, why does her show run on a Jewish network?

    I cannot think of any conceivable reason. It's a mystery. I mean, if Jews oppose Hezbollah, why does Noam Chomsky pal around with them? If Jews didn't like Hitler, why did thousands of Jews opt to fight for the Wehrmacht?

    By the way, Murdoch isn't a Jew, but thanks for noticing Fox is indeed a Jewish network.

    Really, try to be more obtuse next time.

  76. Left this bit out:

    "Jewish flight" is Jews chasing whites around.

  77. I never said Jews were principled. What I'm implying is that MacDonald is as sleazy and devious as the Jews he denounces. Worse, he's stupid. A Jew would NEVER openly expose his cards, as MacDonald did.
    By saying what he did, the world knows his sympathy for the Palestinians is nothing but pure opportunism. Can you imagine a Jew loudly and openly saying something like, "we'll gladly dump the blacks if white conservatives give us what we want"? Even if Jews settle on doing such a thing, they would be shhhhhhh about it(like supporting get-tough-on-crime policies that locked up lots of black and Hispanic criminals).

    Wow, I'm glad someone bothered to suss out how stupid you are.

  78. And yes, "stupid" was an exaggeration for effect. 100-110 isn't actually stupid.

  79. Soros was born in 1930. And he was a Nazi collaborator? Why am I reading a veiled defense of this nonsense by Mr Sailer here?

  80. "Really, try to be more obtuse next time."

    There are limits even to Twoof's obtuseness. If Twoof tried to be even more obtuse, this blog's comments section would implode.

  81. "I never said Jews were principled. What I'm implying is that MacDonald is as sleazy and devious as the Jews he denounces. Worse, he's stupid. A Jew would NEVER openly expose his cards, as MacDonald did.
    By saying what he did, the world knows his sympathy for the Palestinians is nothing but pure opportunism. Can you imagine a Jew loudly and openly saying something like, "we'll gladly dump the blacks if white conservatives give us what we want"? Even if Jews settle on doing such a thing, they would be shhhhhhh about it(like supporting get-tough-on-crime policies that locked up lots of black and Hispanic criminals)."

    Svigor is quite correct, this other anon is very stupid indeed. Firstly, Jews DO openly talk about this kind of thing - they just count on their control of the MSM to cover for them. Secondly, there's nothing stupid or sleazy about what MacDonald said. He never claimed to be a pro-Palestinian activist.

    This is a mistake that stupid people are constantly making: just because one notices that the Palestinians are getting screwed over by the Jews and one objects to one's tax money and the lives of one's fellow white Americans being wasted to pursue that end, does not automatically make one a "pro-Palestinian".

    It's really not that difficult a point to grasp.

  82. "guys who run the central banks and thus the world."

    Look at advertisements for the U.S. Federal Reserve jobs and then look who U.S. Universities are graduating with those skillsets (PHD's in Statistics, Math, Quantitative Finance, etc.).

  83. Oh the paranoia. As someone else noted Beck has a three hour radio show- generally a full time job for most people- with plenty more going on at his own media company. I think he's looking to set up an his own radio network but in any case he's plenty busy and plenty rich without a television show. Talk about "anti-semitism just isn't necessary, IMO.

  84. I always look forward to these Scots-Irish threads; they bring out the best in Whiskey. And by "the best", I mean the crazy.

  85. So Beck gets fired for low ratings, and Millbank invents a goy-baiting angle, and it's the WP's most popular article for weeks? Apparently Washington Post readers like Jewish Illuminati conspiracy theories. As do iSteve readers. Bipartisanship!

  86. none of the above4/22/11, 6:42 AM

    How can you tell whether getting rid of Beck is pre-emptive anti-anti-Semitism or something more mundane? Among other possible reasons:

    a. His ratings have fallen off.

    b. He's massively off message compared to other Fox News talking heads/shills. (Fox is part news organization, part propaganda operation. This doesn't distinguish it from CNN or MSNBC all that much, except that they're running propaganda from a different source.)

    c. He's been the example everyone has used of the excesses of talk radio type lowbrow commentary on the right, for a few years now. Perhaps Fox thinks to retire him as a way of decreasing the amount of criticism they come in for.

    Is there any reason to think Dana Milbank's article is actually reflecting Fox News' internal decisionmaking processes? I mean, it could be--Milbank is a serious reporter, and he certainly might have good sources inside Fox--but it seems just as likely that the decision was made for other reasons, and that Fox's PR people then tried to spin up whatever reason would play best in the outside world. I have no idea how you'd distinguish between those two cases.

  87. Anin 8.04 said "Beck is either a blind fool or a clever operator. He never calls out 'bad Jews' as Jews but he always calls out 'good Jews' as Jews."

    As evidence of anti-semitism this is less than non-existent. As evidence of a smear campaign being built on no actual facts (like, for example the "ethics" complaints against Palin & Gingrich) it is overwhelming. Not sure Hoe McCarthy would have convicted on such "evidence" but we live in less free times.

  88. "So, Whiskey, you are saying that Glenn Beck was fired for being too pro-Israel?"

    Not as odd as it sounds in a very indirect sort of way.

    Jews are split between neocons who, if they had to choose between Israel and diaspora Jews would choose Israel, and diaspora Jews who, if they had to choose, would sacrifice Israel. It's only slight but it's there.

    Fox is 100% neocon. Soros is a neocon bete noire. I doubt very much Soros is less than 99% pro-Israel but to neocons that's not enough. So...

    Fox attacks Soros through Beck. Beck overdoes the Jewish angle i.e he mentions it at all. Soros and chums set up a boycott operation and push to get Beck fired. He's not immediately fired like anyone else would have been because of the neocon / diaspora split but when he mentioned Jews again - well he didn't actually mention them but apparently it was close enough - the pressure built up and he was fired.

    "If Jews hate Palin, why does her show run on a Jewish network?"

    They don't like the sort of people Palin represents but they need their votes.

    "I'm not sure about Kevin MacDonald's theory about Jews"

    Professor MacDonald's theory isn't really about Jews it's about ethno-centricity. Jews are an extreme case because of their unusual history.

    "What I'm implying is that MacDonald is as sleazy and devious as the Jews he denounces. Worse, he's stupid. A Jew would NEVER openly expose his cards, as MacDonald did."

    Lol. Not *quite* as devious then.


  89. Konrad Adenauer4/22/11, 9:54 AM

    If Jews didn't like Hitler, why did thousands of Jews opt to fight for the Wehrmacht?

    If you'd actually read the book you cite, you'd know that most of the people in question were of partial Jewish ancestry and didn't consider themselves Jews at all (though they were classified as semi-Jewish by the legal definition at the time). In some instances, they weren't even aware of their Jewish ancestry at all until this came to light until checks on "racial purity" turned up the truth. For the most part the people who continued to serve despite the fact they were legally prohibited (i.e., they concealed their background) did so because they felt that military service would be useful in protecting Jewish relations from legal persecution, and most certainly not out of any allegiance to the Nazi government.

  90. Palin's show is not on Fox, it is on TLC (CEO, David Zaslov). And, tangienitally, it seems as though Rupert Murdoch is, indeed a Jew.


  91. Kevin MacDonald is writing from the point of view of what's good for the Whites, not what's bad for the Jews or anyone else. In other words, when he goes beyond scholarship to advocacy, he's writing out of love, not malice.

    This was the point of his theoretical offer (which he knows will not be taken up). It's not that he isn't sympathetic to the Palestinians, but he's all about White survival. If there was a deal on offer that would get Whites relief from the Jewish cultural attack, he would take it.

    I suggested the same thing a couple of times before he said it. His meaning was clear in context.

  92. Anonymous said: I never said Jews were principled. What I'm implying is that MacDonald is as sleazy and devious..."

    What you're doing is maligning a good man who said what he said for honest, honorable and principled reasons.

  93. "Soros was born in 1930. And he was a Nazi collaborator? Why am I reading a veiled defense of this nonsense by Mr Sailer here?"

    It wasn't voluntary. He was a kid.

    His dad asked a non-Jewish friend to pretend the boy was his son so the boy wouldn't get the chop. The friend was a government employee and so (technically, very technically) boy Soros was involved.

    I don't think any reasonable person could say he was culpable in an any way.

    It was the oddest and least reasonable part of Beck's attack on Soros. Perhaps he thought it would all cancel out somehow?

  94. "They don't like the sort of people Palin represents but they need their votes."

    Votes? What votes? What are they running for?

  95. Another take on Mr. Beck:
    "But what we get from the rabbis' porch 'Goy' Glenn Beck is a ridiculous conspiratorial worldview according to which 'secular' or 'reform' Jews' ally with Nazis and send pious Orthodox 'Jews' to 'death camps.' He's enforcing the foundational paranoia of the rabbinic racket which keeps 'Jews' in the ghetto under rabbinic tribal control. He's coaching his 'conservative' 'Goy' viewers to believe that there's great virtue in tribal Orthodox Judaism and that they should ally with it. This is why the wily Orthodox Rabbi Lapin happily joined Beck on his program and at his "Restoring Honor" rally.
    Judaic tribalism is harmful to 'Jews' and 'non-Jews' in both its 'Reform' and Orthodox mantles"
    - Maurice Pinay

  96. Truth

    "Votes? What votes? What are they running for?"

    Fox is the propaganda arm of the neocon wing of the Republican party. They promote whichever candidate they think will best serve those interests: Bush then McCain now Palin.

    Although she appears to have gone off the boil a bit so maybe they'll switch to someone else.

  97. Beck surprised me on yesterday’s program. He spoke in coded language to say that losing his show will not stop him. He implicitly compared himself to musicians who forgo music labels and Kevin Spacey creating television without major networks. With his crying, his religiosity, and his uneducated idiocy poorly trying to tackle subjects like global warming, I thought he was a lovable dope to be taken purely at face value. Maybe he really is trying to speak for Gentile whites.

    Also, kudos to him for attacking Huckabee. There are many candidates like Huckabee that Obama could easily defeat based on their records. However, unlike Palin and Gingrich, Huckabee could actually win the nomination and hand us four years of Obama (kind of like how he did in 2008).

  98. If Jews didn't like Hitler, why did thousands of Jews opt to fight for the Wehrmacht?

    It was, of course, a rhetorical question meant to remind the commentator that motives are often complicated. Nobody is accusing every last Jew of having such intense paranoia of a harmless, pro-Israeli Beck that they would exclude him in spite of all other considerations.

    Yes, of course, the great majority of the aforementioned individuals who served in the Wehrmacht were not fully Jewish. We all know that even without reading the book.

  99. Fox is 100% neocon. Soros is a neocon bete noire. I doubt very much Soros is less than 99% pro-Israel but to neocons that's not enough. So...

    Precisely. "99% pro Israel" is what Whiskey means when he says "hostile to Israel." LOL.

    "What I'm implying is that MacDonald is as sleazy and devious as the Jews he denounces. Worse, he's stupid. A Jew would NEVER openly expose his cards, as MacDonald did."

    Lol. Not *quite* as devious then.

    Yeah, that quote is what made me throw my hands up. When you say something like that, you're either too dumb to see the picture, or you don't want to see.

    And, tangienitally, it seems as though Rupert Murdoch is, indeed a Jew.

    Murdoch definitely seems to be a Jew from where I'm standing. Whether some Jews dispute this because he wasn't born one is their business. I'm more about the "walks, talks, quacks" thing.

  100. Bret Baier of Fox News “Special Report” is a rising star, according to the same sources that have attacked Beck. When Beck was against the Egypt revolution, Baier had a very special segment on the topic including three guests: Paul Wolfowitz, Eliot Abrams and Aaron Miller. All of Baier’s guests had the exact same position on the Egypt revolution, and all just happen to be Jewish Neocons or Neoliberals. This week Baier had for his three person panel the following: Jonah Goldberg, Charles Lane (Jewish, of the New Republic and Washington Post) and his all star Charles Krauthammer of the New Republic and Washington Post.

    Baier seems to know which side his bagel is buttered on whereas Beck thought he lived in a free country.

  101. Svigor
    "Yeah, that quote is what made me throw my hands up."

    Yeah i thought i'd spell it out for any who missed it as it was pretty funny.

  102. unlike Palin and Gingrich, Huckabee could actually win the nomination and hand us four years of Obama (kind of like how he did in 2008).

    Say what? Huckabee won the nomination in 2008 and thereby handed us four years of Obama?

  103. "They don't like the sort of people Palin represents but they need their votes."

    "Votes? What votes? What are they running for?"

    For the controlling of the dimwit goy minds who wave the Israeli flag and shout 'we love Jews' no matter what most Jews are up to.

  104. Beck might read books, but his researchers watch and listen to Alex Jones. He's been talk about the private Federal Reserve for 16+ years. Beck is an Alex Jones clone, without the authenticity.

  105. RE: Fox

    Back a few years ago, I did some Google searches related to Fox.

    My findings:

    1. Fox personnel split about 50-50
    Repub/Demo--slight tilt to R
    Other networks run 80 to 85% D

    2. Fox contributions to political
    parties run about 92% to Dems
    (least to Dems of the networks)

    3. Murdoch was the guy who threw a
    big party for Hillary to kick
    off her candidacy for nomination

    One other thing. I'd give odds that Bill O'Reilly never voted R--at least before GWB (and maybe not even before Bush/Kerry). He's conservative in a sense but only in the same sense as are "Boston Irish" working-class Democrats (though both he --and many of them--have probably changed their minds of late).

    I like O'Reilly and believe he's a "good guy" in any normal sense. but I can hardly believe how little he understands of Economics and how stupid he can be sometimes.

    Some time ago, Garrison Keillor (of PBS) was on O'Reilly and made a fool of Bill (or let him make one of himself). O'Reilly hadn't a clue who Keillor was (except show name "Prairie Home Companion) and spent quite a pompous bit of time talking down to him as though he were some farm boy who'd never been to the "big city" before. The way GK let him go on was one of the cruellest things I've ever witnessed on TV.

  106. Polistra:

    I don't understand why you believe "Wall St." is "evil." I can well believe there are evil-doers there but find it hard to believe that the entire "street" is evil; it's just where much of the securities, financial, and commodities business gets done. My own guess is that it's a larger attractant to certain types for the same reason that Willie Sutton specialized in banks.

  107. This is a mistake that stupid people are constantly making: just because one notices that the Palestinians are getting screwed over by the Jews and one objects to one's tax money and the lives of one's fellow white Americans being wasted to pursue that end, does not automatically make one a "pro-Palestinian".

    Take out the "white" bit and I am onboard.

  108. >Take out the "white" bit and I am onboard.<

    The problem with conservatism, stated in a nutshell. Thanks.


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