May 31, 2011

Bibi and Barack

A reader sends photos of Bibi Netanyahu and Barack Obama as young men, with the implication that these might shed light on why the head of a country of 6 million treated the head of a country of 300 million like his personal dogwalker.


  1. Does Bibi's successful intransigence increasing add credence to the Republican electorate's passion that they want someone who will stand up to Barack Obama, whom they (correctly) see as a paper tiger, who is not as impressive as the beltway GOP assumes he is?

  2. Bibi's always been hot.

    That's a really, really unflattering, uncool pic of Barry. The pose is kinda fey.

  3. A picture is worth a 1000 words.

    So WTH was McSame's excuse?

  4. Bibi is very good looking. Wow.

  5. Obama is an affirmative action baby, who, while having only above average intelligence, because he's half-black, is perceived as being brilliant because he talks white. Affirmative action got the mediocre Obama transferred into Columbia, Harvard Law--where they handed him the journal editorship, the first time it wasn't based on grades--and propelled him into the Presidency, anointed by the media.

    Netanyahu has gravitas. His family is accomplished, his centenarian father is a historian and scholar, his late brother was a true war hero, and his younger brother is a physician, author, and playwright. Netanyahu not only has a stellar intellect, he was a commander of an elite commando unit.

    Here's the bottom line: Obama's talent is being a black guy who can sound smart to an unsophisticated person, he's a "magic Negro." Netanyahu is a gifted soldier and statesman with a genius IQ. There is just no comparison.

  6. I suspect it has to do more with who is backing them now, than who they were then.

  7. And, I ask, "If Bibi or someone Bibi-like were our Prez, would he, on the day reserved to pay tribute to our war dead, have laid a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, then run off to play golf the remainder of the day?"

    Haven't heard anything on this except from one source. MMM silent. The greatest threat to our nation is not this president nor any other--it's the abdication of both reason and balance on the part of the fourth estate.

    My neighbors across the street have a son in Afghanistan. They flipped when they heard (and I know that the husband, at least, voted for the guy).

    I think Barry figures that getting Osama gave him free passes for rounds of golf on otherwise important, symbolic days.

    In fact, he probably thought that getting Osama should have given him a free passes with his Israeli borders speech. After all, that's how it's done in Chicago--you deliver on one thing, you're supposed to get a pass on something else.

  8. The ONLY reason he was able to treat Obama as his dogwalker is because of the Jewish lobby and its money, power and influence.

  9. JeremiahJohnbalaya5/31/11, 8:48 PM

    Nice bracelet, B'rock.

  10. "Bibi's always been hot."

    "Bibi is very good looking. Wow."

    And just wait until the chix on this board see that picture!

  11. So you think it was Bibi's character and personality that lead to his triumph over Obama and other factors weren't involved?

    Hint: Bibi doesn't have to worry about losing his job for treading Obama like shit, but Obama could lose his for not kissing Bibi’s ass enough.

    Look at what happened to George H.W Bush.

  12. Netenyahoo looks more like a thug or a gangster, with that slightly effeminate lip that sinister people have.

    Barry Soreto just looks like the clown he is.

    Neither look nobel or like leaders, but when was the last time a leader did? Lincoln? Old hickory?

  13. "Bibi's always been hot."

    God, yes. Such a welcome change from Arnie, Mitch and the rest of the epically hideous or just plain epicene males discussed here lately.

    "That's a really, really unflattering, uncool pic of Barry. The pose is kinda fey."

    Unflattering but apparently not atypical. I found these just by googling "'Barack Obama' +young":

    The Poseur Poses

    Admittedly, he's wearing the same clothes in different shots so presumably those were all taken in one sitting. Still, there's a nice selection, if you can call it that, of Black Narcissus in unflattering, fey poses.

    The point is that at roughly the same age at which Bibi was soldiering (in a totally hot way), i.e., doing adult work, Barack was sitting around posing with cigarettes, hats and other props of coolness or hipness or what have you.

  14. Yeah, definitely, a professional soldier and a Sartre wannabe college student, is it any wonder who won the battle.

  15. I expect Clinton had exactly that expression on his face most of the time he was at Oxford.

  16. Obama is a tall guy, but he still somehow comes across as a wimp. His faggy body language, skinny lack of musculature and general effeminate demeanor that makes him so beloved by the Jewish-homosexual dominated MSM (he must be intelligent!) makes him out to be a pansy among red meat eating red state folks.

    Bibi is an irritating guy. Bill Clinton couldn't stand him. I can't imagine Clinton letting Netanyahu upstage him in any forum. Bill Clinton was a mensch. Obama is a wuss.

  17. Looks like a job for Harry Callahan.
    Gilbert P.

  18. Oh my....

    The USA elected Leon Phelps, the Ladies' Man, President!

  19. republicans at the national level love everything israel does, so of course they liked when israel's leader verbally destroyed obama to his face. a few days later obama licked that guys boots in public so thoroughly he wouldn't need a shoe shine for the rest of his life.

    but what if tensions with russia were a few notches higher, and it was putin totally wrecking obama? things could get dangerous fast, for everybody. obama would certainly show weakness against an opponent he couldn't just airforce/dronestrike/buttonpush/cruisemissile into submission in 3 days like these wimpy third world outfits who have no possible way of ever hitting back. and that's not a good signal to send to guys like putin and jintao.

    you hardly have to be a super rambo, bravado slinger when you are face to face with them, but you can't be barack obama. he went out of his way to tell all of america's enemies how many nuclear devices it was fielding.

    barack obama let pakistan get away with hiding bin laden for years while taking US money. that part of the "gutsy call" is being totally flushed down the memory hole. personally i think the US has no business in preventing iran from going nuclear, but many US politicians, democrat and republican alike, think it does. obama's bold decision was to...sanction venezuela for selling gasoline to iran. gutsy call! that will show iran.

  20. This is not on Obama.

    In case anybody did not notice this before, the pro Israel Lobby is the biggest, most effective and most feared lobby in American politics.

    The same would have happened to Bush "the boy emperor", except that he never went against Israeli policy and "advice".

  21. Bibi was a handsome fellow. Still is.

    The reason "the head of a country of 6 million treated the head of a country of 300 million like his personal dogwalker" is of course that the american jewish lobby is very effective and well funded.

  22. I don't think that Lucky Strike was the only thing Barry had been smoking that day.

  23. tweedleleedle5/31/11, 9:48 PM

    OMG, what a stud (not you BO)! I just thought I was getting too old for romance. ;0)

  24. No answer, then? When did Bibi treat Obama like that? Anyone? No? I guess there's a collective unconscious of anti-Semitism I just can't plug into. Oh well.

  25. Anonymous asked, "But what about the debates between Obama and McCain.....?"

    Who care about old McCain, man? Irrelevant.

    Oh, one other thing about Bibi---sexy voice; he speaks low and slow, but it seems real, not practiced.

    Okay, I'll go to bed now dreaming of Bibi with a belt of bullets thrown over his shoulder.

    BTW, can any of you imagine Bibi, even as a civilian, tweeting?

    Also, Weiner's nose would have made a bigger bulge in his pants that what was pictured.

    We need some real men in Congress, dammit.

  26. I don't think Obama came off badly. He just sat there coolly and looked at Bibi in an amused manner. He came across as cool, calm, and collected while Bibi came across as a fat, aggressive, arrogant, pushy Jew.

    Obama didn't back down, nor did he cower. He just sat there as if to convey to TV viewers, "'derogatory word for blacks' is craaaaazy!"

    It's like Joe Louis vs Two ton Tony Galento(or something like that). Louis stayed calm while Galento talked the trash during the interview, but Louis won the fight and kept the composure.

    Bibi didn't look strong but desperate to look tough.
    Obama knew he couldn't push Bibi around cuz he has to respect Jewish power, but he also knew that Bibi's trashtalk couldn't really do him much harm since most Jews are liberal and fully behind him. Besides, his speech followed J-street guidelines.

  27. if Netanyahu were raised in america...
    would a jewish american serve in a commando unit/and or potentially risk his life to save "his" country?
    probably not.
    Would he advocate the same policiers he advocates for Israel or policies that jewish americans think are good for jews, like open borders. Probably.

    I think steve sailer once pointed out that one of the most interesting play/screen writers of the 20th century would have been very uninteresting if he found out he were jewish sooner than he did (stoppard)

  28. Actually, Barry SHOULD be Bibis's dogwalker. Both men and both countries would be better off.

  29. Here's the bottom line: Obama's talent is being a black guy who can sound smart to an unsophisticated person, he's a "magic Negro." Netanyahu is a gifted soldier and statesman with a genius IQ. There is just no comparison.

    You're absolutely right that there's no comparison.

    Netanyahu has definitely milked more from the US for himself and his people than Obama has.

  30. Netanyahu comes off as a sleazy 'gold chainer'. Not just in appearance but in mannerisms and speaking style.

  31. OT or maybe on-topic.

    "Frenemies... An anthology on the concept of philo-Semitism shows that ‘Jew lovers’ have often been just a shade better than anti-Semites—and sometimes no better at all"

    You CANNOT please these people.
    And I feel obliged to counter, 'pro-American Jews have often been just shade better than anti-American Jews'.
    And Neocons like David Brooks and Goldberg have only been shade better than liberal Jews.

  32. Don't hate the Jews--evil of antisemitism--and don't love the Jews--the delusion of philosemitism.

    Just trust, obey, and worship the Jews. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!!!

  33. Bibi did what was expected when the President a day before his visit tells him to commit national suicide. He disagreed forcefully and right in front of Obama in a way that Obama could not contradict.

    Obama basically sand-bagged Bibi, telling him there was "nothing new" in his speech and then demanding right of return and pre-67 borders in his speech. National suicide for Israel, who in any event have no negotiating partner (Hamas will never agree to Israel's existence, period). It's a recipe for war.

    If Obama wanted peace he would have taken out Iran's nukes ("America's protection umbrella is strong, don't mess with our clients") and then pressed Israel as the price of that to make an arrangement with the PA, "declare victory" (i.e. a Palestinian state based on the West Bank but without Jerusalem) and keep client Mubarak around.

    Instead Obama pursued more Nobel Peace prizes and got nothing but served.

  34. Or you could argue that a nation of around 4-5 million Jews (and about 2 million Palestinians who hate them and want them all dead) cannot afford ANY MARGIN OF ERROR. Not when they are surrounded by around 300 million Arabs who want them all dead.

    The difference today and say, in 1938, is that small countries cannot be simply destroyed by larger ones through demographic weight if they have nukes. There is always Samson in the Temple.

    Look at Israeli politics: soldiers and various militia leaders at the beginning, even Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak were decorated soldiers. Olmert being the sole laywer-min military service guy.

  35. American Goy said, "The same would have happened to Bush "the boy emperor", except that he never went against Israeli policy and "advice".

    Actually it did happen in the spring of 2002. At that time Sharon sent troops into Gaza and Bush publicly demanded they withdraw. I recall the lobby and even gentiles like Rush slamming Bush.

  36. Israel is not going gently into that good night. Unlike Czechoslovakia in 1938, Israelis have the means to resist and the Samson option. They still may go down (particularly if the Muslim Brotherhood run Egypt and Iran decide to team-up to make a statement about the new power in the Med) but it will be very, very ugly.

    If Libya had nukes the US would not have dared attack Khadaffi. That lesson has not been lost.

    American security policy must therefore either accept nuclear proliferation as a consequence of no security umbrella and Pax Americana (friends don't need nukes, enemies deterred from getting them by punishment) and basically copy China (arm proxies with nukes like crazy) or build up (not tear down as Obama is doing) the nuclear arsenal and launch an Ike-like "Chrome Dome" constant nuclear alert aimed at the proliferation threats, or actively intervene to punish/eliminate proliferators.

    At any event, nuclear tech spreading out means a big shift in American security. Your city can get nuked! because Muslims are mad about some preacher burning Korans or something. [Muslims are always hyper-offended about something.]

  37. Obama looks wimpy in the picture, but he can be a ruthless guy when he wants to. When he ran for the state senate in Illinois, he disqualified all four of his opponents by suing for signature fraud. When he was going to run against Jack Ryan for the Senate, his campaign got Ryan's embarassing divorce records released and killed the Ryan campaign (he used this same tactic previously with his opponent in the Senate primary - Blair Hull). When he was running against Clinton, he played the race card against her. When Wright became a problem, Obama threw Wright and his Grandma under the bus. Obama also played ball with the Daley machine, Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Khalidi, and all sorts of questionable characters. Don't let his soft artiste demeanor fool you. This guy is shrewd and calculating, without being physically brutish.

    Arnold Schwarzennegar is good looking. He's been a hot commodity with the ladies for years. Netanyahu is handsome, but Arnold is a true alpha male stud.

  38. There's this idea in militaristic-crazed societies, such as the US and Israel, that having served makes you a better man.
    I've served in an active army, and enjoyed, it, but most fellow soldiers were pricks and rubes, and often cause unnecessary harm to civilians.

    Maybe a good character can be hardened and steeled through military service, but usually the worst comes out when men are under arms, and I think that a bad character just becomes worse under arms.

  39. "There's this idea in militaristic-crazed societies, such as the US and Israel, that having served makes you a better man."

    But given that the pres has the power to send men into battle, I feel better if he served and if his kids served too.

  40. Barack didn't spend a day in the barracks.

  41. Bibi King and Burt Barackarach.

    The Pump and the Pimp.

  42. No Jew-hate on this board, no siree.

  43. as others have noted, in all his mannerisms, obama appears to be limp wristed and wimpy.

    i don't even have to dig deep to find examples of this, i remember those photos of the judo olympians at the white house doing a demonstration for the president, and faggy obama recoiling at the sight of guys throwing and slamming each other.

    contrast this with putin who is an actual black belt in judo and does the throwing and slamming himself. and who directly attacks jewish citizens who he thinks are a serious threat to russia. few leaders could measure up to putin in this department of course, but the difference in personality between the heads of state, right this moment anyway, it's huge.

    "Obama looks wimpy in the picture, but he can be a ruthless guy when he wants to."

    all that stuff you listed was standard career lawyer stuff that modern liberal lawyers, judges, and politicians do all the time these days. plus during this time period obama was being advised and mentored by anti-american scumbags who were experienced veterans of how to do this stuff and had developed playbooks for this kind of thing.

    there was nothing real world ruthless about any of that. heck, these counter-cultural academics and lawyers aren't much different than D&D nerds. they're experts at the rules of their artificial worlds, novices at the real world. what did gene simmons say about obama? he has no clue what the world is like because he doesn't live there. lech walesa, a legitimate recipient of the nobel peace prize and former president of poland, scoffed at an offer to meet obama and turned him down flat, noting it was a photo op for obama and nothing more.

  44. Hey, Silver, I voted for the guy. What's your beef with Israel? You got Palestinian buddies in Oz?

    As for Netanyahu's military career, it's not something that we talk about much here. His older brother far overshadows him there. Bibi got where he is chiefly because of his outstanding tenure as UN ambassador, where he showed great charisma.

  45. No, he doesn't. On most measures of masculinity, Obama is somewhat above average. He wastes a large amount of time on sports, watching ESPN, playing golf, playing basketball, filling in his NCAA bracket, etc.

    In this picture, he looks baked.

  46. Hey, Silver, I voted for the guy.

    Why would I care who you voted for? (Personally, I would have guessed you voted for Avigdor, the way you stalk all the race blogs.)

    What's your beef with Israel? You got Palestinian buddies in Oz?

    You know very well what my beef is. Stop the lies and start caring about your friends is what I what would demand of Israel (were I in any position to be issuing demands, which, obviously, I am not, but the logic I subscribe to extends to anyone willing to use his brain).

    No Jew-hate on this board, no siree.

    Was that aimed at me? Sorry, but Netanyahu does look like a shifty-eyed jewish creep. It's incredible anyone could tolerate having that little slimeball barking at them. The only other jewish creep who infuriates me as much is Daniel Pipes. That's why I'm such a big fan of Khalid Rashidi. I'm no great lover of Pals (nothing really against them as individuals, but sheesh, talk about messed up life priorities), but you've gotta love the way Rashidi wipes the floor with bs-artits like Pipes.

  47. You know very well what my beef is.

    Actually, I don't. I guess I'm not stalking the race blogs enough.

  48. Look at Israeli politics: soldiers and various militia leaders at the beginning, even Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak were decorated soldiers. Olmert being the sole laywer-min military service guy.

    You forget to mention all the terrorists at the beginning.

  49. Well there's all those dead combatants and civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. That might also have "gotten their goat" so to speak.

  50. Anon sez:But given that the pres has the power to send men into battle, I feel better if he served and if his kids served too.<br
    I couldn't agree more with you. In addition I am a fan of conscription, since it binds the army more to the population and makes pols think twice before embarking on military adventures. Once the body bags pile up, the crying mothers become a political liability. It also means that the activities of the army becomes dinner table talk, enabling more civic minded folk to do something about outrages.

  51. IHTG said...
    Actually, I don't. I guess I'm not stalking the race blogs enough.

    bait if i ever saw it

  52. Anonymous: the terrorists didn't just run Israel in the beginning - Y. Shamir was prime minister as recently as 1992 and A. Sharon as recently as 2006. Both are still clinging ghoulishly to life - perhaps only the good do die young. Israel is the original and quintessential terrorist state.

  53. No doubt Netanyahu could beat the crap out of Obama. It's funny how even in positions where direct violence is totally unnecessary and unthinkable the more physically threatening guy still gets the respect.

    Obama doesn't deserve any more criticism than any other recent president. When was the last time America had a "real man" for a president? Kennedy? The rest have been charlatans, incompetents or fools. Which is just as well considering what America has become. They fit.

  54. It is kind of funny that Bibi is now some kind of bigshot alpha male in the USA. He's always been considered sort of flaky in Israel - even Bibi's father (a formidable old man) thinks so.

    Ariel Sharon was the real alpha. He crushed Netanyahu's aspirations whenever he had the chance, for good or for ill. He is too old to have been in Bibi's commando unit, Sayeret Matkal. He was part of "Unit 101", the leaner, meaner precursor to Matkal. Those guys were stone-cold killers.

  55. Anonymous at 10:20 asks: "if Netanyahu were raised in america..."

    Actually, Netanyahu spent more of his formative years in the United States than Barry Soetoro did.
    He also was graduated from high school in Pennsylvania and attended university here.

  56. "contrast this with putin who is an actual black belt in judo and does the throwing and slamming himself..."

    Contrast is possible. Comparison is not.

  57. What is Obama, by comparison, but a "pisher"?

  58. Also, Weiner's nose would have made a bigger bulge in his pants that what was pictured.

    How in Hades did that one make it through Komment Kontrol?!?


  59. "Netenyahoo looks more like a thug or a gangster, with that slightly effeminate lip that sinister people have."

    REgarding the statement "with that slightly effeminate lip that sinister people have":

    Citation of research that supports this, please?

    If his lip is "effeminate," order a few million for the women of the world, would you? As I recall, he has a nice, manly scar on the upper lip. Hmmm, hmmm, good.

  60. "Bibi did what was expected when the President a day before his visit tells him to commit national suicide. He disagreed forcefully and right in front of Obama in a way that Obama could not contradict."

    My gawd, two times in a week or so I've agreed with a Whiskey point.

    True, though--Obama asked for what he got. There was no need for Obama to have said what he did before Bibi had even arrived, before they had and before they'd had a chance to talk face to face.

    Either it was done purposefully, and if so, turnabout by Bibi was fair play, or it was done out of idiocy, in which he deserved the polite and public cuff of the ears he got.

    I can't see why anyone thinks Bibi should not or would not have done what he did under the circumstances that preceded that dual press appearance.

  61. "Arnold Schwarzennegar is good looking."

    OMG. You must be a guy with a body you hate. Women can't stand Arnold's looks. It's always been high school boys and low IQ twenty-something males who liked Arnold.

    Get into a discussion with women about hot HW commodities (years ago) and it was Arnold's name that came up with, "God, that guy is ugly. Why is he popular?"

    In unison, the group would respond, "Men!"

    The only movie that might have endeared him for a bit to women was "Kindergarten Cop" but that didn't mean they thought him attractive physically any more than they found Danny DeVito attractive.

  62. A guy who did his bit in the mil is always going to have more gravitas (?)than the guy who had something *better* to do. That's just the way it. Likewise a woman who raised kids.

    Women in the mil and stay-at-home-dad just aren't equivalent IMO.

    This judgment is not self-serving either, because I did none of the above. But now at 62 looking back it seems crystal clear.

  63. One thing you can say about the Beebster that is beyond argument: he's a racist. He'd be proud to tell you that he does things on the basis of "Is it good for the Jews?". Think about a racist getting 30 standing ovations from Congress. It ain't his personality.

  64. If we tried to trade Obama for Bibi, Israel wouldn't be stupid enough to accept our offer.

  65. "The only movie that might have endeared him {Arnold] for a bit to women was "Kindergarten Cop" but that didn't mean they thought him attractive physically any more than they found Danny DeVito attractive."

    Given a choice, I'd pick Danny DeVito over Arnold any day. Danny's not only funny and talented but Rhea Perlman, to whom he's been married for almost 30 years, always looks like a very happy woman.

    And Throw Momma from the Train is my favorite comedy.

  66. One thing you can say about the Beebster that is beyond argument: he's a racist. He'd be proud to tell you that he does things on the basis of "Is it good for the Jews?". Think about a racist getting 30 standing ovations from Congress. It ain't his personality.

    Would David Duke or Jean-Marie Le Pen or Nick Griffin get 30 standing ovations from Congress too? If not, why not?

  67. As I recall, he has a nice, manly scar on the upper lip. Hmmm, hmmm, good.

    That's from a knish that was too hot.

  68. REgarding the statement "with that slightly effeminate lip that sinister people have":
    nero or depictions of him

  69. Morris Dees said, "'Also, Weiner's nose would have made a bigger bulge in his pants that what was pictured.'

    How in Hades did that one make it through Komment Kontrol?!?


    Say, any chance of a house tour, Morris? it's been a while since Steve did the article on how you live on, but not in, poverty and I bet Suze has done some fabulous updates to Chez Dees since then.

    Morris Dees' Poverty Palace

    And if you're not actually Morris, shame on you for being such a tease. In that case, I hope Heidi Beirich sends you one of her infamous risibly cautionary emails.

  70. "No Jew-hate on this board, no siree.

    Was that aimed at me? Sorry, but Netanyahu does look like a shifty-eyed jewish creep."


    For comedy, this board DESTROYS Saturday Night Live.

  71. The ONLY reason he was able to treat Obama as his dogwalker is because of the Jewish lobby and its money, power and influence.

    Does the same explanation apply to Syria, Iran and North Korea? What about the continued financing for terrorists that Muslim countries provide for terrorists after 9/11, despite huge amounts of American aid? I think your loathing for Jews has overcome your capacity for reason.

  72. But what about the debates between Obama and McCain where the former was forceful while latter was defensive and weak? McCain had been a tough military guy(with a reputation for getting spitting mad at times), but Obama stepped all over him.

    The kiss of death for any politician in the US is to be labeled a racist. Essentially McCain surrendered halfway through the campaign, and the press was willing to refrain from labeling him a racist (though of course his supporters were probably all racists) as long as it looked like he couldn't win.

    The Israeli PM doesn't have to worry about pariah status you can get in the US for picking on a black US politician. And he doesn't lose much by making an enemy of Obama personally - it's been pretty clear for years Obama doesn't like Israel or Netanyahu.

    Also, the timing is important. This wouldn't have gone over nearly so well in 2008 when Obama was more popular.

  73. Steve is also being a little disingenuous. Israel is a pretty unique country for the following reasons - (1) half of world's Jewish population was exterminated in WWII with European cooperation, (2) the Arabs attempted to do to the Jewish populations of their countries, what Hitler had accomplished in Europe and (3) Israel itself fought three separate wars to stave off defeat and physical extermination. When you add in the fact that Obama is Israel's enemy, constrained in his exterminationist views only by pro-Israel American public opinion, why should Netanyahu genuflect to him?

  74. "'Arnold Schwarzennegar is good looking.'

    "Women can't stand Arnold's looks."

    Agree 100% with this.

    The other thing, men often can't seem to tell which men are good looking and which men aren't. This error is rife in the Sailer-sphere, which is of course male dominated.

  75. ...more gravitas... Likewise a woman who raised kids.

    Sarah Palin raised a whole brood of 'em.

    And so did Michelle Bachmann.

    I actually think that a Palin/Bachmann ticket would be pretty dadgum formidable.

  76. Does the same explanation apply to Syria, Iran and North Korea? What about the continued financing for terrorists that Muslim countries provide for terrorists after 9/11, despite huge amounts of American aid? I think your loathing for Jews has overcome your capacity for reason.

    Same old, same old. Put Jewish interests first else you're evil.


  77. If we tried to trade Obama for Bibi, Israel wouldn't be stupid enough to accept our offer.

    What difference would it make? Bibi already runs both countries, whether most Americans realize it or not.

  78. Obama knows he he owes his rise to Jewish power.

    Not really. Many Jews (especially older Jews and the neocons) have been unconvinced of Obama's support for Israel because his middle name is Hussein, he had ties to Rev Wright, he was one of the very few elite politicians to oppose the Iraq war from the start, and he once expressed sympathy for Palestinians.

    Indeed hatred of Obama in Israel (even among the youth who should be more liberal) was so widespread it was the subject of a documentary:

    Obama had so much difficulty winning Jewish votes early on that Sarah Silverman formed an entire campaign:

    I think Obama became president of the United States in spite of Jewish power, not because of it. In the Democratic primary, it was Hillary not Obama who was endorsed by he NY Times. The Jewish community only jumped on the Obama bandwagon once he became the incipient Democratic nominee and even more so when McCain picked a working class Christian extremist like Sarah Palin as his running mate. I think Palin scared a lot of Jews out of the Republican party.

  79. Given recent events...

    Here is another foto. I had to laugh.

  80. My first impression looking at these pictures?

    A thug and a clown.

  81. "half of world's Jewish population was exterminated in WWII with European cooperation"

    Bullshit! Nazis did it. It was Europeans and Americans who finally defeated Hitler. And Jews would not have been so hated and feared if not for their role in murderous communism.

  82. The "Samson Option" to which Whiskey refers is Israel's plan to fire nuclear missiles around the Middle East and Europe if they are ever in the process of being overrun by the Arabs.

  83. >The "Samson Option" to which Whiskey refers is Israel's plan to fire nuclear missiles around the Middle East and Europe if they are ever in the process of being overrun by the Arabs.<

    Golly, this sounds like blackmail.

    No wonder the West's leadership fellates that country and such things as AIPAC.

    Did the Cold War simply go underground and shift the location of its GHQ?

    Interesting that Whiskey is often in a lather about the potential of Arabs-with-nukes threatening the West...while he simulatenously rattles the saber of an actual nuclear threat to the West, not from Arabs.

  84. >Palin scared a lot of Jews out of the Republican party. [She is] a working class Christian extremist.<

    I don't mean to offend anyone, but Sarah and her daughters look overwhelmingly Jewish to me.

    I also wouldn't characterize Sarah as "working class." A state governor is working class in these times?

    Must add that if any Republicans are frightened of Christians and the working class, then they don't need to be Republicans, and their exit is all to the good.

  85. An Israeli psychologist, Dr. Sam Vaknin, has written insightfully on
    BHO's pathological narcissism. The comparison set forth here may be more clearly perceived in Israel than here???


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