May 16, 2011

Omar Thornton's victims exonerated of racism

Remember last August when Omar Thornton murdered eight white men, then called them racist? At the behest of a vigilant press, government officials have been diligently investigating the late Omar's charges ever since. In a shocking revelation last Friday, police reported that the victims of the thieving mass murderer didn't deserve to be murdered.

From Reuters via WHNT:
No proof of racism at site of 2010 shooting rampage: police
Zach Howard
May 13, 2011 
CONWAY, Mass (Reuters) - There is no proof of systemic racism at a Connecticut beer distributor where a gunman shot dead eight people last year because he said African-Americans were treated badly, a police probe concluded. 
Omar Thornton, 34, a driver at Hartford Distributors, a family-owned beer wholesaler 10 miles east of the state capital in Manchester, shot eight people before killing himself in August 2010. 
Minutes before the frenzy took place, Thornton, who was black, was fired at a disciplinary meeting for having stolen beer and empty kegs from the company. 
Manchester police on Thursday released a 543-page report on its investigation into the killing ... 
Police Chief Marc Montminy told a press conference that there had been allegations that Thornton had photographic evidence of racial slurs against him on his cell phone. But Montminy said forensic analysis of the phone showed that "that is not true." 
"We also interviewed the other minorities that worked at the facility to see if there was systemic racism within the building, and not only did they not agree with Omar's position but they found quite the contrary," Montminy said. ... 
"You probably want to know why I shot this place up. This place is a racist place. They treat me bad over here," Thornton said in a recording of the 911 call. "They treat all the other black employees bad over here too. So, I took it into my own hands and handled the problem. I wish I (could have) got more of the people."

Clearly, our society needs a 543-page report on whether or not Matthew Yglesias was only getting what he deserved.


  1. Steve, how would you propose finding "proof" of racism...

    racism these days is usually casual... no written records...

    no official policies...

    still, i agree with your larger point.

    also, if someone wants to kill you, and you can't find evidence of their intent, does that mean that they don't intend to kill you?

  2. is it just me or is the news filled with a lot of race issues this week? me likey.

  3. "Remember last August when Omar Thornton murdered eight white men..."

    Nope, I don't remember. It strangely seems to have fallen down the memory hole at MSM Central. If a white guy had murdered ten black guys, however, I'm sure Obummer would be mentioning it in every speech.

  4. Hey, wasn't that awful how Obama went to Memphis and stoked those black kids' sense of racial grievance? Oh wait, he actually talked about how his (black) dad abandoned him and his (white) mother and grandparents raised him and disciplined him properly:

    "As Chris said, my father left my family when I was two years old. And I was raised by a single mom, and sometimes she struggled to provide for me and my sister. But my mother, my grandparents, they pushed me to excel. They refused to let me make excuses. And they kept pushing me, especially on those rare occasions where I’d slack off or get into trouble. They weren’t that rare, actually."

    Funny how when Obama speaks to black audiences he doesn't sound anything like the caricature the iSteve readership has of him.

  5. Some kind of crazy religious hysteria is at work here. All whites are obviously inherently and perpetually guilty of racism, and must prostrate themselves in endless postures of self-abasement to prove otherwise.

    All "persons of color" are noble creatures whose guilt of any crime is the fault of their tormented, racist and deprived upbringing.

    And all commenters on Yglesias' blog and HuffPo get to seethe in righteous indignation over these articles of faith.

  6. I think the old "Outer Limits" TV show from the 1960s opened with the phrase "We will control all that you see and hear"...

  7. How severe was the assault on Yglesias?

  8. Well that's a relief. I had suspended any sympathy for the dead until this racism issues was dealt with. I'm sure the victim's families are also relieved by the news.

  9. America - the only nation on Earth where the onus is on the urder victims to exonerate themselves, and the murderer is sainted if 'racism' 'justified' his slaughter.

  10. After Thornton himself, "anti-racism" was to blame for those murders.

    Thornton thought "anti-racism" justified him to shoot the people who had fired him.

    The people who gave him that poisonous idea are accessories not only to this murder, but many more.

  11. So a racist company hired a black guy just to discriminate against/be mean to him. On the surface, that does not make sense -- about as much sense as the need for a 543 page report to say that.

  12. "The people who gave him that poisonous idea are accessories not only to this murder, but many more."


  13. The Wikipedia entry on this is titled Hartford Distributors shooting (although Thornton's name appears in the URL). It includes an explicit mention of Thornton's race:

    Thornton, a 34-year-old black man,...

    Presumably because Thronton himself made race an issue.

    Compare that to e.g. the Wikipedia page about the murder of Kitty Genovese, where, as you can see here, every attempt to introduce the race of her killer is edited out. One gets the impression that even if 90% of the murders that made it into Wikipedia were committed by Blacks race would never be deemed a relevant issue.

  14. No racism? This is just more white privilege. OF COURSE there was and is racism. America is racism. Whites are evil and deserve to suffer.

    Lord we have become pathetic.

  15. I've wondered how a race of men who could be hoodwinked into the nonsense of Christianity would fare in a secular world.

    My conclusion: the fantasizing module overrides pretty much everything.

  16. If a person has a job that puts them into contact with blacks, either as co-workers or having them as clients, customers, then that person will sooner or later be assailed as being racially discriminatory. No matter how fair or well intentioned, sooner or later it will happen. It's all part of the pattern of attacking whites.
    These poor folks get murdered by some loathsome creature then have their names besmirched.
    Every year I have to hear about saint Emmett Till, a little sleaze-bag in the making who got himself killed trying to molest somebody's wife, yet all the victims of black race hate pass unmentioned.
    I'd like to see a report cataloging all the victims of black race hate in the last fifty years. Now that would be something actually useful and instructive.

  17. @Anonymous 5/16/11 10:01 PM

    "Hey, wasn't that awful how Obama went to Memphis and stoked those black kids' sense of racial grievance?"

    Trying to change the point? Eight whites were gunned down, and then investigated post-mortem for so-called hate-crimes.

    And how often does Obama go out of his way to talk to white kids?

  18. "Tanstaafl said...

    After Thornton himself, "anti-racism" was to blame for those murders.

    Thornton thought "anti-racism" justified him to shoot the people who had fired him.

    The people who gave him that poisonous idea are accessories not only to this murder, but many more."

    You are quite right.

  19. "eh said...

    Compare that to e.g. the Wikipedia page about the murder of Kitty Genovese, where, as you can see here, every attempt to introduce the race of her killer is edited out. One gets the impression that even if 90% of the murders that made it into Wikipedia were committed by Blacks race would never be deemed a relevant issue."

    Interesting - thanks for bringing that up. I had not known that Kitty Genovese's murderer was black. I had never once heard it mentioned in all the editorials over the years that use that crime to make some point or another. They only ever mention the do-nothing by-standers, not the rather salient fact that the murderer was - surprise - a black guy.

  20. Steve, how would you propose finding "proof" of racism...
    the current marxist overload assumption is just to assume guilt.

    of course there are 'signs'... going to church, belonging to the NRA, being a tea party member, or just against Obama's policies...

    If you don't openly denounce the founding fathers, etc as 'racist' you probably are one.

  21. is it just me or is the news filled with a lot of race issues this week?
    This.... WEEK? It been like that since 1988 or so.

  22. "Funny how when Obama speaks to black audiences he doesn't sound anything like the caricature the iSteve readership has of him."

    Or, when he speaks to white audiences...or Hispanic audiences...or Asian...

  23. "One gets the impression that even if 90% of the murders that made it into Wikipedia were committed by Blacks race would never be deemed a relevant issue."

    Well wake me up when they are.

  24. "Nope, I don't remember. It strangely seems to have fallen down the memory hole at MSM Central. If a white guy had murdered ten black guys, however, I'm sure Obummer would be mentioning it in every speech."

    He wouldn't have to get his hands dirty here. He can rely on the media to have his back in all matters racial.

  25. "is it just me or is the news filled with a lot of race issues this week? me likey."

    Me too. My view is the more publicized accusations of racism there are (against prominent whites for saying relatively--to non-elite whites--non-controversial things), the better.


    This was really worse than the Duke Lacrosse case. MSM dragged murdered victims across the mud.

  27. From now on, if you or your loved one gets attacked or murdered by a black guy, you stand accused of racially provoking the black guy to violence, and you must wait to be exonerated. Until then, you are guilty until proven innocent in the eyes of MSM.

  28. After Omar Thornton was caught stealing, Hartford Distributors should have called the local police and had them arrest him at work.

  29. What a disgrace.

    -Osvaldo M.

  30. "Hey, wasn't that awful how Obama went to Memphis and stoked those black kids' sense of racial grievance? Oh wait, he actually talked about how his (black) dad abandoned him and his (white) mother and grandparents raised him and disciplined him properly..."

    But he didn't exactly put it in terms of black and white, did he? Instead, he put it in terms of absent father/single mother, a family dynamic with which his audience would be able to identify. Note how he didn't talk about being the aspects of his childhood that would correspond to "white privilege": a mother doing doctoral work, a grandmother being vice-president of a bank, attending a private school, etc.

    "...Funny how when Obama speaks to black audiences he doesn't sound anything like the caricature the iSteve readership has of him."

    Real funny. Almost as funny as when Obama, son of a white mother and black father, checked only the "Black, African Am., or Negro" box when filling out the US Census form.

    If you think that didn't "speak" to his black audience, you're even stupider than your comment would indicate.

  31. Of course race will continue to be a sticking point. Races are real and racial differences are real. Yet somehow to even think that is the worst possible thought crime.

    It is as if we loudly announced that the sun rose in the west and those who dared to believe that it rose in the east were to be shunned and disparaged. We would brand as "Eastists" those who dared to accept the evidence of their senses.

    The race issue isn't just troubling or annoying. It is full blown crazy.


  32. The original charges, which were eagerly accepted by the MSM, received considerably more play than the "exoneration" will.

  33. "Funny how when Obama speaks to black audiences he doesn't sound anything like the caricature the iSteve readership has of him."

    Funny how everywhere else that he speaks, he does.

  34. Of course, the real issue should be that Thorton's crime was atrocious EVEN IF there had been anti-black sentiments among some workers at the factory. After all, if it's okay to kill people based on any perceived or real slight, we might as well defend lunatics like the Columbine or V-tech killers. After all, they might have been bullied!

    And maybe Hitler and Stalin were really just victims of having been beaten by their fathers.

  35. "Racism" has become the ultimate shibboleth of our times. Fifty times more then sex or homosexuality was in Victorian days. Blacks are obsessed with race. They filter EVERYTHING through the prism of race. They are easily offended and perceive everything as "racism". How sad that a black can murder eight whites in cold blood and all that matters is his ludicrous charges of "racism".

  36. "Truth" seems unaware that his chosen username is ironic, like all those big fat bikers in movies who are invariably named "Tiny". No one in the USSR trusted Pravda (Truth) and no one reads Truth's posts here except for their entertainment value.


    I'm guessing...when it's proven?

  38. ...and no one reads Truth's posts here except for their entertainment value.

    What a coincidence! That's precicely why I read all of the other posts here!

  39. Well wake me up when they are.

    They're at about 50%. So you can go back to sleep.

  40. he had a lot of swag, as the kids say now.

    sadly, the prime purveyor of swag himself, a rapper who called himself m-bone, was shot twice in the head and killed last week.

    m-bone was a member of the rap group cali swag district. (LOL, these names keep getting stupider) apparently these guys responsible were for this "dougie" thing of which i was vaguely aware. every once in a while i'd see some affirmative action black guy in the media break character and go into their "teach me how to dougie" dance, which was baffling to anybody not in on the joke.

    it never became a major meme in the US, kind of a peripheral thing, but i think it shows just how stupid american rap really has become. it wasn't soulja boy level stupid though. come to think of it, it's too bad this m-bone person got shot and not soulja boy.

  41. alonzo portfolio5/17/11, 1:40 PM

    Do I recall correctly that Truth lives in New Mexico? According to the Census dept. (2009) N.M. is 3.1% black.

  42. Well wake me up when they are.

    Never ask a man to do the impossible.

  43. The race issue isn't just troubling or annoying. It is full blown crazy.

    Yep. White America is batshit crazy as far as race is concerned. Clinically nuts, except, the inmates are running the asylum, too, so it's officially normal.

  44. "Or, when he speaks to white audiences...or Hispanic audiences...or Asian..."

    LOL. you are a moron, Truth.

    wasn't it just last week that he went down to texas and told everybody a string of deliberate, preposterous lies, and then to top it off, insulted anybody who thought otherwise. actually he went even further than that with his ludicrously dishonest speech. he insulted america and americans, both their intelligence, as well as their apparently silly and outdated idea that they have a separate nation with an actual border.

    like his bitter clingers accident, his alligator moat speech shows where he's at mentally. at best he is clueless and completely detached from america (easy to understand since he shares almost nothing in common with the people he was elected to represent, and i'm talking about even the democrats too). at worst, he is openly hostile to the US.

    i guess he's going to tone down the rhetoric any moment now.

  45. I'm guessing...when it's proven?

    Are you high? God could write that on the moon in thousand-mile-high letters with a finger of fire and the media wouldn't print it.

    And before anyone makes the obvious retort, the headline would read:

    "God is an ANTI-SEMITE!!!"

  46. Alonzo, didn't you read The Dude's post?

    When black folks escape NAMs it is called "integration".

  47. "Do I recall correctly that Truth lives in New Mexico? According to the Census dept. (2009) N.M. is 3.1% black."

    It's that high?!?!

    As soon as we hit 4, I'm off to Pocatello!

  48. So, what are the family members saying?

    "Can we scratch off the 'racist pig' from the tombstones now?"

  49. Can I ask a question?

    What is "NAMs" that people refers to here?

  50. Why was this pushed down the memory hole instead of flogged for viewers/readers? Its a huge country, the possibility of control is pretty thin, there's desperation for viewers/readers, and its got murder and work, two attention getters.

    The reason is ... White women. There's no conspiracy. Just White women's preferences. White women like Blacks, as objects for moral status and social climbing, and dislike stories where Blacks are bad guys. [White men either don't care or find that stuff interesting.] Since media is about 80% female oriented and dominated, big surprise it caters to female desires. Just today I bought groceries and as usual, scanned the supermarket tabloids and magazines in the checkout lines. A few bin Laden stories (of tawdry porn and heroin) but mostly about ... the Royal Wedding and whose got the best bikini body for summer.

    A female oriented media will reflect the tastes of its consumers.

  51. And that female taste is reflected upon HATE HATE HATE of White Beta males and a rabid desire to social climb.

    Do women want to "slum it up?" Generally, not. They want to be princessess not chamber maids. Guys don't mind playing biker or whatnot on the weekend if it makes them look bad/dangerous and thus hotter to the opposite sex. That's Harley's business empire right there.

  52. Sorry Anonymous Obama fan, but the speech Obama gave included some false information. Obama’s father didn’t leave after two years; his parents never lived together as husband and wife with child. Obama’s mother left with baby Obama within a month of his birth and moved to Seattle. And Obama’s father, Obama Senior, left Hawaii within Ten Months of Obama Junior’s birth.

    The President really should stop telling those whoppers, he certainly knows the truth by now.

    Maddie Dunham’s Ghost

  53. Is Obama going to sue the American people for racism when he doesn't win re-election?

  54. "Do women want to "slum it up?" Generally, not. They want to be princessess not chamber maids."

    Oh, that explains all of the upper-butt tattoos I see.

  55. Is Obama going to sue the American people for racism when he doesn't win re-election?

    If Americans are offered a decent alternative, Obama's prospects don't seem great, even with the media supporting him on overdrive, which is a given.

    But I'm not convinced there will be any such on offer. I don't know that the Republicans have anyone, or if they even want to have anyone, who fits the bill.

  56. On the other hand, McCain would probably win in 2012 if he got the numbers he did in 2008, so maybe the Republican chances aren't all that bad.

  57. Can I ask a question?

    What is "NAMs" that people refers to here?

    Negroes and Mexicans.

  58. Silver said...
    Can I ask a question?

    What is "NAMs" that people refers to here?

    Negroes and Mexicans.

    5/19/11 1:42 AM

    uh..actually it means non-Asian minority.

  59. uh..actually it means non-Asian minority.

    Sure, sure...


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