May 11, 2011

Melinda Gates's Secret Plan

Once upon a time, rich people like the Rockefellers and Bushes donated a lot of money to population limitation charities. Now, that is vastly out of fashion because it's considered racist.

What if, though, the efforts of Bill and Melinda Gates to force every child to go to college are really a triple bankshot superduper secret effort to implement the traditional philanthropists' goal of lowering birthrates among the poor? But, this time, the rich are trying to do it much more indirectly by inducing underclass NAMs to waste time in college before having children?

Here's a 2008 NPR interview with Melinda Gates:
Melinda Gates Calls for More Emphasis on Education 
Q. Can we reasonably expect 100 percent of high school students to become college students? 
A. Yes, I think we can. And, in fact, I'm here today in the Chicago school district visiting with students – huge number of Latinos and African-American populations, and guess what? I'm in schools where 95 to 98 percent of these kids are going on to college, and it's because they started freshman year with teachers who believe in them and said, 'These kids can do it.' And maybe they are not coming in with the right reading or math skills, but we are going to bring them up, and we are going to have high expectations of them. And guess what? Those kids are succeeding, and those kids are getting into college. 
Q. That would be a dramatic increase of the share of high school students, if 100 percent went on to college. I mean, you would be effecting an enormous social change if you could reach – 
A. Correct, and that is the idea.

Does Microsoft Bobette have a plan? A clue? Beats me.

One important fact that is almost never talked about is that African-American fertility rates fell sharply in the 1990s, and that, basically, nobody is unhappy about that. The problem is that virtually nobody talks about why that happened. It's not the kind of thing you are supposed to study for lessons about how to reduce Mexican-American fertility down toward replacement levels. My vague impression from what readers have told me is that spread of the Depo Provera shot was not unimportant in the 1990s decline of black fertility. That sounds a lot simpler than sending everybody to college. But, you aren't supposed to know this kind of stuff; so who knows what really happened?


  1. A lot of black men were incarcerated and welfare was cut during the 1990s. That likely explains something.

  2. Maybe the plan is actually to make debt slaves of the entire population by compelling them to take out student loans which they can never repay.

  3. Wes - High Commander of the Lizard People5/11/11, 11:05 PM

    Is the high incarceration rate among African Americans starting the 90s a big part of the falling fertility? A sneaky person might advocate for more laws that affect NAM populations.

    As for birth control, we need to put it in the water.

  4. "One important fact that is almost never talked about is that African-American fertility rates fell sharply in the 1990s, and that, basically, nobody is unhappy about that. The problem is that virtually nobody talks about why that happened. It's not the kind of thing you are supposed to study for lessons about how to reduce Mexican-American fertility down toward replacement levels."

    You'd think that the disfigurement caused by rampant extreme obesity would heavily cut into the Hispanic fertility rate, yet no trip to a California supermarket is complete without being stalled in the checkout line behind some gelatinous monstrosity with a baby bump trying to pay for a box of Count Chocula cereal and a case of Mickey's Fine Malt Liquor with a WIC check.

  5. "Q. Can we reasonably expect 100 percent of high school students to become college students? A. Yes, I think we can."

    Because no young adult needs to work in a trade or would choose to raise a child.

  6. Let's put birth control in the water supply of Texas, SoCal, and the deep South. Should solve many of our problems.

  7. As Steve alluded to, Melinda was of course the genius in charge of Microsoft Bob, possibly the crappiest product Microsoft has ever produced (and that's saying something!).

    Bob comes across as a combination of Kafka's "The Trial" and a particularly annoying children's book.

    Actually this may explain why Melinda fits in so well with the education establishment.

    A review of Bob:

    Bottom line: it's highly unlikely that Melinda has a secret master plan to accomplish much of anything. As Steve of course knows. Ha-ha.

  8. My God, is she really that stupid?

  9. yet no trip to a California supermarket is complete without being stalled in the checkout line behind some gelatinous monstrosity with a baby bump trying to pay for a box of Count Chocula cereal and a case of Mickey's Fine Malt Liquor with a WIC check.

    Actually, this is why Whole Foods (if you make decent money) and Trader Joe's (if you don't) exist.

  10. Is the high incarceration rate among African Americans starting the 90s a big part of the falling fertility?

    Negative. Biologically speaking, the number of available males is not very important for the simple reason that one male can impregnate many females. This is why total fertility rates are measured per woman, not per man or per person.

  11. A Nice White Lady (I presume). Well-meaning, but more than a bit daft: it's hard to see how anyone with a modicum of life experience can believe that everyone should or could go to college.

  12. You see, Steve, how wrong they are those saying that the billions spent on educating the underclass is wasted. They measure academic achievement, when that is beside the point. Education is the key to a more productive, better society. Education is the best investment in America's future.

  13. Abortions.


  14. Matt, good point about fertility being based on number of women available, not men.

    So the question now is ... how do we lock up more women? Just j/k ...

    Well at least the more violent and criminal males have been locked up, which is good if keeps them from passing on their genes quite as freely.

  15. Jack Kemp’s Ghost5/12/11, 4:24 AM

    Citizens Bank, Department of Justice reach settlement over redline allegations
    FLINT, Michigan — Citizens Bank will open a loan office in a black neighborhood in Detroit and offer $3.6 million in loans and grants throughout Wayne County as part of a settlement with the Department of Justice amid allegations of redlining.
    The settlement and adjoining Department of Justice lawsuit were filed today in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. The settlement must be approved by the court.
    The department filed the lawsuit because it believed the bank and Republic Bank, which Citizens acquired, violated the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. The acts prohibit racial discrimination in mortgage lending.
    The Department of Justice complaint states that the banks served white areas of metro Detroit and neglected to provide services in black areas.

    “Discrimination in the provision of lending services based on race deprives communities of access to credit and leaves the residents of minority neighborhoods vulnerable to predatory lenders,” Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, said in a statement.
    “This type of discrimination is part of the web of intolerable practices that stripped vast amounts of wealth from communities of color in the last decade.”

    Kristine Brenner, director of investor relations for Citizens Bank, said the lawsuit has no merit and the bank reached a settlement with the Justice Department to avoid accruing costly legal fees. Brenner said the claim isn’t based on factual information.

    “The execution of this agreement is not an admission or finding of any violation,” she said.
    Citizens has branches in Grosse Pointe Farms and St. Clair Shores. It did not have operations in the Detroit area prior to acquiring Republic Bank.
    The settlement is a good faith gesture, Brenner said.
    The lawsuit stems from a complaint made by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in 2010. Citizens Bank is a part of the Federal Reserve.

  16. Jack Kemp’s Ghost5/12/11, 4:32 AM

    Renewed Crackdown on Redlining
    In the wake of the subprime implosion, the Obama Administration has stepped up its scrutiny of disadvantaged neighborhoods' credit access

    Community activists in St. Louis became concerned a couple of years ago that local banks weren't offering credit to the city's poor and African American residents. So they formed a group called the St. Louis Equal Housing and Community Reinvestment Alliance and began writing complaint letters to federal regulators.

    Apparently, someone in Washington took notice. The Federal Reserve has cited one of the group's targets, Midwest BankCentre, a small bank that has been operating in St. Louis's predominantly white, middle-class suburbs for over a century, for failing to issue home mortgages or open branches in disadvantaged areas. Although executives at the bank say they don't discriminate, Midwest BankCentre's latest annual report says it is in the process of negotiating a settlement with the U.S. Justice Dept. over its lending practices.

    Lawyers and bank consultants say regulators and the Obama Administration are scrutinizing financial institutions for a practice that last drew attention before the rise of subprime lending: redlining. The term dates from the 1930s, when the Federal Housing Administration drew up maps using red ink to delineate inner-city neighborhoods considered too risky for lending. Congress later passed laws banning lending discrimination on the basis of race and other characteristics. "The agencies have refocused on redlining because, in the wake of the subprime explosion and sudden implosion, they are looking at these disadvantaged neighborhoods and not seeing any credit access," says Jo Ann Barefoot

    Jack Kemp’s Ghost

  17. The Federal Reserve has cited one of the group's targets, Midwest BankCentre, a small bank that has been operating in St. Louis's predominantly white, middle-class suburbs for over a century, for failing to issue home mortgages or open branches in disadvantaged areas.

    Great. So now businesses that locate themselves in safe, propserous white areas will be literally dragooned into the hood.

    There is nowhere to hide.

  18. My subjective impression of why the black fertility rate dropped is that it's similar to why the white one dropped. They began to realize that children consume much in the way of time and resources and therefore started to think about how not to get inundated with more children than they could reasonably handle. Once the idea sunk in then the various methods by which control could be exerted started coming into play.
    Bill and Melinda Gates are rich crackpots. He'll never again produce anything useful; those days are in the past. They've gone off the deep end with their pet causes. Since they have lots of money to throw around people treat them seriously, hoping they'll throw some money their way. The two of them might just as well become UFO hunters.

  19. I don't know too much about the Gates Foundation, but I remember that years ago the left wingers wanted to tax Bill Gates. They kept looking at his billions and salivating.

    After he set up the Gates Foundation, there has been zero criticism of Bill Gates. The Gates Foundation adopted two unofficial slogans: "It's all about helping nonwhites," and "It's all about the schools." People who formerly would advocate a special tax on Gates are now angling for grant money.

    The upshot is that the Gates Foundation is immune from leftist grabbing. What rationale would leftists use to confiscate the money in the Gates Foundation?

    By doing what he has done, Bill Gates has constructed a huge philanthropic empire that is safe from government and where he can exercise complete autocratic control. It's true that he has to give a lot of money to nonwhites and to schools, but he would probably do that anyway, and he has enormous freedom within those constraints.

  20. "Q. Can we reasonably expect 100 percent of high school students to become college students? A. Yes, I think we can."

    Only someone with no day-to-day experience with NAMs would say that.

  21. Her idea will at least help out businesses that sell chain-link fencing, concertina wire, and metal detectors, as colleges are forced to retrofit their campuses to be more like public schools.

  22. "Bottom line: it's highly unlikely that Melinda has a secret master plan to accomplish much of anything. As Steve of course knows."

    One side-effect of cramming as many native kids into higher education as possible is it helps pull in more immigrants while pouring ever more money into the pockets of the education ponzi schemers. I'd expect Mrs Gates has an advisor whose idea it was.

    "Is the high incarceration rate among African Americans starting the 90s a big part of the falling fertility?"

    "Negative. Biologically speaking, the number of available males is not very important for the simple reason that one male can impregnate many females."

    Low impulse control = prison.

    Low impulse control = babies.

    Prison + longggggggggg sentences + (reasonably) honest court system = eugenics.


  23. Her wikpedia entry lets me infer that her familiarity with public schools might be on the thin side.

  24. I don't think college attendance will affect the NAM fertility rate much when they are having babies in highschool.

  25. "Is the high incarceration rate among African Americans starting the 90s a big part of the falling fertility?"

    Nah. A smaller pool of black men just impregnate more women. See Steve's post about the Nigerian man with 107 wives.

  26. Microsoft is constantly pushing for more H-1B visas, so they can import more Indian programmers willing to work for minimum wage, far below the going rate of $40-100/hour for Americans.

    Part of their argument is the claim that there aren't enough Americans getting educated to fill those jobs (can't imagine why an American kid might shy away from a programming career, when he can go to any freelance jobs site and see all the foreigners submitting $5/hour proposals), so creating a foundation to pretend to find solutions to that education gap is all part of the act. "We're trying to get native-born programmers -- see, we're even donating money to improve their schools! They just aren't there, so give us more visas."

  27. "Only someone with no day-to-day experience with NAMs would say that."

    Never mind NAMs - I went to an all white public high school in New Hampshire, and there's no way in hell even 100% of those white kids could have reasonably become college students. 25% would probably have been an optimal number, but I'm guessing out of my class 50-60% went to a "college" of some sort. We need to stop making a fetish of "college" and encourage more vocational and skill based training. Most jobs simply do not require 4 years of college, even some white collar jobs like accounting.

  28. My God, is she really that stupid?

    Better question, "My God, has her life been that sheltered?"

    I wonder how much one- and two-child families, along with increasing cognitive stratification and less "neighborly" living, contribute to HBD-denialism? I grew up in the fifties and sixties among neighbors and extended family the majority of whom were comfortably within "smart fraction" territory. But since the families were quite large, and the schools and neighborhoods were not nearly so segregated by income, probability ensured there were enough outliers around to remind us that some people get the short end of the genetic stick.

    Not only were those of us with clever, successful kin and neighbors much more likely to know kids with serious cognitive handicaps, like Down syndrome, we had a lot more everyday experience with the slow and the just-not-bright-enough. And by "just not bright enough" I don't mean low-IQ, I mean folks of average intelligence - normal, workaday, type-specimen human beings Mrs. Gates has probably never lived among.

    So even in what was a racially homogeneous area we likely had more practical understanding of "diversity" than children of similarly-situated families have now. (And "not college material" was a neutral evaluation of a student's intellectual potential, not a denial of the kid's human worth and dignity.)

  29. Simon in London5/12/11, 7:41 AM

    Re NAM females in college - the smarter ones go to college, the stupider ones keep breeding. The population IQ just gets lower.

  30. Mrs. Gates is not only sheltered and/or wanting in critical sensibility, she totally misunderstands the whole raison d'etre of higher education. It was never meant for everybody, ever. Not just because of classism, but simply because the nature of it demanded a higher than average intelligence. It started as a sort of incipient "Mensa." Most people wouldn't qualify, ever, and most people wouldn't want to. Western education developed around the 100 average IQ not because anyone knew about "IQ" tests, but because that was simply the ability displayed by the average person in a white society. University was for people (whites) who wanted more challenge and who had the ability. Yes, there some malingerers there because they were rich, but that was the exception not the rule.
    Universities were actually pioneered by Persians and Arabs in Spain, but the population that has developed and used them most for the past 1000 years has been the European one.
    If this silly woman really thinks everybody should go to college, then college will be a meaningless hodge podge of remedial math and ethnic studies courses, signifying nothing.

  31. "The two of them might just as well become UFO hunters."

    You mean like these guys:

    Hey don't encourage those do-gooder-dufuses to enter the UFO crowd. btw, weren't they into Planned Parenthood? They should stick with that program as long as it isn't aimed at the "population" that invented the modern world (and the one most declining.)

    Unidentified Flying Objects exist and have been duly noted by countless people, many of whom are what society considers "credible." Frankly, what is more delusion than believing in extraterrestrial visitation is believing that 100% of an earthling

  32. So....the Gates Foundation mission must be to increase white fertility, beacause white students are specifically excluded from receiving Gates Foundation scholarships.

    Self-hating white liberal billionaires sure are devious.

  33. lesley wrote but didn't finish completely..."Unidentified Flying Objects exist and have been duly noted by countless people, many of whom are what society considers "credible." Frankly, what is more delusion than believing in extraterrestrial visitation is believing that 100% of an earthling" ......

    got lopped off in transmittal:
    "Frankly, what is more delusion[al] than believing in extraterrestrial visitation, is believing that 100% of an earthling population will have the motivation and ability to go to college.

  34. depo can mess you up. one of my girlfriends tried depo for a year.

    if lots of black american women are on depo than that might explain some of their craziness.

  35. Anon, I've had friends ask why I drive 5 miles to Trader Joe's when there are 3 supermarkets within a 2-mile radius, and I cite the same situation. I've NEVER seen a black face at my Trader Joe's.

    Of course, I also enjoy the looks on the faces of the average TJ's shopper (think bald guy with gray ponytail and sandals with socks) when they read my "I Just Neutered the Cat, Now He's a Liberal" t-shirt!

  36. "Western education developed around the 100 average IQ not because anyone knew about "IQ" tests, but because that was simply the ability displayed by the average person in a white society. University was for people (whites) who wanted more challenge and who had the ability. "

    by which I wish to emphasize that I do not mean only whites should qualify, but that they were both the ones that would qualify AND the ones that would not qualify. Never in any race or country would all people be qualified for college, or would desire such a thing left to themselves.

  37. "So....the Gates Foundation mission must be to increase white fertility, beacause white students are specifically excluded from receiving Gates Foundation scholarships.

    Self-hating white liberal billionaires sure are devious."

    No one is stopping you from self identifying as Hispanic.

  38. What was Melinda supposed to say? That, at the outside, 10% of the black population (and not that much more of the white) has the mental wherewithal to make a go of it in college (undiluted college, that is)? But then she wouldn't be loved. Never underestimate the power of the desire, hell, the NEED to be loved.

  39. "Sadly, I kind of doubt it. But it still may have the effect of lowering fertility among those populations."

  40. What I'm wondering is what the hell Bill saw in Melinda that made her worth marrying. This has always been a complete mystery to me.

    An analysis of why African American fertility declined dramatically in the 1990's is worth doing. I would like to know why this happened and, yes, it would be useful in applying to the Hispanics as well.

  41. by inducing underclass NAMs to waste time in college before having children?

    Err... last time I checked they were having kids anyway, whether at college or not.

  42. "Only someone with no day-to-day experience with NAMs would say that."

    Hell, only someone with no day-to-day experience with kids, period, would say that.

    This woman must have never spent time in a middle class or working class community. The inability to do college level work and the lack of interest in so doing is not limited to NAMS.

    I think another poster has it right--the Gateses have found a way to keep Lefties off their backs and in the meantime collect accolades from those who'll spread the word of their benevolence--the media.

  43. Jack Kemp’s Ghost5/13/11, 9:32 PM

    Citizens Bank, Department of Justice reach settlement over redline allegations

    FLINT, Michigan — Citizens Bank will open a loan office in a black neighborhood in Detroit and offer $3.6 million in loans and grants throughout Wayne County as part of a settlement with the Department of Justice amid allegations of redlining.

    The settlement and adjoining Department of Justice lawsuit were filed today in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. The settlement must be approved by the court.

    The department filed the lawsuit because it believed the bank and Republic Bank, which Citizens acquired, violated the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. The acts prohibit racial discrimination in mortgage lending.

    The Department of Justice complaint states that the banks served white areas of metro Detroit and neglected to provide services in black areas.

    “Discrimination in the provision of lending services based on race deprives communities of access to credit and leaves the residents of minority neighborhoods vulnerable to predatory lenders,” Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, said in a statement.
    “This type of discrimination is part of the web of intolerable practices that stripped vast amounts of wealth from communities of color in the last decade.”

    Kristine Brenner, director of investor relations for Citizens Bank, said the lawsuit has no merit and the bank reached a settlement with the Justice Department to avoid accruing costly legal fees. Brenner said the claim isn’t based on factual information.

    “The execution of this agreement is not an admission or finding of any violation,” she said.
    Citizens has branches in Grosse Pointe Farms and St. Clair Shores. It did not have operations in the Detroit area prior to acquiring Republic Bank.

    The settlement is a good faith gesture, Brenner said.
    The lawsuit stems from a complaint made by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in 2010. Citizens Bank is a part of the Federal Reserve.

    Jack Kemp’s Ghost


    Renewed Crackdown on Redlining
    In the wake of the subprime implosion, the Obama Administration has stepped up its scrutiny of disadvantaged neighborhoods' credit access
    Community activists in St. Louis became concerned a couple of years ago that local banks weren't offering credit to the city's poor and African American residents. So they formed a group called the St. Louis Equal Housing and Community Reinvestment Alliance and began writing complaint letters to federal regulators.
    Apparently, someone in Washington took notice. The Federal Reserve has cited one of the group's targets, Midwest BankCentre, a small bank that has been operating in St. Louis's predominantly white, middle-class suburbs for over a century, for failing to issue home mortgages or open branches in disadvantaged areas. Although executives at the bank say they don't discriminate, Midwest BankCentre's latest annual report says it is in the process of negotiating a settlement with the U.S. Justice Dept. over its lending practices.

    Lawyers and bank consultants say regulators and the Obama Administration are scrutinizing financial institutions for a practice that last drew attention before the rise of subprime lending: redlining. The term dates from the 1930s, when the Federal Housing Administration drew up maps using red ink to delineate inner-city neighborhoods considered too risky for lending. Congress later passed laws banning lending discrimination on the basis of race and other characteristics. "The agencies have refocused on redlining because, in the wake of the subprime explosion and sudden implosion, they are looking at these disadvantaged neighborhoods and not seeing any credit access," says Jo Ann Barefoot

    Jack Kemp’s Ghost

  45. Those population limitation "charities" were, of course, intended to limit the population of folks the moneybag WASPs didn't like. The joke is on them - they have contracepted themselves into oblivion while the population of those they don't care for continues to grow.


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