May 2, 2011

War with Pakistan?

How will Pakistan be punished for putting Osama bin Laden up in the heart of their Deep State right next to the Pakistan Military Academy?

Going to war with a nuclear-armed country is probably not a good idea, no matter how much they've scammed us.

Still, there is another question:

How should Pakistan be punished?


  1. you already said it. pakistan has various nuclear devices mounted on large missiles. they won't be punished.

    barack obama wants to be re-elected. how in the world would it makes sense to ALSO start screwing with pakistan right now, while juggling 3 other military actions? pakistan has like 170 million people, it's not a pushover like iraq. things will go badly for obama if he tries anything with pakistan, and no amount of one sided american television coverage would cover up THAT much foreign policy blundering.

    he got his re-election ace in the hole. the US won't do anything to pakistan. at absolute minimum, not until after obama is re-elected.

  2. "he got his re-election ace in the hole"

    What am I missing? What about the economy? I paid $4.20/gal for gas today.

  3. Supposedly, Osama has already been buried at sea "to prevent a shrine to terrorists." After being killed in a firefight a mile from Pakistan's military academy. After Obama took pains to highlight our "counter-terrorist cooperation" with Pakistain in finding him. It definitely looks like they want this to go away fast.

  4. There have been many reports over the years suggesting that Osama has been dead for years:

  5. Support India on the Kashmir issue.

  6. Stop giving Pakistan money.

  7. Pakistan has few nukes, and their ICBMs are not very reliable. They got their nuclear weapons know how from China, which got it from Russia. Unlike the Russians and Chinese, though, they lack good engineers, so their rockets and launch capacity is small There is ample intelligence on where Pakistani nukes are. If the U.S wants to punish Pakistan, first do a massive Tomahawk attack on all their nuclear sillos or flatten them. The radiation from the bursted nukes will be punishment enough. The attack was be carefully coordinated so that they don't have time to retaliate. If they do manage to shoot nukes at the U.S, these will be a few at best and can easily be intercepted. And I doubt their ICBMs even work. Then, have special forces capture all the heads of the Pakistani government and execute all of them. The civil population shall be spared.

  8. LOL @ people who think barack obama will not be re-elected.

  9. Pakistan's nukes aren't what's keeping ups from punishing them; it's our supply routes to Afghanistan. Here's what we should do now:

    1) Use the death of Bin Laden to declare victory in Afghanistan and pull almost all of our troops out (maybe keep one airbase there so we can act like we didn't bail).

    2) Cut off Pakistan's slush fund. No more cash to their military or intelligence services.

    3) Freeze the funds of any wealthy Pakistanis connected with the military and intelligence services.

    4) Let India know, on the QT, that they have carte blanche to do whatever they want to Pakistan, and we'll back them up. Sell India whatever weapons they need, give them whatever satellite intelligence they need, etc.

    By the way, Christopher Hitchens has been saying for years that we've been getting scammed to Pakistan's military, because KSM was caught under their noses too.

    I bet the reason it took so long to find Osama was that he was paying an annual 8-figure hiding fee to the Pakistanis, and it took him this long to run out of money.

  10. "The civil population shall be spared."

    oh boy. here's somebody who doesn't know anything about pakistan. i don't think the pakistan military is what i would be worried about, if i were a US grunt sent in to invade. personally i'd refuse to deploy, knowing that a US invasion of pakistan would be the biggest CF disaster in the history of the world. i mean, it went so well in 30 million muslim iraq and 27 million muslim afghanistan. why not in 170 million muslim pakistan, plus with nukes?

    that many hostile muslims, many of them ready, perhaps excited to die, killing americans anyway they can. think the iraqis and afghanis are amusing when they suicide bomb stuff? how about a few megaton fusion bomb driven up to your base?

    it would cost around 600 billion dollars a year to start a war with pakistan, and maintain the necessary occupation. US casualties would reach vietnam levels.

    there would need to be a draft, as well. i'd have to go back and look at the US troop levels required to occupy iraq at the height of resistance, but it would be what, 6 times as many required in pakistan?

    the chances of pakistani organized terrorist retaliation on US soil with a nuclear device from pakistan's arsenal would be very high. a totally credible and real threat of that. the US government would have to be on super high alert for years, watching for a group of guys trying to sneak that nuke into the US.

    yeah, pakistan is not going to be punished.

  11. oh boy. here's somebody who doesn't know anything about pakistan. i don't think the pakistan military is what i would be worried about, if i were a US grunt sent in to invade. personally i'd refuse to deploy, knowing that a US invasion of pakistan would be the biggest CF disaster in the history of the world. i mean, it went so well in 30 million muslim iraq and 27 million muslim afghanistan. why not in 170 million muslim pakistan, plus with nukes?

    that many hostile muslims, many of them ready, perhaps excited to die, killing americans anyway they can. think the iraqis and afghanis are amusing when they suicide bomb stuff? how about a few megaton fusion bomb driven up to your base?

    it would cost around 600 billion dollars a year to start a war with pakistan, and maintain the necessary occupation. US casualties would reach vietnam levels.

    there would need to be a draft, as well. i'd have to go back and look at the US troop levels required to occupy iraq at the height of resistance, but it would be what, 6 times as many required in pakistan?

    the chances of pakistani organized terrorist retaliation on US soil with a nuclear device from pakistan's arsenal would be very high. a totally credible and real threat of that. the US government would have to be on super high alert for years, watching for a group of guys trying to sneak that nuke into the US.

    yeah, pakistan is not going to be punished."

    I didn't say anything about invading Pakistan. Just take out their nukes with a coordinated attack on their sillos before they can launch them, capture the heads of the State with Special Forces units, execute them and have it broadcasted via Al Jazeera to all the Arab world for them to see what happens when you fuck with bigger fishes than you, then declare that your objectives have been fullfilled and withdraw. Then let them kill each other but make sure that they never get nukes again by putting satellites on orbit constantly guarding them and Tomahawking any attemtps they make to get nukes again. The U.S will definitely be fine.

  12. Steve,
    Pakistan is a basket-case, and a Hell on Earth basket-case at that.
    The main objective in life for every Pakistani, and indeed the Pakistani government is to dump as many of their excess population as possible onto the decadent and badly-lead nations of the west - it is a cuckoo-in-the-nest scenario, they breed, they cannot feed, but the west's polticians take them all to the detriment of the children of the west, who are effectively replaced in a Salterian fashion.
    What is called for is a compltete immigration lockdown morartorium for Pakistan, no matter how many 'highly skilled indispensible IT experts' they might produce.
    If this measure is passed (it won't as long as the west keeps electing wankers for leaders), coupled with a complete cessation of 'foreign aid' (actually tax money pundered from western workers' pockets), then you'll see the Pakistanis begging and screaming for mercy in a couple of weeks max.
    Without the west (or rather western politicians) to make fools out of, Pakistan would collapse like a popped balloon into the Hades it really is in the space of a month.

  13. cut'em off. stop immigration from pakistan, pressure britain to do the same.

    develop world's most awesome cricket team and throw all games but those against pakistan.

  14. I would not take it on faith that Pakistan has nuclear weapons. You'll notice Israel is not worried. And Pakistan's "demonstration project" was fishy -- five detonations on a single day? Keep in mind that it would have been in everybody's interest -- U.S.'s, India's, Israel', the Pakistani elite's -- to have the world think Pakistan had nukes. China may be an exception, but I'm not sure: does she want a Islamic nuke power on her border? Working together it would have been easy for the U.S. and China to fake this deal, including all the publicity about Pakistan's nuclear masterminds, etc..

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Accuse them of racism

  17. Pakistan has nukes but no transcontinental delivery system. We could take them out without a sweat.

  18. Having to live in Pakistan is punishment enough.

  19. Captain Jack Aubrey5/2/11, 8:36 AM

    Cut off immigration, obviously. But that should have been done a long time ago, anyway - certainly after 9/11. The greed and self-destructive impulses of our elites means it didn't happen then and it won't happen now.

    Also, how about demanding that Pakistan repay all that aid, with interest? We still have a military we can threaten them with.

  20. ok then GI joe, why not "take them out". it's so easy. why wait?

    if this official story the US government delivered yesterday is true, and it's no problem to attack and destroy pakistan, obama should attack right now. do it.

  21. Closing our checkbook would be nice. - KXB

  22. Let it be known to the Indians that we will not interfere in any way in their dealings with Pakistan. Let the Indians know they can deal with Pakistan anyway they want.

  23. Accuse them of racism

    Accuse them of political incorrectness (which is a specific type of racism and other "isms").

    No third world country, whether elites or peasants, gives a flying hockey stick about pee-cee. Simply show real evidence that Pakistan oppresses all the pee-cee darlings: blacks, Hindu Indians, Jews, women, feminists, lesbians, Armenian lesbians, the mentally challenged, etc.

  24. 1.) Cut off all funding of Pakistan

    2.) Sieze any pakistani assets withing our jurisdiction as repayment.

    3.) Bomb that military compound flat.

    4.) Get the hell out of all southwest-asia and the mid-east.

    5.) Parachute in a special detachment into Islamabad to represent our military interests in that region - said detachment to consist of Charles Krauthammer, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Dick Cheney, and the entire staffs of the The New Republic, the Weekly Standard, and The National Review - and Whiskey - and make no provision for ever bringing them back.

  25. "LOL @ people who think barack obama will not be re-elected."

    I wouldn't LOL. Winning a war didn't help George H.W. Bush's or Winston Churchill's re-election prospects.

    I consider an Obama re-election fairly likely considering the C-squad the Republicans have on the candidate bench, but I wouldn't say this weekend sealed the deal for Barry O.

  26. There is no single Pakistan. Just like FBI and CIA guarded their own secrets from one another, I think various factions in Pakistan don't work together in good faith. So, some Pakistanis in power really wanna help us, some really wanna screw us, some wanna play it both ways, etc. The tribal and ethnic diversity of Pakistan makes it all the worse. And some Pakistanis in the know are probably too chicken to spill the beans.

    But are we really much better? Our foreign policy is controlled by the Zionist cabal, but who has the guts to say so? Our politicians are no less chickeshit whores than the bums in Pakistan. heck, we can't even honestly discuss the problem of 20 million illegals in this country!!
    And uh.. didn't Clinton pardon Marc Rich? And didn't the liberal MSM hide the truth about Jeremiah Wright for a long long time--and bury the 'love child' story on John Edwards so as to divide the white vote during the Democratic primaries? Some Pakistanis hid osama, and the Jewish cabal hides tons of politically incorrect 'racist' truths from public debate.

  27. How punish Pstan?

    1. Cut off the money.
    2. Destroy all nukes we can reach
    3. Threaten worse if they retaliate
    4. TV broadcasts showing what they miss by having an unfree govt.
    5. Tahrir Square everywhere

    For starters

    Bill Drissel
    Grand Prairie, TX

  28. Pakistan is backed by china, CHina will intervane if there's any US attack on pakistan; The relationship has been described by Hu Jintao as "higher than the mountains and deeper than oceans".

  29. Pakistan has nukes but no transcontinental delivery system. We could take them out without a sweat.

    Oh, we'd probably be safe, but our ally India might suffer some horrendous damage in the conflict. I don't think any U.S. President wants to go down in history as the one who accidentally got New Delhi nuked.

  30. I am just laughing at our sanctions and attacks on libya, syria, the message:: get Nukes ASAP and US won't harm you.

    And will we be giving high and mighty speaches and condemnations if chinese stage a similar revolt... HA.

    THe 'war' on terror has never been about terror - you acting under the assumption that our elites care... they don't they care about centralizing banking and power and globalizing the world.. what's a few extra dead whites, particular conservative, military christian types to Charles Krauth, Wolfolitz, perle, Feith, etc?
    NOTHING... a few less headaches.


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