May 15, 2011

Was the beating of Matthew Yglesias a hate crime?

Prominent Washington blogger Matthew Yglesias writes:
So . . . I was walking back from the home of Megan McArdle and Peter Suderman and instead of doing the normal thing and taking Q Street west to 5th and then walking south, I wanted to take a shortcut by walking south on North Capitol to then cut southwest on New York. But then lo and behold right by Catania Bakery [i.e., a little over a mile due north of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.] a couple of dudes ran up from behind, punched me in the head, then kicked me a couple of times before running off. Once, years ago, in Amsterdam a guy threatened me with a knife and took my money. These guys took nothing, and just inflicted a bit of pain. All things considered the threaten/rob model of crime seems a lot more beneficial to both parties than the punch-and-run model. But I guess it takes all kinds.

I'm terribly sorry to hear about this crime. Yglesias should make sure to take it easy for a few days after being punched in the head in case there is some delayed reaction affecting his balance -- e.g., don't ride a bicycle in traffic.

Beyond physical injuries, well, I've never been the victim of street violence, but judging from the psychological trauma I've felt merely from being the victim of burglars -- the reminder of one's own insecurity, the insult to one's self-respect -- that aspect of crime shouldn't be overlooked. And being punched and kicked by strangers is far worse.

Like me, Yglesias greatly enjoys walking, and being mugged while out walking can ruin a wonderful hobby.

No details on the attackers, but, with no apparent monetary motive, this might have been a racial hate crime.

It will be interesting to see whether this despicable violence against perhaps the leading opinion journalist of his young generation creates much media attention, or whether it's dropped down the memory hole as too uncomfortable to think about. Yglesias, with his enthusiasm for promoting urban living and walkability, is a leading spokesman for a broad movement I feel warmly toward -- well-educated younger people who are attempting to reclaim urban areas for the urbane. But this crime against a public face of the movement -- while he was walking through an urban space, no less -- demonstrates the risks involved.

My old articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Harry Baldwin5/15/11, 5:19 PM

    Of course Matthew Yglesias doesn't describe his attackers, but we all know that there's one race that specializes in this sort of assault--you know, "teens." (Plus if they'd been white he would have described them.)

    This will test of theory that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. That theory doesn't take into account the fact that people like Yglesias make their living by being liberals, so it's pretty inconvenient to change their minds. Thus his philosophical "It takes all kinds." Words to remember as we plunge ever deeper into diversity.

  2. One wonders how a member of a group as overrepresented as Yglesias could be a victim of a "hate crime." You know - 12% of the Senate, 33% of the Supreme Court, 35% of the Forbes 400, etc.

    Yglesias should read his own material and learn to stop bitching.

  3. It's Troll Matt Yglesias Day - my favorite day of the week. :)

  4. Well, within months of originally moving to DC, Matt Y. had done a total 180 on his lifelong pro-gun control views, and even said that he very much wanted to personally buy a handgun. A similar mysterious ideological shift seems to occur among a remarkable number of the hard-core liberals who live in our nation's capital.

    The other great ideological mystery is a similarly large fraction of all the hard-core conservatives who move to DC quickly become strong pro-Immigrationists, despite the endless complaints of their angry constituents.

    Our world is filled with so many deep mysteries...

  5. He was probably attacked by some Nordic neo-Nazis who disapprove of his politics and ethnicity.

    So, yeah, it was a hate crime.

  6. Steve and his commenters are some of the cutest, cuddliest bunch of assholes on the internet.

    a guy gets assaulted in the street and your first instinct is to make some racial/political point. "No details on the attackers," just assumptions based on pure imagination.

    and of course, one (only one?) commenter has already alluded to Matt's, uh, ethnicity and its proportional representation in various high-status professions. not sure what it has to do with him getting mugged, but there you go.

    i love you people. don't ever change.

  7. ""No details on the attackers," just assumptions based on pure imagination."

    Assumptions based on a statistical near certainty.

  8. "a guy gets assaulted in the street and your first instinct is to make some racial/political point. "No details on the attackers," just assumptions based on pure imagination."

    Well aren't you cute. We have lived through four or five decades, at least, of Pravda-esque news media manipulation, hiding the racial realities of crime, so naturally we have learned to read between the lines. Crime + urban area + no mention of race except for euphemisms ("youths") = black, brown or "other" criminal. If you haven't noticed this yet you're not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  9. Yglesias: "a couple of dudes ran up..."

    Straight from the dude farm?

    Gilbert Pinfold.

  10. Don't jump to conclusions, Steve. The assault probably wasn't a hate crime.

    Black 'yoofs' do this kind of thing all the time to anyone waking alone at night. It is more a crime of opportunity, like Matthew said.

    I remember watching a news program that showed black 'yoofs' doing this to guys walking alone in Las Vegas. They had caught the attacks on cameras in the hotel/casino parking lots.

  11. l'infâme, as someone else here has pointed out, Mr. Y would have named the race of the attackers if they were white. This is a given. He's a political animal through and through.

    He's already thought of a political angle on this (don't say they were NAMS, hide the truth), so why can't we?

  12. Don't forget the cases of Eugene Terreblanche and Omar Thorton. Liberals either rejoice or make excuses when non-whites attack whites.

  13. *** "No details on the attackers," just assumptions based on pure imagination.***

    Is this meant to be a serious comment?

  14. Hey, since the Illegal lobby brought forth the DREAM ACT, maybe black-on-white crimes should be called the DREAM CRIME.

  15. Maybe black-on-white robbery should be called AFFIRMATIVE AQUISITION.

    And black-on-white rape should be called AFFIRMATIVE AFFECTION.

  16. That type of crime in DC...yeah, I think we can guess the race.

  17. Well if it was done by white guys then of course it was a white hate crime. But if it was done by blacks, mexicans, or asians, they were only acting out of their deep oppression by whites, which means it is still a hate crime caused by whites.

  18. "Maybe black-on-white robbery should be called AFFIRMATIVE AQUISITION.

    And black-on-white rape should be called AFFIRMATIVE AFFECTION."


  19. To offer a policy observation, higher density helps reduce street crime in an urban environment in two ways. One is that in a higher density city, any given street is less likely to be empty of passersby at any given time. The other is that if a given patch of land has more citizens, that means it can also support a larger base of police officers. And for policing efficacy both the ratio of cops to citzens and of cops to land matters. Therefore, all else being equal a denser city will be a better policed city.

  20. Sounds like the hip new sport of vibrant cities..

  21. "Maybe black-on-white robbery should be called AFFIRMATIVE AQUISITION.

    And black-on-white rape should be called AFFIRMATIVE AFFECTION."


  22. Just what I wanted to see as I pack up for my upcoming move to Philadelphia for a new job... :C

  23. @ l'infame

    "Steve and his commenters are some of the cutest, cuddliest bunch of assholes on the internet.

    a guy gets assaulted in the street and your first instinct is to make some racial/political point. "No details on the attackers," just assumptions based on pure imagination."

    No. I had the misfortune of living in Washington DC for several years, and the neighborhood Yglesias describes is - or at least was when I was there - largely black. His attackers were probably POLAR BEAR HUNTING, which is by definition a hate crime:

    "a racist assault by blacks (mostly young men) on whites (mostly men of any age). Most often it involves more than one attacker on a lone victim, and usually from behind with no warning."

  24. Best comments:

    Do the Koch brothers have an alibi?

    He's not mocking the traumatic experience; he's mocking the Orwellian refusal to draw obvious inferences from astoundingly regular patterns of behavior.

    Hilarious. My guess is your attackers were Obama voters.

    Were they white?...

    Hahaha, just kidding.

  25. He's already thought of a political angle on this (don't say they were NAMS, hide the truth), so why can't we?

    matt barely did anything except describe what happened to him. the only political point he made, as far as i can tell, was in favor of higher urban population density. if you think a straightforward description of an event contains a hidden "political angle", then guess what? you're an ideologue.

    look, the assailants might have been black. i'll even grant that they were probably black. They might have even attacked yglesias because he's white (or jewish, or portuguese or whatever the hell he is). But based on the information that is currently available, none of these possibilities are relevant. if you have some evidence for this being a hate crime other than the demography of washington d.c. and your assumptions about the motivation of black people, then by all means, share it with us.

    if i get punched in the head by some white dudes, and i don't mention that they were white, does that make me a neo-nazi? the question answers itself.

    my point was this: tragedy strikes somebody you disagree with, and you use it to make a political/racial cheap shot, all the while justifying it on the paranoid assumption that matt did it first. That is, he put a political angle on his own victimization, because, well... because.

  26. "...a guy gets assaulted in the street and your first instinct is to make some racial/political point. 'No details on the attackers,' just assumptions based on pure imagination."

    Substitute "stripper" for "guy" and "at a frat party" for "in the street" and you have the leftist response to the Duke Lacrosse scandal. Oh, and leaving out the fact that no sexual assault occurred, just a false accusation of rape made by a black woman that was widely believed on the left because the men accused were white.

    Give the sanctimony a rest, Cuddles.

  27. The amount of rationalization that the Left does to explain away the reality of black crime is amazing. I heard on the radio today that experts were trying to understand what is was about urban settings that led people to use violence as a means of "conflict resolution".

    Sure. It's the urban setting that causes the violence, not the people.

  28. I'm glad Yglesias is okay -- kicks to the head can in principle cause brain damage, so I'm glad he's all right.

    If you're a reasonably fit white male, you can cut down on the chances of being mugged in a black area by looking like you *might* be a cop. Walk reasonably swiftly, purposefully and confidently, like you're comfortable in the environment. Don't show fear, don't stop. Don't look down, but don't make direct eye contact either -- in the chimpanzee world this is a signal you want to fight. Look forward without making eye contact, stride forward like you know where you're going, like you're a cop who's going to knock on a door in the neighborhood.

    For these random attacks from behind, which seem to be increasingly common, some new techniques seem to be called for. Don't be listening to your iPod or using your cell phone, obviously!! Be aware of your environment. Scan ahead and pivot periodically and scan behind you for criminal looking "youths" (="profile"). If you get the impression of any kind of potential threat from behind, CROSS THE STREET -- but like it's part of your planned walk, not that you're running in fear.

    If all else fails, it's a big advantage if you're in good enough shape that you can sprint all-out for 100 yards and run fast for another 1000 yards. Very few youths will make the effort to keep up with someone doing this.

    The ability to run is also useful if you want to pack a handgun and go Dirty Harry on the f*ckers. If you do go Dirty Harry, or win a fight, don't stick around to report it. Get out of there and never go back to that neighborhood if you can avoid it.

    Anyone else got some self-defense tips for polar bears?

  29. Posts by l'infâme are classic examples of how SWPL liberalism turns otherwise intelligent people into blithering idiots.

  30. Anyone else got some self-defense tips for polar bears?

    Yeah, live in a gun friendly state where 50 year-old ladies can pop a cap into a black home invader:

  31. A couple years ago some blogger posted a story of a high school beating in New Jersey. Apparently some kid was assaulted in gym class after accidentally hitting a girl in the face with a 'dodge ball'. The whole sphere was raging mad and ready to break out their virtual pitchforks and nooses, because they just "knew" it was gang of blacks picking on some scrawny white kid. And when it turned out that all the students involved were neither black or white, the sphere was silent. Something to thing about.

  32. "if you have some evidence for this being a hate crime other than the demography of washington d.c..."

    We kind of do. The assailants didn't take anything from him. He didn't know them personally, didn't have any sort of history with any of them. What other motivations could they have had? 1) Just having fun attacking random dudes. 2) Racial animus. To me 2) sounds pretty likely.

    "if i get punched in the head by some white dudes, and i don't mention that they were white, does that make me a neo-nazi? the question answers itself."

    Yeah, but Yglesias's chosen profession is opining on everything sociological. What's more important, population density or the nature of the population? The question answers itself. :-)

    He's gone to some length here to avoid the obvious sociological angle. He even put forward a much less important, much more dubious angle - pop. density. Where in the world is crime higher in the countryside than in cities? I've heard that this may be true in Canada, but that's only because Native Canadians are more likely to live in rural areas than in the cities. Black crime in the US certainly seems to be lower in the rural South than in cities like DC.

    Why would Yglesias pick an angle of such dubiousness and low relevance? I've read leftist explanations of French banlieue violence that managed to blame crime on the architecture of the banlieues. This is such tired, moronic, intellectually dishonest nonsense. It's also ideological. And if he's being ideological about it, why can't we?

  33. "Walk reasonably swiftly, purposefully and confidently, like you're comfortable in the environment. Don't show fear, don't stop. Don't look down, but don't make direct eye contact either --"

    Good job, Joe Friday.

  34. Here's Somalis having fun randomly attacking white folks in Minneapolis:

  35. The victim is an African single mother in her 30s:

    "The police have provided few details about the woman at the center of the case beyond saying she was 32 and an African immigrant. "

    "The woman lives in the Bronx with a daughter who is in her teens. The building’s superintendent said she had moved in a few months ago."

  36. Maybe half decade ago I remember Daniel Dresner (the neoliberal scholar/blogger) mentioning something about being in a near crime situation while going to (or coming from) some function near McCardle's residence.

    McCardle must attract streetcrime.

  37. I lived in Northeast DC for over twenty years and that is not a walk I would take at night. Unless things have changed radically the guy's a fool and deserves every knot in his head. In my twenty two years I was never attacked but that was basically because I usually walked the streets accompanied by two sixty pound dogs while wearing caulk spattered overalls.

  38. 8:14 anon is saying that a south african environment has emerged for whites in the USA.

    There is no longer any white political power that can stop the attacks from occurring. One can only make a plan for how to cope with this "new urban sport".

  39. So I've asked this question before but it bears reapeating: What do you guys actually do to advance the white cause beyond expressing your fears on the internet? If the goal of white nationalism is to uplift the race then why is so little time spent addressing issues of poverty and social dysfunction among white Americans?

    In an earlier comment (which never got posted) I mentioned that if I were a white nationalist I would routinely visit poor white areas to provide my beloved race with food, clothing and shelter. I would try to start a job training program for welfare mothers. I would be trying to provide services to the hundreds of thousands of hungry and neglected white children across the U.S. I would also be outraged at white on white violence, which clearly doesn't bother you guys that much.

    I know these things aren't quite as fun as online race baiting, but they're necessary steps you must take to ensure white survival, yes? no?

  40. l'infâme:

    and of course, one (only one?) commenter has already alluded to Matt's, uh, ethnicity and its proportional representation in various high-status professions. not sure what it has to do with him getting mugged, but there you go.

    It has to do with this comment from Yglesias:

    new research appears to indicate that anti-anti-racism is now the default view of white Americans who see themselves as a persecuted, put-upon minority that happens to hold over 90 percent of political offices, corporate executive jobs, and other positions of power and prestige.

    Pay attention, will you?

  41. "The police have provided few details about the woman at the center of the case beyond saying she was 32 and an African immigrant."

    I'm assuming that was about the maid in the Strauss-Khan case. It's ironic. When I searched for interviews with the man on YouTube, he talked about aid to Africa in most of them. The IMF deals with the Third World a lot, and what can be more Third-World than Africa?

    Fascinating psycho-sexual dynamics here.

  42. Matt's in favor of open borders, shipping jobs overseas, and likes AA because it only hurts guys not like him. And How many American have died because illegal aliens, criminals, have come to this country and preyed on innocent Americans? But don't look to Matt for sympathy. You can't make a new America and destroy "white privilege", without breaking a few eggs. That's his attitude.

    So, if Matt, gets his ass kicked by some "immigrants" or some brothers, I find it more humorous than anything else.

    And no Matt's not going to change because he was mugged.

  43. @marlo - "I would be trying to provide services to the hundreds of thousands of hungry and neglected white children across the U.S."

    who's to say some of us don't already do this? (altho hundreds of thousands is a lot for just one person to reach. eventually, maybe!)

  44. Kylie: Substitute "stripper" for "guy" and "at a frat party" for "in the street" and you have the leftist response to the Duke Lacrosse scandal.

    so, because some leftists let their prejudices get the better of them in one instance, you have full license to do the same? good, just checking.

    What other motivations could they have had? 1) Just having fun attacking random dudes. 2) Racial animus. To me 2) sounds pretty likely.

    everything in your argument runs smoothly until this last step. why does it sound "pretty likely" to you?

    The question answers itself. :-)

    emoticons are beta.

    TomV: It has to do with this comment from Yglesias

    so what does that have to do with him getting mugged? maybe i'm missing something

    Posts by l'infâme are classic examples of how SWPL liberalism turns otherwise intelligent people into blithering idiots.

    oh stop it. you're making me blush.

  45. I was walking back from the home of Megan McArdle and Peter Suderman ..

    The incestuous nature of the political pundit class is really remarkable. No wonder they all think pretty much the same things ... they come from the same social stratum, attend the same schools and colleges, live in the same places, socialize with one another, even marry one another.

    So the range of permissible public discourse in America ends up being set by the boundaries of what people like Yglesias, Suderman, and McArdle consider acceptable.

  46. but don't make direct eye contact either -- in the chimpanzee world this is a signal you want to fight.

    No kidding. I had this exact experience w/ a Mexican gang-banger the other day. Absolutely casual eye contact, passing by each other on the way into the corner market and I felt like I had found myself on the wrong side of the water at the Gorilla exhibit.

  47. If these guys were black, it was probably retaliation for slavery.

  48. "why does it sound "pretty likely" to you?"

    Because I've had a lot of direct experiences with black people. Have you?

  49. @Truth: I'm 8:14 Anon. I accept your mockery in the sense that the articulation of my anti-mugging techniques makes me sound like a bit of a p*ssy.

    The thing is, in a conflict with youths, it's not going to be a fair fight. It will be 4 of them "polar bear hunting" you from behind without warning. Or they'll have a gun, and you'll have an iPhone.

    Therefore carefully thinking about self-defense is rational.

    I don't own a car, and walk a lot in an urban environment. On numerous occasions I have clearly seen youths size me up for a mugging, and think the better of it ("He *could* be a cop...."). My techniques work.

    Rational muggers look for weak victims who are unlikely to fight back. They're like collection agents, who look for an "easy kill" (=someone who pisses their pants and offers to pay up immediately) versus someone who will skip, hide assets, countersue, and generally cause problems.

    On this basis, another tip I would offer is NEVER to walk through a black area or take public transportation if you are visibly drunk or high -- that just screams "easy target". Take a cab.

    If you do get in a fight, try to punch the throat or the groin as hard as you can. Going Mike Tyson and biting as hard as you can can also be quite effective in getting the attacker to jump back and let you make a run for it, if you're still in a condition to run.

    If you're on the ground being kicked, get into as tight a foetal position as you can, with your arms around your head. Probably it's best to lie on your back, to try to protect your spine, although obviously the more natural instinct is to lie on your side.

    I've thought less about defense versus "polar bear hunting", which, as I said really seems to be on the rise both in the US and Europe. The big difference versus mugging is that mugging at least sometimes has an element of rationality to it -- like they want to get away with it -- whereas the polar bear attacks are just pure random race hatred.

    So I would appreciate any defense tips for polar bears anyone can think of, as I said.

  50. In the "chimpanzee world this is a signal", that looking at someone means one wants to fight. That about sums it up as to how far this this country has fallen. We're now living in a chimp society. To be able to get by we must now all study the insights of Jane Goodall.
    Hah, changing liberals' minds, one punch at a time.

  51. "so, because some leftists let their prejudices get the better of them in one instance, you have full license to do the same? good, just checking."

    So, no. I didn't say that. You asked if I said it and then responded as if I actually had said it. Typical leftist tactic, as is the minimizing and trivializing of crimes committed by minorities and others on the left.

    "Some leftists let their prejudices get the better of them in one instance" in the Duke lacrosse scandal? You make it sound like a couple of liberals made snarky comments about the accused on HuffPo.

    In fact, the coverage of the Duke Lacrosse scandal was major news nationally for weeks, with the accused being racially demonized in public and all the media. Eight-eight Duke profs submitted an ad to the Duke student newspaper about "what happened to this young woman". It even has its own Wikipedia entry:

    Responses to the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case

    It was far more, and far more damaging, than just some leftists letting their prejudices get the better of them in one instance. You must be even stupider than I initially thought to think you can push that kind of BS here and get away with it.

    Oh, and what happened to Yglesias is the inevitable result of the left-wing policies he advocates. I have every bit as much sympathy for him as he merits.

  52. "In an earlier comment (which never got posted) I mentioned that if I were a white nationalist I would routinely visit poor white areas to provide my beloved race with food, clothing and shelter. I would try to start a job training program for welfare mothers. I would be trying to provide services to the hundreds of thousands of hungry and neglected white children across the U.S. I would also be outraged at white on white violence, which clearly doesn't bother you guys that much."

    Playing Mother Theresa in West Virginia will not end American decline. Destroying blank slate dogma and reversing immigration trends are the only way to save us. There is no third issue.

    As to your specific suggestions, most whites don't need an army of social workers to wipe their asses for them. (And why would an HBDcon think that the tactics that have so spectacularly failed to elevate the black underclass would work for the white underclass? Underclasses of all races share similar, albeit not identical, characteristics.) Whites don't need more social services, they just need to NOT have their institutions corrupted and their wealth stolen to fund some impossible multicultural/racial utopia. End this and whites will largely take care of themselves. And if they don't, well, we'll worry about that once our current crisis has been averted.

  53. "So I've asked this question before but it bears reapeating: What do you guys actually do to advance the white cause beyond expressing your fears on the internet?"

    Either you're dumber than dirt or you think we are.

  54. "Posts by l'infâme are classic examples of how SWPL liberalism turns otherwise intelligent people into blithering idiots."

    No, they're classic examples of how SWPL liberalism turns blithering idiots into smug blithering idiots proud of their idiocy.

  55. "so, because some leftists let their prejudices get the better of them in one instance, you have full license to do the same? good, just checking."

    There's been 50 years of leftist, liberal and MSM denial of anti-white racial crime.

    This denial has led to millions of white casualties.

  56. If these guys were black, it was probably retaliation for slavery.

    Matt Yglesias owns slaves? I dislike the guy more and more every day.

  57. Does no one pay heed to the wisdom of Jesse Jackson any more? For shame!

  58. "The incestuous nature of the political pundit class is really remarkable. No wonder they all think pretty much the same things..."

    Yglesias is friends with Megan because they were both bloggers at the Atlantic (where she still works), but they don't think "pretty much the same things". Megan's mostly libertarian (as is her hubby Peter), and Yglesias is a liberal.

    Funny how Megan hasn't blogged about Yglesias's mugging yet. She's serious about taking her weekends off. Yglesias has more of a work ethic when it comes to blogging.

  59. "who's to say some of us don't already do this? (altho hundreds of thousands is a lot for just one person to reach. eventually, maybe!)"

    Assholes here generally sit on their ass complaining.

  60. Of course Yglesias is a very priveleged white.
    What he fails to mention, being a doyenne of privelege and sitting pretty atop of America's hideously unequal income distribution is that ghetto folk can literally 'smell' the privelege coming off Yglesias - and they don't like it.In all probablilty Yglesias spends more mney on his dogs than the ghetto folk live on in each week - they know this and their anger spills over into sheer revenge seeking rage.
    It doesn't help that Yglesias vociferously advocates (immigration) the type of policies that worsen the appaling inequalities the USA already has.

  61. Perhaps crime, like politics, is local.

    I live about 5-7 blocks from the area Yglesias was attacked.

    Yglesias is probably kicking himself for walking down North Capitol St in hours of darkness when the safer route was clearly Q St westbound (was he going to get cookies at the bakery at 12am?). In our Truxton Circle neighborhood, the unit blocks between R and NY Ave, NW between N. Capitol and 1st St., NW are still quite a bit dodgy. A guy walking home from a bar late at night was shot on the unit block of P St., NW a few months ago.

    Since Matt lives somewhere in Shaw (5th St., South of Q St., NW), he might not know the colorfulness and diversity that changes from block to block in another neighborhood. Furthermore, you'd have thought walking down such a busy street like N. Capitol would be to your advantage. INCORRECT. N. Capitol is a terrible street which hasn't been gentrified yet. It remains mostly commercial with, um, reputable businesses mostly avoiding the location (except KFC and Catania). The worst decision Matt made in his Yuengling haze is he thought he would head west at N. Capitol and NY Ave., but sadly the Big Ben Liquor store and bad lighting make that intersection a hang out for ne'er-do-wells that populate the Sursum Corda public housing complex that is south of New York Ave and West of N. Capitol.

    That neighborhood was under constant police surveillance 7 years ago when a 14 year old girl was killed after witnessing a drug dealer get murdered.

  62. "They might have even attacked yglesias because he's white (or jewish, or portuguese or whatever the hell he is). But based on the information that is currently available, none of these possibilities are relevant. if you have some evidence for this being a hate crime other than the demography of washington d.c. and your assumptions about the motivation of black people, then by all means, share it with us.

    I wish people would be as "big" as the commenter cited above when discussing any of the "evils" supposedly still perpetrated by white "oppressors." Those "evils" like schools, good neighborhoods they move into, movies that turn white mythic heros into blacks, and sympathetic documentaries that only tell "their side"; the allowance severe punishment for anyone who calls them names--the even death sentence is allowed (of a white beaten to death by blacks, "but did the victim say the n-word?" Yeah, like a lone white would call that to a bunch of blacks on a loneley street. drech. Then those evil teachers, welfare, affirmative action.
    It was not a probability. It is a certainty the attackers were black. In in the infitesimal possiblity they were not black (or hispanic), he would have described them in loving detail.

    Grow up.

  63. My students have told me that punching random people on the street was a favorite hobby in their younger teenage years. I once took an informal pole; 100% of my African American male students admitted to punching someone on the street. That's right. 100%. Roughly 25 out of 25. Additionally, I don't remember the totals, but most of my femal AA students admitted to the same thing. (This does not count the respectful and well-behave brother and sister from Ghana who think very little of our culture, which they associate with black culture. I once had to assure the young man that there were other "American" foods besides fried chicken. I kid you not.)

  64. oh-and btw, 5th and Q is not a place where Yglesias should have been walking at night in D.C.

    One of the most salient features of SWPLs is their arrogance which they never recognize as such. Such a SWPL really believes if s/he thinks only holy thoughts with regard to blacks, his/her PC halo will alert every moron and psycho crawling around, that he/she is a "good" white person, and exempt from violence.

  65. Check out the Catania Bakery on Google StreetView - it looks like a fortified crack house.

  66. @l'infâme

    Don't fool yourself. We don't live in a nicey-nicey good-government world where liberals and conservative - at the end of the day - can go back to being friends. This isn't an episode of "Maude". Yglesias doesn't just disagree with us. He is against us. And he uses his influence as a media personality to promote his interests and undermine ours.

    Screw him.

  67. a guy gets assaulted in the street and your first instinct is to make some racial/political point. "No details on the attackers," just assumptions based on pure imagination.
    No, not based on imagination, but on statistics and probability.

    You claim we are 'assholes' - who is the real 'asshole' the SWPL who refuse to recognize reality so this sort of thing, along with rape, is skyrocketing as NAMs immigrate into the US, and who blame it on 'racism' or us, who actually want the violence to end??

  68. Harry Baldwin5/16/11, 7:23 AM

    Anonymous said...If you're a reasonably fit white male, you can cut down on the chances of being mugged in a black area by looking like you *might* be a cop.

    Google up an image of Matthew Yglesias and ask yourself who would think he *might* be a cop.

    Otherwise your suggestions are sound. I'm all for carrying a pistol, but if you responded with deadly force to this sort of attack you'll probably go to prison. A 2-oz can of pepper spray, kept in hand, would be more appropriate. (The 2-oz can is much more than you get in those tiny, "personal protection" units.)

    The undercover LEO who goes by the handle Southnarc gives an excellent 3-day class on avoiding and then responding to street attacks. A good summary of the first module of the program, "Managing Unknown Contacts," can be downloaded here.

    If you don't trust the link, Google "Managing Unknown Contacts, Safeism".

  69. Chad Buffington5/16/11, 7:26 AM

    "This is a pretty great day to be living in a heavily black neighborhood. [1]" -- Megan McArdle on November 4, 2008.

    I guess May 14th, 2011 was a not so great day to be living in a heavily black neighborhood.


  70. Simon in London5/16/11, 8:02 AM

    It's hard to have much sympathy for Yglesias when it's the politics of people like him ('Liberals') that created the environment which led to his attack. Before the '60s this kind of thing was rare, now it's ubiquitous.

  71. I've read leftist explanations of French banlieue violence that managed to blame crime on the architecture of the banlieues.

    Have you seen the banlieus? I can easily believe that their design (Stalinist, except real Stalinist urban design was better) has exacerbated the alienation of their inhabitants, though its obviously not the main explanation.


  72. the only political point he made, as far as i can tell, was in favor of higher urban population density.

    Another stupid Yglesias/Dick Florida policy obsession. D.C. isn't population-dense enough? Seemed pretty crowded every time I've been there.

    Humans aren't meant to live in teeming masses of strangers--they become psychopathic. Only atomized, 30-year old, man-children like Yglesias think that's a healthy existence.

  73. Steve and his commenters are some of the cutest, cuddliest bunch of assholes on the internet.

    a guy gets assaulted in the street and your first instinct is to make some racial/political point. "No details on the attackers," just assumptions based on pure imagination.

    How the hell would you know anyone's first instincts, libtard? My first reaction was to feel sorry for him.

    Libtards hate it when people pick up the libtard tactic of making political hay out of anything and everything at hand.

  74. "well-educated younger people who are attempting to reclaim urban areas for the urbane."

    Where is that happening?

    I see not well-educated but thoroughly-indoctrinated younger people attempting to reclaim urban areas. In the case of my former home town (really a metro area), I know or know of quite a few of these younger people personally and they are all without exception typical SWPL. They see themselves in the vanguard of a great and noble movement.

    Moving to the city from the suburbs is, in part, a way for them to demonstrate solidarity with urban minorities which is, in part, a way to demonstrate their moral superiority to non-leftist whites.

    That's a long way from the classic urbanity demonstrated by, say, late nineteenth-century Vienna.

    But if they want the urban areas, I say, let them have them. Their attrition rate is only a trickle but it's better than nothing. And when they're victimized by that urban vibrance, it disappears down the memory hole so fast that no one has time to figure out a way to blame it on racist white people.

  75. Maybe black-on-white robbery should be called AFFIRMATIVE ACQUISITION.

    And black-on-white rape should be called AFFIRMATIVE AFFECTION.

    Not bad, not bad at all.

  76. if I were a white nationalist I would

    You don't know what you'd do if you were a white ethnopatriot. You don't have a clue.

  77. It has to do with this comment from Yglesias

    And for the record, the two events occurred within, what, three days of each other (assuming Yglesias makes no announcement of his attackers' whiteness, of course)?

  78. so, because some leftists let their prejudices get the better of them in one instance, you have full license to do the same? good, just checking.

    Translation: thou (non-libtards) shalt not fight fire with fire. Thou shalt take the high road.

  79. There has been a rash of that sort of thing in Minneapolis (done by Somalis, I believe).

  80. take a look at huff post (now aol) and see the fantasy world liberals live in. there was a mug shot of blond male 'fugitive' , random obama worship and assurance from Stephen Hawking (a GENIUS) that there is no heaven..

    I beg to differ.... it IS liberal heaven.

  81. if I were a white nationalist I would routinely visit poor white areas to provide my beloved race with food, clothing and shelter. I would try to start a job training program for welfare mothers

    Trouble is would have to do that on an informal, ad hoc, personal basis. Start a charity otoh or work with other formal bodies, churches whatever and soon anything you do will become political. Subject to quotas, diversity, AA blah blah. Once that happens any attempt to direct resources at poor white people only is over, instead it goes to the "poor".

    Sort of like that thing, you know, the government. White people organise into large scale groups and then they find that those entities arent theirs anymore. They arent even allowed to think that they are theirs.

    Any attempt to replicate large scale formal structures to effect change in society will destroyed from within.

  82. Megan is a social liberal and econcomically is all over the map. She supports open borders, free trade, etc. and a lot of other things Matt does. She just gives different reasons for supporting them.

    Another reason why "Libertarians" are often liberals who like to smoke dope and/or don't like paying taxes.

  83. "If blacks did it, it was a 'social justice crime', a 'resistance crime', a '(righteous)revenge crime', a 'late crime'--late as in 'better late than never to get even with honkey'."

    Love it. Then I'm on board.

  84. Re: Personal security:

    I put on the sunglasses. The special sunglasses. The ones that let you see. Specifically, they're mirrored on the inner lenses at the outer rims. This affords a nearly 360 degree view. With a slight turn of the head, left or right, you can monitor whatever is behind you, or continue to view someone who has passed you by. It takes about ten minutes to get accustomed to, but after that, you will feel absolutely naked without them. It's like having eyes in the back of your head. Agreed, they're of limited use at night, but only a fool with a death wish strolls through shady areas after sundown. These sunglasses are available on various personal security sites on the net. They are indistinguishable from an ordinary pair of sunglasses.

    I live in a state where only criminals enjoy the benefits of concealed carry (guess which one), but I'm always armed with a very, very sharp knife. When approached by some youth, it is now instinct for my hand to casually slide into my pocket and grasp the knife. You know, just to be prepared. Take any edge you can. If you can acquire a firearm, learn how to use it, and get a concealed carry permit. Any edge.

    As for that "don't make eye contact" advice, the opposite is true. I make direct and sustained eye contact with every passerby, and tilt my head back sharply in a "yo" move. If the person has made eye contact with you, this move signals that they're in the presence of a MAN. When I pass by monkey-men, one of two things happen: It bewilders them momentarily, and they return my acknowledgment out of sheer surprise, or they immediately drop their own gaze. Works every time.

    I agree with a previous poster: Walk erect, stride with purpose and confidence, and never show a hint of misgiving.

    Act like a man. And keep that hand on the knife.

  85. I looked up the Catania bakery on google maps. It looks like the kind of lace where you can order crack to go with your croisants.

  86. As I remember pretty much the same thing happened to Senator William Proxmire at pretty much the same spot.

    I was born in Washington DC. Natives like me know better than to walk on Capitol Hill.

    When I was a management consultant I shared an office with a guy who was helping renovate Capitol Hill by living there. Young white couples were buying in and thus slowly changing the racial mix.

    He also was saving pennies. At that time the copper in a penny was worth more than a penny. He kept them in a big box in his kitchen. But then some as yet unreformed neighbor broke in and stole his big box of pennies.

    Like Yglesias he had ideas - big ideas - the kind of ideas that get you killed.


  87. Yglesias may have a reputation as the ultimate SWPL wimp, but you have to give him credit for resilience - he has returned to blogging as if nothing happened.

    Fred - I think most posters here (rightly or wrongly) don't regard predominantly economic disagreements as really meaning dramatically different worldviews.

  88. I am sorry to hear about crime against all civilized people regardless of their ethnicity and political views, and wish a speedy recovery to Mr. Yglesias. I was in DC a couple weekends ago for a wedding and qucikly realized how powerful the "urban living for the urbane" trend is there after discovering that the modest-sized, older row-houses in the transitional neighborhood where my friend resides (across the street from the Congressional cemetary and close to some no-go zones) are selling for $600K.

  89. Really good point; thanks for mentioning this. As it happened both times my assaults involved two very tall dark-skinned men and I've struggled with the very stereotypical but powerful "OH NOES BIG BLACK GUYS" reaction ever since. Not something I'm proud of, but being honest with yourself about it can help you handle it in a constructive way.

    So now I'm reading the comments for this Yglesias thread. I'm about halfway through, and so far this is the thread-winner:

    Really good point; thanks for mentioning this. As it happened both times my assaults involved two very tall dark-skinned men and I've struggled with the very stereotypical but powerful "OH NOES BIG BLACK GUYS" reaction ever since. Not something I'm proud of, but being honest with yourself about it can help you handle it in a constructive way.

    LOL. Why not just tattoo "bitch" on your forehead and get it over with? Knee pads and sans-an-ass pants would complete the ensemble.

  90. Megan's mostly libertarian (as is her hubby Peter), and Yglesias is a liberal.

    Megan is a "libertarian", Peter is a "neoconservative", and Matt is a "liberal". And yet they do all think pretty much the same things on all sorts of important questions. HBD, for instance, or immigration. Or even the general size of the state.

    Yglesias is friends with Megan because they were both bloggers at the Atlantic

    Yeah. Did you see my remark about how the pundit class have an incestuous relationship and come from the same background?

  91. In 5 yrs. of reading this blog I've never seen any mention of a recent trend, in which a black male will constantly look behind himself, left and right, while walking alone. I see this frequently in the Bay Area. Could this be projection?

  92. Former DC Dweller5/16/11, 10:45 AM

    A question for those familiar with DC neighborhoods:

    I haven't lived in DC for twenty years. Back then, the area Yglesias describes was essentially all black and one step above a slum. I actually had to read the location twice to be sure I got it right: "A white guy walking around Fifth and Q? North Capitol and New York Avenue?? Really???" Has the neighborhood really gentrified that far north of the Capitol?

    If so, no wonder the city is about to become majority-white.

    WRT the attack itself, (1) only a fool would doubt that the assailants were black. (2) Yglesias seems pretty philosophical about it, which is the only attitude you can take if you're going to expose yourself to risk by walking around marginal - assuming the area is still at least marginal - neighborhoods at night. Some people are so devoted to urban living that they are willing to put up with a certain level of risk. (3) The lack of robbery makes it clear that this was either a random act of pointless violence or a racist attack. In private, I think most SWPLs (have no idea about Yglesias personally) would admit, albeit with considerable discomfort and only if asked directly in a way that was impossible to deflect, that the attack was probably racially motivated. The terribly sad thing is that they wouldn't be even a little angry about that, even if the attack itself made them angry. The racism of the attack would be shrugged off as ... what? No better than a white guy deserves? I wonder if SWPLs are the first people in history to be simultaneously self-righteous, self-congratulatory and self-loathing, all at the same time.

  93. 360 sunglasses guy (yes, I'm going to be looking into those) is right about not avoiding eye contact, but really it isn't about eye contact. You can get the same effect just by sizing everyone up. In fact, if I had to choose between sizing everyone up and eye contact, I'd pick sizing everyone up.

  94. "As for that "don't make eye contact" advice, the opposite is true. I make direct and sustained eye contact with every passerby, and tilt my head back sharply in a "yo" move....Act like a man. And keep that hand on the knife."

    Great advice dude, there are some dangerous guys lurking in comic book convention parking lots.

  95. anthropologist5/16/11, 11:29 AM

    "In 5 yrs. of reading this blog I've never seen any mention of a recent trend, in which a black male will constantly look behind himself, left and right, while walking alone. I see this frequently in the Bay Area. Could this be projection?"

    People noticed this in Baltimore during the 1970s - earliest time when they would have been aware of such a thing. They concluded is was a "cultural" trait. Actually we also noticed in Africans. Back around the 70s-80s I remember seeing a documentary on Africa and the people were walking down the street in what passes for an urban area there, and the people were looking around, mostly behind themselves. We laughed and decided it was "cultural", i.e. genetic.

  96. Usually, I agree with the well-wishing sentiments for crime victims, but given the way Yglesias is determined to make every neighborhood in America look like the set of Blade Runner, I'll reserve my sympathy for a more worthy recipient.

  97. "Truth" said:
    Great advice dude, there are some dangerous guys lurking in comic book convention parking lots.

    I wouldn't know. Never been to one.

    You're a rabbit.

  98. Usually, I agree with the well-wishing sentiments for crime victims, but given the way Yglesias is determined to make every neighborhood in America look like the set of Blade Runner, I'll reserve my sympathy for a more worthy recipient.

    I understand your sentiments. Its a more subtle version of a 'jackass' stunt gone wrong, its not so much a tragic 'accident' as it is poor judgement. Did he see the 'youths', get subconscious warning signs but ignored them because he 'not want to be racist' like white women who become rape victims have done?

    now we'll see if liberals really are 'mugged by reality'. I doubt much will change. He'll think they mistook him for the evil WASP /anglo protestant core.

  99. not a hacker5/16/11, 1:39 PM

    Just getting slapped in the head means you were lucky:

  100. "You can get the same effect just by sizing everyone up. In fact, if I had to choose between sizing everyone up and eye contact, I'd pick sizing everyone up."

    Maybe it's an artifact of growing up in a mostly black area, but my default expression when I'm walking is a mildly pissed off one, and that seems to prompt blacks I don't know to nod or say "what's up" if we make eye contact. Then I return their greeting and we're both on our respective ways. Yglesias, having been coddled in expensive, mostly white schools, may give off a softer vibe, despite being bigger guy.

    The best way to avoid getting jumped like Yglesias did is to not walk alone, at night, in sketchy areas. If he had a car, he could have driven there and been exposed on foot for much less time. In fact, Yglesias misses the extent to which driving enables middle class people to live in close proximity to sketchy neighborhoods without ever setting foot in them.

  101. Side note steve, about walking
    Kenneth Clark, in his brilliant 'Civilisation" remarked how important it was to thinking for dickens, wordsworth and many other writers.
    Clark remarked, sadly, that the tradition of the 'afternoon walk' of professors and students at oxford, etc, was fading out, seen as old fashion (this was 1969)

    well, lo and behold, now we have all the 'brain scans' coming up with proof that walking is good for thinking and SWPL are setting up treadmills with laptops, which seems kind of asinine.. why not just walk and think???

  102. ...sprint all-out for 100 yards and run fast for another 1000 yards.

    This is probably the best strategy to protect yourself!

  103. "Where in the world is crime higher in the countryside than in cities? I've heard that this may be true in Canada, but that's only because Native Canadians are more likely to live in rural areas than in the cities."

    - Actually, in many countries crime is much higher in the countryside than the more dense cities, where fewer crimes can be committed without someone witnessing, and where police density can be sufficient enough. Its more of a US problem, due more to demographics of big cities vs. rural areas.

  104. Yglesias's assailants were more than likely that ancient enemy of the Hispanic race: the Armenian.

  105. For the Untrue Stereotype Dept.:

    Yglesias will no more become a race-realist now than he became a conservative after his earlier mugging.

  106. >walking is good for thinking<

    In the old days, many people stood at their desks. There were even desks made for this use.

    Victor Hugo always stood. He said sitting moves the blood to the ass, away from the brain.

  107. Anyone have a link to a picture of Yglesias?

    Can't find one--would like to see if the pic in my head is on target.

  108. "David said...

    For the Untrue Stereotype Dept.:

    Yglesias will no more become a race-realist now than he became a conservative after his earlier mugging."

    Probably true. Reality doesn't mug liberals. Liberals mug reality.

  109. "Yglesias will no more become a race-realist now than he became a conservative after his earlier mugging."

    People like Yglesias are already race-realists. Their "anti-racist" and "liberal" schtick is part of that as its designed solely to try and stop white people (and only white people) looking out for their own group interests.

  110. "Playing Mother Theresa in West Virginia will not end American decline."

    Translation: "It's just funner to engange in race baiting".

    "As to your specific suggestions, most whites don't need an army of social workers to wipe their asses for them."

    Hungry and neglected children would undoubtedly benefit more from an army of social workers than an army of angry "Hbdcons" who do absolutely nothing to provide for them. Unless spouting naziisms at namz magically puts food on the table.

    "Either you're dumber than dirt or you think we are."

    The latter, obviously.

    "You don't know what you'd do if you were a white ethnopatriot. You don't have a clue."

    I know I wouldn't "lol" at interracial rape jokes. That many of your ilk find them hilarious says a lot about the ethnopatriot's way of thinking; particularly that it centers on poking fun at namz rather than empathizing with vulnerable whites.

    "Any attempt to replicate large scale formal structures to effect change in society will destroyed from within."

    Ah, I see. So the battle has already been lost.

    Guess we'll just stick to doing science.

  111. "Yglesias, with his enthusiasm for promoting urban living and walkability, is a leading spokesman for a broad movement I feel warmly toward -- well-educated younger people who are attempting to reclaim urban areas for the urbane."

    Well, that's just great. All the cities of the country get beautified and gussied up, gentrified by people with powerhouse jobs and incomes, you know, the people who can actually appreciate the symphonies and operas and art houses and museums and great restaurants that reside in those cities. What does it matter that the ghetto-dwellers have been displaced to middle and working class towns like mine?

    Thanks. We dullards and blue collar working class folk as well as we white collar workers of low status really appreciate that the "urbane" are getting those cities to themselves. Maybe they'll let folks like us visit their cities on occasion, you know, put up with us for their sales tax revenues which they use to improve even more their newly renovated city that has chased out all the riff-raff and thugs and placed them squarely in my community.

    Thanks. That's a mighty fine solution. Return the cities to the "urbane" with no thought given as to where the thugs wind up.

    That really solves a problem, doesn't it?

  112. "Hungry and neglected children would undoubtedly benefit more from an army of social workers than an army of angry "Hbdcons" who do absolutely nothing to provide for them. Unless spouting naziisms at namz magically puts food on the table."

    From my extensive experience with kids, I can tell you that it's those who receive the most from government assistance programs who neglect their children and shove bags of Doritos and Cheetos in their faces morning, noon, and night.

    That's how much welfare has helped prevent the incidence of "hungry and neglected children."

    You need to look at the personality traits of those who tend to receive such benefits, especially those whose families have received them for years, from one generation to another. These very personality traits which lead them to welfare year after years are the same traits that make them neglectful parents.

    How hard is that to understand? And all the programs do is encourage them to keep reproducing.

  113. Udolpho:

    "The other is that if a given patch of land has more citizens, that means it can also support a larger base of police officers. And for policing efficacy both the ratio of cops to citzens and of cops to land matters. Therefore, all else being equal a denser city will be a better policed city."

    Does this hold true if the citizens are for the most part on the dole? Doubt it.

  114. "...sprint all-out for 100 yards and run fast for another 1000 yards.

    This is probably the best strategy to protect yourself!"

    What if it's a Jamaican and a Kenyan?

  115. " I wonder if SWPLs are the first people in history to be simultaneously self-righteous, self-congratulatory and self-loathing, all at the same time."

    Nailed it.

  116. FirkinRidiculous5/17/11, 9:55 AM

    Anyone have a link to a picture of Yglesias?

    Google 'google images'.

    Do we have any confirmation from Yglasses as yet that the attackers were black? Perhaps this is some sort of set-up...

  117. "Hungry and neglected children would undoubtedly benefit more from an army of social workers than an army of angry 'Hbdcons' who do absolutely nothing to provide for them."

    No, hungry and neglected childen would undoubtedly benefit more from parents who do everything they can to provide for them. Having seen urban poverty up close and personal, I can assure you that all social workers do is ensure the problem will continue and increase by enabling poor people to avoid responsibilities and the negative consequences of their often destructive actions and decisions.

    By the way, when I say I've seen this up close and personal, I mean I lived in those neighborhoods, though not on the government's dime. The narrative that poor people tell neighbors they trust is unrecognizable from the pitiful stories that teachers, health workers and social workers hear. Among their own kind, the talk often is of how to get more unearned and undeserved government and private charity bennies by deceitful and duplicitous means. They know that even if they have criminal records, even if they've lost custody of their kids or don't pay court-ordered child support that virtually anything they say will be taken at face value by those social workers because to do anything else would be to lessen the dignity of those impoverished through no fault of their own.

    You really are a creep, even worse than that "sigh" person, who I think is too materialistic to go into a "helping" profession and who therefore is unlikely to contribute to the problem as extensively as you do.

    "'Either you're dumber than dirt or you think we are.'

    The latter, obviously."

    Then you're wrong again. No surprise there.

    Whether or no you are who and what you say you are, the comments posted here under your user name are the best arguments against immigration and helping poor foreigners settle in that I've ever read.

    You know, you could do almost as much damage at a PR firm as you do in the classroom.

  118. marlo: if I were a white nationalist I would routinely visit poor white areas to provide my beloved race with food, clothing and shelter. I would try to start a job training program for welfare mothers. I would be trying to provide services to the hundreds of thousands of hungry and neglected white children across the U.S. I would also be outraged at white on white violence, which clearly doesn't bother you guys that much.

    this is exactly right. say what you want about black racists; at least they tend to do stuff for black people. the nation of islam cleans out crack houses, puts black guys who just got outta prison on the straight and narrow, and raises money for community services by selling moon pies. louis farrakhan has done more for the black underclass than thomas sowell, clarence thomas, and every other black right winger in history combined.

    i have never heard of white nationalists or hbd nerds cleaning out meth labs in wyoming, or kicking sense into the heads of white criminals. but none of this stuff is actually about improving the welfare of white people anyway.

  119. this is exactly right. say what you want about black racists; at least they tend to do stuff for black people.

    We're talking about the Black Caucus, right? Those champions against low-skill immigration?

    Yeah, the black "leadership" is great for the black "leadership."

  120. i have never heard of white nationalists or hbd nerds cleaning out meth labs in wyoming, or kicking sense into the heads of white criminals. but none of this stuff is actually about improving the welfare of white people anyway.

    This isn't complicated. In America, TPTB drive whites away from racialism and blacks toward it.

    The place to check on the actual racial solidarity and charity of blacks is in Africa.

  121. svigor:
    We're talking about the Black Caucus, right?

    no. if you read the post, you'll notice i mentioned the nation of islam, and didn't say a word about the black caucus.

    This isn't complicated. In America, TPTB drive whites away from racialism and blacks toward it.

    i was talking about the whites who already are racialists, such as yourself. why don't you get off the internet and start beating up white drug dealers? or if you're going to stay on the internet, at least read posts before you respond to them.

  122. and the notion that "TPTB" are somehow on the side of the nation of islam is beyond stupid.

  123. "l'infâme said...

    why don't you get off the internet and start beating up white drug dealers?"

    Why don't you start committing acts of vigilanteism? See how far you get with that, you stupid asshole.

  124. mr. anon: Why don't you start committing acts of vigilanteism? See how far you get with that, you stupid asshole.

    seems to have gotten the noi pretty far:

    so try it out. but i suspect none of you are interested in doing anything to help white people, unless it also hurts nams. i'd love to be proved wrong, though.

  125. "l'infâme said...

    seems to have gotten the noi pretty far:"

    Yeah, like a group of white guys could get together and harass blacks without getting in trouble with the law - serious f**k-up-your-life forever kind of trouble. Holder's DoJ would come down on them like a ton of s**t (which is, afterall, what the DoJ is).

    You are not offering this advice in good faith, but in hostility to whites.

  126. mr. anon: Yeah, like a group of white guys could get together and harass blacks without getting in trouble with the law

    no one seems to be able to actually read my comments before they respond to them. i wasn't talking about harassing blacks. i was talking about harassing certain of your fellow whites: the drug dealers and criminals. the nation of islam, in the article i linked, wasn't harassing whites, they were harassing criminal blacks, and making black neighborhoods better places to live.

    Two days before Thanksgiving, an N.O.I. guard was threatened by a gang member at a complex on Indiana Avenue. The next day, 80 to 100 suited Nation of Islam members rolled onto the site. Marching double-time in military formation, they took up positions on each side of the street for two hours, according to Los Angeles police, who quietly cheered the display.

    why don't try something like this, but with meth dealers in wyoming instead of crack dealers in los angeles? the fact that you assumed i was talking about harassing blacks is further evidence that you can't even think of a way to help white people that isn't at the expense of nams.

  127. no. if you read the post, you'll notice i mentioned the nation of islam, and didn't say a word about the black caucus.

    You said "black racists," it's right there in black and white. I just didn't accept your silly attempt to frame the debate.

    This isn't complicated. In America, TPTB drive whites away from racialism and blacks toward it.

    i was talking about the whites who already are racialists, such as yourself. why don't you get off the internet and start beating up white drug dealers? or if you're going to stay on the internet, at least read posts before you respond to them.

    You're right. That's why every night, I don my brightly-painted custom kevlar suit and sally forth to battle white crime.

    Lol, you're a 'tard. Please do keep posting.

    Yeah, like a group of white guys could get together and harass blacks without getting in trouble with the law - serious f**k-up-your-life forever kind of trouble. Holder's DoJ would come down on them like a ton of s**t (which is, afterall, what the DoJ is).

    You are not offering this advice in good faith, but in hostility to whites.

    Pay attention, guy! Borderline-schizo l'infant is suggesting we beat up WHITE criminals, in pursuit of white advocacy. And ALL his advice is clearly offered in the spirit of what's best for white folks, so I don't know what you're all het up about.

    P.S., please don't drive l'infant away. We need more posters like him around here. :)

  128. Repeat, l'infant is too entertaining to hate. He's hung his hat on "hey, blacks get away with it, so whites can too!" Anybody that deranged is good opposition in my book.

  129. "You are not offering this advice in good faith, but in hostility to whites."

    Wearing your mind reading hat again? And why wouldn't he want you guys to do something instead of this day-in-day-out impotent whining you do?

  130. Wearing your mind reading hat again? And why wouldn't he want you guys to do something instead of this day-in-day-out impotent whining you do?

    I agree. Therefore, in the best interests of all hangers-on (i.e., you) of "you guys," I suggest you go clean up your ethnic backyard. Which of course would leave you less time for your day-in-day-out snark-in-lieu-of-whining regimen.

  131. "Which of course would leave you less time for your day-in-day-out snark-in-lieu-of-whining regimen."

    Yeah, but I'm one of the best in the world as snark; you guys are only "very, very good" at whining.

  132. Yeah, but I'm one of the best in the world as snark; you guys are only "very, very good" at whining.


  133. I know I wouldn't "lol" at interracial rape jokes. That many of your ilk find them hilarious says a lot about the ethnopatriot's way of thinking; particularly that it centers on poking fun at namz rather than empathizing with vulnerable whites.

    Sure, Stalin-boy, guilt-by-association is a game you can win.

  134. Kylie wrote:"Whether or no you are who and what you say you are, the comments posted here under your user name are the best arguments against immigration and helping poor foreigners settle in that I've ever read."

    I'm not sure where this is coming from. I've never revealed anything about my personal life to anyone here. I'm certainly not a poor foreigner. Regardless, nothing you wrote negates the fact that white nationalism/ethnopatriotism/hbd isn't actually about protecting white interests. You don't like social welfare programs? Who cares? Some other guy interjected that strawman into the discussion, not me. I'm talking about white nationalists, hbdcons and so on helping their "brothers and sisters", not the government.

    l'infame wrote: "the fact that you assumed i was talking about harassing blacks is further evidence that you can't even think of a way to help white people that isn't at the expense of nams."

    My thoughts exactly.

    Mr. Anon's question dodging is tantamount to just saying: "We 2 scayered 2 protek da watt rice so we jus sit ona inner nets n complain 'bout blacks".

    Whether or not anyone's comments are in good faith is a moot issue. The issue is, when hell breaks loose at the trailor park and childrens' safety is at stake, who among the Hbdcons is there to protect them? And when their parents can't find work, who among the hbdcons will lend them a hand?

    Given their aversion to these questions and/or their tendancy to pretend that no such problems exist, I think we all know the answer. But I'll continue to raise the issue as long as I post here.

  135. "Mr. Anon's question dodging is tantamount to just saying: "We 2 scayered 2 protek da watt rice so we jus sit ona inner nets n complain 'bout blacks"."

    I get the feeling he nailed your Appalachian accent, grasshopper.


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