June 14, 2011


From the comments:
Apparently, the Lesbian dude #2 was the one who busted the Lesbian dude #1. As Steve asked in the previous post, what would the world do without us straight white guys? When you need something accomplished, you've got no choice but to call in one.


  1. That guy is stealing the credit. It belongs foremost to Andy Carvin of NPR and then blogger, Liz Henry.
    Carvin supposedly is an expert in internet hoaxes.
    There is no way, despite their experience as fake lesbians, that those two men have the intuition to detect other fakes.

  2. Those guys are goons.

    They don't really count as "straight," "white," or "male."

  3. Inscrutoroku Japamoto6/14/11, 3:56 PM

    That'd be a great t-shirt: White people get shit done.

    I'd buy that if it had Tim Dang's face on it.

  4. It's like we need whites to destroy the white race. And whites are doing a damn good job.

  5. "Those guys are goons.

    They don't really count as 'straight,' 'white,' or 'male.'"

    Nor are they true Scotsmen.

  6. Yeah but only white guys seemed to care about those two fake lesbians in the first place.

  7. They're doing it to get approval from ... women. Its that pathetic. Really.

  8. "They're doing it to get approval from ... women. Its that pathetic. Really."

    It's how beta's get laid, Whiskey. That they'd go to such lengths to be the best lesbian lover a woman ever had just means they're high T betas. An oxymoron, I know, yet it's also a complex survival strategy.

  9. Maybe people like these should be called lesboys.

  10. "Those guys are goons."

    Ugh. I didn't need to see that. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyuck!!!!


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