June 21, 2011

Feminists are easy to fool

In his response to the Supreme Court tossing out 5-4 the vast Walmart disparate impact discrimination lawsuit, Matthew Yglesias deftly threads the needle of placating feminists without actually embarrassing himself by positing:
"Imagine that general background social conditions in the United States are such that women will be disadvantaged in any male-run institution that doesn’t make a specific and deliberate effort to lean against that disadvantage."

Imagining is fun! What else should we imagine? 

To imagine that Walmart discriminates against female employees is to imagine that it discriminates in favor of male employees, which is to imagine that Walmart, evidently a Big Softie famous for leaving money on the table, overpays for male employees. 

But I don't have a big enough imagination to imagine that.


  1. If there's one thing male-run institutions do, it's harm women. What interest would men have in women, after all? Why on earth would they give them special favors...

    oh, right.

    Feminism - making women worse off for 40 years (and counting!).

  2. The feminists, as ever, are merely in the rearguard of the blacks and just doing what blacks have been doing successfully for decades ie shakedown companies using 'civil rights' legislation.
    It's no joke anymore, the USA simply cannot afford this nonsensical burden.

  3. I highly doubt that either Yglesias or the feminist yentas who follow his blog have ever been inside a Walmart. That place is strictly for gentile proles. I often wondered why the elite hate it so much.

    On the other hand, I've never understood why conservatives seem to have such a soft spot for company.

    Walmart is probably the biggest user of illegal alien labor. It's companies like this that ensure the GOP will never actually do anything about the border.

  4. The feminists, as ever, are merely in the rearguard of the blacks and just doing what blacks have been doing successfully for decades ie shakedown companies using 'civil rights' legislation.

    I wonder if they came up with these genius strategies themselves. I have always had the unfounded feeling that there's been unseen presence driving this state of affairs. Some force that's been undetectable to the average America.

    I mean, kudos to the women and blacks if they came up with this in their kitchens and ghettos respectively, but still, I can't help but wonder if someone or something is pulling the strings...

  5. "I can't help but wonder if someone or something is pulling the strings..."

    Yep, the Jews already!

    Took four comments, but we got there!


  6. Yep, the Jews already!

    Took four comments, but we got there!

    Because, yeah, blacks came up with this all on their own and women followed. That sounds plausible.

    This is what gives away the agenda of sites like stuffblackpeopledontlike.

    On the one hand we are invited to dwell on the shambles of a black run America (BRA) while managing to avoid the question as to how such a disorganised group could get it together to subvert white America.

  7. No, actually it took five comments for some paranoid person seeing Jews everywhere to go "It must be the Jews!"

    Also, it's the Devil, not the Jews, who's secretly coordinating things.

  8. "I can't help but wonder if someone or something is pulling the strings..."

    Yep, the Jews already!

    Took four comments, but we got there!

    Naw, I'm sure Anonymous@12.07am meant the Finns. You never hear anything about Finnish conspiracies for world domination. Thats how good they are.

  9. "Imagining is fun! What else should we imagine?

    To imagine that Walmart discriminates against female employees is to imagine that it discriminates in favor of male employees, which is to imagine that Walmart, evidently a Big Softie famous for leaving money on the table, overpays for male employees.

    But I don't have a big enough imagination to imagine that."

    - You're not leftist. Imagination is a key hallmark of the leftist mindset. Smoke some sticky icky, listen to MSNBC, attend a Wikipedia meetup, you'll be imagining all manner of nonsense soon enough, and earn your left-wing Obama button.

  10. i am tired, of false narrative of blacks, jews and women vs. white males.

    as if blacks or NAM or AM societies treat women better? honor killing, sati, anyone?

    I agree it is just a shakedown....but its effective and it is effective in coaxing women to believe that white guys are the oppressor, to point they'll convert to islam (as in europe)

    as for Matt Y, maybe he should start by giving up all his paid positions?

  11. "I can't help but wonder if someone or something is pulling the strings..."

    Yep, the Jews already!

    Took four comments, but we got there!


    pretty hard to deny, though.

  12. ""I can't help but wonder if someone or something is pulling the strings..."

    Yep, the Jews already!

    Took four comments, but we got there!


    The rest of us don't mention it because it's obvious, documeted, often stated, and, need I remark, true.

    Robert Hume

  13. Yep, the Jews already!

    Took four comments, but we got there!

    Why, when a commenter refers to shakedown companies using civil rights legislation, can we not ask whether it's actually Tyrone the thug and Tiffany the housewife who actually run those outfits.

    A glance at the names involved with the ACLU and SPLC is deeply illuminating.

  14. smarter than an asian6/22/11, 7:42 AM

    No, it's the barely literate minority women who aren't getting promoted from cashier as fast as a college educated white guy who got his initial job in some other aspect of operations anyway.

    White females did their damage in the 70s. I guarantee this suit was promoted by black and/or hispanic females. Originally Walmart was a good part-time job for wives of gentile prole's.

  15. Anon@ 11:59
    Two guesses.
    Wal-mart cuts out a whole bunch of small time elite retailers.

    Wal-mart makes it easy for a lower income person to afford good enough replicas of most trappings of American life.

  16. "I can't help but wonder if someone or something is pulling the strings..."

    Yep, the Jews already!

    Took four comments, but we got there!

    You could always google Allan Russo and Nicholas Rockefeller for some illumination. But of course you guys are too sophisticated for believing such things.
    One thing that does puzzle me here a bit. On one hand commenters are always siting the dishonesty and dissimulation of MSM and yet claim any info not on the MSM radar is too outlandish or too much work to follow-up on, and dismissable alternative as crazy or unreliable.
    There is information out there. It is indeed requiring of discernment. But it's there, hiding in plain site. Well, not exactly plain site, but see-able.
    I also know there are legions paid to sit in their basements or wherever, and mock every "alternative" out there.

    But we don't have to dig too deeply for some of modern feminisms origins. Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA and I remember a 60s article in LIFE magazine of all places, where this was as much as admitted. I also remember reading in those hallowed pages, that LSD was used by DARPA and the CIA in experiments on unsuspecting subjects, including a village in France in the early 50s. Then somehow a lid came down on this stuff and no respectable MSM publication would be caught printing such tripe.
    Golden age of informative media? Let's say its plated with some murky material of some kind, but there's pure gold underneath.

  17. Steve Johnson6/22/11, 9:33 AM

    So Matt Yglesias switched his comments to facebook. Gee, I wonder why?

    Could it be because that way the comments are tied to your real identity and he's tired of those damned crimethinkers humiliating people with correct but unthinkable arguments?

  18. Anonymasaurus Rex6/22/11, 10:22 AM

    In his response to the Supreme Court tossing out 5-4 the vast Walmart disparate impact discrimination lawsuit...

    Uhhh, the SCOTUS verdict was unanimous, no? In the 9th Circuit the verdict was 6-5 against WalMart. I'd wager that whenever a verdict in the 9th Circus, the most overturned appeals court in the country, favors the Left by only a single vote, it's almost 100% likely to be overturned by SCOTUS.

  19. anticounterreactionary6/22/11, 11:29 AM

    Yeah, I also get tired of the perpetual Hebrew marionettery strand here and at VDARE. But you gotta admit that Feminism underwent some major surgery after the intellectual tone became less lily-white Seneca Falls abolitionist, more raging urban pseudo-housewife mystique.

    The crippling defect of 1970s left-feminism was the unsupported assertion that all women have common interests. Not surprising that the exact same people would later fall for the idea that Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, and Chileans are fungible. Hell, they even think gay men and lesbians should be in some permanent LGBTBLTBBQ coalition, a truly risible prospect to anyone with the acquaintance of a single typical homosexual.

  20. Walmart is probably the biggest user of illegal alien labor.

    Ever been to Home Depot?

    Lots of people go to Walmart. Not everyone can afford to be a SWPL. You have to be rich to care about the poor so much.

    The only working-class people I know that religiously avoid Walmart are hardcore Unionistas, which is a tiny minority of union members.

  21. steve you may want to take a look at this insane rant, i mean, apology, that one of the asian vancouver rioters who got caught, has posted on her blog. this is the original post she made, before later going back and totally editing out everything because she realized she was a moron.


    and the edited one:


    we will never really grasp how bonkers her real, original "apology" was. there are so many lines in there that are classic. but note the overwhelming use of modern victimology speak. generic (criminals are the real victims, i'm the hero here), racial (i'm non-white, back off), and sexual (i'm a woman, BACK OFF).

    deliberate invocation of white racial oppression and feminism as defense mechanisms in a situation in which there was no call for it. she brought it up, nobody else did. not the public, not the police, not the politicians. she's being prosecuted simply as a looter. the chief of police in vancouver is east asian, so now she looks even stupider for bringing up the issue and then being totally wrong.

    pertinent lines: "Here’s another thing that bothers me: why is everybody so surprised that a female partook in the riot? What is with this attitude that females are incapable of doing what men can do? Maybe it takes an event like this to show you misogynists that woman are fully capable of anything you can do. And if my actions lead to that revelation in your obscure little heads, then maybe it’s a good thing that I partook in this event."

    WTF? feminist brainwashing has led to the extreme. participating in riots is female empowerment.

  22. But why Walmart? Aren't Google, Hollywood, and much else also dominated by males?

  23. Darwin's Sh*tlist6/22/11, 3:27 PM

    To imagine that Walmart discriminates against female employees is to imagine that it discriminates in favor of male employees, which is to imagine that Walmart, evidently a Big Softie famous for leaving money on the table, overpays for male employees.

    This has always been the unasked follow-up to the feminist trope about women being paid 75% what men do for the "same work." If that were true, then why would men ever get hired? So the boss has someone to share dirty jokes with in the bathroom?

  24. "Walmart is probably the biggest user of illegal alien labor. It's companies like this that ensure the GOP will never actually do anything about the border."

    Not even close.

    Farmers and building contractors are the biggest users of illegal alien labor, period.

  25. Yeah, Wal-Mart is a very easy target right now, but I have a hard time imagining them being so much nicer to their male employees because of how notoriously stingy they are. One thing I've noticed about large companies that were founded and based in the Deep South is that they generally pinch a penny until it screams. Anyway, more crap from America's lawyers, oblivious to the damage they are doing to our economy, fiddling while Rome burns.

  26. Could it be because that way the comments are tied to your real identity and he's tired of those damned crimethinkers humiliating people with correct but unthinkable arguments?

    Thats why TPTB love Facebook. People and their online activities, opinions are tied to their real ID, thus unfashionable opinions voiced online can be supressed through emotive appeals, just as they are IRL.

  27. Gaiest Get Out of Jail Free Card6/22/11, 6:56 PM

    Jody is being a little hard on the raging Vancouver feminist gaiest rioter:


    Although her exculpatory racists and sexists excuses were thin, she is studying ecology a UCB.

    To her credit she woke up out her mob mentality to purportedly save a tree. If video proof can be found of her saying "Not the Treeees pleeasee" as she claims, I say she walks even if she shived that other guy in the chest.

    I bet this guy never saved a tree before.

  28. "The feminists, as ever, are merely in the rearguard of the blacks and just doing what blacks have been doing successfully for decades ie shakedown companies using 'civil rights' legislation."

    NYC first passed anti-sex discrimination laws in 1963 or so, it was even referenced in Mad Men when whatzerface asked her boss for equal pay. I'm sure these kinds of lawsuits are at least that old.

    It's said that Southern segregationists added "sex" as a protected class in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make it so radical that people wouldn't vote for it. Those idiots probably created the national feminist movement as we know it today.

  29. You people put me in mind of the Branch Davidians just before the ATF showed up and Jim Jones' followers just before they brought out the Guyana Punch.

  30. WalMart really does loom large in your mental landscape. I can only imagine how painful the business deals were.

  31. Pay discrimination did exist, and I mean for exactly the same job. When I applied for retail in the early 70s, the HR rep, a middle-aged woman, said so and matter-of-factly added that the salesmen have "families to support." That was a hoot, at least in a store that didn't sell appliances and hardware. Whoever the salesguys were supporting, it wasn't families. A boyfriend maybe, or an orchid habit, but not a family.
    Laws already state that people doing the same job (always iffy when you're talking about genders in some industries; the men in retail -- the herto ones anyway -- had to know mechanical stuff in some of the departments.) So those jobs merited higher pay. If a woman was an expert in power mowers than she should get paid the same thing.
    As somone who has struggled most of her life with low salary -- for which I blame no one but myself and of course, my parents -- this is a serious issue. Most of us have to make our own livings most of our lives. That said, there should be no discrimination against men if, indeed, they work longer hours and are more qualified for a job. It should not go to a female just because she's a she.

  32. Kyle, Walmart has over twice as many locations in the United States as Home Depot. Chances are they hire more illegal immigrants.

  33. Re: paying men more because they had families to support. Don't you think that wives who could stay home and children who had a full time parent benefited from this?

    The narrative has become that the guy will inevitable leave the family when the wife gets older for a younger hotter second wife leaving the dependents high and dry. From what I read on the net this story is not quite so true. First, most divorces are started by the wife. Second, for middle class and up perople, child support obligations are significant and taken quite seriously.

    Now that we don;t have women financially dependent on their husbands we have women delaying children while thay work on their careers and fertility rates for the high powered women bellow replacement.

  34. Kyle, Walmart has over twice as many locations in the United States as Home Depot. Chances are they hire more illegal immigrants.

    I'd hazard to guess not. I know, at least in my area I don't think I've ever seen a Latino employee at Walmart, and the Home Depot has very few non-Latino employees.

    What advantage does Walmart get in hiring illegal immigrants? They are already paying very, very low wages.

    Home Depot is paying illegals dirt to build sheds, and decks and such for customers, which is an above-minimum wage job for an American.

    It's said that Southern segregationists added "sex" as a protected class in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make it so radical that people wouldn't vote for it. Those idiots probably created the national feminist movement as we know it today.

    That wouldn't be surprising considering the history of the Women of the KKK as a nascent form of radical feminists.

    They put it in so no one would vote for it, or they idiotically got outmaneuvered by their own disloyal wives once again?

    The "chivalry" of the South has been plain idiotic for generations.

  35. That wouldn't be surprising considering the history of the Women of the KKK as a nascent form of radical feminists.

    They put it in so no one would vote for it, or they idiotically got outmaneuvered by their own disloyal wives once again?

    It's kind of funny when you think about it. It was a completely unforced error.

  36. TrashTokkinWifTrolls6/23/11, 6:17 PM

    Almost like the hilarious time John Calhoun wrote a tariff bill with rates high enough to practically kill of the economy of the American South. Darn those northerners (South Carolina is part of the north when its people screw up) for starting the War of Northern Whatever.

  37. "He disliked nearly all woman, and especially the young and pretty ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy."
    - 1984

  38. Walmart is probably the biggest user of illegal alien labor.

    Walmart keeps the labor laboring where it isn't illegal.

    _Osvaldo M.


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