June 26, 2011

Getting the joke

My new VDARE column looks at a number of recent news stories, such as the illegal immigrant reporter (from where, exactly?), the Mexican national soccer team's "home game" against the U.S. at the Rose Bowl, and so forth, that are pretty funny if you get the joke.


  1. found a typo: "Mexican-Americans whose grandparents were born in the U.S. had only a six percent college graduation rate—compared to TK% for American whites

  2. Jose Antonio Vargas: Immigration officials don't feel like enforcing laws is a high priority - Will Journalist Face Deportation? Signs Point To 'No'. Similarly, big time immigration lawyer also does not think that Vargas faces any serious issues, says he is a new Rosa Parks.

  3. compared to TK% for American whites

    Yeah, it looked like a temporary placeholder.

  4. You know Steve, between reading this article right now and listening to Derbyshire's podcast (radio broadcast) earlier today I must admit to having one throughly depressing day. Like the weight of this knowledge, the end of America as we know it and the inability to do a damn thing about it, was just overwhelming. Tomorrow I must workout out to at least feel better about myself.

  5. Of course, the fact that most American births are non-white is the most significant milestone in American demographics - more significant in fact than whites falling into demographic minority.
    And yet the MSM have almost totally ignired this vitally imortant fact.
    The point of no return has been passed.as it happens, the USA loses around 6% points of whites per decade.It doesn't take a genius to work out that by the end of the century (when some of today's crop of babies will still be living), whites will be an insignificant numeriacl minority.
    The implications don't need spelling out.

  6. Great article. Went on a little too long though.

  7. A good column.

    However, since homosexuals can now marry in New York state, I think everything will be OK. Please inform Brimelow.

  8. "You know Steve, between reading this article right now and listening to Derbyshire's podcast (radio broadcast) earlier today I must admit to having one throughly depressing day. Like the weight of this knowledge, the end of America as we know it and the inability to do a damn thing about it, was just overwhelming"

    I know how you feel. These 'jokes' Steve is sharing with us are just not funny anymore.

    I guess nothing can change until enough people realize
    that there are worse things than to be called a racist.
    Gilbert P.

  9. Tim Howard famously suffers from Tourette's syndrome. I'm glad that he was the one to speak out after the game - as a mixed-race guy he won't be pilloried for saying what he did the way a white team-mate would have been (though his comments were SO red pill that they're evidently still gong after him fairly viciously).

    Oh, and a later episode of The Simpsons revealed Kent Brockman's real name to be Kenny Brockelstein. Just sayin'.

  10. Great piece with many scary points well-made.

    I love the journalist's-diary format that you're using there too -- chunked-up, then weaving together a bunch of semi-disparate/semi-related observations, facts and links. It's one of the great journalism forms, and is much under-used in the U.S. (Pretty common in the British press.) Seems to suit you too.

  11. Re: " Asian New Yorkers Seek Power..."

    You say, "But who does the conventional wisdom expect this united Asian power to come at the expense of? Blacks? Latinos? Of course not! It will come from whites!"

    Actually, not in this case.

    Remember, the context here is New York City politics. In New York City, white are a minority. The big story of the last decades was the white establishment losing power to the Blacks and Hispanic block. Articles like the one you quote from are in effect a call for new allies on behalf of New York's white power elite. They are willing to share some power with Asians lest they lose it altogether.

    In a few decades we might see something like this on the national level.

  12. You don’t win at politics by losing battles. That just makes your party look like losers.

    You do realize that this applies in spades to the anti-immigration politics? It had been such an epic loser in the last decades that even those GOP politicos that might otherwise be sympathetic don't want to touch it with a ten-foot pole.

    Yes, some anti-immigration policies could be successful, especially during economic downturns. See California Proposition 187 or the recent Arizona law. But for the politicians associated with these cases such successes become career suicide.

  13. Slightly OT: An Onion reporter is injured by an "urban" flash mob:


    "One of those reports came from Emily Guendelsberger, 27, city editor for local arts and entertainment content for the Onion, the satirical newspaper and website. She was walking with seven friends on Green Street near Broad when they were accosted, she said. Guendelsberger, who remained hospitalized with a broken leg yesterday, declined to comment further."

    I wonder how the snarkily liberal Onion would report this event?

  14. In 1620 Most American Births were non-white too. I'm sure we'll figure out how to deal with the problem.

    Necessity is the mother of invention.

    Duncan Idaho

  15. Steve, the 2009 data refers to births to white mothers - 53.5%, but some of those have nonwhite fathers.

  16. Lucius Vorenus6/27/11, 8:11 AM

    Also on Thursday, Hope Yen of the Associated Press reported: “For the first time, minorities make up a majority of babies in the U.S., part of a sweeping race change and growing age divide between mostly white, older Americans and predominantly minority youths that could reshape government policies”...

    The latest federal report summarizing birth certificates, Births: Preliminary Data for 2009, still shows 53.5 percent of babies are born to non-Hispanic white women...

    Hope Yen was reporting on Census Bureau data; your link is to CDC data.

    For some time now, I have noticed slight discrepancies between CB data and CDC data, with the CB data always seeming to support the more "politically correct" conclusion.

    I once started to type up a long post on this for you, but I have had way too much on my plate for the last year to leave any free time for crunching the numbers.

    Bottom Line: Take the Census Bureau data with a grain of salt - it is much more highly politicized than the CDC data [which tends to be generated from things like hospital-issued birth certificates and county health department reports].

    Things are bad, but maybe not quite so disastrous as the Frankfurt School demoralizers [at the Census Bureau] would have us believe.

  17. "Like the weight of this knowledge, the end of America as we know it and the inability to do a damn thing about it, was just overwhelming."

    I've found the best way to counteract that feeling of being overwhelmed is to do my best and forget the rest. Prioritize. Plan. Think hard about what answers you will give to some very hard questions.

    America is moribund but you can still do some things for yourself, your friends and family and like-minded individuals in your community.

    And since, contrary to what our gov't tells us, resources are finite, you might want to give some thought to how you plan to use your resources and for whose benefit.

    If we want to avoid jail, we have to pay taxes. Beyond that, we have more choice than most realize as to who or what gets our money. Spend your money where it will do you the most good and the least harm.

    And by all means, work out. Staying fit is part of it.

  18. ah yes, the US national team's "home" game in los angeles. at least USA soccer recognizes this is a problem and tries to schedule important matches between the US and mexican national teams, in cities where there are as few mexicans as possible. they've been trying to move games like this to columbus, ohio for years.

    not a good sign that the authorities now have to be wary of "new" americans in any circumstance where national loyalty might be an issue.

    on another note, 2 more US soldiers killed in iraq today, that makes 11 for the month. in a seperate attack a suicide bomber killed 3 cops and hurt another 12. an oil refinery was also bombed, halting production.

    there appears to be a total US news blackout on this topic now, as obama needs all the help he can get and cannot under any circumstance handle any war reporting.

  19. Using whiskey's hammer, minorities are HB10, dems are the cockblocking fat ass girlfriends and GOP has the options of being a beta male who promises to pay for the drinks or being an aloof alpha male who does his own thing which jives with the chickas, but never signals openly his desire to pump and dump.

    "at least USA soccer recognizes this is a problem and tries to schedule important matches between the US and mexican national teams, in cities where there are as few mexicans as possible. "

    whither revenue?

    "not a good sign that the authorities now have to be wary of "new" americans in any circumstance where national loyalty might be an issue."

    cricket matches in UK or Australia.

  20. Sailer:

    My own first reaction was: This guy sounds gay. And the first picture I saw of Vargas looked awfully gay. Not surprisingly, of course, he is gay.

    Be a hot Muslim SWPL lesbian on the Internet or an ultra-competitive ballplayer in the Gay World Series, what can't a straight white guy do when he really sets his mind to it?

    NBA player I can think of was John Amaechi, but he was awful, although that was because he was gay and hated sports)

    They will proffer cheery greetings over the picket fence, the one admiring the other's attractive buttock-hugging leather shorts for that day's Gay Pride parade as he prepares to take his daughter to the clitoridectomy clinic.

    most of the tiny number of white-collar Mexican men I worked with were homosexuals.

    there was also a Venice Muscle Beach / Hollywood / Castro Street gay / Olympic track & field steroids connection to West Coast pro athletes going on.


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