June 4, 2011

The Latino Political Juggernaut in Action

As we've all been told, the vast growth in the number of Latinos makes them an unstoppable force in American politics. Anybody who stands against illegal immigration, such as the Republican upstarts in Arizona who passed SB 1070 in 2010, will be crushed beneath Mexican-Americans' implacable will, relentless focused energy, and superb organizational skills.

From today's LA Times, an article about how all that is working out in the Los Angeles of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa:
What happened to L.A.'s boycott of Arizona? 
By Kate Linthicum | 7:12 p.m. 
A year after the City Council approved the sanction, little has changed. There's not even an ordinance specifying how the boycott should work. 
In May 2010, Los Angeles was a part of wave of cities that voted to boycott Arizona after lawmakers in that state passed a controversial law targeting illegal immigrants. 
City Hall staffers were ordered to review contracts with Arizona companies for possible termination, and official travel to Arizona was supposed to be suspended. 
But a year later, little has changed in the way Los Angeles does business with the state next door. 
The city still buys street sweeper parts from one Arizona firm and has a contract for emergency sewer repairs with another, officials say. The Harbor Department alone has four contracts with Arizona companies that total nearly $26 million. 
A similar pattern can be seen across California. Boycotts in Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles County made headlines last year but have since delivered little punch. 
None of those jurisdictions has canceled a contract with an Arizona-based company because of the boycott — leading some immigrant-rights activists to dismiss the high-profile calls for economic sanctions as empty symbolism. 
The disappointment is especially felt in Los Angeles, where Latino elected leaders strongly backed the sanctions. 
"This is a moment of hypocrisy if the city of Los Angeles says one thing and does another," said Rabbi Jonathan Klein, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice.

I suspect that someday some genius will figure out how to politically organize Mexican-Americans. But it probably won't involve issuing press releases and all that old boring stuff. My guess is that the secret to organizing Mexicans politically will have to involve buying pouffy dresses, renting tuxedos and stretch limousines, and dancing. Lots of dancing.


  1. It's a good point about the lack of organizing skill among Hispanics. And apparently they are harder to organize by an outside party than Blacks were.

    But regardless of how organized they are, if their numbers keep growing, at some point they will ruin the Republic. How can we avoid the unstable nature of Latin American regimes?

  2. I am sure that the bill pending before the Texas legislature that will defund sanctuary cities has not gone unnoticed. It is an idea which is long overdue.

  3. Bill from Sheridan6/4/11, 9:25 PM

    And if there's dancing there will have to be Mexican Pointy Boots, lots of Mexican Pointy Boots.


  4. Kate Linthicum? Thounds like Tim Linthecum with a lithp.

  5. It's a good point about the lack of organizing skill among Hispanics.

    Don't worry - Andy Stern's got that angle covered.

  6. Could it be that they just don't give a damn? Disappointed politicians and disappointed Hispanic Americans are two very different things. It's more than likely that the vast majority that didn't care about Arizona legislature couldn't be bothered to vote.

    I think it's natural to feel united with one's kind if real persecution is taking place, but when it's plain that pogroms aren't happening and it's all political hype, most people don't want to spend the energy. If Mexicans are anything like the other immigrant groups, they, probably, don't even like most other Mexicans. As a child I was discouraged from playing with lots of other immigrant children from the former Soviet Union because they'd have the wrong accent, come from the wrong republic or be of the wrong social class. My little sister just graduated HS with a lot of Bulgarian immigrants in her class. She has to hang out with many of them separately because their parents highly suspect each other of being gypsies.
    The blacks are the strange exception in that they seem to spend a lot of time basking in their blackness, and identify as black above anything else. (Gender seems to be the only descriptor more important than the broad term of blackness to the black men. Black women put race above gender.)

    Now, you can go ahead and crack down on illegal immigration from Eastern Europe. Also, feel free to rename all the streets/buildings/hurricanes that were named after something or someone from my country of origin. I'm gonna go watch South Park.

  7. Argentine politicians applied a two-pronged method to mobilize supporters: They organized field-days with lots of free barbecued meat ("asado a la parilla") and popular musicians, on the condition that the public hear out their pompous speeches and applaud when required. Second, they employed small-time criminals saved from jail with the task of making sure people voted once or the times they were asked. Latins are easy to organize.

  8. jb or mz's black hoodie6/4/11, 10:39 PM

    Catholic priests will take care of organizing Hispanics. I'm not certain who is behind the anchor baby interpretation of birthright citizenship or providing free birth assistance but the Catholic church needs the immigrants to replace the white membership that has been dwindling. I truly believe they see the fight for amnesty/open immigration as the fight to save the Church.

  9. Steve said...

    I suspect that someday some genius will figure out how to politically organize Mexican-Americans.

    Don't worry, they're on it:

    "This is a moment of hypocrisy if the city of Los Angeles says one thing and does another," said Rabbi Jonathan Klein, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice.

  10. Hispanics seem more prone to outbursts of mob action when they get rabble roused. They aren't very reliable when it comes to getting involved in politics unless they are getting paid or derive some material benefit from doing so.
    Most Latin American leaders have been kleptocrats and dictators; their politics have been marked the by class and race divisions of their societies. There's no reason for a Hispanic to trust any politician as they suspect they might just get used and then be discarded. They have a lot of historical memory that makes them range between apathy and suspicion.

  11. "I truly believe they see the fight for amnesty/open immigration as the fight to save the Church."

    cool story, bro

  12. crypto-gentile6/5/11, 12:24 AM

    I also enjoyed how the only substantial on-record comment in the story was from a rabbi (who's from upstate NY but apparently has worked in the noted barrio of Flagstaff). They just need to get some really thin blonde girl from the pampas to start giving speeches and it'll all be organized tout de suite.

  13. 2 months ago, Brazil published its latest census.

    Whites, for the first time, are under 50%


    you might find something here

    NOTE: Brazil has various races

    and a few more, Indian, Asian, ............


    Brazilian census results just came out.

    Globo Newspaper Saturday Äpril 30

    In the 2010 census, 47,73% (91.051.646 of 190.749.191 Brazilians) declared themselves white. In 2000, it was 53,74%.

    For the first time, less then 50% considered themselves white.

    Globo Newspaper thinks this is due to lower fertility of whites. Furthermore to the fact nowadays that less mixed race people claim to be white, due to more self-acceptance of non-white status. Human-Stupidity wants to add that quota systems at colleges also increase the desire to be non-white.

    Brazilians have

    Between 1995 and 2008, there was a drop of 6% in the number of whites, according to the race relation analysis lab at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

    I suggest you search for English language texts or find quotes


  14. another element is that Antonio Villar has turned out to be really, ah, shorter of stature than the civil rights crusader envisioned by the LA trendy left. He's not even a managerial nerd like Obama, but reliably corporatist and anodyne on all the right things, only getting into the headlines for sleeping w/ TV reporters, adjusting the security wall at his house, nepotism, etc. He's done an adequate job of setting up for whichever Hahn takes over next.

  15. The whole idea of 'boycotting' Arizona was a load of BS anyway.
    A ridiculous undemocratic and possibly unconstitutional little stunt.If the mexes want to take direct political action they should choose their targets better.
    Their best bet is to continue the tried and trusted policy of backing the Democrat party to the hilt - a policy that pays the richest of dividends and has whitey flummoxed and dumbfounded in his impotence.What's more the Republicans will soon move into line behind the Democrats as in the case of GW Bush.
    Arizona was just a side-show - the last death thoes of a dying beast.

  16. OT:

    A counterexample to the Sailer law of sociological outcomes:

    Maternal mortality ratios for different ethnic groups:
    34: non-Hispanic black
    16.9: American Indian/Alaska Native
    11: Asian/Pacific Islander
    10.4: non-hispanic White
    9.6: Hispanic

    All values are maternal mortalities/100000 live births.

    The mamacitas are doing something right! Anywhere where Hispanic excel whites should be worthy of investigation, in my book.

  17. Well, this stuff is trickier than it seems to politicians. If the company is based in Arizona, but it has offices or plants in California that it will have to close (or can even plausibly threaten to close) if it looses the contract they were established to fulfill, who gets hurt?

  18. "The mamacitas are doing something right! Anywhere where Hispanic excel whites should be worthy of investigation, in my book."

    The younger age of mestizo women vs. white women when they have children may be helping.

  19. red state slaver6/5/11, 2:54 AM

    Has anyone seen Mitch?

  20. I will say this: Only White people and Black people seem to really define what is cool culturally for Americans. Hispanics and Asians don't.

    As we go forward, we will still have that power,and the truth is, the cultural power that Blacks have is rather ... superficial. It's about style and music but not any serious social and political movements.

    That's White people stuff and will remain so.

  21. "2 months ago, Brazil published its latest census.

    Whites, for the first time, are under 50%"

    I've been to Brazil several times and there are many "white" Brazilians who have discernable African ancestry and would not be considered white in the US.

  22. Based on what is occurring in Mexico proper, Mexicans can definitely be effectively organized as well as ruthlessly driven. I wonder why the left has moved away from folk music.

  23. Maya said...

    The blacks are the strange exception in that they seem to spend a lot of time basking in their blackness, and identify as black above anything else. (Gender seems to be the only descriptor more important than the broad term of blackness to the black men. Black women put race above gender.)

    I don't know, in the UK Caribbean blacks and African blacks seem to dislike each other quite a bit.

  24. jb or mz's black hoodie said...

    Catholic priests will take care of organizing Hispanics. I'm not certain who is behind the anchor baby interpretation of birthright citizenship or providing free birth assistance but the Catholic church needs the immigrants to replace the white membership that has been dwindling. I truly believe they see the fight for amnesty/open immigration as the fight to save the Church.

    Not just the Catholic church but evangelical churches as well. There are large numbers of Mexicans joining Southern Baptist churches. Watch a show broadcast from John Hagee's Texas ministry and you'll see that many in the audience are Latino.

    More immigration = more converts.

    Don't expect the Religious Right to demand an end to the open borders gravy train.

  25. Rabbi Jonathan Klein, executive director of the "Let's You and Him Fight" Coalition for Social Justice.

  26. Steve, out of all the things that make you cranky, Latinos immigration makes you crankiest.

    You may need a douche.

  27. I think it's natural to feel united with one's kind if real persecution is taking place, but when it's plain that pogroms aren't happening and it's all political hype, most people don't want to spend the energy.

    A big driver of politics in Latin America is "indigenous rights." Hispanics here aren't "indigenous," and never will be. They'll always be less "indigenous" than white Americans. So that guilt trip isn't going to work on white Americans. Not that it (as opposed to sheer numbers) works on the rulers in Latin America, but rather that Hispanics don't have the "in" that blacks do here.

  28. boycutt of disney by baptists/conservative christians failed

  29. I went through your archive and read some of nasty things you wrote about Malcolm Gladwell. While you may disagree with his theory of the origin of genius, its an eminently reasonable and plausible take on a complex subject. You, on the other hand, came off as dogmatic and frankly, a little bitter.

    You need to learn some humility.

  30. From this article we see who is pushing the Latino Juggernaut from behind: people like Rabbi Jonathan Klein and organizations like the ACLU, the ADL, and the SPLC. The ADL probably thought up the boycot in the first place: these days they have a lot of time on their hands, much like the Maytag repair man.

    "My guess is that the secret to organizing Mexicans politically will have to involve buying pouffy dresses, renting tuxedos and stretch limousines, and dancing. Lots of dancing."

    Steve forgot to mention brass om-pah bands and accordions. And voting must somehow involve drinking a shot of tequila or firing a gun.

    Here are some other helpful hints on how to organize Latinos. Somebody in the background is translating into Russian for purposes of coalition building.


  31. The problems have been described and detailed and its understood that there are actors out there with malicious intent to the Ameican Nation and Western People. Now, what is to be done?

  32. The Latino Political Juggernaut IS in action.

    It is the action of FAILED STATES. Read about it HERE

  33. Pointy boots and Catholic Charities looking to keep the pews full:


  34. OT

    Get a load of this shit. Now that truth hurts PC, leftists wanna do away with truth altogether. Orwellian state here we come. (And of course, Anthropology is no longer into science.) Once, science challenged religion. Now it is merely replacing it with a new faith. And secular libs worship Obama. Really worship him. Richard Gere is saying Obama is the greatest ever, maybe like the Dalai himself.


  35. authoritarian6/5/11, 9:51 AM

    re: Sailer on Gladwell

    "You, on the other hand, came off as dogmatic and frankly, a little bitter.

    You need to learn some humility."

    I love your dry wit. Keep it up! ROFLOL

  36. Interesting that you don't see the parallel between Obama and Jayson Blair. Both men were promoted by well meaning white people. The Blair case blew up in their faces, it remains to seen if it will be true in Obama's case.

  37. Steve, you're not overtly racist but many of your comment leavers are.

  38. "people like Rabbi Jonathan Klein and organizations like the ACLU"

    ACLU doesn't care about the law or constitution if it serves liberal or Jewish interests.

  39. "A big driver of politics in Latin America is "indigenous rights." Hispanics here aren't "indigenous," and never will be. They'll always be less "indigenous" than white Americans. So that guilt trip isn't going to work on white Americans. Not that it (as opposed to sheer numbers) works on the rulers in Latin America, but rather that Hispanics don't have the "in" that blacks do here."

    Mexico and Mexicans are the only people I know of in the Americas who are calling their whole population "indigenous" . In other countries, indigenous means Indian. Everyone else is a Latino.
    This "indigenous" crap for Mexicans in the US can be dealt with in an honest (as in historically honest), simple way: North America was a competition between two imperial powers-Spain and Britain (the French checked out). Spain spun off Mexico, Britain the US. Both whipped on the Indians. The Anglo-American imperialists beat the Spanish-Mexican imperialists in a territorial dispute. Simple, honest, acknowledges our treatment of Indians as well as theirs, and properly recasts Latino culture for what it was in the 18 and 19th century-an advancing imperial civilization whose advance was halted by another. This is no fundamentally different than Russia vs Japan, or the "great game" in Africa at the time.

    If we applied the "Indigenous Mexican" logic to the Levant, than all the Arab Muslims should be making common cause with the Assyrian/Chaldean/Maronite Christians, since the latter were the earlier culture. Funny how that doesn't work out.

  40. why do mexicans have to be organized in the US? almost EVERY american politician at the state and national level is working hard for explicit mexican identity politics. there has never been a group in the history of the united states who has it easier, or who has had everything slanted in their favor. i'm including those evil, incorrigible english men who created the nation in the first place. mexicans in the US today have it BETTER than the english "oppressors" had it at any time, ever. 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950, go back to a time period and find an instance where even an english guy could totally freeload his entire life while being allowed to ignore almost all laws.

    do you know why the mexicans in california have not carried out their boycott of arizona? BECAUSE THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SMASHED ARIZONA FOR THEM.

    why would they boycott arizona? obama put them in their place. obama showed them that mexicans should be allowed to ignore any laws they want and if uppity whites think otherwise, they get slapped down.

    mexicans are winning, totally, on every front. there's no reason to be highly organized at this time.

  41. "Steve, you're not overtly racist but many of your comment leavers are."

    So, is Sailer at least covertly racist?

  42. "Argentine politicians applied a two-pronged method to mobilize supporters: They organized field-days with lots of free barbecued meat ("asado a la parilla") and popular musicians, on the condition that the public hear out their pompous speeches and applaud when required. Second, they employed small-time criminals saved from jail with the task of making sure people voted once or the times they were asked. Latins are easy to organize."

    Here we call it NASCAR. Bring out the flag, smell of gasoline, and Dubya yammering about WMD, and 80% of Americans rock n rolled into Iraq.
    And Obama 'bailed out' Wall Street and bombed Libya, but what do we do?
    And 12-20 million illegals poured into the US but what did we do? Nothing. SW is demographically turning into greater Mexico, but what do we do? Nothing. We are as apathetic as the Gomezes of the world.

  43. Anonymous - "I don't know, in the UK Caribbean blacks and African blacks seem to dislike each other quite a bit."

    Indeed - Black Africans do much better than Black Caribbeans in every field bar crappy, unmusical derivations of hip-hop, and regard Caribbeans (accurately) as unintelligent street thugs. The undertow is "you allowed yourselves to be enslaved, you pitiful creatures". The Carribeans regard the Africans as snobs.

    Of course, they always manage to put these differences to one side when The Greater Enemy needs kicking for whatever reason.

  44. Well, WNs are always complaining about how difficult it is to organize white people, so maybe they should compare notes...

  45. Latinos need to play more golf with John Boehner.

  46. "Richard Gere is saying Obama is the greatest ever, maybe like the Dalai himself."

    I saw that. Judging from the handful of interviews I've seen of Gere over the decades, he seems a pleasant man, but it's always been clear that the gerbil made its way to his brain.

  47. "Anonymous said...

    Steve, you're not overtly racist but many of your comment leavers are."

    Oooooooh, you called us racist.

    So, you called us racist? And? Who cares. Go peddle it elsewhere. Your magic words no longer have power over us, d**khead.

  48. "My guess is that the secret to organizing Mexicans politically will have to involve buying pouffy dresses, renting tuxedos and stretch limousines, and dancing. Lots of dancing."

    And severed heads. Lots and lots of severed heads.

  49. Perhaps some L.A. city attorneys pointed out to El Jefe that it would probably be illegal to terminate a contract with a private contractor over a political dispute with the government of another state.

  50. The problems have been described and detailed and its understood that there are actors out there with malicious intent to the Ameican Nation and Western People. Now, what is to be done?

    Continue to whine about it online.

  51. So what's wrong with racism? It's a perfectly natural survival mechanism.

  52. "I don't know, in the UK Caribbean blacks and African blacks seem to dislike each other quite a bit."

    True... When I was in college, Africans from Africa steered clear of African Americans. There was a large recent wave of immigration from Ethiopia and Somalia in that city, and the few Somalian taxi drivers that I encountered seemed desperate to establish that their culture had nothing to do with the local black culture. I guess I was thinking about the African Americans when I wrote about the exceptional loyalty to "blackness". Their population in the United states is 40 million. They are a diverse group with a variety of physical characteristics, levels of education and even histories (the Alabama blacks have a different historic experience from the Louisiana blacks), and they snipe at each other to be sure. Yet, strangely, they all feel a strong cultural bond with each other. Middle class black boys are often successfully shamed into feeling like traitors for not participating in lower black culture. Middle class black girls are often compelled to date ghetto gangstas in the name of "being real". Can you imagine a Mayan gas station attendant admonishing an upper class Mexican scion for not acting Mexican enough? With whom, do you think, Amy Chua feels more kinship: upper class American WASPS/Jews or the Chinese factory workers?

  53. international Jew6/5/11, 1:45 PM

    Check out the NYTimes' editorial on immigration from a couple days ago and (to get to the less predictable part) the comments section, in which an overwelming majority of otherwise highminded Times dittoheads express their disagreement.

  54. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN32eCzIv1U&feature=share

    Rotfl. How long before Sweden turns into the next Red State(Mississippi)of Europe?

  55. "This is a moment of hypocrisy if the city of Los Angeles says one thing and does another," said Rabbi Jonathan Klein, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice.

    Another example of Jews being in favor of the separation of church and state but not synagogue and state. This is why I always laugh when I hear liberals complaining that the Republicans are controlled by the religious right while ignoring the fact that the religious left - i.e. rabbis and black ministers - control the Democratic party.

  56. Get Off My Lawn!6/5/11, 2:53 PM

    Could it be that they just don't give a damn?

    I think they give more than a damn, but not enough to make a practical difference. Latin Americans generally do feel some solidarity when in confrontation with the gringos, but, as you say, the Mexicans* who are here legally are not threatened by the legislation. Also they are the ones most at risk economically from their newly arrived countrymen. Many of them surely realize that enough to mitigate somewhat their enthusiasm for continued mass immigration.

    *Other Hispanics - particularly in the East - probably really DON'T give a damn except for those who make their living being professional Latinos.

    I don't know, in the UK Caribbean blacks and African blacks seem to dislike each other quite a bit.

    In the US, we have both groups plus our native-born population. None of them like each other. Privately, African and (less privately) Caribbean blacks are often contemptuous of the antics of American-born blacks.

    The African-American experience of slavery binds them together. It understandably dominates their historical memory. Hispanics and Africans do not share that experience. No other group does; the closest are Jews with their shared memory of pogroms, Holocaust, etc. That's why American blacks can be so much more easily organized as a bloc.

    The younger age of mestizo women vs. white women when they have children may be helping.

    Maybe, but the white, Hispanic and Asian rates are clustered together. It's the "Native American" and black women who are outliers. I think mostly it's because Hispanic young women have much lower rates of alcohol and drug abuse and smoking than black women. Also, the Hispanic baby daddy (niño papi?) is more likely to be around and lending support, even if the parents aren't married.

  57. What's great about the lefty comments people leave criticizing Steve is they sound exactly like female shaming language. Tsk-tsk and all that.

  58. "Steve, you're not overtly racist but many of your comment leavers are."

    If disparate impact is proof of racism then wouldn't Hollywood, the MSM and the NYT be prima facie proof of staggering levels of Jewish racism?

    "Well, WNs are always complaining about how difficult it is to organize white people, so maybe they should compare notes"

    White people self-organize on the basis of the current Logos. If WNs manage to change the Logos then white people will do the rest on their own.

  59. Wes is watching RKU at home6/5/11, 5:36 PM

    Mr. Anon quotes Steve:

    "My guess is that the secret to organizing Mexicans politically will have to involve buying pouffy dresses, renting tuxedos and stretch limousines, and dancing. Lots of dancing."

    And then he adds

    "And severed heads. Lots and lots of severed heads."

    I couldn't stop laughing for several minutes. That was funny.

  60. "Judging from the handful of interviews I've seen of Gere over the decades, he seems a pleasant man, but it's always been clear that the gerbil made its way to his brain."

    The gerbil thing is an urban legend. It never happened.
    Though Gere is a flake, I'll always appreciate him for his role in MOTHMAN PROPHECIES.

  61. Didn't Gere say we should send some of our good spiritual vibes to China to change their evil ways? Maybe Obama's been sending some vibes to him.

  62. "Steve, you're not overtly racist but many of your comment leavers are."

    To the Anon who wrote that drivel--

    Texas A&M has a contest which asks for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.

    This year's term was "Political Correctness."

    The winner wrote:

    "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

    Apt description, I'd say.

  63. "Steve, you're not overtly racist but many of your comment leavers are."

    Hi, Heidi!

  64. "I went through your archive and read some of nasty things you wrote about Malcolm Gladwell. While you may disagree with his theory of the origin of genius, its[sic] an eminently reasonable and plausible take on a complex subject. You, on the other hand, came off as dogmatic and frankly, a little bitter.

    You need to learn some humility."

    This is deliciously Gladwellian.

  65. Exploding sledgehammers: that's the organizing principle. One of the best things on youtube, and certainly worth a full viewing:


  66. One of the arguments used to fight Arizona-style enforcement proposals in many states was the effect of the "boycott" on Arizona's economy. The fact that it seems to be having little effect should help the enforcement effort. Of course the more states that adopt such policies the harder it is to maintain boycotts against any of them. It's difficult enough to boycott one state, but ten or twenty?

  67. Play us out, Cheap Trick!


  68. anon said:


    Rotfl. How long before Sweden turns into the next Red State(Mississippi)of Europe?
    Those are Somalians. They - as all immigrants from poor countries - cluster to a great deal when in Sweden, which makes people overestimate their numbers.

    However, stats from 2007:


    show that of the 9.1 million inhabitants of Sweden, about 81000 thousand come from Africa, and of those 21597 are from Somalia. In other words, one in 112 people living in Sweden was born in Africa. That is proportional to a population group of 2.7 million in USA - a group with very low wages, and not much clout. Native americans number some 2.5 millions, the difference being that Somalians in Sweden are poorer, less politically connected, and less liked among those not in the group.

  69. "Wes is watching RKU at home said...

    I couldn't stop laughing for several minutes. That was funny."

    Thank you, you've been a great audience. I'm outta here.


  70. Polichinello6/6/11, 7:07 AM

    Actually, Steve's suggestion about parties to organize Mexicans isn't far off the mark. In the Rio Grande Valley in Texas there's even a term for it: "pachanga politics." If you want to win office (which almost always means winning the Democratic primary), you throw lots of parties with beer and fajitas and annoying ranchero music.

  71. "The gerbil thing is an urban legend. It never happened"

    Duh. Seems you are a very literal person with little sense of humor.

  72. Anyone see John Stossel's special yesterday?

    You have to give STossel credit for openly fighting pc...and doing a mighty fine job of it.

    He pointed out that all the money thrown at poverty programs since Johnson have had no effect at eliminating poverty in the black community, that in fact, had made things worse. He pointed out that black immigrants, that poor Chinese immigrants and other poor have found prosperity after a generation or two, unlike blacks; he attacked the welfare system as sustaining poverty by making the government the Daddy of the black family (I wish he had stressed that that is happening among other races as well). All in , he said many things which are, as we know, true, yet un-pc. Did he go as far as a HBD-er would? No, of course not, but he said what just about every working American says every day to his friends and family--out loud and clearly.

    Kudos to Stossel.

    Steve, I know you don't watch tv much, but I'd like you to catch this on a rerun(or maybe it's run on-line on Fox's site) so that you can see these topics finally getting media traction.

  73. In 2006, I watched 100,000 illegals aliens (holding Mexican flags) march through downtown Denver. It was frightening -- not because I felt threatened -- but to realize that our sovereignty has nearly vanished. The ethnic chauvinism was abundant; an in-your-face, confrontational assertion of racial power (there was no other ethnic group marching: no illegal Irish, Canadians, Africans, etc.).

    Someone knows how to stir up Mexicans.

  74. They'll get organized Steve, don't you worry. And I'm guessing (and it is just a guess) that while we're fretting about hoochie-mamas voting Democrat and getting student loans and home loans they'll never pay back, the Meso-American cartels are organizing to get their people in law enforcement and National Guard units. Politics schmolitics.

  75. Telemundo has the perfect blend of programming for me, white heterosexual male from Eastern Europe.

    Either soap operas with big breasted women (attractive Latina woman, not the pale, pathetic white American women or the badonka-donk black American women) or soccer.

    What more does one need, I wonder?

    I for one welcome our Latin overlords.

  76. Steve,

    How 'bout this for a post regarding the Latino juggernaut/California political incompetence: a California school district has just completed a new $105 million high school (with a swimming pool and tennis courts and high-tech classrooms) which it can't afford to open for want of $2 million a year in funding. The district is in the 49% Latino city of Riverside. People of Third World skill sets trying to live hyper-First World lifestyles...

  77. "Though Gere is a flake, I'll always appreciate him for his role in MOTHMAN PROPHECIES."

    And I'll always envy him for marrying my favorite Bond girl ever, Miss Pam Bouvier (aka Carey Lowell).

  78. Either soap operas with big breasted women (attractive Latina woman,

    Well, if border-jumping Mestizo women looked that way, I'd be all in favor of more Mexican immigration.

    But the reality is that illegal immigrant women are of the short, squat native Indian variety and don't look like Penelope Cruz or Selma Hayek...

  79. Another example of Jews being in favor of the separation of church and state but not synagogue and state. This is why I always laugh when I hear liberals complaining that the Republicans are controlled by the religious right while ignoring the fact that the religious left - i.e. rabbis and black ministers - control the Democratic party.

    Great point Average Joe besides the fact that the religious right is nothing more than an underground movement and who actually controls the GOP are libertarians and neoconservatives whom are open-borders fanatics. Far-leftists are really funny when they think liberal Republicans are "far-right".

    SW is demographically turning into greater Mexico, but what do we do? Nothing. We are as apathetic as the Gomezes of the world.

    Look at the bright side at least you Americans are getting flooded with Latinos whom are least anywhere between 25-75% European. All of your offspring will be nominal Catholics but they won't look farther off from the European gene pool.

    Now on the other hand Europeans and Canadians are getting flooded with Middle Eastern Muslims or Asians and Australians with Asians. How do you think they feel?

  80. "Your magic words no longer have power over us, d**khead."

    Then why are you cursing?

    Good way to put your PHD to use, Grasshopper.

  81. >You may need a douche.<

    Well, we have you.

  82. "Mr. Anon said...

    "My guess is that the secret to organizing Mexicans politically will have to involve buying pouffy dresses, renting tuxedos and stretch limousines, and dancing. Lots of dancing."

    And severed heads. Lots and lots of severed heads."

    You are a racist tool.

  83. "Anonymous said...

    "The problems have been described and detailed and its understood that there are actors out there with malicious intent to the Ameican Nation and Western People. Now, what is to be done?"

    Continue to whine about it online."


  84. Anonymous said...

    "Steve, you're not overtly racist but many of your comment leavers are."

    Another reason why Steve will always be a small time blogger that any man of importance will avoid like the plague, or steal his material and spin it off as his own, lol.

    Once you get associated with racists publicly, your professional life is done.


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