June 18, 2011

What I was trying to say

From commenter Big Bill on the amazingly well documented Vancouver riots:
The problem is cell phones with cameras.  
Remember the 16-on-one black gang rape of a 11 year old Hispanic child three months ago? 
The rapists took their own videos and emailed them to each other and their friends via cellphone to cellphone communications, just like the kiddie porn that white girls like to make in the privacy of their bathrooms and send to classmates and friends. Vancouver is merely a continuation of this trend. 
The sheer volume of Vancounver footage is amazing. I have already seen a nicely edited four-camera-shot of the entire cop car burning episode. 
The (chief of staff) surgeon dad of the arsonist apparently saw SOME of the footage of his kid, realized he would be shortly identified by others, lawyered up, and took the kid downtown. 
Dad is on record as saying his kid did not LIGHT the fire. Of course the now-assembled multi-camera shot shows the kid approaching with a lit lighter. 
Really, in any mob scene or gang violence situation from now on, one must assume that the entire event is being secretly filmed from multiple camera angles and that within days someone is going to be making courtroom quality trial graphics and posting them on the Internet for free. 
Even scarier, all the video is tagged not only with (1) the GPS location data for proving the camera location, but (2) time sync data to prove the video cuts were synchronized correctly and (3)cell phone data to permit the police to contact the videographer of the raw footage to testify as a witness. 
The evidence necessary for a bulletproof conviction was created by dozens of people at the very instant of the crime! 
What a strange world we live in.

Many kinds of crime are increasingly out-of-date. Hopefully, more and more would-be criminals will figure this out, too.


  1. I think increased govt centralization can explain some of the "decrease" in the crime rate. It's economies of scale, the small time guys can't compete anymore

  2. Judging by the Youtube video of the Vancouver Riots, when the Asian guy (in the picture) broke the window, there were hundreds of people standing around there, many with cell phones, video cameras, even a number of guys with professional cameras who appeared to be professional journalists standing at ground zero of the window smash. To knowingly commit a crime with hundreds of cameras, professional journalists, etc trained on you, is probably beyond the level of stupidity of most criminals, given that most make an effort to avoid being seen. "Cowboyitis" I think was the term Tony Soprano gave to such behavior.

  3. Haha some segway there Steve..

    Anyway, yes the GPS tracking info is quite interesting but there are ways to disable it in the user options, but a lot people like to keep it on because it automatically tags their photos for them.

  4. Interestingly, one crime affected in this way involves the cops beating the hell out of someone, or shooting someone. In some states, people who've videotaped a police beating have been arrested and charged under wiretapping laws. (Radley Balko covers this kind of story really well.).

    My guess is rioters will eventually wise up, and attack anyone accessible taping them. And as with police, thus won't work, because there are just too many cameras out there.

  5. Considering the sheer volume of photographs and videos taken by bystanders, one wonders how violent this riot really was.

  6. "Haha some segway there Steve.."

    There's a segway in one of the videos?

  7. Fame is all there is. It is the only meaning. It is the only reality.

    If you're not famous, you're nothing.

    That is the pop ethos, and more: it's what rushes into the vacuum left by the abandonment or collapse of religion or philosophy. Sheer narcissism, damn the consequences.

  8. Is the (chief of staff) surgeon's wife a stay at home mom? a homeschool mom? a career woman?

    It would be a fun human interest story, doncha think?

  9. Make sure there's no cops shown in your riot videos or you might get arrested for wiretapping.

  10. Aw this is old hat. Didn't the great philosopher Marge Simpson imply the same thing when Willy the groundskeeper vindicated Homer from the sexual harrassment charge?

    '... as long as everyone is videotaping everyone else, justice will be done."

  11. You can also strip the EXIF data from a photo before posting it online, removing the GPS coords and everything else from the file.

  12. international Jew6/18/11, 8:47 AM

    David Friedman's _Future Imperfect_ has some very interesting things to say on the subject of crime and punishment in a future era of high-quality ubiquitous surveillance.

  13. David Davenport6/18/11, 8:49 AM

    ... one must assume that the entire event is being secretly filmed from multiple camera angles ...

    Notes for a movie script: Everyone -- whites, blacks, Asians, etc., all ages, both sexes -- adopt the custom of going out in public masked or veiled as well as hooded.

    ... This is also a device to satirize Muslim customs.

    All persons at all times are required to carry cell phones. Cell phones with GPS and tracking software are mandatory, but daring rebels reject cell phones.

    The Establishment is sort of the Matrix [ movies ] in reverse: a tyrannical communications and tracking center.

  14. Blacks *totally* instigated this riot.

    (That's a little wry humor).

  15. Roissy is doing a caption contest with the little Asian guy(BTW isnt anyone mad that this guy's people ran away from Red China but come HERE,er,THERE,and break shit?). Anyway: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3xrd/

  16. Sucks no one was filming the beating of that Giants fan at Dodger stadium. Or no one was dumb/decent enough to show us the footage at least.

  17. I blame scale.

  18. Canadian Observer6/18/11, 9:33 AM

    Steve, how dare you call Vancouver a loser city. Only one team out of 30 wins the Stanley Cup per annum, and Vancouver had the best record during the NHL regular season. I might add that the Canucks knocked off your hometown Chicago Blackhawks in the playoffs this year, and your adopted town’s Los Angeles Kings the year before. By Game 7 of the Finals, the Canucks were decimated with injuries and Boston was playing a goon style of hockey. That is the reason why they lost.

    About the young kid who has been effectively caught setting a police car on fire: what’s the worst that will happen to him? He likely has no criminal record. The court will rule that he realized that no persons were in harm’s way when he was doing what he was doing. A property damage and vandalism charge. He’ll get no time but he’ll probably get a criminal record. Then he’ll go back to school and be a hero amongst his friends.

    Someone made a good point earlier. Vancouver and much of the rest of the urban centers across Canada are turning into Nanny Police States. Security cameras are everywhere. The police will ticket you and even arrest you for the most marginal of offences. You always have to look over your shoulder, especially if you have the displeasure of dealing with a surly minority cop. It seems like 60% of the cops in Toronto are blacks/browns/Asians. Good luck getting treated fairly if you have to deal with one of them.

    On another point, Canadian police expend enormous resources on creating useless speed traps throughout the cities to nail middle class law-abiding residents on traffic offences. They also seem to invest a lot of money in Diversity Workshops and “reaching out” to minority communities. However, they stay away from the black ghettos where most of the serious crimes take place. Check out the City of Toronto’s police website when you have a moment. Half the media releases are about young Caribbean men who have committed the latest violent criminal offences. The other half are media releases celebrating the cultural richness of Caribbean immigrant communities and other non-white ethnic groups. It’s bizarre.

    Canada’s urban police are the standard bearers for the Nanny State. Maybe more Vancouver riots will happen in the future.

  19. Its like the second season of The Wire, where the cops are incredulous that the white drug gang is so lacking in street smarts (e.g. talking openly on their own cell phones instead of using code words on prepaid "burners").

  20. Little brothers are watching and tweetering each other.

  21. Antifa guys are smart. They wear masks.

  22. "To knowingly commit a crime with hundreds of cameras, professional journalists, etc trained on you, is probably beyond the level of stupidity of most criminals, given that most make an effort to avoid being seen."

    It's mob psychology. It is intoxicating. People just don't think. It is like rapture, like the hunt in LORD OF THE FLIES, like Rape of Nanking. Didn't the kid have skiing equipment? That's surely a first. The ski riot.

  23. Revenge of the nerd?

    Nah, more like 'inside every nerd is a punk trying to get out.'

  24. "Hopefully, more and more would-be criminals will figure this out, too."

    Hopefully they won't, get arrested, and stay locked up for good.

  25. Shouldn't riots be called instant or mob taxation?

  26. GPS tracking info is quite interesting but there are ways to disable it in the user options, but a lot people like to keep it on because it automatically tags their photos for them.

    Didt know that, I shall be switching that off now, not because Im likely to be taking photos of illegal activity but because of the worry of the increasingly monolithic state/google entity tracking my every move.

  27. Could somebody please post a link for the nicely edited cop car burning video? I can't seem to find it.

  28. but photoshopp has virtually nullified photos as court evidence...

    audrey hepburn can be rotoscoped into gap commericials thus... the evidence is easier than ever to doctor.

  29. Maybe if kids wise up, undercover cops can pretend to be fellow rioters, run with the crowd, and take pics of everyone doing it.

  30. would like to see what that poster agnostic has to say about all this. "Technology has no effect on the police and their ability to identify criminals and pull them off the streets. None!" LOL. why do you think authorities in the UK and US have put cameras everywhere because they have no effect on anything? because they're all a total waste of money? really? the police are THAT stupid and have not figured out they are wasting 100% of the money they spend on surveillance equipment?

    how about that "fist hierarchy" idea anonymous was posting in the original thread? it doesn't even make sense. east asians and south asians should be terrified of a canadian riot per the fist hierarchy. the europeans are supposed to visually identify, single out, and beat down the asians.

    yet with hundreds of cell phone camera videos and professional television coverage, we can clearly see this didn't happen at all, anywhere, at any time, during a 3 hour riot with ten thousand participants. in fact the opposite happened. the various groups mingled seamlessly and rioted in sync.

    of course the whole idea is totally stupid, since it fails the "check all data" test. do australians routinely riot at the drop of a hat? what about germans? poles? this kind of behavior is pretty rare for canadians which is what makes it so surprising. yet none of those places has tons of africans. so what keeps the people in these places from rioting like year 1890 irish hooligans, if not simple progress in civilizational advancement?

  31. I'd be willing to bet that for the Asian guy pictured in the broken window, and perhaps even for the guy lighting the cop car, whatever legal consequences may ensue, the heady experience of achieving internet "fame" is probably worth it. That's the mindset of these people. I don't think they do these acts unaware that they are being recorded; I think they do them BECAUSE they are being recorded -- and because they have so little fear of meaningful consequences vs. the benefits of that kind of exposure. Both have achieved a previously unattainable level of notoriety (and admiration) among their similarly-minded peers. I imagine the geeky-looking asian kid has by now discovered he is suddenly doing MUCH better with the girls, too. So what if he has to do a few weekends of community service?

  32. Hey this is great. If it reduces crime, riots, etc, great.

  33. I think Vancouver riot produced more footage cuz

    1. white kids are better users of camera technology

    2. more white kids were out to record what was happening cuz they felt safe around other whites. If most of the mob were black, white kids would have run home, so most of the footage would have been caught by blacks, who tend to be more sloppy with that stuff.

  34. Arrest and prosecution are only the beginning of the consequences young mister police car arsonist will face. Any future employer, prospective girl friend, landlord, graduate program admission committee, etc. who bothers to google his name at any point in the future will learn about his role in the hockey riot and find convenient links to the video.

  35. Jeez Steve. Ever hear of masks, gloves, or disguises? The flash mobbers will figure it out.

  36. i am the walrus6/18/11, 12:45 PM

    Social media is so new and pervasive we still don't understand all the consequences. I wonder how many people participated in the riot just to have something cool to post about. Lots of incriminating facebook and twitter post can be found here.

  37. Larry, San Francisco6/18/11, 12:55 PM

    I was thinking this is a good reason to bring back caning (like in Singapore). The kid acted like an idiot and deserves to be punished but he probably should not have his life ruined for it. I think having his parents pay for the damage to the police car and a really good caning would probably be more than enough of a deterrent to stop him from doing it again.

  38. David Brin wrote a book a few years ago called "The Transparent Society" in which he talked about the social implications of the fact that cameras will soon be small and cheap enough to put basically everywhere.

    It's well worth a read.

    And yes, street crime may very well come to an end in the next 20 or 30 years.

  39. "To knowingly commit a crime with hundreds of cameras, professional journalists, etc trained on you, is probably beyond the level of stupidity of most criminals"

    They're SWPL rich kids. They know they're not going to jail.

  40. Yeah, in the future it'll be much harder to commit and get away with a crime. Of course, this will incentivize govt to increase the # of crimes to control behavior more.

    A simple example is the increasing criminalization of spanking. The days of a parent giving their kid a quick swat in the grocery store or parking lot are coming to an end.

    The surveillance society is arriving bit by bit. The long run potential of tracking and modeling the movement of every vehicle, and even every person, is clearly technological feasible, or soon will be.

    We already track all planes. Plus all large ships and trains. Most large trucks are tracked privately. An increasing # of cars are tracked. Easy to see that mandated in the near future -- especially in the aftermath of some heinous crime or terrorist attack.

  41. So does Big Bill think it more strange and scary that criminals can be caught than the actual criminal activity itself?

  42. It won't make any difference. It's not the fear of getting caught by the police and punished by the courts that matters, but the feeling that a strong community has found them out and will take care of them, maybe through violence, maybe through ostracism.

    When hordes of people are strolling around ignoring vandalism committed right before their eyes, or at most passively filming / taking pictures of it, the criminals get the message that no one in the community gives a shit.

    Because the police and courts mostly, although not entirely, respond to public will, the criminals therefore guess (correctly) that even if the cops catch them, they won't be dealt with harshly if at all.

    It's only if a large portion of the community is out there themselves trying to stop vandals, or at least beaming down stares of contempt -- like, "you'll always be a pathetic loser if you think this makes you cool" -- that they'll get the hint that their behavior won't be tolerated.

    Even the threat of this community response is enough of a deterrent. A wannabe badass who lives in a tight community knows that this could happen, and won't even bother trying it in the first place.

  43. ""Technology has no effect on the police and their ability to identify criminals and pull them off the streets. None!" LOL."

    Looks like you still haven't read anything in the criminology literature. Go back to the Kansas City study -- more cops patrolling longer hours had no impact on crime rates or even people's perception of safety.

    And to reiterate the main point, crime rates peaked in 1992, way before cell phones, digital cameras, Facebook and YouTube existed, let alone became common.

    You're just some passive authoritarian technophile nerd who thinks that outsourcing our moral sense, including enforcement, to some group of bureaucratic mercenaries while we sit by in apathy is the most efficient way to control sudden mob violence.

  44. Old Pete said...

    Arrest and prosecution are only the beginning of the consequences young mister police car arsonist will face. Any future employer, prospective girl friend, landlord, graduate program admission committee, etc. who bothers to google his name at any point in the future will learn about his role in the hockey riot and find convenient links to the video.

    Taking part in a riot increases your alpha credibility and thus makes young girls more, not less, into you.

  45. By the way, Jody, didn't you learn any humility when James Q. Wilson wrote in the Wall Street Journal that increased police presence and incarceration rates probably had little to do with the crime decline of the past 20 years, given that Canada saw a similar rise-and-fall in crime yet kept their police and incarceration rates fairly constant?

    I.e., what I'd been telling you all along, based on my reading of criminology books.

    But you just *know* that your silly little mind has X-ray vision that lets you see what's missed by every sober and thoughtful person from across the political spectrum who's studied the matter.

    You're not only a moron but smug and glib as well. It's no wonder no one would want you as a neighbor to help out if mob violence erupted. You'd only sit there fuming about why don't those idiotic police use the robo-lasers I told them about to deal with bad guys, instead of helping out yourself.

  46. I dunno about Canadian "justice" but the notion that SWPL's kids don't have to worry about jail because nobody goes to jail for small stuff anymore may be incorrect. NAM's don't go to jail for small stuff, but just like in Bonfire of the Vanities, everyone who works for the "criminal justice system" would love to send some white kid to jail just because the opportunity is so rare. Also, there'll be political demands to "do something" which would never apply to real (i.e., violent NAM) crime which is politically embarrassing.

  47. "why do you think authorities in the UK and US have put cameras everywhere because they have no effect on anything?"

    It doesn't stop crime it MOVES it.

    "And yes, street crime may very well come to an end in the next 20 or 30 years."

    Street crime kept getting worse so it was MOVED out of sight. It appears it may have festered long enough in the swamps it was moved to for it to be exploding back out again.


    "undercover cops can pretend to be fellow rioters, run with the crowd, and take pics of everyone doing it."

    They do.

    "Its like the second season of The Wire, where the cops are incredulous that the white drug gang is so lacking in street smarts (e.g. talking openly on their own cell phones instead of using code words on prepaid "burners")."

    Yes it's like whenever there's a major mistake it's always one of the white characters who is responsible. Amazing coincidence.

    "Half the media releases are about young Caribbean men who have committed the latest violent criminal offences. The other half are media releases celebrating the cultural richness of Caribbean immigrant communities and other non-white ethnic groups. It’s bizarre."

    The media know they're lying so you can tell which groups they're covering up for by which groups get the most media over-compensation vis a vis "vibrancy."

  48. The strange thing here is that the surveillance state finally arrived, but not like we imagined it in the 1980's.

    This is not run by any sinister, East-German-style, intelligence service, forcing us all to spy on our fellow citizens for the benefit of the state. Instead people photograph or tape others doing anything, anytime, just for kicks. The authorities can then access most of this material at their convenience.

    The surveillance state is here, and it's a people's grassroots movement.

  49. "incarceration rates probably had little to do with the crime decline of the past 20 years, given that Canada saw a similar rise-and-fall in crime yet kept their police and incarceration rates fairly constant?"

    Overall base crime rate is each ethnic group's crime rate mulitplied by the number of young men aged roughly 16-26 from that ethnic group and then add all the separate numbers together.

    Post-war immigration increased the overall crime rate. Western countries adopted various policies to try and deal with the problem.

    Countries with very large numbers of people from ethnic groups with the highest crime rates required more severe solutions to make a dent in the problem.

    In some countries all you might need to do is put cameras up in the places where the people who report crime live and not in the places where people don't bother any more.

    Also a lot of the immigration to Canada was of people with a lower average crime rate than white. If you replace white people with n/asian immigrants or black people with hispanic immigrants then the crime rate will go down.

  50. New York's Puerto Rican Day parade in 2000 marked the first large-scale use of amateur videos to prosecute rioters. Roving gangs attacked about 25 women, many of them tourists unaware of the parade, ripping off their clothing and subjecting them to various forms of sexual molestation (though stopping short of actual rape). Quite a few of the attackers, I don't remember exactly how many, were identified on amateur videos that had been handed over to the police.


  51. Consequences for the rioters? Don't forget this is the Antiverse here. It wouldn't surprise me if checking the criminal record box in Canada entitles you to special treatment, ie, AA, in fulfillment of some kind of offender rehab scheme. If not yet, then someone is probably working on it right now. All 'progressive' things that can be imagined, eventually come to pass.
    Gilbert P.

  52. Of course, some of these rioting youths may later become cops.

    It's like how the guy who used to be into EASY RIDER became a TERMINATOR-look-alike motorbike cop in LOST IN AMERICA.

  53. "but just like in Bonfire of the Vanities, everyone who works for the "criminal justice system" would love to send some white kid to jail just because the opportunity is so rare"

    Duke Lacrosse players or one of Palin's kids yes definitely but not SWPL kids. SWPL kids are the children of exactly those people who crave a Great White Defendent. They're not going to put their own kids in jail.

  54. "I was thinking this is a good reason to bring back caning (like in Singapore)."

    I agree. Use the hockey stick.

  55. Not really. Walk around in a motorcycle leather outfit and full helmet, you're in disguise in plain sight. Have a POS beater motorcycle, without license plates or stolen plates, you're invisible in plain sight. Just an anonymous guy.

    Heck, the beating of Bryan Stow at Dodger Stadium happened in front of cell phone witnesses, but because the assailants were Gang type guys, covered in MS-13 type tats, nobody saw anything.

    WHITE criminals are visible and recorded and toast. Not so Mexican and Black guys. Let's imagine for a moment that cell phone video of Stow's beating had turned up. A couple of Mexican looking guys with tats? That describes about 4 million people in the LA Metro Area.

  56. Though all those fellas are old enough to know better, their parents deserve a lot of the blame.
    Three kinds of parenting lead to idiot-childs.

    1. Overly authoritarian parenting which brutalizes kidss' emotions. Though obedient under the presence of higher authority, these kids can be bullying idiots on their own. Lots of them in the Muslim world, Asia, and old Europe.
    I'm guessing most Canadian parents aren't overbearingly authoritarian.

    2. Permissive parenting where kids think they are the center of the universe. Their self-esteem is coddled, they're provided with material goods undreamt of by past generations, and they're told they're entitled to everything. These kids mentally remain babies forever. If things don't go their way, they bitch and whine. So, a sports team losing is reason enough to smash the entire downtown area of a city. It's like a baby throwing tantrums cuz it wants its diaper changed.
    I'll bet a lot of Canadian parents are ultra-permissive. And since your white family has one child, the kid especially thinks he's the center of everything.

    3. No parenting aka single mother parenting. I don't know about the stats, but family breakdown is a reality even among white middle class families. If parents aren't adult enough to keep it together, forget about the kids.

  57. Though the Asian kid acts the rebel, he seems to be begging for approval. He's surely not a jock at school and he's not gonna impress any guy or girl. If he acted tough in a normal setting, he would be laughed at(and indeed everyone is laughing at him now. He's the William Hung of violence.)
    But during the riot, he lost himself in the mob. His energy fused with mob energy. It's like even geeks who can't dance wiggle their bodies at rock concerts like they're cool or something. They become part of the ONENESS. So, the Asian kid prolly felt he's no longer some lone geek but one of the barbarian hordes, a mongol-viking warrior. But he was really pleading for approval and attention.

    It's like the gas station attendant guy in BONNIE AND CLYDE who robs money from the register and joins up with the gang. He's a nobody and wants to be liked, to be thought of part of the gang. So, his rebellion against society is begging for approval by the Clyde-Barrow gang.

    In DAZED AND CONFUSED, the young kid wants to be liked by the older kids and so he picks up a bowling ball and tosses it into a car window. Something he never would have done on his own is something he does so easily just to win approval as 'one of the guys'. So, does this mean young maleS(plural) than young male(singular) is the real problem. Would a young male act so crazy on his own? On the other hand, young males who feel TOO alone can turn into Travis Bickle, David Chapman, or other psychos.

    And maybe violence-as-liberation is a kinda like a drug. In BRINGING OUT THE DEAD, Nicolas Cage, an ambulance driver, picks up a bat at one point and joins some lunatic in smashing car windows.
    Violence is about man-vs-man but it can also have a great unifying effect, a kind of man-with-man. A mob may attack another group of people, but people within that single mob meld into single consciousness. In Nanking, Japanese went wild and crazy, doing stuff they would not have done on their own or in their own country.
    Some people act like this even when they know it's wrong or don't really want to cuz it's just the thing to do. Hysteria is infectious. If one kid starts screaming in the gym shower, others join in too. And those who don't join in feel left out and fear being targeted as 'party poopers'. So acting crazy in a climate of craziness could also be a defensive mechanism. If the wind blows one way, go with the wind; that way, flying objects will hurt you less. Show that you're one of the crowd, or else you'll be marked as an outsider. In RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING, Buchanan relates a fight where one of the guys didn't join in cuz he felt he had no stake in it. But all the other kids shunned him as 'not one of us'. It's "my mob, right or wrong."

  58. And actually, there's some of this mentality in society as a whole. I remember watching Arsenio Hall during the LA riots, and an Asian woman got up and began screaming, in stilted accent, about 'racism' and 'bad cops'. It was as if she was saying, 'we asians are just as angry with white racism as you blacks are and we feel your rage... so don't burn OUR property and go after white people.' And when black students get angry over something on campus, the white dean pretends to share that rage and anger against 'racism' and 'injustice' so that he or she won't be targeted by blacks.
    It's like 'you blacks and I are on the same side and share the same anger, so don't attack me and let me join you guys in attacking the 'racists', whoever they are. Whew!'
    Mob mentality makes people act contrary to their nature.
    It's like people dance even to songs they don't like when everyone else is doing it.

    I lived in the suburbs in high school yr but halloween brought together a whole bunch of kids--white middle class kids--burning garbage cans, jumping on cars, torching telephone poles, tossing eggs at passing cars, etc. Even good kids sometimes joined in. One brainy kid, to be accepted, even devised a home-made flame-thrower.

    Can you dig it, suckers?

  59. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wkqGAsClO0

    The bowling ball.

  60. I'm not surprised that the big-time U18 athlete kid with the doctor father was a front-rank rioter.

    He likes being the star; a real leader. He would just as soon be a leader in rioting as anything else.

    Ever since he was a little boy with a precocious sports talent he's been spoiled, protected, and encouraged. His dad, promoting his sports career, has particularly urged him to be the kind of aggressive show-off who pleases the crowd and gets the big money.

    Although one coach or another may have scolded him, rarely, for hotdogging in a game, neither his dad nor anyone else (certainly not any teachers or school officials) has ever criticized or punished him for bad behaviour off the field.

    I know all about this because I've seen the like more than once. Promising athletes are allowed to get away with everything, including vandalism, theft, and even rape, so long as it's not on camera, until they finally commit battery with GBI or murder.

    Or until they do something on camera which really pisses off the police or the public.

    Even now, Mr. U18 stands a good chance of getting off with some kind of probation. When the spotlight is off him, his conviction will be vacated or it'll be classified as a juvenile offense and the records sealed and the little bastard will go on to the play college hockey. After his team wins they'll drink, trash the locker rooms, and rape the co-eds. They won't even be forced to pay for the vandalism-- but any non-athlete who cheats on his French homework will be expelled.

  61. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/memes-angry-asian-rioter.jpg

    Actually, the image recalls the tragic "naked girl running from napalm attack" photo from the Vietnam War.


    It's good to know so much progress has been made since those dark yrs but also sad to know this is how young people show appreciation nowadays.

    How long before someone pastes the Asian kid's face on SCREAM by Munk?

  62. Why so few East Indian rioters? I thought they were trouble.

  63. Anon:

    "If the wind blows one way, go with the wind"....

    Kind of like those who were just following orders?

  64. "how about that "fist hierarchy" idea anonymous was posting in the original thread? it doesn't even make sense. east asians and south asians should be terrified of a canadian riot per the fist hierarchy. the europeans are supposed to visually identify, single out, and beat down the asians."

    But there is a history/reality/tradition of blacks attacking whites in America, but none such exists between whites and Asians in Canada. But if white rage in Canada were as anti-yellow as black rage in America is anti-white, things could have been different.

  65. Sailersphere readers who are celebrating these arrests should also be aware that the same social media and instant surveillance increase the cost of honestly discussing human biodiversity. Anytime someone opens their mouth to summarize a VDARE article outside their home they risk turning up on a Google search from their employer violating de facto speech codes.

  66. "...how about that "fist hierarchy" idea anonymous was posting in the original thread? it doesn't even make sense. east asians and south asians should be terrified of a canadian riot per the fist hierarchy. the europeans are supposed to visually identify, single out, and beat down the asians.

    yet with hundreds of cell phone camera videos and professional television coverage, we can clearly see this didn't happen at all, anywhere, at any time, during a 3 hour riot with ten thousand participants. in fact the opposite happened. the various groups mingled seamlessly and rioted in sync."

    There are very few black people in Vancouver, but lots and lots of Chinese and Sikhs. Generally everybody gets along, and I don't think there is a noticeable socio-economic difference between the groups.

    I did see some pictures of Sikhs at the riot. The Sikh community was caught up in the excitement of the playoffs, same as everybody else. However there may have been more of them out in Surrey (a suburb of Vancouver). I believe a big outdoor screen was set up somewhere out there, as well as downtown where the riots happened.

    The police are saying that anarchists started the looting and got the drunk fans whipped up. This seems plausible. The anarchists probably came out from Montreal especially to make trouble. They are seriously disturbed individuals.


    I almost feel sorry for the kids who got drawn into this mess and have their pictures plastered all over the 'net. This isn't going to help their popularity. Everyone in Vancouver thinks they are idiots and is really ashamed of what happened.

    Probably the only guy who will be more popular after all this is the guy who was making out with the girl in the middle of the road.


    This guy claims they were knocked down by the riot cops and he was just making sure she was ok. I don't believe it. It is much more likely that they were just drunk and took advantage of the anything goes party atmosphere to make out on the road

    There was a riot in Vancouver in 1994, the last time the Canucks made it into the playoffs.

    Edmonton has also had hockey riots where cars were burned. Hockey playoffs + alcohol + crowds is really a bad combination.

  67. milam command6/18/11, 11:47 PM

    "Thripshaw said...
    Could somebody please post a link for the nicely edited cop car burning video? I can't seem to find it."

    Here, with his tearful apology:


    arson at about 56 secs

  68. I saw a couple of pictures of Sikhs/Indians vandalizing property or looting, but far fewer than you would think. For a community that's associated with drugs and violence, Sikhs/Indians seem relatively underrepresented here.

    Also, I saw a couple of videos where Sikhs/Indians seem to be dodging whites that were fighting, but none with them instigating any fights. Strange for a community where there are frequently shootings among the young men.

  69. "ironrailsironweights said...

    New York's Puerto Rican Day parade in 2000 marked the first large-scale use of amateur videos to prosecute rioters. Roving gangs attacked about 25 women, many of them tourists unaware of the parade, ripping off their clothing and subjecting them to various forms of sexual molestation (though stopping short of actual rape). Quite a few of the attackers, I don't remember exactly how many, were identified on amateur videos that had been handed over to the police.


    Interesting. Actual wilding at the Puerto Rican Day Parade, and yet one particular episode of Seinfeld is now deemed unfit to ever broadcast again:


  70. "Taking part in a riot increases your alpha credibility and thus makes young girls more, not less, into you."

    Being creepily obsessed with falsified "alpha male" theories makes young girls less, not more, into you.

  71. "Sailersphere readers who are celebrating these arrests should also be aware that the same social media and instant surveillance increase the cost of honestly discussing human biodiversity."

    In the case of this Sailersphere reader, that's exactly why I feel a sense of Schadenfreude re these rioters. They broke laws and in some instances, committed acts of violence. All I do is support societal changes--always with the caveat that such changes be non-violent--and I don't dare talk about them anywhere but my own home and here.

  72. I have no idea if the referenced survey is valid:

    Teenage Flash Mob Robberies on the Rise

    "Technology hasn’t just made it easy to plan and organize [crime]. It’s allowed the thieves to off-load their loot. A recent survey done by a leading retail industry group shows that technology has led to a spike in organized crime, mostly as thieves find it easier to sell stolen goods online.

    Of 129 retailers surveyed by the National Retail Federation, nearly 95 percent said they were victimized by organized criminals in the past year and 85 percent said the problem has worsened over the past three years."

  73. Problem is most criminals possess that borderline mentality of being smart enough to pull off their crime but too stupid to realize they will always get caught.

  74. OT - Education.

    Exactly how is this supposed to work? Take refugees that don't speak English, have pretty significant health issues, and drop them in 3rd grade and expect them to perform to any sort of standard.


  75. "Technology hasn’t just made it easy to plan and organize [crime]. It’s allowed the thieves to off-load their loot."

    So, tech fights crimes and enables crime. The cybord giveth and the cybord taketh away.

  76. "Alex Tabarrok on exogenous increases in police presence reducing crime."

    If police presence moved crime from areas where 95% of crimes committed would be reported to places where 75% of crimes committed would be reported then reported crime would drop.

    Crime is committed by criminals. Some people are criminal. Some people are criminal when they're young but eventually grow out of it. Most people are only criminal under very specific crcumstances which may be common e.g. being drunk, or very rare e.g. crimes of passion.

    Crime only goes down for real when the number of criminals goes down for some reason. The rest of the time it just moves e.g. one of the reasons the broken windows strategy has an impact is it legitimizes the low-level harassment of known criminals and encourages them to move to Jersey.

  77. "I saw a couple of pictures of Sikhs/Indians vandalizing property or looting, but far fewer than you would think. For a community that's associated with drugs and violence, Sikhs/Indians seem relatively underrepresented here.

    Also, I saw a couple of videos where Sikhs/Indians seem to be dodging whites that were fighting, but none with them instigating any fights. Strange for a community where there are frequently shootings among the young men."

    Check out the old Sikh guy in this video:


    Most regular Sikhs don't shoot each other, just the gangs. Gangs probably don't even watch hockey.

  78. Seems kind of silly for cities to spend all of the money that they do on posting cameras all over the place!


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