July 7, 2011

The Hunts for the Great ...

A reader writes:
One day, you should compile all the ongoing Ponce de Leon like quests in contemporary America: 
1) The Great White Defendant
2) The Great Bright Illegal
3) The Magic Bullet To Close The Achievement Gap (or Home Ownership Gap or Firefighter Test Scores Gap)
4) The Great Moderate Muslim (I guess this one's more of an international scope) or Democracy Loving Islamic Nations That Love Us Back
5) The Great Black Quarterback
6) The Great Republican African-American
7) The Great Gay Male Athlete (in sports people care about) or The Great Gay Soldier [recent -- there are a lot of them from awhile ago]
8) The Incredible Latino Supervote (as you once called it)
9) The Great Female Movie Director [or cinematographer -- I campaigned for Mandy Walker to become the first woman to get an Oscar nomination for Best Cinematography for Baz Luhrman's Australia but the insensitive sexists in Hollywood didn't listen to me]
10) Green Jobs, Shovel Ready Jobs 
And I'm sure there are dozens more.  You've talked about all these things extensively, but I'm not sure if you've ever threaded what these narratives have in common in a single post.  Or make them chapters for your next book, The Essential Steve Sailer Reader... Just an idea! 
BTW, I've started compiling a list of dangerous flash mobs here: http://violentflashmobs.com/ just to see how many I could find.  I don't know if the country (and specifically certain groups) are becoming more undisciplined or if this behavior has always existed but technology is just making it easier while capturing the crimes on camera.

It seems like the kind of the thing that technology makes possible and that technology eventually also takes away -- somewhere in the phone company archives, there are text messages incriminating organizers.


  1. Very cynical. But make sense somehow. So what's your suggestion that American people should do? All move to Alaska? Why not. lol

  2. 4. Irshad Manji (look her up, she's pretty cute, although a lesbian)

    5. Michael Vick (don't pretend he wasn't the 2nd best player in the NFL last year)

    those are my two best ones

    Michael vick is the best example of anything on that list

  3. * The Informed Voter
    * The Considerate SUV driver
    * The Un-Neurotic Modern Person

    It's like a treasure hunt, without treasure.

  4. aw Steve can't you put a FB-Twitter thing on the flashmobs page? It would be sooo handy..

  5. The Great Black Quarterback should not be too hard. I mean, Vick had a hell of a year last year.

    Whether or not we will see a black Manning or Brady may be another question, but still...

  6. Here's the great Black Female Jeopardy Player - from last year's Kids week, 11 years old (at the time) Joli Millner. Her father is the talented jazz musician Jamal Millner (he's got his own website).

    If you're able to watch a rerun of the game (maybe on GSN) you'll see that she deservedly won the show having played well and with quick timing the entire game against tough competition and making the smart wager in the final. Very impressive young lady - I foresee a very bright future indeed for her, with every door being made wide open.

  7. "9) The Great Female Movie Director"

    Kathryn Bigelow, James Cameron's Ex-Wife, who actually competed against him for Best Director at the 2010 Oscars and won for "The Hurt Locker".

    She has a few cult hits under her belt prior to this as well, so 9 can be crossed off the list.

  8. How about adding, "The Great Hollywood Mexican".

    Also, two OT issues,

    Too bad, or I guess good for you, they are pulling the iSteve title from Jobs' book.
    "The old one, iSteve: The Book of Jobs, was chosen by Simon & Schuster's publicity department. The author, Walter Isaacson, was never quite sure about it. His wife and daughter, however, were. They thought it was too cutesy. And now Isaacson has persuaded his publisher to go with something simpler and more elegant"

    Two: When are you going to get interested in prenatal testosterone effects? Another study is making the rounds about the relationship between index finger and penis size, but the evidence about the relationship between index finger and aggression, testosterone levels, etc has been out for years. Atheletes/Thugs have shorter index fingers.

  9. "I don't know if the country (and specifically certain groups) are becoming more undisciplined or if this behavior has always existed but technology is just making it easier while capturing the crimes on camera."

    In London, as far back as the 80s you'd get "steaming" which is the equivalent of wilding, where groups of 30-40 black youth would invade subway carriages and attack and rob the white passengers.

    I think it's caused by a mixture of base anti-white hostility combined with ease of mobilizing and some kind of sparking event or events getting above a certain threshold.

    The base hostility is a constant. The sparking events are mainly media driven. Ease of mobilization is a function of technology.

    I think these wilding events are becoming more common partly because the new technology allows easier mobilization and that has raised the combined (base + ease) level closer to the threshold but also because the level of media incitement has been going up.

    nb It should be obvious by now to anyone who doesn't get their news from the MSM that when white people are in the minority everywhere these wilding type incidents will turn into full-scale pogroms.

  10. The violent flash mobs database is great, but he should add a column for race just to make the final point.

  11. I thought that Fareed Zakaria was supposed to be the great Moderate Muslim...

  12. The great moderate Muslim should be no problem. The great majority of Muslims in the United States (80%) are non-practicing and unaffiliated with any mosque. The problem is we don't hear about them, for which blame "the liberal media."

  13. From memory the term "flash mob" originated in a series of Larry Niven short stories, the first being "Flash Crowd" about the invention of teleportation booths.

    Being able to contacr people by mobile phone is not quitw as spectacular a way of generating a crowd, for which we may be glad,

    Not that uncommon for an SF writer to come up with the social effect without getting the technology doing it exact. HG Wells, in Shape of Things to Come has submarines launching flying planes carrying gas and buiological bombs - which have the same effect Trident submarines haven't yet.

  14. Washington Redskins Jerry Smith (1965-1977)was gay and a very successful tight end of his day.

    (Although, as the joke goes, not tight enough - he died of AIDS)


  15. What about the false claims of victory in Ponce de Leon quests:

    1) The New Deal Leader that Pulled America out the of the Great Depression - FDR

    2) The Great Statesman and Family Man who Took American to New Frontiers - JFK

    3) The Great Black Politician who Heals the Nation by Transcending Race - BHO

  16. "BTW, I've started compiling a list of dangerous flash mobs here: http://violentflashmobs.com/ just to see how many I could find."

    Well, based on the cities listed, it seemed to me that the racial distribution would likely be close to 100%, but with the significant possible exception of Los Angeles, which after all is 50% Hispanic but just 10% black. So just out of curiosity, I looked at the LA video clip, and sure enough I saw exactly what I expected to see, yielding the perfect 100% I had fully expected.

    Steve and the other HBD/WN types always make themselves look like such total fools whenever they use the term "NAM." It's about as useful and meaningfully descriptive as the comparable neocon term "Islamofascist," which draws on the similarly deep ideological connections between Osama and Mussolini...

  17. The Great Female Movie Director [or cinematographer]

    Leni Riefenstahl


  18. Very nice work to the reader who is compiling a list of violent flash mobs!


  19. Warren Moon was a great black quarterback.
    But, being Canadian, I may be biased.

  20. Magic Johnson likely played for both teams.

    Awhile ago this season I referenced a non-great but very good baseball hitter who appears to be gay.

  21. I forgot about Warren Moon. He was a great quarterback.

  22. "Steve and the other HBD/WN types always make themselves look like such total fools whenever they use the term "NAM."

    Hey, there were a couple that the flash mob guy "forgot." I looked on his site and I didn't see anytihng about 'American.' One of you should email him and "remind" him.


  23. I was very happy to see Bigelow win. I suspect her big movie, the crazily entertaining Point Break, had a lot of her then-husband James Cameron in it. But "The Hurt Locker," while more limited, did what it did very well.

  24. Number 4?

    You mean like Indonesia? The world's largest muslim nation that has a higher approval rate of America than most of Europe?

  25. "Two: When are you going to get interested in prenatal testosterone effects? Another study is making the rounds about the relationship between index finger and penis size, but the evidence about the relationship between index finger and aggression, testosterone levels, etc has been out for years. Atheletes/Thugs have shorter index fingers."

    You know, there are more hormones in the body than testosterone or estrogen. I'd prefer an exploration of the effects of stress hormones on the developing fetus. Along with that, I'd be interested in a study of relative toe lengths, i.e. the old wives tale that a person with a second tow longer than the big toe is dominant. BTW, I have observed a tendency for another race to have roughly equal lengths for index, middle and ring fingers, a race that might be considered violent by iSteve readers, yet the index finger wasn't shorter than the middle or ring finger.

    Keep your mind open, please.

  26. The Great Female Technology Entrepreneur (lol): http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/07/11/110711fa_fact_auletta

  27. 1) The Conservative Latino Majority
    2) The Non-Asshat, Non-Egotistical Prius Driver
    3) The Successful Minority-Run City

  28. You have to admire the MSM's diligence. After steadfast refusal to mention race/motive of the mobs, the press has now devolved: A Chicago radio host noticed our local ABC tv news now refers to the mobs as "groups"!

  29. "Very cynical. But make sense somehow. So what's your suggestion that American people should do? All move to Alaska? Why not. lol"

    There used to be states like Montana (beautiful, btw) that people could move to, but those places are, more and more, becoming the haven of the rich lefties from places like Hollywood They've not been taken over yet, but unless disaffected Californians and the like go to states like that NOW, they'll be lost.

  30. "I thought that Fareed Zakaria was supposed to be the great Moderate Muslim..."

    Ah, Fareed--the man with the biggest head on the narrowest shoulders.

  31. Two flash mobs, different demographics:



  32. It's really impossible figuring out what's a wilding, what's a flash mob, what's a riot, what's just a fight where multiple people jump in, etc..

    I do think riots are somehow different. And if I add Vancouver I can also go back not terribly long ago in history and add the Cincy riots, Toledo riots, LA Lakers riots, U Md riots, Woodstock, etc..

  33. "In London, as far back as the 80's you'd get "steaming" [streaming] which is the equivalent of wilding, where groups of 30-40 black youths would invade the subway carriages and attack and rob the white passengers."

    Nice to know all those brave British soldiers who went over the top in the great war and the R.A.F. pilots who won the battle of Britain didn't fight and die in vain.....

    As for "TRUTH" his comparisons of a racially mixed crowd of sports rioters and an all-black mob of racist attackers is perhaps his most ludicrous post yet.

  34. The violent flash mobs website owner should add a contact email address so that we can email him news reports of other flash mobs.

  35. Anon said
    "You know, there are more hormones in the body than testosterone or estrogen."
    No hormone has as large an impact on behavior as testosterone. If you know one, please don't keep us all in suspense.

    "I'd prefer an exploration of the effects of stress hormones on the developing fetus. Along with that, I'd be interested in a study of relative toe lengths, i.e. the old wives tale that a person with a second tow longer than the big toe is dominant."
    Go commission it then. There are already many studies which show distinct pychological characteristics associated with index/ring finger ratios: The more longer the index, the more likely the hand belongs to a homosexual. The shorter the index, the more "hot tempered" the hand is likely to be. The shorter index is associated with a strong jaw and small eyes. Women can look at men with these facial features and accurately guess that they are not interested in child rearing and prefer them as flings, while viewing men with noticeably less prenatal testosterone effects (softer faces) as being good long term partners. I am asking Steve to pay attention to it because these studies have significant impact on the nature/nurture arguments and to the extent that there are racial differences in finger length ratios it could be quite compelling.

    "BTW, I have observed a tendency for another race to have roughly equal lengths for index, middle and ring fingers, a race that might be considered violent by iSteve readers, yet the index finger wasn't shorter than the middle or ring finger."

    You have been observing the hands of "another race"? What race and why is this race a secret? Have you been observing the fingers of members of that race landed in jail because maybe they lacked impulse control/were too aggressive? Or perhaps you were observing the hands of a self-selected group that you encounter only because they are not grappling with severe prenatal t exposure. Do you really think you were observing a good sample?

    "Keep your mind open please."
    I guess I've just been trolled.

  36. 9) "The Great Female Movie Director"

    That would be Mira Nair in my opinion. Mississippi Masala, Monsoon Wedding are two great movies -- how many do you need to qualify as great?

  37. 5. Michael Vick (don't pretend he wasn't the 2nd best player in the NFL last year)

    He wasn't. He always looks great in the regular season.

    Playoff success will never reach him.

  38. Leave it up to Truth to mention the Vancouver riots. But we have ZERO reports of robberies or mob beatings of bystanders from the Vancouver affair.

  39. "The more longer the index, the more likely the hand belongs to a homosexual. The shorter the index, the more "hot tempered" the hand is likely to be. The shorter index is associated with a strong jaw and small eyes."

    I am aware of this study (studies?), but I swear, every homosexual man I know (I worked with many), has a forefinger that looks just like that (much shorter than the ring finger) of the straight guys. Is this a small effect? Out of 100 gays, how many fit the long forefinger "model"? Just wondering. (I saw handprint models on some site, maybe GNXP, a few years back when the study was first published, I think. It showed a gay hand with finger ratios that looked very odd which is what led me to always look.)

  40. "No hormone has as large an impact on behavior as testosterone. If you know one, please don't keep us all in suspense."

    You can't possibly be an expert or any kind of endocrinologist. And this impulsive rush to extrapolate from just a few studies gets old.

    Of course I wasn't looking so much at behavior as I was brain organization. Anyone can be pushed to behave in atypical ways but how your brain works isn't easily changed.

  41. ""No hormone has as large an impact on behavior as testosterone. If you know one, please don't keep us all in suspense."

    You can't possibly be an expert or any kind of endocrinologist. And this impulsive rush to extrapolate from just a few studies gets old. "

    The invitation stands. My credentials aren't at issue, friend. My assertion may be, but you really haven't offered anything. If you want to make it personal, my guess is you have "gay hands". Don't worry, like anything there are exceptions.

  42. "Of course I wasn't looking so much at behavior as I was brain organization. Anyone can be pushed to behave in atypical ways but how your brain works isn't easily changed"

    It is changed during two periods of growth when it is exposed to testosterone. The first is prenatal and the second is during puberty.

    If hormones effect things like how aggression, sexual drive and impulse control, I would say that they are influencing "how your brain works." The prenatal effects are even more significant than just general hormonal levels, actually reorganizing the brain and making it masculine.

  43. "If you want to make it personal, my guess is you have "gay hands". Don't worry, like anything there are exceptions."

    No, I have the same kind of hands as millions of women who share my ethnicity as well as my temperament. Alas, there's only one of my physical traits that makes me exceptional as a female though not in a good way. Ugh!

    If I were you, I'd be more worried about those who have damaged their brains through alcohol and drug abuse. I know there must be a link between a genetic predisposition for risk taking which allows a person to care more about being cool than protecting the brain. Still, there must be hundreds of thousands of people out there who have low impulse control due to substance abuse who didn't get steeped in testosterone while in the womb.

  44. Difference Maker7/7/11, 3:56 PM

    BTW, I have observed a tendency for another race to have roughly equal lengths for index, middle and ring fingers, a race that might be considered violent by iSteve readers, yet the index finger wasn't shorter than the middle or ring finger.

    A weak mind and low intellect will also lead to violent solutions with poor impulse control.

  45. "As for "TRUTH" his comparisons of a racially mixed crowd of sports rioters and an all-black mob of racist attackers is perhaps his most ludicrous post yet."

    You're absolutely right, none of those 7-ll grab and runs caused FOUR MILLION dollars in damages.

    "Leave it up to Truth to mention the Vancouver riots. But we have ZERO reports of robberies....


    ...or mob beatings...

    WRONGagain Sport

    Wanna try again, try this:

    "But Truth, It's a ludicrous comparison because none of the Vancouver rioters was BLLLLAAAAAKKKKK!!!!"

  46. "It's really impossible figuring out what's a wilding, what's a flash mob, what's a riot, what's just a fight where multiple people jump in, etc.."

    Well wilding takes less people than a riot so it's easier to organise but i think the key psychological difference is it's a conscious invasion of what is percieved as the other guy's terriotory.

    A pogrom would be a riot and a wilding combined into one event.

  47. The problem with most of these is there's no Moby Dick reference.

  48. You missed one...


    Chattanooga Police released dispatch audio from the Coolidge Park shooting Saturday night.

    "We have a about 250 people at Coolidge park and we need more units if you can be en route."

    Officers alerted dispatch that hundreds of people filled the park, many wearing blue and red, known gang colors.

  49. Obama Jr. could have various reasons for not mentioning them in the book, such as . . . not wanting to make his book more interesting.


  50. Warren Moon was a great black quarterback.
    But, being Canadian, I may be biased.

    No, you're right, or at least close enough.

    And "anonymous" is right about Leni Riefenstahl.

  51. Here is a highly disturbing story I just came across by a Philadelphia journalist:

    "Yesterday afternoon, I found myself debating whether to bring flowers or food to the hospital. My friend Emily is in Hahnemann with a broken leg, an injury she sustained on Saturday night around 10 p.m. when she, her boyfriend, and several of our mutual pals were assaulted as they walked the two blocks from 15th and Green streets to the subway entrance at Broad and Spring Garden streets. In a random, shocking and unsettling act of violence, an angry group of about 100 unprovoked teenagers began throwing them to the ground and beating them. . .

    As I walked to the hospital, I wondered, How does something like this happen? It wasn’t that late! There was a group! She wasn’t alone! It was less than two blocks from her house!

    I arrived at the hospital with a brightly colored bouquet and joked with Emily about how she’d once crocheted a wall-hanging reading “f**k cancer” for our friend who battled lymphoma.

    She was doped up on morphine and may need surgery. Her boyfriend is so badly bruised that a zig-zagging imprint from the bottom of a sneaker was visible on his forehead more than 18 hours after he’d been assaulted. Three others sustained injuries and are recovering at home while several more witnessed the attack but somehow managed to avoid major injuries.

    After the hospital visit, I realized there are no answers to why this happened and there is no lesson in this story. This random act of violence offers no opportunity to say “don’t travel late at night” or “don’t walk alone” or “be aware of your surroundings.”

    The only moral I’ve been able to glean is this: F**k flash mobs."

    In the comments:

    "I live on the 1500 block of Green and somewhat witnessed this. My girlfriend and I walked out of our apartment to meet a friend at the corner of 15th and Green.

    As soon as I walked out the door it sounded as if a riot was going on. I looked down the street and halfway up Green St., between Broad and 15th, there was a huge commotion. I commented to my girlfriend that there must be a big gang fight going on.

    Right then, our friend came to the corner and I told her and my girlfriend to wait on our front steps while I went to check it out.

    By that time, the police had arrived and there was a small group of people (your friends) who were distraught and surrounded by cops. North of them on Broad were HUNDREDS of people and South of them were another hundred or so.

    Trust me, the 50-100 number that is being thrown out is way too low. I’d say there was a minimum of 350.

    The fact that it took phone calls to get the attention of police is beyond amazing to me, especially considering the mob formed North of Temple and walked all the way down Broad St.

    Also, I’m far from a racist, but I think it’s worth reporting that the entire mob was black and the people who were randomly attacked were all white.

    I understand that the paper doesn’t want to scare people, etc., etc., but this whole event was severely unreported. Facts are facts and should be reported as such. What this was was a huge mob of angry black youths intent on battering white people, and your friends just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    And more importantly, the police should be under close scrutiny for allowing this to happen. How is a group of hundreds, walking down Broad St. of all places, able to assault and batter people before police finally step in? This group should’ve been surrounded by police from the moment they formed miles North of where these attacks occurred."

  52. How about "The Great Anti-Immigration Republican Presidential Candidate"? I think you'll find most of the rest on that list before you find one of those.

  53. Also, I’m far from a racist, but I think it’s worth reporting that the entire mob was black and the people who were randomly attacked were all white...Facts are facts and should be reported as such.

    Well, I'd say this anonymous (probably "mainstream") commenter is considerably more candid and straightforward in his language than quite a lot of the HBD/WN bloggers I happen to notice around on the Internet...

    For example, it's awfully funny how some of the WN-types who focus 95% of their attention on black misbehavior also tend to heavily utilize the term "African-American," given the number of extra letters and syllables required and that it was only invented by Jessie Jackson during his Presidential run, and was widely ridiculed at the time. Although the PC-MSM and diversity-types in government or academia often favor it these days, I'm not sure I've actually heard anyone else ever use it in real life, except under the very special circumstances when they're attempting to implicitly demonstrate their anti-racist credentials, e.g. "unfortunately, my wife was mugged yesterday by an young African-American gentleman." Furthermore, the term is quite silly, and would presumably force us to describe the IMF guy's rape-accuser as an "African-African-American" or Charlize Theron as an "African-European-American."

    And to expand on my previous remarks, I'd tend put the neologism "NAM" in almost the same category of absurdity. It's always seemed likely to me that the usage was primarily intended to somewhat obfuscate and deflect the dread accusation of "racism," a goal seemingly important even to many explicit racialists. Basically, outside the HBD/WN blogosphere, no one has a clue what the acronym means, so using it amounts to a secret signal which provides anti-racist insulation against casual attacks, much like the MSM use of the words "youths" or "teens" in describing the flash-mobs.

    But the term "NAM" is utterly absurd and ridiculous from an HBD-informed perspective. After all, blacks and (mestizo) Hispanics are just about as genetically distant as any two groups of people on earth, with their only real commonality being that they both have substantial (but wholly different) European ancestry. Their religions are completely different, their geographical origins and national distributions are totally different, their languages are different, their cultures are different, their educational and socio-economic profiles are different. Steve frequently points out that blacks are massively over-represented in sports/entertainment/media while Hispanics are massively under-represented, yet if he just followed his own "NAM" framework in this analysis, he would have to admit that the overall "NAM" representation in those categories was roughly in line with America's "NAM" population.

    Maybe all the HBDers should start using the term "JaJa" to describe the worldwide population of Japanese+Jamaicans. It would be just about as useful and informative a category.

  54. "But the term "NAM" is utterly absurd and ridiculous from an HBD-informed perspective. "

    It may be from that perspective, but it is valid from a political one. There is a strong, and very useful to point out, correlation between the two large amorphous groups that are "Latino" and "black", which are well documented here, but there is an under appreciated similarity between these two that is very significant. They are two huge, mutually exclusive (for the most part) melting pots. In the "black" pot, we've got the descendents of west african slaves and more recent caribbean and african immigrants all thrown together to form a cohesive political/social bloc that anyone who has the proverbial one drop can add to their numbers.
    The "Latino" pot also works this way, but in a manner that I find notable in that it achieves a cohesion here that Che and other Pan Latin types could never pull off down south. It's amazing to watch the hundreds of thousands Indians and cholos whose families have resisted the "Latino" master in their native countries suddenly become part of brown power here, complete with taking on a racial and cultural identity foreign to them in those countries.
    This is where the NAM classification seems valid in a uniquely American context. NAMs to me are people who are being horded into pan-racial demographic categories to achieve political power.

  55. - The black African Einstein. (Is Hawking still looking?)

    - The accurate media story.

    - The motorcyclist who obeys traffic laws.

    - The absurdity-free Whiskey comment.

    - The bicyclist who obeys traffic laws.

    - The police officer who drives no faster than the posted speed limit.

    This is so much fun. Let's stop.

  56. Truth's yammering insistence that Blacks are no worse than Whites (or that Whites are just as bad, whichever) would be a weeeee bit more convincing if he lived in a heavily-Black area, like, say, Newark, rather than New Mexico with it's racial demographics of 46.3% Hispanics (the majority of them Spanish ancestry, i.e., White), 53% Whites, and only -- wait for it --

    2.1% Black.

  57. RKU, no one agrees with you, so you might as well stop posting the same monomaniacal attempt to white wash Latino dysfunction and under-performance that is as couched in obfuscatory language as you accuse everyone else of using.

  58. "It is changed during two periods of growth when it is exposed to testosterone. The first is prenatal and the second is during puberty."

    There is a testosterone surge just after birth, neonatal testosterone surge(almost pubertal/adult levels) and testosterone levels stay high for a few months,


    and one at 4-5 years of age(about twice the normal childhood). (not sure of its confirmation)

    links for you:


  59. i think we can stop searching for "the great korean pop group" as K-pop has become an international phenomenon. the biggest korean girl groups are now regularly showing up among the most watched videos on youtube. for english viewers. not just koreans. or even asians.

    in fact, this is probably a good new topic for steve.

  60. "Truth's yammering insistence that Blacks are no worse than Whites (or that Whites are just as bad, whichever"

    I've never written either.

  61. "-The black African Einstein."

    I'd settle for the black James Watson.

  62. OMG! would you lookie here, Kylie made a joke, and a funny one at that!

  63. Regarding the "gay athlete in sports people care about" category, do all homosexuals count, or does it have to be male homosexuals?

    If lesbians count, then Martina Navratilova should do the trick.

    The qualifier "that people care about" is seriously vague. I would be willing to bet that at least one lesbian will win the ongoing Women´s soccer World Cup - there is probably several in all remaining teams.

    Vibeke Skofterud is a world-class cross-country skier, and that is the most media high-profile sport in her country, Norway.

    Or does "that people care about" only apply to the preferences of white male heterosexual USA citizens? If so, that qualifier should be been spelled out.


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