July 9, 2011

Unstoppable Mexican political juggernaut somehow derailed by apathy again

From the LA Times article on the complete flop of plans to boycott Tuesday's baseball All-Star Game in Arizona to protest SB1070:
Shortly after Arizona lawmakers passed SB 1070, a number of All-Star-caliber players promised to boycott the game if it were held in Arizona. Among the most prominent was Adrian Gonzalez, who was born in San Diego and grew up in Tijuana. Last year, Gonzalez, then playing for the Padres, called the law "immoral" and a violation of human rights that "goes against what this country is built on." 
But recently Gonzalez, who as a member of the Boston Red Sox was voted into the American League's starting lineup at first base, said he was "not big into politics" and that he intended to play in Phoenix.


  1. All those fanatically-militant Aztlan-type secessionists are really a terrifying bunch...

  2. Cultural (Apathy -> Resignation -> Indifference) due to massive corruption, instability and deep after-life reward religion beliefs:

    Mañana (is soon enough for me) by Peggy Lee

    Que sera, sera (Whatever will be, will be) by Doris Day

    Slowpoke Rodriguez

  3. @RKU:
    So all those fanatically-militant Aztlan-type secessionists are not particulartly a terrifying bunch so let's take as many of them as we can. After all, we have nothing, and I mean it, nothing to fear and nothing can go wrong - they are not terrifying.

  4. They say that race is insignificant since only about 3 million SNPs out of a genome of 3 billion nucleotides separate the races of white, black, and Amerindian-- about .1%. However, any one gene in the genome can be distinguished as being uniquely white, black, or Amerindian. That .1% is evenly distributed throughout the genome, one SNP per thousand nucleotides. So, if a gene is 50,000 nucleotides, about 50 would be different. Even just one SNP can change one amino acid, which can completely change the catalytic function of the gene. DNA codes for a chain of amino acids, which is a protein that catalyzes chemical reactions. Every thought, every feeling, intelligence, behavioral traits, social skills, creativity and inventiveness, moral character-- all of these human qualities are a complex series of chemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes. Even just one different nucleotide-- let alone dozens-- can completely alter a protein's complex three-dimensional shape. Sickle cell anemia is the result of one SNP that changes one amino acid which makes hemoglobin protein sickled. The entire genome is completely different between the races! Even Genus Pan has 98.4% the same DNA, and Homo Erectus much more simmilar. .1% represents 10,000 generations of isolated evolution, with harmful mutations constantly weeded out through miscarriage and other factors so beneficial mutations could pile up.

  5. This blog comment does a good job of articulating why it's worth making the effort to stop and reverse the juggernaut.

  6. The general view of the indigenous tribals of North and South American was that they were stoic and indifferent. Mexican apathy is keeping with the traditional view that goes back centuries. When commentators pontificate on Mexicans, their frame of reference is blacks and Jews. Both groups, however, are much more given to passion.

  7. http://www.jwu.edu/uploadedFiles/Documents/Academics/JWUHonPaperMultiManageDNV.pdf

    Kras explains that while most Americans believe that they master their own life in terms of the shared belief that one can become whatever he or she wants to be. Mexicans, in contrast, tend to follow a fatalistic view (Kras).
    To elaborate on the Mexican fatalistic view, in Mexico it is common to hear the expression, Si Dios quiere (If God wants) after simple questions such as setting an appointment or telling a co-worker that they are meeting on a certain date. Mexican’s fatalistic attitude has been be traced back to indigenous Mexico. As explained by De Mente, indigenous Mexicans where taught from an early age that the gods determined fate, and they had no say in it. Later in history, after being conquered by the Spanish, they were forced into a new “political, religious, and economic regime,” that was even more limiting than the earlier Indian system. It was not until the end of Mexico’s revolutionary war in the 1920s that Mexicans began to see the possibility for a better future (Mente 91, 92). The fatalistic view is another cultural factor that has been deeply embedded into the Mexican culture and is a very important factor when dealing with a Mexican workforce. The meaning of the fatalistic view in the workplace can be observed in the ways a Mexican will tend to be unresponsive to future promotion opportunities and long term plans. Mexicans live in the present and view the future as unsure and uncertain since so many things could go wrong.

  8. again, why would they protest or riot? in arizona, THE MEXICANS WON. the european americans LOST.

    steve is being pretty dense here.

    the president of the united states took their side, against his own country. he shut down the uppity europeans in arizona and their silly little ideas about enforcing laws. in fact, as i have pointed out, almost every US politician takes the mexican invader's side against their own country.

    the president recently tried to stop a rapist and murderer from being executed, strictly because he was mexican, and an illegal alien at that. the whole situation is preposterous.

    mexicans are smart enough to know when they got a good thing going. all they have to do is be chill and the entire country will be theirs in a generation. rioting all the time would be counterproductive.

    RKU is clueless and approaching truth levels of annoying.

  9. Act Party creative director John Ansell said Maori were taking advantage of New Zealand's fear of appearing racist and he wanted the Act Party to speak out.

    He said: "These guys (Maori) have gone from the stone age to the space age in 150 years and haven't said thanks. That's the nature of the thing. In Maori world, if one tribe conquers another you eat the guys eyeballs. The Brits were pretty civilised by that standard."

  10. But rise of mexicans in CA did hand that state to Democrats forever.

  11. And when Texas goes to Dems--which is inevitable by sheer force of numbers despite mexican apathy--, GOP will never win the presidency again.

  12. "in fact, as i have pointed out, almost every US politician takes the mexican invader's side against their own country."

    Barry dodged a pr nightmare on this one--the news was full of Casey Anthony verdict madness while Barry tried to stay the execution.

    SCOTUS ruled 5-4. Depressing that 4 Surpremes ruled as they did.

    Anyway, I was hoping Fox would whip up a frenzy but they were as enmeshed in the other news story as the networks. Did you read what that bastard did to that 16 year old girl? And, the girl was Mexican-American, something the MSM would not have liked to report on.

    Perhaps this week someone will go back and carry the story nationally, but it won't have the same effect since the state of TX already fried him.

  13. In the end of day, it's all you and only you that matter to yourself. This guy Gonalez clearly showed that he is not an ideologist but a pragmatist. Arizona SB 1070 is targeting the illegal immigrants anyway. Since he speaks English and gets famous in the mainstream America, it just doesn't make much sense for him to fight against Mexican stereotypes in US since clearly he is not affiliated to that category.

  14. Gonzalez is too busy counting the bonus money the Red Sox gave him to worry about Arizona's immigration laws.

  15. Maybe they were all watching the game to catch Adrain Gonzalez. Go Adrian go! Viva Mexi . . . eh, hey, wheres the nachos?

  16. Slowpoke Rodriguez7/10/11, 11:25 AM

    An odd curiosity is that the Japanese can be viewed as fatalistic as the Mexicans.

    This is nicely encapsulated by the pharse Shigata ga nai.

    The cultural manifestation of resignation are interesting.

    BTW: Even hardworking and striving protestants like German Lutherans have their own sense of this world haplessness via their religious predestination. Although a believer explained that a person couldn't know what their fate ultimately was so it was incumbent upon them to work hard regardless.

  17. Slowpoke Rodriguez7/10/11, 11:33 AM

    Later in history, after being conquered by the Spanish, they were forced into a new “political, religious, and economic regime,” that was even more limiting than the earlier Indian system.

    I question the mainline historical narrative here.

    Mel Gibson's movie Apocalypto does a decent job of showing how brutal pre-colonial Indigina life was in what is today Mexico.

  18. The way things are going the Mexicans will eventually have the last laugh.

  19. MSM tried to nail Palin with Gifford's shooting, but the Obamex policy of FAST AND FURIOUS is the real crime. Conservatives ought to call it 'Project Loco' and hit hard.

  20. Setting aside everyone's hasty attempt to find a correlation between racial profiling and politics, I think there's something more fundamental here at play: ballplayers as a whole are not big on politics, regardless of their genetic background.

    I suspect that to the extent that a ballplayer's name becomes associated with a particular cause, it's likely to be something organized by his agent with the idea that publicity of any sort is generally a good thing for raising a client's market value.

    Case in point: earlier this year, four members of the San Francisco Giants lent their names to what amounted to the cause of gay rights advocacy -- a fashionable cause in the San Francisco Bay Area.

    One of them was Matt Cain from Dothan, Alabama.

    Now, anything is possible, but it's a little difficult for me to imagine that a terse roughneck like Cain -- who hales from what sounds like a very "red" section of the country -- adopted the cause of "gay rights" out of conviction.

    Cain's contract IS coming up for negotiation, however. He is a great pitcher, and he's free agent eligible after the 2012 season.

    The Giants will probably want to start negotiating a contract extension after the 2011 season ends.

    Cain has a lot of bargaining power with the Giants anyway because of his youth and ability and because of the popularity that these factors alone provide him.

    But it's still not difficult to imagine Cain's agent getting his client involved in a fashionable Bay Area cause as a means of firming up local support and demand that the Giants spend whatever they have to spend in order to prevent Cain from signing with another team after the 2012 season.

    And I suspect that just as Cain -- in my estimation -- probably allowed himself to be used as a spokesperson for "gay rights", A-Gon allowed himself to be used as a spokesperson for Mexican hegemony.

  21. Holder holds up America.

    Bush: home for every Mexican-American.

    Obama: gun for every Mexicans.

    Guns and runs. We send guns down there, and illegals run over here.


  22. Get Off My Lawn!7/10/11, 2:35 PM

    Steve, have you read Jorge Castañeda's new book?

    It sounds interesting and relevant to a lot of your commentary about the (lack of) dazzling Mexican-American achievement in the US ... and Mexico, for that matter. I'd love to hear your take on it

  23. Hey, give A-Gon a break! When he was in San Diego, surrounded by Mexicans, of couse he'd hew to the party line. In Boston he probably hasn't met a Mexican!

  24. Off-topic: This Reuters reporter is claiming today here (a music industry board) that he was fired for this report from the BET Awards:


  25. doj - that link was good stuff. Interesting.

  26. TD, wow about that Reuters reporter. Talk about hatefacts. Also, Chris Brown - viewers' choice. Roissy would understand.

  27. MLB is another depraved institution. Absurd steroid freaks and what a great example for the kids. Just win, baby!

    Hardcore anti-white MLB is the perfect proxy for the downfall of America. Keep scouring the earth for more brown immigrants while ignoring the talent at home.

    MLB wants a 90% non white league but blacks have abandoned the project. I know, how about recruiting moslems from places like Pakistan and Yemen!

  28. Si Dios quiere (If God wants);

    not unlike the Arabic Insha'Allah.

  29. I bet there is some sort of surprise protest by the players or possibly fans running onto the field that gets huge positive coverage by msm. The Left will attempt to completely politicize the post game in the headlines wed-fri this week.

    How about an expose on the giants fan who was kicked into a coma on opening day by scumbag Latino gangsters instead? Will that be on good morning america or the today show this week?

    How about discussion of the soccer game in Pasadena recently with the wetback Aztlan screaming death to america

  30. jody opines: in fact, as i have pointed out, almost every US politician takes the mexican invader's side against their own country.

    Those politicians work for you, and you (generally speaking) aren't doing your job of holding them accountable. And, the loudest supposed Obama/far-left opponents can barely talk they drool on themselves so much.

    Let me give you two very tiny examples from Twitterdom.

    1. I've tweeted a few times about @JaredPolis getting an award (before he become a Rep.) from the MX gov't. The chances of that becoming a Weinergate-style Twitter sensation are extremely slim, despite it being far more important. Others could help me with that, but won't.

    2. I very aggressively disagree w/ #teaparty. When they respond it's invariably to accuse me of being some variation of COMMIE, despite the fact that I've repeatedly shown how their supposed opponents are wrong and despite the fact that helping me with that would help them.

    It's Darwin in action.

    P.S. It's good to know that Sailer agrees with me that #CaseyAnthony is hot. Sure, there are some problems, but she's still hot.

  31. "P.S. It's good to know that Sailer agrees with me that #CaseyAnthony is hot. Sure, there are some problems, but she's still hot."

    Come on, she's got a head shaped like an eggplant & wasn't hot enough to get the father of her child to marry her. Speaking of, there are plenty of average looking single moms who manage to find a guy willing to marry them and raise someone else's child as their own. Of course, she seems to have convinced herself that the toddler was the reason she couldn't get a steady bf or even a husband.

  32. Si Dios quiere (If God wants);

    not unlike the Arabic Insha'Allah.

    And Mexico's Spanish ancestors heard that spoken daily for 700 years by their Moorish occupiers. It's no coincidence.

  33. Slowpoke Rodriguez7/11/11, 7:52 AM


    "Ojala que..." God willing, if God permits... (from Arabic, adopted during Moorish occupation of Spain)

  34. Not all is bad with the Mexican / Latin / Catholic cultural worldview. It's more MYOB than the Protestant moral police state. Mexicans have better attitudes towards women and family; and are not so obsessed about gays. Their "tolerance" is more "the gays will sort themselves out" attitude.

  35. alonzo portfolio7/11/11, 1:23 PM


    and keep this mind: in 1996 a Giants pitcher named Mark Dewey declined to wear an AIDS ribbon. Next year he was completely out of baseball.

  36. I don't think we can put too much store on "Si Dios quiere" or even "Inshallah". European Calvinists (and Oliver Cromwell, among others) were also pretty sure that fate was pre-determined, but it didn't stop them doing a lot of moving and shaking.

  37. "These guys (Maori) have gone from the stone age to the space age in 150 years and haven't said thanks.

    I was thinking about something along these lines yesterday.

    Ever noticed a "critique whitey" type who portrays non-"WN" whites positively? I haven't. It's always "WNs are bad," but never "non-WNs are good."

    That's the reward "non-WN" whites are striving for: nothing.

    SCOTUS ruled 5-4. Depressing that 4 Surpremes ruled as they did.

    3 Ashkenazi Jews and a Latina. What'd you expect?

    Shigata ga nai.

    Yep. Yet another Asian factoid I learned from James Clavell.

    Anon beat me to "Inshallah," and the new one for mestizos I just learned in this thread.



    Those politicians work for you, and you (generally speaking) aren't doing your job of holding them accountable. And, the loudest supposed Obama/far-left opponents can barely talk they drool on themselves so much.

    Amazingly, when we vote someone in to replace them, the new guys sell us out to the same people! Whodathunkit. But it can't be the system. The system is holy and sanctified by God. It's the voters. Bunch of sinners. We need to import a new electorate.


  38. I don't think we can put too much store on "Si Dios quiere" or even "Inshallah". European Calvinists (and Oliver Cromwell, among others) were also pretty sure that fate was pre-determined, but it didn't stop them doing a lot of moving and shaking.

    I tend to agree, but you have to account for the cultural salience, too. How often do Protestants really delegate normal day-to-day affairs to their higher power? In my experience, "it's in God's hands" is, at most, the kind of thing everyone but the doctor says when someone is touch-and-go due to an accident or terrible illness. It's not a routine saying. Muslims regularly punctuate their sentences with "Inshallah."


  39. RKU: I bet slaveholders made much of the docility, social position, and economic value of blacks. Just sayin'.


  40. Svigor: RKU: I bet slaveholders made much of the docility, social position, and economic value of blacks. Just sayin'.

    Was that really still the case after the nearby Haitian Revolution of the late 1700s, in which pretty much every white man, woman, and child was butchered?

    Meanwhile, in the early 20th century, there was a widespread perception on the West Coast that Japanese and Chinese were quiet and orderly people. But a few naysayers suspected they were secretly violent fanatics, who planned to seize power and chop up all the white people. And maybe they'll still turn out to be be proven correct.


  41. Yep. Yet another Asian factoid I learned from James Clavell.

    Ah, so Svigor's a Shogun fan. What a little masterpiece of strategy and subterfuge that book is. Maybe that's why you're uncommonly wily for a white guy.

  42. "All those fanatically-militant Aztlan-type secessionists are really a terrifying bunch..."

    Why is it so hard for you to understand that whites don't want to be replaced?

  43. Ah, so Svigor's a Shogun fan. What a little masterpiece of strategy and subterfuge that book is. Maybe that's why you're uncommonly wily for a white guy.

    Yes. I recommend Noble House and Tai-Pan, too.

    Yes, Whites seem incapable of understanding anything that isn't universal logic/morality, except reciprocity. That bit of universal logic/morality escapes them, for some reason. Shades of Pandora's Box.

    A lot of Clavell's writing about Asians pans out IMO.


  44. Prompted by the fact that known fraud Elie Wiesel was on the summer reading list, a fact I consider child abuse, I quizzed my niece (9) and nephew (14) today. First, I asked for founding fathers. I got George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Then, I asked for black heroes. I got MLK, X, Rosa Parks, and Booker T Washington. Then, I asked for how many died in THE Holocaust, and got 6 million.

    I gave them a lot more time to answer for the first question than the other two.

    I should've asked how many Americans died in, well, anything. Come to think of it, I should complain to the school that Mein Obama wasn't one of their answers.


  45. The Protestant motto isn't an English version of Inshallah; it's "God helps those who help themselves."

  46. ATBOTL: Why is it so hard for you to understand that whites don't want to be replaced?

    A perfectly consistent "Salterian" position to take...

    But wouldn't that argument be just as applicable even if race/ethnic-relations were every bit as harmonious and wonderful as the most extreme promoters in the MSM (dishonestly) allege? If immigrants combined every positive feature of Japanese, Nords, Meds, Jews, Africans, and Chinese, without a single negative one, the "Us" vs. "Not-Us" distinction would still apply. So it seems to me it's important to tease apart one's basket of motivations, and decide which are factually correct or at least fairly plausible, and which aren't. Among other things, this might tend to produce a hierarchy of priorities, which is always useful in any resource- or effort-constrained situation.

    Basically, if you're pretty sure that a few of your new neighbors are planning to chop you up and eat you for dinner next week, that's a little different than being concerned that their group's 2.3 TFR exceeds your own group's 2.1 TFR and those numbers might remain unchanged for the next 20 generations.


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