August 22, 2011

DSK case dropped

Not surprisingly, DA Cyrus Vance Jr. dropped charges against former IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

I must say that I feel like I've been lied to by my Hollywood thrillers. Here we have a case in which hundreds of billions of dollars and the leadership of a great power are at stake. In a movie, there would have been a superbly engineered conspiracy countered by brilliant agents on the other side. 

But, as far as I can tell, every single real person involved in this story acted like a complete idiot with a time horizon of about 90 seconds to 90 minutes. I've seen shoving matches in an alley between a homeless guy and a transvestite streetwalker that involved more careful planning than this.


  1. I remember the investigators said they WEPT after they heard the maid's account. Now, why would they tell the whole world that? Moral narcissism. Their tears were less of genuine sympathy than self-serving narcissism showing they were sooooooo good because of the sympathy for the Magic Negress. It was the kind of tears swipples let flow while watching stuff like GREEN MILE. They were patting themselves on the back while weeping and then patting themselves even more when telling the world that they wept out of moral outrage over evil white man had done to the TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRDWOMAN. Ironically, DSK and his wife are among those self-righteous liberal types.

    I guess everyone needs some form of religion. Swipples get a kick out of showing off how skeptical, hip, cool, cynical, ironic, and etc they are, but they also need some faith to worship without irony, and it is the magic negro myth that goes back to uncle tom's trojan horse.

  2. They were functioning under political and social imperatives that demanded certain responses to certain inputs. Anglo-Saxon legal safeguards still exist to *some* extent, so the defendant got off with a few months of vilification and a small fortune in legal fees. Any not-rich and politically connected figure would have been destroyed socially and financially, although avoiding prison is something.

    It's the political and social imperatives that have to be dismantled.

  3. Bonfire of the Vanities, 'Looking for the Great White Defendant', 'Who, whom', etc etc -- you've written about similar phenomena many times.

  4. Why would it not have been the responsibility of the NYPD detectives to get some inkling of this hotel maid's credibility problems? They seem to have license to cherry pick whatever they need in order to justify an indictment.

  5. the real crime is that the accuser has not been deported.

    Deport her, NOW!!

  6. Well, the maid might be better off when the dust has settled - TV apperances for a fee, interviews, for a fee, etc. - so her behavior could in that case be considered above utter idiocy in smartness, nonwithstanding the morals of the actions.

  7. Just exactly how many shoving matches in alleys between homeless guys and transvestite streetwalkers have you seen?

  8. Well, it was a strange confluence of a priapic Benny Hillesque fat, older guy chasing a maid around a room (with or without comedy), and a grasping, devious, duplicitous semi-prostitute.
    Stranger things have happened.

  9. I've seen shoving matches in an alley between a homeless guy and a transvestite streetwalker that involved more careful planning than this.

    That's pretty funny.

  10. To liberals, every black person is John Coffee from the Green Mile.

  11. I've seen shoving matches in an alley between a homeless guy and a transvestite streetwalker that involved more careful planning than this.

    <"T-Dog">You should leave your family reunion anecdotes for Vdare or something, Steve. This blog has a more serious audience.

    Sorry Steve, but I've decided I should get all the low-hanging fruit from now on. Which segues neatly into to my next joke...

    Ironically, DSK and his wife are among those self-righteous liberal types.

    Yeah, right? They were probably very noble throughout as well. Take one for the team, and all that.

    the real crime is that the accuser has not been deported.

    Deport her, NOW!!


    Well, the maid might be better off when the dust has settled - TV apperances for a fee, interviews, for a fee, etc. - so her behavior could in that case be considered above utter idiocy in smartness, nonwithstanding the morals of the actions.

    Right? The media doing their part to close the achievement gap.

    To liberals, every black person is John Coffee from the Green Mile.

    Right; best viewed from behind one-way glass.

  12. Henry Canaday8/23/11, 4:07 AM

    There is another pattern in L’affaire DSK that rewards attention, both here and abroad. The American criminal justice system affords such extravagant protections for the defendant that it is just about impossible to convict an innocent man who can use these protections and it is often very difficult to convict even plainly guilty men.

    But in compensation for these extraordinary protections, American voters have installed very severe punishments upon conviction and American media culture tolerates and encourages maximizing the humiliation of certain defendants before a verdict is reached. DSK got caught on the second prong of that backlash.

  13. poultry inspector8/23/11, 5:56 AM

    There must at least be a made-for-TV movie in this, just with a few minor alterations to shield sensibilities, e.g. edit the lying/prostitution/consorting with criminals from the accuser's background and change the alleged perp's name to Stratton-Kenworthy.

  14. At the street level, the NYC PD is npt exactly known as a hotbed of PC sensetivity and empathy. My suggestion is that, if her story is false, she is an excellent actress to impress detectives.

  15. For those who don't understand the huge role neo-feminists have played in undermining White America I strongly recommend reading "Who stole feminism" and "The war against boys" by Christina Hoff Sommers.

    Also, guess which movie dominated the box office this weekend?

  16. "I've seen shoving matches in an alley between a homeless guy and a transvestite streetwalker that involved more careful planning than this."

    Steve, you're better than this. Before you go into an alley with a hooker, make sure, SURE, she's got all the parts in the right places. And the fact you got a homeless guy involved.....well that's just sick.

    Dan in DC

  17. "Just exactly how many shoving matches in alleys between homeless guys and transvestite streetwalkers have you seen?"

    That kind of stuff is standard fare on the streets of any city, if you know where to look. I've seen similar things myself.

    One example that comes to mind is a group of blacks who pimped out a retarded white girl to some transient just for laughs. She proudly returned from the alleyway with the sixteen cents he'd given her in exchange for the same thing DSK was accused of. I still remember her standing under the streetlight, showing them the pennies in her palm. They really had a good laugh over that.

  18. "I've seen shoving matches in an alley between a homeless guy and a transvestite streetwalker that involved more careful planning than this."

    LOL!! One of my new favorite quotes!

    Kind of related, but I have a serious question. Why aren't there any white (or Hispanic), brainy sadistic serial killers today or in the past 15 years? Agnostic has written much about this, but there aren't just fewer of these guys today, there are NONE. I lost a 12 year-old friend to a rapist killer in the early 90s (there were witnesses, but hers is a cold case). The Millenial cohort is smaller than the Baby Boomer one, but they aren't committing their share.
    I suspect we truly are different and it isn't just cultural and pure Darwinism doesn't suffice to explain this or the rise of the Nerds, but that's for another day.

    Whenever we do hear about a crime, it is a cold case from a crime committed in the 60s-80s by a boomer of older. The worst has been Rodney Alcala, the genius "Dating Show Killer"; he is Mexican-American.

    Anyway, I suspect the liberals have been spoiled by such characters. Waiting for that other shoe to drop when the Bundys, Gacys, etc. start their raping and killing again. Unfortunately for them, even during the worst of times, these guys *only* preyed upon Whites and occasionally Hispanics.

  19. "Just exactly how many shoving matches in alleys between homeless guys and transvestite streetwalkers have you seen?"

    Which begs for some more questions:

    Did the homeless guy get to the tranny before you?


    Were you there to get crack/heroin/cocaine?

  20. I still think it's more likely DSK is guilty of the charge. He's a narcissistic, powerful man with a history of promiscuity, rough sex, and other allegations that he wouldn't take no for an answer. And the specific charge made sounds like it was his version of an instant, rough alpha seduction, and when it didn't fly he just carried on.

    People don't like to hear this, or think it through, but some number of rapes probably are committed not by losers leaping out of alleys but by successful, powerful, self-centered men who just aren't used to being told "no" and power through like it was a normal (by their standards) seduction. I've always thought that explained Bill Clinton, as well as Kobe Bryant, who protested his innocence until he was in the clear then apologized for the "misunderstanding" after the fact.

    But it's understandably difficult to rely on the testimony of a proven liar who then tries to cash in. And even if you believe her in this instance it still raises Steve's old question of why import people with that approach to justice.

  21. "Why would it not have been the responsibility...?" It would not be congenial to a "full employment demand" for lawyers. No other nation on earth has ever had anything close to the incidence of lawyers per capita that modern America has. And the $aturation grow$ wor$e all the time.

  22. helene edwards8/23/11, 2:13 PM

    All I want out of this incident is an interview in which Steve Kroft asks DSK, "are you telling us you actually found Ms. Diallo attractive? Because frankly, most Americans just can't believe it, sir."

  23. The woman had his semen on her and was claiming she was raped. He was on an airplane to a country which refuses to extradite to America (i.e. Roman Polanski). I think Vance made the right call. Joe Nocera had a column to that effect.

  24. i am the walrus8/23/11, 4:58 PM

    There must at least be a made-for-TV movie in this, just with a few minor alterations to shield sensibilities, e.g. edit the lying/prostitution/consorting with criminals from the accuser's background and change the alleged perp's name to Stratton-Kenworthy.

    You're too late. Law and Order:SVU is already on the case.

  25. I remember the investigators said they WEPT after they heard the maid's account.

    The liberal Jekyll and Hyde act vis-a-vis Ashkenazi & other "minority" interests on one hand, and every other thing in the universe on the other, is a friggin' riot.

  26. "Kind of related, but I have a serious question. Why aren't there any white (or Hispanic), brainy sadistic serial killers today or in the past 15 years? Agnostic has written much about this, but there aren't just fewer of these guys today, there are NONE. I lost a 12 year-old friend to a rapist killer in the early 90s (there were witnesses, but hers is a cold case). The Millenial cohort is smaller than the Baby Boomer one, but they aren't committing their share.
    I suspect we truly are different and it isn't just cultural and pure Darwinism doesn't suffice to explain this or the rise of the Nerds, but that's for another day."

    DNA testing and people being warier. It's hard to find stupid victims these days.

  27. "All I want out of this incident is an interview in which Steve Kroft asks DSK, "are you telling us you actually found Ms. Diallo attractive?"

    I think the semen on the clothes sort of answers that question there, Gloria Allred.

  28. She can still mount a civil suite against him.

    I suspect she has been heavily paid off with OPM.


  29. The late, lamented Anderson House Inn in grumpy old Wabasha, Minnesota, would, upon request, place one of their cats in your room for the night.

    There was an implicit understanding that you wouldn't attempt to sodomize it.

  30. "Anonymous Reg Cæsar said...

    The late, lamented Anderson House Inn in grumpy old Wabasha, Minnesota, would, upon request, place one of their cats in your room for the night."

    Dude, even for me your material is esoteric.

  31. All parties involved appear utterly despicable. You couldn't write a better French farce than this.

  32. "All I want out of this incident is an interview in which Steve Kroft asks DSK, 'are you telling us you actually found Ms. Diallo attractive? Because frankly, most Americans just can't believe it, sir.'"

    Exactly. Nowadays so many people conflate sexual attractiveness with sexual availability that they have trouble distinguishing between the two.

    It wasn't as if DSK went cruising and selected her from a group of women. The other women who've made allegations against him are all far more attractive than the maid. So we can reasonably conclude that for him, her chief asset was her proximity to him.

  33. This morning NPR did its dainty PC commentary on whether DSK might have been guilty as charged.
    Our system of justice dictates he's innocent until proven guilty. The job of our cops is not to see that the guilty are detected and punished but rather to see that the law is upheld, a corollary of which is that we are willing to have quite a few guilty people escape conviction in order that few or no innocent people will be wrongfully punished. What's so difficult NYPD detectives grasping this point? Or Ivy League PC pinkos on NPR getting their arms around the concept?

  34. Finding the talk radio din on this interesting. It seems that, quite suddenly (Post-Dubya), a new awareness of the potential problems with demolishing an existing order has dawned on talk radiodom. Purple fingers,the inexorable tide toward democracy and the end of history seem to be on hold until the next election. Perhaps we;ll elect another Texan (who isn't Ron Paul), and he can get to dispensing democracy good and proper. For now, evidently, history has un-ended, and Libya is a fucking mess.

  35. Oops. posted under wrong heading. Forgiveness sought...

  36. "Exactly. Nowadays so many people conflate sexual attractiveness with sexual availability that they have trouble distinguishing between the two. "

    Uh, Sportette, it may be a little late in the game for this, but if a woman gives a man an erection, by definition, he finds her sexually attractive.

  37. A sleeper question in this whole matter might be whether DSK perceived (correctly?) this hotel maid's solo entry into his yet occupied suite, to be an inappropriate entry akin to spying? Her immediate willingness to "go down" and then shut up, would be suggestive of her being willing to trade off in the interest of concealment. That skillful people managing her might have then seen chances to move forward beyond this oral sex resolution by orchestrating a legal grappling damaging to DSK, is not implausible. An immediate situational test of whether she was entering with guilty intent or mere inadvertence, would have been making her an offer and seeing if she could, in fact, refuse it. It was a luxury hotel and an inadvertent solo entrance to an occupied suite in such a facility is probably sufficient grounds to be summarily fired and is not the sort of error that could easily be presumed to be a mistake. ??

  38. 08-25
    Today's news reveals that the CIA , as a matter of policy, has had an agent stationed within the NYPD. The facts as thus far known about the DSK case surely can be seen in different ways and should be. But they do seem congruent with the possibiity that the arrest and filing of charges were "quarterbacked" by third parties thus far out of view.

  39. Weird how some people evidently believe that "Any old port in a storm" means a rain-drenched seaman heading for a particular shoreline not because it's the closest one but because he finds its topographical features alluring.

    These are the same people who struggle with the definitions of words like "cotillion" and "regatta".

    There's a pattern here, I'm just sure of it....

  40. "Weird how some people evidently believe that "Any old port in a storm" means a rain-drenched seaman heading for a particular shoreline not because it's the closest one but because he finds its topographical features alluring."

    Oh come on now Sportette, we are not doing the "I'm not talking to you, but I'm going to insinuate about you extremly loudly in your presence so that everyone knows I'm talking to you" thing, are we?

  41. In terms of the known ("reported") facts of this case, it makes ruthless sense that DSK could have vigorously presented himself to her in order to help reveal whether she was entering the room with "guilty" intent (spying, filching, ) upon the direction of suspected handlers. While her sudden sexual accommodation could be truly alleged to have been coercive, the coercion would have come form her handlers and the improper motive for her entering the suite--her sudden accmmodation being momentarily considered by her a way to defuse her problem. Two wrongs may not make a right, but they sure as hell often enough have induced an instant shared motive for silence-- if between otherwise enemies. What would have been the motive for a wealthy rake to have had this homely woman go down on him when he could have summoned a choice and prime favor to his room within 10 minutes? The MSM has way of not letting the question of motivation interfere with a good breaking story. Lawyers and cops should know better. IF IF, the unvoiced motive in Vance dropping charges was the detection of a third party management (CIA? Mossad?) of this hotel maid--well, that would be a story and a career changer for Vance.


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