August 12, 2011

It's Ramadantime in Merrie Olde England

Simon in London makes a point:
I'm surprised no one has drawn the link between Ramadan and the lack of Muslim rioters. Ramadan makes them extra-religious for the month, so they are more likely to riot for Islamic reasons (eg cartoons) but less likely to riot for Nikes & plasma TVs.


  1. Observant Muslims fast during daylight hours at Ramadan, so by nightfall they are a) weak through hunger and b) only intetested in eating, not in rioting.

    The Muslims outside London are almost all Pakistanis, but within London there are many other groups - Turks, Arabs, north Africans - and they have little in common. Blacks of all backgrounds are more likely to coalesce and riot than are Muslims of all backgrounds.

  2. The British Media played up the heroic civil defense action of local Pakistani & Bangladeshi Muslims, along with Indian Sikhs & Hindus, who quickly formed neighbourhood vigilante squads to protect their turf from rioters. White English (nominal Christians) in contrast didn't pick up clubs and muster on the roads in the same way. The conclusion that these other ethnic groups express far greater ethnocentric loyalty and territoriality doesn't of course occur to mainstream media commentators who prefer to regard it as public spirited behaviour. I recall reading eye witness accounts of the 1992 LA riot which described how Mexicans formed similar self-defense committees on the streets and saw off any trouble in their part of town.

  3. "a) weak through hunger "

    and nothing to drink if you start sweating.

  4. No good and pious muslim ever wants to be thought of as a thief.
    The proscription for theft is written down in black and white and it's pretty harsh - amputation of the right hand.
    In interesting dynamic opening in the recent British riots is the way pakistanis are turning against blacks.By and large pakistanis are industrious traders and shopkeepers - and blacks are envious thieves of pakistani wealth.
    Birmingham which is split half pakistani/black will be a tinderbox.A balck would be looter murdered 3 pakistanis by gunning the engine of his car to 100mph, turning into the side-walk and knocking them 30' into the air.The quiet, stoic dignity of the father of one of the murdered men was heartbreaking to watch.
    If inter-ethnic paki/black riots don't break out in Birmingham soon, they will do in the future.
    Isn't diversity great?

  5. Those two horrible, horrible murdering bastards Dano Sonnex and Nigel Farmer (responsible for the savge butchery of two wimpy French exchange students), were both of Irish descent.
    Any one interested in the case and the savagery should google-up 'Sonnex, farmer, new cross, murders'.
    I well remember, many years back an policeman in Tottenham, north London had his hand sliced off by a Samurai sword whilst trying to arrest a suspect.
    'I bet the attacker was black' - I said to my Dad, who was infinitely wise about such things, you know, the attack being in Tottenham.
    'No son, he could just as well be Irish' - now that thought never really crossed my mind.
    A few days later the news report showed the offender.A white man, with the surname Fitzgerald or Fitzpatrick or something like that.

  6. I'm surprised that we have heard almost nothing in the media about the two men who were killed by rioters - purposely hit by a car in a gas station after trying to defend their neighborhood. Somehow these genuine victims don't fit into the narrative of the MSM so their deaths are practically ignored. As I understand it, the victims were Pakistani. The killers, I presume, are black, since I have heard no reference to them at all.

  7. Muslims didn't riot much because it was their stores getting looted. In Britain, white chavs and blacks/Afro-Carribeans don't get along well with Muslims. Muslims aren't going to join in with those people and help them loot their own friends/relatives/community.

    Ramadan probably makes a difference, but the type of hip hop hoodlums that set fire to stores probably aren't the most observant Muslims in the world.

  8. In a still photo of Obama's "Iftar" speech in the White House, there's an obvious and curious lack of pigment on portions of his right hand. I've never noticed that in any other photos before. Any ideas as to the cause?

  9. Maybe it's a good thing that Ramadan has never been commercialized.

  10. Those two horrible, horrible murdering bastards Dano Sonnex and Nigel Farmer (responsible for the savge butchery of two wimpy French exchange students), were both of Irish descent.

    Could you provide at least one link that backs up your claim that these men were Irish?

    I well remember, many years back an policeman in Tottenham, north London had his hand sliced off by a Samurai sword whilst trying to arrest a suspect.
    'I bet the attacker was black' - I said to my Dad, who was infinitely wise about such things, you know, the attack being in Tottenham.
    'No son, he could just as well be Irish' - now that thought never really crossed my mind.
    A few days later the news report showed the offender.A white man, with the surname Fitzgerald or Fitzpatrick or something like that.

    I think if you had a link to this news story you would know what was the man's last name. Remember anyone can make up a news story by throwing around a few vague details just the way you did. This is why you should always provide links that have evidence that backs up your claims.

  11. Compared to the chavs and blacks, Muslims are lower-testosterone beta males, to borrow a term from Whiskey. Hence easier to control.

    I guess that is why there are so few Muslim terrorists in the world.

  12. Ramadan probably makes a difference, but the type of hip hop hoodlums that set fire to stores probably aren't the most observant Muslims in the world.

    Yeah, the more observant Muslims are too busy preparing themselves to become suicide bombers or pimps for emotionally vulnerable teenage white girls.

  13. Somehow these genuine victims don't fit into the narrative of the MSM so their deaths are practically ignored. As I understand it, the victims were Pakistani. The killers, I presume, are black, since I have heard no reference to them at all.

    And you sir win the prize!

    Actually I have no idea if the killer was black but like you I infer it from the utter silence from the MSM and police.

    If the killer where white a thousand why-oh-why are whites so evil and racist articles would have been launched into circulation.

    The irony is TPTB can be so careful in such situations to try and minimise conflict (not against whites obviously, they do have some principals) yet the same care was never employed when importing these vibrant minorities in the first place.

  14. Anybody that would become a terrorist must be sexually frustrated and maladjusted. That's a beta male.

    Betas join extremist movements, embrace fanatic ideologies, blow themselves up. Alphas thrive no matter what happens.

  15. OT

    Article in OC Register about a Pakistani-'American' defense contractor losing a security clearance and the corrupt California congressman they work with.

    Nowhere in the long article do they mention that the company is winning lucrative (many millions) no-bid contracts through discriminatory, anti-white preferences, ie 'certified' 'disadvantaged' minority - Asian Indian Am. aka sub-continent Asian American.

    'Sub-continent' Americans (including immigrants) are the wealthiest ethnicity tracked by the census.

    It took 40 seconds of googling to find it, but thank you useless Orange County rag for not mentioning that hate fact.


    “We’ll hunt down these black men, cut off their heads and feed them to our dogs,” said Amir Hawid, 20, who lives just a hundred yards (meters) from the killing scene and heard the screams of the crowd at the moment of impact.

    Well there goes that..

  17. Maybe it's a good thing that Ramadan has never been commercialized. --anon

    Neither has its counterpart, Lent. For the same reasons.

  18. @Mondragon

    Is Sabtech under a certified minority contract or whatever it's called?

    Looks like a legitimate company to me.

  19. Thanks, Kaz, for confirming what I suspected. The fact that the deaths of these three young Muslim men at the hands of blacks have been downplayed in the media shows that blacks are considerably higher in the PC racial pecking order.

  20. Anybody that would become a terrorist must be sexually frustrated and maladjusted. That's a beta male.

    Actually betas tend to accept the status quo no matter how frustrated they are. Betas tend to be whiners while alphas tend to be doers.

    Alphas thrive no matter what happens.

    Yeah, that is why our prisons have so many violent black males in them. Or do you consider black male prisoners to be betas? I think you are confusing alphas with winners. They are not necessarily the same thing. While winners tend to be alphas, not all alphas are winners.

  21. I think the true mark of the alpha is that people want to befriend you and imitate you. In Britain, chavs speak patois and have fetish over Afro-Carribean guys. The same chavs then tell the Pakis to f-off.

    I'd say higher IQ and less impulsive betas just accept the system grudgingly. Whiskey is an example of this. Lower IQ and more implusive betas become jihadis and die for some pie-in-the-sky 72 virgins.

    All these black (and white) prisoners have plenty of kids and women on the outside.... Supported by you, the taxpayer. Then when they get out of jail, continue to intimidate you, the taxpayer. I'd say they're doing pretty well for themselves.

  22. It's the people who have nothing to live for who become suicide bombers, coaxed by the men in power who have multiple wives. You didn't see Osama Bin Laden ever attempting a suicide bombing right?

    That is the side effect of polygamy in a culture that has no other options for young single men.

    You can fit that into your alpha/beta ideology however you see fit.


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