August 9, 2011

White knights and crime v. technology

Here's edited video from the many new security cameras recently installed on a bus in North Philadelphia. It's a little slow to get started, but then gets quite entertaining. 
The back story before the video starts is that the mother shown getting off the bus had spanked her child, which led to a verbal protest from the fellow with a shaved head and a beard in a reddish brown t-shirt. The mother then got on her cell phone and called for some backup to meet her at the bus stop to help her, as Dave Chapelle would say, in keeping it real.

Apparently, nobody was badly injured, although the chivalrous six fired a total of 13 shots in the general direction of the man in the reddish brown shirt.

The psychology is interesting. Evidently, the insulted mother called the brother of the father of her baby, who then recruited a bunch of relatives and friends to help him defend the honor of his brother's baby mama's childrearing techniques. Students of altruistic and nepotistic urges might want to diagram out the most distant linkage between the insulted woman and the least connected man involved. I don't know what they are exactly, but they might be something like "My half-cousin's uncle's brother's baby mama got dissed, so do you wanna help us kill the guy?" Sounds like a plan!

Those are some family values.

The other angle is the advance of technology versus crime. This bus was recently upgraded with an amazing number of security cameras. So, it's probably not a good idea anymore to stage a semi-automatic rifle assault on a bus in broad daylight in North Philadelphia. On the other hand, maybe the lesson is that you should put on hoodies and bandanas before attempting to hit the broad side of a bus with an assault rifle. Not all technological advances require criminals to undertake high-tech countermeasures.

In related crime and information technology news, The Guardian reports:
London riots: police to track rioters who used BlackBerrys 
Research In Motion vows to cooperate with police after claims BlackBerry Messenger helped organise violence 
Police investigating those responsible for the London riots will be able to track down and arrest them based on their BlackBerry Messenger communication with others who took part.


  1. smead jolley8/9/11, 4:17 PM

    This happened to me on a much smaller scale in Northern California. I chastised a white girl for littering, and she called her black boyfriend. Fortunately he came alone, and I had pepper spray.

  2. I'd bet the Baby Daddy was running a drug crew, and when he heard that his Baby Momma got dissed, he rounded up his already heavily armed acquaintances to go have a few words.

    Most people don't carry around AKs in their pants.

  3. I was born with an AK 47 in my pants.

  4. "I was born with an AK 47 in my pants."

    7.62mm? Sounds about right.

  5. Well, good luck with black women attracting men of other races. How would you like to have in-laws like those homeys?

  6. "My half-cousin's uncle's brother's baby mama got dissed, so do you wanna help us kill the guy?"

    That's a keeper.

    Gilbert P.

  7. BlackBerry blog hacked with riot-related threats

    RIM's corporate blog has been defaced with threats as part of a protest against the BlackBerry maker's plans to hand over information on London rioters to the police.

    The blog section of the BlackBerry website was defaced by hacking crew TeaMp0isoN, which proceeded to boast about the attack on Twitter. "No Blackberry you will NOT assist the police," it said.

    The defacement itself (archived by Zone-h here) contains a manifesto by the group, threatening the release of sensitive corporate directories supposedly stolen from the site if RIM carries through its promise to help the police.

    BlackBerry Messenger service has reportedly become the communication medium of choice for rioters and arsonists who have attacked business across London and beyond in three successive nights since violence flared in the aftermath of peaceful protests in Tottenham on Saturday. TeaMp0isoN has threatened RIM that the addresses and names of RIM employees that TeaMp0isoN supposedly holds will be passed on to rioters if RIM assists the authorities.

    No, this isn't anything like a Weimar Republic type of situation. Everything's getting better all the time ...

  8. "I was born with an AK 47 in my pants."

    It's a lot more fun if you take it out of your pants.

  9. And the libtards wonder why people don't want to use public transportation.

    Looks like something from a Quentin Tarantino movie--in fact, I think the Hollywood types ought to be forced to ride those buses in Philly for hours.

  10. Like you point out Steve, they were just being chivalrous. Glad to see that's still around.

  11. remember how liberals were worried about the 'technology gap' blacks were missing out on the boom because they didn't have internet access..

    well while white dorks edit wikipedia.. blacks use twitter, etc, to flash mob and riot.

  12. Similar thing happened to me at the Potomac Whole Foods the other day. An older woman was trying to order some salmon pate and I accidentally cut in front of her to order my braised veal. I apologized and she went ahead and placed her order.

    Dan in DC

  13. What? no gun control in Philly?

  14. "called the brother of the father of her baby"

    Haha. Is it racist to presume the actual father is incarcerated?

  15. Anonydroid at 5:12 said:

    Well, good luck with black women attracting men of other races. How would you like to have in-laws like those homeys?

    8/9/11 5:12 PM

    Hunsdon replies:

    Actually . . . in any society where you cannot rely on impartial justice enforced by TPTB, calling out the clan to provide "direct action" to enforce the family's honor and safety is a good thing. That's how most of human history has been. Of course, we're told that we've seen the end of history. That's what they tell us, that's what they say.

  16. Harry Baldwin8/9/11, 8:55 PM

    In the end, though, what's the use of all this surveillance technology? So we catch more mindless thugs and lock them up at great expense, what's the use? There's always more where they come from. And just to make sure that there are always more, we're importing them.

    When there is a group of people who are not capable of concerning themselves with consequences, deterrence is meaningless. Does the next mosquito hesitate to land on you because you swatted the last three? It's an endless, futile battle.

  17. Ak47 IN MY PANTS THAT'S FUNNY8/9/11, 9:15 PM

    Guns, drugs, and fatherlessness is a toxic combination. Take out the drugs and crime doesn't pay. Take out the guns and crime doesn't kill. Minus the fatherlessness, the criminals won't be on a hair-trigger to prove their manhood. Put all three together and you've got Philly.

  18. LOL. meanwhile in pittsburgh, one of the biggest movies of all-time is being filmed.

    philly really has gone downhill hard.

    pennsylvania represent. rick santorum has no chance, just keeping it real, dog.

  19. "Anonymous said...

    And the libtards wonder why people don't want to use public transportation."

    Yes, exactly. If James Howard Kunstler wants to know the reason for the urban sprawl and car culture he decries, ..... this is it.

  20. Why is it that homies, like the shooters, always have such spotless white tee-shirts? Do they carry bleach around with them?

  21. "Actually . . . in any society where you cannot rely on impartial justice enforced by TPTB, calling out the clan to provide "direct action" to enforce the family's honor and safety is a good thing."

    True but irrelevant to the situation being discussed.

  22. Telling that Steve would highlight this video. Isnt there sophisticated video of Brevik parking a bomb laden car in front of the government offices in Norway.

  23. Saw that earlier elsewhere; one of those things you'd have trouble making up, unless you're name is maybe Quentin Tarantino. Pretty shocking, even considering the fact that, let's say, Blacks are not generally renowned for their exemplary behavior.

    They don't appear to be all that trainable either.

  24. "Why is it that homies, like the shooters, always have such spotless white tee-shirts? Do they carry bleach around with them?"

    They wear them once and throw them out.

  25. Guns, drugs, and fatherlessness is a toxic combination. Take out the drugs and crime doesn't pay. Take out the guns and crime doesn't kill. Minus the fatherlessness, the criminals won't be on a hair-trigger to prove their manhood. Put all three together and you've got Philly.

    Isn't this supposed to be an HBD blog? Home environment (i.e. having a father) doesn't matter. Living in a culture that accepts fatherlessness as a matter of course, on the other hand...

  26. "In the end, though, what's the use of all this surveillance technology? So we catch more mindless thugs and lock them up at great expense, what's the use? There's always more where they come from. And just to make sure that there are always more, we're importing them. "

    Well, locking them up in the US has likely been a cause of the steady decline in crime, despite the flash mobs. They should do that in the UK. Good point about importing them, though. Our Hispanics aren't as bad.
    Robert Hume

  27. As you say Anonymous 9.51. There is also scattered (and unsophisticated) video footage of a white man called Adolf Hitler killing 6 million jews a few years ago. Quite telling that Steve didn't embed that as well. HATER !!!

  28. Anonydroid at 9:51 said:

    Telling that Steve would highlight this video. Isnt there sophisticated video of Brevik parking a bomb laden car in front of the government offices in Norway.

    8/9/11 9:51 PM

    Hunsdon replied:

    Telling, ye say? Telling, just how, exactly? Would you prefer that Steve ignored everything else in the world, and became "Steve Sailer, All Norway, All the Time"? Honestly, anonydroid, you really should focus your criticism, you really should say what you mean.

    Look, if you want to jump up and down and say, "Steve raciss!" I guess that's fine. It's a level of criticism that's about on that of the dismissive "It's Sailer's commentary, so it must be the Joooooooos fault!" post I saw a few moments ago.

    Come now. You can do better.

    This is an interesting post about an interesting event. The title, indeed the whole post, is an interesting Sailerian take, putting together bits from here and there. The man-o-sphere "white knight" concept plus the gradual spread of surveillance technology? Plus, say, a dash of Sam Francis' theory of anarcho-tyranny?

    Telling, you say? Flesh out your arguments, structure your critique! Come, sir, you really can do better. Can't you?

  29. I'm not a gun nut. In fact I've never fired one on civvy street (ok, hardly ever). But isn't the AK 47 the Warsaw Pact calibre. 7.62 is the old NATO calibre.
    Gilbert P.

  30. If UK blacks had guns those fight folks on the Island would run like hell as well.

  31. Yes, exactly. If James Howard Kunstler wants to know the reason for the urban sprawl and car culture he decries, ..... this is it.
    I like a lot of Kunstler' views on urban planning/architecture, and debunking alternative fuel myths, but he's too busy being scared of the "southern christian taliban' to be of much use on social issues.

  32. How many people here could just make a call and assemble an armed crew of shooters and thugs? That's a whole different society there, an inherently criminal one.
    That's one reason many people don't like public transportation, because the public is on it.

  33. Why is it that homies, like the shooters, always have such spotless white tee-shirts? Do they carry bleach around with them?

    The Indian-run ghetto gas stations and food markets carry oversized white T-shirts at the counter, along with do-rags, rolling papers, malt liquor, 4-Loko etc. They can just buy a new one for $4.99 twice a week.

  34. @Harry Baldwin

    "In the end, though, what's the use of all this surveillance technology?"
    What is the use? Are you kidding? The entertainment value alone is priceless.

  35. Jackie Chiles8/10/11, 7:33 AM

    Hunsdon replies:

    Actually . . . in any society where you cannot rely on impartial justice enforced by TPTB, calling out the clan to provide "direct action" to enforce the family's honor and safety is a good thing. That's how most of human history has been.

    Hunsdon, are you the white shirted gunman in the video on the left?

    Yes, it is tragic indeed when a poor single mother can be criticized for spanking her child in public and the police can't or won't immediately come and execute the perp on the spot.

    I'm sure the mother was denied justice primarily because she is poor and black. Racist cops!

    And what a tragic breakdown of law and order it is when such good citizenry can only find justice with a private posse via the business end of an AK47.

    Hey, did you just bump me?

    As Jackie Chiles would put it:

    If I feel disrespected
    Your life should be rejected

  36. "Anonymous said...

    Telling that Steve would highlight this video. Isnt there sophisticated video of Brevik parking a bomb laden car in front of the government offices in Norway."

    What is it you mean? You mean to highlight the difference between a modestly intelligent, white monomaniac who labors for years turning his homicidal urges into a one-off terrorist attack vs. a stupid, black ghetto-thug who, on the spur of the moment, shoots up a bus, and gets himself sent to prison for years - a kind of thoughtless, violent act which is replicated day-in and day-out in the US.

    Is that what you mean to highlight with your post?

  37. "Telling that Steve would highlight this video. Isnt there sophisticated video of Brevik parking a bomb laden car in front of the government offices in Norway."

    Not "telling" at all, idiot. This video shows what is happening in my country, not Norway.

    Makes sense that a human being is concerned about what is occurring in her own backyard.

    God, you and people like you are empty-headed shitheads.

  38. Steve suggests the invitation to join in the shooting might have been communicated person-to-person, among distant relatives and friends. I have a simpler explanation: the woman sent a single text message and copied all of her male friends/acquaintances. The message might have read, "A man is pestering me for disciplining your son. Come quick and shoot and the man. I am on the XXX bus."

  39. Telling that Steve would highlight this video. Isnt there sophisticated video of Brevik parking a bomb laden car in front of the government offices in Norway.

    Yes but Anders was a right-wing white guy and well these guys are blacks. What did you expect from Steve? Actual fairness?

  40. Telling that Steve would highlight this video. Isnt there sophisticated video of Brevik parking a bomb laden car in front of the government offices in Norway.

    He's probably too busy writing up a piece on the Wisconsin hate-riots.

  41. "Telling that Steve would highlight this video. Isnt there sophisticated video of Brevik parking a bomb laden car in front of the government offices in Norway."

    Steve is raaaaaaacist! He's already written several posts on Breivik. But we demand MORE. We demand that Steve only cover the Breivik massacre from now on. No videos of black people shooting up a city bus. This is irrelevant now, because of Breivik! Nothing matters anymore except Breivik! No other events may be mentioned or criticized (unless, of course, there's a white killer involved — that would be acceptable).

    Sheesh Sailer, I mean, like, get with the times, dude.

  42. "Steve is raaaaaaacist! He's already written several posts on Breivik. But we demand MORE...."

    Well, to be perfectly fair, we got one post on Brevik and one (maybe 2) on Vancouver,
    (after people begged him to write on those topics) but we got A WHOLE BUNCH on a Cambridge college professor getting arrested IN HIS OWN HOME for disturbing the peace.

  43. Jackie Chiles said:

    Yes, it is tragic indeed when a poor single mother can be criticized for spanking her child in public and the police can't or won't immediately come and execute the perp on the spot.

    Hunsdon replies:

    Nope, not that at all. Nor, as you intimated, was the lack of justice due to her being poor and black. I was responding to a particular comment. (I quoted it at the beginning, starting with "Anonydroid at such and such said:")

    The only tragedy I see here is the collapse of Western civilization as I understood it growing up. The tragedy of disparate impact litigation, the tragedy of ostensibly race-neutral laws designed to cope with racial problems (cf. the recent adoption of "youth curfews" in cities victimized by "youth violence"), and, frankly, the tragedy of the rise of the surveillance state.

    I stand, however, by my comment that in the absence of order, justice and stability, being able to call out the clans is a good thing. It might not always be a moral good---various cultures have various interpretations of "honor and safety"--but if you were in a pickle, wouldn't it be nice to know you could whistle up people to either get you out of trouble, or avenge you?

  44. Hunsdon, Anonydroid has been a leery troll on Steve's blog for a while. His comments continually assert in a underhand manner that Steve is a racist. Challenging him to explain himself has got to be the most ineffective way of interacting with him. These types are cowards by definition.

  45. Unreal! Riding the bus can be too scary, so better to just tend to your own yard and mind your own business, yes?
    Not so if a Spanish-speaking 36-year-old escapee from "Idiocracy" is behind the wheel.

  46. Yes, it is tragic indeed when a poor single mother can be criticized for spanking her child in public and the police can't or won't immediately come and execute the perp on the spot.

    Isn't spanking supposed to be a hate crime against children? Then the poor single mother should be executed on the spot.

    I'm sure the mother was denied justice primarily because she is poor and black. Racist cops!

    Or is spanking a hate crime only if the abuser (and perhaps the victim too) are WHITE?

  47. But isn't the AK 47 the Warsaw Pact calibre. 7.62 is the old NATO calibre.

    AK-47 is 7.62x39, while NATO's similarly-sized large round is 7.62x51. Despite popular legend, they're not compatible.

  48. Sometimes we gun hipsters obviate the whole "our 7.62" vice "their 7.62" thing by referring to "theirs" as the M43, or even the ".30 Russian short". The "short" is to distinguish it from the 7.62x54Rmm or ".30 Russian long." Or we call the .30 Russian long the trekhlinniy patron. But that's just showing off, honestly. (Trekhlinniy translates to "three line" and, yes, a line is 1/10".)

  49. David Davenport8/10/11, 8:11 PM

    But isn't the AK 47 the Warsaw Pact calibre. 7.62 is the old NATO calibre.


    AK-47 is 7.62x39, while NATO's similarly-sized large round is 7.62x51.

    Matt is saying that both cartridges have the same nominal 7.62 mm diamter, but the NATO round is longer.

    The 7.62x51 ammunition is longer than the Kalashnikov bullet because because the NATO round has more propellant -- it's more powerful.

    The short 7.62mm round originated with the Sturmgewehr-44, th3e first "assault rifle." "Sturmgewehr," ="storm rifle." "Storm" in this sense translates as "assault" in English, hence the rubric "assault rifle."

    I think the "47" in AK-47 refers to the nominal year of its introduction. Avtomatik Kalasnikov [19]47, something like that.

    The less powerful kurz cartridge allows the rifle to be somewhat smaller and to have less recoil.

    Selective fire -- military rifles such as the Browning Automatic Rifle using a full size 7.62 round weren't new in 1944. The B.A.R. was introduced in 1918. However, the B.A.R. -- WWII German paratroopers had a similar weapon -- was too much for most soldiers to handle, as was the greatly overrated Garand M1 rifle of WWII.

    Hence the adoption of a less powerful cartridge.

    Bonus question -- which has more kinetic energy: a 7.62mm AK47 bullet or a 5.56 mm M-16 round?


    OK, I just checked Wikipedia. It says the 7.62×39mm catridge was a Red innovation. However other sources say that the Soviets copied the Sturmgeweher 44, which used a 7.62×33mm catridge.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    (Redirected from 7.62x39mm)


    The 7.62×39mm round is a rifle cartridge of Soviet origin that was designed during World War II. It was first used in the RPD machine gun. Due to the worldwide proliferation of the SKS and AK-47 pattern rifles, the cartridge is utilized by both militaries and civilians alike.

    The 7.62×39mm cartridge was likely influenced by a variety of foreign developments, especially the pre-war German GeCo, 7.75×39mm experimental round,[4] and possibly by the late-war German 7.92×33mm Kurz ("Kurz" meaning "short" in German). Shortly after the war, the world's most recognized military pattern rifle was designed for this cartridge: the AK-47. The cartridge remained the Soviet standard until the 1970s, and is still one of the most common intermediate rifle cartridges used around the world. It was replaced in Russian service by the 5.45×39mm cartridge which is used by the current issue AK-74 and variants.


    The StG 44 (Sturmgewehr 44, literally :"storm (or assault) rifle (model of 19)44") was an assault rifle developed in Nazi Germany during World War II and was the first of its kind to see major deployment, considered by many historians to be the first modern assault rifle.[3] It is also known under the designations MP 43 and MP 44 (Maschinenpistole 43, Maschinenpistole 44 respectively), which denotes earlier development versions of the same weapon.


    The rifle was chambered for the 7.92x33 Kurz cartridge, also known as 8 mm Kurz. This shorter version of the German standard (8x57mm IS) rifle round, in combination with the weapon's selective-fire design, provided a compromise between the controllable firepower of a submachine gun at close quarters with the accuracy and power of a Karabiner 98k bolt action rifle at intermediate ranges. While the StG44 had less range and power than the more powerful infantry rifles of the day, Wehrmacht studies had shown that most combat engagements occurred at less than 300 m with the majority within 200 m. Full-power rifle cartridges were excessive for the vast majority of uses for the average soldier.

  50. The Russian AK-47 and SKS both are intermediate range rifles, chambered with the 7.62x39 round. The NATO equivalent, though smaller, would be the .223 round, found in M-16's, the civilian AR-15 and the Mini-14. Russians chambered all their ammo in 7.62 to simplify machining, 7.62x25 for pistols, 7.62x39 for medium range assault rifles and 7.62x54 for long range rifles.

    For what it's worth, Commie bloc 7.62x39 is insanely cheap these days, probably the cheapest ammo on earth in bulk except for .22 rimfire. It has twice the knockdown power of the .223. No wonder thugs love it! The SKS, the cheaper big brother to the AK-47, can be had for $300 these days, is an excellent urban survival gun, is California legal and has been very popular for a couple decades now as a "hog gun" in the South. AK-47's go for about $600 - $700, depending on their nation of origin.

    Burro Canyon Shooting Range, near Azusa, CA is heavy on gangbanging urban thugs. They aren't very good shots. One of their favorite gimmicks is to shoot at your target, and then "mad dog" you when you glare at them. Angeles Shooting Range, despite it's proximity to heavily Mexican Sylmar and Pacoima, is more white oriented. The shooting there is far superior.

  51. Steve, just remember, what everyone else is covering should have no bearing on what you write. Or, wait, actually, it must have every bearing, but only in a very specific way.

    E.g., if, for events x, y, and z, we get coverage x1 and y1, you mustn't write z1. That violates the specific way I was referring to. You must first write x2 and y2, then you get to write z1.

    Or you could just tell the people who don't like your coverage to #$!@ off and start their own blogs. Actually, I just did.

    For low-IQ anonymous troll army of one: there's no point to being a maverick journalist living on Ramen noodles paid for with Paypal donations if you aren't going to pants the sell-outs, Uncle Toms and whores currently passing for journalists every chance you get. Do you get it now, you cretin?

  52. "Anonymous said...

    I like a lot of Kunstler' views on urban planning/architecture, and debunking alternative fuel myths, but he's too busy being scared of the "southern christian taliban' to be of much use on social issues."

    I agree.

  53. "I think the "47" in AK-47 refers to the nominal year of its introduction. Avtomatik Kalasnikov [19]47, something like that."

    The AK-47 was developed in 1947 and adopted by the Soviet army in 1949.

    It was based on a model that had been developed in the years immediately preceding.

    N.B. The above is not, to the best of my knowledge, Allied war propaganda.

  54. This is a reflection of modern tribalism in america. These people were in a "Tribe" as many people around the world are and being in a tribe they operate by their own rules. the rules of society are not relevant to them.Tribalism subjugates democracy. with this mentality we are degenerating into what the middle east is and has been for centuries. these people fight over things that really have no basis for a fight to the majority us because their lives are small and their understanding of their position or status in society is overly inflated. Those gentlemen with the guns are a cancer to the rest of us.they were given the chance to a public educaton at the cost of $7000 a year and this is what they did with it after we spent $84000 + to educate them. they will end up in prison shortley and cost us $50k a year to house and feed while leaving a wake of destruction to our society. they did the shooting in the stop in their neighborhood. How long do you think it will take to catch these guys. they are morons. they will be in prison in a year. and leave behind children without fathers in a gang enviroment. their kids will cost us in a few years and the cycle will continue.

  55. And you thought Rosa Parks had it bad.

  56. "And you thought Rosa Parks had it bad."

    No, as a matter of fact, I never did.

    She had to sit in the back of the bus, not walk behind it.


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