October 18, 2011

Disparate Impact

From the NYT:
Latinos Said to Bear Weight of a Deportation Program 
A deportation program that is central to the Obama administration’s immigration enforcement strategy has led disproportionately to the removal of Latino immigrants ...


  1. You clearly stated it was from the NYT but i had to click through...surely Steve is joking i thought, it's an onion article.

    Really. seriously.. are SWPL THIS STUPID? Really?

  2. Well, the media are funny that way

    Did anyone do a double-take at the ads for the new Frontline episode? They're billing it as "Inside Obama's Harsh War on Immigrants" (quoting from memory here). Talk about hombre bites perro...

  3. 'although Latino immigrants are only about two-thirds of the illegal immigrants in the United States.'

    Wait what?! Is this stat legit? How do they know? Who is the other 3rd?

    Regardless, lol what a silly article.

  4. In a related story, water is discovered to be wet.

  5. Native Americans account for a disproportionately small percentage of the deportees. Why isn't our government being more aggressive with them?

  6. Insanely funny.

    Seriously though: "Figures show that Secure Communities and the Obama administration’s larger strategy are working, announcing that they had deported a total of 396,906 foreigners over the last year, a record number in the last decade."

    Let say it costs $2,000 per deportation (a low end; I seem to remember seeing $10-15K estimate when all is counted). Then it's cool $8 billion spent just on deportations. Likely much more.

    Wouldn't it be cheaper to just enforce borders to begin with? $10B is roughly a total annual budget of both US Border Control and US Coast Guards...

  7. Obama basically admitted to latino audiences that many of the "deportations" were just people being turned away at the border.

    So no, it isn't THIS STUPID, its even dumber.

  8. Julia Presston10/19/11, 2:16 AM

    Mr.Sailer, I make you privy to my next story:

    Young Girls Said to Bear Weight of a Teenage Pregnancy Program.

  9. "Really. seriously.. are SWPL THIS STUPID?"

    Not stupid. Smug. The press acts like they can get away with any obvious lie, any insult to our dignity or intelligence. This isn't journalism, it's ritual humiliation of the reader.

  10. @Kaz: There are several studies about the national origin-composition of illegal immigrants. They discuss their methodology. http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/illegal.pdf

  11. It's not 'racist' cuz Obama is doing it. He's playing it both ways: Pandering to browns and deporting them more than Bush did.

    Similarly, only a Democrat in the 90s culd have pushed welfare reform. If Republican had done it, it would have been 'racist'.

    And only a president with strong anti-communist credential like Nixon could go see Mao. Had a liberal president done it, he would have been called a 'pinko'.

  12. Maybe Obama figures white independent voters are more crucial than brown voters. I mean he has California. He needs to focus on swing states where white independents are worried about illegal immigration.

  13. Really. seriously.. are SWPL THIS STUPID? Really?

    Haha, so the New York Times is SWPL now? Them and Wall Street and Mitt Romney's foreign affairs advisers too, right?

  14. It's probably not just stupidity but is a clumsy attempt to be deceptive. Just another victimology story to manipulate the perceptions of the public.

  15. Obama is mixing stats. They are counting the people caught and detained at the border as "deportations", while ignoring the interior in favor of pretending they're stopping the flow at border.

    Meanwhile the minute a drug smuggler gets his delicate wrists hurt when he's arrested, the Mexican Consulate is screaming for blood. What a dysfunctional country we are in.

  16. I didn't click on the link. I thought it was a joke but after reading the comments I think it is serious.

    What kind of nimrod would think that Latins would not be disparately impacted? Do the liberal idiots walking down the street think, 'hey look at all those American citizens of Hispanic descent hanging around the Home Depot. I wonder why all those American citizens are looking for alternative work?'

    NYT has ceased to be relevant except for the unintentional humor.

  17. Okay, this is a coordinated effort on someone's part - La Raza? SPLC? who knows. I think it was CBS last night that did a heartrending story on a guy sent back to Honduras, even though his kids and "fiancée" (LOL) are here. So he goes back to his grandmother's place and says he'll be back here soon.

    He spoke English without an accent, too. Weird.

  18. The Obama administration changed the definition of what is called a deportation to include those caught crossing the border who are immedialtely sent back as well as voluntary removals.

    When speaking to white crowds, Obama touts the record number of deportations.

    When speaking to Hispanic crowds, he tells them that actual deportations are way down, they are just inflating the numbers to fool the Gringos, wink, wink.

    Since of course he owns the establishment media, this actually works with a large number of people.

  19. Maybe deporting Aunt Zeituni and Christopher Hitchens would even things up a little.

  20. You clearly stated it was from the NYT but i had to click through...surely Steve is joking i thought, it's an onion article.

    Really. seriously.. are SWPL THIS STUPID? Really?

    Haha! So now SWPL run the New York Times? I thought they had their hands full with Wall Street and advising Mitt Romney on foreign policy?

  21. Georgia Resident10/19/11, 10:30 AM

    "Inside Obama's Harsh War on Immigrants"
    It can't be that harsh if his Uncle Omar is still here.

  22. Maybe this can be turned around so that immigration statistics must mirror the demographics of the existing population?

  23. I've started rechecking what the right says now (I've never trusted the left).
    Being disingenuous is the new American virtue.

    "The report found that 93 percent of immigrants arrested under Secure Communities were Latinos, although Latino immigrants are about three-quarters of the illegal immigrants in the United States. "

    That's what NYT meant.

    "Obama basically admitted to latino audiences that many of the "deportations" were just people being turned away at the border."

    Is that how the reports define deportation?

    BigMike K,

  24. immigration enforcement strategy has led disproportionately to the removal of Latino immigrants

    Obviously, this means that we should deport Obama's illegal family members in order to arrive at the correct racial balance.

    We gotta do what we gotta do.

  25. He's deporting more than George W. Bush did. A token effort will beat no effort all the time.

  26. Let say it costs $2,000 per deportation (a low end; I seem to remember seeing $10-15K estimate when all is counted). Then it's cool $8 billion spent just on deportations. Likely much more.

    ICE Deputy Director Kumar Kibble told Congress in January it costs $12,500 to arrest, detain and deport each person removed from the U.S.

    FAIR estimates the cost of illegal immigration at $113 billion per year, or $10,273 per illegal alien, if you believe the 11 million number.

    So, your ROI on each deportation is slight more than 1 year.

    Wall Street would kill for a return like that.

  27. I'll bet among Latinos, Mexicans get deported more than other kinds. I think just to be fair we should deport as many Chileans as Mexicans.

  28. I think we should sweeten the deal for deported Mexicans. Give each a free gun.

  29. "When speaking to Hispanic crowds, he tells them that actual deportations are way down, they are just inflating the numbers to fool the Gringos, wink, wink."


  30. NLF or Neanderthal Liberation Front10/19/11, 3:55 PM

    Though we speak of American Jews working to 'elect a new majority', it kinda misses the picture. When whites are no longer the majority in the US, it's not like blacks, browns, yellows, and others will constitute a new majority. Those groups don't see eye to eye on many issues. The idea of a united non-white majority is absurd.

    Instead of a nation with a 'new majority', US will turn into a nation of 'NO majority'. Blacks won't become the majority. Asians won't. Muslims won't. Even Hispanics won't.

    Traditionally, whites in America thought in terms of 'we white majority' and 'those non-white minorities'. This caused a rift in how whites and Jews saw themselves and one another. Though Jews have counted as whites, they preferred to see themselves as a minority. Whites preferred to see themselves as the majority. So, we have white majority consciousness vs Jewish minority consciousness.
    But if whites eventually become a minority too, their consciousness will merge with that of Jews. Some whites may fume at Jews for pushing policies that turned whites into a minority, but other whites might think 'Jews and we are on the same boat since we are both minorities in New America'. But then, every group will be a minority. A nation of minorities. Every group comes to identify with Jews, the perennial minority group through history.

  31. He's deporting more than George W. Bush did.

    Perhaps. It pays to distrust the media on all topics, but especially on the topic of immigration. A lot of these "deportations" seem to consist of people being stopped on the border and not what we would all imagine to be deportations.

  32. What a moronic NYT article.

    BTW of the illegals , a most of the other 1/4 are Asian mainly Chinese but others as well

    There are also Eastern European and odd enough Canadian and Irish as well (at least there were Irish, they may not longer be here)

  33. Oh my goodness. I just got a really good, non-sardonic, non-ironic belly laugh from that. Thanks.

    And going into sardonic bitter mode..... now.

  34. these figures for "deportations" might be like their other figures for number of jobs "saved or created". a fudging of long established, generally accepted accounting principles designed to twist the figures into something more palatable.

    speaking of GAAP, i wouldn't be surprised if it turns out the next administration discovers that the obama administration fudged actual accounting figures as well.

  35. Next year our state will hold a "one-man-one-woman" constitutional referendum. (I think we should call it the "DUH Amendment".) Since one-man-one-woman is already the law, the only people the amendment can apply to are judges and future legislatures.

    Those are the kind of SWPLs who need to be told Latin Americans dominate in deportations:

    Stupid Whites in Positions of Leadership.

  36. Julia Preston. Remember that name. You can always find this...lady shilling for hispanic immigration. Always.

  37. I think I've found the problem. Mexico is disproportionately comprised of latinos.


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