October 14, 2011

Obama's latest war

From Reuters:
President Barack Obama said on Friday he was sending about 100 U.S. military advisers to Uganda to support central African allies pursuing Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, and other rebel commanders. ... 
"Subject to the approval of each respective host nation, elements of these U.S. forces will deploy into Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo," he said.

The Bush Administration sent 17 unarmed advisers to Uganda, but Obama is sending 100 armed soldiers. It seems as if Uganda -- Yoweri Museveni, Proprietor (since 1986) -- is pretty good at invading the Congo, but not so hot at putting down a rebellion led by a dim-witted lunatic.

The War Nerd, John Dolan, profiled America's newest enemy, the Lord's Resistance Army, back in 2002:
This week I’m honoring some great Christian killers: the Lord’s Resistance Army of Uganda. These kids — and they are kids, mostly 13-16 years old — get my vote for funniest army on the planet. ... 
There was another, way crazier and more fun: Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army. Little Joseph came from a very devout Christian family: his aunt Alice founded the LRA and passed it on to him when she died. Aunt Alice started some of the great traditions of the LRA, like telling your troops that if they just wore her special amulets, bullets won’t hurt them. Aunt Alice had everybody in the LRA believing God hisself would be their kevlar vest. This turned out to be untrue, but there was a great escape clause: by the time the chumps found out the amulets didn’t work as advertised, they were DEAD! Now that’s the way to run a complaint department” Thousands of satisfied customers and dissatisfied but uncomplaining corpses. ... 
People won’t see this — won’t see how simple and practical the African style of warfare really is. The LRA is at war with the Ugandan Army, but it’s war Central-Africa style. We’re not talking Gettysburg or Verdun here. The idea isn’t to have big battles but to sneak up on an enemy village and kill all the civilians, take their livestock and steal their stuff.

Mr. Anon comments: "It takes a child to raze a village."
Reporters like to call this “insane,” which is crap. Which would you rather do, get sent off to another continent to fight heavily-armed opponents (war Western-style) or kill the neighbors who wake you every damn morning with their stupid lawnmower (war African-style)? Especially if you can see they’ve got a nice DVD player in there? Personally, I’d much rather kill the neighbors and steal their stuff. And if they’ve got a daughter just hitting puberty — well, that’s just gravy.

I hope the Department of Defense has gotten the malaria drug issue straightened out. Over the last decade, Marines sent to Liberia tend to get malaria at very high rates. There had been complaints about the side effects of the prophylactic drug they are supposed to take, and some think they are skipping it.


  1. The war nerd is always an entertaining read.

  2. It's certainly good news that American forces are going to gain some experience of combatting such war. It may come in handy in future.

  3. War Nerd is wrong to call them "Christian". Alice "Lakwena" was a self-confessed spirit channeler. According to this article http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2006/january/18.30.html Joseph Kony practices witchcraft.

  4. Steve: do you know whether the War Nerd will ever reappear?

  5. that last paragraph from the war nerd is sadly very prophetic

  6. Off Topic:

    CIS's Mark Kirkorian has discovered that low income Hispanics like big government and thus Democrats, and that's why Democrats try to accelerate demographic change


  7. Fast reporting, Steve. Ex-Army is linking and ranting about this, and is trying to think of a dumber place to send troops, and he can't. It's

  8. Steve: do you know whether the War Nerd will ever reappear?

    Off-topic [or maybe not-quite-so-off-topic?!?], but does anyone know what happened to Roissy earlier this year?





  9. OT: "does anyone know what happened to Roissy earlier this year?"

    He's Chateau Heartiste now.

  10. Obama is such a ignoramus. His use of the word "respective" in a sentence that contains only one list and not two raises the question: was he winging it without a TelePrompter, or are his speechwriters also morons?

    By the way, Anonymous, Roissy has moved to heartiste.wordpress.com .

  11. Joseph Kony is as "Christian" as Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Taiping Rebellion. Something about non-westerners missing the essence of Christianity in translation.

  12. War Nerd has been back:


  13. "does anyone know what happened to Roissy"

    He's blogging as Heartiste

  14. Well, its about time! The Pentagon went to the trouble of creating United States Africa Command over 3 years ago.
    The sooner we can move our legions to Africa Proconsularis, the sooner General Ham can leave his fortress at Cannstatt (in Germania) to take command in the field.

  15. Let me see if I got this straight.

    We are going to give Ugandans drones, our best stuff, and not worry that it will wind up in the wrong hands and used against us in what, 15 minutes?

    Freakin' crazy!!!!!

  16. "Joseph Kony is as "Christian" as Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Taiping Rebellion. Something about non-westerners missing the essence of Christianity in translation."

    Which means he's at least as Christian as Joseph Smith

  17. Which means he's at least as Christian as Joseph Smith

    In fairness to Mr. Smith, he was not a homicidal lunatic.

  18. At least he isn't sending troops into Iran. For now.

  19. This reminds me of the classic banana gunbattle in The Gods Must Be Crazy.


  20. There had been complaints about the side effects of the prophylactic drug they are supposed to take, and some think they are skipping it.

    Yeah, that is probably what's happening. They prescribed the anti-malaria for me when I went to Iraq in 2004, but I blew it off because of all the stuff I heard about the side effects. Fortunately, I didn't see a mosquito the entire time I was there.

  21. I find the debate about whether Mormonism is Christianity or not fascinating at the theological level, but ridiculous at the political level. What I'm afraid of is that one of the candidates is a secret Scientologist.

  22. prophylactic drug they are supposed to take

    -- hard on the liver and causes hallucenations in some people..
    and its not a cure or a preventative it only lessens the fever

  23. Harry Baldwin10/14/11, 7:17 PM

    Why is anyone concerned about the Mormonism of Romney? I'll bet he's a Mormon like Obama is a Christian.

  24. I don't want to suggest that the military's malaria preventative drug actually has the rumored side effects -- beats me -- just that there are rumors, which discourages soldiers from taking it, which leads to more malaria on African assignments.

  25. I find the debate about whether Mormonism is Christianity or not fascinating at the theological level
    not much to debate.. they reject Christ's divnity and the trinity. making them non-christian.
    Islam accepts Christ as a great prophet doesn't make them christian.

  26. Joseph Kony is as "Christian" as Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Taiping Rebellion. Something about non-westerners missing the essence of Christianity in translation.

    Only Middle Easterners can truly understand Christianity.

  27. "they reject Christ's divnity and the trinity. making them non-christian."

    That's incorrect. The mormons are non-trinitarian christians. As was Isaac Newton.

  28. OT

    I just saw BLUE VALENTINE. Why did people think the Gosling character is a beta? The movie is about the fall of an alpha or alta--alternative alpha.

    The problem of Gosling's character is he's too cocksure, too extroverted, too confident, too full of self-esteem, too self-satisfied. He thinks he has it all even when he has nothing. He does whatever he wants.
    The wrestler dude may be physically tougher, but Gosling is more alpha than him personality wise. The wrestler guy needs to bring two other guys to beat up Gosling. He can't even keep the girl. Emotionally, he's dull and bland. He may be a jock but he's boring. Like a little child, he takes the business card from the girl's hand. She sees him for what he is: a hissy sissy with muscles.

    Gosling, even after he gets beaten up by the wrestler dude, is full of confidence and goes to the girl's house. He is unfazed by the hostile gaze of the girl's father. Gosling dude is alpha or alta. Even when Gosling tells the girl's father that his father is a janitor or that he didn't finish highschool, we don't sense inferiority or timidty. His attitude is, 'so what?' He doesn't feel like he has to prove anything to any man. He acts like he's a born Paul Newman, Cool Hand Luke.

    So, the movie is not about the fall of a beta but about the fall of an alpha. Gosling finds out that being alpha isn't enough if you aint got the dough and good stuff in life.
    But, I'm not even sure it was his lack of worldly success that finally drove the girl away from him. It's because he refuses to grow up and continues to act like a perpetual 18 yr old.

    The girl used to date the wrestler but dumped him cuz he was like a perpetual 13 yr old. She found Gosling more romantic, mature, and charming. But later, he's still the same guy, perpetually acting like he's fresh out of highschool.
    So, just like she outgrew the wrestler in highschool, she outgrows Gosling cuz Gosling won't grow up. I don't she left him cuz he's a loser but cuz he's a loser who thinks loserdom is winnerdom. Had he at least acted more mature and responsible, she would have stuck by him even if he's a loser. It's his attitude that really got to her. I mean him acting like some sexual alpha in some shabby sex hotel is pathetic at that stage in life.

    Gosling does go into beta mode in the final scene, but it's because he realizes his laidback Marlon Brando act isn't fooling anyone and indeed the ONLY thing he has left in the world is his wife and daughter. Realizing that, he really pleads. But it's more as a fallen alpha or alta than as a perpetual beta. It's less a beta male pleading to his woman than an demoralized alpha promising her that he'll be a good beta--sensitive and caring--if she sticks by him.

    Anyway, what a trite movie. How many times has this theme been done to death in movies and tv shows? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  29. Are the Marines still using atabrine as an antimalarial prophylactic? My late father served in the Marine Corps in the Pacific in WWII and told me that because of the quinine shortage (the Japanese had taken the Dutch East Indies, where most of the cinchona was harvested), Marines were issued the synthetic antimalarial atabrine. It had the side effect of creating a jaundice-like condition that turned the skin yellow. This caused many to "forget" to take it, with predictable results. It sounds like history is repeating itself.

  30. Why can't America mind its own business?

  31. My impression is that the LDS church considers Christ a god, the Father a god, and the Holy Spirit a god, and that they're united in purpose, and that certainly seems like a sort of trinitarianism. But my point was that this is all interesting, but if Romney believes a theology I consider bizarre, it doesn't matter. I'm more concerned about how his religion will make him behave. Some stuff on this HERE.

  32. Yes, let's get involved in the civil wars of Africa. What could possibly go wrong?

    "These kids — and they are kids, mostly 13-16 years old — get my vote for funniest army on the planet. ................
    The idea isn’t to have big battles but to sneak up on an enemy village and kill all the civilians, take their livestock and steal their stuff."

    It takes a child to raze a village.

  33. Is it the ubiquity and apparent 'success' of Predator drone strikes that would give Obama confidence he can sneak in this small detachment for what sounds like Clinton In Somalia in the making?

    Is there anyplace Obama isn't prepared to make a little war in?

    I'm sure the expression "CNN curve" is risibly antiquated, but does Obama truly enjoy MSM immunity over these things? Or is there no limit on liberal interventionism?

  34. OT

    Herman Cain's record at Godfathers is debunked convincingly here. I happen to know (from earlier comments by the author) that Part 2 will argue that Pillsbury "promoted" Cain from being in charge of 400 Philadelphia Burger Kings to being head of Godfathers as part of a strategy to defend itself against a racial discrimination suit (Mabone v. Pillsbury Co.).

  35. Joseph Kony is as "Christian" as Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Taiping Rebellion. Something about non-westerners missing the essence of Christianity in translation.

    Christianity ultimately isn't Western. It's an alien, Middle Eastern influence.

  36. I am Lugash.


    Five new patients were identified with mild cases and were treated aboard the USS Iowa Jima rather than evacuated out of the region, officials said.

    The Battle of Iowa Jima was a bloody thing. The corn fields all along Big Sioux river were crawling with heavily fortified Korean bunkers. It took the Prussians months to dig them out.

    I am Lugash.

  37. So we're supporting the same government that Obama called "odious" for wanting to execute pederasts?

  38. Baloo,

    Could you throttle back on pimping your blog incessantly here? It's Steve's house. Have some respect for him, and for his other guests.

  39. White man's burden and all that, xcept Obama don't fit the profile.

  40. "My impression is that the LDS church considers Christ a god, the Father a god, and the Holy Spirit a god, and that they're united in purpose, and that certainly seems like a sort of trinitarianism."

    The problem is it is more complicated than that. You can accept the divinity of Jesus and still be non-trinitarian.

    The standard trinity was explicitly defined at the "First Council of Nicaea" in 325. The Mormons reject this definition, as do some other sects. Good diagram:

    Non-trinitarianism was an old idea, but came back to prominence during the Second Great Awakening in the US around 1800, of which the Latter-Day Saint movement was a part of.

    Isaac Newton was closer to an Arian Christian, which is another type of non-trinitarian Christian.

  41. Not wishing to tread on too many toes, or to be even bitchier than that talented wordsmith 'Mr. Anon', it is just too simple to see some pretty obvious (dare I say it 'atavistic') paralells between what is described as 'war African style' and the behavior of inner city blacks in the USA.
    The killer line is stealing all your enemy's goods and chattels once he's out of the way.

  42. "Over the last decade, Marines sent to Liberia tend to get malaria at very high rates. There had been complaints about the side effects of the prophylactic drug they are supposed to take, and some think they are skipping it."

    Kinda sad when even the Marines don't trust the government.

  43. Lariam/ Mefloquine certainly caused severe and lasting schizophrenia-like psychosis in a very healthy and intelligent individual that I knew of.


    Maybe that's the drug?

  44. "Christianity ultimately isn't Western. It's an alien, Middle Eastern influence."

    So are silk, 'Arabic' numerals, and Afro-rhythm in rock.

  45. "Why can't America mind its own business?"

    Because Business of America is Business of the world. Besides, we are competing with China over Africa's resources.

  46. "In fairness to Mr. Smith, he was not a homicidal lunatic."

    But many good Christians were, especially during the Crusades.

  47. That's incorrect. The mormons are non-trinitarian christians. As was Isaac Newton.
    they reject the nicean creed, therefore, they are not Christian.
    They have their own holy books and prophet, like Islam

    If i, as an Episcopalian, said we are also LDS /mormon but reject Joe Smith's books, would mormon's get a little Po-ooed??

  48. Roger Chaillet10/15/11, 6:44 AM

    You might be a redneck....

    Don't forget that Barack is sending special forces troops to Uganda (and soon, the rest of the world).

    And who makes up the majority of special forces?

    Why, rednecks, of course. http://www.vdare.com/articles/race-relations-the-myth-of-the-military-model

  49. Off Topic:
    "I just saw BLUE VALENTINE. Why did people think the Gosling character is a beta?
    ONLY thing he has left in the world is his wife and daughter."

    The little girl that he is raising isn't his. Doesn't get more non-alpha than that.

    As for the female character out growing him, had he not been there for her and her daughter with alpha jock, she wouldn't have "blossomed" as the feminist reviewers are putting it, into anything at all.

  50. "People won’t see this — won’t see how simple and practical the African style of warfare really is. The LRA is at war with the Ugandan Army, but it’s war Central-Africa style. We’re not talking Gettysburg or Verdun here. The idea isn’t to have big battles but to sneak up on an enemy village and kill all the civilians, take their livestock and steal their stuff."

    Vibrant warfare, eh?

    There are communities right here in the States who are tolerably familiar with this practice.

  51. lolroissy

    People are still buying what he's selling? Pathetic.

  52. This may be Hillary's brainchild as she made some statements some time back regarding the need to take action against this "Lord's Army" gang, whatever they are.
    Have they ever rescinded a Nobel Peace Prize before? Maybe they should do so now and thus in the process show that they have at least some principles left.

  53. "The Battle of Iowa Jima was a bloody thing."
    I think Ryan Gosling's making a movie about it.
    Could this thread have any more tangents?

  54. John Dolan? I thought the War-Nerd was Gary Brecher.

  55. In fairness to the Ugandan government, it's a lot easier for an organized military to successfully invade, destroying and disorganizing enemy resistance, then it is to maintain order in a Third World country.

    See: Iraq


  56. Why did people think the Gosling character is a beta?

    What kind of alpha male marries a pregnant bitch? Think, FFS.

  57. OT.

    Some say Steve Jobs was like Edison, some say he wasn't.

    But I think, either way, the comparison is moot cuz Edisons are no longer possible in science and technology. In Edison's time, technology was still at a point where one man could master lots of stuff. Now, it's so specialized that a person has to be really good at one thing. With Jobs, it was mainly design. He used the technologies of other people, but he elegantly fused them together.
    So, the issue isn't whether Jobs was or wasn't Edison. He was... Jobs.

  58. "Yes, let's get involved in the civil wars of Africa. What could possibly go wrong?"

    He sent 100 advisers. I don't see this as major.

  59. Jacob Roberson10/15/11, 11:48 AM

    I keep reading and agreeing with Steve, but for squinting and shaking my head and skipping the anti-Obama rants.

    But... what the heck is going on with Obama? My imagination wants to say it's a warmongering time for the American Empire and he can't do anything about it, but... what the heck is going on with the President?

  60. Lord's Resistance Army is not Christian. It is a 'youth' club.

  61. "What kind of alpha male marries a pregnant bitch? Think, FFS."

    She was not a bitch but very needy.

    Look, after he got beat up, he could have called the cops. Or, out of fear, he could have stayed away from her.
    Instead, he took it like, 'you get beat up in life sometimes' and went on as usual. That's toughness.

    He aint the greatest alpha, but he's no beta. He would have done better in life to be a beta. He would have bettered himself. I think the Jewish doctor in the movie is your typical beta-type who studied hard at school and made a life for himself. He knew he had to work at having something in life. Gosling character acts like he doesn't need to do much cuz he's cool to begin with.

    It's his cocksure self-assuredness that keeps him complacent with what he is and where he is.

    It reminded me of the movie THE LUCK OF GINGER COFFEY. Ginger(guy actually)is ambitious in ways Gosling is not, but they both have something in common. They over-estimate themselves to the point of self-deception, and everyone sees the lie except for them.
    So, even if Gosling character may not impress us as much of an alpha, he sees himself that way and won the girl that way.

    They're alpathetic.

  62. "Something about non-westerners missing the essence of Christianity in translation."

    I don't think Westerners have done much better.

  63. Joseph Kony, leader of the LRA, is an Acholi. The Acholi are first cousin's to the Luo. Obama is half-Luo.

    It might well be a coincidence, but it's certainly a small world.

  64. Look on the bright side: in a couple of years we'll get a really cool Antoine Fuqua movie!

  65. "Joseph Kony, leader of the LRA, is an Acholi."

    Not only that, Sport but there are 10 letters in "Joseph Kony LRA" and also 10 letters in "communist Prez"

    They think they're so Slick!

  66. The LRA, unsurprisingly, are guilty of what used in the Western media to be know as "unspeakable atrocities".

    Ditto Lumumba's men in the Congo, ditto Charles Taylor in Liberia/Sierra Leone, ditto Ruanda, ditto the Mau Mau, ditto the South African farm murders.

    These degradations, which are much more vile than is commonly reported, are a serious challenge to globalist egalitarianism, which is why Hillary/Obama want to stamp them out.

    The one exception here is South Africa, where the farm murders are a useful instrument of terror against the only major white population left in Africa, which is why no-one in the MultiKult is anxious for them to stop.


  67. I thought Gary Brecher was the War Nerd.

    Obama's Ugandan adventure is insane. There's no possible US interest there. At least with Khadaffi, you could make the argument that the track record of aging dictators facing rebellions late in their regime was not good, best to get the fighting over quickly, with the US in charge of picking winners and losers, since Libya has oil. [That would have required ground forces and a quick not leading from behind resolution.]

    Uganda? Uganda? Uganda!

    Its insane. Designed I suppose to get Solyndra and Fast/Furious off the front pages. It will probably generate another Black Hawk Down. [Stupidest comment on it, the WSJ quoted some diplomat saying that because the African Union requested US help it would be "different" than the Somalian debacle.]

    But Dems at large are to blame. They passed in May 2010, in a Dem House/Senate, a bill enabling US aid to fight the LRA. Its time to stop passing these things unless you really, really mean them.

  68. There IS a precedent for successful cover action, see Mark Bowden's "Killing Pablo." US Spec Ops, CIA, help the Colombian military and rival cartels hunt down, and kill Pablo Escobar. Who at that time had made many, many enemies.

    But it was done in secret. No one knew they were there. The assistance was primarily technical, coordinating spy plane flights, radio location and intercepts, wire tapping, and spec-op training for the Colombians and Los Pepes. Again, done in SECRET. To get rid of a pest before he was a major threat.

    There is no win here for Obama or America. He must be on the crack again.

  69. Joseph Kony is as "Christian" as Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Taiping Rebellion. Something about non-westerners missing the essence of Christianity in translation.

    I think everyone misses the essence of Christianity but the people who created it. Europeans Euro-formed and eventually dominated it, so their essence-missing flavor doesn't suit the nature of other essence-missing flavors.

    Europeans certainly miss its ethnocentrism, for example.

  70. He sent 100 advisers. I don't see this as major.
    that's how viet nam started sweetheart. + Africa! is a near and dear to the hearts of the global elite.. at least when Israel isn't - its a convenient way for zionist to show they are humanitarian.

  71. why don't we just have psyops drop coke bottles from small aircraft, sowing harmless chaos and confusion?

  72. This means Obama is bowing out. He's had it and he's not going to seek the nomination, and this is a little f--- you to his enemies.

  73. OT:

    The Exasperation of the Democratic Billionaire

    'It's as if he doesn't like people," says real-estate mogul and New York Daily News owner Mortimer Zuckerman of the president of the United States. Barack Obama doesn't seem to care for individuals, elaborates Mr. Zuckerman, though the president enjoys addressing millions of them on television....

  74. "He sent 100 advisers. I don't see this as major."

    "that's how viet nam started sweetheart."

    US has 1000s of military advisers all over the globe. In fact, more in Central Asia and Latin America than in Uganda.

    My guess is this is either a humanitarian gesture or the atrocities are being used as a pretext for something else: greater American presence to offset growing Chinese influence in the region.

  75. "they reject the nicean creed, therefore, they are not Christian."

    I see. And I supposed Christian Scientists, Arian Christians, and Nestorian Christians are not Christians either.

    a) When did Jesus die?
    b) Was that way before or way after 325 AD?
    c) If there is a huge gap after Jesus died, do you think some theological discrepencies might have creeped in?

    Take you time now...

  76. I worked in Uganda for State Dept in the mid ninties. We were already militarily involved in Uganda then, with frequent visits by Special Forces units. One team came and stayed for 60 days to train a couple of Ugandan battalions that had been fighting in the Ruwenzoris.

  77. If there is a huge gap after Jesus died, do you think some theological discrepencies might have creeped in?
    the council of nicea was specifically to get RID of discrepancies and hereseys and false copies of the gospel - not to make up stuff. ,, like Joe Smith's golden tablets.. which are obvious nonsense to anyone who reads them (americanized king james bible english)

    but again, why can't a tell mormons when i evangalize for the anglican church that hey yeah we're a mormon church, no worries, we just reject all the LDS doctrine.
    can't have it both ways buttercup.

  78. "why don't we just have psyops drop coke bottles from small aircraft, sowing harmless chaos and confusion?"

    You must be crazy!

  79. "does anyone know what happened to Roissy earlier this year?"

    He calls himself Heartiste now.

    Which is a change for the better, Roissy being a reference to the filthiest book ever written, "The Book of O"

  80. "Anonymous said...

    ""Yes, let's get involved in the civil wars of Africa. What could possibly go wrong?""

    He sent 100 advisers. I don't see this as major."

    Yes - not major - this is why, just four years ago, the Pentagon went to the trouble of setting up a whole new command structure for Africa. AFRICOM


    To add to what others have already noted - that Vietnam also started with such modest beginnings - I would add that the founding of CENTCOM in 1983 was soon followed by our now officially declared endless military involvement in the mideast.

  81. the elite must really have it in for Obama now even the BBC is running 'he's a failure' articles and stories....

    Maybe he doesn't want to bomb iran?

  82. Get Off My Lawn!10/16/11, 3:16 PM

    I don't want to suggest that the military's malaria preventative drug actually has the rumored side effects -- beats me -- just that there are rumors, which discourages soldiers from taking it, which leads to more malaria on African assignments.

    Oh no, the side effects were real.

    It sounds like the troops were given mefloquine (Lariam), an effective but controversial malaria prophylaxis agent associated with severe neuro-psychiatric side effects in a small percentage of patients.

    This article at Wiki gives the story and describes how the US military greatly curtailed the use of mefloquine shortly after the article Steve cites was published.

    PS: An OT whine - why can't blogger.com provide a simpler system for formatting text? It's one thing to type in the code for italics or boldface, which are short and easy to remember. It's another to have to type in the entire command for a hypertext link.

  83. "the elite must really have it in for Obama now even the BBC is running 'he's a failure' articles and stories....
    Maybe he doesn't want to bomb iran?"

    It's all just a ruse. The corpies have tons of cash hoarded up. Starting around spring 2012, the biggest corpies, in support of Obama, will start investing big time in the economy. Little boys follow the big boys. There will be an avalanche effect, and Obama will have his own 'morning in America' or 'springtime in america', and he will be reelected. I said it here first.

  84. HBD-Chick points out that the LRA is soldiered primarily by one tribe of the Nilotic ethnolinguistic family of East-Africa.

    B.H.Obama's kin group is another tribe of the same ethno-linguistic family.


  85. In my army days, the troops usual suspicion was that the pills the army wanted you to take caused impotence (either the medicines or the soup, which was rumored to be spiked with saltpeter as an anaphrodisiac).

  86. If the US want to take on the LRA the way to do it is with a couple of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Sit home and blow away the commander's tent from 20,000ft makes more sense than tramping through jungle after the footsoldiers & less chance of politically damaging US bodybags.

  87. "If the US want to take on the LRA the way to do it is with a couple of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles."

    Yeah, that's worked so well in Afghanistan.


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