October 17, 2011

Press coverage of protests

It seems like the one set of protests over the last decade that the mainstream media were most positive about -- the 2006 illegal alien marches -- were the ones where press coverage turned out most counterproductive. Photos of a half million illegal aliens waving giant Mexican flags in the heart of American cities were a major factor in keeping the Bush-Kennedy-McCain amnesty from passing in 2006 and 2007.


  1. I work in Downtown Manhattan. A few days ago I went out and looked at the occupiers on my lunch break. There were 100 to 200 of them there, mostly young, mostly white, many of them hipsters.

    Much bigger, noisier, more energetic demonstrations regularly occur just a few city blocks from there in City Hall Park. And always have, even in economic boom times. When the city clerical workers' union is out in force, you're going to know about it from at least 15 blocks away. Compared to that the occupation of that little park next to Wall Street seems unremarkable. Almost any public employee union puts on a bigger show at contract renegotiation time, or just to flex some muscle and give the membership something to shout about.

    Why would the media give these guys so much coverage? It's a liberal answer to the Tea Party. Also, young SWPLs are important. The lower class (and NAM) clerical unions, the middle class teachers and skilled trades unions - not as much.

  2. Chief Seattle10/17/11, 7:07 PM

    I forget the official name, but every time I mention the Million Mexican March here in Seattle people have no trouble figuring out what I'm talking about.

  3. IIRC McCain advised those undocumented Americans to ditch the Mexican flags and carry Old Glory. He told them it might make it easier for him, W and Lindsey to get things done.

  4. I don't think these protests are going over well either.

  5. It's funny how prescient South Park seems to be about current events. An episode last season depicts an anger fueled movement of men setting fire to FedEx offices because they are upset about their small penises. When asked to articulate what makes them angry, all they can come up with is gibberish. Ultimately, the movement is diffused by the surgeon general relabeling a fictional NIH penis growth chart so nearly every man is defined to be above average size.

  6. Yes please,

    Let's show more of those moonbats on parade.

  7. "I don't think these protests are going over well either."

    But Time Poll says more Americans support OWS than the Tea Party.
    Americans are more pissed at WS than at Washington. At least with politicians, people have the power to vote in or out. The WS, in contrast, is like the invisible elite class.

  8. It's too bad TP got bought out by Wall Streeters and Zionists.

  9. I was at a neighborhood picnic yesterday and overheard a Jewish SEIU Local officer and a 70-ish Red Diaper Baby leftist both making fun of OWS kids.

    Of course, that doesn't mean they wouldn't have leaped to OWS' defense if the unfriendly neighborhood reactionary (me) had criticized them.

  10. Part of me, a bad part of me, would like to see a dysentery epidemic break out among the protestors.
    Then I think of the clean up crews, and change my mind.

  11. At least with politicians, people have the power to vote in or out.

    Really? Where did you hear that?

  12. tone-deaf on the dogwhistle10/18/11, 3:39 PM

    Dunno how new of a problem it is; there is a specific kind of adulatory press coverage that seems to hamstring the beneficiaries down the road. Apologies for turning this all back to Topic O, but aren't we witnessing the limits of being a black politician who's entirely focused on pleasing the metro-white media? It turns out that, who knew, you have to play the game with the whole voting public and not just your NYC/DC courtiers. I'm reading Tom Joyner's comments about how blacks need to back Barack if for no other reason than basic racial pride. If even Joyner's frustrated, what's the next shoe? Do Tyler Perry and Oprah begin giving "muted expressions of displeasure?" Hillary would have to be insane to join this ticket.

  13. "Americans are more pissed at WS than at Washington. At least with politicians, people have the power to vote in or out. The WS, in contrast, is like the invisible elite class."

    Haha, you think OWS is about WS.

  14. The OWS protestors are angry because they spent 17 - 22 yrs in school, and they still can't utter a single fucking coherent sentence.

  15. http://goo.gl/Sv8Vg
    MTV Casting Looks for Occupy Wall Street Protesters

  16. overheard a Jewish SEIU Local officer and a 70-ish Red Diaper Baby leftist both making fun of OWS kids.
    I am sure both are very uneasy about who, whom here... you have to be very very very moon-battish to not realize goldman sachs isn't run by mormons.

    Of course the moonbats don't know that.... but the Red diaper baby type is worried they could

  17. The OWS protestors are angry because they spent 17 - 22 yrs in school, and they still can't utter a single fucking coherent sentence.

    No, but they have top-notch social skills, and that is what school is all about.

  18. And thank God for that.


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