November 3, 2011

Is Silicon Valley racist? CNN wants to know!

There's been a kerfuffle going on for a week now over an upcoming documentary for CNN by Soledad O'Brien on racism in Silicon Valley. Ms. O'Brien is, apparently, CNN's minority expert on minorityism because she's a nice looking white woman who claims to be a black and Hispanic twofer. Prominent tech blogger Michael Arrington got himself in a lot of trouble for noting that not many blacks found successful tech startups and implying that he didn't think that this was the Biggest Problem in the World. 


  1. The Arrington interview and scandal really brings out a different issue than other similar scandals. In a global economy, what is a minority?

    Am I a minority in Nigeria? Is a Nigerian a minority in Harlem?

    Arrignton wants to prove that he's not racist. But what if he does successfully? Is he then an American nationalist? Will he discriminate against Indians with work visas?

  2. it will probably be used to push more h1b visa, more immigration ect.

    check out this clueless white tech writer, when i read it i thought a. he was a baby boomer b. 20 year old no one my age (gen x) white, would be this stupid and naive, at least, white males..

    Frankly, all those left leaning companies like google etc, deserve a big heap of diversity.

  3. If Soledad O'Brien is black and Hispanic, I think everyone on SV should claim to be black(and Hispanic too). I mean a lot of totally white people look more black than her.

    And isn't it a bit odd? CNN looking for 'racism' but its idea of a 'black and hispanic' person is someone whose name should be Heather Smith.

    Btw, I think white gentiles are underrepresented in SV too. Jews are 2% of the population, but lots of top tech companies are owned or run by Jews than by white gentiles. There must be a lot of Anti-Aryism in SV.

  4. Steve, you have said on more than one occasion that you don't watch tv so maybe you don't know much about Soledad O'Brien.

    Years ago, maybe a decade, she was featured a great deal on either CNN or MSNBC (don't recall). Then, she just kind of disappeared for many years. (Maybe to raise a family?)

    From the get-go one could see she was put in front of the camera to prove the diversity-friendliness of her employers. She talked about Latino, Hispanic issues, about diversity the way Rick Sanchez did.

    It was clear her looks helped her get the job and the name "Soledad" sealed the deals. She is a horrid interviewer. No deep thinker, she.

    Frankly, I'm surprised she uses the "O'Brien" as she seems to detest what it represents.

  5. what's the paleocon consensus on indians? will they produce the zinns and chomskys of the next generation? do they want to beat us or join us?

    (links would be appreciated; intermarriage rates, voting patterns)

  6. Silicon Valley run on the top fraction of a percentile in terms of intelligence, creativity and entrepreneurship. It collects the creme of the cream STEM and start-up talent from around the world.

    The startup I ran there had only about 6 native-born techies of about 20, and 3 of those 6 had one or more non-European foreign-born parents who came to the US for higher education. That is, only 15% of the techies were "White Americans".

    Although we had only one AfAm briefly, it was far more diverse than any effective workforce addressing challenging problems I've ever heard of since. No one ethnicity was dominant and there was the full "rainbow" of skin tones.

    The non-white Quants in Wall Street are only starting to make it somewhat more diverse, and the power behind Hollywood is a relative whitewash. These two rich industries are much less diverse compared to Silicon Valley and have many more tall, good hair and empty suit positions that don't require hard quantitative skills like SV.

    Why not fight the injustice where it is greatest and least justified?

  7. I suppose in America it is implied that if an industry doesn't have a representation of Blacks and Hispanics that mirrors the nation as a whole, racism is automatically assumed to be the culprit.

    Whites, as a percentage of the work force in Silicon Valley, have been declining for the last decade. It is mainly Asians taking most of the positions now in place of Whites, but no one cares about that.

  8. I see one of the indians in that controversy has a chinese spouse, one datapoint in favor of a harmonious future. I guess.

  9. Not surprisingly, nobody seems to care much that Hispanics, who now outnumber blacks in America, are also extremely rare in the start-up biz.

    And so are women who make up roughly half the population.

  10. Before we all jump on CNN, it's worth mentioning that Michael Arrington is an open-borders people-are-all-the-same immigration-is-wonderful white liberal.

    It's good to see the the left eat their own.

  11. what's the paleocon consensus on indians? will they produce the zinns and chomskys of the next generation? do they want to beat us or join us?

    Whatever it is they do, they can do it in India.

    As for intermarriage, they're hardly more successful than East Asian men.

  12. If future geneticists can bio-engineer all blacks to be like Soulmom O'Brien, I'm all for integration.

  13. Again... where is CNN or any other news program on 'where are the Mexican-Americans in the NBA?'


  15. San Franciscan non-monk11/3/11, 12:31 PM

    To answer commenter "Q". Actually, Arrington is a 'smart immigration' guy. "The fact is that those immigrants create companies, create jobs, create wealth. The issue of illegal immigration over our Southern border must be separated from the issue of immigration of people who want to come here to build companies."

  16. Captain Jack Aubrey11/3/11, 12:32 PM

    Yeah, when it's shown that Hispanics and blacks don't create many tech startups in SV, or even work there, it's proof that SV is racist and that SOMETHING HAS GOTTA CHANGE!

    When someone points out the large number of Asians who work there and start companies there it's proof that DIVERSITY IS GOOD FOR US! and that WE NEED MORE IMMIGRANTS! - including lawnmower drivers from Sonora.

    For some reason, though, European-Americans are never "good for us," no matter how many diseases we cure, no matter how many businesses we start, no matter how many amazing gadgets we create.

    Bill Gates, Charles Simonyi, Alan Ashton, Jonathan Ive, Jim Clark, Gordon Moore, Larry Page, Steve Jobs, Tim Berners-Lee, Linus Torvalds, Dennis Ritchie, ad infinitum, will never be proof that EUROPEANS ARE GOOD FOR US!

    Soledad O'Brien is free to go start her own tech company. No one is stopping her.


  18. Click the links below to view pictures of Soledad's mother. Her mother appears to be black (or mostly black).

  19. I'm surprised she uses the "O'Brien"
    she at least should of galic-sized it. OH'BHRGAOENGN or something so vague it might be sanskrit.

  20. The issue of illegal immigration over our Southern border must be separated from the issue of immigration of people who want to come here to build companies.

    But they can't be, because then the Left would be forced to admit that the people driving ten to a minivan into San Diego or Brownsville are somehow different from the upper caste Hindus and Orientals flying business class into LAX.

    Remember: we all bleed red, we all have the same potential, race is just skin color, there are more variations in-group than out, blah blah boo hoo hoo.

  21. Cult:

    How about Univision, Telemundo, and BET?

  22. Steve, how come you edited out Asian Indian response.

    That's actually the more interesting part, that the Indians happily jumped on the "racism!" train. It's a good example of why even high IQ immigration from alien cultures is a problem.

    Everyone is training in America to blame whitey.

  23. No doubt she'll be calling Arthur Jensen up, to get a balance of perspectives on this.

  24. "Silicon Valley run on the top fraction of a percentile in terms of intelligence, creativity and entrepreneurship. It collects the creme of the cream STEM and start-up talent from around the world."

    Yeah, but there are plenty of non-STEM jobs in SV: "community managers", user experience/user interface (UX/UI), business development, etc. Those jobs tend to pay well, be fun, and come with a handful of lottery tickets (stock options that can make you rich if your company takes off). It's only natural that NAMs should want a piece of that, especially when the money for all this fun ultimately comes from union pension funds, in many cases (which are investors/LPs in the major venture capital funds).

    Now, the funny thing about this is that some women have been complaining about the lack of female founders/execs in SV (they have a Twitter hashtag for this, #ChangeTheRatio, a phrase that's never applied to, say, nuclear accident crews), despite women already getting a good chunk of the cushy, non-STEM jobs in tech. So it would be entertaining to see these upper middle class white women have to defend their current positions against NAM ambitions.

    It's also funny to see the Indians chime in here, given their enormous overrepresentation in SV. Let them fight off equaly talented STEM-types from Russia, China, or elsewhere.

    If the FDNY has to diversify, then let the liberals in Silicon Valley eat some of their own cooking. Forget Soledad, it's time for Jesse Jackson to shake the place up.

  25. There are plenty of non-white people in Silicon Valley. In fact, there are probably more non-whites than whites there. Anyone who thinks the place is racist is an idiot.

  26. .It's also funny to see the Indians chime in here, given their enormous overrepresentation in SV. Let them fight off equaly talented STEM-types from Russia, China, or elsewhere
    if there is one thing I have learned from attending Steve Sailer U it is this: Ethnocentric groups will always encourage diversity for the majority. In-group out-group strategy as one professor, more toxic to careers than Jensen, has mentioned.

  27. So... How does one lay claim to a certain race? Can one ever be punished for lying about one's race, if the aforementioned one sticks to her story?

    Those Silicon Valley people should have seen it coming. That's what they get for not buying lots of iPads for the inner city school administrators. Would it kill them to buy a second lap top per each one of our mostly absent students?
    I'm sure SV save itself by arranging some sort of a conference about teenage pregnancy or discrimination in special education, in some Hawaiian resort.

  28. The few blacks working for SV software companies are probably clustered in reactive technical support, client service or HR.

  29. Tell me...what percentage of silicon valley votes and money went to Obama and other Democrat candidates?

    The vast majority you say? The SV is racist.

    What, did they think the revolution does not apply to them?

  30. what's the paleocon consensus on indians? will they produce the zinns and chomskys of the next generation? do they want to beat us or join us?

    (links would be appreciated; intermarriage rates, voting patterns)

    No links. But they're ethnocentric as hell and visibly different, but there are a billion of them so they should be able to produce enough of elite quality to swamp any given western country. So they're probably dangerous competition for Ashkenazis, who prefer their smart folks without the ethnocentrism.

    Why not fight the injustice where it is greatest and least justified?

    INDEED. That's a good boilerplate answer, whenever the subject comes up: "I no longer care about 'diversity' or 'discrimination' or 'disparate impact' outside of the Hollywood-NYC media complex and Wall Street - let's start there, at the top, and work our way down."

  31. "Click the links below to view pictures of Soledad's mother. Her mother appears to be black (or mostly black). "

    A lot of people have some non white ancestry somewhere. The reason it's laughable for this lady to claim minority status is that she can't seriously assert that she was denied an opportunity due to racism. When O'Brien shows up for a job interview, the boss doesn't know what her mother looks like. If racial preference laws are there to fight prejudice, then those who can easily pass as white, shouldn't be able to benefit from them. Most people wouldn't "pre-judge" this woman to be black.

  32. I wonder how many SV firms are being built with Minority Disadvantaged Business money, given that Indians and Asians qualify for that benefit? I wonder how much of the VC money is intertwined with white, American taxpayer money that these "model minorities" are using to gamble with by recycling technologies invented years ago.

    That's the bigger problem.

  33. Somewhat related, why do White guys never respond to the interest group power plays by forming their own? When White women, non-Whites, etc. form their own power-play identity groups carving out quotas and excluding others?

    Sexual Marketplace. White women generally look at that as "loserish" which means unsexy. Its akin to demanding antlers or other highly expensive display stuff that takes away from survival. You tend to see that where the guy is a sperm donor, does not stick around to help rear kids. As we move to more single motherhood, you'll see that even more. More emphasis on "good genes" which means, tall, smooth talking, aggressive, charming (usually at the expense of analytic and abstract thought); and women pushing power plays on interest group identity as well. Since they don't have husbands to consider.

    Marriage civilizes women too, makes them wives and mothers instead of constant, on the make cougars who age overnight into harpies.

  34. @ Q

    "It's good to watch the left attack their own"

    Especially when the one who gets attacked has a very good chance of changing his mind.

    In his reply article, (

    He almost sounds like Steve Sailer himself:

    "The White Guys Who Get It (And Milk It)

    But you know what I find offensive? That fact that I can’t talk about it, unless I say what I’m supposed to say.

    And what I’m supposed to say is this. “I’ll assert that racism is alive and well in the U.S. I’ve seen it many times, including in Silicon Valley…When you see racism, don’t tolerate it. Take action. And don’t deny reality.”

    This is what investor Brad Feld wrote about all this, while getting his jabs in on me.

    To universal high fives as a white guy who gets it, and cares. But wait! Don’t forget white guy Kapor’s universal law that we’re all racists even though we don’t know it because Kapor says we are.

    And that includes Feld. The guy who writes the crowd pleasing words, apparently, so that his venture firm can stay more…let’s say racially pure. And the list of mentors at his TechStars accelerator program – well let’s just say they did manage to get a token black man and a token black women on to that list of hundreds of mentors, but it sure doesn’t look like “take action” to me.

    There are some hard truths about race in Silicon Valley that none of these people care to address:

    - There are very few minorities here. When they are here, they get hired much more easily than their white or asian counterparts. There is no conscious or subconscious desire to keep minorities out, at least not in the groups I run in, which include all major VCs and accelerators. It’s the complete opposite. Kapor may say we’re closet racists, whatever, but out in the real world this bias just isn’t there."

    Correctly identifies anti-racism as little more than a weapon some whites use against others.

    I mean, if we could get him and Moldbug to have a beer together... watch out

  35. Dave,

    Jesse Jackson already tried that once back in the late 90s and TJ Rodgers (CEO of Cypress Semiconductor) made him eat his hat. TJ famously characterized Jackson as a "seagull that flies in, shits over everything and then flies out again".

    If you're interested read this

    There are a bunch of other articles from the era as well.

    SV EE

  36. I wonder if Soledad O'Brien even begins to get the problem in Silicon Valley.

    Look, in Silicon Valley, it's truly difficult to find any real number of startups begun by women -- forget about African-Americans. And it's hard to find even AA employees at any level -- forget about company founders.

    Even in the PC precincts of academe, it's mostly taken as a given that AA simply won't show up as faculty, or indeed as students, in STEM fields. Does anyone seriously think that the hypercompetitive/results oriented world of Silicon Valley startups is going to do for African Americans what even Affirmative Action can't do in academe?

    What's the thought here?

    Point is, Soledad OBrien is embarrassingly clueless; I'm sure even her very tolerant producers are going to be embarrassed by this output.

  37. Wouldn't Soledad be considered a three-fer since she's a woman?

    Maybe she can investigate discrimination against ugly people in the media. Other than the token of Candy Crowley, they're all beautiful on CNN.

  38. Click the links below to view pictures of Soledad's mother. Her mother appears to be black (or mostly black).

    Perhaps 50% black. I've seen real African blacks in Europe. They are really black, not brown as most American "blacks" are.

  39. Blacks, Latinos, and women are underrepresented in Silicon Valley because they don't have the education, skills, IQ, drive, or entreprenuerial ability to make it.

    Chinese, Indians, Jewish-Americans, white Americans, Europeans, Asians, Israelis, Russians, and Iranians do.

    I'd also guess that talented women and NAMs can find comfortable spots in large corporations, so why kill yourself in a startup which has a low probability of success?

  40. Perhaps 50% black. I've seen real African blacks in Europe. They are really black, not brown as most American "blacks" are.

    No kidding. It's like when they tried to pass off Alek Wek as a 'supermodel' I thought to myself hang on a second, I've seen Vanessa Williams, so hmm, I guess there's 'black' and then there's black.

    My seem strange, but up until that moment -- circa '95 -- I'd always just assumed blacks were blacks, be it America or Africa. Living in Australia, how was I supposed to know the difference?


  41. O'Brien is, apparently, CNN's minority expert on minorityism because she's a nice looking white woman

    Really? Not your grandfather's white woman, then, I see.

    Or it could be my notions of whiteness are hopelessly corrupted by the anglosaxons I grew up with (and who are still easily, easily the majority of whites in Aus).


  42. Zummi - "In a global economy, what is a minority?"

    That is an excellent question. Thank you for that one-sentence simplification. It helped me understand the UN wealth-sharing programs as something more like affirmative action than marxism.

    Not those those exclude each other.

  43. Steve, the poster at 12:03 pm asked what the paleocon perspective on Indians was. Let me attempt to reply.

    The third generation high IQ Indians in the USA are rapidly melting in to the general high IQ elite of American society. High IQ Indians (usually Brahmin) and high IQ whites mix and mingle at the ivies and at other elite colleges. Then when they get out of school they tend to join the same elite law firms and investment banks . I don't know how eager the average white elite family is to have their son or daughter marry someone Indian but at the end of the day, kids these days choose for themselves who they are going to marry. Yes you often hear about a high IQ young man who gets very rich and chooses to marry an airhead supermodel. But the general pattern, the overwhelming pattern is for high IQ young men to marry high IQ young women. Look at who Bill Gates married - not an airhead supermodel. If you are a high IQ wealthy young man in silicon valley is it even socially acceptable to marry an airhead supermodel or will you literally not be invited to hang around with other married high IQ couples if you marry an airhead supermodel? I am not giving advice here as to who a young man with super high IQ and super high income SHOULD marry - that is a personal decision - but I am simply pointing to the facts on the ground. High IQ Ashkenazi, high IQ northeast asians, High IQ brahmins, high IQ "founding stock Americans" all tend to intermarry in the elite environs in which they all congregate.

    Probably sooner than anyone realizes, the elite of the USA will sort of be a melting pot of high IQ groups (in silicon valley it already is) Most elite families will get the majority of their DNA from old line white Europeans, but also some DNA from Ashkenazi jews, some DNA from high IQ indians, and perhaps some from the high IQ groups of Northeast Asia.

    A pureblooded all white elite may still exist in places where few high IQ immigrants move. The smaller cities of North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho may maintain high IQ white elites far in to the future as they fail to attract high IQ immigrants.

    At the same time, the lower IQ whites that live in states like California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada will intermarry with the latino population, and also to a lesser extent with other low IQ groups.

    So 100 years from now the IQ gap between the American elite and the American non elite will be larger than it is today. The American elite will include substantial Indian intermixture.

    Where does this leave the paleoconservatives? Typically, Paleoconservatives don't expect their grandchildren to intermarry with either the high IQ immigrants or the low IQ immigrants . In the future, paleos will be caught between a huge low IQ mixed race proletariat and a somewhat smaller elite that is a mix of the high IQ races and groups.

    Let's assume that the paleoconservatives don't want to be ruled by the polyglot high IQ elite.

    Where can the paleos move to - what can they do?

    My understanding is that many of the paleoconservative whites in South Africa want to flee and that in general the higher IQ South African whites are offered citizenship in Australia or New Zealand but the lower IQ South african whites are not being offered citizenship anywhere. Low IQ whites in South africa are stuck there, in shall we say less than optimal circumstances.

    I think the South African example will play out in the US, with the high IQ paleoconservatives able to migrate to places that they find hospitable and the low IQ paleoconservatives sort of stuck.

    What I see all over the USA is the following. Most whites with a very high IQ are confident that they will be given a place in the emerging polyglot elite. So they just aren't worried about the demographic changes to the USA. Increasingly these high IQ people have people of other high IQ races marrying in to their family. So for very good reasons, most high IQ people want nothing to do with paleoconservatism.

  44. So there aren't any startups by blacks. Who's stopping them? I guess it must be the white man. That's what this investigation is gonna show.
    Steve, you flipped your lid or what? Soledad aint no white woman. She can easily pass for hispanic. There's lots of those types in news broadcasting.

  45. Or it could be my notions of whiteness are hopelessly corrupted by the anglosaxons I grew up with (and who are still easily, easily the majority of whites in Aus)

    O'Brien is half Australian. Though I suspect calling most Australians and anybody named "O'Brien" an "Anglo-Saxon" would not go down too well.

  46. Another Yan Shen sighting. The poor lad always go as "Anonymous" these days but his talking points are unmistakable.

  47. Steve, CNN is in competition with MSNBC for the "Hate Whitey" market share.

    Notice the pattern in so many cases - anything viewed as a "White space" is viewed as a site of sin, sickness, flaw, hate racism etc.

    It could be Silicon Valley, the Republican party, Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, the National Parks, Burning Man, Europe, Fire departments, ANYWHERE.

    I think the only answer is not only to notice it but then push back against it and then go on the offensive.

    It's not enough to say, Here we go again.

  48. thanks Svigor and anon 5:12

    In a period where high IQ has little or negative effect on fitness, a dilution of the gene pool with very high IQ genes might be a good thing. Sort of like VC funding, you give up a couple percentage points of ownership but get a greater ROI on your share. I'm not sure immigration is still high IQ though, I think Steve wrote something about that.

  49. Another off topic comment:

    Imagine a multicultural US elite manages to absorb a majority of jewish americans. That would mean the end of a 2000 year long history as mostly "eternal wanderers" or whatever people used to say. Maybe history has no intention of being over after all.

  50. why do White guys never respond to the interest group power plays by forming their own?...Sexual Marketplace. White women generally look at that as "loserish" which means unsexy.

    Whiskey: You always jump in at predictable moments and start deflecting, deflecting, deflecting to a target rich environment, like white female harpies. But you never get around to looking at things from the other end of Game.

    Who are the big losers when prole and petit bourgeois Anglos and Scots-Irish decide they've had enough, and start organizing along these lines?

    Answer: Jews and SWPLs, so they outlaw it. And they enlist all the propaganda organs of the secular State to combat such sentiments.

    1. Jews and SWPLs aren't into sports.
    2. Jews and SWPLs don't join the military.
    3. White women don't fantasize about being raped by Birkenstock-wearing Jews and SWPLs who majored in poli-sci at Brandeis.
    4. And I've alreay anticipated your next deflection: only a few low status females and the occasional upper caste outliers ever pair up with negro men or Aztecs.

    You appear to be in the enemy camp, friend-o.

  51. I think these Silicon Valley liberals need to be made to answer for this. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs push multiculturalism on the rest of us, but they practice rigid IQ supremacy in their corporate empires. Enough already. Gates is constantly saying that IQ is very important in his business - fine - but make your one industry and exception to the rule.

    Make Silicon Valley practice affirmative action (as long as the give money to Leftwing candidates)

  52. Ehh I remember when a commentator linked this story or something like it a couple of days ago. Really disturbed me to the gut. Especially the victim jockeying by the two Indian men, always disappointing to see that.

    Welp, if it's of any consolation Arrington did get some black/minority supporters on twitter saying there's nothing wrong with what he said.

    I i'm really sick this woman in general, all she does is post victim jockeying documentaries.

  53. @Anon at 12.03

    Indians have the lowest rates of intermarriage, thanks to caste and religion rules.

    In Canada, after 5 generations, the intermarriage rate is 13%
    In UK, after 3 generations the rate is 7%.

    On a practical basis, Indians are assaulted and robbed by blacks everywhere, and Indians suffer reverse discrimination from blacks and overall, Indians religiously stay away from blacks, except for some leftist agitators.

    On the other hand paleocons go out of the way to abuse Hindus, who view republicans as the party of christian missionaries out to convert Hindus

    The republican candidate for governor, insulting Hindus -

    "To get down and get involved and participate in prayers to these polytheistic situations, where you have these Hindu gods that they are praying to, doesn't appear to me to be in line with what a governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky ought to be doing," Williams said in a campaign speech.

  54. Steve -

    How is "Silicon Valley" defined? Is it typically a zip code or a collection of zip codes. I would really like to cross-reference silicon valley company names with an Federal databases of companies that are registered as minority disadvantaged in the area. I think Federal contractor data exists for this but I need to know where Silicon Valley is in terms of zip codes.

  55. "3. White women don't fantasize about being raped by Birkenstock-wearing Jews and SWPLs who majored in poli-sci at Brandeis."

    God, no. My favorite rape fantasy is out of a historical soft porn novel that's out of print so I have to rely on my fast fading memory. I think Fabio posed for the cover.

  56. Soledad O'Brien would be out of her depth in a kiddie wading pool.

    Even back in the days when I watched CNN, I couldn't stomach her presentations.

  57. Wow. Soledad looks so much better without that fruit shapes necklace that was definitely way too big to properly frame her face. I'd say she looks a little upscale Rosie Perezish. Could've gotten a better looking guy though, must've been wearing ethno chic when she met him.

  58. "To answer commenter "Q". Actually, Arrington is a 'smart immigration' guy. "The fact is that those immigrants create companies, create jobs, create wealth. The issue of illegal immigration over our Southern border must be separated from the issue of immigration of people who want to come here to build companies.""

    "skilled" immigrants were not net creators of jobs back during the dot com bubble, and they are not today.

    The simple fact of the matter is that mexican immigration started out the same way indian immigration did, and thanks to chain migration they will end the same way.

  59. 10 Action News with Ty Durango11/3/11, 8:38 PM

    SoleSister O'Brien was a popular topic of mirth back at the Nat Review group blog earlier in the last decade. Suffice it to say her career longevity owes more to looks than reporting skill, or even her containing ethnic multitudes (which can't have hurt, of course)

    only story in which I recall her touch was when Rep. Cynthia "Coffy" McKinney smacked a Capitol policeman. The substance of the event escapes me atm but I remember O'Brien's interview was called Racist by one Bob Fertik--whether you've seen him on Fox or not, I bet you can picture his complexion. So in one instance at least she failed to pass for black enough? Future Chimericans will judge this historical interval as an exceedingly frivolous time.

  60. "I wonder how much of the VC money is intertwined with white, American taxpayer money "

    Certainly the biotech industry around San Diego is up to its ears in taxpayer funded grants, not to mention the basic research that is conducted by the UC and then monetized.

  61. Anon said:

    I wonder if Soledad O'Brien even begins to get the problem in Silicon Valley.

    Look, in Silicon Valley, it's truly difficult to find any real number of startups begun by women -- forget about African-Americans. And it's hard to find even AA employees at any level -- forget about company founders.

    Even the celebrated female CEOs are affirmative action f*ck ups.

  62. Wes said:

    Make Silicon Valley practice affirmative action (as long as the give money to Leftwing candidates)

    And, make it apply all the way down to the departmental level and for all companies of five or more. Just imagine, every startup must have a proportionate number of blacks, hispanics, hmong, women, etc, in their R&D groups.

    I am sure the Chinese would love the effect of that in Silicon Valley.

  63. Well aint she perky! I can see how the secret white anglo patriarchy has been holding her back.

  64. sophtware slump11/3/11, 9:53 PM

    The female mega-genius is not unheard of out in the lower Bay Area (typically from academia, like Radia Perlman) but the assorted female execs are window dressing at best. Like Sheryl Sandberg, the face that launched a thousand Condé Nast clippings... Meg Whitman was particularly laughable

  65. not gonna lie, that soledad o'brien is a hot piece of ass

  66. "Silicon Valley run on the top fraction of a percentile in terms of intelligence, creativity and entrepreneurship. It collects the creme of the cream STEM and start-up talent from around the world."

    Yeah, but there are plenty of non-STEM jobs in SV: "community managers", user experience/user interface (UX/UI), business development, etc. Those jobs tend to pay well, be fun, and come with a handful of lottery tickets (stock options that can make you rich if your company takes off). It's only natural that NAMs should want a piece of that, especially when the money for all this fun ultimately comes from union pension funds, in many cases (which are investors/LPs in the major venture capital funds).

    Even the non-STEM jobs in high-tech startups require people who are well beyond average in intelligence, extremely conscientious, enjoy/tolerate well working with technology and interfacing with geeks, able to do far more with far fewer resources, willing to work 60-80 hr/wk and take a lot of personal and professional risks of failure.

    Even the tech sales and marketing people often have to be somewhat obsessed with technology, smart enough to understand the tech/users/applications and be able persuasively communicate complex ideas to generally geeky white/asian men who are notoriously difficult buyers that do not tolerate well typical salesmanship BS. In fact, many execs, salesmen, support, community leaders, etc. in tech startups are STEM grads that rely on their training and/or prior STEM work experience to do their job well.

    Hell, even our secretaries (all women) were noticeably above average which explains their decision to choose to work in a super-geeky male-dominated crazy atmosphere. Except for the money, nearly all women and most men would choose to work in more social, fun, frivolous and/or hip sector like health, fashion, retail, or media.

    Finally, "the money for all this fun ultimately comes from union pension funds" is a wrongheaded comment suggesting the LP in VC funds are benevolently gifting money to fund startups. It is a 2 way cold-hearted financial transaction that LP enter into out of sheer self-interest to get highest returns for high risks for all those pensioned union members.

    If anything, the LP fronted by the VCs have a huge advantage over the typical entrepreneur when it comes to the asymmetrical information they are privy to and by which any deal is evaluated and executed.

  67. Whiskey isnt entirely wrong when he points to these tides in the affairs of men (and women) But as Anti-Gnostic points out these social, cutural processes are not blind. Not when certain groups have control of the media, academia, political discourse. They dont have that control just for the hell of it.

  68. White Devils in the Woodpile11/3/11, 10:45 PM

    Strange, I had a devil of a time finding a picture of Soledad's husband.

    On Google, an Image Search for "Soledad O'Brian family" gives not a single picture of the mystery husband even after scrolling down ten screens. Most of the results show Soledad with unknown black people or famous white people.

    Even a Google Image Search using "Soledad O'Brian husband" brings up nothing after the first 10 screens.

    Isn't the authenticity for public anti-white spokespeople like Soledad predicated upon keeping it real? How do people like Soledad, Sharpton and Vicente Fox not get criticized for selling-out their publicly self-identified people of color by marrying up and out white?

  69. Earlier someone was banging the drum for the textbook version of cognative eliteism. Whitey better sit down and enjoy all that high IQ interbreeding - its good for you!

    Whats that you say? India, China and Israel (to name a few) are still Indian, Chinese and jewish. Thats not the point.

    The point is the old mantra, white countries and societies are for everyone and dont you forget racist!

  70. Anonymous at 5.12 PM provides an interesting analysis. However, I believe high IQ Whites that believe they will be safe in a new polyglot America are ignoring some crucial facts.

    When we look at real world examples of such polyglot societies, the "elite" do not seem to maintain their border membranes very well. South American countries, as well as Mexico, are warnings of what usually happens.

    In fact, are there any long term exceptions to the eventual degradation of the entire nation, once it becomes sufficiently polyglot? We can go all the way back to Rome and Egypt to see what happens.

    I suspect it is easier in mono-racial societies to build a sustainable national myth that allows elites to survive. In mixed race societies, the natural underlying tensions are just exacerbated by big differences in income and social status.

    Along those lines, the Scots-Irish are America's martial race (think Sikhs in India). Having them as a group that is permanently excluded from power (and knows it)... well I wouldn't want my children having to deal with them if they were angry.

  71. "Make Silicon Valley practice affirmative action (as long as the give money to Leftwing candidates)"

    You got it twisted. They give money to leftwing candidates to make sure that the DON'T have to practice affirmative action. It's like paying off the mafia.

  72. "White women don't fantasize about being raped by Birkenstock-wearing Jews and SWPLs who majored in poli-sci at Brandeis."

    You speak for yourself! That has always been my deepest desire...

  73. Anon,

    "TJ famously characterized Jackson as a "seagull that flies in, shits over everything and then flies out again"."

    Now that you link to it, I vaguely remember this. Forgot that TJ's father had been a sharecropper though. He did rip Jackson a new one. Thanks for the link.

    The Jackson shakedown model may no longer work -- too unsubtle, too malicious. But I can see someone like Cory Booker (who's got pals in SV) tacking a different tack.

    Rainbow Guy,

    Sure, they have to be enthusiastic about tech to work in those fields. But I've know women in some of those positions who didn't even know HTML. And plenty of African Americans are already enthusiastic tech users -- in some cases (texting, Twitter) they are earlier adopters or heavier users than the majority. Realistically, you could probably fill a high single digit percentage of non-STEM tech jobs with them.

    "Finally, "the money for all this fun ultimately comes from union pension funds" is a wrongheaded comment suggesting the LP in VC funds are benevolently gifting money to fund startups."

    That wasn't my point. My point was diversity is a hobby horse for some of these LPs in other spheres, and it wouldn't be surprising at all if they started to use their leverage as institutional investors to promote more diversity hiring in SV.

  74. Because it has always been high on the list of destinations for H-1Bers (not to mention normal immigration, including e.g. Vietnamese refugees and family related follow on immigration), 'Silicon Valley', and more generally the entire San Francisco Bay Area, has undergone dramatic demographic change -- i.e. the vast, vast majority of these people are not white. I remember hearing how the 2000 census showed 1/3 of the adults in the SFBA were born in another country. The 2010 census showed that in Santa Clara County, the heart of SV, more than half the population is either Asian or Hispanic.

    Politically, the area can be said to be solidly, if not viciously, liberal.

    So yes, it's a helluva racist place. If Blacks are not succeeding there, then it must be due to racism.

    However, I notice there are not many high tech companies in Ghana. No telling what the problem is there.

  75. Soledad's mom is pretty clearly of African descent. So Soledad must have a goodly dose of the old "black" (African) genes.

    Therefore several possible interpretations arise of Steve's assertion that Soledad is a "white" woman.

    1.) Race is a social construct.
    2.) Soledad is only "passing" as white. Call out the mobs!
    3.) A little black ancestry never hurt anyone. If so, it's puzzling how touchy Steve was about the idea that his hero James Watson has some black genes:

  76. She looks like an unbearable combination of smug, perky and bland (come to think of it, the perfect CNN combination).

  77. "Strange, I had a devil of a time finding a picture of Soledad's husband."

    I noticed that as well. Suffice to say, he is one Seriously White Dude.

  78. There was a blog post by Megan McArdle the other day, about Occupying Manhattan or whatever the hell it's called, during which she said something awfully reminiscent of Sailer's rap on the Summers Scandal. She claimed she quit IT startups when she decided she'd "never care about the innards of a computer as much as they did."

    Whether or not that's euphemism for a snobby social judgment, I think therein lies your Critical Mass Problem, and it's here to stay. Apart from being talented enough to keep up in the dot-com world, if you realize that clever shell scripts or memory bus optimizations won't keep you warm at the end of the day, there's no point enduring poverty to do it in competition with white/S. Asian/E. Asian geeks with an entirely different conception of self-interest. Probably more fun to just write about it for the Atlantic. This attains for gifted NAMs & women in general.

  79. If you've ever seen SOB on TV it's quite obvious she's mixed. Her hair has that weird artificial look from being chemically straightened and her face used to be darker 10 years ago.

    So maybe someone should ask her why does she try so hard to pass for a White person?

    If you want a laugh check out

  80. Soledad O'Brien's family seems pretty impressive in its markers of intelligence. From Wikipedia:

    "O'Brien's parents, both immigrants, met at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland in 1958. Her father Edward, an Australian of Irish descent, was a mechanical engineering professor. Her mother, Estella, who is Afro-Cuban, was a French and English teacher. O'Brien is the fifth of six children, who all graduated from Harvard College; O'Brien attended Harvard from 1984 to 1988, but did not obtain a degree until she returned in 2000. Her siblings are law professor Maria; corporate lawyer Cecilia, businessman Tony - who heads a documents company; eye surgeon Estela; and anesthesiologist Orestes."

  81. In mixed race societies, the natural underlying tensions are just exacerbated by big differences in income and social status.

    OTOH in mixed-race societies the lower classes are too divided by race and religion to be able to unite against the rich.

  82. Just imagine, every startup must have a proportionate number of blacks, hispanics, hmong, women, etc, in their R&D groups.

    I am sure the Chinese would love the effect of that in Silicon Valley.

    I'm not sure why we're supposed to care about what the Chinese like or dislike.

  83. " I think Federal contractor data exists for this but I need to know where Silicon Valley is in terms of zip codes."

    I can't tell if you're serious, but if I wanted to check the diversity count for tech companies, I would use the Greater Bay Area. Start at San Jose and draw four lines--two to SF up 101 and 280, two to Oakland via 880 and 680. Every town you hit would be considered, around here, as part of the tech industry.

    "Even the celebrated female CEOs are affirmative action f*ck ups."

    There's not much in the way of affirmative action one way or the other. But I would say that female CEOs tend to be administrative doers, and often successful because they are control freaks. They aren't particularly interested in the underlying ideas of their company, just in running it.

    Few female CEOs come up the tech/visionary road. First, there aren't that many. Second, though, those who exist are already bucking one trend and they aren't terribly interested in bucking two.

  84. Sophtware and Rainbow's observations mirror my own. I know a number of first rate female techies, but I don't know any female computer tech entrepreneurs. And even the non-technies in the tech companies tend to be pretty bright and capable. (At a guess, part of this is simply the fact that the boss actually deals with the non-techies regularly; I a bigger organization, you are more likely to have incompetent people whose incompetence rarely becomes visible to anyone who can fire them. And in a larger organization, any one incompetent person is unlikely to make your stock or options less valuable, whereas in a smallish tech company, that can easily happen.

    The whole notion that SV is racist is just goofy. The ethnic mix of technies in SV is nothing like the surrounding or national population, and not much like the ruling class either. There are all kinds of diversity, just not the kinds that track well witih political pressure groups within the US. Lots of Indians, East Asians, Middle Easterners, and Russians, for example, but very few hispanics or blacks, and not very many women.

  85. They give money to leftwing candidates to make sure that the DON'T have to practice affirmative action. It's like paying off the mafia.

    That's hopeful of you. In fact people in STEM fields are exceptionally left-wing in their cultural outlook. You'd have to go to the "studies" programs to find other college graduates who are as deeply into the whole multi-kult mindset.

  86. the Scots-Irish are America's martial race (think Sikhs in India). Having them as a group that is permanently excluded from power (and knows it)... well I wouldn't want my children having to deal with them if they were angry.

    I'm sure that liberals are shaking in their boots at the prospect of John McCain being angry at them.

  87. Captain Jack Aubrey11/4/11, 11:01 AM

    From O'Brien's Wikipedia bio:

    O'Brien is the fifth of six children, who all graduated from Harvard College; O'Brien attended Harvard from 1984 to 1988, but did not obtain a degree until she returned in 2000

    So in other words, O'Brien has benefitted from her "blackness" not only in her career, but in her college admissions.

    How often do you meet a family where every single one of 6 kids went to Harvard? Not often, unless they're benefitting from AA or legacy admit. And O'Brien was not a legacy admit.

    O'Brien's been milking the affirmative action cow her entire life.

  88. Captain Jack Aubrey11/4/11, 11:07 AM

    Here's Soledad with four black/hispanic children.

    Those children are not 1/4th black & Meso-American. Hell, I'm blacker than they are.

  89. I guess the leftist intelligentsia really is determined to destroy every last outpost of meritocracy in America. Silicon Valley gets bulldozed by the MSM, in a recession no less!!! what hope is there for anyone else? To those posters celebrating Silicon Valley being targeted by the lett, be careful what you wish for. Personally, I like the idea that a major economic region/industry has been able to largely escape the long march of the diversity bureaucrats. It's meritocracy of talent that has enabled at least this industry to avoid cannibalization by the Chinese that so much of American industry has been subjected to.

    Yes, too many people in the valley turned a blind eye to Obama, much like the rest of our elites, but that is largely because the GOP stopped listening to them and allowed themselves to be defined by intelligence and law enforcement bureaucrats. The neocon GOP thinks the FBI and CIA are a better source of information on technology than the companies that create it. It's not too late, if the GOP were to actually nominate an articulate and intelligent candidate for President, who knows what good things could ensue?

  90. "Soledad's kids look pretty white:"

    They should. Her investment banker husband Bradley Raymond is pretty white, too.

    I guess it is okay to have 4 kids to destroy the environment if your wife is a lefty witch and you are either Steve Jobs or an investment banker like lil' miss Soledad's hubby.

    Why doesn't Al Gore go after her for her irresponsible breeding and her carbon footprint, guaranteed to be higher than the boring white bread christian suburbanites?

  91. I suppose in America it is implied that if an industry doesn't have a representation of Blacks and Hispanics that mirrors the nation as a whole, racism is automatically assumed to be the culprit.

    Do you mean like the US Postal Service?

    It must be racist because its representation of blacks and hispanics doesn't mirror the nation.

    Or do you mean like the NFL and the NBA?

  92. Tell me...what percentage of silicon valley votes and money went to Obama and other Democrat candidates?

    Tribute paid to keep the hordes outside the gates and to keep them from invading and sacking their industry.

  93. "Soledad's kids look pretty white"

    Mixed ethnic chics love to marry uber white guys and have babies whiter than themselves. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, even more than Soledad's perpetual envy whitey campaign. The constant complaint that whitey is keeping other ethnics from being as white as whitey is kinda funny when you stop and think of it. By having white kids she thinks she is proving that she can be white, too, and whitey can't stop her. Pretty funny. Probably less actually fun being one of her white kids. How many years of therapy are they gonna need?

  94. Maasai:"Soledad's mom is pretty clearly of African descent. So Soledad must have a goodly dose of the old "black" (African) genes.

    Therefore several possible interpretations arise of Steve's assertion that Soledad is a "white" woman.

    1.) Race is a social construct.
    2.) Soledad is only "passing" as white. Call out the mobs!
    3.) A little black ancestry never hurt anyone. If so, it's puzzling how touchy Steve was about the idea that his hero James Watson has some black genes"

    You left out number 4: The one drop rule (which O'Brien has exploited her entire life)is a social construct.

  95. Oh, lookie, Soledad's parents attended daily Mass.

    from wiki:

    My parents were both immigrants—my mother from Cuba, my father from Australia. Both attended daily Mass at the church near campus. Every day my father would offer my mother a ride. Every day, she declined. Finally she said yes. One year later, the day after Christmas, the two of them were married.[3]

    What are the odds Soledad attends the daily Mass with her kids?

  96. Tribute paid to keep the hordes outside the gates and to keep them from invading and sacking their industry.
    oh come on Google founders are as PC as they come..

  97. LOL

    Soledad talks like a freakin' self parody.

    "“It’s hard to be the lone ethnic face in the room."

    Yeah, like a white kid in an inner city school. Oh, wait his parents are bigots because they don't want him to a be a punching bag for inner city youth.

    "“It can be exhausting to be reduced to your race and ethnicity. You can be made to feel bad about where you come from or feel bad about succeeding or feel like you’re not a part of a community because your experience is different."

    Oh, you mean like whites being told to check their privilege? That kind of being reduced to just your race and ethnicity?

    How about if she were to acknowledge her own white privilege while at once acknowledging her AA privilege as well?

    The one drop rule is her big bonus. She has a fair amount of good looks and connections because she is mostly white and gets to have the AA that was supposed to be for the descendants of slaves in the United States, which she is not. How much more unearned privilege can you get? and still complain?’brien/

  98. "My parents were both immigrants—my mother from Cuba, my father from Australia. Both attended daily Mass at the church near campus. Every day my father would offer my mother a ride. Every day, she declined. Finally she said yes. One year later, the day after Christmas, the two of them were married."

    LOL, won't have to worry about students like that any more. PC enforcers make sure that religious kids are not the kind of "diversity" that universities want.


    Why, it's a tech startup in Ghana.

    Who could have imagined that?

  100. "Her investment banker husband Bradley Raymond is pretty white, too."

    Ha. All this time I thought Soledad was married to Miles O'Brien having accidentally watched some of American Morning one morning. It was painful; plus I thought they were a journalist couple inflicting their happy yet blah marriage on the rest of us.

  101. Those children are not 1/4th black & Meso-American. Hell, I'm blacker than they are.

    Kids tend to be fairer and darken as they age.

  102. They should. Her investment banker husband Bradley Raymond is pretty white, too.

    That's not her husband.

    This is her husband:

  103. "San Franciscan non-monk said...

    The fact is that those immigrants create companies, create jobs, create wealth. The issue of illegal immigration over our Southern border must be separated from the issue of immigration of people who want to come here to build companies."

    Americans were quite capable of creating wealth before indians came here. I don't owe them s**t, and they are not welcome to help themselves to my country.

  104. From her Wiki page:

    "Despite her partial Hispanic heritage, O'Brien does not speak Spanish fluently. That has resulted in some awkward exchanges with people who assume she does, including former US Vice President Al Gore."

    That's pretty funny. Both because for all the playing up of her diverse background, she can't even speak another language, and because I imagine Al Gore gets into lots of awkward exchanges where he tries to seem cool or interesting but fails miserably.


    do the paleos consider them white?

    If those kids aren't white then no one on this earth is white.

    'Paleos,' of the vdare/Chronicles mold aren't really as racialist as some think. (Or perhaps they hold back for reasons of political expediency?) They feel race is a very important part of life (and of national life) but it's not the be all and end all.

    The 'hardcore' groups (or at least subsets of them), on the other hand, like stormfront or vnn, go absolutely ballistic at any hint of non-white ancestry, especially of the black variety.


  106. "To get down and get involved and participate in prayers to these polytheistic situations, where you have these Hindu gods that they are praying to, doesn't appear to me to be in line with what a governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky ought to be doing," Williams said in a campaign speech.

    Oh please. "Insulting," my ass. The man's a Christian, not a hindoo. Of course he shouldn't be praying to hindoo gods. It's ridiculous to even think otherwise.

    (What sorts of things do hindoo 'governors' in india say, recman? Are they all up for participating in islamic and christian rites?)


  107. What I see all over the USA is the following. Most whites with a very high IQ are confident that they will be given a place in the emerging polyglot elite. So they just aren't worried about the demographic changes to the USA. Increasingly these high IQ people have people of other high IQ races marrying in to their family. So for very good reasons, most high IQ people want nothing to do with paleoconservatism.

    You're making too much of the whole 'elites' thing. People tolerate as much as they can until they decide they've had enough. When they really decide the 'elites' can be made to dance, don't worry.

    The emerging polyglot elite can hardly be any worse than the white elite that got whites into the mess they're in, so little of substance would change in that respect. Therefore, there's a good chance, I'd say, that elites may be made to dance (or swing).


  108. Last year Arrington was in hot soup with his sexist(and "misogynist") article about the dearth of women in tech startups.
    Then he was replying to a criticism by some feminist; it's as if the poor guy is deliberately led into these traps.

    Too Few Women In Tech? Stop Blaming The Men

  109. She and her husband have some kind of foundation dedicated to helping young black women or something:

    "The stated goal of the Soledad O’Brien & Brad Raymond Foundation is to provide young women with a bridge between obstacles and opportunity, giving them the experiences, education and resources to overcome unexpected barriers to success."

  110. There's a picture of her family when she was young here:

    Her mother looks like a fairly typical mulatta from Cuba or the Dominican Republic. Looks to be around 50% to 30% black.

  111. "Are they all up for participating in islamic and christian rites?"

    Nice use of the pejorative spelling for Hindu. Petty insults get you nowhere.

    Anyway, "Hindoo" governors partake of Islamic, Christian, and Sikh rites to the extent they can. It's all about expanding one's constituency.

    Try this google search:

    iftar + party + governor

    Iftar = Muslim.

    The list of governors in the search happens to be almost solely Indian.

  112. Apparently one of her hobbies is horseback riding and she has at least 2 horses:

    "Soledad O'Brien reports via Twitter that "5 months after tearing up my knee I'm hopping back on my horse. Must admit I'm anxious. Very. Ugh. & a crappy rainy day doesn't help." - and a few hours later "Back on the ol' horse! Me and Virgil (not quite ready for my horse Charlotte yet). Felt great. Need to get back to the gym to get some muscle in my leg!"

    So she's married to a wealthy investment banker, has a cushy, well-compensated, brainless media job, rides horses, etc.

    Black and Latino in America indeed.

  113. Nice use of the pejorative spelling for Hindu. Petty insults get you nowhere.

    I thought it was just an alternative spelling. That's what the dictionary says.

    But if it's also pejorative, cool. :)

    Look, on a more serious note, I'm not interested in what hindoos are insulted by. It's tiresome listening to you people whine about racism when you're every bit as racist against outside groups, pal, every bit, including against whites. If you want whites to give a damn about you then prove you give a damn about whites. And I mean prove it: demonstrate that you believe white racial interests and concerns are just as legitimate as any groups; demonstrate, in other words, that you believe "white are people, too." Then maybe you'll see some reciprocity.

    Anyway, "Hindoo" governors partake of Islamic, Christian, and Sikh rites to the extent they can. It's all about expanding one's constituency.

    "To the extent they can." I see.

    And are they subjected to furor for unwillingness to go beyond the "extent they can"? Are they shamed and forced to grovel? Or is it just considered entirely normal that a hindoo is a hindoo and need not pretend otherwise?


  114. "Look, on a more serious note, I'm not interested in what hindoos are insulted by. It's tiresome listening to you people whine about racism when you're every bit as racist against outside groups, pal, every bit, including against whites. If you want whites to give a damn about you then prove you give a damn about whites. "

    It's a free country (in theory at least). It's perfectly legit to insult Hindus. Nor do I (why would I speak on behalf of all the Hindus?) seek approbation from whites collectively (whatever that means). I just find it juvenile that someone should choose to resort to petty insults.

    ""To the extent they can." I see."

    You misunderstand the situation. The boundaries are not drawn by the Hindu politicians. They're drawn by Muslims and Christians who are reluctant to allow Hindus to participate in their rituals beyond a certain point. The vast majority of Hindu politicians would be pleased to grovel before Muslim and Christian "community leaders" insofar as it brought in a few votes. What makes you think politicians in India are loyal to their subgroups? That really isn't how politicians function, ya know.

  115. "demonstrate, in other words, that you believe "white are people, too." "

    This is absurd. Dinesh D'Souza (yeah, he doesn't like Amren), Tunku Varadarajan, Bobby Jindal, and Nikki Haley are, in your scheme of things, seeking to dehumanize whites, I'd guess. Heck, even Mindy Kaling, who sits right in the midst of uber-liberal America, is admittedly conservative with parents who see Fox News. The liberal, anti-white Hindu monolith? Right!

  116. Hopeless Cynic11/5/11, 5:09 AM


    When complaining about out of control black criminality do post-1965 Asian Americans ever consider the ironic conundrum these complaints present?

  117. The issue of illegal immigration over our Southern border must be separated from the issue of immigration of people who want to come here to build companies."

    No, not entirely separate. If businesses want to push for more "skilled immigrants" because they're a 'boon to the economy' then that's fine. Politically I might acept that - so long as those businesses side with us in supporting elimination of the diversity lottery, reforming and reducing chain migration, and enforcing laws against illegal immigration. They want something of value - more skilled workers - and in order to earn our support they should have to give us something in return.

  118. To answer commenter "Q". Actually, Arrington is a 'smart immigration' guy. "The fact is that those immigrants create companies, create jobs, create wealth

    No, they do not. The typical tech worker here in America on a visa does not create wealth for anybody but himself, at the expense of American tech workers.

    They also facilitate the outsourcing of work abroad. The entire point of having an Indian head of IT, which is a common practice, is that he can use his contacts back home to help Indians come to America, and also to help his company outsource work back to India.

    The notion that the typical foreign tech worker is an entrepreneur employing Americans is fatuous.

  119. Actually, Arrington is a 'smart immigration' guy.

    His own words were: "We need to have open immigration, I fight for that".

    And: "See, my brain database doesn’t categorize people in terms of skin color. Or hair color. Or sexual orientation".

    So he doesn't sound like somebody who favors immigration of the smartest.

    Of course "immigration of the smartest" also has plenty of problems associated with it, but that's a different topic. The point here is that Arrington is an open borders enthusiast. His own words say so, not me.

  120. Anon at 5:12 PM wrote:
    "the overwhelming pattern is for high IQ young men to marry high IQ young women. Look at who Bill Gates married - not an airhead supermodel. If you are a high IQ wealthy young man in silicon valley is it even socially acceptable to marry an airhead supermodel or will you literally not be invited to hang around with other married high IQ couples if you marry an airhead supermodel?"

    Good question.

    During my six years in the heart of SV and ten years living nearby, I have seen little-to-no airhead-mating. Married successful males generally choose smart women. Very different from Hollywood. Unmarried successful males also date cute but smart girls. In the core of SV, true female airheads seem rare. They stick out like sore thumbs.

    Funny, the worst exception I can think of is SF Mayor Gavin Newsom, who married, then cheated, then dated a teen, then finally remarried to an embarrassingly dumb blonde "actor."

    SV will never be considered a conservative place, but its sexual mores are a bit old-fashioned. The few high-status males who whore around (Larry Ellison and especially Sean Parker) are considered naughty and slightly scandalous. Perhaps its relative sexual conservatism comes from its geeky origins.

    Anon is quite correct that SV does see a lot of mating between smart whites and smart non-whites. The White male + East Asian female couple is so common as to be unremarkable.

    SV Guy

  121. Anonymous said:
    "skilled" immigrants were not net creators of jobs back during the dot com bubble, and they are not today.


    Andy Grove? Jerry Yang? Sergey Brin?

    For god's sake, even ur-geek (and HBD saint) William Shockley was born outside the US. Look at his Fairchild Eight: half were immigrants, including Eugene Kleiner, who started venture capital as we know it.

    Sorry, anon, but in every era of SV, smart immigrants have created value and jobs and whole new industries. You simply don't know your history.

    SV Guy

  122. Andy Grove? Jerry Yang? Sergey Brin?

    Is there any evidence that Google, Yahoo, etc would not have existed in the absence of these individuals? For instance, wouldn't Moore and Noyce have founded Intel regardless of whether or not Grove was on the scene?

    These companies came into existence due to larger technological trends, not because of the startling and innovative genius of their founders. There were search engines before Google you know, and chip makers before Intel.

  123. @Silver, Indian Hindu politicians, even the BJP, make it a point to woo non-Hindus

    So they have Iftar parties for Muslims, and Christmas parties for Christians, and often wear muslim-type caps.
    And of course , Christmas and Good Friday and Id and Ramzan are all national holidays.

    And the Governor was not participating in a Hindu ritual.
    He was just observing it like any other guest.

    If a white christian were invited to a Hindu wedding in the USA, he would likely have a red dot put on him, take off his shoes, sit on cushions for an hour, just like the Governor

    The rituals are entirely done by the Sanskrit chanting priest.

    Hindu Sanskit rituals are like the old Catholic Latin mass, and only the priest participates, the others just observe.

  124. @Silver, regarding Hindus and whites,
    Hindus look through a religious prism, not a race prism ( except for blacks ).

    So an Indian christian would be less accepted than a white Hindu.

    And there are millions of yellow Hindus in Nepal, Assam, Thailand, Vietnam and Bali

    Hinduism Today , based in Hawaii, is run by a white Hindu group that is accepted as legitimate by upper castes.

    There are some temples in LA, that have a white Hindu priest. ( accepted as a brahmin, because he was fluent in Sanskrit )

  125. @Hopeless cynic, Hindus have had contact with Africans for about 600 years.

    There are nearly 50k Africans imported by muslim kings during the slave trade.
    They are called Habshis or Siddhis and considered untouchables,

    For 200 years, Hindus have had contact with Africans in Mauritius, Africa and Caribbeans and there is virtually no inter-marriage

    Whites have sex and marry with blacks at a much higher rate compared to Hindus.
    In most cases, marrying a black would get a Hindu outcasted.

    The dislike is mutual and blacks consider Hindus as heathens and pagans.

    Hindu experience of black criminality, violence, and low IQ is hundreds of years old, not post-1965.

  126. "This woman is black and Hispanic? She sure looks like a white person to me......"

    No, she doesn't look white to an actual caucasian. Lighting makes a huge difference skintone-wise in photos but that's not the only reason.

    More importantly, she's not a great/serious journalist.

    I am guessing that the cable news networks are engaged in something other than providing the ultimate in reporting. I mean if Americans were readers and newshounds who demanded excellence in journalism, they might. Dealing in modern day reality, however, they might also alienate an audience with too much depth or complexity.

    Hey maybe the puerto rican looking chick actually has what it takes as a world class journalist. Who knows, who cares. It's not why she gets paid. I mean Sailer could dig up her old papers from Hahvahd there so O'Brien's brilliance and erudition could be revealed for all the world to see.

    I'm open to the possibility that the chick's more than a sufficiently ethnic face with credentials. Credentials along with a job at FOX or CNN aren't all that impressive nowadays though. Combine that with a dearth of awards that aren't specifically related to race and gender; you get a person who's decidedly underwhelming.

    Where were you people when all tv journos were being stereotyped as airheads, btw?

    Try again. Jeez, I thought you were being facetious. Guess not. ROFLMAO.

  127. Meritocratic Detective11/6/11, 10:27 PM

    What's the story on Soley not getting her diploma after 8 semesters in Crimson Fantasyland? That's a bigger achievement than getting admitted. I note that her 5 siblings all made it out and now present the proverbial sampler platter of white-collar domination: law professor; B2B publishing magnate; eye surgeon; anesthesiologist; "corporate lawyer." Certainly better off than fielding trivia hour at the Bow & Arrow but SOB didn't even need to slum it in medicine...

    My personal fave reality-based Soledad scoop

  128. "I note that her 5 siblings all made it out and now present the proverbial sampler platter of white-collar domination: law professor; B2B publishing magnate; eye surgeon; anesthesiologist; "corporate lawyer.""

    Yes, all things they could've accomplished with a less pricey undergraduate degree with the exception of the law professor. Look, it's nice, upper middle class respectability. They have the money and connections and the AA boost. Why not Harvard?

    Getting in in the first place IS the major accomplishment.

    You're focussing way too much on the Afro-Cuban ancestry trying to prove, what? The 6 kids are probably demonstrating the typical IQ range among siblings which means the less capable are benefitting from AA as well as the fact a brother/sister gained admission previously (Isn't this the case with Michelle O, btw). Even a family without any African ancestry will demonstrate this range of IQs.

    Yes, there are some whites who don't constantly come up with examples proving there are no differences in ability across populations. You'll survive. Cubans aren't a good choice for this even when there's evidence of African admixture.

    Basically, AA functions to create a non-meritocratic, non-WASP elite to replace WASP hegemony in this country. Some of the examples will be of people who actually are high IQ types; many, however, will be of people who were treated as if race +IQ slightly above 100 = genius. Whites who don't receive this benefit are going to question the credentials of those who do. While it's not necessarily accurate, it's fair enough considering the system is somewhat designed to discriminate against one group and for others.

    Again, get over it and get used to it.

  129. Hey "edgy gurl" I don't really care about what she and her siblings scored on the WISC-IV and for all I know they're salt of the earth & pillars of society in-real-life. Yet it seems 3 are in affluent but worthless professions that contribute zilch to civilization and 2 are with the medical cartel. It's only superficially related to old alma mater, which will pull out the stops to graduate you w/in 5 years after judgment. You're the one seeking to convert this into chick gossip over which hotties have the most g in their genes. How about judging someone by her actions instead of reputation for once? Aside from personal wealth and glittering family she is sans accomplishment. What puts her socially above a particularly aggressive realtor or restaurant chain owner? I haven't seen many RE/MAX queens doing commencement speeches.

  130. edgy gurl: Basically, AA functions to create a non-meritocratic, non-WASP elite to replace WASP hegemony in this country...Again, get over it and get used to it.

    Whiskey? Whiskey? Is that you in there, Whiskey?

  131. "Whiskey? Whiskey? Is that you in there, Whiskey?"

    I'm not above borrowing to answer this query.

    "Unpacking the backpack that is AA privilege" pretty much says it all, doncha think?

  132. Probably less actually fun being one of her white kids. How many years of therapy are they gonna need?

    Her children may be different because they grew up with their ancestry public and one reason why they are well-known. But persons of white-looks with black ancestry are among the most pro-white people I know or have read of.
    I doubt these kids are going to "darken." Their coloring and phenotype are completely white, and they are well past toddlerhood. They will look pretty much as they do now, just grown up.


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