November 14, 2011

Republicans and ideology

From my new VDARE column:
In his November 9th New York Times column cleverly entitled The Cain Scrutiny, Ross Douthat calls attention to the arresting spectacle of white conservatives rising up to defend the honor of Herman Cain and black manhood against allegations by blonde tramps that the Republican Presidential candidate's sexual advances were unwanted: "We should remember this moment, because it’s a perfect encapsulation of how race’s role in American politics has changed over the last 75 years." 

Read the whole thing there.


  1. You won't find me defending Cain. Why trade one incompetent Black President for another? What is telling is the media has refused to question Obama on anything. Had they grilled Obama on that stuff, or do so today, he'd look like Cain -- an idiot. All Obama does is golf, he's dumber than a post. He's Cain with a more fluent accent.

    As far as Big Men, there seems to be regional problems with them. Big Men among the New England Wasp diaspora (the Pacific Coast, Upper Midwest) have done relatively poorly. They exist quite handily in some places in the South, but not others. For every Robert Byrd, or Strom Thurmond, or Haley Barbour there is a Mark Sanford, replaced by a Nikki Haley. New York famously rejected Big Man Rudy Guiliani before finally embracing him ... out of desperation.

    I suspect the tide will turn for a while to a non-Big Man. Obama is (seen anyway) as a Big Man and the Republican enthusiasm for Cain is "beat Black with Black." I'll see you your "magic negro" (ala Spike Leee and Black LAT writer David Ehrenreich) and raise you one of our own. Cain's a joke, like Mike Gravel or John Edwards. Nothing serious. You know who this benefits.

  2. And yes this is all based on hemming and hawing about racial identity. However that damn is about to bust. The cost is just too high, and no one wants to be White and a minority in their own country. Since you can't change your skin color, you have to maintain majority status.

    The kind of stuff you could laugh off as 85% of the population is stuff that has to be crushed when at only 65%. That's particularly true when poor Blacks/Mexicans want to take your money, because they have none, through wealth transfer taxation.

  3. I'm not pleased that the piece ended with one of your lesser idee fixes, the mortgage meltdown (others being education, jews and sports), but otherwise I loved the piece. The Republican party, by hook and by crook, became the party for people like me and I want it reformed.

    As things stand, I care not for the practical policies of either party but generally support the democrats because I hate their policies less. But the PEOPLE who vote Republican (because they were roped into it by sweet talking coiffed heads hired by millionaires) are my people so I desperately want to see the Republican party rebuilt as a party I can support. Your pieces on the subject contribute to that. Thanks.

    And now onto the ERAs of neoconservative Asian students achieved on a foreclosed golf course...

  4. So big, bold loquacious black men are favored by white Americans.
    Wouldn't Lawrence Tero ('Mr.T')from the A-Team make an ideal presidential candidate?
    - He couldn't be any worse than that dumb klutz showman Reagan or even dumber sh*t for brains George W. Bush.
    He might even bring the fun back into politics.

  5. "You'll notice that most Americans are pretty content that the crucial first two states in the Presidential nominating process are white-dominated Iowa and New Hampshire."

    wyoming was second in 2008 for the republican presidential primary according to wiki.

    and many republican voters are not ok with this process. every election cycle, there is a sizable number of people who have wanted the process to be changed. presently the republican process works in a way that can frequently see the wrong candidate virtually nominated after only 20 or so states have voted, rendering your opinion irrelevant if you are in state number 25 or 30. so lots of small states get a huge say in which person is nominated, while millions of potential voters in big states have to sit and watch helplessly.

    the democrat system has a procedure in place to make sure that doesn't happen.

    "For Republicans, the range of permissible domestic ideologies covers two issues: tax rates and regulation of business. That's about it."

    they also talk about energy policy, defense, and foreign policy. they also, rarely, talk about guns. they don't need to talk about this issue much though, as private ownership of small arms is a topic that republicans have won resoundingly. they have won that issue as totally as democrats have won the topic of permanent, forever affirmative action for almost all groups except european men. democrats do occassionally make direct attacks on guns, but about at the same rate as republicans make direct attacks on affirmative action. and steve, republicans do occassionally make direct attacks on affirmative action at the state level. and once in a while they have a victory. democrats on the other hand pretty routinely lose their anti-gun initiatives.

  6. Wes ... Sunstein's boy11/15/11, 1:27 AM

    I notice that Cain talked about being a "business analyst" in the past with pride. That can be a very misunderstood title in the public mind. I have held various titles that included the word 'analyst' and 'senior analyst' and it didn't mean I was anything but a peon. So, I am curious how Cain jumped from this rather low-level position to a more prominent role. well actually, I am pretty sure I know how.

  7. If Herman Cain had actually groped those women or did a Bill Clinton, the reaction on the right would have been different. Instead, it was the vague 'he made me feel uncomfortably but didn't actually do anything specific' bullshit that defined feminism in the 90s.

    Most guys realize that if it was an alpha male type, it would be 'flirting,' but seeing as it was an awkward beta, it becomes 'harassment.'

    Watch the SNL sexual harassment skit with Tom Brady. It explains this phenomenon pretty well.

    One of the women even got another pay out at her next job. Nice work if you can get it.

  8. Nah, I'm pretty sure that ideology trumps race.

    When the GOP runs a black Republican against a White Democrat, the blacks will always vote for the white guy.

    And even blacks get tired of the corruption of black pols. Look at the new mayor of New Orleans. They threw out the black guy and voted in the French guy. That black district in Mississippi also voted out the black, Democrat congressman who kept cash in the freezer and voted in a Vietnamese Republican .

  9. Actually Manchurians in China are the biggest comedians and humorists.

    Of course they are recent migrants from further south after the Manchus scattered around China as armed garrisons for the old Qing empire.

  10. But, then, few Green Bay Packers had any connection to Green Bay before the vicissitudes of a pro football career happened to land them there for a few seasons. They wear jerseys that read "Green Bay," which is good enough for Wisconsinites.

    There's also the fact that the supporters look like Scandinavians and the players look like the Crips.

  11. Jody, a better example of Democratic victory is abortion.

  12. For Republicans, the range of permissible domestic ideologies covers two issues: tax rates and regulation of business.

    Behold the breadth and scope of discourse in a functional democracy.

  13. Republicans are inarticulate and getting squeezed by the neocons on the left and the extremists on the right.

    Your average Republican realizes in the abstract that diversity of any kind doesn't work. However, this average Republican does not want to be associated with the constant stream of soap opera that is white nationalism, neo-Nazism, et al.

    This is a shame, since conservative ideology by its very nature favors nationalism. Unity, culture, family, and bond of values.

    For all that leftists call right-wingers "racist," I think very few are. They are critics of diversity/multiculturalism/internationalism (all of these terms mean exactly the same thing) and they don't know how to express it, not being loquacious socializers like the left.

  14. "Jody, a better example of Democratic victory is abortion."

    It is not a Dem victory because abortion is really an upper middle class cause, not a Dem cause. When I was growing up in NH in the 1970s for example upper class Republicans were almost always for legalizing abortion and working class Catholic Democrats always opposed. In the 70s pro choice Republicans and pro life Dems were still fairly common in fact. I would say it is still an elite vs. non elite issue today, even if both parties have now made a show of choosing sides to appease their bases. The pro choice wing of the Democrats is uniformly white and college educated (blacks and hispanics tend to be a lot more conservative on this issue). And white college educated Republicans have consistently shown they will never lift a finger to make abortion illegal despite speechifying to the contrary. How is it a Democratic Victory if the Republicans never tried to fight in the first place?

  15. @anon - 11/15/11 2:51 AM

    Dude, come on. Aaron Rodgers (Cal)? Jordy Nelson (K-State)? Charles Woodson (Michigan)? AJ Hawk(tOSU)? Clay Matthews(USC)? BJ Raji (BC)? Greg Jennings (WMU)?

    Talented non-thugs. The last Packer "thug" to get arrested was notable Republican TE Mark Chmura (later cleared) for third degree sexual assault. Are some NFL guys a-holes? Surely. But the Pack, for some reason, have avoided most of them to their great credit. They are heavy favorites to repeat as super bowl champions this year.

  16. Whether or not the bimbos welcomed Daddy Cain's affections doesn't really matter. Infidelity has been a game stopper for everyone except Bill Clinton. It looks bad. Similarly, as much as everyone loves pizza, being a pizza king doesn't confer high status either. This is even less so when there has been much unprofessional conduct.

    The Republicans just seem to be sitting this election out which is wise considering Obama's military wins. I'm surprised Sailer would bother promoting any of their candidates anyway. For some reason, I always thought he checked the "other" box politically.

  17. Green Bay has a decent number of white stars, including of course Aaron Ridgers, Clay Matthews, and Jordy Nelson. No doubt this, and the fact that they are by far the best team now, increase fan support.

    I know Cain has no prayer of being president but in this case it could just as easily be a white man accused of "sexual harassment" for mere flirting. Feminism is the common enemy.

  18. No Steve, I think "mainstream" conservatives are smart enough to realize that they can't selectively speak out against "The Lib-ur-al Drive Byyyy media persecution of conservatives."

    Don't tell me that you aren't as well.

  19. "I have held various titles that included the word 'analyst' and 'senior analyst' and it didn't mean I was anything but a peon...So, I am curious how Cain jumped from this rather low-level position to a more prominent role. well actually, I am pretty sure I know how."

    I'm pretty sure I do also; you're you, and Herman Cain is smart.

  20. I repeat my recommendation of Jay Raskin's interesting research on Cain here.

  21. >the supporters look like Scandinavians and the players look like the Crips<

    Yes, something seen throughout the world of sports today but rarely commented on. White people watching black gladiators fight.

  22. "If Herman Cain had actually groped those women or did a Bill Clinton, the reaction on the right would have been different. Instead, it was the vague 'he made me feel uncomfortably but didn't actually do anything specific' bullshit that defined feminism in the 90s."

    Exactly. Gender trumps race for me. I'm sick of these women using sexual harassment as a weapon against any man they don't like. I'm not voting for Cain (the Germans have takedowns with names like 'Nein-Nein-Nein' and 'Der Pizza-Prasident' that make me wish I read German), but enough is enough. We need a men's movement, and we need it now.

  23. Cain is the obverse of Obama. This time around it's conservatives who get to crow about "our negro." But the underlying sickness of whites finding a black man praiseworthy simply because he's a black man continues.

  24. Anti-racism is a racist code word for anti-white. What Douchehat is trumpeting as a revolution in racial relations is merely the victims of a successful holocaust accommodating themselves to their chains. It's aimed at whites and only whites - all other racial groups are allowed to openly practice not just politics in their racial group interests, but open racist hostility toward whites as well. This is, after all, the era where racist mass beatings of whites by black mobs goes completely uncommented on by the political system and the media. This silent support for those beatings would be a far better symbol of the real nature of this change in racial politics than conservatives defending Pizza Boy.

  25. Most guys realize that if it was an alpha male type, it would be 'flirting,' but seeing as it was an awkward beta, it becomes 'harassment.

    Wait ... you're saying that Herman Cain is a beta?

  26. So, I am curious how Cain jumped from this rather low-level position to a more prominent role. well actually, I am pretty sure I know how.

    Yes, your instincts are correct. Jessie Jackson threatened a boycott of Burger King if they didn't start promoting blacks over more qualified whites, and soon thereafter Cain got his big promotion.

    This blogger has the gory details.

  27. Now everyone is back to looking at Gingrich as a serious contender. Damnit Cain.

  28. "For Republicans, the range of permissible domestic ideologies covers two issues: tax rates and regulation of business."

    AA, the 4/5ths rule, and disparate impact all fall under regulation of business so even that can't be discussed totally.

    The fact that the republicans have backed down on state central planning of an economy is quite sad.

  29. Now everyone is back to looking at Gingrich as a serious contender. Damnit Cain.

    Gingrich? The guy who cheated on his wife while she was recovering from cancer and had divorce papers served to her on her hospital bed?

    I don't want to get all Whiskey here, but when the Democrats remind female voters of that incident it will be all over.

  30. "We should remember this moment, because it’s a perfect encapsulation of how race’s role in American politics has changed over the last 75 years."

    Yeah, it used to be that being black was disqualifying, while now being black is close to mandatory. If Cain was white he would have zero support - Republicans are backing him purely for his skin color. The same is true for Obama of course - his political success has been inseparable from his African heritage.

  31. Truth, what I am suggesting is that Cain isn't very smart. That he got by on affirmative action. I am suggesting that there is now way he would have been more then a low to mid level professional if he was judged on his ability to perform. He has demonstrated several times he doesn't know the first thing about foreign policy - quite literally, there are smart high school kids that could trounce him in a debate.

  32. Not surprisingly, there aren't a lot of Manchurian ... celebrities.

    Well, there was that whole Qing dynasty thing. The end phase of which, it should be noted, saw the final breakdown of Manchu insistence on retaining Manchuria (more particularly northern Manchuria, with the Willow Palisade functioning as a Pale of Settlement) as an ancestral preserve free of Han Chinese. By the 1860s, Han settlement was in fact actively encouraged to relieve population pressure in adjoining regions and to counter the possibility of Russian encroachment. In 1911, Manchuria was 90% Han Chinese, chiefly of Shandong origin -- for the most part, in other words, anything but long-resident in the region.

  33. Good Column Steve. Too bad your comment section is such a disaster. Hope they are donating.

  34. "Truth, what I am suggesting is that Cain isn't very smart."

    Yes, a man with a masters degree in computer science from an engineering school is not smart. I got that.

    "That he got by on affirmative action."

    Yes, I got that too, and when he got the job, from whatever cause, his performance in it far trounced that of his (white) predecessor.

    "He has demonstrated several times he doesn't know the first thing about foreign policy"

    Well apparently, neither do any of our presidents, if they did, they wouldn't start so many wars.

    "quite literally, there are smart high school kids that could trounce him in a debate."

    Great, then you should use all of the great influence that your intellect has garnered you in life, to start a movement to change the constitution to lower the minimum age of presidents...Oh, that's right, they won't let a brilliant white man have influence anymore, only be a "peon."

  35. SFG wrote:
    "the Germans have takedowns with names like 'Nein-Nein-Nein' and 'Der Pizza-Prasident'"

    The Spiegel article where he is crowned "Der Pizza-Praesident" does not stop there.

    -'Hermanator' (used before sex-assault talk)
    -"Gold is my power color" (says H.C.)
    -Cain's entire autobiography an 'exclamation point'.
    -Cain a chattering clown? Actually, the 'poll king'.
    -Cain the favorite of the radical Tea Party
    -Cain is a "show-biz talent", able to "talk smoothly and impressively gesticulate".
    -Jon Huntsman: "9-9-9 sounds like a pizza promotion deal."
    -William Temple, costumed Tea-Party activist, interviewed: "We want new faces, no more professional politicians. ...We could get the first Pizza-President. Anyone is better than a career-politician."
    -"It is clear: I am the president of the USA." (Last sentence of Cain's autobiography).

  36. Good column. Here is a liberal making a related comment about white voters:

    "The Ohio result actually reflects a failure of conservative activists to understand what motivates the electorate. The conservative movement holds an ideological and generally principled opposition to government. Most Republican voters don’t share that. They oppose government programs that seem to benefit people other than themselves."

    Most white voters are not Randians. They would like politicians to support the white middle class rather then the wealthy(GOP) or minorities(DEM). The GOP will have limited success if they continue to place upper income tax cuts as its highest priority.

  37. Wes - Spy for the Lizard People11/15/11, 10:42 PM

    Truth, I seem to have upset you in some way, and for the life of me, I don't know what I did. Cain's performance has been deplorable in recent weeks, and it is widely agreed he was overestimated. As for his education, well, I can only say that the desire to promote a black man is at least as active in academia as it is in the private sector. I wouldn't hang your hat on Cain, I believe his name is in danger of being synonymous with a lack of intelligence.

    Let's be honest: The guy was trying to sell books with this Presidential run, not actually get the office. He got a lucky break due to the failures of Bachmann and Perry and dislike of Romney. That's all.

  38. Aaron Rodgers rock & roll11/15/11, 11:21 PM

    Fun column. I like the thought experiment of holding 1st primary in NM-- it's like the Latin Mississippi

  39. Herman Cain sniffing around any ass dat may be tappable is totes believable: black men don't put any effort into raising their kids, so they have lots more time and energy to devote to reproductive behavior. A more or less respectable black man encounters more women to mount than most blacks. Often these women are from are from populations where women are used to men who don't try to bang anything with a vjayjay, or do so with a bit more grace than "hey, can I get up in dat?" The raciocultural clash is sad and funny.

    Gingrich? The guy who cheated on his wife while she was recovering from cancer and had divorce papers served to her on her hospital bed?

    I don't want to get all Whiskey here, but when the Democrats remind female voters of that incident it will be all over.

    Dude, you are wrongedy-wrong-wrong. Women hate hate hate betas. Love is totes beta, an alpha is gonna have a piece on the side, and he's always sniffing around. There's nothing more beta than a man clinging to his dying wife. Why do that, unless he's afraid he'll never find another woman? Gingrich is like half-alpha.

    A real alpha would serve the divorce papers, watch her cry, then say "nah, just messing with you." She breathes a sigh of relief, 'cept it wasn't a sigh, it's the sound a respirator makes when the dude unplugs it. As she departs this mortal coil, her last sight is her husband banging the nurse. That's Teh Alpha. There, now you never have read roissy. You're welcome.

  40. Nah, I'm pretty sure that ideology trumps race.

    When the GOP runs a black Republican against a White Democrat, the blacks will always vote for the white guy.

    Don't conflate ideology and partisanship.

    There's also the fact that the supporters look like Scandinavians and the players look like the Crips.

    Funny, I watched highlights of their last game yesterday and it was "cracker throws to cracker, cracker breaks crip tackles for touchdown!" and, "cracker throws to gigantic cracker for touchdown." Or maybe I'm mixing up my crackers here - that 6 and a half foot receiver with the Slavic name, who does he play for? They were calling him a cave man or some such on Sports Center.

    Maybe one day the jock-sniffers at Sports Center will grow the balls to call a black a "cave man."

  41. They are heavy favorites to repeat as super bowl champions this year.

    At the risk of giving Fred a boner (okay, not kind, totally natural for a Jewish sports fan to admire a guy like Rodgers, not like you guys have a lot of choices), Rodgers is just in a different class. It's like he's operating under a different set of physics or something.

  42. "I notice that Cain talked about being a "business analyst" in the past with pride. That can be a very misunderstood title in the public mind. I have held various titles that included the word 'analyst' and 'senior analyst' and it didn't mean I was anything but a peon."

    Yeah, I was a business analyst for 6 months, right out of college. A retarded monkey on Valium could've performed my duties.

  43. and many republican voters are not ok with this process. every election cycle, there is a sizable number of people who have wanted the process to be changed. presently the republican process works in a way that can frequently see the wrong candidate virtually nominated after only 20 or so states have voted, rendering your opinion irrelevant if you are in state number 25 or 30. so lots of small states get a huge say in which person is nominated, while millions of potential voters in big states have to sit and watch helplessly.

    the democrat system has a procedure in place to make sure that doesn't happen.

    I've noticed that too. It's because of the GOP's winner-take-all policy when it comes to delegates. The Dems have proportional representation.

    Why is it set up this way? I suspect that's because the PTB don't want outsiders like Ron Paul elbowing in and getting the Republican nomination. A winner-take-all process for delegates is their way of ensuring a continued Establishment hold on the GOP. On the other hand, the Democrat party is full of pretty worthless people, so ironically they let the rules there be looser and more democratic.

  44. If Herman Cain had actually groped those women or did a Bill Clinton, the reaction on the right would have been different. Instead, it was the vague 'he made me feel uncomfortably but didn't actually do anything specific' bullshit that defined feminism in the 90s.

    Most guys realize that if it was an alpha male type, it would be 'flirting,' but seeing as it was an awkward beta, it becomes 'harassment.'

    Exactly. I think of Cain as just another fast-talking but relatively brainless black guy (he ran Godfather's into the ground), and don't support him. But, I do back him on these harassment allegations for exactly the reasons mentioned. If I myself ran for president, I could just as easily be hit with that kind of crap, along with at least half of the male population.

  45. "Truth, I seem to have upset you in some way, and for the life of me, I don't know what I did."

    No, you misunderstand; I am not upset, Herman Cain has his strenghts and his weaknesses. The point is that historically, men have don three things to earn credit for intellect; achive multiple (STEM field usually) degrees, make piles of money, or get multiple promotions. Cain has done all three. By your reasoning, there is no way, that any human being who is not white and male can prove intellect.

    Now to me, that sounds like the typical self-hating blather one would find on Stormfront, i.e.; "I'm a loser so I must toe the party line that anyone unlike me has achieved is a fraud." Is this not what you are doing?

    Certainly, I no how hard it is for a white man to achieve anything, what with the whole system against you and all, but I can come of with like, 2 or 3 examples of white males who have achieved, are you one of them?

  46. "Let's be honest: The guy was trying to sell books with this Presidential run, not actually get the office. He got a lucky break due to the failures of Bachmann and Perry and dislike of Romney. That's all."

    I do not have your psychic abilities, my friend, I cannot profess to know what was inside his head when he decided to run, but what, in Bachman or Perry's, or Romney's background makes you assume that they are smarter than Herman Cain?

  47. "black men don't put any effort into raising their kids,"

    Maybe, maybe not, but unlike you and most of your cohorts here, they do put effort into having a few.

  48. "Gingrich? The guy who cheated on his wife while she was recovering from cancer and had divorce papers served to her on her hospital bed."

    Oh, Newt is black?

  49. "Funny, I watched highlights of their last game yesterday and it was "cracker throws to cracker, cracker breaks crip tackles for touchdown!"

    I thought you found sports a waste of time.

    "Yeah, I was a business analyst for 6 months, right out of college. A retarded monkey on Valium could've performed my duties."

    Are you saying that one couldn't today?

  50. Truth, I don't go into my achievements and advancements since my 'analyst' days, since they are irrelevant and unprovable in this forum. But I've had a few (not as many as I'd like, of course). And maybe I was a bit hard on Cain, but I could see the Right turning their own blind eye to his lack of Presidential ability, and engaging in wishful thinking. It's not just a "loser white guy" (are we all that way to you?) going off on a black guy.

    For example, I think Obama is smarter than Cain, even though I don't like his politics. And I wanted to like Cain initially. But it didn't work out. He's not a moron, he's not an idiot, but no, he is not Presidential Timber. Of course, I don't see many that are.

    Oh, and I am absolutely not a stormfont guy - lol.


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