December 14, 2011

Great Moments in Invade the World

I've long felt that Americans aren't really cut out for world domination. We tend to be a cheerful, positive-minded, naive, and insular people, while the imperial mission demands vast reserves of worldliness and cynicism. 

The Derb points me toward this Washington Examiner article by Sara A. Carter, "Afghan Sex Practices Concern U.S., British Forces" and related blog commentary on the popularity of homosexual pedophilia among those Pathan soldiers and interpreters who claim to be our allies. (Although the British officers who are old public school boys might be less baffled than they are admitting to their American counterparts.) In from the Cold comments:
And, the impact of those experiences is already being felt in portions of Afghanistan, putting American forces squarely in the middle of complex moral, social and sexual issues. A source at Army Special Operations command tells In From the Cold that Afghan women, emboldened by the presence of U.S. troops. have complained about beatings they've suffered at the hands of their husbands. The domestic violence reportedly stemmed from the inability of the women to become pregnant and produce sons, highly valued in Afghan society. 
When U.S. civil affairs teams (and other special forces units) quietly investigated the problem, they quickly discovered a common denominator. Virtually all of the younger men who beat their wives (over their inability to become pregnant) had been former "apprentices" of older Afghan men, who used them for their sexual pleasure. Upon entering marriage, whatever the men knew of sex had been learned during their "apprenticeship," at the hands of the older man. To put it bluntly, some of the younger Afghans were unfamiliar with the desired (and required) mechanics for conception. 
To remedy this situation, the Army called in its psychological operations teams, which developed information campaigns in Pashtun areas, explaining the basics of heterosexual relations and their benefits, in terms of producing male offspring. It may be the only time in the history of warfare that an army has been required to explain sex to the native population, to curb the abuse of women and young boys--and retain U.S. influence in key geographic areas. 
Army psy op specialists declined to discuss their efforts in great detail. But one of the "preferred sex" campaigns was (reportedly) a direct result of the 2009 survey, and the problems encountered by NATO troops working with their Afghan counterparts.

I'm not sure I totally believe this (although the "dancing boys" stuff is definitely true -- the Taliban are more averse to it as being un-Islamic, which is one reason they got popular in the 1990s when two major pre-Taliban warlords started a civil war over a youth), but this example of Your Tax Dollars at Work is too good to pass up.


  1. What's the average IQ in the Land that God Forgot?

    This article may indeed be a jape (was it published on April 1st, by chance?) but once R-type reproductive strategies are adopted by a population, there is no nadir, only a continued energetic digging downwards, the bottom of the barrel having been penetrated (o ho!) and left behind miles and miles ago.

  2. I don't believe it. According to the CIA World Factbook, Afghanistan has a very high birth rate suggesting they know how to make babies.

    37.83 births/1,000 population (2011 est.)

  3. Sara Carter writes:

    To put it bluntly, some of the younger Afghans were unfamiliar with the desired (and required) mechanics for conception.

    May I point out that this is not "putting it bluntly"?

  4. To put it bluntly, some of the younger Afghans were unfamiliar with the desired (and required) mechanics for conception.

    Uhh, OK. Then perhaps the usage of "invade" here differs from the usual at iSteve.

    And I'm sure this revelation makes all the relatives and friends of those killed and maimed feel just that much better about the "sacrifice" made.

  5. The mother of a new Pathan bride asks her daughter why she's not pregnant yet.

    "Is there something wrong with Marwan??" she asks. "Does he prefer boys?"

    The girl bursts into tears.

    "No, mother, it is not his fault! There is something wrong with ME. We make love every night, but no matter how hard I try I cannot go nine months without shitting!"

  6. Does anyone else read this and think,"There but for the grace of God..."? The majority of the world population is completely barbaric. Here's what bothers me most: there are many people out there who would be completely normal if they grew up in a civilized environment. How many of them are born with high capacity for intelligent thought and compassion? One out of ten? One out of a hundred? One out of a thousand? That's still a lot of people who are innately more fit to be members of our society than theirs, but it's impossible to tell which ones. Even if it were possible, there is no real way to pluck them out of there. It's like knowing that somewhere on a distant planet human children are sometimes born into an insect world. Also, it's one of the most heartbreaking parts of working in a dysfunctional ghetto school, and the main reason it will be hard to leave. Rarely, but often enough, human children are born to animals here. Yes, usually when a kid seems to possess the qualities of dignity and self-respect, the real kind, an involved parent with those same qualities surfaces soon thereafter. (And I feel very sorry that we allowed these good working people's schools to be turned into zoos.) However, there are also those kids whose superior human value is an accident. The child who won the school spelling bee last year is the only one of his mother's many children who doesn't have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and wasn't born addicted to crack. There is no father, and the mom is a lowly animal. The boy is normal and respectable. He is big and muscular for his age, but lacks in aggression. When his classmates attack him, this boy just calmly neutralizes them and goes about his merry way. He studies for the spelling bee while a horde of animals was watching TV on top volume while drinking and smoking pot. He just put toilet paper in his ears and "be pretending dat Tv be jus a lil more quieter." The good thing about being anyone in America is that there is always a ladder to take you out of complete misery. This young man will live in a safe middle class neighborhood in 25 years. What about those human beings who happened to be born to foreign animals?

  7. Yeah this one is pretty hard to believe. As in, I don't want to believe that.

  8. Is 'pathan' the adjective form of 'pathos'?

  9. As far as I can tell, the Washington Examiner article you link to, while interesting in itself, does not contain the text you quote. Further, if I search on that text, all I come up with are a handful of blog posts, with yours typically at the top.

    It looks like you are actually quoting from here, and are quoting not the article, but the blogger. (The blogger's comments are interspersed with text from the article, and the two are only slightly distinguished by text formatting).

  10. even libertards admit:

    The Dancing Boys Of Afghanistan | FRONTLINE | PBS

  11. Simon in London12/14/11, 3:32 PM

    It's kind of a heart-warming story, right?

    OTOH, Afghanistan already has a fertility rate of something like 8 per woman. This can only make it go up!

  12. Also from the article:

    In late 2009, U.S. and British forces ordered a study of Pashtun male sexuality. They were worried that homosexuality and pedophilia among Afghan security forces and tribes could create cultural misunderstanding with allied troops, according to a copy of the report obtained by The Washington Examiner.

    Didn't the Brits already go over this about 170 years ago? Plus ça change...

    BTW, I don't believe the part about Afghan men not knowing where to put what, either. The same story in a different version has been floating around for a long time, usually in reference to our own hillbillies/rednecks.

    However, I might believe that they may have come to prefer sodomy, but if so that's a problem our own youth share in common with the Afghans, thanks to the normalization of gay sex in American culture.

  13. My tax dollars at work.

  14. Now that's really fucked up.

  15. So, Islam allows homosexuality if it's pedophilic?

  16. Just top be clear, is this what we are talking about?

  17. while some of the facts alleged in the article may or may not be apocryphal, the homosexual pedophilia is unfortunately all too real. See this documentary on the 'dancing boys' of Afghanistan

  18. There's a joke here somewhere about the Khyber Pass...
    Gilbert Pinfold

  19. There was only one catch and that was Catch 22...

    They were just a couple of young kids, and they'd been married, oh, a little over a year when they came walking into my office without an appointment ... When I got a good look at her inside my examination room I found she was still a virgin. I spoke to her husband alone while she was pulling her girdle back on and hooking it onto her stockings. 'Every night,' he boasted. A real wise guy, you know. 'I never miss a night,' he boasted. He meant it, too. 'I even been puttin' it to her mornings before the breakfasts she makes me before we go to work,' he boasted. There was only one explanation. When I had them both together again I gave them a demonstration of intercourse with the rubber models I've got in my office. [The newlyweds were] looking at me as thought I were telling them something nobody'd ever heard of before. You never saw anybody so interested. 'You mean like this?' he asked me, and worked the models for himself for a while. You know, I can see where a certain type of person might get a big kick out of doing just that. 'That's it,' I told him. 'Now, you go home and try it my way for a few months and see what happens. Okay?' 'Okay,' they said, and paid me in cash without any argument. 'Have a good time,' I told them, and they thanked me and walked out together. He had his arm around her waist as though he couldn't wait to get her home and put it to her again. A few days later he came back all by himself and told my nurse he had to see me right away. As soon as were were alone, he punched me in the nose."

    "He did what?"

    "He called me a wise guy and punched me in the nose. 'What are you, a wise guy?' he said, and knocked me flat on my ass. Pow! Just like that. I'm not kidding."

  20. The Afghans must have a much more enlightened society than us since they obviously have had gays in their military before we did. Do ask, and do tell, must be their policy.
    This issue should be worth at least a hundred million dollars in contracts for the right company.

  21. "The majority of the world population is completely barbaric."

    Yes and I've no doubt that barbarism can be found in every country on earth.

    "Here's what bothers me most: there are many people out there who would be completely normal if they grew up in a civilized environment."

    For most of human history, barbarism has been the norm--and still is, as you implicitly acknowledge in your preceding statement.

    We are luckier than we know, probably luckier than we can know.

  22. It's hard to believe. Seems like a joke or propaganda. It's a tribal, extended family based society, not one comprised of isolated, nuclear families. There is family everywhere, constantly controlling you, telling you what to do, teaching you, etc.

  23. Forward Base Sandusky12/14/11, 6:37 PM

    Even if the reportage is erroneous this is a sign of bureaucratic desperation over there. No military objective, just the social worker aspirations the J-schoolers love to debate

  24. Yeah, this story reminded me of that Catch-22 scene, too.

    So, I'm not promising everybody it's true.

  25. My second wife was Algerian. Very far from Afghanistan, but the same 'kind' of people nonetheless. I remember the tales she told me, notably how her first wedding night went.

    It's more than a Muslim thing, it's a (shall we say politely) 'cultural thing' among these peoples. Why don't we just leave them alone, and prevent them AT ALL COSTS from immigrating here

  26. So, Islam allows homosexuality if it's pedophilic?
    actually the taliban had been putting a stop to the practice, it returned under US occupation.

    But to answer your question, there is some convoluted work around if the boy is pre-puberty.

    I don't know why comment Kontrol banned this but, earlier i said that our elite actually WANT this to happen because in our elite circles there are very high degrees of this behavior - gay groups are pushing for lower ages of consent in all western countries.

    Allowing this practice to become normalized in the west is a goal.

  27. The same story in a different version has been floating around for a long time, usually in reference to our own hillbillies/rednecks.

    The version I heard (a long time ago) involved priest-ridden Irish peasants.

  28. Of course, the USG is trying to get the military to celebrate diversity on this point:

    Nevertheless the military voices on the show had their winning moments, sounding like old-fashioned relativists, whose basic mission in life was to counter ethnocentrism and disarm those possessed by a strident sense of group superiority. Ms. McFate stressed her success at getting American soldiers to stop making moral judgments about a local Afghan cultural practice in which older men go off with younger boys on “love Thursdays” and do some “hanky-panky.” “Stop imposing your values on others,” was the message for the American soldiers. She was way beyond “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and I found it heartwarming.

  29. You could probably write something like that in the 90's in the Philippines. The 1890's, during the Moro Wars.

  30. What the significance of this behavior biologically? The ancient Greeks practiced it. What changed in Europe?

  31. i note the US news media fails to identify jerry sandusky as a homosexual.

    somehow if the males you are having sex with are 10 years old, you shift from the homosexual rapist category into the "pedophile only" category.

    we can't allow homosexuals to be portrayed in a negative light now can we? all sexual predators must be put in their own category. they are never to be identified as gay. never!

  32. Some things just make you want to puke.

  33. explaining the basics of heterosexual relations and their benefi
    this will no doubt enrage the gay lobby. Why say one lifestyle choice is better than another?

    This 'sounds' funny, and we can laugh but this IS the reality in the US

  34. two major pre-Taliban warlords started a civil war over a youth
    I am waiting for out new, fabulous army to have similar fights.


  36. Stop imposing your values on others,” was the message for the American soldiers.

    The left's utter hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.

  37. ATBOTL - can't answer your question directly, but you may be interested in Richard Burton (not that one)'s theory of the "Sotadic zone".

    Jody - good point, and one I find myself making more and more often these days - sexual interference with boys by men is by definition, 100%, indusputably, homosexuality. But most people seem literally never to think of it in these obvious terms. It's just "something else", entirely unconnected with "mainstream" homosexuality. Yeah right.

  38. Ms. McFate stressed her success at getting American soldiers to stop making moral judgments about a local Afghan cultural practice in which older men go off with younger boys on “love Thursdays” and do some “hanky-panky.” “Stop imposing your values on others,” was the message for the American soldiers.

    SO Miss McFate's lobbying to stop the US government from building girls schools and training female pilots?

  39. “Stop imposing your values on others,” was the message for the American soldiers.

    I thought that was the whole purpose of this neocon enterprise.

  40. What the significance of this behavior biologically? The ancient Greeks practiced it. What changed in Europe?
    according to Herodotus they picked it up from the Persians...
    what happened was Christianity - which also did away with infanticide.

    Both are making a comeback in the secular west- which goes a long way in explaining why our elite hate Christianity so much.

  41. What the significance of this behavior biologically? The ancient Greeks practiced it. What changed in Europe?


  42. The White Man's Burden, Part XIIVVCCX: Teaching them which hole to put it in. Egads.

    Doncha think these folks (ground zero of terrorism) would die off without our propping them to speak?

    The world propped up the Soviets. German tech and American money keep the commies coming.

    Perhaps the best way to conquer the world is to abandon it.

  43. >they are never to be identified as gay. never!<

    The other night, while discussing the Sandusky case, Keith Olbermann said in passing that he didn't "want to suggest any relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia," as if he knew full well that that would be the uppermost connection in viewers' minds.

  44. "Why don't we just leave them alone and prevent them at all costs from coming here."

    That sounds perfectly logical to me. We should just completely DISCONNECT and DECOUPLE the West and Islam. Buy their oil but otherwise stay away from them and keep them away from us. Saudi Arabia just killed someone the other day for "sorcery and withcraft".

  45. "Why paedophiles aren't gay"... there's one for Steve to hit out of the park.

  46. Sounds very far-fetched. They may prefer buggering their wives, but it's very doubtful that they wouldn't know which hole to use for making babies.

  47. "Why paedophiles aren't gay"

    Well, why aren't paedophiles who abuse little girls described as straight men, but rather as paedophiles? They could be described as straight men - they're fucking people with female sexual organs - but that would imply sexual interest in adult women, which they may only have very spottily, or not at all.

  48. Anonymous - I'd have no objection to males who abuse girls being described as heterosexuals. Why would I?

  49. Sandusky is a PEDERAST.

    He'd fit in -- in Sparta.

    WRT the Pashtun...

    The target audience of this 'education' is SPECIFIC to those PEDERAST TARGETS who've lived a most unusual life.

    Namely, that they are TAKEN AWAY FROM THEIR HOMES -- typically at the age of 8 or 9...

    They reach 'retirement age' in their later teens...

    So the story is NO JOKE.

    They need to be de-programmed from a world of pederasty.

    In that world it was and is TABOO to discus girls/ women AT ALL.

    So just how is it ever to be possible for such a lad to ever get a clue?

    It is not alleged that the average Pashtun is unable to find the right organ.

    And for that, I have to re-calibrate my estimate of the commentariat here.

    Folks work on your reading comprehension.

  50. Not being good at imperialism may be America's most endearing quality internationally.

    We Brits used to be rather good at kicking the natives till they learned to say "Sir". Did them a lot of good too. Not sure it did us much apart from in the areas where there weren't many natives.

    Thank Ghod you yanks don't have the sense to spend trillions in colonising space, where there is a distinct lack of natives, rather than Afghanistan.


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