December 1, 2011

Why understanding ethnic differences in IQ matters: Part CMXII

Nicholas D. Kristof writes in the NYT:
One memory particularly troubles Theckston. He says that some account executives earned a commission seven times higher from subprime loans, rather than prime mortgages. So they looked for less savvy borrowers — those with less education, without previous mortgage experience, or without fluent English — and nudged them toward subprime loans. 
These less savvy borrowers were disproportionately blacks and Latinos, he said, and they ended up paying a higher rate so that they were more likely to lose their homes. Senior executives seemed aware of this racial mismatch, he recalled, and frantically tried to cover it up. 
Theckston, who has a shelf full of awards that he won from Chase, such as “sales manager of the year,” showed me his 2006 performance review. It indicates that 60 percent of his evaluation depended on him increasing high-risk loans.

Way back in 2000, I wrote a 5-part series for VDARE on How to Help the Left Half of the Bell Curve. In it, I protested: "America's growing IQ stratification, and the resulting class war that the clever are waging upon the clueless, is one of the great unmentionables."

The subsequent subprime disaster exemplified this. The conventional wisdom on increasing minority homeownership, as promoted by Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Henry Cisneros, and Angelo Mozilo, was that mortgage lenders who followed traditional credit standards were stupid racists who were overlooking lots of blacks and Hispanics who were smart enough to make enough money to pay off their mortgages even if they put down a tiny or nonexistent down payment and didn't quite have all their documents. (Hey, they're undocumented! Don't be prejudiced against the undocumented for not having documents proving that that they make six figures picking strawberries.)

What happened instead, of course, was that sharp pencil guys, in the name of fighting racist redlining, pushed people who weren't good with numbers and weren't good at coolly assessing the long term implications of financial decisions, people who were disproportionately blacks and Hispanics, into complicated loans that just raped them, and ended up raping the country.

This is much like the long-running debate in the middle of the last decade between Malcolm Gladwell v. Judge Richard Posner and myself. Gladwell, the herald of multi-culti capitalism, defended the ethics of car salesmen against the scoffing of Posner and myself. I think the definitive word belongs to an outstanding 2001 article in Edmunds by Chandler Phillips called Confessions of a Car Salesman, in which Edmunds car magazine hired a journalist to work at two L.A. area new car dealerships:
"My manager had, at one point, described the different races and nationalities and what they were like as customers. It would be too inflammatory to repeat what he said here. But the gist of it was that the people of such-and-such nationality were "lie downs" (people who buy without negotiating), while the people of another race were "roaches" (they had bad credit), and people from that country were "mooches" (they tried to buy the car for invoice price).  
"I'll repeat what Michael, my ASM, told me about Caucasians. He said white people never come into the dealership. 'They're all on the Internet trying to find out what our invoice price is. We never even get a shot at them. I hate it. I mean, would they go (to a mall) and say, "What's your invoice price on that beautiful suit?" No. So why are they doing it here?'"

Awhile ago, I went into a certain dealership on Van Nuys Blvd. that sells a prominent brand of Japanese cars to mostly Latino customers. 

That place struck me as an abode of evil, from the ridiculously lavish atrium lobby with huge trees indoors, to the high pressure sales tactics, which are designed to trigger Mexican males' insecurities about their machismo. Aren't they man enough to buy this absurdly overloaded car at a monthly payment that, if you do the numbers (but nobody does), turns out to include a 21% interest rate? What kind of maricon are you who can't show the salesman you can afford what he's offering? I brought my son along and, rather than walk out, we sat through an hour of unbelievably hostile sales tactics as a lesson to him. 

And that explains a lot about the motivations behind the businesses in the immigration lobby: more uneducated, innumerate, insecure Mexicans are more fresh meat for their salesmen. They can't rip off educated white people who subscribe to Consumer Reporters and use the Zag system reserved for CR subscribers, so they want to bring in millions of new people they can outsmart and cheat.


  1. Steve,

    From the beginning, The American Elite knew homeownership for minorities couldn't possibly work. That wasn't the goal

    The goal, starting with Larry Summers in late 1990's, was to create a situation that would be the ultimate death blow to the American economy.

    The subprime situation was a way to ultimately
    sink the American Empire from within. (Also useful: costly wars in the Middle East to bankrupt our country)

    The goal - and both the Dems and Repubs were on board - was to finally deal a death blow to the American economy as it is- because the powers that be want a "chosen" elite one world government, the end of nation states.

    Elites have existed throughout history. But they've often adopted a paternalistic concern for the masses they rule over. The reason: the masses and elites were often of the same race. (such as the aristocratic elites in European countries in middle Ages)

    What's different about America today is the peculiar elite we've had since the 1960s. They are NOT of the same race as the Left Side of Bell Curve

    They are don't care about how to help the left half of bell curve. Why would they? The masses are dumb animal rabble to be used for money -

  2. so White ppl are the "mooches?"

    i thought Asians were...

  3. "That place struck me as an abode of evil... high pressure sales tactics, which are designed to trigger Mexican males' insecurities about their machismo...What kind of maricon are you ... I brought my son along and, rather than walk out, we sat through an hour of unbelievably hostile sales tactics as a lesson to him. "

    Fascinating. Smart move on your part too. That's a great idea.

  4. Sgt. Joe Friday12/1/11, 5:05 PM

    I believe the "mooches" would be Iran or Armenia. Just a guess on my part though.

  5. What's the "Zag system"?

  6. Using a simple game theory technique, you can save a sizeable sum when buying a car...
    Once you’ve made your choices, go online and find every single dealer or showroom that has what you want for the price you want to pay. Then ring each one and tell them the following: “At 5pm today, I want to buy a car (Mazda, Ford, Fiat, or whatever). I am calling every dealership within a 50-mile radius of my home and I am telling each of them what I am telling you. That is, I will come in at 5pm today with a cheque to buy a car from the dealer who offers me the best price.”

    Finishing the call, you also tell the salesperson that you will be telling the next dealer the price you’ve been quoted from them.

    This, of course, gives the salesperson one shot as selling you the car at their best price. Every time you ring a subsequent dealer you quote them the best price you’ve gotten so far.

    He acknowledges that dealers don’t like getting these calls, and will probably try to fob you off with a response like “you can’t buy a car like this over the phone” to which your response should be, “well, I’ve done this before. So, maybe I can’t buy a car over the phone from you, but I know I can from others”. Bueno de Mesquita adds that you might get a negative response from the odd dealer keen to get you to their forecourt, but in the main most will be grateful for any opportunity to sell.

  7. I remember Saturn had "No Haggling" motto once. That struck me as a very suburban-Caucasian brand to begin with, but compare WWII-era whites with the post-Sputnik generation-- there's a developed attitude against bargaining-as-recreation in there. It is viewed as a brazen insult to techno-liberal solidarity.

  8. How many white people buy diamonds? They are pretty much a ripoff,aren't they?

  9. With a national income this year of $13.4 trillion, the difference between 57% of GDP and 65% of GDP is $1 trillion a year. There's your output gap.

  10. Sorry Steve-- Delete last post (and this one), meant to post that here.

  11. Douglas Knight12/1/11, 6:01 PM

    Your experience at the dealership is an example of salesmen not profiling. Why did they apply these tactics to a gringo? Do they not have enough white customers to bother learning other techniques?

  12. How does any of this help the individual? I always say one must think about the individual.

  13. Prof. Woland12/1/11, 6:41 PM

    In the 1970s Herb Cohen wrote a book called “You can negotiate anything”. His strategy was to get the sales person to invest as much of his time as possible knowing that he would be loathe to let the prospect walk away take a total loss of his time. Of course this meant that the buyer had to also invest time which carried an opportunity cost. Beowulf, you tactic would work if pursued. The downside is that the salesperson has invested no time. If he is even moderately successful, he will just quote a high price and hang up the phone. There are always more fish in the sea. As long as you are patient you will eventually find someone who will hit your price especially if you are willing to spend several days shopping and drive 50 miles to pick up your car.

  14. "they ended up paying a higher rate so that they were more likely to lose their homes."

    The arrow of causality is exactly reversed here. They were charged a higher rate because they were greater risks of defaulting.

  15. It's harder to rip of the middle-class whites who carry there smartphones wherever they go. It only takes a minute to look up competitive prices in a store, assuming they stumbled on something which they previous had done no research on.

  16. Sub-prime alone does not explain the financial melt-down, it was rather as shown in many places, the derivative bets on sub-prime, and the boundless appetite for it among particularly German banks, along with the Iceland, Irish, Spanish, and Italian versions that trashed the system.

    Juan and Jose alone, not being able to flip that house, would not bring down the world financial system. It was desperate SAVERS, those reputedly numerate Germans, who bought the idea that they would get something for nothing that were the required equal partner.

    Sub-prime would have gone NOWHERE Steve, without eager buyers for the chopped up junk mortgages. And the buyers had to be fought off with clubs, because they were DESPERATE. It was JUST like Bob Citroen, trying to be a hero by making up for falling OC tax revenues by using astrologers and Morgan Stanley I-bankers, and getting high returns (with high risk).

  17. Its also a bit of a stretch to blame car dealers. Even in-numerate Mexicans have a finite limit on what they can spend for cars, its better to have a fewer amount of wealthier Americans able to afford new cars at hefty margins (basically trucks and SUVs) than Mexicans who can only afford low-margin used Japanese/Korean econo-cars.

    Rather the usual suspects: Dems, Educators, the government class, etc.

  18. In other words, mass third world immigration is just viciously exploitative - being ripped off blind all the way from your car, mortgage and having to wipe elderly white asses for a living is the name of the game.Reminds me of that species of wasp that lays its eggs in living caterpillars as a 'living larder'.
    What does that say about the modern USA in which big, powerful white people kicki around small naive browns for a fast buck and an easy life - the ultimate school bullies?
    The ultimate irony is that the left-wing are the biggest supporters of this horrible system, and will literally spill blood (and call Steve all sorts of nasty names), to keep the system going.Rather like the way African chiefs were the chief bewailers of the suppression of the slave trade in the 19th century.

  19. I have heard how the finance guys at car dealerships screw the illiterate Latinos. I've also seen how much more brutal the sales tactics are at American dealers vs the high end European guys.

    Are German engineers paid more, relatively speaking, in German society? You know something is off track when the truly productive get short-changed in a social system. America has been off track for decades.

  20. Whiskey is right, it's the Germans who are to blame for our financial mess. Gosh, could we get a war cooked up to destroy them again? People have to be punished for being hard working savers.

  21. Another point about the MMM seldom mentioned is the effect of 'neoliberal globalism' - which in the ultimate analysis was probably a more decisive factor than NAM duffers.
    Due to the ascendancy of globalism, whilst American productive capacity was trashed, huge dollare surpluses were held overseas which needed recycling.As it happens the surpluses were recycled in a distinctly non-productive asset - housing.Also due to neo-liberalism wages for American workers at the bottom ie NAMs were stagnant for decades and unlikely ever to rise in real terms, thus removing the key igredient of all asset price booms, steadily risen incomes over the decades.
    This was entirely due to the neo-liberal obsession of nailing wages through the floor (but not executive compensation)through uncontrolled mass immigration and 'free trade' with low income nations.
    The chickens came home to roost - with western Europe probebly destroyed for good as a side product.
    Paging Karl Marx , crisis of overproduction and reserve army of labor!

  22. I'll repeat what Michael, my ASM, told me about Caucasians.

    So he dare not repeat what was said about other groups because that would be "too inflammatory ", but it's always safe to say whatever you like about those Caucasians.

  23. Aren't they man enough to buy this absurdly overloaded car at a monthly payment that, if you do the numbers (but nobody does), turns out to include a 21% interest rate? What kind of maricon are you who can't show the salesman you can afford what he's offering? I brought my son along and, rather than walk out, we sat through an hour of unbelievably hostile sales tactics as a lesson to him."

    And of course, your solution is to keep them dirt poor in Mexico, where they won't even ever have the dream of some day owning a car. You are compassionate, Mr.Sailer. You care about those Mexican immigrants so much!

  24. Engineer Dad12/2/11, 9:03 AM

    Anonymous said ...
    How many white people buy diamonds? They are pretty much a ripoff,aren't they?

    All the more reason for diamond advertisers to exclusively portray Caucasians and Asians purchasing their products.

    Twenty years ago science programs showed how artificial diamonds were made. Today man-made diamonds are probably made in devices by the kilo in all the flavors of the rainbow. Yet, television commercials do not show dark skinned Blacks or Mestizos purchasing diamonds because their product would lose their fascination and value.

    How marketers chose ethnic groups and skin shade for American commercial television is a fascinating topic.

  25. your solution is to keep them dirt poor in Mexico, where they won't even ever have the dream of some day owning a car.

    What a bigot you are.

    Apparently those poor dumb Mexicans are doomed to be forever "dirt poor" unless nice white liberals like you let them come to America. Aren't you just wonderful? Give yourself another pat on the back!

  26. The telephone technique of calling multiple dealers works a bit.

    I also had two cashiers checks cut for the amount I wanted to pay for a car, made out to the two separate Mercedes dealers in my area. I told them I wouldn't budge more than I could get out of the ATM down the street, which was I think $300 at the time.

    I gave each about ten minutes to decide, and the one was a giant bag of dicks. The other sold a car with absolutely no effort, and I even saved off the USAA buying service.

  27. The intelligence differences seem
    negatively potentiated by population density in cities. In the rural villages in Texas where I grew up, duller people necessarily had social intersections with the brighter folks in town and could more easily bring questions, dilemmas, etc. to them. When the duller folks went to cities to find jobs, they tended to have less brainy contact and to be far more softly semi-segregated into their own stratum. Intelligence is not merely secreted by the brain but has a social network component.

  28. And that explains a lot about the motivations behind the businesses in the immigration lobby: more uneducated, innumerate, insecure Mexicans are more fresh meat for their salesmen. They can't rip off educated white people who subscribe to Consumer Reporters and use the Zag system reserved for CR subscribers, so they want to bring in millions of new people they can outsmart and cheat.

    Is this any different from the motivation of both political parties to flood the US with a new people?

  29. Twenty years ago science programs showed how artificial diamonds were made. Today man-made diamonds are probably made in devices by the kilo in all the flavors of the rainbow.

    I.e., white people make their own diamonds. The DeBeers cartel, of course, came out with tools to distinguish natural from artificial ones, but white people will tend not to care when they're worried about money.

  30. "When the duller folks went to cities to find jobs, they tended to have less brainy contact and to be far more softly semi-segregated into their own stratum. Intelligence is not merely secreted by the brain but has a social network component.
    12/2/11 10:06 AM"

    Yes, and you'd still be squarely in the middle class. Also, you're not much of a Texan if you can't distinguish town from city or recognize that we left the passive voice back in the old country along with the villages.

  31. If I took this IQ stuff seriously, then I wouldn't have expected much from myself, and therefore, would have gone into some kind of blue collar labor for a "career". Someone says "Black people have low IQ's in general"? What next? Take some menial job? If I am to live up to my best, I have to expect the best from myself, and so do other people. Who gets tested? What role does culture play in it? What role does expectation play?

    I often ask "what helps ME"?? It is me the individual I'm worried about?

  32. If I took this IQ stuff seriously, then I wouldn't have expected much from myself, and therefore, would have gone into some kind of blue collar labor for a "career".

    I don't know. Since you can't figure out the implications of a Gaussian distribution, blue collar may still be aiming too high.

  33. ...pushed...

    Or jumped? Many of these people went into it because house prices were steadily going up. They'd heard all the stories of flippers who sold houses 6 months later for $50k profit, and they wanted in on some of that action. What could go so wrong in 6 months? OK, so it might only be $20k profit -- big deal. It was like reverse musical chairs: they were caught sitting down at the wrong time.

    Of course there were plenty of, uhh, opportunistic characters all over the place who enabled all of that. For their cut of course.

    So I'm less sure than you about how many were "pushed" and how many jumped. Ignorant or not.

  34. And of course, your solution is to keep them dirt poor in Mexico, where they won't even ever have the dream of some day owning a car.

    Have you ever been to Mexico? I have. It's not dirt poor. Car ownership, even among average people, is not unusual. Sure, Mexico is considerably poorer than the US, but its GDP per capita (PPP) is something like $14k. Google tells me there's 264 cars per thousand people. It's no Monaco, but it's no Haiti either.

    Mexico would be better served if its citizens stayed and helped to make it a better place. As it is, they're not doing such a bad job.

  35. >I often ask "what helps ME"?? It is me the individual I'm worried about<

    Good thinking on the individual level. Public policy, however, has to take into account population(s) as a whole. The individual ought to do whatever he can. The government, on the other hand, ought to be realistic about statistics of large numbers of people and accordingly be prudent in its policies. Individuals should be prudent in the same way, but since they don't have the scale of the government, they can afford (can't not afford) to look at people on a person-by-person basis more often.

    On the micro level, HDB functions like good folk wisdom. Exceptions or anomalies are important. But on the macro level, though, the odds must be played, because there just won't be enough exceptions.

    Again, the individual should do what he can. Government should be restricted to the most conservative bets.

  36. Difference Maker12/2/11, 3:52 PM

    edgy gurl said...
    Yes, and you'd still be squarely in the middle class. Also, you're not much of a Texan if you can't distinguish town from city or recognize that we left the passive voice back in the old country along with the villages.

    I love the middle class. The upper class has disintegrated, and the upper class we refer to is not the old aristocracy but merely, "those with lots of money"

  37. You have to admire it, it's brilliant, really. They take lower wages and drastically overpay for everything.

  38. Let's not forget the indelible trait that trumps everything when you're sitting in the auto dealership's finance manager's office: your credit score.

    If you walk in and fit the initial racial profile (as I do), that same profile will be blasted to hell the minute they find your credit score kicks ass (as mine does). I bought a new car recently and certain unusual factors in my racial make-up changed the attitude of the dealership considerably. Originally I was treated like Jose Gomez from El Monte.

    You're right, however, in that dealers/salesmen make "educated" guesses about incoming customers which are probably spot on for the most part. Unless you're a druglord in which case you pay cash, I suppose...

    Has anyone ever attempted to measure credit score controlled by ethnicity?

  39. "And of course, your solution is to keep them dirt poor in Mexico, where they won't even ever have the dream of some day owning a car. You are compassionate, Mr.Sailer. You care about those Mexican immigrants so much!"

    The pro-immigrationist, multicultist viewpoint in a nutshell. What we want doesnt matter, its them wanting a better life thats important.

    And most importantly the complete lack of any idea that just maybe what makes our country OK and their country less so is the people who live in it.

    In effect a white society is nothing to do with whites, its caused by the weather, a gas rsing out of the ground and those whites use their trick-knowledge to keep it all for themselves.

  40. "Matt said...

    Mexico would be better served if its citizens stayed and helped to make it a better place. As it is, they're not doing such a bad job."

    Yeah, not bad....other than the epidemic of decapitations. But no place is perfect.

    I suppose our anonymous scold wants us to import that little mexican pastime as well.

  41. Have you ever been to Mexico? I have. It's not dirt poor.

    Take away the oil income money and remittances from workers in the US and Mexico's a much poorer country.

  42. Re Paul Mendez and edgy girl
    The topic is "understanding" ethnic
    differences , not advocating preferences. The Black circumstance, not part of my experience, is especially degraded by urbanization. While I, too, prefer they "stay somewhere else", reality suggests that our security is significantly related to their well-being. Black "intelligence" as a matter of social network and adaptation suffers enormously from the upward mobility that lets abler Blacks in urban ghettos migrate to the suburbs. Some ghetto pockets lack even a single triple digit IQ. The only way this is not going to impact the rest of society is to "solve" it with machine guns and bulldozers.
    Count me out of that approach, and,
    in fairness, I assume you are also
    aversive to any such "solution". What then? Rural villages, not exactly culturally endowed, nonetheless offered a hierachial interaction that aided Black adaptation in ways largely alien to
    ghetto "sardine can" existence. Obviously, it is only in the last few eyeblinks of long human evolution that Blacks have been subjected to such unnatural abuse.

  43. The only way this is not going to impact the rest of society is to "solve" it with machine guns and bulldozers.

    What's your objection to putting more Planned Parenthood clinics in the appropriate parts of town?

    What's so bad about the PP solution?

    Me, I can find no prohibition on abortion in the New Testament.

  44. I worked for a year on a local (Virginia) farm and a Mexican woman I worked with and her husband wanted to buy a house back in 2005/6. Her English was limited but not terrible. They went for a loan to one of the Latino organizations to get help in applying for the loan. They encouraged them to buy a $500,000 house on their two farm incomes. They were not working under the table, so they paid taxes and they had several kids still living at home - additional expense. And directed them to a bank that served the largely Latino market.

    The woman came in day after day and asked the other workers if this was reasonable. She was leery and rightly so. We encouraged her skepticism.

    Eventually they found a house for around $200,000 and bought that. Guess what - they still live there while many Virginia towns emptied of Latino homeowners.

    Nowhere have I seen any articles about the role, and perhaps large fees earned, by Latino and perhaps black run organizations and friendly banks (with Latino and black loan officers) who ripped off their own (kickbacks?). This woman wanted to trust these people, but fortunately for her, she was smart enough to do the numbers and to ask for other advice.

  45. Steve, I think you meant Consumer Reports. And you're STILL using awhile when you mean a while. Very disappointing.

  46. I didn't realise the Scotch-Irish had such an intense dislike for the Germans. I guess you learn something new every day.

  47. Take away the oil income money and remittances from workers in the US and Mexico's a much poorer country.

    So what? That's still far from "dirt poor."

    By global standards, Mexicans are still quite well off. They're richer than they've ever been before and they have been and are slowly but steadily growing richer still. Whether they'll ever reach American standards is harder to say, and, because if they ever do it'll be such a long time in the future (even a rapid but totally unrealistic 5% average annual growth rate still leaves them a quarter of a century away) it's beside the point.

    To the characteristically clueless liberal who commented above, Mexicans owned more cars per capita than Russians in 2008 (is Russia "dirt poor"?) and were at 85% of the level of Israeli car ownership (is Israel bordering on "dirt poor"?).


  48. Re: David Davenport
    Objection to PP? I have no objection. Obviously, too, a
    welfare system that tends to reward the over-production of unloved and otherwise unwanted children, is pure social poison. Clearly, whatever mitigation/solution/ can arise will have to be made up of a lot of elements. We have to co-exist with Blacks, if hopefully, in arm's length distancing and in an effective degree of separation in the mutual interests of us and them. Enough of the abler Blacks realize that, also.

  49. "I don't know. Since you can't figure out the implications of a Gaussian distribution, blue collar may still be aiming too high"

    I don't think you got my point. I was asking how this helps ME as an individual. I don't care about distribution stuff because at the end the day, I have to look out for ME.

    And when you were saying "blue collar" labor is aiming to high, what were you suggesting I aim for?? And this is a serious question.

  50. evergreen - you could use the data to point out to various interested parties that, given educational achievement gaps between blacks and whites simply mirror their differing IQ distributions, the government should stop taking your tax dollars trying to pound square pegs into round holes. This assumes you're on the net-paying side of the equation.

    If the above still eludes your deductive/inductive skillset, I think oil-change technician is about as high as you need to aim.

  51. evergreen - you could use the data to point out to various interested parties that, given educational achievement gaps between blacks and whites simply mirror their differing IQ distributions, the government should stop taking your tax dollars trying to pound square pegs into round holes. This assumes you're on the net-paying side of the equation.

    If the above still eludes your deductive/inductive skillset, I think oil-change technician is about as high as you need to aim.

    This is not a matter of deductive/inductive for me. This is a matter of what I'm worried about. People will take stuff such as IQ and race seriously enough to implement policies that will make life for Black people such as myself difficult. I like being able to attend any university I please based on MY merit as a student. I like being able to live in the USA as a first class citizen, not as a second class citizen the way Blacks lived back in the Jim Crow days. I don't take IQ and Race literally because it doesn't represent ME. If I took it seriously, I would have given up on life and lead life as the so-called oil changer you suggested. I'm in college and will graduate next semester. I chose to get good grades in high school so that I could get into college. I did so because I did not want to be another statistic involving Black males being in prison or unemployed. I did so because the military isn't for me.

    As for tax dollars, why not just leave race out of this? If your goal is to keep "square pegs" out of "round holes", you can start with the parents. I say the big problem has more to do with culture and the PARENTS. My father was on me in high school about my homework. He made sure I did it too. I knew White kids who parents didn't care whether or not their kids did their homework. Saw the same from some Black kids too. My high school experience in rural Georgia taught me alot. There were quite a few students of both races who weren't that bright. It's that culture that I lived around, but avoided because my father steered me away from it.

  52. evergreen, try looking at it this way. Generally, if you want to convince another party to care about your interests it's necessary to demonstrate that you care about the other party's. So you might try completing the following sentence: "Whites benefit by putting black interests before white interests by..."


  53. "evergreen, try looking at it this way. Generally, if you want to convince another party to care about your interests it's necessary to demonstrate that you care about the other party's. So you might try completing the following sentence: "Whites benefit by putting black interests before white interests by..." "

    In what specific situation would I need to demonstrate that I support their interests?

    And another question: If it's a matter of only wanting the best workers, why not just adopt a race-neutral policy and hire whoever the best worker is, not taking race into account? That would help me as well as everyone else. Don't even ask the race of the applicant, just take the application and go based solely off of qualifications. Why not get children prepared for college from the minute they are in kindergarten? I say the solution is the raise the expectations for EVERYONE. Stop this paternalistic view and expect the best from everyone, and makes sure everyone has the same opportunity of access to the best education. Also, the parents need to get involved big time.

  54. There is good news, that is that the car industry is changing. It is hardly worth having salesmen anymore.


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