January 4, 2012

Assortative mating among movie stars

Here's an economics paper by Gustaf Bruze on assortative mating among movie stars: "Marriage Choices of Movie Stars: Does Spouses' Education Matter?" He looked at the top 400 movie stars in 2006 by "bankability" and then tracked down education levels for 140 of the stars and their spouses who are well enough known to have biographical data readily available on them. He finds a moderate level of correlation -- 0.40 -- between spouses' years of education. Movie stars have a lot of options in whom to marry and are seldom married to their school sweethearts, so this is a modestly interesting test affirming that like tends to attracts like. 

Indeed, the correlation would probably be higher except that movie stars tend to drop out of school because it's too hard less often than other people and more often because they've got something better to do with their time (like being a movie star).

Here are the couples with 19 years of education each (with the celebrity designated with an asterisk). 

Elizabeth Cohen 19 Paul Giamatti* 19
Katherine Borowitz 19 John Turturro* 19
Meryl Streep* 19 Donald Gummer 19
Sigourney Weaver* 19 Jim Simpson 19
Tamara Hurwitz 19 Bill Pullman* 19
Tonya Lewis 19 Spike Lee* 19

Giamatti's father was a Dante scholar who was appointed president of Yale before becoming the baseball commissioner.

Meryl Streep and Sigourney Weaver got their last three years of formal education together at the Yale Drama School in New York, much to Weaver's regret. Like quarterback Steve Young stuck on the bench behind Joe Montana, Weaver constantly lost starring roles at Yale to Streep, in part because Streep is just a few inches above average in height while Weaver is taller than most men, even without wearing heels. That's a bigger problem on stage than in film.

(Streep and Weaver are rare cases of movie stars who went through a long stretch of professional education. Both were born in 1949 and didn't get their first film roles until 1977, with Streep instantly becoming a star with Julia, while Weaver became a star in 1979 as Ripley in Alien. That's kind of the standard upper middle class life cycle model these days -- invest heavily in accredited education up through about age 25. It worked fine for Streep, who was a legend before she ever set foot on a movie set, and it worked out well for Weaver, although she (a Stanford English major) has had to put up with sci-fi nerds her whole career. But it doesn't seem to work very well for movie stars in general.)

Spike Lee is a third generation graduate of Morehouse.

The couple with the least years of education is Nicole Kidman (11) and country singer Keith Urban (9.5).

The biggest gaps between the 140 couples are around a half dozen years. Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman have six years less education than their less-well known wives, while TV writer David Kelley has six more years than Michelle Pfeiffer. Alfred Molina has six more years of schooling than his wife, an actress turned novelist, who is 16 years older than him.

Among male celebrities, the least educated include, unsurprisingly, the great elderly British working class stars Sean Connery (9.5 years -- he never owned a business suit until he got the role of James Bond, so he slept in a suit to learn to feel comfortable in it) and Michael Caine (10 years). Also at the bottom of the list at 9.5 years is aristocrat / director Guy Ritchie. I presume he got kicked out a lot of posh schools.


  1. Steve, I'm still laughing at the joke you made in the last post's comment section:

    Phillip Seymour Hoffman can do anything but lose weight.


  2. Steve,

    There have been stories circling around Hollywood for years about what Sean Connery did to that suit. He didn't just sleep in it to get comfortable.... I'll leave it at that.

    Dan in DC

  3. Weaver is huge. I once passed her headed the other way in a hallway at the party for the Ghostbusters II premier. (Yeah: I only got invited to the bad ones.) She was yanking up the top of her strapless dress and barking at a flunky who struggled to keep up with her four-foot racewalking stride...and that was in high heels. And with that lamprey mouth of hers doing all the talking. Terrifying.

  4. Guy Ritchie took the traditional posh British route of spending several years clubbing taking drugs and travelling in south-east asia before turning to his advertising executive dad for a job as a director.
    After briefly doing a few rock videos and low budget TV ads he and the equally well-connected Matthew Vaughan went in search of funding.
    This took them to the door of Sting's socially ambitious wife Trudi Styler.
    At their first meeting Guy told Trudi that his father was a big contributor to one of Sting's favourite rainforest charities.
    Trudi has said she was bowled over by such good looking lads and immediately set Ritchie up with Madonna.
    For their first script Ritchie and Vaughan relied on the stories of the working class London underworld they had been told by dealers while they were clubbing.

    Ritchie's career trajectory is somewhat similar to that of David Bowie's son who was christened Zowie Bowie but is now known as Duncan Jones.
    He grew up in Berlin, London and Switzerland. He dabbled in the arts and attended various colleges and film schools but mainly he seems to have spent his twenties and early thirties bumming around and enjoying
    everything that London has to offer a well connected wealthy son of the media aristocracy.
    His career seems to have started at around age 35 when he worked on his dad's concert videos and ad campaigns.
    His first film Moon was well recieved when it came out in 2007 (when he was 37)
    A key break was directing one of dad's concerts.

    Needless to say the chances of Quentin Tarantino or Kevin Smith ever breaking out if they had been born in the UK are zero.

  5. Worked in PR and Not Amused1/4/12, 7:01 AM

    Since when is Spike Lee a movie star? John Turturro? He's a good actor, but a star?

    I don't think that most of the people you mentioned are genuinely stars. At least they are not A-listers, who inhabit a different universe from the rest of us altogether.

    "Movie stars have a lot of options in whom to marry" Really?

    No, not at all. As Jodie Foster said, being in the movie business is like being married to the mob. Omerta. There's a lot of secrets in the movie industry and a movie star isn't going to bring just anyone to a pre-Oscar party, where a famous heartthrob may show up with his boyfriend. And they do. The closest this ever comes to be told to the public is someone like Ted Casablancas, who makes up funny names for the closet cases, and who fudges enough details so that no one can really guess who it is.

    Or, what if a heartthrob is known to have an affair with one of the (male) investors of a movie? This happens a lot, and within the protection of a set, it's OK, but you wouldn't want this to seep out to the public.

    If you go out with someone in the industry, you'll keep your mouth shut because you want to work again. Why does George Clooney go out with all those "models"? They have signed non-disclosure agreements, and get hefty cash payments after he dumps them.

    As far as the mate choices in the industry, as they say, the odds are good, but the goods are odd.

    Get the point? It's ironic but being a rich, famous Hollywood movie star does not increase your mate choice - if anything, it narrows it down considerably.

    There are exceptions, such as Matt Damon, who married an Argentinian bartender. Well, maybe not such an exception. She was tending bar, looking for a break to get into the interior design business - and met Matt Damon. In short, she know which side of her bread is buttered and will never spill any beans.

    Mate choice for Hollywood movie stars is much more limited than people think.

  6. Worked in PR and Not Amused1/4/12, 7:15 AM

    PS I do agree with the paper's conclusions - that there are hardwired sex-linked characteristics independent of environment that determine mating choice.

    I also think that even when the show-biz couple isn't matched according to education, they are for sure similar in IQ. Dustin Hoffman may not be well-educated, but he ain't dumb.

    Any star who has stayed on top of the game for more than say 25 years, is a smart cookie. There are high school dropouts in show biz who are smarter than Harvard grads. Just look for the ones who have survived 25+ years. This is not luck: it is native intelligence.

  7. Someone (not me) could do a similar study about their heights, using celebheights.com.

    Probably wouldn't get as many data points, but still would be neat to see.

  8. One should make a distinction among
    (1) serious actors who studied serious acting (2) natural actors like Nicholson and Devito and (3) movie stars who rely mostly on glamour.

  9. How about between gayboys?

  10. How about along racial/ethnic lines?

    How about the differences between movie stars and music stars?

  11. Weaver constantly lost starring roles at Yale to Streep, in part because Streep is just a few inches above average in height while Weaver is taller than most men, even without wearing heels. That's a bigger problem on stage than in film.

    One of the odd things about film is the fondness producers/directors/casting people have for very tall women. You consistently see women several inches about average in height in TV shows and movies. What is doubly strange is that these same shows also consistently cast men who are shorter than average.

    For instance, check out the new "Hawaii Five-0" - it stars the 5'5" Scott Caan, alongside the freakishly skinny 5'9" Grace Park. Perhaps this is all part of the new "Grrl Power" movement to show women as being bigger and stronger than men.

  12. Another interesting question you might want to ask is why do these successful people get married in the first place?

    Kobe is about to lose many millions.


    al of them

  13. Another interesting question you might want to ask is why do these successful people get married in the first place?

    Kobe is about to lose many millions.

    Maybe he should've though about that before constantly cheating and humiliating his wife.

  14. Why do they marry in the first place? I dunno...Arnold marrying a Kennedy made sense. Sort of like a royal marriage, quid pro quo. I have thought for awhile that a big star could fall in love only with a true equal, because neediness is a turnoff. Even then, do they really love? It seems like true love is based on need and limited choices.

    As for the gayboys, they still need beards, don't they?

  15. "Another interesting question you might want to ask is why do these successful people get married in the first place?"

    I understand why successful women want to get married. But straight men? "Worked in PR and Not Amused", do you have a theory on that?

    This is even more perplexing in sports stars than in movie stars. Why did Tiger get married? Michael Jordan? Any one of those guys? From here it just looks like weakness. Caving in, and then paying for it. Not thinking ahead.

  16. I loved the anecdote about meeting Weaver at the premiere - an encounter with the One True Alien Queen. (was it Meryl Streep operating the one at the end of the Cameron movie?) It sort of reminds one of the scene in the Ed Wood Jnr. movie where Ed (Depp) meets Bela Lugosi (Landau) for the first time in the flesh and says: "You know, you're much scarier in real life than you are in the movie." To which Lugosi graciously replies: "Thank you."

    Much like former actress Lalla Ward's (now wife of real life Doctor Richard Dawkins) response to the question of who was the greatest Doctor Who monster (said without hesitation): "Tom Baker." She briefly married him too.

    As for Matt Damon and his bartender I can only remember the words of the song:
    "His wife was a spent piece of used jet trash who made a good Bloody Mary and kept her mouth shut. They were so happy."

  17. Who are the gay (and lesbian) movie stars?

    Is Tom Cruise gay? I used to think so and it used to be said so a lot, but that seems to have died down a lot last few years.

    Is Piper Perabo lesbian?

  18. I think they get married for the same reasons most people get married: to create a home and a family.

    As for Mel Gibson... It's very hard to feel sorry for him, unless we are to assume that he is mentally ill. The woman he married is a caricature of a Russian whore. She could be cast as a mail order bride in some cheesy movie. The life she led before Gibson is also a caricature of a woman who chooses using men, in a tasteless, obvious way, as her occupation. Yes, I understand that Mel is old and not too pretty anymore, but he's still Mel Gibson. He can't possibly be so desperate and out of options when it comes to sex partners that he actually had to marry this woman. Even when regular old shmucks get scammed by mail order brides, I sorta feel like they had it coming.He really should have known better. This is exactly like the story of a girl going to a total stranger's hotel room, alone, to do drugs and drink, and then being surprised when she gets raped by the end of the night. Seriously?

  19. Elizabeth Cohen Giamatti: undergrad at Brown, MFA from NYU, and a MFA from Yale.

    Donald Gummer Streep: BFA and MFA from Yale.

  20. Apparently all our economic problems -- theoretical and practical-- have been dealt with so economists can dabble in sociology.

  21. political freakonomy1/4/12, 8:57 PM

    There is nothing new to be "discovered" in soft-sciences/humanities. Be glad they're doing this instead of "important problems"

  22. Obviously, these people bought their way to stardom & mostly aren't very big deals. What you're looking at are marriages based on social class. Who can afford those schools, undergrad & grad programs along with degrees that don't make you any money unless you become a star?

  23. "He can't possibly be so desperate and out of options when it comes to sex partners that he actually had to marry this woman."

    I think he just procreated with the Russian woman. Also, there was that thing about her being a pianist or something...

  24. "Yes, I understand that Mel is old and not too pretty anymore, but he's still Mel Gibson. "

    I used to be creeped out by the age difference between Tom Cruise and Katy Holmes until I realized they looked enough alike to be brother and sister which, of course, meant I was still creeped out just for a different reason.

  25. has only 1 country1/5/12, 6:10 AM

    Even more interesting than the elite parents of these movie stars is the mating pattern some of them have evolved. Crossing national boundaries often for more than one marriage. One actress of note has very accomplished parents and has uncharacteristically meandered in her love life so that she has three children from three fathers all of whom are citizens of three different countries. It's also not clear whether this actress is an American or a Brit.

    She and some other famous women seem to be practicing polyandry. Some of them bother to marry the rich, influential men for whom they bear children, others just get a child support settlement for their illegitimate brats.

    What appears to be emerging is a generation of elites with ties to multiple countries who may also switch accents when they cross international borders. Obama must be a precursor to this larger group of influential offspring of globetrotting parents, children who probably won't have clear loyalty for a nation just because that's where their citizenship was assigned at birth.

    So, there you have it, an upper caste elite with sort of dual, even triple citizenship to go with our lower caste illegals who live and work in one country while identifying culturally and politically with another. Another outcome to this will be that if one of these nomadic types wants to bring legal action, they may be able to use the law of another country against their target.

    Sailer's family is probably part of this multinational elite as well as the other "immigration patriots" on vdare. I can list three of them apart from Sailer knowing more about their international marriages. With Sailer, it's either his extended family or he has fundamentally misrepresented his background or that of his spouse. I assume that most American Jews have the option of dual Israeli citizenship. Add to that a few other families I actually know in which at least one of the parents residing in America hasn't necessarily become a US citizen. Along with Americans who have spouses with connections to places like Russia and the UK, there are plenty of couples in which the wife has ties to Japan, China or Vietnam.

    I thwarted the plans for a marriage that would've benefitted the guy's family more than mine and, unfortunately, instead of finding me another spouse with citizenship in a country other than my own, chose to punish me endlessly for failing to realize some interlopers' scheme. What's typical is that not all the insiders are part of a "natural aristocracy of talent", many are just opportunists who found out what the elites were plotting.

  26. "I think he just procreated with the Russian woman. Also, there was that thing about her being a pianist or something..."

    Really? I thought they were married... But in any case, procreating with prostitutes is still insanely stupid. This isn't Ben Franklin's time anymore. True accidents are extremely rare, when it comes to birth control. This was simply a matter of a man shooting himself in the foot. Oh, and how could I forget about the mail order bride's successful piano career! The vast majority of Russians above the poverty line (by their standards) force their kids to study music, or at least they used to. Russian music education required several years of piano before an additional instrument could be introduced. But about this woman... Is she a concert pianist somewhere. A conductor? A music teacher, perhaps? Or does her music career consist of having rich men pay for overproduced recordings of her shitty singing?

  27. Worked in PR and Highly Amused1/5/12, 3:23 PM

    " understand why successful women want to get married. But straight men? "Worked in PR and Not Amused", do you have a theory on that? "

    You aren't worth the reply, but I'll do so anyway.

    Because without the civilizing influence of women and the family, men's lives are nasty, brutish and short.

    Or, you could go the David Geffen route and bring your 26 year old boy toy to the White House. He's 66 and looks terrific.

    Take your pick, Anonymous.

  28. Worked in PR and Highly Amused1/5/12, 3:24 PM

    Too many male movie stars are gay or bi to be believed.

    Just take a look at any actor who appeared in a Gus Van Sant film, and start from there.


  29. Worked in PR and Incredibly Amused1/5/12, 3:28 PM

    This just in, Sinead O'Connor is getting back together with that no-name she married, after announcing her divorce, after 18 days of marriage.

    She says that they worked it out after a nice night of lovemaking.

    Reason I mention this is, and I know this will shock you all, there is a high degree of mental instability in show biz.

    It's a shock, I realize. But deal with it.

  30. "This is even more perplexing in sports stars than in movie stars. Why did Tiger get married? Michael Jordan? Any one of those guys? From here it just looks like weakness. Caving in, and then paying for it. Not thinking ahead."

    The fatal flaw of liberalism is that it doesn't understand the common human desire to surround oneself with people who are like you. The fatal flaw of this jackleg Game conservatism is that it's fans don't understand the common human desire for love and children.

  31. "This is even more perplexing in sports stars than in movie stars. Why did Tiger get married? Michael Jordan? Any one of those guys? From here it just looks like weakness. Caving in, and then paying for it. Not thinking ahead."

    You may be thinking ahead for yourself (you do sound like someone who really should avoid committed relationships, really), but there has never been a society on record where the majority of children born, have not been born to married couples. Gross disparagment of marrige has always seemed to me juvenile and short-sighted, even though I personally have never felt the need. I'm weird, I accept that. But most people need the structure marrige provides, and children most definitely do.
    Do you understand anything about how society works or culture worth passing on is created? There has been no viable civilization worth the name that did not have the family at its basis.
    If it's the divorced man getting screwed out his money scenario you are invoking (understandably, IMO), mens' rights groups and just the cogs of justice have been at work, at least in most states. I know quite a few women who owned houses or businesses and had to sell or divide with the ex-husband at the time of divorce.
    Studies have generally shown that married men are happier than married women, whatever their feelings before marriage. How valid these studies, I don't know. But they've been fairly consistent. I think women expect more.
    It sort of fits though. They say women are more family oriented in youth and care less in later years. In my family, my brothers didn't care too much about family stuff, now they're the ones getting sentimental while my sister and myself are more indifferent. Noticed that about some other men I've known. They are even more likely to get into genealogy in old age, while women got into it while young.

  32. Worked in PR and Totally Disgusted1/6/12, 7:56 AM

    It's nice to know that not everybody who comments here is a 'game' maniac.

    What Mary tarry and Anonymous 3:50 said.

    I'd only add that it's not just marriage, but a reasonably stable, multi-generational family structure that gives life meaning. The fact that early death was ubiquitous pre-modernity only gave people greater incentive to keep cherished family members alive.

    I realize that this is all quite beyond most 'game' loonies. I'm only preaching to the converted. So be it.

    In fact, if you want a perfect example of where 'game' leads you, by all means, look at Hollywood. Drugs, divorce and despair litter the landscape.

    There are a few exceptions. Tom Hanks and....who else?

    Meryl Streep? She's an admirable woman, but she's not exactly Hollywood. She raised her kids in Connecticut, far from the madding crowd and intelligently conducted her career long-distance. But - all 4 of her kids have gone into show biz. We'll see how that works out. It's a brutal business and it eats actresses up (actors too, but actresses esp.) and spits them out.

    What's Meg Ryan done lately?

    Look at Beatty and Bening's kid, Caitlyn, who behaves like Chaz bono's pseudo-intellectual younger trans-brother. Beatty is said to be devastated at her/his behavior.

    Hollywood is truly a terrible place, but nothing will put an end to it, as long as it's the Empire's dream factory.

  33. "Is she a concert pianist somewhere. A conductor? A music teacher, perhaps? Or does her music career consist of having rich men pay for overproduced recordings of her shitty singing?"

    Jealous much? I believe Grigorieva would be considered more a courtesan than a mere prostitute but, alas, she does seem to have a career in various aspects of music that would be the envy of many a college student pursuing a fine arts degree. The babe also earned money as a model which means she is beautiful by any standard. Yes, Gibson should've stayed with his wife. I get the sense he's in over his head most of the time so probably needs someone who can love and understand him no matter what. And Grigorieva seems to have a bit of a histrionic personality (perhaps bipolar) paired with poor conflict resolution skills; I doubt she'll ever stay in a relationship very long. So, envy her her modestly successful career in music while realizing her personal life is fraught with conflict. Did you really want to be her anyway? I mean Timothy Dalton was the least sexy Bond and Gibson has been an old fart for at least a decade.

  34. Here's
    a plot of the data if anybody is interested in exploring more.

  35. Laura Z,

    My comments were about Mel Gibson being proven insane by willfully becoming financially responsible for an obvious career courtesan, as you put it, not against the professional prostitution in any of its forms. Pointing out that someone was given too much credit where credit isn't due isn't always a sign of envy. After all, not everyone who bitches about the welfare queens wants to be one, though, I'm sure, some do. Of course I wouldn't want to be her; screwing unattractive men as a means of survival must be very unpleasant. Also, of course I wish I were as beautiful as her or beautiful enough to have the option to be a model. What kind of a deranged person doesn't wish that? I see nothing wrong with the courtesan getting the opportunities that an average BFA grad would kill for. They are the perks of her job. Why do you think Gibson should've stayed with his wife? Men who are unhappy have every right to leave. However, he is an idiot for getting himself stuck in such an obvious pothole. It's funny that he thought that a professional prostitute would be his loving wife. On the other hand, I have all the respect for that old rich dude who married Anna Nicole Smith. He decided to buy himself an expensive gift with his hard-earned money towards the end of his life, and kudos to him. Prostitution can be harmless and beneficial to the parties involved, as long as both go into it honestly and don't expect it to be more than what it obviously is.

  36. "The babe also earned money as a model which means she is beautiful by any standard."

    That used to be a good rule of thumb, not any more.

    This "babe" earns big money as a supermodel: Model=Beautiful?

  37. " Prostitution can be harmless and beneficial to the parties involved, as long as both go into it honestly and don't expect it to be more than what it obviously is."

    I hear what you're saying. Anna Nicole and her son might still be alive if this had been a straightforward exchange of sex for cash rather than a faux marriage. Also, the horny old fart might have donated his sperm to a sufficiently high IQ egg bearer and created a trust for that child to be managed by its uber responsible mother until age 18.

    Now for the ugly truth about the life expectancy of a man's sex drive. Ewww!

  38. Kylie,

    Sure, there are always exceptions, but models are usually beautiful. At any rate, the woman in question is way above average in looks. After all, it's hard to deny that her looks are instrumental in her ability to earn her bread.


    This is the only place I can engage in cat fights. In real life, all the other girls are bigger than me, AND they are better at sports. But here? For the sake of this discussion, I'm 5'9'', 145lbs and a black belt in karate. Besides, she totally started it.

  39. Laura Z said:

    "I hear what you're saying. Anna Nicole and her son might still be alive if this had been a straightforward exchange of sex for cash rather than a faux marriage. Also, the horny old fart might have donated his sperm to a sufficiently high IQ egg bearer and created a trust for that child to be managed by its uber responsible mother until age 18.

    Now for the ugly truth about the life expectancy of a man's sex drive. Ewww!"

    You think it's Smith's marriage to the old guy that killed her and her son years later? Interesting... How do you figure? Two consenting adults applying for a marriage license and signing the marriage contract makes the union legal, not faux. Or are you suggesting that men who are sexually repulsive for reasons of old age or otherwise should be stripped off the right to make their own legal decisions? How dare you troll my boy Whiskey like that!

    Yes, the old dude could do all kinds of noble/practical things with his money. But you don't get to decide what he buys with the money he earned. The earner has, not only every legal, but also every moral right to spend his money in any way he sees fit that isn't against the law. In this case, the elderly gentleman wanted to squeeze a playboy bunny. He realized that the only way someone of his physique would get to play with the bunny would be to pay handsomely. On the flip side, the playmate wanted money, and she realized that the only thing she could trade for it was her body and good looks. Two adults performed the exchange in the form of a legal marriage. Both paid their dues and got what they wanted. What a lovely story! Now, if you want to breed high IQ children with trust funds, you should go earn enough money to finance your project yourself. On a side note, this weekend, I discovered that I had an extra $180, and instead of giving it to cancer research, I bought myself another used electric guitar because I wanted it. As an added bonus, I'm tone deaf. Ha!

  40. "You think it's Smith's marriage to the old guy that killed her and her son years later? Interesting... How do you figure? "

    Are you being facetious? I'll assume you really aren't up-to-date on the sordid details of this tragedy involving the in/famous since you aren't on most of the others you refer to in your posts.

    Smith and her adult son died of drug overdoses under suspicious circumstances after Smith's life had been taken over by a lawyer/lover and the father of her then infant daughter. Basically, the money she inherited from the ancient one and had to fight for in court ended up being controlled by the pretty boy who fathered her little girl. There is speculation that the pretty boy & the lawyer were a homosexual couple. Either way, they obviously enabled Smith's drug addiction. If it hadn't been for the combination of great wealth, naivete and emotional vulnerability, the marriage for money wouldn't have caused her death, but, ultimately, as has happened with many working class lottery winners, she attracted those who would use her and harm her for her money.

    Success and wealth can be double edged swords.

    P.S. Rich old men can do anything they want with their money as long as they stop having sex by age 75. (I'm generously giving them ten years past retirement)

  41. " For the sake of this discussion, I'm 5'9'', 145lbs and a black belt in karate"

    Well that's kinda sexy.

  42. Truth,

    I can be all kinds of sexy on the internet. Just between us, I'm a Japanese school girl.

    Laura Z.,

    Wow, I didn't know about the lawyer and that other guy being a gay couple. Maybe celebrities ARE entertaining enough to follow! However, what you described is death by stupidity, not death caused by some illicit plot. Dumbasses do stupid things with money. They also do stupid things without money. People have the right to do their best in trade and to maintaining the legal ownership of their own person. People are also responsible for their own actions. Which brings me to your views on 75 year old men... Don't have sex with them since you find them repulsive. However, if a crypt keeper finds a willing partner, someone into grandpa porn or someone in need of cash, I say good for him. Btw, I plan to open a resort in China in about 15 years where women over 60 could go to hook up with boys in their twenties. The grannies would pay me to facilitate sex with young bucks and the Chinese youths would pay me to facilitate sex with a female, any female because, by that time, they'll outnumber local women something like 17 to one. Would you like to invest? I'm looking for start up capital.

  43. "The grannies would pay me to facilitate sex with young bucks and the Chinese youths would pay me to facilitate sex with a female, any female because, by that time, they'll outnumber local women something like 17 to one. Would you like to invest? I'm looking for start up capital."

    I'd invest in a bordello staffed by sexy, financially desperate 20 something males. Surely you could find a country with sexier, more muscular males whose prior experience with women could be a big plus.

  44. "I'd invest in a bordello staffed by sexy, financially desperate 20 something males. Surely you could find a country with sexier, more muscular males whose prior experience with women could be a big plus."

    You completely misunderstood my business model. I plan to get paid by BOTH sides. And don't call it a bordello. It's going to be a very classy establishment. There'll be pottery classes, historic tours and all kinds of wholesome photo opportunities. And if a young man with a .0007 chance to ever see a local woman naked and a retired matron happen to wonder into one of the private "sitting rooms" after paying me to attend that seminar on the local art history, well that's just none of my business. However, everyone will be tested for STDs on arrival and presented with a certified health report to keep on their person at all times. Come on, invest! Don't you want to be a part of something geared towards helping people?

  45. "Surely you could find a country with sexier, more muscular males whose prior experience with women could be a big plus."

    I don't think the mention of one of THOSE countries would go over too well on this board.

  46. "I don't think the mention of one of THOSE countries would go over too well on this board."

    I qualified that remark with the word "sexier". I somehow doubt we're thinking of the same countries, Truth.

  47. "Surely you could find a country with sexier, more muscular males whose prior experience with women could be a big plus."

    I'm sure retired Hr managers and paralegals would love German boy-toys, but how will I ever get the German men to pay me for the privilege to get intimate with a grandma? Also, as a profit oriented, but still very ethical future mogul, I'd like to keep the risk of AIDS at minimal levels.

  48. Worked in PR and Totally Disgusted1/10/12, 7:59 AM

    @Maya, a bordello is a bordello, no matter what you call it. I prefer to use the term "whorehouse."

    @Laura, "There is speculation that the pretty boy & the lawyer were a homosexual couple."

    Heh, in Hwood, where this is gay speculation, there is fire.


    There's good evidence that hanging with the homoboys does a girl no good. They usually go crazy in some form or fashion.

  49. Worked in PR and Totally Disgusted1/10/12, 8:15 AM

    I thought the buzz was that Stern (baby dadd, supposedly) and Birkhead were doin' the nasty behind Anna's back. Literally.

  50. "@Maya, a bordello is a bordello, no matter what you call it. I prefer to use the term "whorehouse.""

    Don't you dare! My children's private education isn't going to be funded by the profits from a "whorehouse". This money will also get funneled into several charities, so, dear sir, I ask that you express yourself with proper decorum. I like the term "humanitarian relief franchise". These classy establishments will be, basically, very expensive resorts with emphasis on cultural education... and lots of private "sitting rooms" with comfortable couches... and mandatory STD screenings. There'll be cooking classes and field trips to museums/orphanages, for Pete's sake! So... you wanna invest?

  51. "I thought the buzz was that Stern (baby dadd, supposedly) and Birkhead were doin' the nasty behind Anna's back. Literally."

    No, it's the other one who fathered the baby. He got custody which I believe entailed taking a DNA test.

    I heard that this dumber one managed to wrest control of the money from Stern b/c of this and only has relationships w/ guys dumber than him now so they won't rook him out of his dough.

    As for the bordello, you aren't going to get any financially desperate Germans (desperation = motivation), gotta go to one of those bankrupted and corrupt countries for that. Although a surprising number of those Germans will do ya for free.

  52. " Although a surprising number of those Germans will do ya for free."

    For the last time: I. Need. Both. Sides. To. Pay. ME! That's why this could only work in China, or maybe India. You should invest now. The profit you'll make will be enough to fulfill your dreams of coercing starved youth of some AIDS ridden country into sexual slavery. Or you could buy lots of ponies or something. Anyway, don't pass up this opportunity.

  53. @Laura Z,

    You're right, I got my creepos mixed up!!

    Makes me wonder which is the dumber one. He's a gay slut, but he made out rather well.

    I'd name other names of Hollywood hustlers about whom the same could be said, but I doubt Sailer would approve the comment.

    A lot of actors. A lot. A couple of A-listers, 50% of B-listers, and pretty much every C-lister.

    Every actor who overdosed.


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