January 23, 2012

Who knew?

Maureen Dowd writes in the NYT about how the Cool Black President she thought we were electing turned out to be less entertaining than she had expected from all those years watching Cool Black Guys on TV:
FOR eight seconds, we saw the president we had craved for three years: cool, joyous, funny, connected. 
“I, I’m so in love with you,” Barack Obama crooned to a thrilled crowd at a fund-raiser at the Apollo in Harlem on Thursday night, doing a seductive imitation as Al Green himself looked on. ... 
The portrait of the first couple in Jodi Kantor’s new book, “The Obamas,” bristles with aggrievement and the rational president’s disdain for the irrational nature of politics, the press and Republicans. Despite what his rivals say, the president and the first lady do believe in American exceptionalism — their own, and they feel overassaulted and underappreciated. 
We disappointed them. 
As Michelle said to Oprah in an interview she did with the president last May: “I always told the voters, the question isn’t whether Barack Obama is ready to be president. The question is whether we’re ready. And that continues to be the question we have to ask ourselves.” 
They still believed, as their friend Valerie Jarrett once said, that Obama was “just too talented to do what ordinary people do.” 
Who knew, in the exuberance of 2008, that America was electing an introvert? 

Who knew? How could anyone possibly know? I mean, besides the presidential candidate having published at age 33 a 150,000 word autobiography that is introverted, elegant, dull, egotistical, self-pitying, not particularly insightful, and a little depressing: Obama's Presidency in convenient book form? But other than this whopping huge memoir, how could anyone have known anything about the man? And who could expect busy media figures like Maureen Dowd to read a Presidential candidate's well-written autobiography? Or even its subtitle?
Kantor writes that the Obamas, feeling misunderstood, burrowed into “self-imposed exile” — a “bubble within the bubble” — with their small circle of Chicago friends, who reinforced the idea that “the American public just did not appreciate their exceptional leader.” 
She reports that Marty Nesbitt indignantly told his fellow Obama pal Eric Whitaker that the president “could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S.”


  1. "aggrievement"? I begin to see a case for establishing English as the official language of the USA.

  2. ""aggrievement"? I begin to see a case for establishing English as the official language of the USA."

    Future English teachers take a course titled "Modern English Grammar" which teaches transformational grammar, the basics of ebonics or creoles, and fun sentence diagramming activities. For instruction in usage, it's necessary to take a journalism course or two (usually not open to non-journalism majors) or to have had sufficient instruction way back in 9th or 10th high school English.

  3. just passing through1/23/12, 4:31 AM

    "She reports that Marty Nesbitt indignantly told his fellow Obama pal Eric Whitaker that the president “could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S."

    This Marty Nesbitt guy obviously doesn't keep up with overseas news.

  4. This is precisely the problem.

    Obama is supposed to be president of the U.S., not Europe and the rest of the world.

    His job is protect and prosecute the self-interest of the U.S., not to inspire hipsters worldwide.

    Protecting and prosecuting the interest of the U.S. is so boring.

  5. There's almost a whiff of nostalgia for Soviet style elections in Dowd's remarks, isn't there?

    How about 100% of the popular vote for the Dear Leader?

  6. C'mon Steve: you expect a major newspaper columnist to read a whole book written by The Man Who Would Be President even as she proclaims herself breathlessly to be his greatest fan? A journalist prospers out of ignorance.

  7. FOR eight seconds, we saw the president we had craved for three years: cool, joyous, funny, connected
    notice, craved for cool and funny, not productive, competent, honest..

  8. Nobody submits his auto-biography (especially a ghost-written one; that was proven years ago) as a resume. That's really all we had on him, other than articles places like Time and Newsweek. It's a cliche, but a true one of which persons here are well aware. Very few people own the mass media, and they all sit together and plan for their benefit and that of corporate masters.
    What is known about Obama is hiding in plain sight and that's the best hiding place because so many choose to remain blind and deaf.

  9. Would Herman Cain get her groove back?

  10. Harry Baldwin1/23/12, 6:49 AM

    I'm afraid a lot of female voters will be more inclined to vote for Obama because he sang "Let's Stay Together" than they be would because of any policies he promoted.
    (Among those I number my wife.) Scary, isn't it?

    I liked this line from the Dowd piece: Asked last week by Piers Morgan how he got on with Obama, Jimmy Carter — one of two living Democratic ex-presidents — replied, “We don’t really have any relationship.”

    In fairness, is there anyone in America who wishes they could have a relationship with Jimmy Carter?

  11. The Entertaining of the Shrew?

  12. I'm confused. What has Obama done to incur the Wrath Of Mo?

    -Misguided, anti-industry environmental policy, check
    -Endless war for democracy, check
    -Shake down whitey, check
    -Regulatory capture, check
    -Cheap dollars and deficits, check
    -Pro-gay military, check

    I mean come on, it's not the Obamas' fault she couldn't find a date for the Apollo.

  13. The greatest ego trip in history is what this Obama interlude increasingly appears to have been, now unraveling before us. I don't know if I should laugh or barf.

  14. At least the good news is that the Obama of Maureen's(and other liberals') dreams would have been a far worse President than the slightly depressing one we actually have.

  15. I don't read deeply in Dowd (but who could?), but I assume she's delivering herself a couple of pointed reminders she may have been played a fool in '08.

    But then, she's been hip to this introversion problem for a while, if I recall.

    The "Alice in Wonderland" Halloween party is a tip-off to what sort of low-middlebrow people the Obamas really are. Was Barry ever a goth kid? Doubtless, no. But he has that same kind of bizarre smug sense that he's discovered what's really important, like the blue-haired girl reading Stephen King's "It" and cocking an eyebrow at your philistine lugging about of "War and Peace." Dude, ain't you *with it* yet?

    The Obamas are upper-middle class party people, of the chaste (I assume-- though Barack knew blow, no?) sort. For supposedly educated, bookish introverts, God they love to go on vacay!

    Burton and Depp should've told him to keep out of the sun. All that golf, it ruins his cred.

  16. A bubble within a bubble? Christ, Obama has been in a bubble since he was in the womb. His entire existence has been in the rarefied world of the radical Left elite.

    He began as the political version of a beta orbiter (still his obvious relationship mode) and then drifted his way towards the Ring of Power, the road smoothed by unctuous white Liberals bedazzled by the smooth talking mulatto.

    He is the most tunnel-visioned, echo-chambered person to ever attain the office. His and Moochelle's endless grievances are merely the resentment of the undeserving. This is what happens when you grant people unearned "achievements" for their entire life.

    I know everything I need to know about Obama's politics (envy riddled crackpot academic Leftist). What I really want to know now: is Obama actually gay? Oh there are stories, and plenty of 'em. Pity the media is too busy dumpster diving in Sarah Palin's back yard or whatever they are doing, rather than investigating the numerous fascinatingly opaque chapters from the demon haunted past of the Teleprompter in Chief.

  17. Obama pal Eric Whitaker that the president “could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S.”

    Bizarro World.

  18. Henry Canaday1/23/12, 8:55 AM

    Maybe he is just bored with being surrounded by the same neurotically ambitious and pretentious white people he has spent his entire educational and professional life among. ("Dear God, do they want to talk about Reinhold Niebuhr again?")

  19. What a narcissistic f#$k wad.

    Oh well, I guess he really would be a minority if he were a politician that were truly humble and wanting to serve others.

  20. ...“could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S.”

    The Republicans are about to nominate the loathsome Newt Gingrich.

    Obama might very well get that 70%.

  21. The nation that lets the entertainment industry define "cool" has itself to blame for teaching its kids to chase "cool."

    Hell, why don't we just go ahead and elect some barbed-wired, tattooed goon and call him "cool." It's probably Dowd's secret desire to be screwed by such a one.

  22. This phenomenon is nothing new to anyone who has shared a workplace with an intelligent black person. Compared to his/her intelligent white peers, the intelligent black person is nothing special.

    Having been wafted along on blasts of adulation merely for not being more like the statistical norm for their race, and being told how exceptional, special, and all-around wonderful they are from elementary school onward, it's not surprising that such a one would only be able to see his lack of ability to make any further forward progress as being due to some externality (like racism, or an unexpected - and sinister - drop in the fountains of 'appreciation' that were heretofore a birthright).

    Resentment usually follows.

  23. I, for one, have never craved a president who was cool, joyous, funny or connected.

    Honest, old-school patriotic & competent are all I ask.

  24. The truth is that what supposedly made Obama "cool" to the true believers like Dowd was his combination of hip and high IQ. What we all know today is that Obama's IQ is only average. Without affirmative action, Obama would have made a great high school social studies teacher.

    Mediocrity is never cool--is it Maureen?

  25. "FOR eight seconds, we saw the president we had craved for three years: cool, joyous, funny, connected."

    But then he refused to bomb those verdampt Persians in Iowa...i mean Gaza...i mean Iran.

  26. "Marty Nesbitt indignantly told his fellow Obama pal Eric Whitaker that the president “could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S."

    I'll bet.

    Anyone who enjoys seeing the US get knocked down a peg would love the chance to vote for him.

    Of course, here in the country that was blessed with his presence, the people just haven't been able to muster sufficient enthusiasm for national decline to please our President.

    What do you expect from a nation of bitter clingers and cowards? It certainly wasn't that Obama overreached, using his party's brief control of congress to ram through a liberal wish list from the 80's that failed to recognize the realities of the dire economic situation of 2009.

    No, like everything else, the failure of his presidency is someone else's fault. All of ours, apparently. Shame on us.

  27. she thought we were electing turned out to be less entertaining than she had expected from all those years watching Cool Black Guys on TV:

    Who is she kidding? He goes on multi million dollar vacations. He gets jinny dep over for holloween!

  28. An introverted tax cutting republican warmonger.

  29. “could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S.”

    Or Chicago.

  30. Eric Whitaker,Marty Nebitt and of course Valerie Jarret are all...black.We are very familiar with Whitaker here in Chicago,as he is involved in a waste of money and mismanagement of funds regarding AIDS outreach and clinics.One of Whitakers pals bought a Cadillac Escalade(fully tricked out I presume) to do outreach to the young brothers. That they would believe this horrible drivel-Obama is exceptional,he could be elected anywhere,we dont appreciate his greatness--suggests that the black mind is operating in its own dimension,immune to reality.Scarey.

  31. Funkin Wagnalls1/23/12, 12:13 PM



  32. Now we're all just watching the clock waiting for OJ Time to expire. OJ Time? The time it takes to go from the brief, orgasmic frenzy that this black guy is Jesus, Gandalf, and Willy Wonka all rolled into one to bewilderment at What the Fuck Were We All Thinking?

    With Simpson it took at most 12 years. But Obama's the first black president, so it will probably take a bit longer and the frenzy will probably never fully go away.

    Perhaps by 2032 we'll be able to talk honestly about the disaster of the Obama years without setting off a riot.

  33. "Aggrievement" is a perfectly good word, dearieme. Making up rules about language, even if they are based on things that aunts and ninth-grade teachers insisted on, doesn't make them so. Take a linguistics course, or at least a History of the English Language.

    As to the post, these are literally legitimate symptoms for a diagnosis of narcissism.

  34. Dowd writes, "Who knew, in the exuberance of 2008, that America was electing an introvert?"

    I am not sure Obama's introversion is the problem here. I think a good case could be made for Reagan being at least somewhat introverted. He and Clinton both really knew how to work a crowd yet Clinton seemed to relish all the rest of the schmoozing politics requires where Reagan was content to spend his down time with Nancy and a few cronies.

    Obama seems sulky and sullen if forced to interact with anyone or any group who isn't openly adoring. That is not the same thing as an introvert who can be good company when necessary but is content with solitude.

  35. FOR eight seconds, we saw the president we had craved for three years: cool, joyous, funny, connected.

    Sycophantic drivel.

    She's a total fangirl nutcase.

  36. So what exactly is Michelle's view of Barry?

    In a couple of posts a few weeks ago, Steve argued that she sees through him, that she's not impressed with him, that she knows that he is not a "big" man, and is baffled at all these white people who treat him as the Messiah.

    MoDo on the other hand seems to present Michelle as a true believer in Barry -- the problem is with America if it isn't ready for him.

    Who is right, Steve of a few weeks ago or MoDo? Or is there some way to reconcile the two views?

  37. Oh, but all that means that Obama really is cool. Only rock stars, starving artists and beatniks get to wallow in adolescent angst past their early twenties without becoming the subjects of universal contempt.

  38. These writers are hilarious. Obama is just so smart, so exceptional, that we can't keep up with him. He's good enough, he's smart enough, but doggone it, people just don't like him!

  39. I am Whiskey.

    Alpha males. Women. Beta males. HATE HATE HATE.

    I am Whiskey.

  40. Maureen Dowd is typical of most White female professionals. While everyone knows that the global labor market screws over (mostly White, but also Black) workers, by allowing outsourcing to low-cost India and China, H1-B Visa holders, and illegal aliens (so Mexicans instead of native Blacks and White Teens work at Chipotle), the global market for men and women being sexy and glamorous as media figures is less obvious.

    Black women generally lose, when compared to White and Asian women. Kanazawa was defenestrated for showing that, but his study was not refuted. Few women want to grow up to look like Serena Williams (look tomorrow my site for evidence of that), but many would like to look like say, Maria Sharapova.

    And the same thing is true for men. Asian men complain, they get the short end of the stick. Bruce Lee may have worked himself to death trying to get a build his body could not handle. Conan O'Brien makes jokes about being unmanly because he's pale and red-haired, and Damien Lewis mostly plays bad guys because that is who he is.

    Black guys are tall, dark, handsome, more masculine and testosterone filled, than Asian or White guys. This is why Obama had such an advantage. He lost married women only by 3% to McCain. Unmarried women like Dowd went 70-29 for Obama, contrast to 62-38 for Kerry vs. Bush.

    As MEDIA FIGURES of glamour and excitement, guys like Obama have a built in advantage. The Kardashians, basically, have built a media empire by allowing millions of White women to vicariously date and marry Black athletes.

    Obama, just by being Black, has the same advantage with White women voters that say, White women have with Black guys (to the utter disgust and chagrin of Black women). Or White guys have with Asian women (to the utter disgust and chagrin of Asian men).

    The problem with multiracial, multicultural societies is that it creates big winners and losers. Not just in the labor but also the mate/sex/love market. Perhaps even worse, because women unlike cash are not fungible, and a woman who had kids and long-term relationship is not the same as a dollar that went from one guy's bank account to another's. Incentives and investment in society matters.

  41. She reports that Marty Nesbitt indignantly told his fellow Obama pal Eric Whitaker that the president “could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S.”

    They've believed the wrong things about Europe, I think. Just because polls/interviewees/schmoozers say they'd love to see Obama elected (in America), doesn't mean they'd elect him (in their countries). Whole different ball game.

  42. This is classic "Yale or Jail" thinking by the Gates Foundation: We'll force every student in California to be eligible for the elite UC system by threatening them that if they don't pass all the A-G requirements, they'll go through life as high school dropouts! What could possibly go wrong?

    100% sure that I'm not the first one to mention that getting the word out on "Yale or Jail" is a great way to drive away the Jailies, but I haven't been paying close attention to these discussions lately so I didn't see it.

  43. where are your vdare essays going?

  44. OT: The Owner/Publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times forced to sell of his paper after Obama assassination suggestion:


  45. So is Maureen going straight from self-imposed ignorance to "we are not worthy", without any intervening attempt at analysis?

  46. How could anyone possibly know? I mean, besides the presidential candidate having published at age 33 a 150,000 word autobiography that is introverted, elegant, dull, egotistical, self-pitying, not particularly insightful, and a little depressing: Obama's Presidency in convenient book form? But other than this whopping huge memoir, how could anyone have known anything about the man?

    But Steve we don't actually know if Obama wrote that book, as there's another book that argues Bill Ayers wrote it. One of the reasons I haven't yet purchased your book or Dinesh D'Souza's book about Obama is that both books are based on the assumption that Obama wrote Dreams. If that assumption is false, then so might be the conclusions drawn from it.

  47. smead jolley1/23/12, 4:27 PM

    OK, I admit I don't get the OJ timeline.

  48. Paging Whiskey...Obama is the result of women voting.

  49. I don't doubt that Obama would get the vote of 70 - 80% of third worlders. They too are utterly lacking in self-awareness. Witness the almost universal prevalence of self-pity in combination with unearned self-esteem and a deep grudge against anyone anywhere who actually is capable and self-reliant: traits that mark most third worlders as well as their darling, Obama.

  50. "Black guys are tall, dark, handsome, more masculine and testosterone filled, than Asian or White guys. This is why Obama had such an advantage."

    You seem completely incompetent at processing information through direct perception. Obama has the build of a skinny, white adolescent which is to say he doesn't have the muscle tone of a black male. He's got darker skin and moves like the skinnier black men but is definitely a blend between races. Plus he's ugly, short hair or afro, Obama has an odd face and dark yet sallow skin. He's also moody and high maintenance which isn't masculine. He has none of the benefits of being black which include being gregarious and easy going. He also lacks the cherubic features common to many mulattoes. Instead he comes across as scrawny, selfish, churlish, difficult and probably stingy.

    Chris Christie, resembling a god of plenty, would have beaten him easily in an era of austerity. Cut off our food and money. Tell us we have to rough it for a while. We, the American people, think not!

  51. The guy campaigned in Germany for God's sakes, and no one in the media found that unusual.

    In fact, I don't recall a single American with a microphone asking, "Why the hell is he doing that? He's supposed to be running for President of the United States, not President of the World."

  52. Americans are brainwashed to think their lives are like the movies and TV.

    When they realize this is not the case comes the disapointement and depression.

  53. OT, Steve, but you'll love this.


    "Spending 9 years in the USA was an enlightening experience.

    "Before I went to America I had an unresolved internal conflict on the issue of immigration.

    "My parents were immigrants, my Godparents were immigrants and many of their friends were immigrants.

    "As a child growing up amongst immigrants and die-hard, true-blue Aussies in blue-collar Picnic Point, I feel I am somewhat qualified to offer comment on the issue of refugees. I was proud that Chinese never featured in the tabloids or the evening news.

    "I wanted it to stay that way and I thought that limiting the number of Chinese entering the country would ensure the bad ones would be excluded.

    "I felt Australia was such a great place to live, in no small part as a result of its isolation, not despite it.

    "We appeared to be immune from World Wars, border conflicts and dwindling natural resources.

    "Why would you ruin this blissful isolation by allowing "queue jumpers", potential criminals, into our Utopia?
    (why indeed - Gilbert; and now for the punchline.)

    "My time in the USA made me reflect on how a country that was not that much older or bigger than ours had achieved such a standing on the world stage.

    "In general, Americans were not more intelligent, diligent or talented than Australians.

    "They have natural resources, so do we.

    "Their pioneers did it tough, so did ours. They had a national pride, so do we.

    "Speak to most Americans and they will be the first to concede the dependence of their economy on the hard-working and fiercely loyal Mexicans."

    It is usual at this time of year for our betters to educate us in the joys of diversity, lest we should show signs of being overly Australian on Australia Day. But the good surgeon is hilarious here. Where can we get us twenty or thirty million surplus Mexicans?

    Gilbert Pinfold.

  54. I read Dreams and barely remember any of it. Who cares who wrote it? I have a vague memory of it reminding me of James Whitmore in Black Like Me. He roams around to various locations, looking for an opportunity to be indignant. James Whitmore seemed more authentically black.

    America's Half Blood Prince - that's a book that sticks in my mind. The Kindle version is great. I read it on my bb when I'm bored.

  55. Mark Steyn nailed it when he said that Obama seemed to be condescending to take the office of the Presidency until something grand enough to fit his opinion of himself came along.

  56. "MY point is, how long will it take 'til blacks are willing to at least tacitly admit that Obama is a joke, or will they never admit it?"

    My guess is nevah with one exception: should the US ever elect a very, very black man with roots from West Africa, then American blacks will say, "Obama? He wasn't one of us."

  57. Obama has the build of a skinny, white adolescent which is to say he doesn't have the muscle tone of a black male. He's got darker skin and moves like the skinnier black men but is definitely a blend between races. Plus he's ugly, short hair or afro, Obama has an odd face and dark yet sallow skin. He's also moody and high maintenance which isn't masculine.

    Oh please. Obama is extremely impressive by any objective standard. He's tall and gracile with golden skin, small refined caucasoid feautures, verbal dexterity, and a calm rational mature temperament that indicates outstanding IQ.

    True he's not a manly man like Mike Tyson, but such a brutish physique would never have won the approval of the liberal elite. Obama with his high class body build, facial features and communication style had white elites and even Jews worshiping him; well except for the hardcore neocons and their hero Netanyahu who fear this gracile golden God.

  58. Is it even worth responding to whiskey. I don't know where to start. He writes:

    "Black guys are tall, dark, handsome, more masculine and testosterone filled, than Asian or White guys. This is why Obama had such an advantage. He lost married women only by 3% to McCain. Unmarried women like Dowd went 70-29 for Obama, contrast to 62-38 for Kerry vs. Bush."

    Or maybe it had something to do with the republicans running the country into the ground the preceding 8 years.

    He adds more wisdom:

    "Obama, just by being Black, has the same advantage with White women voters that say, White women have with Black guys (to the utter disgust and chagrin of Black women). Or White guys have with Asian women (to the utter disgust and chagrin of Asian men)."

    I can't count the times people have responded to him with marriage and dating stats showing 95% of whites marry other whites.

    I think whiskey, in addition to being a crypto jew, has a home-erotic hangup with blacks.

  59. "Marty Nesbitt indignantly told his fellow Obama pal Eric Whitaker that the president “could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S."

    That is hilarious. Typical liberal ignorance of the way the world really works. In most of Europe, and especially in Asia, a man of half African descent has no chance of achieving any real political office. Hell, in Germany it is big news when people of Turkish descent can get elected, never mind blacks.

  60. "I, for one, have never craved a president who was cool, joyous, funny or connected.

    Honest, old-school patriotic & competent are all I ask."

    Well, I guess you didn't think much of "Dutch", did you?

  61. " What we all know today is that Obama's IQ is only average."

    Stephen, you have to talk to this young man, he has inside connections.

  62. "One of Whitakers pals bought a Cadillac Escalade(fully tricked out I presume) to do outreach to the young brothers."

    You would have preferred a '76 Gremlin with primer spots?

  63. "Obama has the build of a skinny, white adolescent which is to say he doesn't have the muscle tone of a black male. He's got darker skin and moves like the skinnier black men but is definitely a blend between races. Plus he's ugly, short hair or afro, Obama has an odd face and dark yet sallow skin. He's also moody and high maintenance which isn't masculine. He has none of the benefits of being black which include being gregarious and easy going. He also lacks the cherubic features common to many mulattoes. Instead he comes across as scrawny, selfish, churlish, difficult and probably stingy."

    Is this the adult equivalent of a 4th grade boy pulling the girl he like's ponytail and calling her "doodoo head?"

  64. " Anonymous said...
    The guy campaigned in Germany for God's sakes, and no one in the media found that unusual."

    Earth to Anonymous, someone came up with a novel invention that helped political campaigning a few years ago:

    It's called "the television."

  65. "Chris Christie, resembling a god of plenty, would have beaten him easily in an era of austerity"

    Nah, even it the Roaring Twenties, he would have been a fat fuck.

  66. "She reports that Marty Nesbitt indignantly told his fellow Obama pal Eric Whitaker that the president “could get 70 or 80 percent of the vote anywhere but the U.S.”"

    Woo, just like Mikail Gorbatchev.

    Say, how did that scenario play out for the Soviet Union?

  67. In most of Europe, and especially in Asia, a man of half African descent has no chance of achieving any real political office.

    But I thought Europe was supposed to be so much more progressive and tolerant than those vulgar redneck philistines in America. Didn't Europe still love Michael Jackson long after he became a pariah in America?

  68. "please. Obama is extremely impressive by any objective standard. He's tall and gracile with golden skin, small refined caucasoid feautures, verbal dexterity, and a calm rational mature temperament that indicates outstanding IQ."

    And purple lips. He's always given me the icky willies, but that's just me. I'm sorry but I've just never seen this person as handsome, though I can certainly see why you would, from the adjectives you use.
    Something about him always set off my gaydar. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Except for verbal dexterity. I really don't get where you hear his "verbal dexterity" since he speaks only from teleprompters, always has, and cannot hold a dextrous, informed conversation with anyone of world-class status (by which I mean someone involved in international politics.) He could not muster enough "verbal dexterity" to write anything of legal note, despite being the "editor" of Harvard Law Review, a laughable position which, as time will show, was engineered for him to beef up his resume. Apparently he didn't have to actually verbalize a damn thing worth remembering. His colleagues at the University of Chicago, where he was a professor, remember him as lazy and not worth the title of professor. His verbal dexterity did nothing to redeem him, no triumphant debates or dazzling articles. Not even recalled as much of a charmer. In fact, not even recalled much if at all wherever the hell he was supposed to be a student or teacher.
    Their opinion was pretty contemptuous; but of course that got next to no play in the MSM which has been pimping him to the voting public now for several years. Verbal dexterity. I think not.
    Oh--that "calm, rational, mature temperment." Really. Look at the (usually dead looking) eyes respond when he's not surrounded by adulatory reactions. Spoiled and sulky. Spends most of his time watching sports, partying, and taking vacations. He's record as doing these things more than any other pres on record.
    I remember the picture of him visiting Japan. A Japanese lady had given him an ice cream cone and was watching him sit and eat it as if he was a sulky 10 yr old she had to mind. He pretty much is, IMO. It was as undignified a picture of a US president as I've ever seen; at least with Bush II people didn't pretend he was all that. I think that's what gets me about Obama. So many ostensibly smart people pretending (can they really believe it?) that he's all that when there's just no evidence.
    This person is a classic narcissist whose obviously been through quite a bit of training in some sort of president-to-be-school. But you can't make a silk purse out of sow's ear. You can only take the program so far.

  69. Liberals don't built muscle. They run marathons. The kind of build most liberals would see as athletic is more Obama.

  70. "True he's not a manly man like Mike Tyson"

    Mike Tyson is a large toddler with superhuman strength, no ability to reason and no impulse control. It's not evident that he's been toilet trained. I'm not a fan of Obama, but he is, without comparison, more masculine than Tyson. Whiskey is more masculine than Mike Tyson.

  71. It would be amusing to have a
    True False test of citizen knowledge about relevant facts of
    BHO's life. Knowing how much of what they assume to be factually accurate about him is actually false, ought to prod most of his (dwindling number of ) supporters to invest in someone else.

  72. By evidence that Obama is verbally dexterous comes from dick Morris who said:

    "I do think that it was a refreshing change to see a president
    this articulate, this fluid, this well-informed, this obviously intellectually
    dexterous. I don't agree with much of what he said, but he was obviously very
    impressive" ("O'Reilly Factor," FNC, 2/9).


    Watch obama's feb 9, 2009 press conference on youtube if you don't believe morris

  73. "By evidence that Obama is verbally dexterous comes from dick Morris who said:

    "I do think that it was a refreshing change to see a president
    this articulate, this fluid, this well-informed, this obviously intellectually
    dexterous. I don't agree with much of what he said, but he was obviously very
    impressive" ("O'Reilly Factor," FNC, 2/9)."

    I respect your touching respect for the opinion of a popular, mainstream pundit who is doubtless on some big payroll or other (it's ok--we all need to make a living.) However, sadly, by now I can't sit through two words of POTUS much less a whole press conference. It's more than flesh & blood can bear.

    So I'll take your word for it, that he & TOTUS (teleprompter of the U.S.), like any number of other politicians, can lie with with dexterity and convince the gullible. However, Mr. B.O. trails too many clouds of gloryless articulation to impress yours truly.

  74. "I do think that it was a refreshing change to see a president this articulate"

    White republican politicians are being paid to betray their ethnic group therefore they're going to be disproportionately either stupid or sociopathic.

    Non-white politicians are only betraying their ethnic group in an opportunity-cost manner so they don't *have* to be dumb - it's only optional.

    The problem for Obama's media ex-supporters ever since it first came to light is the possibility he might extend the color line to include places like Gaza and Iran.

    So they got him pinned down in the White House until they can get an obedient idiot or sociopath back in there.

    Obama - last black President.

  75. Uh oh, it looks like Whiskey is SPOT ON!


    (Charlotte, Kylie, Edgy Gurl, please do not attempt the stunts depicted in this film, they are performed by trained professionals).

  76. "Nah, even it the Roaring Twenties, he would have been a fat fuck."

    Never get any play either.

    B. Ruth

  77. The fact is Newt is a much better extemporaneous speaker than the president, or anybody else in the Republican field.
    God help us.

  78. I've never thought of Obama as masculine. I think of him as effete.

  79. Arrognorant In Chief1/24/12, 8:44 PM

    "please. Obama is extremely impressive by any objective standard."


    The obnoxious combination of arrogant and ignorant. In other words, a way to describe people that think they know everything, but they don't.

  80. "I've never thought of Obama as masculine. I think of him as effete."

    I think his problems have more to do with his mental age than with his gender identity.

  81. So the lady's disappointed.

    As the US is still in Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay is still operating, will we hear about the disappointed liberals in the Nobel Prize Committee?

  82. "please. Obama is extremely impressive by any objective standard."

    Define impressive. Define extremely. Define objective. Define standard. Define any.. the use of so many superlatives for such a now-proven mediocrity (some say total fraud) suggests that you are being paid to say this, are in a smitten demographic that steadfastly identifies with him no matter what, or are just, yourself, extremely unimpressive mentally by any standards.

  83. "will we hear about the disappointed liberals in the Nobel Prize Committee?"

    Who cares what the Nobel Prize Committee might say or feel? A group that gives out trophies for possible future achievements can't be taken seriously.

  84. Obama "masculine" "effete"
    His deep voice persona, like other
    aspects of what appears to be a
    highly self-centered, manipulative personality, should not detract from looking at the known facts of his life. During his high school years in an upscale liberal high school, he conspicuously lacked overt interest in females. It is true that on occasion he would have one on arm, as for a dance or social event. There is no indication of any of the normal pairing so typical in middle class and upper middle class high schools of his time. Likewise, later on in his "undergrad" years.
    Michelle Robinson Obama is the only female he is known to have related to on any sustained basis and this after he was nearly 30 years old. His mother's own biography as to social-sexual pairing is odd, as well. She "leaped" from an overtly asexual teenie to being "at the feet" of a Black Kenyan. It is unclear whether they were ever married. Her second marriage to Soweto seemed, through no fault of his, to die on the vine long before legal dissolution. There is absolutely no known record of any social-sexual pairing on her part after the divorce from Soweto at a time when she was yet to run through her third decade of life.
    There are numerous reports by women who deal with him in mediated relationships (re legal, political, ceremonial matters )
    that he seems unusually covertly cold and distant. Women tend to have a pretty good consensus about a male whose emotional set toward women is off course. It is gratuitous to assume that President Obama is either heterosexual or has known and valued the normal range of family life.

  85. Come on, we've been through this before. Obama had a girlfriend in Chicago in the 1980s: white, a grad student in anthropology at U of C, from a family with some money. His own account matches up with David Remnick's which matches up with an anonymous commenter here who knows her family.

    Obama may be a little undersexed or not all that heterosexual, but he did have a serious girlfriend before Michelle.

  86. oh it can be1/27/12, 6:55 PM

    "Come on, we've been through this before. Obama had a girlfriend in Chicago in the 1980s: white, a grad student in anthropology at U of C, from a family with some money."

    You've never heard of bi's, or even gays, who had affairs, even marriages, with the opposite sex? Happened, and still happens and isn't astoundingly rare, especially in the political world. And after all, for POTUS, a wife is part of the package, as is an ex-girlfriend or two, to make him seem more interesting and desirable.
    I guess it's because you are honest about what you think.
    An entire life with fraud and pretense as its warp and woof, seems totally impossible to you.
    It's not.

  87. "Come on, we've been through this before" Thanks for the information. I, of course, retract the assertion about Michelle being the only one known of. But given the sexual emphasis and activity characteristic of teenagers and undergrads during his formative years---there's too much dry land and too few trees. His mother, and his grandparents, were not prudes--indeed his grandfather would have been reassured if Barry had collected a few panties. Any checklist relevant to normal sexual expression during these formative years, would leave him "scoring" much more in the lavender/pink zone than in the blue zone. A presumption of his being within the normal heter range is gratuitous.


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