February 12, 2012

"Five Myths about Whites"

Charles Murray writes in the WaPo's "5 Myths" format:
5. White Americans are yesterday’s news. 
You don’t need to see a young black family in the White House to understand that American demographics are changing. In the 2010 census, non-Latino whites made up 64 percent of the population, down from 69 percent in 2000, 76 percent in 1990 and 80 percent in 1980. In 2011, non-Latino whites for the first time constituted a minority of children under age 2 — the harbinger of a nation in which whites will be a minority. That’s no myth. 
Yet, 45 of 50 governors and 96 of 100 U.S. senators were still non-Latino whites in 2010. Whites also were 92 percent of the directors nominated for Academy Awards between 2000 and 2011. They were 96 percent of Fortune 500 chief executives in 2011. The numbers are similar for other influential positions in U.S. society. At least for now, the rhetoric about the fading role of whites in American life outruns reality.

The Best Director Oscar nominees make up one of those lists that are good for counting. Everybody would agree: that's a pretty good job. So, Best Director nominees comprise one list of 21st century Alpha Dogs. And, Hollywood's not some redoubt of right-wing racists, right? As Murray writes in his new book: "The liberalism of the film industry is openly proclaimed by its top stars, producers, and directors," which he documents with the following inarguable footnote: "Source: almost any Academy Awards show."

Plus, Best Director nominations are open to people from all over the world. The first nonwhite Best Director nominee was Hiroshi Teshigahara for Woman in the Dunes in 1965. Obviously, the Academy is biased toward people working in America or Britain, and/or working in English, but not always.

On the other hand, directing movies is one of those really good jobs where the affirmative action runs out. It's like CEO: it's hard to file a disparate impact discrimination lawsuit against a business enterprise over a position where the sample size is one. Not surprisingly, therefore, CEOs and movie directors aren't that sympathetic to lesser whites' complaints about quotas.

In general, there isn't much affirmative action in Hollywood. Screenwriting is about as equally white as directing. Even film crews around L.A., for example, are islands of white unionized blue collar workers (with jobs fairly hereditary) in a Latino sea. It would be amusing to see a Democratic Administration sue Hollywood for disparate impact discrimination, but, for some reason, that almost never happens.

Murray's 92 percent white among Best Director nominees is kind of lowballing the white percentage for the last 60 Best Director nominees (assuming the Coen Brothers count singly). We're talking about a single American-born NAM, Lee Daniels for Precious. Then we've got Taiwan-born Ang Lee with two nominations. So, that's 3 out of 60 or five percent non-white.

After that, it's the usual niggling over who isn't quite white. Everybody else looks pretty white to me: Fernando Meirelles of Brazil (City of God) looks like Ken Burns. Terrence Malick (Tree of Life), who is half-Assyrian Christian, cast Brad Pitt to play his dad. Pedro Almodovar is a Spaniard from La Mancha. I'd say the man from La Mancha is pretty Euro. My favorite moment in Michel Hazanavicius's cute The Artist is when his 1927 hero escapes Bolshevik secret policemen and flies off from the Soviet Union, triumphantly shouting (on a title card) "Long Live Free Georgia!" So, I'd say he's pretty Caucasian. (No, my guess was wrong, he's not Georgian, he's Jewish from Lithuania.) Alejandro González Iñárritu of Mexico City (Babel) looks like a Hungarian friend of mine.

I would guess Murray is counting González Iñárritu as a Latino, but he's different from, say, Robert Rodriguez, who is tall and white-looking, too, but at least comes from a big family in San Antonio where the NAM concept makes sense. Picking some banker's son from Mexico City like González Iñárritu and declaring him to be non-white is kind of applying contemporary American ideas to a different culture. I mean, was Jorge Luis Borges nonwhite? I'm a Big Tenter when it comes to how many people I want in the tent with me not getting racial/ethnic preferences from the government and how few are outside getting them or thinking that they ought to get them.

So, I come up with 95% white (and 97% male - one female nominee is the daughter of an earlier Best Director Oscar winner and the other was married to a Best Director winner). Whatever the precise percentage is, it's really high. You can argue over individual cases (where's Wong Kar-Wai or Guillermo del Toro?), but it's not like Spike Lee got ripped off by not being nominated for She Hate Me or Rodriguez for Machete.

P.S. I suspect that Murray's 92% comes from using the 2000-2011 Academy Awards show years rather than the 2000-2011 release years, which would then include M. Night Shyamalan for his 1999 movie The Sixth Sense. As a Big Tenter, I would like Shyamalan in the Unpreferred Caucasian tent with me, but the Reagan Administration saw it differently in 1982 when they took South Asians out of the Caucasian category and put them in with Orientals (now renamed Asians) so they could get minority business development low-interest loans and preferences on government contracting.


  1. a future sugar-coated pill2/12/12, 2:03 AM

    .... writes, where? I don't see it on his 'Enterprise' blog: http://blog.american.com/author/cmurray/

  2. a million deadly spores2/12/12, 2:09 AM


    My bad; I was lazy.

    As a not-too-smart-with-a-sore-spot-about-it, non-Jewish white guy, I wonder how well non-Jewish whites would do. Probably half as well.

  3. Steve, the link to Murray's blog on the right side of your blog doesn't lead to Murray directly.

  4. Why don't Hispanics want to enter the middle-class professions, eg, Accountancy or Dentistry?

    Indians and Asians make a substantial contribution to America's sciene and technolgy but I have never come across an Hispanic tech genuis. Are there any?


  5. It is only the large metro areas that are becoming multiracial. Rural areas are still heavily white.

    Metropolitanization in the USA By Race
    --In the USA's communities of <50,000 people, for every 10 Whites there are only one or two Blacks+Hispanics+Asians.
    --In metro areas of 5-million-plus, for every 10 Whites there are 12 B+H+A's.

    Two thirds of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians live in a metro of 1-million+, vs. only 45% of Whites.

  6. What will these jobs look like in 2070, when the children born today in 50% white America are 60 years old.

  7. With a second surname like Iñárritu, this González Iñárritu guy has a Basque mother and is therefore part caveman. By the way, the Basques are one of the more fascinating ethnic groups from an HBD standpoint--right up there with the Samaritans and the pygmy negritos.

  8. Woman in the Dunes

    Have you ever seen Woman in the Dunes?

    Holy Cow - what a brutally nihilistic movie.

    I couldn't even watch it all the way through to the end.

    And people wonder why the Japs aren't making babies anymore.

    The greatest mistake of MacArthur's professional career was in not evangelizing those poor people when he had the chance.

    Without Shinto-istic paganism to fall back on, those poor people have [quite literally] NOTHING in the way of a spiritual life.

    PS: Been watching a ton of PBS television lately [the "Sprout" channel, to be specific], and the amount of, ah, er, "Scots-Irish" propaganda is simply staggering.

    Right now, as I am typing this, "Grover" is narrating a documentary about life in a Kibbutz [apparently a "Kibbutz" is some sort of a "let's all join hands and sing Kumbaya" gathering somewhere in the general vicinity of Ulster].

    Back during the "holiday" season, it was all-Kwanzaa/all-Menorah-candles, 24-hours-a-day; nary a mention of that other 800-lb gorilla of a holiday at that time of the year.

    Absolutely stunning - the audacity of it all - I believe that the Scots-Irish word for it is "chutzpah".

  9. The US is becoming a northern Brazil where a white upper class rules over a mixed race lower class. The currency and the rule of law will be weaker as in Latin America.

  10. Actually, both Murray and Steve are completely underplaying this important issue. A few crazy WN-types may sometimes go around talking about "Black Run America" and the crazier anti-immigrationists may say very silly things about growing Asian or Hispanic dominance, but actually white control of America has never been more absolute. The Obamas and their ilk amount to mere window-dressing, which is why his administration has seemed a total continuation of George W. Bush's.

    We live in a society ruled by money and media, and whites have absolute control over both. Virtually all the money on Wall Street is controlled by whites and whites provide virtually all the political contributions which buy our politicians. Lots of blacks or Hispanics are shown on TV or elsewhere in the media, but the media itself is utterly controlled by whites, including every Hollywood study, every media conglomerate, and almost every television station. Blacks may dominate lots of sports, but the team owners are almost always white, with the tiny number of black or other owners (often ex-athletes) being controlled fronts more than anything else. Look into any of the crucial control sectors of American society and you'll find exactly the same thing. So the importance of America having become almost 40% non-white is vastly overstated, and Murray is completely correct to denounce the "Myth" of non-white influence.

    And lest very silly people like that "Whiskey" fellow raise the "Muslim Question", I'd like to emphasize that virtually all the whites I'm talking about are Judeo-Christians...

  11. WHOAH!!!

    Secret documents lift lid on WWII mutiny by US troops in north Queensland
    by Josh Bavas
    Updated February 10, 2012 13:24:42

    An Australian historian has uncovered hidden documents which reveal that African American troops used machine guns to attack their white officers in a siege on a US base in north Queensland in 1942...

  12. PublicSphere2/12/12, 5:40 AM

    OT: Crying out for Steveosphere comment:


  13. Please don't publish my last "turgid middlebrow crap" comment - i don't use that account for politics, but i accidentally tapped the wrong thing on this miserable tablet device.

  14. Another question for the Steveosphere:

    Amy Chua and Jeremy Lin have similar Overseas Chinese backgrounds. But does Lin's brand of Christianity make him come across differently?


  15. Murray has got it dead wrong.
    The important point is not 'things as they are now', no stasis is recognized in a system of dynamic equilibrium such as the US population, but things as they will be years hence.
    The trend lines are there and obvious for all to see.

  16. "After that, it's the usual niggling over who isn't quite white."

    niggling? ooh ooh, it be racist!!

  17. "The first nonwhite Best Director nominee was Hiroshi Teshigahara for Woman in the Dunes in 1965."

    I don't understand this. If foreign directors can be nominated for best director award, why is there a separate category for 'foreign film'?

  18. I still say it's crucial to distinguish whites and Jews.

    Also, given many Latinos are white or half-white, to say kids under the age of 2 are now below 50% white is misleading.

    Also, though whites are vastly overrepresented in power positions, most of the white elites are NOT working for white people. This is especially true of Jews.

  19. One of the implications of the nation becoming less white is IQ scores are becoming less meaningful. It used to be that if you had an IQ of 100, you were about as smart as the average white living in the same era, however because America is no longer overwhelmingly white, it's possible to have an average score of 100, and still be below the white mean. To avoid this ambiguity, I prefer Richard Lynn's method of reporting IQ scores with reference to the white population, not the American population. This results in slightly lower but more meaningful scores. Not that I think the white population is any more worthy than any other demographic, but at least it's a genetically stable yardstick, unlike America where the gene pool can rise or fall depending on who gets immigration.

  20. Steve Sailer:"Alejandro González Iñárritu of Mexico City (Babel) looks like a Hungarian friend of mine. I would guess Murray is counting González Iñárritu as a Latino, but he's different from, say, Robert Rodriguez."

    Frankly, Steve, Rodriguez is pretty damn White looking himself.


  21. The key and unasked question about demographics is, was, and always will be, WHY CHANGE AMERICA IN THE FIRST PLACE?

  22. Yet, 45 of 50 governors and 96 of 100 U.S. senators were still non-Latino whites in 2010.

    Sure, that's true for now, but non-whites vote for their own. Voting has not so much to do with merit as it does with tribal affiliation among them. In a mere 20 years, the elected official numbers cited above will be half what they are now. In 40, few whites will likely be holding national positions, though we'll still have a significant presence in industries where we are owners/entrepreneurs. I also think that there will come a point within 15 years or so that the spawn of illegals (US citizens) will no longer want to see new illegals coming in. Illegal immigration will stop when the Mestizos who've been here for a generation or two (and who will be a majority) don't want their salaries undercut and the prospects for their children undermined by illegals. They, of course, won't be seen as raaaycisss for wanting to stop illegal immigration. It's rather like Mexico not wanting immigrants from other Central American countries.

    I wonder how blacks will fare under their new mestizo overlords. I suspect that blacks' celebration of white dispossession will of the pyrrhic, short lived variety, as Mestizos don't give a fig about blacks' sense of entitlement (and in fact are probably hostile to such attitudes).

  23. Alvarez (es)--impact of asteroids + oteher stuff.

  24. So what happens when demographics flip elections, such as when Texas and its electoral votes go the way of California, and the non-white majority demands the still enormous 200 million + white population subsidize Africans and Aztecs? And when that still enormous white polulation says, "Nah, good luck with that though."?

    --- Scales Fall

  25. Georgia Resident2/12/12, 10:37 AM

    "Why don't Hispanics want to enter the middle-class professions, eg, Accountancy or Dentistry?"

    Why study hard subjects when you can study easy things and still be able to count on a nice job, either in government or in some sort of "diversity" position with a large corporation? That leaves more time in college for the important things, like having sex with white women.

  26. The Census Bureau's Factfinder is starting to release data that enables us to make population pyramids for different races and ethnicities in 2010. So far, they have that for 10 states released.

    One thing that struck me, crunching the data, was how the pyramid for non-Hispanic whites in Mississippi versus Connecticut or Oregon reflected so starkly the fertility difference between conservatives and liberals. The number of baby white girls aged less than five years in Mississippi almost equals the five-year cohorts of white women in their twenties and thirties. In the liberal states, however, the number of baby white girls is about 25% less than their mothers.

    Comparing Connecticut and Mississippi, non-Hispanic whites born at the peak of the baby boom (aged 50-54) number 225,900 in CT, 237,366 in OR, and 128,189 in MS. Those aged 0-4 in 2010 number 112,177 in CT, 150,242 in OR, and 100,829 in MS.

  27. Even in Mexico the film-makers are white, in many cases of jewish or basque origin (Iñarritu).

    Meirelles, Salles and Padilha (who was hired to remake Robocop), the three most well-known brazilian film-makers, are white and two of them are sons of bankers. But none of them is jewish, as far as I know.

    In Argentina, the best film directors all have Italian or Jewish last names.


  28. Florida resident2/12/12, 11:30 AM

    I am very happy to note that Mr. Sailer is already _talking_ about
    a single American-born NAM, Lee Daniels for Precious.
    I sincerely hope that some day he will write one of his brilliant HBD-inspired reviews (not to be confused with HBO); this time --- of the movie "Precious".
    Impatiently fascinated by your deep work, dear Mr. S.,
    your F.r.

  29. The Federal Reserve Board is another piece of data supporting this.

    So don't worry about white dispossession.

    I mean, only a weirdo paranoid would worry about white dispossession when there's Hollywood, the Federal Reserve....

  30. 95% white people huh? I would guess the real numbers would be 80% Jewish and 20% regular whites minus Ang Lee and Lee Daniels.

  31. Donnie MacNabb2/12/12, 12:30 PM

    Yet, whites are yesterday's news in... pro basketball. Unless they're Serbian. Or Australian or Spanish. Actually according to the "Friday Night Lights" guy writing in Newsweek the fresh media bonanza w/ Jeremy Lin is just further evidence of white racism

  32. I thought the Washington Post was sort of conservative. The comments to this article look like they belong in the Huffington Post.

    Murray should also have used his point of showing that whites aren't overrepresented in elite universities to reference that study which shows that they are in fact massively discriminated against in admissions.

  33. I thought the Washington Post was sort of conservative.

    Perhaps you were thinking of the Washington Times? The Post is not remotely conservative.

  34. Worked in PR and Highly Amused2/12/12, 12:56 PM

    Well Steve, it is nice to know that yo consider the Coen Brothers white, as so many of your friends on the alternative right would not.

    Petty squabbles aside, I am surprised you didn't pick up on the terrific Best Buy Super Bowl commercial, lauding all the inventors who have created the high tech revolution.

    Every one of them a white man.

    I expected to hear something from you about this, but I didn't so I'm mentioning it.

    The commercial didn't even elicit the usual diversicrat outrage, which made me think of your Apple teflon law.


  35. Worked in PR and Clicked Too Quickly2/12/12, 12:57 PM

    My bad, I clicked too quickly. One of the professional grievance groups indeed picked up on the sin of that commercial:


  36. gummy in the dunes2/12/12, 1:04 PM

    "Have you ever seen Woman in the Dunes? Holy Cow - what a brutally nihilistic movie."

    What are you talking about? How is it nihilistic? If anything, the movie is about the need for meaning and purpose in life. The movie begins with a 'nihilistic' modern man with freedom and 'rights'. But he has no real sense of place, belonging, loyalty.

    Then he is trapped like a bug in a sand pit. Initially he resists it but comes to realize he has a role in the new condition. Even when he can finally flee, he chooses to stay because he has found meaning there. Since when is that nihilism?

  37. "It is only the large metro areas that are becoming multiracial. Rural areas are still heavily white."

    Depends on where you are. In the deep south rural areas and small cities (With the exception of those in the Appalachian area) are not majority white. For some places this is a new development, for some it is not.

    Even if some rural areas are majority white, however, those places are sadly dwindling in population or remaining stagnant in population, while the multiracial enclaves keep growing. I notice a big different just in my lifetime. When I was a child my home county was something like 90 percent white, 10 percent black with a few Asians scattered around, maybe 1 kid in every kindergarten class. Now...I go to wal-mart and it's like being in a world market bazaar because 20 something percent of the people there aren't even speaking English...Mind you, I don't exactly live in the most multicultural area either, by national standards. All this change has taken place from the 1990s to today, just 15-20 years. It is disheartening and bizarre all at once.

  38. We live in a society ruled by money and media, and whites have absolute control over both. Virtually all the money on Wall Street is controlled by whites and whites provide virtually all the political contributions which buy our politicians.

    There is a dichotomy between the rules applicable to the (undeniably) white elite and the white proles. The latter group bear the brunt of neighborhood blight, political correctness, preferences and set-asides for ethnic minorities, and globalist policies which put them in competition with the global poor for wages and the global rich for housing. The former group sets the rules that result in Steve's Hi/Lo battle against the white majority Middle.

  39. "I thought the Washington Post was sort of conservative."

    Lately I've seen more honest comments on the NYtimes than on the WAshington Post. No clue why.

  40. it is nice to know that yo consider the Coen Brothers white, as so many of your friends on the alternative right would not.

    What color do you think the Coen brothers are? Taupe? Teal?

  41. The key and unasked question about demographics is, was, and always will be, WHY CHANGE AMERICA IN THE FIRST PLACE?

    As Gary Oldman's character in "The Professional" would say: BINGO.

    After all, it's been "Judeo-Christians" in charge this whole time, right? And they couldn't possibly be hostile to Europeans and European values, could they? I'm absolutely at a loss as to who might desire a dilution of European influence in countries founded by Europeans. Well, I'm certain that it's not "Judeo-Christians"--I mean, their name even has the word "Christian" in it! How much more European can you get? Guess I'll just have to keep looking...

  42. I'd rather decide who gets to direct the projects, than who wins the awards...

  43. Rodriguez is also fairly tall for a Mexican-descended male, or at least that's how it looks at movie premieres. I mean, taking Cheech Marin or George Lopez for average.

  44. And people wonder why the Japs aren't making babies anymore.

    Yes. Japanese visual arts give three strong impressions: perversion, nihilism, and nerdiness.

    Sure, that's true for now, but non-whites vote for their own.

    Votes lead to legislators, and legislators lead to laws. All true. But oligarch money subverts the process.

    And as in places like Mexico and Brazil, the gov't will lose legitimacy. Whites will withdraw from gov't, and withdraw their support of it. They'll stop paying taxes, and start hiding their money. They'll stop obeying the law because it'll be someone else's law. The gov't will consequently shrink dramatically.

    Well Steve, it is nice to know that yo consider the Coen Brothers white, as so many of your friends on the alternative right would not.

    Racially they're Caucasoid. If that's what you mean by White, then they are. Racially they're mostly, but not all, European. So if that's what you mean by White, they're mostly, but not all, White. Ethnically they're not White at all, so if that's what you mean by White, they're not White at all.

    Sorry it isn't as simple an issue as you'd like it to be. This is how they think about it, btw (just ask Mike Wallace, or take off your blinkers and watch how they behave). We're just taking them at their words and actions.

  45. Anonymous: "Murray has got it dead wrong.
    The important point is not 'things as they are now', no stasis is recognized in a system of dynamic equilibrium such as the US population, but things as they will be years hence.
    The trend lines are there and obvious for all to see."

    Right. This link shows the state of things already, with twenty-two of top 100 cities no longer majority white.


    To suggest everything is OK is what I call the end-of-history delusion. If that's too subtle, consider the following: Rhodesia.

    Gilbert Pinfold.

  46. Georgia Resident2/12/12, 2:48 PM

    People don't necessarily have to be a majority to be important in a country. White Mexicans are 10% of the population in Mexico, but pretty much entirely dominate business, government, and the media. The Ashkenazim in Israel are also a minority, and yet dominate the economy and government.

    The real problem, and what's causing whites to lose influence even when we're an absolute majority of all people in the country, and an overwhelming majority of voters, is that our leaders don't look out for our interests. There is no "white party", except by default, with Republicans occupying that position by merely assenting to, rather than actively pursuing, the dispossession of whites. If a group of politicians was as single-mindedly concerned with white interests as black politicians are with black interests, and whites voted for them with the same uniformity, they could dictate any policies they wished right now.

    Even if whites cast only 60% of the vote (in 2010, we cast 75% of the vote), and 90% (the level of support that blacks typically give to Democrats) voted for a pro-white party, that party could win, hands-down, without a single nonwhite vote.

    And demographic trends are not set in stone. With the proper policies, white birthrates can be raised, and nonwhite birthrates can fall. As Steve's pointed out, immigration is fueling not just primary population growth (more nonwhites coming in), but also high nonwhite birthrates, because foreign-born Hispanics have higher birthrates than the native-born. The Jewish people of Israel have chosen, by policy, not to become a minority in their own country. White Americans can make the same choice. Or, we can consign ourselves to oblivion. But let it not be said that we didn't have a choice, even at this late hour.

  47. Well, I hope Steve comments on the death of Whitney Houston. She is yet another example of how blacks need stricter moral guidance than some other races. I find it interesting that so many more black singers and athletes who found or kept Jesus after a lucrative career ended up dying of old age with an estate worth more than their burial expenses.

  48. This also applies to Europe, but even more so.

    Aside from sub-Saharan Africans, most of the immigrants into Europe are Caucasoid. In many places, like Germany, they have little to no sub-Saharan African immigration and virtually all the immigration is Caucasoid.

    So not only are the influential positions in Europe dominated by whites, but most of the immigration is Caucasoid as well.

    The hysteria is even more unjustified in Europe.

  49. "White Americans can make the same choice. Or, we can consign ourselves to oblivion. But let it not be said that we didn't have a choice, even at this late hour."

    We don't have a choice, now. The most capable whites have detached from European cultural and religious roots; they have decided to become a third world oligarchy.

  50. "Why don't Hispanics want to enter the middle-class professions, eg, Accountancy or Dentistry"

    Because the academic requirements are tough?

    Used to be entry to dental school was not particularly competitive, but in the past few years the acceptance rate is about the same as medical school. (The applicants' qualifications are probably different.)

    Come to think of it, I have never met a Hispanic podiatrist (80% acceptance rate, 6-figure income) or pharmacist.


  51. Anyone know what the non-Jewish, non-Hispanic white undergraduate enrollment is at Harvard? I bet it is less than 25%.

  52. Steve, did you see this piece about the WashPost in today's NYTimes?

    A Newspaper, and a Legacy, Reordered
    Marcus Brauchli, The Washington Post's executive editor, has overseen sweeping change in the newsroom, where editors now often emphasize things like online metrics.


    Published: February 11, 2012

    Alessandra Montalto/The New York Times

    ON a Sunday in early December, Marcus Brauchli, the executive editor of The Washington Post, summoned some of the newspaper’s most celebrated journalists to a lunch ...

    He asked his guests, who included the Pulitzer Prize winners Bob Woodward, Dana Priest, David Maraniss and Rick Atkinson, along with Dan Balz, the paper’s chief correspondent, and Robert G. Kaiser ...

    He wanted to know how they thought The Post was covering the 2012 election and what might be improved. ...

    I.e., an echo chamber of like-minded insiders.

    Mr. Narisetti, who left the paper last month for a new job at The Wall Street Journal, where both he and Mr. Brauchli had worked before The Post, brought large flat-screen monitors into the newsroom that projected in real time what the most popular stories were online. He installed a new internal publishing system that required reporters to identify Google-friendly key words and flag them before their stories could be edited.

    There are 35 different daily reports that track traffic to different parts of the Web site. Editors receive a midday performance alert, telling them whether the site is on track to meet its traffic goals for the day. If it appears that they might miss their goal, editors will order up fresher content.

    “I’ve been at lunch, opened up that e-mail and called people and said: ‘Looks like we’re not delivering enough content. What can we put up?’ ” Mr. Narisetti said in an interview before his departure. ...

    Top editors have embraced the view that studying traffic patterns can be a useful way to determine where to focus the paper’s resources.

    Are you taking notes here, Steve? :0) !

    Traffic isn’t the only factor that editors examine when determining whether to kill or expand a blog. They can look at where online visitors are when they read the site. And if their computers are registered with a government suffix — .gov, .mil, .senate or .house — editors know they are reaching the readers they want. “That’s our influential audience,” Mr. Narisetti said. “If a blog is over all not doing that great but has a higher percentage of those, we say don’t worry about it.”

    DD's interpretation: WashPost aims to please gooberment insiders, instead of the Folks.

    He added: “Growing everywhere is a sign that we are adapting effectively to what our readers want.” By one important measure, The Post’s efforts are paying off. Recently, it has averaged 19.6 million unique visitors a month, according to comScore, making it the second-most-visited American newspaper Web site, behind that of The New York Times. ...

    In an interview before his departure, Mr. Narisetti was asked if he believed that the newsroom would be the same size at the end of this year. “One thing no editor in any newsroom in this country can avoid saying is that it will be smaller,” he said, adding that if his bosses asked him how many people he needed to put out the paper, “the chances are we wouldn’t say 630 people.

    NO one bears the weight of The Post’s legacy more than Katharine Weymouth, the paper’s 45-year-old publisher and the fifth member of her family to hold that title. ...

    Nepotism matters. -- DD

    Many at The Post are still trying to adjust to life under a new regime, one in which “Donnie-grams,” congratulatory notes from the chief executive, arrive in your in-box along with spreadsheets on the latest Web traffic metrics ...

    WashPost in transition to Internet

  53. Jorge Luis Borges was white. Jose Luis Borges? I don't know his race.

  54. Well, I hope Steve comments on the death of Whitney Houston. She is yet another example of how blacks need stricter moral guidance than some other races.

    Not that the Ashkenazi Jewish Amy Winehouse fared any better.

  55. Whew, this post has been augmented a bit since I last saw it (it's made the USA Today sub-page for "Terrence Malick" atm). I think the Oscars are a handy illustration of Murray's Super ZIP premise. They are always trying to convey some social concern or "set a good example." But it's divorced from the Vin Diesel vehicles/celibate vampire movies that the rabble will pay to see. Look at Scorsese--whether you deem him gimmicky, stained by moral turpitude, or both, how's he lose Best Director to Kevin Costner in 1991? Because Indians are important, that's why. And although Hollywood had already famously acclaimed the traditional gangster epic, it was not going to endorse the more lurid, coked-up elements of same. I say that as a non-NYU lecturer who considers "How Green Was My Valley" the overall smart choice in 1941.

    When Scorsese finally does win, his competition consists of vaguely old-school-patriotic or overly arty movies (though I believe the Queen Elizabeth flick had a shot, and it was Frears who deserved it most in 1991 now that you mention it). The folks hanging on in the upper-mid-class, unionized, "doing what you love" establishment of the movie industry must somehow gravitate to that Louis B. Mayer model of not-terribly-vibrant suburbs, equestrian lessons for the daughter, along with various noble supervisory functions important to the civic fabric of the U.S.A. For a very funny homage to this type see Michael Lerner's character in "Barton Fink."

  56. All without the impenetrable inscrutable Byzantine moralistic hypocrisy of the Judeo-Christian West.

    Yep. Not replacing themselves with their own babies...or mass immigration.

  57. Yet, 45 of 50 governors and 96 of 100 U.S. senators were still non-Latino whites in 2010. Whites also were 92 percent of the directors nominated for Academy Awards between 2000 and 2011. They were 96 percent of Fortune 500 chief executives in 2011. The numbers are similar for other influential positions in U.S. society.

    Blacks are making serious inroads.

    Over half of the Fortune 500 Chairmen/CEOs who ever were black are currently holding those high positions. Hollywood has shifted its Christ figures from Jews to blacks -- especially over the last 10 years as Holocaust movies have increasingly given way to innocent victim numinous black heroes. Literally, the state religion is decreasingly Holocaustianity and increasingly black-worship.

    Jews tend to establish and control stables for females such as middle management, the arts (Hollywood being the most prominent example) and academia (where females just out of high school are put under their authority and indoctrinated into Holocaustianity).

    Blacks tend to do this via government but are making serious inroads into the areas traditionally dominated by Jews.

    WASPs are has-been wannabes in this game -- who are now reduced to trying to suck up to blacks to maintain any status (ie: Bill Gates).

  58. If a group of politicians was as single-mindedly concerned with white interests as black politicians are with black interests, and whites voted for them with the same uniformity, they could dictate any policies they wished right now.

    Black pols pursue self-interest. If they were pursuing Black interests, they'd all oppose mass immigration of Mexicans and the rest, because Blacks are the first ones thrown under the open-borders bus.

  59. I love the Army colonel uniform Michael Lerner has the studio costume department whip him up when he joins the military after Pearl Harbor.

  60. I am probably just forgetting numerous exceptions to test the rule. If "Bonnie and Clyde" which got nominated for just about everything had won any of the major categories that would be tangible evidence against "secret patriotism" rectitude in Hollywood (host that year: Bob Hope). There was a withering rebuke to the film by Stephen Hunter that was published in Commentary some years ago.

  61. Murray talks about the large IQ advantage that ashkenazi have over founding stock americans

  62. "So not only are the influential positions in Europe dominated by whites, but most of the immigration is Caucasoid as well.

    The hysteria is even more unjustified in Europe."

    You think Turks, Algerians and Pakistanis are the same as Europeans. Europe is going to be a disaster, ever been to London recently? It's getting to be as bad as American cities.

  63. They were 96 percent of Fortune 500 chief executives in 2011. The numbers are similar for other influential positions in U.S. society.

    Over half of the Fortune 500 Chairmen/CEOs who ever were black are currently holding those high positions. Hollywood has shifted its Christ figures from Jews to blacks -- especially over the last 10 years as Holocaust movies have increasingly given way to innocent victim numinous black heroes.

    Jews tend to gravitate towards influencing areas with large audiences of impressionable people, such as middle management, the arts (Hollywood being the most prominent example) and academia.

    Blacks tend to do this via government but are making serious inroads into the areas traditionally dominated by Jews.

    WASPs are has-been wannabes in this game -- who are now reduced to trying to suck up to blacks to maintain any status (ie: Bill Gates).

  64. Steve, to my knowledge, all over the world, in countries with high IQ, the very religious have plenty of kids and the agnostics have below replacement fertility.

    As far as I know, there is not a single geographic group or cultural group in the world that combines agnosticism with with birth rates.

    It seems insane to me to blame low birthrates on the Scotts-Irish control of the media. The low birthrate is present even in countries with where not a single scotts-irish person works in the media or in the educational establishment

  65. To be on the safe side, here is dictionary.com's definition of "niggling."

    nig·gling [nig-ling], adj., 1. petty; trivial; inconsequential: to quibble about a niggling difference in terminology.

    They don't call me Mr. Footnote for nothing!

  66. Well, I hope Steve comments on the death of Whitney Houston. She is yet another example of how blacks need stricter moral guidance than some other races.

    Not that the Ashkenazi Jewish Amy Winehouse fared any better.

    Of course it would be difficult to come up with a list of Anglo/Celtic musicians who died alcohol- and drug-related deaths.

    But I'll start one anyway: Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Lowell George, Graham Parsons, Harry Nilsson...

  67. Jump Into the Fire2/12/12, 6:57 PM

    Nilsson died on dope? I thought his history of heart trouble just caught up, without chemical assistance necessarily (that Badfinger curse always gets its man in the end). And Brian Jones was whacked on record moguls' orders...

  68. If "Back to Black: the Amy Weisenhaus Story" ever gets made (I'm estimating it's still 3-4 yrs off) that is a lock for sweeping the night at the Kodak Theatre, the equivalent of a "Lincoln's doctor's dog" flick for the Academy. I dunno how you cast it though, Angelina Pitt-Jolie is too old and about 50 lbs overweight

  69. Anonydroid at 6:30 pm said:
    Of course it would be difficult to come up with a list of Anglo/Celtic musicians who died alcohol- and drug-related deaths.

    Hunsdon replied: Quite. One might almost think that our current model of celebrity is toxic, since it seems to strike down at far too young an age gifted individuals of all races.

  70. Harry Baldwin2/12/12, 7:44 PM

    Anonymous said... Well, I hope Steve comments on the death of Whitney Houston.

    As crackheads go, Whitney had a rich and full life.

  71. White Panther2/12/12, 8:20 PM

    After surviving the Nixon and Reagan eras Rob Tyner just dropped dead coming back from the store one day. I think it was due to a premonition of Nickelback performing at the Thanksgiving game.

  72. Nilsson died on dope? I thought his history of heart trouble just caught up, without chemical assistance necessarily (that Badfinger curse always gets its man in the end). And Brian Jones was whacked on record moguls' orders...

    I may be underinformed, but I assumed Nilsson's notorious excesses were responsible for his poor health. That Brian Jones theory is unfamiliar to me, please elaborate/link. I could have added Kurt Cobain to the list, but recently heard a probably erroneous theory that Courtney Love had him whacked.

  73. iSteve and several readers have commented on Robert Rodriguez looking "white." It's hard to say if he is or isn't. He may well be mestizo, but who knows.

    It's probably worth noting, though, that Rodriguez is from San Antonio, TX -- one of the most heavily "Mexican" cities in the U.S (in population, culture and actual proximity to Mexico). "Hot Latina" actress Eva Longoria is from San Antonio too. But when the "hot Latina" recently had genetic testing done, it revealed that her ancestry is predominantly white (to her horror).

    My family is also from San Antonio. When my grandmother was growing up there (in the 1930s), San Antonio still had a ruling elite class of wealthy Mexicans who were really pure-bread ethnic Spaniards (just like they have south of the border). The Mexican ruling elite was a holdover from the days when Texas was still part of Mexico.

    San Antonio has, obviously, changed a lot since the 1930s and 40s. And the old elite class has more or less faded away. But you can still find "Latinos" whose lineage is predominantly European in San Antonio (as Ms. Longoria's case shows).

    Even though San Antonio is heavily mestizo Mexican, there are still plenty of people (usually of the wealthier and better-situated variety) whose heritage is more Mediterranean than Mesoamerican.

  74. Anonymous (2/12/12 5:50 AM),

    I can only imagine the circuit-frying that must have gone on in the heads of the editors at the NYT when that reporter turned in his piece on Jeremy Lin's (and his own) Asian-Christian faith.

    Here's a sampling of the the kind of thing that was probably being said at the Grey Lady:

    On Lin: "AAARRGH!!!! I love the Knicks, and I want to love Lin because he's Asian and Harvard- educated. But I don't know if I can root for him now that I know he's a CHRISTIAN! I mean, how could he be one of THOSE people!?!
    I thought he was smart, being Asian and a Harvard alum. But now it's hard to see how he's any better than that effen Tim Tebow!"

    On the Times reporter: "Double AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!!! There's a fu**ing practicing Christian in our midst here at the Times!?! How does that happen? How did this guy ever get hired? He must have slipped through the cracks because he's Asian and Harvard-educated. I mean, he seemed so smart! Who knew!?!

    Oh well, send him out to cover violence in Queensbridge for his next assignment -- maybe he'll never make it back."

  75. Was joking about Brian Jones; whether he OD'd or not, definitely a "misadventure." But Nilsson was (I see) 52, had remained somewhat active, and for a hard-living tunesmith that's not so bad. Relatively miraculous is Bon Scott or Keith Moon getting within 20 year range of that.


  76. I don't understand this. If foreign directors can be nominated for best director award, why is there a separate category for 'foreign film'?

    There isn't. The category is for 'best foreign-language film.'

    A UK film wouldn't qualify, but a US film in Ojibway or Navajo or Tlingit would.

  77. The US is becoming a northern Brazil where a white upper class rules over a mixed race lower class.

    For the 500th time, America will NOT become another Brazil.

    98% or more of Brazilians speak the same language, and that's not going to change in the next 500 years. They have an admirably selective immigration policy, and always have had.

    I think Yugoslavia is a more appropriate model. Or South Africa.

  78. For the 500th time, America will NOT become another Brazil.

    Yeah I think Brazil started off not much different than it is today. So there wasn't a major change or anything.

  79. White poverty worst in blue cities. Both New York and Los Angeles white poverty I belive was last reported is 12 percent. Around 2000 both cities were as high as 13 percent. Poverty has went from just over 9 precent in 1960 to over 13 percent in 2000. BOth Ciites have the highest number of immirgants for the 40 year period. Both voted more democratic as the white population poverty went up. Both Dallas and Houston current white poverty even with illegals is around 7 percent or so.

  80. For the 500th time, America will NOT become another Brazil.

    98% or more of Brazilians speak the same language, and that's not going to change in the next 500 years. They have an admirably selective immigration policy, and always have had.

    I think Yugoslavia is a more appropriate model. Or South Africa.

    And, although they've recently introduced AA in Brazil, the ruling elites there don't have a culture of hostility and contempt towards the historic majority population.It would simple to come up with thousands of examples but the recent media attacks on the harmless Iowans seemed especially contemptible. See books by Wilmot Robertson, Jared Taylor, Samuel Huntington and Kevin MacDonald for further study.

  81. "The numbers are similar for other influential positions in U.S. society."

    One of the many logical errors the evangelical Waffen-PC make is to suppose that just because privilege equals white, that somehow white equals privilege.

    Much of the white elite seems to view the white middle/working class as their biggest enemy (rather than as a clientele they should be working in service of).

    "Even if whites cast only 60% of the vote (in 2010, we cast 75% of the vote), and 90% (the level of support that blacks typically give to Democrats) voted for a pro-white party, that party could win, hands-down, without a single nonwhite vote."

    When Obama talked in the SOTU about how the USA works best when people pull together and operate as one, like a military unit, I thought to myself, "Sure, dude - so when are white liberals gonna stop being dumb, and pull together and work as one with the rest of us white folks to end affirmative action, end immigration, and boot your sorry ass out of office?"

  82. "Well, I hope Steve comments on the death of Whitney Houston. She is yet another example of how blacks need stricter moral guidance than some other races.
    Not that the Ashkenazi Jewish Amy Winehouse fared any better."

    Winehouse was an exception, Houston was the rule. Also, Winehouse imitated blacks.

  83. "And although Hollywood had already famously acclaimed the traditional gangster epic, it was not going to endorse the more lurid, coked-up elements of same."

    But then, things changed... with SILENCE OF LAMBS, AMERICAN BEAUTY, and DEPARTED winning best pictures.

  84. "Winehouse was an exception, Houston was the rule."

    Most black people die of a prescription drug overdose at 48?

  85. "For the 500th time, America will NOT become another Brazil...I think Yugoslavia is a more appropriate model. Or South Africa."

    Oh, well, then. That certainly eases my mind.

  86. "Most black people die of a prescription drug overdose at 48?"

    No, but they have an average life expectancy significantly reduced by addictions of various kinds. I bet if you checked the life expectancy of faithful Christian blacks it's closer to white life expectancy.

  87. Whitehouse was related to people who tried to get her tokick the habit Houston? Not so much.

  88. bruce banner2/13/12, 1:15 PM

    In general, there isn't much affirmative action in Hollywood

    What about in acting? You´d swear there´s an AA part in every movie reserved for Blacks (the Black judge, Doctor, computer hacker, and so forth). Not to mention when Blacks get leading roles where they just don´t fit. Think Will Smith in "Wild Wild West", "Men In Black" or "I, Robot". Or Denzell Washington in any of his films. You´d swear there were miscast on purpose.
    Any thoughts?

  89. "Winehouse was an exception, Houston was the rule."

    "Most black people die of a prescription drug overdose at 48?"

    They would if not for white hospitals.

  90. Judy Garland2/13/12, 4:01 PM

    "Well, I hope Steve comments on the death of Whitney Houston. She is yet another example of how blacks need stricter moral guidance than some other races."

    Right. Because white singers never succumb to the ravages of addiction.

  91. "You´d swear there were miscast on purpose.
    Any thoughts?"

    Oh,I don't know, they turn a profit?

  92. I don't think there is any AA for non-black actors in Hollywood.

    I noticed after flipping through issues of EW that there are on average 0-1 non-black minorities featured.

  93. S.Anonyia, I reply to your comments here.

  94. Well, Truth, Wild Wild West did tank in the US box office.

  95. And turned a profit overseas and on video.



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