February 14, 2012

Inequality in California

The price of Apple stock recently broke the $500 per share barrier. 

Heather Mac Donald has an article in City Journal on California's Demographic Revolution that gives a pretty sophisticated look at what's going on out here outside the glittering coastal region: not much.

The good news: the latest Hispanics youths are learning English, they aren't committing as many crimes as their predecessors, and aren't very politically ambitious on the whole. The bad news: they aren't studying very hard, aren't showing much in the way of smarts, aren't starting many businesses, aren't participating much in Silicon Valley, are voting steadily Democratic, are using a fair amount of welfare, aren't generating all that much tax revenue, aren't getting married, and so forth and so on. 
Moreover, their fields of academic concentration are not where the most economically fertile growth will probably occur. At California State University in 2008, just 1.7 percent of master’s degree students in computer science were Mexican-American, as were just 3.6 percent of students in engineering master’s programs. The largest percentage of Mexican-American enrollment in M.A. programs was in education—40 percent—despite (or perhaps because of) Mexican-Americans’ low test scores. 
The future mismatch between labor supply and demand is likely to raise wages for college-educated workers, while a glut of workers with a high school diploma or less will depress wages on the low end and contribute to an increased demand for government services, especially among the less educated Hispanic population. U.S.-born Hispanic households in California already use welfare programs (such as cash welfare, food stamps, and housing assistance) at twice the rate of U.S.-born non-Hispanic households, according to an analysis of the March 2011 Current Population Survey by the Center for Immigration Studies. Welfare use by immigrants is higher still. In 2008–09, the fraction of households using some form of welfare was 82 percent for households headed by an illegal immigrant and 61 percent for households headed by a legal immigrant.

From an oligarchic point of view, Mexicans make a pretty untroublesome hewer of wood and drawer of water class, in the short run. 


  1. Yes, all we need to do is find a way to make services to CA welfare clients super cheap. For sustenance, I recommend a nutrient paste developed from the sludge that rises to the top at waste treatment plants; clothes and housing made out of blue plastic tarp; and health care delivered by Max Headroom doctor Apps running on the supercomputer that won on Jeopardy. Then the white and Chinese oligarchy can have their flying cars, hilltop mansions, and virtual jobs with low taxes.

    After the 13th Ammendment gets repealed, implantable wireless devices and armed drones can be used to control the campesinos who maintain the topiaries, push the baby carriages, pick strawberries, and clean toilets for The Man.

  2. I sense an underlying theme in many of your elites, electing new people, immigration, mexicans, etc. posts that makes me ask you this:

    do you think the elites welcomed massive Mexican immigration because they were viewed as slightly better in many socioeconomic measures and slightly easier to pacify than blacks?

    It's like the Bush family and their ilk looked at 1950s-60s Mexico, and saw how the income inequality worked for the ruling caste and thought about importing them here to take the place of hard to control blacks and the whties who were always angling for economic advancement.

  3. I don't believe in "immigration conspiracies" be in the US or "EUrabia" because simply they don't make any sense.

    What we have is botched immigration policies of the '50s and '60s in the West search for cheap labour, very few could predict what would happen (Jean Raspail being one).

    Now is 2nd and 3rd generation of third-world immigrants who have welfare dependecy, criminal connections and strong ethnic pride.

  4. My guess Steve is this works out one of two ways. Either the Puritans/Progressives/Danelaw/neo-Viking people get their way, get tired of Mexicans throwing trash out the window, staging cock fights and dog fights, illegitimate kids, low achievement, and low taxes for saving the Whales and Green fantasies ...

    And do the whole Stolen Generation thing as you've suggested with Adderal and Ritalin and the like to provide pharmacological control in massive state-run boarding schools i.e. the "New Kinder Gentler Eugenics" to attempt to turn Mexicans into sedate Swedes.

    Or the Backwoods/Scots-Irish/Hillbilly/NASCAR Nation folks will simply get their way and deport a whole heaping helping of them, to gain more goodies for them.

  5. Let me add that the determining issue will be both fiscal and the result of population flight/ethnic cleansing.

    Clearly, you can't have the Utopian dream of high speed rail, clean urban living, and everything else the people in Santa Monica and West LA dream of, with a population that is mostly Mexican. Culturally they don't approve, and they don't have ... the money to pay for it.

    As McDonald notes, basically the UC and Cal State system will be Latino and Asian only, no Whites allowed. This is already happening. Causing both resentment "Asians in the Library" Alexandra Wallace and White flight (again Alexandra Wallace). Ethnic cleansing seldom produces a happy result, particularly if people sell property at a loss. Machiavelli advised never to make a man poor, better to kill him.

    A California that is 80% Mexican, making noises to join Mexico, run completely by the Latino Caucus, runs right up against the current post-Puritan elites and makes them look foolish, useless, and weak. Since no one has it their own way forever, likely the other major group, the NASCAR Nation, will get its way.

    I would tend to bet against a drug-run "Waiting for Superman" effort to moralize/educate/enlighten the Latino majority, because the terrible unity and economic/technological power of the post-Puritan elite is frightening to behold, they have limits like everyone else and are bound to look not only foolish but weak. Which invites attack.

  6. Wait til Texas turns into Mexas.

  7. And the answer, said the judge. If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creature could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet? The way of the world is to bloom and to flower and die but in the affairs of men there is no waning and the noon of his expression signals the onset of night. His spirit is exhausted at the peak of its achievement. His meridian is at once his darkening and the evening of his day. He loves games? Let him play for stakes. This you see here, these ruins wondered at by tribes of savages, do you not think that this will be again? Aye. And again. With other people, with other sons.

  8. "From an oligarchic point of view, Mexicans make a pretty untroublesome hewer of wood and drawer of water class, in the short run."

    Makes a good obituary for America:Killed by the long run.

  9. The largest percentage of Mexican-American enrollment in M.A. programs was in education—40 percent—despite (or perhaps because of) Mexican-Americans’ low test scores.

    Isn't that true for blacks, too, and isn't it just a function of their lower average IQ? It's hardly a shock that most Mexican Americans with college degrees are looking to be teachers, is it?

    I'm all in favor of limiting immigration; I just think it's odd to be upset about a group of people with lower than average IQs focusing on the occupation that deliberately keeps its standards low to ensure that blacks and Hispanics can qualify.

  10. You can read articles describing 'Chaser' a border collie that knows the names of a 1022 objects or silver foxes bred to become cuddly and loyal pets. So Why hasn't some Bolshevik and brilliant 'kid lady' who, through sheer baby lust and determination, adopted unwanted babies and turned them into brilliant, loving Bolsheviks like herself to repeat this virtuous process to infinity and beyond?

    Alas, it simply cannot happen through a mother's love, but through her and the fathers genes.

    The following study sheds light on the subject.

    UC BERKELEY 20 October 2009

    Studies find Latino toddlers' gap in cognitive growth

    Two new studies led by University of California, Berkeley, researchers find that immigrant Latina mothers, who typically live in poor neighborhoods, give birth to healthy babies, but their toddlers start to lag behind middle-class white children in basic language and cognitive skills by the age of 2 or 3.

    The Mexican American mothers "display remarkably sound prenatal practices and healthy diets, more beneficial habits than any other group in the U.S.," said Bruce Fuller, a professor of education and public policy at UC Berkeley, who led both studies. He noted that pregnant Latina women also smoked and drank alcohol far less than their African American and white counterparts.

    But while robust births contribute to the earliest cognitive growth of Latino toddlers, Fuller said these youngsters are falling behind the pace of white children's language and mental development by the time they turn 2 or 3.

  11. The good news:...

    I think it's pretty desperate -- not to mention just plain idiotic -- to label as "good news" the demographic displacement of one majority population -- Whites -- by another -- Hispanics -- when the characteristics -- criminality, academic achievement, economic wealth creation -- of the replacement population are so obviously inferior.

  12. The bad news: they aren't studying very hard, aren't showing much in the way of smarts... are voting steadily Democratic, are using a fair amount of welfare, aren't generating all that much tax revenue, aren't getting married, and so forth and so on.

    The good news: the latest Hispanic youths are learning English...

    GOOD news?! People with these qualities should be absolutely prohibited from learning English. Then they'd have to go home!

    The good news: the latest Hispanic youths are learning English, they aren't committing as many crimes as their predecessors, and aren't very politically ambitious on the whole.

    All three of these traits fit Somalimen even better. Who here thinks their relative success-- or even presence-- is "good news"? (We have nearby Hispanic and Somali neighborhoods which to compare.)

  13. Going into teaching is actually a good choice for college students with lowish intelligence. They know that they won't be competent engineers or doctors.

  14. Another irony is that all of Apple's products are made in China using mainly components made by far eastern manufacturers and all Apple does is to put its stamp on the finished product and distribute profits on design and royalties to shareholders.
    Thus only the 1% and the Chinese are actually enriched.

    The perfect parable for modern times.

  15. Georgia Resident2/15/12, 4:10 AM

    The bad news is we're being demographically overwhelmed. But on the upside, we saved some money on low-skilled labor by switching to Mexicans rather than blacks.

  16. I don't believe in "immigration conspiracies" be in the US or "EUrabia" because simply they don't make any sense.

    The "conspiracies" make perfect sense, and they've made sense for so long that we have a Latin saying to describe their purpose: divide et impera.

    What we have is botched immigration policies of the '50s and '60s in the West search for cheap labour....

    There is absolutely no evidence of this. The policies had nothing to do with labor, and they're working exactly as intended.

    Earl Raab of Brandeis University's Institute of Jewish Advocacy, from one of his columns in the San Francisco Jewish Bulletin:

    The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible....

    General Wesley Clark (then Supreme Commander of NATO):

    There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multiethnic states.

  17. "The largest percentage of Mexican-American enrollment in M.A. programs was in education—40 percent—despite (or perhaps because of) Mexican-Americans’ low test scores."

    By design the grade school public education system in California is now the biggest minority jobs program in the nation. A masters in education from Acme University is a golden ticket to a $80K/yr babysitting job. And you can pretend to be a role model: "Look at me, keeds. Yoo too cun drive a Leexus to yo nine month a year, seis horas al dia chob. Jus be the furs juan in yoo fambily to go to collage." And when you're fat and fifty, the majority minority school board might offer you $160K a year to be principal, while some Bengali researcher with 20 years of education and a PhD in biochemistry is working 24/7 for $70 K in a basement lab at Genentech.

  18. I just think it's odd to be upset about a group of people with lower than average IQs focusing on the occupation that deliberately keeps its standards low to ensure that blacks and Hispanics can qualify.

    The problem is we're importing fecund net tax consumers about the same time a lot of old white people are beginning to draw down Social Security and Medicare. And net tax consumers get old and sick too. And their numerous children require around $10K each per year per child to become functional for a Western economy.

    The old white people won't want to pay taxes to educate the new Americans, and the new Americans won't want to pay taxes to take care of old white people.

    One way the federal government will paper over the conflict is by opening up its national parks to timber, mineral and other development. Ironically, environmental advocacy will become politically incorrect. So will be talk of a 'living wage.' The Left will tiptoe away from these issues like they tiptoed away from blue collar labor, local rule and ethnic pride.

    The good news--depending on one's perspective--is all those overseas military bases will be mothballed. Or overrun. And no more blue water Navy or Air Force; we won't have the money or talent to operate them.

    There are numerous other changes coming.

  19. "Anonymous said...

    Another irony is that all of Apple's products are made in China using mainly components made by far eastern manufacturers and all Apple does is to put its stamp on the finished product and distribute profits on design and royalties to shareholders.

    Thus only the 1% and the Chinese are actually enriched."

    And the Chinese so enriched are the Chinese 1% (or perhaps 5%). Apple products are manufactured by slave labor:


  20. Mexicans are doing the work that afro-americans should be doing themselves.

  21. Anon:

    Yeah, this looks exactly like lots of people pursuing their short-term advantage without much concern for the long term consequences. For individual employers, there's a direct financial advantage to hiring illegals (who work for less, don't unionize or threaten lawsuits, and know that in any legal conflict with their employer, they will lose). For legislators, there's a short term advantage in keeping those employers happy.

    Reg Caesar: Yep, if they don't learn English, they go home. That's why there are no neighborhoods or jobs where everyone speaks Spanish, the signs are all in Spanish, and the radio and TV are showing Spanish shows.

    Importing and keeping a permanent underclass is monumentally stupid. Trying to keep them unable to speak and read English, keep them from gettig educations, etc., is even stupider. For the large set of immigrants who aren't leaving (citizens and permanent residents in pretty much all cases, plus some fraction of illegals who manage to stay here), the best outcome available to us is assimilation to something like white middle class norms. We want them to follow the pattern of Irishmen and Poles--in a couple generations, they think of Mexico as where their grandparents came from, and maybe they remember a little Spanish from their great grandma who never did get English too well, but they fade into the surrounding American population.

  22. Another irony is that all of Apple's products are made in China using mainly components made by far eastern manufacturers and all Apple does is to put its stamp on the finished product and distribute profits on design and royalties to shareholders.
    Thus only the 1% and the Chinese are actually enriched.


    You must've received a public education.

    1) Those who trade $$$ for iPhones figure that they benefit - greatly - or they'd never turn over the lucre.

    2) And, like the design fell down from heaven...?

    3) You nit: ALL of the prototyping is done in Silicon Valley. Remember all of the stories WRT misplaced prototypes?

    4) Successful, wildly successful, products benefit everyone -- much more than the business owners.
    That's how capitalism ALWAYS works.

    Only crony-monopolies can get away with scarfing down the dominant share of the benefits. Apple's monopoly is purely transitory -- and based upon Patent Law.


  23. Actually, I think both Steve and Heather MacDonald might be a bit confused about what's been going on economically...

    Obviously, over the last few years almost everyone in America has gotten much poorer, the exceptions mostly being the bankster-parasites and a slice of lucky technology people. But if we consider the 15-odd years prior to that, there are some strong indications that Hispanics improved their economic situation more rapidly than just about any large European immigrant group in American history, including the Irish, Italians, Slavs, and Jews.

    The reason people aren't aware of this is that the totally incompetent MSM hasn't reported it, and the indications need to be teased out of the underlying statistics. In particular, this enormously rapid economic advancement of existing Hispanic cohorts was largely masked by the huge ongoing influx of initially-impoverished new immigrants, mostly illegal ones. But there seems quite a bit of evidence it did seem to occur.

    Obviously, the anti-immigrationist groups would never want to notice this sort of thing or mention it to their contacts in the media. Meanwhile, the corrupt Hispanic-activist organizations such as La Raza have a strong vested interest in making Hispanics seem as miserable and unsuccessful as possible so that they can solicit additional "mitigation" funds from Bill Gates and Bill Clinton. Thus the lazy MSM tends to hear the same story of Hispanic woe from both sides of the ideological divide, and assumes it's true, without examining the data.

    Basically, what's been happening is that young Hispanics have heavily moved into the skilled blue-collar jobs, which generally pay pretty well without requiring a university degree.

    Meanwhile, brain-washed young whites have often tended to get things like sociology degrees from second-rate colleges, then law degrees from third rate law schools. As a result, they sometimes end up in their mid/late 20s with $100,000 in non-dischargeable student debt, no marketable skills, and a possible lifetime of low-wage employment ahead of them. Notably, almost 20% of males age 25-35 are now living at home with their parents, and it wouldn't surprise me if this actually tends to skew white.

    (Regarding the Apple/Facebook/Google boom, it's important to remember that Silicon Valley is 30-35% Hispanic, with the local working-class probably being closer to 65%. So when all the young Apple/Facebook/Google multi-millionaires buy mansions, the local Hispanics tend to earn good wages building these for them, and everyone is happy. It's just the rest of the country which fails to benefit.)

    I haven't analyzed the national data in detail, but this is certainly my impression of what's been going on. If so, I think it raises intriguing questions about the relative IQ of Hispanics and whites...

  24. OT but has anybody been following Turchin's recent work: http://www.cliodynamics.info/PDF/USViolDB.pdf

    He interprets labor oversupply (immigration) as a big driver of political instability and various other bad things in American history.

  25. From an oligarchic point of view, Mexicans make a pretty untroublesome hewer of wood and drawer of water class, in the short run.

    That sounds more like Canadians than Mexicans.

  26. We want them to follow the pattern of Irishmen and Poles--in a couple generations, they think of Mexico as where their grandparents came from, and maybe they remember a little Spanish from their great grandma who never did get English too well, but they fade into the surrounding American population.

    Won't happen. Assimilation means outmarriage, and people marry within half a SD of IQ of each other. That's why a higher IQ Iberian elite still lords it over all the Aztec peasants.

  27. "And the Chinese so enriched are the Chinese 1% (or perhaps 5%). Apple products are manufactured by slave labor:"

    The NYT big article on Apple manufacturing showed Chinese wages in Guangdong plants are now comparable to Bulgaria.

    The profit margins on manufacturing are very slim so the 1% don't hugely benefit. Instead the true winner of all those factory jobs is the worker. Manufacturing creates 100+ million jobs in China allowing any young farm peasant to pick up a regular wage job. I can't think of another third world country with such an egalitarian economic system.

  28. The future mismatch between labor supply and demand is likely to raise wages for college-educated workers

    Ha ha. As if there is not a near infinite supply of college-educated workers in the world. The fantasy here is that the borders are open to Mexicans and not to Indians and Chinese.

  29. if we consider the 15-odd years prior to that, there are some strong indications that Hispanics improved their economic situation more rapidly than just about any large European immigrant group in American history, including the Irish, Italians, Slavs, and Jews.

    Still pushing this garbage, RKU?

    It's very difficult to tell what the economic situation of Hispanics in America is, since so much of their economy is underground. Officially though, Hispanic males are a lot worse off then even black males.

    But in any case comparing Hispanics to the immigrants of yore is pointless, since unlike the Italians of the early 1900's or the Irish of the mid 1800's, the Hispanics have access to a vast array of social welfare.

  30. Wow - if Ben Tillman's post made it through Komment Kontrol, then could there be hope for mine?

  31. And in the long run?

    I suggest just look at Mexico itself for that answer. Not a very comforting thought.

    I also believe that America (and the other countries in the west), had their immigration laws changed by DESIGN. This was no mistake or random act of chance.

  32. Mr. Anon: And the Chinese so enriched are the Chinese 1% (or perhaps 5%). Apple products are manufactured by slave labor

    I don't think that's correct. Certainly, the Chinese 1% have enormously benefitted over the last few decades. I think China might have more dollar-billionaires than any country other than America. But ordinary Chinese have benefitted enormously as well, and have raised their per-capita income, especially when adjusted for purchasing-power, more rapidly than anywhere else in the world.

    Obviously, Chinese factory workers labor under conditions much worse than those in America or Western Europe. But the improvement-curve is very steep as well. A generation ago, successful Chinese owned bicycles, today they own computers and are getting close to buying cars. Forty or fifty years ago, Taiwanese, Singaporeans, and Koreans also suffered under "slave labor" conditions, but today their lifestyle is roughly the same as in the West.

    Put another way, over the last 35 years, China has grown its economy and raised the standard of living of its people probably faster than anywhere else in the history of the human species, and there's no sign that won't continue for quite a while. Has everything there been perfect? No. But I'd say that the best in the history of the world isn't something to sneeze at.

    By contrast, the bottom 70% or 80% of Americans have seen relatively little improvement in their economic situation during that same era, and in many cases, a considerable decline. Clearly, one of those two countries may indeed be ripe for a "slave uprising", but I don't think it's China...

  33. A generation ago, successful Chinese owned bicycles, today they own computers and are getting close to buying cars.

    Most of the Chinese population is at the motorcycle stage now.

  34. RKU said: Basically, what's been happening is that young Hispanics have heavily moved into the skilled blue-collar jobs, which generally pay pretty well without requiring a university degree.

    Hunsdon replied: Quite. By doing so, they have depressed wages and driven the white and black workers who traditionally held these jobs from the markets. Additionally, they create if not ethnic, then linguistic mafias where a knowledge of Spanish is a prerequisite for employment.

    My maternal uncles, in the 1960s, made a good solid living doing construction work. They worked on the Astrodome, back when it was hailed as the Eighth Wonder of the World. Today, sturdy Anglo-Celts like my uncles are a novelty in similar construction crews.

    I was, for a short while, in the building trades business, and admire the work ethic of the Hispanic crews that I was able to employ. (About half were Mexican wets, and the other half, as the Border Patrol used to say, OTMs---from Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador.)

    However, I also admire the Turks, and the Afghans, and feel no pressing need to import any of them to the US.

    There is a vast swathe of American society who will never become stockbrokers, or lawyers, or doctors, or IT gurus. It seems elementary to me that having concern for the natives should take precedence over worrying about importing fresh workers. After all, he who wins the race to the bottom just gets to the bottom first.

    And, finally, I kind of like America as it was when I was born, heavily Anglo-Celtic and German. Two of the great medieval epics are the Robin Hood cycle, and the Song of Roland. Both are important in European history, but I feel little affinity for Roland, and a great deal for Robin. Absent very good reasons, I would prefer that my posterity, and my fellow citizens, continue to have a bred-into-them familiarity with the story of Robin Hood.

  35. "In 2008–09, the fraction of households using some form of welfare was 82 percent for households headed by an illegal immigrant"

    how does an illegal alien access any government wealth redistribution program?

    oh right. it's california.

  36. I keep wondering whether these statistics are skewed by assimilation. Anecdotally, I know a bunch of mixed hispanic/white couples, and their kids seem like slightly darker skinned Americans (often they look kinda Italian), not hispanics. I doubt those kids will self-identify as hispanic, other than maybe for college admissions purposes or something. My intuition here is that successful hispanics assimilate into the surrounding culture and stop being hispanics. When Maria and Fred get married, their kids don't even have an hispanic name. When Jane and Jose get married, they have the name, but they might not have much Spanish by the time they leave home.

    By contrast, unsuccessful hispanics probably don't assimilate as well--if you go to college, you're likely to end up with some anglo girl, but if you drop out of high school and go into construction, you probably won't.

  37. I don't believe in "immigration conspiracies" be in the US or "EUrabia" because simply they don't make any sense.

    The "conspiracies" make perfect sense, and they've made sense for so long that we have a Latin saying to describe their purpose: divide et impera.

    Have we so soon forgotten that Labour in the UK has already admitted that they were engaged in an anti-indigenous mass immigration conspiracy during their recent years in power ? Murray Rothbard turned against open borders when he found about the sinister nature of
    mass immigration schemes aimed against the Baltic peoples.

  38. NOTA: I keep wondering whether these statistics are skewed by assimilation...successful hispanics assimilate into the surrounding culture and stop being hispanics...unsuccessful hispanics probably don't assimilate as well.

    Yes, I think that's exactly what's happening and explains some of the ridiculous statistics allegedly showing that second-generation Hispanics do much better, while third- and fourth-generation Hispanics do very badly.

    For example, Steve's sometimes mentioned some silly UCLA study a few years ago by some Latino-studies professor claiming that fourth generation Mex-Ams had an absurdly high drop-out rate. Now four generations ago, the Mex-Am population was minuscule and intermarriage rates have always been pretty high, so I'd bet the study was looking at the most ignorant and isolated 10% of those Mex-Am descendents and discovered that they were...ignorant and isolated.

    Hunsdon: By doing so, they have depressed wages and driven the white and black workers who traditionally held these jobs from the markets....There is a vast swathe of American society who will never become stockbrokers, or lawyers, or doctors, or IT gurus.

    Yes, there's certainly what's been happening. But I think a major contributing factor is that a large fraction of younger whites have been persuaded by the media that their only hope of middle class status is to follow the white collar/college/professional track, which often leaves them with huge student debts and minimal marketable skills. So it's a mixture of the "push" of immigrant job competition and the "pull" of Kaplan Schools advertising. Obviously, the enormous higher-education sector benefits tremendously, but I'm not sure most of the actual students do.

    Meanwhile, a much more sensibly-run country such as Germany has a strong vocational/apprenticeship system for training skilled blue-collar workers, and by an amazing coincidence, that segment of the population does much better there, as does the entire economy.

  39. "By contrast, unsuccessful hispanics probably don't assimilate as well--if you go to college, you're likely to end up with some anglo girl, but if you drop out of high school and go into construction, you probably won't."

    Unless the anglo chick is a blonde or redhead, Jose with the BA will prefer a Catholic, spanish-speaking hispanic sweetie. Lighter skin isn't so much of a status marker for Latinos. Their triumph would be in having absconded with the Anglo's daughter.

  40. Most of the Chinese population is at the motorcycle stage now.

    Yes, that's right. But China passed America in total car sales in 2011, so a significant slice of the Chinese is now reasonably affluent. And I think median per capita income in China doubles about every decade, so just imagine where they'll be in 2020.

  41. I am a long time reader of this blog - as a matter of fact it is always my first site read. I do so because it provides a succinct analysis of modern usa sociology, from a realistic viewpoint.

    Having read the blog, article & comments I am astonished that none of you, including Steve, seem to be aware of the economic ramifications - which are about to hit you in the next few years!?


    When Congress severaly depreciates the usa social security benefits - whom do you suppose will be the major recipiant of this stroke??

  42. none of you

    Ahem. Via more than a few comments, I have drawn -- or attempted to draw -- Mr Sailer's attention to the entitlements/SS problem, which will only be exacerbated as the fraction of Hispanics in the population grows. Since they are clearly less economically productive than the Whites.

  43. cowardly new world2/16/12, 2:36 AM

    " And I think median per capita income in China doubles about every decade, so just imagine where they'll be in 2020."

    Staying in utopian China, inviting the world to attend their renowned universities?

  44. RKU said: Meanwhile, a much more sensibly-run country such as Germany has a strong vocational/apprenticeship system for training skilled blue-collar workers, and by an amazing coincidence, that segment of the population does much better there, as does the entire economy.

    Hunsdon replied: When I was younger, influenced heavily by the Cold War, I favored everything that the Soviet Union was not. As they were atheist, I thought we must be godly. As they were socialist, I thought we must be capitalist. Now that seems to me to be fairly elementary Manichean thinking.

    I would love to see an America in which trades were respected; that is not the America in which we live. A well made cabinet is just as much art as a well phrased blogpost, and furthermore, you can put your dishes in it. I know a fellow who rebuilt an 1895 straight pull Steyr-Mannlicher rifle, moved the bolt to the left hand side, and converted it to .45-70, using his home lathe. That is craftsmanship.

    At the same time, however, importing vast numbers of immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do helps in no way. Increasing the number of semi-skilled, or blue collar skilled labor, axiomatically drives the price down.

    I understand that a growing population is a boon for economic growth, but as Edward Abbey said, growth for growth's sake is the ideology of the cancer cell.

  45. Anon 6:50: Direct hit!

  46. eh - I mentioned the coming fiscal conflicts as well. It's sure gonna be funny when the immigrant nurses come in to turn off granny's dialysis to free up resources for the hospital's new Spanish-speaking neo-natal department.

    RKU - if you want a Germanic system you better insure the country has lots of Germanic people.

  47. ....just listened to heather on the Stalinist PC Hugh Hewitt show.......HAHAHA

    The whole interview was a tip toe thru how can we put lipstick on this pig..... and how do we as "good" whites fix meso-american dysfunction?

    why shouldn't non-whites make fun of weak fools like these.....

  48. Outraged Anonymous said:

    "And when you're fat and fifty, the majority minority school board might offer you $160K a year to be principal, while some Bengali researcher with 20 years of education and a PhD in biochemistry is working 24/7 for $70 K in a basement lab at Genentech."

    What, you think Bengalis are stupid? There are plenty Bengali and Pakistani immigrants in US public sector jobs, they just go for the highest paying/ highest se curity ones that don't require babysitting brats. Check out the Public Works, Transpo, etc department of most large cities.

    And besides, the Bengali or Pakistani immigrant without a public sector job can purchase a gas station, liquor store, or defense contractor with public financing and public contracts that Non-Hispanic White Americans are not allowed to get because they are only allowed for "disadvantaged minorities", such as ... Bengali, Pakistani, Indian, Korean immigrants, and, what do you know, 90% of all other immigrants too, once they get 'citizenship'. All their US born descendants too. In many cases, citizenship is optional. So boo hoo for your poor researcher.

  49. "Bengali, Pakistani, Indian, Korean immigrants, and, what do you know, 90% of all other immigrants too, once they get 'citizenship'. All their US born descendants too. In many cases, citizenship is optional. So boo hoo for your poor researcher."

    I stand humbly corrected. I should have thought through my contrast more carefully. Thank you.

  50. RKU can't be serious.

  51. You going to answer the question that you did approve to post on immigration being allowed (starting in 65) as those mexicans were considered easier to control than blacks and not as demanding of economic advancement as lower class whites?

  52. @RKU: "I haven't analyzed the national data in detail, but this is certainly my impression of what's been going on. If so, I think it raises intriguing questions about the relative IQ of Hispanics and whites..."

    God help us all, once RKU starts analyzing (i.e., manipulating) data.

  53. I find it curious that when Hispanic voters get polled about their major topics of concerns at election time, education is always in the top three, yet their kids act like learning is a huge waste of time. I think what Hispanic voters really want is not better education, but more employment opportunities through increased spending on the public school system. Then there is no disconnect between the polls and reality.

  54. Perhaps the biggest testament to Nguyen's ability was that he survived the coaching change from Campo to Parcells in Dallas. Parcells hates hates HATES small linebackers, but he had to make an exception for the 5'10" Nguyen.


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