February 23, 2012

Are youth becoming more conservative?

Here's a 2010 article by Aviel Magnezi from YNet News of Israel about how "Israeli youth" are moving right. Although much of this is driven by the huge, subsidized fertility of the ultra-Orthodox in Israel, I suspect it reflects global trends, which in other countries tend to be masked by growing demographic diversity. (You'll notice that this Israeli article simply doesn't bother to define Arab youth in Israel as Israeli, which would be a massive faux pas in other countries.)
Recent studies show that the Israeli youth is no less patriotic than the adult population, is significantly more right-wing, and is highly motivated to enlist to the IDF's combat units. ...

March 2009 saw a record in the number of recruits eligible for combat service requesting to enlist to combat units, which stood at 73%. This record was broken in November, and stood at 73.7%. March 2010 saw a new record: 76% of recruits with high medical profiles asked to serve in combat units. "This trend of attraction to the combat units is well felt in the field, and reflects a significant decline in the dropout rate during training," a senior officer told Ynet. 
Along with this increase in combat motivation comes a rise in nationalism. For example, a recent poll showed that 46% of Jewish high school students in Israel object to granting equal rights to Arabs.

... Sagy believes that the mandatory military recruitment indoctrinates the youth to "see the justness in our side alone. This leads the youth to become more patriotic later on and to identify with the Israeli side." As a result, Sagy says, the Israeli youth does not see the other side, and holds extreme views, "under the patronage of the education system, the schoolbooks, the media and the social atmosphere. This is why youths here are different from their counterparts, who, in western countries, can allow themselves to hold more pluralistic views." 
... Several weeks ago a poll conducted by the Smith Institute for Ynet showed that the dominant right-wing bloc in the Israeli society remains strong. According to the survey, while 35% of Israelis over the age of 30 said they would vote for right-wing parties, this number almost doubled for youths up to the age of 29, and stood at 61%.

Support for the Likud party rose from 18% to 25%, while support of the religious and ultra-Orthodox parties among the youth was also significantly high. "This is the Israeli existence… the public is moving Right," the survey said.

Professor Almog explains: "The Israeli youth is not more right-wing than its counterparts around the globe, but is simply more realistic." He said this is due to the fact that it is more involved and has a deeper political understanding than youth in other Western countries. "In Israel it is hard to avoid the news, and involvement is forced on you. The youth looks at the leadership in the Arab world and sees no moderation. It sees the incitement, and opposes it. The Israeli youth is simply more skeptical and holds a more angry perception of the other side."

Professor Ephraim Yaar a sociology and social psychology expert at Tel Aviv University who specializes in the Israeli society said, "The election results show that the youth is becoming more nationalistic, this is the spirit of the times. It is expressed in the voting booths – but not just there. Signs of nationalism can bee seen in various different fields among the youth here. This trend has been in existence for a long time, and has gained steam in the past decade."

The change, he said, stems among other things from the consistent growth of the religious and ultra-Orthodox population, but "is also part of another trend – the Israeli youth is very conformist, so when the public moves to the Right, the Israeli youth moves with it."

Perhaps the most unexpected social change in my lifetime has been the decline of the generation gap that dominated the 1960s. In retrospect, the generation gap of the 1960s looks like it was caused in large part by a lack of diversity, especially by the assimilation of the huge Catholic population, 40 years after the immigration cutoff, into the American mainstream as permanently symbolized by the election and martyrdom of John F. Kennedy. 

To get organized, people need to be in opposition to somebody, so at the peak of American homogeneity and put-a-man-on-the-moon triumph, the generations divided up into opposing camps.

Judging by what's been a hit movie in recent years, I suspect that youth in America are becoming more conformist and authoritarian, too. It's okay to be against evil corporations, like in Avatar, but the U.S. military and even cops are usually portrayed much more positively than in the 1970s. And in Avatar, the 10-foot tall blue people are good because they are traditional and live according to the ways passed down by their elders. Traditionalism = Diversitism. 


  1. No Steve, the youth of America are not more conservative, and Avatar was not a paen to traditionalism. It was an abandonment, explicitly, of Western Civilization to live as a noble savage. Destroy humanity to live as blue cat thing. That's about as 1960's radical as you can get, see Dances with Smurfs/Wolves. Or Rousseau.

    Counter-argument against traditional/conservatism is the mating choice affect. Traditionalist/conservative young men face a sex/romance penalty for openly advocating their views (US = good, Muslims/jihadis = bad). Or being skeptical about diversity and such. Young women are far more left-wing, mostly because they don't pay a price for it, much, and get alliance benefits (ground floor of Diversity Inc. aka the anti-White guy alliance).

    There is likely a gender divide. A Tim Wise may rise up, to make money for doing basically nothing; but most guys who are young and White know they get the shaft out of the current status quo of Obama/Diversity etc. A young White woman on the other hand can rise up considerably, though not to the very top.

  2. From the 48 until the mid-70's Israel used to be very leftie, socialist country, right now is one of the most right-wing country in the World, like the jews in Israel realizing that their natural talents are better served by the Right.

    American conservatism is a mockery of itself, since it defend the immigration of unconservative populations, turning in a self-defeated movement.

  3. One thing that you're missing about the shift rightward in Israel is that the fecundity of the ultra-Orthodox has little to nothing to do with the enlistment in combat units. By far the vast majority of ultra-Orthodox do not even enlist in the army, let alone fight.

  4. Along with this increase in combat motivation comes a rise in nationalism. For example, a recent poll showed that 46% of Jewish high school students in Israel object to granting equal rights to Arabs

    Nationalism? In countries other than Israel those attitudes would not be nationalism, but fascism and racism.

  5. Time Magazine noted the youthfulness of the right wing party supporters after Jorg Haider died a few years ago. Would be interesting to see whether this applies in other parts of Europe.

    "The Freedom Party's new leader is a former Haider protege named Heinz-Christian Strache, who is 39. In the most recent campaign, both parties did especially well among young Austrians. Nearly 50% of those under 30 supported one of the far-right parties. That result alone is enough to assure that Haider's legacy will live on in Austria."


  6. I have wondered if the lower number of children will lead to a move to the right. First borns are more likely to be Type A strivers and later borns tend to be lazier and more liberal. Perhaps due to differences in prenatal testosterone exposure. Today we have far fewer later borns and that's got to have some effec. Exactly how big would be hard to tell.

  7. Kiwiguy wrote:
    "among young Austrians. Nearly 50% of those under 30 supported one of the far-right parties"

    Germany's "far-right" NPD, always teetering on the brink of a ban because they are allegedly 'anti-constitutional', continues to poll ~25% of the under-30 male vote in the ex-communist regions. It is this base that has kept them in the state Landtage of several east-German states for the past decade. (Their support among older people and westerners is much lower).

    It's strange: Get on an east-German tram with 20 young men on it, and five, give or take, will be 'Nazis', as the media would put it!

  8. Nationalism? In countries other than Israel those attitudes would not be nationalism, but fascism and racism.

    Exactly. They'd be described as fascism, racism, xenophobia, hate, etc.

  9. The destructive, selfish baby boom generation needs to be put out to pasture - but often their young offspring are worse.

  10. There is a difference between respecting the ways of the immediate elders and hearkening back to mystical elders who aren't looking directly over your shoulder. For a lot of boomers environmentalists with Daddy issues, trying to enforce a village, pioneer, or even hunter-gatherer lifestyle is acceptable. I'm not sure that's really conservative.

    As for corporations, boomers learned how evil banks were - and the moral superiority of feeding nuisance wildlife - from Disney's Mary Poppins.

  11. college of gumm2/23/12, 7:51 PM

    "... but the U.S. military and even cops are usually portrayed much more positively than in the 1970s."

    But this is because the government, military, and cops are now all owned by the globalists.
    In the 60s, many elite institutions were still run by wasps. But now they are run by liberal and leftist Jews. And liberal Jews see government, laws, institutions, military, and etc as forces to use against 'angry white males' with guns.

    Same goes for universities. In the 60s, there were radical student protests AGAINST universities. Student protest was good, college administrators were bad. But now, the colleges are run by former radicals and leftist Jews. So, college radicalism is NOT AGAINST the college but BY and FROM the college(with full approval and even pressure from professors; students are dragged from one sensitivity training class to another).

    Therefore, many young liberals now see colleges as the bastion of their power and respect university power. Does this mean they've turned more conservative cuz they respect a powerful institution?
    That's like saying Red China was conservative because communists youths obeyed and respected the communist government. It all depends on WHO runs the state and powerful institutions. The rise in respect for institutional power among youth have less to do with return of conservatism than the fact that young people have been brainwashed by powerful liberal institutions to obey 'progressive power'. Look at all the young people who worship Obama. Are they conservative because they respect a figure of authority?
    I suppose one could say that liberals, having gained dominance, now wield their power in conservative style. But their ideology is still anti-conservative.

  12. In the 70s, 'pigs' and FBI went after leftist radicals and liberal pinkos. Today, cops and FBI enforce laws written by former radicals and liberal pinkos. That is why liberals now promote respect for government and police.

  13. From a man that thinks Sailer is the greatest pundit since sliced bread, this one is off.

    I agree that American youth are becoming more "conformist and authoritarian" but in a fashion more akin to Abbie Hoffman and Bernadine Dohrn. Israelis may be turning right, it sure as hell is not happening in America.

    The multicult rage is in America, not Israel.

  14. From a man that thinks Sailer is the greatest pundit since sliced bread, this one is off.

    I agree that American youth are becoming more "conformist and authoritarian" but in a fashion more akin to Abbie Hoffman and Bernadine Dohrn. Israelis may be turning right, it sure as hell is not happening in America.

    The multicult rage is in America, not Israel.

  15. "Perhaps the most unexpected social change in my lifetime has been the decline of the generation gap that dominated the 1960s."

    Or even the reversal of that gap.

    Now is more like the mid-20th C, when the Flaming Youth who grew up during the Jazz Age kept wondering what was wrong with the youngsters in the Silent Generation. Why didn't they want to be carefree, fun-loving, and heroic like young people are supposed to be?

    Millennials do come off as more authoritarian, probably a consequence of being so socially avoidant. Like, just outsource all of that community norm enforcement to some faceless bureaucracy, and leave us alone to play video games and spew pointless ramblings on our Facebook status updates.

    A cohesive, engaged community keeps more of that enforcement in-house.

    We used to strike a balance between the pastoralist culture of honor and the agriculturalist culture of law, but now we're moving way far in the law direction. It had better turn around or we'll find ourselves in hive-like China.

  16. Speaking of youths, especially boys, what has happened to them over the yrs?

    When most people were farming folks, most males grew up as FATHER-BOYS. From young age, they went out to work next to their fathers in the fields. So, they bonded very closely with their pa's, with patriarchs.
    From morning to evening, sons would work side by side with their dads.

    Then, as many people began to work in factories, I think boys grew up as FATHER-FIGURE-BOYS. In the first stages of industrial revolution, most young males got little schooling and went to work early. In factories, they didn't necessarily work next to their fathers but with older men, father-figures.

    Then, with the end of child labor and extension of schooling, young males put off working for a long time. With fathers at work, they spent more time at home with their moms. Thus, they became MOTHER-BOYS. (This especially seems to have been the case in Japan. Check out the movie FAMILY GAME. It also applies to the older son in THE GREAT SANTINI, a very sensitive MOTHER BOY.)

    But when both fathers and mothers began to work, many children grew up as SYSTEM BOYS--raised by daycare system, private or government-run. Since raised systematically and impersonally, they were more easily manipulated by pop culture and political correctness(ideology).
    I would include sons of welfare mothers as SYSTEM BOYS because welfare mothers are not culturally/morally mothers but mental children themselves who never grow up.

  17. Israel is totally different because, as the article mentions, they see lots of growingly hostile people around them. A big part of that is the youthquake in the Arab world.

    Nothing to make you more right-wing than the specter of hordes of young hotheaded punks charging your way.

    We don't have that here, even in places where the Mexican baby boom is evident. They may be disaffected, but they're mostly losers who'd rather wallow in self-pity like Mexicans love to do.

    Back when there was open conflict between us and the Indians, it was different.

  18. During times of war and conquest, the alphas are dominant. Take the American West. All men were forced to be alphas, with guns and guts to fight Indians and wild animals and to settle the land. They had to be tough men to create order out of disorder and chaos. They couldn't be too worried about morality; they had to win and conquer and survive.

    But once order was created, young men could grow up in order and peace. They didn't have to fight, struggle, survive. They had more time to think about right and wrong. And since alpha toughness was passe in a world of peace and law, betas favored rule of law and morality over toughness and power-strutting. And since betas tend to be more diligent in study and work, they took over institutions and wrote new laws to control and dampen overt alpha behavior.

    Take the movie GREAT SANTINI. The father is like Old America. He would been right at home fighting Indians and wild animals. But his son grew up in peace and prosperity and is a sensitive kid. Pat Conroy wanted to be such a good boy.

    Or take EXCALIBUR. Uther is a tough hombre. He tries to create order out of chaos, and he fights to do it. He stakes his right to rule on being the toughest.
    But his son Arthur's authority is based on principles and goodness.
    In the end, both fail. Uther was too tough and rough and didn't when to stop being badass.
    Arthur, in contrast, tries to be too principled and lacks the ruthless balls to stamp out the forces that work to undermine the kingdom.

  19. If Sailer means 'youths' that roam the street, no.

  20. Kiwiguy wrote:
    "among young Austrians. Nearly 50% of those under 30 supported one of the far-right parties"

    Germany's "far-right" NPD, too, continues to poll ~25% of the under-30 male vote in the ex-communist regions. It is this base that has kept them in the state Landtage of several east-German states for the past decade. (Their support among older people and westerners is much lower -- the NPD's statewide total vote share ranges from 3-10% in the east.)

    An NPD campaign poster: Guten Heimflug! ("We wish you well on your trip home!"), featuring immigrant caricatures on a magic carpet.

  21. I'd like to know if Israeli society is becoming "dumber," for want of a better word.

    I also have to wonder if some of these suddenly militaristic Israelis aren't of Russian origin.

    I understand quite a few Israeli came from Russia, with a lot of them not actually being Jewish.

    In the end it is a foreign country. I just can't understand why anyone puts up with the Jewish fundamentalists, when they can't even be bothered to fight a war they agitate for.

    Someone must really work at keeping Israeli society coherent, because it amazes me the crap that they will put up with from those Orthodox guys.

    When I read about some of the things those ass clowns have pulled, I wonder why no one in the military or of a secular bent hasn't sprayed a bunch of them down with machine gun fire.

  22. I'd like to know if Israeli society is becoming "dumber," for want of a better word.

    I also have to wonder if some of these suddenly militaristic Israelis aren't of Russian origin.

    I understand quite a few Israeli came from Russia, with a lot of them not actually being Jewish.

    In the end it is a foreign country. I just can't understand why anyone puts up with the Jewish fundamentalists, when they can't even be bothered to fight a war they agitate for.

    Someone must really work at keeping Israeli society coherent, because it amazes me the crap that they will put up with from those Orthodox guys.

    When I read about some of the things those ass clowns have pulled, I wonder why no one in the military or of a secular bent hasn't sprayed a bunch of them down with machine gun fire.

  23. "No Steve, the youth of America are not more conservative, and Avatar was not a paen to traditionalism. It was an abandonment, explicitly, of Western Civilization to live as a noble savage."

    Which presents an interesting dilemna. What Cameron intended it to mean and what people interpreted it to mean may not be the same. In the same way, the televison show MASH frequently railed against the stupidity of the military. But by the time MASH was on TV, the military was a shrinking presence in American life and the stupid bureaucrats most people had to deal with were more likely at the DMV, the Post Office, and the IRS.

  24. agnostic come back to MPC, we miss you

  25. We used to strike a balance between the pastoralist culture of honor and the agriculturalist culture of law

    You're wrong, as usual.

    Honor and law weren't separated in traditional Germanic culture. And a "culture of law" isn't something exclusive to agricultural societies, nor a necessary part of them.

    Also, not sure what you mean by "we". Are you referring to people who wear cool dance outfits?

  26. There are a few ways your title question can be interpreted and we get different answers depending on how we see the question. I took your question to mean "Are today's youth more conservative compared to today's non-youth than youth in the 60's compared to non-youth in the '60s?" I think we can answer that with a resounding yes. In attitudes toward authority, drug use, the military, marriage, family, religion, etc an 18-year-old in 1969 would have distinctly different (and more liberal) views (on average) than a 40-year-old in 1969. Today, can we say that for certain? I don't think so. We see examples from Ron Paul to young pro-lifers to support for the military. How many times have we seen progressive causes populated by grey-hairs rather than youth?
    Whiskey, I suspect, interpreted your question as asking "Are youth today more conservative than youth int he 1960s"?" I think that the answer to that is no. There's still a clear progression (or decay) visible in attitudes and beliefs, except perhaps in certain narrow areas. If you time-traveled 100 18-year-olds from 1969 to the present, their attitudes toward women, gays, and even NAMs would be seen as very politically incorrect these days.

  27. "Israel is totally different because, as the article mentions, they see lots of growingly hostile people around them. A big part of that is the youthquake in the Arab world."

    Yes, yes, Israel is different so they get to pursue whatever policy they want, while the West is so secure that it just needs to "take it easy" and "let it all happen". What is there to worry about after-all? Mexicans and blacks are "too dumb" to do anything bad. Asians are too docile. Arabs too small of a group and not the extremists anyway. I have heard this argument from Israelis quite a few times. Interesting how the same type of arguments are always used.

    I just want to say one thing - even though I could say many other things as well. It must be nice to live in a country in which the the media and the government actually care about the people and their survival. I have never experienced that where I live. The media and the government here don't care about the natives - they want to replace us, demographically overwhelm us, guilt us into endless concessions. I have never felt the strength of the collective the way the article describes Israel.

    I want to live in a strong country and then tell people in other countries that they should just go gently into the night, let things slide because their neighbors are "harmless".

    I admire Israel. It's a strong country. Don't let the stench of weakness coming from the rest of the West contaminate you Israel. Fight on - we are the weak ones - you are strong.

  28. It's okay to be against evil corporations, like in Avatar, but the U.S. military and even cops are usually portrayed much more positively than in the 1970s.

    That's not surprising. The police back then were at risk of being pro-white so the counter-culture was anti-cop. Now that the police has been successfully diversified it's much safer to be pro-cop.

    And in Avatar, the 10-foot tall blue people are good because they are traditional and live according to the ways passed down by their elders. Traditionalism = Diversitism.

    Not so sure about this.

  29. "balance between the pastoralist culture of honor and the agriculturalist culture of law"

    Honor and law weren't separated in traditional Germanic culture. And a "culture of law" isn't something exclusive to agricultural societies, nor a necessary part of them.

  30. Bit of a confused post, this.

  31. The title question is ambiguous. It is analogous to "Do you like chocolate more than your wife?" That could be answered "No, my wife loves chocolate more than I do." or "No, of course not. I love my wife far more than I love chocolate."

  32. With the iron grip that the American Left has on the public education, I doubt the youth will have a chance at conservatism.

  33. LOL, this is the least conservative generation, and they are becoming even lesss conservative. The biggest supporters of gay rights, freedom for women, diversity, universal tolerance and internationalism are found among those under age 25.

    If you look at most adolescents nowadays, they have friends throughout the whole World on the internet, they speak the same international language, etc. They are more tolerant, more cosmopolitan and more libertarian in social attitudes than ever. Most youth react with horror when you tell me there was once a time in the U.S when whites and blacks were segregates by law and that women were barred from everything but domestic life, being forbidden from pursuing any careers in either the public or private spheres except maybe being a primary school teacher.

    But Sailer has a point that youths nowadays no longer condemn "traditional" values like the youth of the 1960s did. In the 1960s, a traditional family of a man and a woman being married and raising kids with the man "bringing the bacon" and the woman taking care of the kids was scorned and ridiculed as burgeoise, reactionary and "square". Nowadays, youths are ok with it if the man and woman are happy in this traditional arrangement. That is, the youths today are libertarian. Their general attitude is:

    "Whatever makes you happy, bro."

    High tolerance for gay relationships and couples, for isntance, but also high tolerance for heterosexual couples living traditional lifestyles as well.

    On the other hand, nationalism for instance is frowned upon as it is seen as an arbitrary division of people. Youths prefer to focus on PEOPLE and their relationships to them. An American 16 year-old may have more in common with another youth from Singapure than with all other American kids around him. He might, for instance, be a lot into obscure Japanese cartoons that no other kid around him even knows about, but the kid from Singapure might be an aficionado as well. Hence, friendships are formed this way. The newer generations are becoming more tolerant, gentle and libertarian in social attitudes, and this libertarianism extends towards tolerance to conservative lifestyles as well. But are kids today more conservative? No. Most are in favor of women's rights, gay rights, internationalism, anti-racism, against nationalism and wars, etc.

  34. This is truce for Isteal. But US youth are more liberal today than younger babyboomers or gen-xers since they are a lot more likely to be minority. I think today's youth are too much like Portanda than being conservative. They have more kids out of wedlock past young 20.

  35. Youths have become more 'conservative' because the institutions have become more 'liberal'.

  36. It is basic to human nature that many among the brightest of a youthful generation become interested in the accumulated wisdom of the past--in tradition.
    That to most youth, tradition does not make sense is a tautology in that tradition is a kind of prosethesis to mere sense-satiation. Only the ablest tend to perceive this fact of life. However, there is zero emphasis on campus about (a) mastering traditional viewpoints and then, and only then, (b) departing from them, modifying them, etc., in the direction of an informed and reasonable heretic rather than of an ignorant, vigorous barbarian.

  37. "Nearly 50% of those under 30 supported one of the far-right parties."

    Yes, because in Austria young people have far more daily contact with immigrants then older people, who can afford a more sheltered existence. Young people have also had to share schools with immigrant groups, so have a much more realistic sense of how much damage to society the newcomers are creating. The real mystery is why more elementary and high school teachers don't wake up out of their diversity dreams.

  38. Stockholm Syndrome2/24/12, 8:07 AM

    Murry's recently publicized "elite's living in a bubble" book/thesis is an important reference point.

    Both the bubble that elites live in is thicker, stronger and more crowded than ever while the power elites wield is more concentrated. This can be measured by anything from the dearth of Congressmen with children in the military to the growing lack of social mobility in American society.

    This has allowed elites and their groupies of conformist urban SWPL followers to increasingly and aggressively advocate for manifestly unsustainable, unworkable and self-destructive policies in things like public education. These guys untethered from reality are not only leftist but batshit crazy ideologues.

    However, the bulk of the population that suffers the consequences of bubble elites poisoning our culture, economy and politics thru hypocritical status posturing and naked theft are probably growing more conservative relative to the immediate past (eg the masses of 2012 is more conservative than pre-Obama 2008 but more liberal than 1970 US).

  39. Steve,
    This is a serious comment and question. Have you had your genome checked (especially your Y-chromosome) for the Cohen Modal Haplotype or other Jewish markers? I read somewhere that you were adopted and were at one time curious about your heritage.

  40. James O'Keefe, Lila Rose, Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin, 14-year-old girl scout who called for a boycott of girl scouts over their liberal agenda...

    The teens in the youth groups at my church have stronger bonds than we did at the same age despite going to different schools or being homeschooled.

    There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear...

    Overall, in all age groups, yes; or at least the Right is becoming more conservative. It is utterly astounding that a crusading homeschooling Catholic dad is seriously in the hunt to be the Republican nomination for president. Whatever you think of HIM, it is something that so many people like him AND don't care that the vast majority say he can't win.

  41. Among echo-boomers born in the 1980s, leftism is alive and well. Unless they are members of religious groups, they tend to support environmentalism, gay "marriage", and whatnot, and look upon racism as the worst possible sin. And this is especially true for women. Echo-boomer men love Ron Paul, but tend to still be left-wing on social issues.

    I do see a religious divide brewing, although not perhaps as strong as in Israel. Secular young people are as left-wing as their baby boomer parents, but the fundies, Calvinists, and Mormons are definitely making their presence felt in the next generation. Conspicuously lacking are Catholics. Aside from a small minority of traditionalist malcontents who hate the new 1960s mass, the minority of more religious Catholics seem to have become indistinguishable from the fundies (think Santorum).

  42. I'm young, I just became suddenly more conservative over that past year.

    Here is how it works: Liberal --- Smoke Weed---Libertarian----Wait People do Hate us and Want to Cause Harm----Republican

    Take a look at this blogosphere that just grew up over the past year. Look at the teen girls making "racist" videos (pointing out problems is racist apparently).

    The smart youth are turning conservative, unfortunately we have the dumb ones who stay multicultidiversitylovingwhitehating to deal with.

    And it is not easy. All of us young conservatives out there are taking a lot of flack from out classmates, our liberal parents, and unawakened friends whenever we discuss anything political.

    By the way, I used to think Rush Limbaugh was an idiot, and dutifully read Al Franken's rabble rousing pablum. Now I think Rush Limbaugh is a genius.

  43. "In the 60s, many elite institutions were still run by wasps. But now they are run by liberal and leftist Jews."

    "Same goes for universities. In the 60s, there were radical student protests AGAINST universities. Student protest was good, college administrators were bad."


    They are becoming conservative in the sense that they respect authority, which is liberal and anti-racist.
    Respect of authority still being used as a right-wing phenomenon that also correlates to racism, like that recent IQ and right-wing/conservative attitudes study)

    Look at what happened to the girls who made 'racist' videos, there wasn't tolerance(tolerance being liberal) of their views, the authority being strictly anti-racist.

    "To get organized, people need to be in opposition to somebody"

    like the Soviet Union?

    "but the U.S. military and even cops are usually portrayed much more positively than in the 1970s"

    which makes you wonder about some things.

    "You know, when the States already had nuclear weapons and the Soviet Union was only building them, we got a significant amount of information through Soviet foreign intelligence channels," Putin said, according to state-run Itar-Tass.

    "The were carrying the information away not on microfilm but literally in suitcases. Suitcases!"

  44. "By the way, I used to think Rush Limbaugh was an idiot, and dutifully read Al Franken's rabble rousing pablum. Now I think Rush Limbaugh is a genius."

    If you think Rush is a genius then you still have some logical progression of political views left to go....

    I do agree with your post overall though.

  45. "The real mystery is why more elementary and high school teachers don't wake up out of their diversity dreams."

    I think they have, for the most part. Teachers are among the most HBD aware people in the U.S. They just vote Democratic for economic reasons. They associate Republicans with charter schools.

  46. "I do see a religious divide brewing, although not perhaps as strong as in Israel. Secular young people are as left-wing as their baby boomer parents, but the fundies, Calvinists, and Mormons are definitely making their presence felt in the next generation. "

    Yeah, but there being an increased religious divide does not necessarily mean true political change. Religious young people love useless mission trips to the 3rd world, they love reaching out to minorities. They are more conservative overall, but totally committed to the principles of ethnic and racial diversity.

    Relatively secular young people are much more likely to make racial observations, from my experience within the age cohort. Religious young people won't even participate in jokes of a non racially PC nature!

  47. Saying that the "smart youth" are becoming conservative because they are smart is ridiculous. Studies after studies have shown that conservatives, especially social conservatives, are the least intelligent of all people. IQ tests that you guys love so much clearly have social conservatives scoring consistently at the bottom of all people.

  48. "Anonymous said...

    IQ tests that you guys love so much clearly have social conservatives scoring consistently at the bottom of all people."

    Actually, that's bullshit. Credulous liberals like you, however, happily traffic in such untruths.

  49. "Anonymous said...

    By the way, I used to think Rush Limbaugh was an idiot, and dutifully read Al Franken's rabble rousing pablum. Now I think Rush Limbaugh is a genius."

    Limbaugh is smarter than liberals think he is. But he is not as smart as conservatives (at least those conservatives who listen to him) believe him to be.

  50. And it is not easy. All of us young conservatives out there are taking a lot of flack from our classmates, our liberal parents, and unawakened friends whenever we discuss anything political.

    I'd suggest a strategy of informing your interlocutors how they are doing the bidding of people much older than they are. What we're seeing today with public policy is the fruition of the dreams of the 60's New Left, i.e. people now at least 65. Ask, "why would you want to be the shock troops for a bunch of gray ponytail types?" Environmentalism is the best example.

  51. There seem to be too main trends among today's youth:

    1. as pointed out earlier, middle class youth are becoming more libertarian (more socially liberal and slightly more economically right-wing).

    2. a growing percentage of working class and petit-bourgeois youth are becoming more ethno-nationalist

    One of the reasons why middle class youth are becoming more economically right wing is they don't believe in HBD, so they tend to put underachievement down to personal choice rather than lack of native ability.

    Also have to agree with Anonyia, religious conviction doesn't necessarily mean more conservative, especially in a European context.

  52. 1. as pointed out earlier, middle class youth are becoming more libertarian (more socially liberal and slightly more economically right-wing).

    You can't be a libertarian and a social liberal. The contradiction is already apparent in the terms. A sincere libertarian doesn't support affirmative action, doesn't support a welfare state, and doesn't support homosexual marriage among other things.

  53. Skadhi_the_Raverner2/26/12, 10:46 PM

    Young people seem to be getting more socially conservative here in the UK too, but not consistently so.

    For example in my experience more young people don't 'get' what's wrong with homosexual marriage or marijuana, but are more likely to be pro-life atheists and to oppose multiculturalism.

  54. A sincere libertarian doesn't support ... homosexual marriage among other things.

    A true libertarian does not support any sort of marriage as a government-sponsored institution, only a social one.

  55. There is a difference between respecting the ways of the immediate elders and hearkening back to mystical elders who aren't looking directly over your shoulder. For a lot of boomers environmentalists with Daddy issues, trying to enforce a village, pioneer, or even hunter-gatherer lifestyle is acceptable. I'm not sure that's really conservative.

    I agree; it's reactionary rather than conservative.

    There's also the problem with the word "traditional". What kind of tradition, and from how far back in time?

    Example: People ofhen speak of "Traditional Chinese medicine" and rightly mean acupuncture, qi gong, and the like. But what is traditional Western medicine? Synthetic drugs and scalpels - or herbs and shamanism?

  56. Youth has always been conservative and conformist. The question is, what are they conserving, and to what are they conforming? In the 60s, youth had its own "radical left" culture very different from that of its parents, but still rigidly conservative in its own way.

  57. Traditional Western Medicine = leeches

  58. -----
    Kiwiguy said...
    Time Magazine noted the youthfulness of the right wing party supporters after Jorg Haider died a few years ago. Would be interesting to see whether this applies in other parts of Europe.
    The "right-wing" Sweden Democrats(actually, immigration restriction is their main plank, being not especially company-friendly) party in Sweden is dominated by on the one hand quite young members, voters, and leaders (the party leader is 32), and then a significant minority of adherents (though not party leaders) who are well over 60. Quite few in the middle age range.


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