February 13, 2012

Safe American Home

From the AP:
Associate Justice Stephen Breyer of the United States Supreme Court was robbed by a man armed with a machete while vacationing on the island of Nevis in the West Indies last Thursday ...
now they got the sun, an' they got the palm trees
they got the weed, an' they got the taxis
whoa, the harder they come, n' the home of ol' bluebeat
yes i'd stay an' be a tourist but i can't take the gunplay 
i went to the place where every white face is an
invitation to robbery
sitting here in my safe european home
i don't wanna go back there again

Joe Strummer, The Clash, "Safe European Home," 1979


  1. Harry Baldwin2/13/12, 6:32 PM

    Does that mean we have a new conservative on the Supreme Court? Probably not--the old saw about what happens to a liberal who gets mugged didn't prove true for Matt Yglesias.

    In general, a liberal who gets mugged just makes more frantic arguments for liberalism.

  2. I knew a guy who had business dealings in Nigeria and the African driver made him lie down in the back of the car as he said that they would be robbed if people saw a white man in the car.

  3. Please send Sotomayor and Kagan over there.

  4. Wow, Talking Heads AND the Clash? I'm feeling even more affinities for Steve than I did when I didn't know what music he'd listened to, back in the day. When I saw the title of this post, Strummer's words started running through my head.

  5. @harry baldwin :
    once george clooney got held up while do-gooding in africa, he arrogantly said, 'well if they had known who we are (SWPL liberals vs. 'bad' whites) it woudlnt' have happened....

  6. Breyer in the West Indies. Ginzberg and Souter in D.C.

    Any chance all the attackers were black males and if so should we acknowledge that fact during Black History Month?

  7. "Wow, Talking Heads AND the Clash? I'm feeling even more affinities for Steve than I did when I didn't know what music he'd listened to, back in the day."

    It doesn't mean he likes the music.

  8. Was Strummer being ironic? He was a major leftist and pro-black radical. And much of Clash was closer to reggae than to punk(which didn't bother me cuz I hate punk.)

  9. OT. Is Jeremy Lin the Billy Fox of basketball?

    It's possible. I wouldn't put anything past David Stern.

    Though looking at the highlights I think many of his shots were contested.

  10. Seriously. Joe Strummer. You're the best.

  11. "Was Strummer being ironic? "

    No. They had a terrifying vacation in Jamaica. Of course, Strummer and Jones didn't want to just hang out at the North Shore resorts, they wanted to see the Real Kingston, maybe sit in the government yard in Trenchtown, that kind of thing.

  12. 10 CC's "Dreadlock Holiday" from late 1970s too:

    I was walkin' down the street
    Concentratin' on truckin' right
    I heard a dark voice beside of me
    And I looked round in a state of fright
    I saw four faces one mad
    A brother from the gutter
    They looked me up and down a bit
    And turned to each other

    I say
    I don't like cricket oh no
    I love it
    I don't like cricket no no
    I love it
    Don't you walk thru my words
    You got to show some respect
    Don't you walk thru my words
    'Cause you ain't heard me out yet

    Well he looked down at my silver chain
    He said I'll give you one dollar
    I said You've got to be jokin' man
    It was a present from me Mother
    He said I like it I want it
    I'll take it off your hands
    And you'll be sorry you crossed me
    You'd better understand that you're alone
    A long way from home

  13. I had thought that Nevis is a very peaceful island with little crime.

  14. "Was Strummer being ironic? "

    "No. They had a terrifying vacation in Jamaica. Of course, Strummer and Jones didn't want to just hang out at the North Shore resorts, they wanted to see the Real Kingston, maybe sit in the government yard in Trenchtown, that kind of thing."

    I dunno. His point still may have been a kind of self-deprecation... as if to say..

    "I act like a tough progressive radical dude, but when faced with black poverty and crime, I was just another scared white boy who wants to return to the safe homeland of imperialism. I talk the talk but can't walk the walk. I sing tough but don't have to guts to give up my comfort and passport and become one with the wretched of the earth. And though blacks scared the living daylights of me, it's because they're mired in poverty caused by 'racism' and imperialism."

  15. There was a saying in NYC when Abe Beame was mayor that there were no longer any liberals because they'd all been mugged. Unfortunately, being assaulted and robbed by blacks hasn't altered the judicial philosophy of Souter or Ginsberg so I'm won't hold my breath waiting for Breyer's conservative epiphany.

  16. Little known fact: 10cc member Lol Creme has two children, Rofl and Lmao.

  17. Focusing on statistics,

    approximately two thousand whites are murdered each year by blacks in the Unites States

    approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers

    Yet the readers of this blog like to focus on the black murders of whites even though those numbers are statistically small

  18. To: Anonymous 6:21 pm

    What's Rick Santorum's religion? (Hint: I don't think his last name is Jewish.)

  19. Safe American Home for Breyer but he's gonna make it less safe for us with his leftist rules.

  20. "It doesn't mean he likes the music."


  21. This seems to be getting a lot more coverage than the recent murder in Philadelphia

    A black parking valet at the swanky Society Hill Sheraton Hotel beat a white to death and then bragged about it to the other employees at the Society Hill Sheraton.

    Getting coverage in Philadelphia but a news blackout in the rest of the country

  22. Breyer should start sync-vacationing with Clarence

  23. Hah. When John Miller at National Review was compiling a list of "The Fifty Greatest Conservative Rock Songs" six years ago, I sent him an email recommending "Safe European Home".

    I wrote:

    To my mind, one of the great conservative rock songs is "Safe European Home", by, ironically enough, the original punk Marxists, The Clash. The Clash expressed Marxist and "anti-racist" sympathies throughout their career, and seemed to find a resonance not just with blacks in general but with reggae music and the rebelliousness and anti-first-world-ism of Jamaican rastas in particular. However, when they actually went to Kingston Jamaica in 1978 to write the songs for the second Clash album, "Give 'Em Enough Rope", they were shocked that the pointless violence that they found among rudeboys gave lie to their idealized revolutionary "noble savage" images. They wrote "Safe European Home", a song that reminds me of the saying "a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged".

    The racial politics of SEH may have been too much for the National Review, and the song didn't make the final list ...

  24. Associate Justice Stephen Breyer of the United States Supreme Court was robbed by a man armed with a machete ...

    "Robbed"? It all depends on one's point of view.

    Leftists believe in income distribution and in higher taxes for rich people, don't they?

    The man with a machete is a tropical Robin Hood, collecting taxes owed to the downpressed peoples of the world, and doing so in an entrepreneural, un-bureaucratic manner.

  25. The Only Band That Matters.

    and, yeah, Strummer is somewhat self-deprecating here. Few iSteve readers would find affinity with my man's political philosophy, or, come to think of it, maybe they would. Cf. "I'm So Bored with the U.S.A."

  26. My question is, who buys a vacation property in Nevis unless they wanted to get in on the citizenship-by-investment scheme? All the property down there is badly overpriced. Does Breyer have a St. Kitts & Nevis passport he's not telling us about? There was a Reuters article about this just a couple of days ago ...

  27. "approximately two thousand whites are murdered each year by blacks in the Unites States

    approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers

    Yet the readers of this blog like to focus on the black murders of whites even though those numbers are statistically small."

    From the UMKC School of Law: According to the archives of the Tuskegee Institute there were 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites lynched between 1882 and 1968.

    Lynchings: By State and Race, 1882-1968

    So in any given two years, blacks' murders of whites exceed the total number of blacks lynched by whites in the US in over 80 years.

    Yet leftists like to focus on the black victims of lynching by whites in the US even though those numbers are statistically small.

  28. Yeah, the tooled-up Yardies scared them, and then Joe Strummer wrote this, and it's just a great, explosive rock song. Right up there with "Cheapskates" in the Clash repertoire.

  29. "Please send Sotomayor and Kagan over there."

    I know she's ill and old, but I'd send over Ginsberg as well.

  30. From "Return of the Last Gang in Town" Strummer says:

    "We came out of the Pegasus Hotel all togged up in our punk threads. I tell you, we was like two punk tourists on a package tour. Completely naive. We knew Lee Perry, sort of, but we couldn't find him. so we were on our own." While walking down to the docks to score some drugs, they were openly addressed as 'white pigs'. "The only reason they didn't kill us was that they thought we were merchant seamen off the ships."

    After a couple of excursions in "the toughest city in the world," Strummer and Jones decided to stay in the hotel room, write songs and do drugs, until their plane back home.

  31. cinema HBDso2/13/12, 9:02 PM

    Steve: any chance you could get assigned to review the "Rampart" movie for Taki's or TAC? It looks stupid yet weirdly compelling; I'm sure there will be Anne Heche jokes ripe for the picking also!

  32. Wow, being a guy that doesn't listen to lyrics, I always thought that was a riff on Gorbachev's proposal for a 'safe European home' free of US nukes.

  33. "Unfortunately, being assaulted and robbed by blacks hasn't altered the judicial philosophy of Souter or Ginsberg so I'm won't hold my breath waiting for Breyer's conservative epiphany."

    They no doubt think their assailants were outliers.

  34. "The man with a machete is a tropical Robin Hood, collecting taxes owed to the downpressed peoples of the world, and doing so in an entrepreneural, un-bureaucratic manner."

    I love it, David Davenport.

  35. "approximately two thousand whites are murdered each year by blacks in the Unites States

    approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers"

    There is a group called MADD that is concerned with drunk driving -- people here tend to be concerned about race. I'm pretty sure that MADD has way more than three times the access to politicians and journalists, the financial resources, and membership, that all the HBD+Race Realist+White Nationalist websites combined.

  36. "approximately two thousand whites are murdered each year by blacks in the Unites States.
    approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers."

    Don't drink and drive, and don't integrate.

  37. "They wrote "Safe European Home", a song that reminds me of the saying "a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged"."

    But then they released the commie SANDINISTA.

  38. If I, a leftie, can appreciate Mark Halperin's novels, you righties with non shitty music taste can put up with Joe Strummer.

  39. "Anonymous said...

    Focusing on statistics,

    approximately two thousand whites are murdered each year by blacks in the Unites States

    approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers

    Yet the readers of this blog like to focus on the black murders of whites even though those numbers are statistically small"

    And you focuse on this, because you wish to excuse the bad behavior of murderous blacks.

    Your statistics are as unimpressive as your punctuation. One reason to be concerned with crime is because it is often something over which we can exercise at least some degree of control. Don't go certain places, don't associate with certain people, don't be taken in by PC claptrap, and you are far less likely to be victimized. Actually, given that a lot of people killed by drunk drivers are the drunks themselves or their passengers, even this is subject to some degree of control - don't ride with drunks.

  40. "To my mind, one of the great conservative rock songs is "Safe European Home", by, ironically enough, the original punk Marxists, The Clash."

    What exactly is a 'conservative' rock song? I suppose if it means something that appeals to political rightwingers, there's SWEET HOME ALABAMA.

    But if 'conservative', one means a sense of nostalgia, reverence of tradition, feeling for home(real or lost), sense of rootedness, etc, then how about I SHALL BE RELEASED(comp. Dylan, perf. Band), NIGHT THEY DROVE OLE DIXIE DOWN, IN MY LIFE(BEATLES), TEARS GO BY, SCARBOROUGH FAIR, TEARS OF RAGE, etc.

    If 'conservative' means edgy political incorrectness, maybe BEHIND BLUE EYES, QUICKSAND(Bowie),

  41. "David Davenport said...

    The man with a machete is a tropical Robin Hood, collecting taxes owed to the downpressed peoples of the world, and doing so in an entrepreneural, un-bureaucratic manner."

    To which I would add, the machete-wielder wasn't committing a crime - he was just exercising his right of eminent domain. Siezing the property of others for the greater good of the community, just like the city council of New London did to Kelo et. al.

  42. Parker Center bail bonds agency2/13/12, 9:28 PM

    These "corrupt rogue cop" movies are seeming ever more antique. Nowadays John Lawman is more likely to be picketing about his ticket-fixing privs or partaking of diversity sensitivity sessions at their Napa Valley retreat, a grueling workday followed by popping over to the French Laundry for dinner no doubt.

  43. Reply to anonymous:

    Focusing on statistics,

    approximately two thousand whites are murdered each year by blacks in the United States

    approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers

    Yet the readers of this blog like to focus on the black murders of whites even though the numbers are statistically small


    Tell me how many BLACKS ARE MURDERED EACH YEAR BY WHITES? It is probably SMALLER even in ABSOLUTE terms, which makes it VASTLY smaller in proportional terms.

  44. OT: Have any other readers in the San Fernando Valley noticed the increasingly common sight of walkers carrying large sticks or one-by-twos? Even better yet if any readers actually engage in the practice, I'd love to hear their take on it.

    When I moved to the valley in the mid-aughts, I would occasionally spot elderly asians strolling in Porter Ranch, with a stick wielding, oft burly younger male relative in tow ten to twenty paces back. I always assumed that this was a some traditional practice and considered it a harmless, slightly medieval oddity.

    In the past year or so, I've noticed valley residents of all ethnicities, generally middle-aged and respectably dressed, carrying sticks when they walk in the Reseda/Northridge area. Is this to fend off packs of hungry dogs? Roving bands of condottieri?

  45. I've been all around Nevis. Like other Caribbean islands, once you get away from the tourist areas- or even just outside your hotel- you're in the 'hood, urban or rural.

  46. "If I, a leftie, can appreciate Mark Halperin's novels, you righties with non shitty music taste can put up with Joe Strummer."

    Punk sucks and so does your mother.

  47. For those referencing the previous muggings of two other left-of-center Supreme Court Justices (Justice Ginsburg and former Justice Souter), remember that Justice Souter's "mugging" wasn't as mundane as Ginsburg's and Breyer's muggings.

    Souter's "mugging" was more like Kevin Spacey's "mugging": both guys were out "jogging" after midnight through parks that, coincidentally, also happen to be popular places for gay men to cruise for anonymous sexual encounters. Justice Souter and Mr. Spacey both had the misfortune of running into young men who, for some reason, were hanging out in each park, looking for "joggers" to rob in the middle of the night.

    The Souter and Spacey muggings sure must have been embarrassing, what with the way people might have misinterpreted the whole getting robbed at gay cruising grounds by young men in the middle of the night thing (especially since suspicions had swirled for years around both Justice Souter and Mr. Spacey).

  48. Kylie, I'll try to remember that one. It's the kind of nice rejoinder I usually only think of while driving home.

    Gilbert Pinfold.

  49. Anonymous (2/13/12 6:21 PM),

    Did Santorum become "born again" as an Evangelical Christian (or "evanglical dummy" as you termed him) sometime recently? Last I heard, he was a committed Roman Catholic.

    Evangelicals and Catholics are actually quite a bit different (and don't exactly always see eye-to-eye), but these days, a lot of the "smart people" seem to have a hard time differentiating between them (ya know, "Christers" from "Jesusland" all look alike, and all that). Back in August, then-outgoing Editor of the New York Times referred to Santorum as an "Evangelical" and a "Dominionist" (whatever the hell that is) in an editorial warning of Dominionist Evangelical Republikkklan plans to remake America as a theocracy. So maybe you read Keller and have been mistaken ever since (Olbermann, Maher and other smart liberals have made the same mistake too, so it seems to be pretty common).

  50. For those people wondering whether the NBA is telling players to let Jeremy Lin get his points, please.

    Well, actually, with David Stern's NBA, you never know for sure (especially when the Knicks are involved).

    But still. New guys explode onto the scene all the time. But once teams have seen enough film on a player to write a detailed scouting report, well ... new overnight sensations come back to Earth all the time too.

    Let teams get familiar with Lin's game. We'll find out if he's the real deal once he's been thoroughly scouted and teams know how to defend him.

  51. "Yet the readers of this blog like to focus on the black murders of whites even though those numbers are statistically small"

    Awesome collection of responses to this, for pithiness the winner by a nose:

    "Don't drink and drive, don't integrate."



    "Unfortunately, being assaulted and robbed by blacks hasn't altered the judicial philosophy of Souter or Ginsberg so I'm won't hold my breath waiting for Breyer's conservative epiphany."

    Yeah it did. Black people in LA, NYC and Washington DC are being ethnically cleansed and replaced with safer Hispanics and Asians.

    "But then they released the commie SANDINISTA."

    same with the clash - from Jamaican rude boys to latino commies.

    "Whole areas of England, France and the low countries are anything but safe for the native Europeans."

    It's an old song.

  52. As I've heard many people say:

    "There was only one good punk band - and that was The Clash".

  53. "Dreadlock Holiday" by 1970s British super group 10cc is a track that never fails to make me laugh when I hear it, even 34 years after its release.
    Apparently it's based on a real life incident, a mugging attempt made on Justin Hayward of the Moody Blues.
    Whilst on the subject of 1970s Jamaican violence, Jamaican politcal violence in particular, the disco hit 'More, more, more' by the late porno queen Andrea True was taped whilst she was trapped on that island due to the general ruckus.
    And then you have all the Jamaican reggae legends of the 70s who were gunned down in their prime.
    Back to 10cc, a truly talented, gifted and original band, giants of 1970s British rock - their album tracks are fabulous and were ripped off shamelessly by Queen (who got all the glory).
    But never much appreciated in the USA, why?

  54. Also the track 'White Riot' - which noble class warriors The Clash were bemoaned the afct that whites, unlike blacks were disinclined to fight against their 'oppressors' and bring the rotten system down.
    I beieve The Clash were caught up in the notorious Notting Hill 'carnival' riots of 1976 (in those days Notting Hill was distinctly untrendy and was a low rent slum, the haunt of slum landlord Peter Rachman and serial murderer John Christie), they lived near by, and I also believe that various Clash members were mugged on the streets of London by blacks at various times.

  55. Anonydroid said: "Safe European home"?

    Whole areas of England, France and the low countries are anything but safe for the native Europeans.

    2/13/12 9:35 PM

    Hunsdon replied: Yeah, but you should have seen it back in the day.

  56. "I'm pretty sure that MADD has way more than three times the access to politicians and journalists, the financial resources, and membership, that all the HBD+Race Realist+White Nationalist websites combined."

    For now... for now. Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.

  57. Anonydroid said: The Only Band That Matters.

    and, yeah, Strummer is somewhat self-deprecating here. Few iSteve readers would find affinity with my man's political philosophy, or, come to think of it, maybe they would. Cf. "I'm So Bored with the U.S.A."

    2/13/12 8:12 PM

    Hunsdon replied: White riot/I want a riot/White riot/A riot of my own!

    I was always more interested in the tensions between Strummer and Jones than between Lennon and McCartney, and, for what it was, I really enjoyed the first Big Audio Dynamite album, with sampling, synthesizers, guitar and rap.

    Doubtless this will imperil my place in the Consistent Conservative Hall of Fame, but there you go.

  58. "OT: Have any other readers in the San Fernando Valley noticed the increasingly common sight of walkers carrying large sticks or one-by-twos?"

    Out for a stroll on another Pleasant Valley Sunday.

  59. "approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers"

    Of course we'll never be told how many of these so-called "white" drunk drivers were Hispanic.


  60. "My question is, who buys a vacation property in Nevis unless they wanted to get in on the citizenship-by-investment scheme?"

    Somebody looking for access to young underage teens.

  61. 'Your statistics are as unimpressive as your punctuation. ..... Actually, given that a lot of people killed by drunk drivers are the drunks themselves or their passengers, even this is subject to some degree of control - don't ride with drunks.'

    Bingo! Its been a while since I saw statistics on this but the overwhelming majority of those killed by drunk drivers were the drivers themselves and their passengers. And about 11% more were drunk pedestrians who got hit by sober drivers but were counted as 'drinking related traffic fatalities'.

    Statistics need to be placed in perspective.

    For example, a few years back when gun control legislation was more probable, we were being told how X number of 'children' were killed by guns each year. This naturally congers up the image of a 5-year-old shot in her bed or on the playground. It turns out that a sizable number were teenaged gang-bangers shot while plying their trade.

  62. bruce banner2/14/12, 4:28 AM

    With "conservatives" like Joe Strummer, David Bowie and Richards/Jagger who needs pinkos?
    If you ask me, the only real conservatives (or rather cultural conservatives) on that list are the Kinks.
    "Waterloo Sunset" should have made the list. It´s pure nostalgia of one´s home town:"AS LONG AS I GAZE ON WATERLOO SUNSET,

  63. Class warrior and marxist firebrand Joe Strummer was actually a priveleged former public schoolboy and son of a diplomat in Britain's foreign service.

  64. The Clash put out a cover version of that old 1950s American standard 'I fought the law, the law won', apparently to commemorate a run-in band members had with the 'boys in blue'.
    'And what act of class warfare and revolution may that be?' I hear you ask.
    Well, apparently a Clash member was done for animal cruelty after shooting and killing a pigeon with an air rifle through an open window.

  65. "Drunk Idiot said...

    ...., remember that Justice Souter's "mugging" wasn't as mundane as Ginsburg's and Breyer's muggings."

    Jogging sure can be dangerous. Especially jogging with multiple anonymous partners. I believe something similar happened to one of Tony Blair's cabinet ministers and/or advisors, soon after "New Labor" came to power in 1997.

  66. "Also the track 'White Riot' - which noble class warriors The Clash were bemoaned the afct that whites, unlike blacks were disinclined to fight against their 'oppressors' and bring the rotten system down."

    Well, yobs seem to be following blacks today. In rioting too.

  67. Speaking of musics, readers might get a kick out of Mr. B, the Gentleman Rhymer, especially his song "Timothy"

  68. 10cc were Jewish and grew up in a part of Manchester (England) about 20 minutes drive from where I lived in the 70s/80s. I used to pass the recording studio where the band cut most of their records every week. They did another song on one of their albums about a man escaping communist East Germany by being welded into a secret compartment inside a car crossing the border.

  69. bruce banner said: If you ask me, the only real conservatives (or rather cultural conservatives) on that list are the Kinks.

    Hunsdon replied: The Village Green Preservation Society.


    "Preserving the old ways from being abused/Protecting the new ways for me and for you"

    Huzzah, sir, and huzzah, and huzzah.

  70. approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers.

    And in most cases, the driver and the dead person are one and the same.

    But what does it matter? We can't separate from ourselves, but we can choose to separate from other races.

  71. "Statistics need to be placed in perspective.

    For example, a few years back when gun control legislation was more probable, we were being told how X number of 'children' were killed by guns each year. This naturally congers up the image of a 5-year-old shot in her bed or on the playground. It turns out that a sizable number were teenaged gang-bangers shot while plying their trade."

    It's not just that stats have to be placed in perspective. What you describe here is an ongoing pattern of deliberately deceptive use of language by the left.

    Another example: when the right of teenaged girls to have abortions is touted by the left, they are "women". But let teenaged girls be arrested for a crime, and they are "girls" or "teens".

    Hispanics are lumped in with whites or placed in a separate category, whichever better suits the aims of the left in any given discussion.

    Muslims are Muslims when the left is predicting a backlash against them or insisting their rights need to be protected, they are "Middle Eastern" or "Asian" when they are in the wrong.


    This is something that goes way beyond the province of statistics and numbers.

  72. If you ask me, the only real conservatives (or rather cultural conservatives) on that list are the Kinks.

    Waterloo Sunset is just scratching the surface. What about Muswell Hillbilly, 20th Century Man, and Living on a Thin Line?

    20th Century Man:

    You keep all your smart modern writers;
    Give me William Shakespeare.
    You keep all your smart modern painters;
    I'll take Rembrandt, Titian, Da Vinci and Gainsborough.

    I was born in a welfare state
    Ruled by bureaucracy
    Controlled by civil servants
    And people dressed in grey.
    Got no privacy, got no liberty
    'Cause the twentieth century people
    Took it all away from me.

    Don't wanna get myself shot down
    By some trigger happy policeman,
    Gotta keep a hold on my sanity
    I'm a twentieth century man but I don't wanna die here.

    Living on a Thin Line:

    All the stories have been told
    Of kings and days of old,
    But there's no England now.
    All the wars that were won and lost
    Somehow don't seem to matter very much anymore.


    Now another century nearly gone,
    What are we gonna leave for the young?
    What we couldn't do, what we wouldn't do,
    It's a crime, but does it matter?
    Does it matter much, does it matter much to you?
    Does it ever really matter?
    Yes, it really, really matters.

  73. approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers"

    Negligently. Not intentionally.

    Dead's dead but there is a difference legally.

  74. Otis McWrong2/14/12, 9:27 AM

    Anony @ 4:16am "For example, a few years back when gun control legislation was more probable, we were being told how X number of 'children' were killed by guns each year. This naturally congers up the image of a 5-year-old shot in her bed or on the playground. It turns out that a sizable number were teenaged gang-bangers shot while plying their trade."

    While I don't have statistics to back up my assertion, I would argue that few political issues have more outright lies coming from the left as the "gun control" one. They will do or say or misrepresent anything to bolster their views. Feral urban yoofs shooting each other = an epidemic of children being killed. Yawn..

  75. helene edwards2/14/12, 9:55 AM

    Steven Breyer often rhapsodizes about 1950's San Francisco, where everyone was decent to blacks and, I suppose, everyone agreed with Brown. By '64 he was in D.C., and missed the Panther takeover of the black mind on the west coast. So by the mid-70's when he heard that most whites had left S.F. for the peninsula, he imagined there was some new brand of un-nice whites around.

  76. The cheap & easy way to get lots of hits & comments: Reference rock/pop songs. Watch the Boomers and the Xers come out in droves to bicker and argue about taste in music.

  77. To the extent that stuff like The Clash counts as modern European "culture," I can see no serious objection to it's displacement and ultimate destruction.

    Good riddance.

  78. "Tell me how many BLACKS ARE MURDERED EACH YEAR BY WHITES? It is probably SMALLER even in ABSOLUTE terms, which makes it VASTLY smaller in proportional terms."

    The "white" perp FBI stats include mestizo perps, so those stats overstate actual white criminality.

    Mestizo victim stats though are not lumped in with white victim stats. Go figure.

  79. Yes, the Kinks were amazing! And Ray Davies was the closest thing to a conservative (or even to a reactionnary) in the rock world.

  80. "Steven Breyer often rhapsodizes about 1950's San Francisco, where everyone was decent to blacks"

    That was easy since most blacks were across the bridge in Oakland.

  81. "To the extent that stuff like The Clash counts as modern European "culture," I can see no serious objection to it's displacement and ultimate destruction."

    Side one of their first album is pretty remarkable and they had some good songs on other albums, but really, I don't understand all the hype. London Calling is generally considered the greatest album of the 80s, but I can stand maybe 2 things on it.

  82. "Did Santorum become "born again" as an Evangelical Christian (or "evanglical dummy" as you termed him) sometime recently? Last I heard, he was a committed Roman Catholic."

    Same old pro-life bullshit.

  83. welcome to gummtown. pop 12/14/12, 1:00 PM

    "Tell me how many BLACKS ARE MURDERED EACH YEAR BY WHITES? It is probably SMALLER even in ABSOLUTE terms, which makes it VASTLY smaller in proportional terms."

    You see how 'racist' whites are? They won't kill more blacks to narrow the interracial violence gap. It's a vast rightwing conspiracy to make blacks look bad.


    Dead's dead, but there is a difference legally.

    I would also say there is a difference MORALLY too.
    Your one relative is dead because a 20 year old boy fell asleep on a country road and drove the car into a tree killing his passenger.

    Your other relative is dead because someone blew him away with a shotgun while robbing his store.

    Now which one do you feel is more evil? More deserving of punishment? Which one do you feel more hostility and bitterness toward?

  85. "Was Jamica a lawless place and were whites generally disrespected when the Brits still ran the place prior to independence in 1961".

    For the most part no. It came unglued when the British left. I believe there was a recent poll that showed a big majority of Jamaicans said that they were better off under the British.

  86. Focusing on statistics,

    approximately two thousand whites are murdered each year by blacks in the Unites States

    approximately six thousand whites are killed each year by white drunk drivers

    Yet the readers of this blog like to focus on the black murders of whites even though those numbers are statistically small

    Focusing on logic, Whites are prevented from taking measures to make sure they aren't one of those two thousand, while everyone's on the same page about the six thousand and have no problem with seat belts or air bags.

    The two thousand deaths could be significantly reduced, if Americans were allowed to exercise their God-given rights to self-determination and freedom of association.

    Oh, and re-focusing on statistics, the press makes a lot more noise about the relatively tiny number of American servicemen killed in foreign wars than they do about the two thousand Whites killed every year by Blacks.

    Then there is the significantly greater number of Blacks killed every year by Blacks, which has consequences for White wallets, since White wallets do a disproportionate amount of paying for Black pathology.

  87. Yes, the Kinks were amazing! And Ray Davies was the closest thing to a conservative (or even to a reactionnary) in the rock world.

    The same Kinks that sang "Well Respected Man" and "Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon"?

  88. Otis:

    Trying to keep teenaged gangbangers from shooting each other and random passers by is a perfectly sensible policy goal. Places where that stuff is common, especially when they're also densely populated places with few gun owners, tend to have a lot of support for gun control. This tends to have the support of likely victims (who'd rather get a beating than a shooting) and bystanders and family members of the kids who are in gangs.

    It may be unconstitutional to address the goal via gun control. It surely sucks to be a member of the intended victim class forbidden by law to have a gun. But it requires no dishonesty to note that if guns were much harder to get and much more expensive (in terms of jail time) to carry, there would probably be fewer teenagers carrying guns around. And you can see this, because most urban areas with lots of urban crime of this kind have gun control.

    IMO, much of the gun control debate centers around different environments. Where I grew up, guns were common and very unlikely to be used in crmes. Where I live now, they're much more rare and much more likely to be used in crimes. In urban areas, they're still more rare and more likely to be used in crimes. My guess is that this is probably one of those policies that's better handled locally, in response to local conditions, to the extent that's consistent with the constitution.

  89. welcome to gummtown. pop 1.2/14/12, 3:02 PM

    "Steven Breyer often rhapsodizes about 1950's San Francisco, where everyone was decent to blacks."

    Being decent to blacks hasn't been the issue for a long long time. The issue is 'will blacks to be decent to non-blacks?' Many blacks aren't. Liberals keep saying whites gotta be better to blacks when in fact the problem is many blacks are not nice to whites.

  90. Otis McWrong2/14/12, 3:25 PM

    NOTA @ 2:37pm:

    "Trying to keep teenaged gangbangers from shooting each other and random passers by is a perfectly sensible policy goal."

    I don't argue with this at all. The issue is the liberal default setting that assumes guns are the problem. As we've seen with education, testing for fire departments, nobody is allowed to entertain the possibility blacks could be the problem. Crime? Its the guns. Black/white testing gap? Its the teachers. Not enough black firemen? Racist firemen tests.

    America doesn't have a gun violence problem, it has a black violence problem. Guns just make them more efficient.

    Guns were far more available (even to minors) 50-70 years ago, yet it didn't dawn on teenagers to shoot each other. Though to be fair to blacks, the Columbine lunatics were children of atheist whites.

    My Dad and his friends (I'm dating myself here) would take guns to high school in Ohio (a mid-sized town, not rural) in the mid 1940's so they could hunt after school. They put them in their lockers, loaded. Nobody cared. Today they'd be charged with felonies, and packed off to some facility.

    Telling law-abiding people they can not carry or own a gun is literally a life-or-death issue. I live in South Florida. After dark or in the car I ALWAYS have a loaded handgun with me (I have a permit). What do feral teens killing each other have to do with my right to protect myself?

    Liberals hate guns because people with guns are hard to control. Simple as that.

  91. 'While I don't have statistics to back up my assertion, I would argue that few political issues have more outright lies coming from the left as the "gun control" one. They will do or say or misrepresent anything to bolster their views.'

    True. You may remember the statistics from a while back in which one of the major medical journals noted that the statistics for violent crime was so much higher in Seattle than in a 'comparable' Canadian city (which I've forgotten the name of). Conclusion: Gun controlled Canada had fewer violent crimes because of gun control.

    The then-President of NRA wrote in his book that what was wrong was that (1) the Canadian city had few blacks & Hispanics and so the statistics for those groups were not broken out but on the other hand, (2) Seattle had a small but significant number of blacks & Hispanics and these stats were broken out.

    End result on further inspection: When the white only population was compared to the Canadian population the results were about the same. The overall difference was the higher black/Hispanic population's crime rate in Seattle.

    And BTW, more children drown in backyard pools and buckets - yes, buckets! -than get shot.

    And so it goes.....

  92. Anonymous [2/14/12 12:58 PM] said...

    Same old pro-life bullshit.

    Well that settles it then. Evangelicals (or "evanglical dummies [sp.] as you call them) and Catholics are the same thing because they're not big fans of abortion. Centuries of theological division (and, frankly, strife) between Catholics and Protestants are paved over and distilled into a single issue. And that's not to mention divisions between Catholics, Mainline Protestants and Evangelicals.

    They're anti-abortion wingnuts, so they're the same.

    Glad to hear it's that simple, because by the same logic, progressive Democrats and Communists would be the same too: same old redistributionist bullshit, after all.

  93. Drunk Idiot said...

    Evangelicals (or "evanglical dummies [sp.] as you call them) and Catholics are the same thing because they're not big fans of abortion. Centuries of theological division (and, frankly, strife) between Catholics and Protestants are paved over and distilled into a single issue.

    And damn the Crusades, let's add Muslims to the mix as well.

  94. The Clash put out a cover version of that old 1950s American standard 'I fought the law, the law won', apparently to commemorate a run-in band members had with the 'boys in blue'.


    Bobby Fuller
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008)
    Bobby Fuller


    Robert Gaston "Bobby" Fuller (October 22, 1942 – July 18, 1966) was an American rock singer, songwriter, and guitar player best known for his singles "I Fought the Law" and "Love's Made a Fool of You," recorded with his mid-1960s group, the Bobby Fuller Four.



    Within months of "I Fought The Law" becoming a top 10 hit, Fuller was found dead in an automobile parked outside his Hollywood apartment. The Los Angeles deputy medical examiner, Jerry Nelson, performed the autopsy. According to Dean Kuipers:[8] "The report states that Bobby's face, chest, and side were covered in "petechial hemorrhages" probably caused by gasoline vapors and the heat. He found no bruises, no broken bones, no cuts. No evidence of beating." Kuipers further explains that boxes for "accident" and "suicide" were ticked, but next to the boxes were question marks. Despite the official cause of death, some commentators believe Fuller was murdered.[9][10]


    I Fought the Law -- Bobby Fuller 4


    The cheap & easy way to get lots of hits & comments: Reference rock/pop songs.

  95. " I'm pretty sure that MADD has way more than three times the access to politicians and journalists, the financial resources, and membership, "

    Was it MADD that got the drinking aged raised to 21?

  96. "Whilst on the subject of 1970s Jamaican violence"

    That reminds me of Michael Crichton's memoir Travels where he had a dangerous encounter with a guy in Jamaica.

    This is from a review on Amazon, " in Jamaica his girlfriend invited a murderer into the back of their car and he came THIS close to being killed; "

    It's a good book about his time in Med school, Hollywood etc..

  97. "Was Jamaica a lawless place...when the Brits still ran it before 1961"

    No it wasn't. Two points. More Jamaicans live abroad then on the island. How's that for voting with your feet! If Jamaica was such a wonderful place, WHY DO THEY LEAVE? Also a poll taken by the Gleaner in June 2011 showed that over 60% of Jamaicans thought the island was better off when it was under the British. Only 17% disagreed. What was so funny was that the papers that reported this had detracting arguments from Jamaicans living in Canada and England! The irony was apparently lost on them. The Toronto Star in particular committed this telling boneheaded action.

  98. "Though to be fair to blacks, the Columbine lunatics were children of atheist whites."

    I think the kids were fruits as well as nuts.

  99. "Though to be fair to blacks, the Columbine lunatics were children of atheist whites."

    I think the kids were fruits as well as nuts.

    Just smart kids who were pushed around "for their own good" a little too much.

  100. "Just smart kids who were pushed around "for their own good" a little too much.

    Two teenage boys who went on a murder rampage did so because they were "pushed around...too much"?

    Go fuck yourself. Really.

    Kids who get pushed around too much withdraw, or fight back, or take their own lives, or maybe take
    the lives of one or more of their tormenters. But these teenage boys didn't do that. They went on a rampage killing completely random people, people who had nothing to do with whatever real or illusory misery they were suffering. They were psychopaths.


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