February 21, 2012

Vibrancy Alert!

Adam Nagourney reports in the New York Times:
Los Angeles Mayor Sets Sights on a Bigger Stage 
... None of which is to say that Mr. Villaraigosa has recaptured the electric popularity that he enjoyed in the flush of his initial election, as a mayor of Mexican descent in a city with a vibrant and expanding population of Mexican-Americans.


  1. Villar should get the nom & run with Jean Quan

  2. Uh yeah, you could say there is an expanding population of Mexican-Americans. That's what usually happens when you have a broken border and shameless Mexicans who just move across the border as they feel like it.

  3. "There are some obvious echoes between the tenures of Mr. Villaraigosa and Mr. Obama. Both are evocative politicians who were viewed as symbols of changing racial attitudes. Both raised hope particularly on the left. Both paid a price of having to deliver on those expectations during a tough economy."

    Both think in strongly racial terms; both identify whites are the Bad Guy; both never get called on it in mainstream/polite opinion.

    (A quick google search tells us that Villairagosa was a member of MECHA and has addressed the La Raza Conference as a keynote speaker.)

  4. It's THAT word, again!

  5. Amazing! I wonder if there are any places with big Mexican populations that aren't vibrant. Oh, right - Mexico.

  6. Los Angeles.... a lost city

  7. Villaraigosa has a noticeable accent.

  8. Environmentalism v. vibrancy is gonna be the fault line out here. Today I read about Gov. RR's emissions board, which really geared up in the decade after he went on to bigger and better things (it's true that air quality for inland L.A. was intermittently harmful as recent as 1990). To support goo-goo measures like that takes a huge multifarious economy. Meanwhile, look at a spring photo of Mexico City at midday.

  9. Mexican-Americans can be turned right, but they'll have to be led and organized by neo-fascists, not by compassionate cons.

  10. my goodness. we may have to turn down the brightness setting on our televisions if this guy runs for president. that's more vibrancy than our high definition LCDs can take!

    i swear a villaraigosa state of the union address would far exceed maximum FCC regulations for vibrancy per pixel.

  11. Mexican-Americans can be turned right, but they'll have to be led and organized by neo-fascists... --anónimo/-a

    Neo-fascists are centrist, not rightist. As were the original Fascists.

  12. Alas, it appears it is indeed possible to have 'too much of a good thing' -- seems too much 'vibrancy' is keeping the tourists away from Acapulco.

  13. Interesting news story.

    El Paso/Ciudad Juarez...now there's a vibrant, corrupt hellhole for ya.

  14. Right, Reg, if you count libertarians on the extreme right and totalitarians on the left. But there are other spectra that count Fascism as right-wing. More to it than economics and political liberty.

  15. " ... The school system is unusable, the traffic is horrible, businesses are fleeing. I don't give credit to Villaraigosa or the City Council for the mountains or the oceans." - Adam Carolla

  16. Of course the Mexican capital could be worse off, smog-wise. Imagine if they had a delightful mix of emigres from Beijing, Athens, Tehran, Dakar, and Sao Paulo spicing up their megalopolis. Oh wait

  17. Mexican-Americans can be turned right

    How about [re]turning Mexican-Americans south?

    ... but they'll have to be led and organized by neo-fascists, not by compassionate cons.

    I.e., the typical Latino mode of government.

    I don't care who leads them,as long as they are led back where they came from.

  18. Good God. Villaragosa is hands down the worst politician I have ever seen when it comes to mugging for the camera. If there's a camera anywhere he's putting his whole face and any possible good deed in front of it. I can only imagine him as president. God help us all.


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