March 26, 2012

Old Views (with one new twist)

My view of the Trayvon Martin tragedy is that A) Messed up stuff like this happens all the time all across the country, like in a parking lot a few miles from me when an officer of the Obama Administration shot an 18-year-old violist, with media reaction barely above crickets chirping; B) There was no need to hurry to arrest Zimmerman since he wasn't a flight risk, and has, indeed, only made himself scarce lately due to his reasonable fear of being murdered by some hothead enraged by the Respectable Media. C) This doesn't mean that Zimmerman shouldn't eventually be charged with something once all the facts are available. Or, D) then again, maybe not. I don't know all the facts and I don't know all the laws.

The more general issue is that this giant Prestige Press Hatefest is part of their ever ongoing War on Knowledge. Zimmerman is being accused of the hate crime of Noticing Patterns: that the main criminal threat to his community are young male blacks. Now, nobody has any problem with him being ageist and sexist when doing his community watch. No, his unforgivable fault is that, presumably, like everybody else, Zimmerman was no doubt aware of the racial pattern in crime. After such knowledge, what forgiveness?

Here's something that we'll likely never know, but that would turn everybody's brains inside out if it happened to emerge: What if (and this is purely hypothetical) poor Trayvon Martin's thinking was: "Who is this guy following me? If he was a white guy, I'd figure he's just a neighborhood do-gooder so I don't have much to worry about. But he doesn't look white, he looks like some kind of drug-dealing Latin, and everybody knows in Florida that they're often gangsters. Didn't you see Scarface? So I'd better get the drop on him and punch Scarface here out before he tries to rob me or kill me for stepping on his drug-dealing turf."

Or, what if Trayvon's uncle liked to lecture him on how oppressive Hispanic cops had caused the 1982 and 1988 Miami riots by abusing African-Americans, and we shouldn't let the Hispanics push us around anymore and act like they own Florida.

As I said, we'll never know, but for the sake of cognitive exercise, assume that a heretofore unknown text message from Trayvon to a friend is discovered saying more or less that his fear of Zimmerman and motivation for confronting him was motivated by his prejudice against mestizos.

Your assignment: In three mental chess moves or less, prove that this would still be All the White Man's Fault.


  1. Easy. The white folks continue to carry on the centuries old tradition of divide and conquer amongst the non-whites. This explains any strife between disadvantaged groups.

  2. YT made Scarface (or YT perpetuates the myth of Mestizo criminality - whatever).

    Basically, what comment 1 said. Only one move needed.

  3. "But he doesn't look white, he looks like some kind of drug-dealing Latin, and everybody knows in Florida that they're often gangsters. Didn't you see Scarface?"

    My thoughts exactly. And if you listen to Zimmerman's not-911 call (it was to a regular police number), the episode fits with this perfectly. Martin is walking, looking around (maybe a bit aimlessly), then he sees Zimmerman checking him out, walks towards Zimmer (to get a better look?), then (sees Zimmerman isn't some 55 year old white busybody, but a young, brown guy ) and takes off running.

  4. Here we go again. I guarantee that unless Zimmerman's rights are trampled on, there will be riots by mindless blacks. When he is acquitted, the federal government will attempt to prosecute him and/or the local cops on trumped up civil rights charges.

    Whites will mostly stare at their shoes; some will point to accumulating evidence that Zimmerman was jumped by an angry black man (or is that boy now, consistency is hard to find) who decided today was beat on someone day, but they'll be ritually denounced as racists. (I think we should just embrace the label at this point.)

    And Barack Obama will give a "brilliant" speech about race that no one will remember a single point to after the fact, but they will remember that it was brilliant. In the meantime there will be no discussion of black criminality, blacks' demands for a license to assault when feelings are hurt, and absolutely no reasonable arguments allowed to stand in the mainstream media.

    This is why I still read iSteve.

  5. Yes, stole my thunder: All strife, whether racial, gender, or class based, comes from White Oppression™.

  6. Well Steve,

    I think this guy is convinced:

  7. Hotdogs are Yummy3/26/12, 6:47 PM

    This whole Travon things seems on the verge of spinning out of control. You have the new Black Panthers making illegal statements. You have the family members acting in an unseemly manner. You have militant black spokesman making their side look bad.

    The black community does better when it lets Jewish spokesmen do the brain work.

  8. You are totally off base. Saying "messed up stuff like this" and comparing it to a resolved case is begging the question.

    Perhaps this shooting was justified self defense. You prejudged. You shut out that possibility.

  9. I don't want to keep seeing the same hands here...

  10. gobbledegook3/26/12, 7:02 PM

    His mother is seeking to trademark his name. First I would do.

  11. "A) Messed up stuff like this happens all the time all across the country"

    The black community is spiralling down the drain, and we aren't going to say or do anything(effective or not) for fear of being declared racists... by our own community!

  12. Here's something that we'll likely never know, but that would turn everybody's brains inside out if it happened to emerge: What if (and this is purely hypothetical) poor Trayvon Martin's thinking was: "Who is this guy following me? If he was a white guy, I'd figure he's just a neighborhood do-gooder so I don't have much to worry about.

    Nope! He surely would have assumed the white guy following him was some sort of KKK, neo-Nazi-type. Remember, people like Trayvon watch an awful lot of TV, and TV is always filled with KKK neo-Nazi-types attacking blacks, vastly more than Hispanics. Triple that for the school textbooks and English-lit reading in the young gentleman's high school, heavy on the racial lynchings I'm sure.

    Anyway, consider how many media-suppressed stories are now floating around the Internet of blacks violently attacking whites. I haven't heard any of blacks attacking Hispanics, though I'm sure there must be some.

  13. Are You Okay3/26/12, 8:41 PM

    Could this be an elaborate false flag operation? And could both of these gentlemen – Travon and Zimmerman – be holograms or CGI graphic projections that were created in order to stoke racial strife, for which the NWO will provide the solution.

    The very fact that this hasn't been discussed leads me to believe Cass Sunstein's operatives are busy suppressing the truth.

  14. "I guarantee that unless Zimmerman's rights are trampled on, there will be riots by mindless blacks."

    Well Udolpho, a guarantee implies that you have some skin in the game, like finance company guarantees your car loan, what are you risking?

  15. "an officer of the Obama Administration"
    What? Do you merely mean that this occurred while Obama was president, or is there some other Obama connection?

    RKU, I doubt most young blacks are that fearful of whites generally speaking, particularly if out of a uniform. The "polar bear hunting" thing seems partly motivated by the perceived lack of threat from victims.

  16. "Your assignment: In three mental chess moves or less, prove that this would still be All the White Man's Fault."

    The solution is hinted at in the third season of the Black Adder:

    Blackadder: (kicks a cat across the room)
    Baldrick: Oh sir, poor little Mildred the cat, what's she ever done to you?
    Blackadder: It is the way of the world Baldrick, the abused always kick downwards: I'm annoyed, and so I kick the cat, the cat (mouse squeaks) pounces on the mouse, and finally the mouse...
    Baldrick: (jumps in pain)
    Blackadder: ...bites you on the behind.
    Baldrick: And what do I do?
    Blackadder: Nothing, you are last in God's great chain Baldrick. Unless of course there's an earwig around here that you'd like to victimize.

    The solution in three moves:

    1. The abused always kick downwards.
    2. Whites, who are universally priviledged, abuse unempowered Latinos.
    3. Then Latinos kick downwards at blacks.

    QED: Whites are still to blame.

  17. "(A)ssume that a heretofore unknown text message from Trayvon to a friend is discovered saying more or less that his fear of Zimmerman and motivation for confronting him was motivated by his prejudice against mestizos.

    Your assignment: In three mental chess moves or less, prove that this would still be All the White Man's Fault.

    Aside from trying to figure out how Trayvonn managed to hammer out and send a text while being chased by the 280lb, gun-wielding white Hispanic in question, this is easy:

    A.) First, we haven't established that Zimmermann wasn't, in fact, a neo-Nazi. As iSteve readers familiar with media coverage of the Toulouise murders know, neo-Nazis have been killing Jews, Muslims and African-American French infantrymen out of hatred for the other. And while it's true that in some quarters, Zimmerman's father has been reported to be Jewish, anybody who read Elliott Abrams' take-down of Thomas Freidman and Joe Klein knows that some of the worst anti-Semites out there happen to be Jewish themselves.

    Besides, didn't a bunch of actual Nazis flee Germany for Brazil and Paraguay at the end of World War II? Wouldn't their progeny then be considered "white Hispanic?" And isn't the media narrative that Zimmerman a "white Hispanic?"

    Just sayin'.

    Long story short: since everybody knows that conservative hate groups and neo-Nazis are on the rise, Treyvonn and his crew had probably spent their entire lives being harassed by neo-Nazis. Who could blame him for trying to get a little payback.

    B.) If/when it's established that Zimmerman was not, in fact, a neo-Nazi, it will be determined that cynical conservatives have fostered such a "climate of hate" against immigrants and minority groups (as evidenced by the rash of anti-Muslim violence in the ten years since 9/11 and by the uptick in hate crimes against people of color since the election of Barack Obama) that even otherwise intelligent and sophisticated people of color have been manipulated to turn against Latinos.

    The obvious solutions will be to eliminate the channels of hate: conservative websites & blogs, cable news and talk radio; to grant across-the-board amnesty to undocumented guest residents; and to have the President give a nationally televised, unifying, Tuscon-like speech about civility... before the election.

  18. Stop using that word "tragedy." Enough of the story has come out now (Monday night) that we know for sure Trayvon Martin was a thug who attacked Zimmerman and got righteously shot while he was trying to murder Zimmerman by bashing Z's head against the pavement. Martin's death was not a tragedy, it was a blessing for society, and a lifesaver for Zimmerman.

  19. You don't need 'mental chess moves', Steve, whites are damned just for existing.
    One fabulous excuse I once read in a mainstream 'newspaper of record' - it regarded squabbles between blacks and hispanics over apportioning council seats in a socal town was that 'both communities have been poisoned by racist attitudes that they learned from whites'.

    Even if whites were completely expunged from the soil of the USA for ten thousand years, they still would be blamed.

  20. Funny it wasn't All the White Man's Fault at Rutgers. Because there the White wasn't much of a Man?

    Or was it a case of "when you see your enemy committing suicide, do not interfere"?

    So whites are also protected by laws against hate crimes. As long as they're not racial hate crimes.

  21. "an angry black man ... who decided today was beat on someone day."

    That strikes me as the one still-unproven point - on present evidence it still seems likely that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation (which is not the same as initiating the physical fight portion, and certainly not the same as saying Zimmerman should go to jail).

  22. There's no need to prove anything; the chess game gets won by knocking the board over. All that's needed is assertion. Whoever gets their story out first with the loudest megaphone wins.

  23. cherub's revenge3/27/12, 10:55 AM

    Actually, this ties in w/another theory I have about why Euro-societies have developed such effective weapons/military structures. Basically, white guys feel naked/vulnerable unarmed and are need to go into confrontations with the confidence that they are well supported by arms/organization.

    Well your theory is stupid unless you can show us some group that regularly went to war purposefully unarmed and disorganized.

  24. cherub's revenge3/27/12, 11:00 AM Whites will mostly stare at their shoes...

    That's because you're looking at the shot from a bad camera angle. Who are the cameramen? Take it up with them.

  25. cherub's revenge3/27/12, 11:04 AM

    RKU, I doubt most young blacks are that fearful of whites generally speaking, particularly if out of a uniform.

    Hmmm, looking at polar bear hunting of 6 on 1 from behind on old men gives me the exact opposite impression.

    They mug women in Lake View, not the men in Canaryville.

  26. Silly Reg C,

    Homosexuality has been proven to trump racial minority status. Does this even need to be said?

  27. I dunno, don't blacks blame their social ills on whites because slavery robbed them of their utopian society that they would have otherwise established?

  28. "I guarantee that unless Zimmerman's rights are trampled on, there will be riots by mindless blacks."

    Well, probably. After all, they riot when their sports' teams lose and they riot when their sports' teams win. They tear apart their cities whether they are happy or angry so it's a pretty safe bet they will riot at some point.

  29. "Well, probably. After all, they riot when their sports' teams lose and they riot when their sports' teams win. They tear apart their cities whether they are happy or angry so it's a pretty safe bet they will riot at some point."

    Are you sure you weren't talking about hockey fans, Sport?


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