March 26, 2012

The Real Story on the Trayvon Story

The Trayvon Martin - George Zimmerman brouhaha is just a hoax generated by Tom Wolfe's publisher to push his upcoming novel set in Florida, Back to Blood


  1. French postmodern philosopher3/26/12, 10:24 PM

    Le tir du Trayvon Martin n'a pas eu lieu

  2. So he left Farrar Straus eh?

  3. Good point but wrong Tom Wolfe novel. With Trayvon's Mom moving now to
    trademark his name and protest chants that use his name
    it's looking more like _Bonfire of the Vanities_. Or a parody of it.

  4. And now Tom Wolfe is going to rip off Elmore Leonard's locale and plot devices?

  5. Anonymous Rice Alum #43/27/12, 9:46 AM

    Cultureburg, from the Wikipedia article on Back to Blood, Farrar Straus kicked Wolfe to the curb because he only sold ~600k copies of I Am Charlotte Simmons. Though he got $7 million in an auction for rights to the new novel, so he's probably not complaining too much.

  6. As usual the actual story is less important than the story of storymaking and who gets to control it.
    Trayvon Tragedy is part of the grand narrative or storytelling foisted upon us by the liberal Jewish media.

  7. That's funny. I just got back from Miami, where all the Walgreen's stores are selling copies of "Sins of South Beach," which has a blurb from Wolfe on the cover. I couldn't figure out why Wolfe was reading a book like that--turns out it was research!! Anyhow, "Sins of South Beach" has a good endorsement from Wolfe, and having just enjoyed the place, I look forward to Back to Blood.

  8. helene edwards3/27/12, 12:41 PM

    OT steve, but a big HBD story is developing with the Individual Mandate argument in the S.C. In what liberal Jeffrey Toobin of CNN is calling a "train wreck" for the administration, the Solicitor General, an Italian named Verrilli, blew the argument. Faced with analogies about "markets" from the justices, he stumbled all over himself and managed to say nothing beyond, "that's different." The big question, of course, - why didn't they go with a Jewish lawyer?


  9. a woman of Haitian descent who passes for Anglo

    Wouldn't that be Franco?

  10. Geoff Matthews said...

    a woman of Haitian descent who passes for Anglo

    Wouldn't that be Franco?

    Isn't he dead?

  11. Isn't he dead?

    Not funny.

  12. Hehe. Sounds no more outlandish than Trayvon's grieving mother rushing to profit from the brouhaha by trademarking slogans "I am Trayvon" and "Justice for Trayvon". Can't make this stuff up.

  13. About Tom Wolfe new novel, there is a recent case of a French-Jewish Billionaire buying hotels in Miami being murdered in his Paris Mansion.

    I'm betting that was the "Russian" Mafia.

  14. As the lead says, "Meet Registered Democrat and Self-Identified Hispanic American, George Zimmerman"

    So, will elites demand George re-identify on all legal documents as "Caucasian"?

  15. Ah, sorry--someone already posted the link...good, it's travelling.

  16. I would like to see Wolfe write up the scene where Eric Holder and that Michigan militia judge bump into each other at a D.C. social event. Even Jimmy Cameron hasn't experienced that kind of temperature drop!

  17. surname analysis3/27/12, 10:11 PM

    re: Eichelberger, nice one.. remember Charleston police chief Reuben Greenberg... I do so enjoy it when commentariat flunkies get in a tither over a "Presumed Racist" episode, right before the fresh humiliation. Racial voluptuaries like Soledad O'Brien, of the Harvard O'Briens, exhibit a special weakness for it. Jorge Zimmerman is merely their latest in a distinguished line.

  18. In the 2010 post about the book Richard Lewontin is quoted:

         "The problem of character is distinct from the issue of human nature"

    at which point Steve Sailer writes:

         "[that's an intellectually unsophisticated distinction]"

    --but later in the entry never follows up on his statement, alas. Perhaps when the book debuts the great online iconoclast might elaborate upon his "sniffy" aside there?

  19. When is this book due out? I've been anxiously awaiting it for the last three years.

    In a novel in which race is sure to figure prominently, I hope Wolfe somehow manages to at least touch on the subterranean hbd activities that are slowly but surely doing their bit to reconfigure how the public thinks about race.


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