April 8, 2012

Shifting sands of Trayvon case: Now, it's not about race

Erik Wemple of the Washington Post, who has done better work on the Trayvon-George brouhaha than most, writes:
No one can deny the legitimacy and urgency of the points raised by [Shelby] Steele, [Bill] O’Reilly and [Juan] Williams. Black-on-black violent crime is a national disgrace — all you have to do is take a look at the numbers. 
What lacks legitimacy, however, is the underlying intent of the Steele-O’Reilly-Williams argument, and that is to somehow strip the Martin case of its standing as a national preoccupation — of civil rights leaders and of the media. Those folks, along with the general public, have latched onto Trayvon Martin for a combination of several compelling reasons: How could a 17-year-old kid doing nothing wrong wind up shot to death walking home from the convenience store? How could the authorities bungle the case in so many ways? Do neighborhood watch captains provide protection or menace? What’s the deal with the stand-your-ground law? 
Those issues may not have the heft of black-on-black crime. But there’s no law directing the media to obsess only over the country’s most socially pressing problem at any given point in time. The media responds to stories, and the tragic incident that went down on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla., qualifies many times over. The more attention to this case, the better.

You'll recall how, initially, the Trayvon case was worthy of being a national whoop-tee-doo because it told us all about Race in America. But, now, as the initial clear-cut story line of evil white and innocent black has blurred and it has become apparent that the prestige press whooped up the story because anti-white hatred sells big time in modern America, the white liberals are starting to abandon the racial angle in favor of claiming that they are only interested in the case for nonracial, idiosyncratic, procedural reasons, like the four that Wemple lists. This must really peeve blacks, who continue to want the case to be all about their being oppressed.


  1. Tsk. The "prestige press" has a narrative with no anecdotes. I think the next step would be to jump to a full WWE/pornography mode where the proper incidents are staged, thus reporters and commentators can unleash their full range of pent up emotions in breathless recounts of the horrors that really go on. Somewhere.

  2. The point is, Steve, that it is all a power-game.
    Animal teeth baring, tail raising and scent-marking behavior. Really it is all a dominance display with the intention of showing who's boss.
    Basically the lefties/blacks won in 1968 - and they want to keep it that way. They fully intuit that the white beast is down, but not yet out, their fear is somehow whitey has got second wind, so whitey has to be utterly, utterly defeated and destroyed, and of course that's just a waiting game, a question of time. Hold out and keep strong is their watchword and so they play their advantage. Whitey is death-lock half-nelson and it's just a case of smothering his nose and mouth long enough now.
    The lefties know full well in 20 years time it will be game over, so that's why it's crucial they can't rest on their laurels and f*ck things up at the 11th hour.

  3. While I deplore black on black crime, it sure beats the alternative!

  4. Well, with black on black crime we still have black victims - the ultimate standard of moral outrage.

    In fact we have two black victims, the victim of the crime and the perpetrator who ultimately is a victim of society - White Racist America.

    Notice we still aren't ever going to get the Prestige Press to focus on black on White crime.

    If there is a more off limits topic than that what is it?

    (I know, excluding Israel etc etc...)

  5. 'anti-white hatred sells big time in modern America'

    Really ? Do you know of many business willfully putting out 'products' designed to offend most of their customers ?

    MSM in America is not a 'real' business anymore, it a tool, like Pravda was in the old Soviet Union. It is run by a clique with specific goals in mind, and is financed by the sale of overpriced entertainment junk.

    Communists wanted to sell you the rope you'd hang yourself with. This clique is trying to sell you the gag you'd be muzzling yourselves with.

  6. Maybe this Wemple guy needs to get Derbed.

    Gilbert Pinfold

  7. But, now, as the initial clear-cut story line of evil white and innocent black has blurred and it has become apparent that the prestige press whooped up the story because anti-white hatred sells big time in modern America, the white liberals are starting to abandon the racial angle in favor of claiming that they are only interested in the case for nonracial, idiosyncratic reasons...

    Oh, but they're triers, Steve, they're triers. They'll only hang on to Trayvon while they keep looking for the next possible GWD(s). At the top of my newsfeed this morning:

    "Police arrested two while[sic] male suspects early Sunday in recent shootings that left three people dead and left two more critically wounded, all black, in the Tulsa area."

    The aggregator's linked headlines w/lead paragraphs are oddly devoid of the usual opportunities for inferential "men of no appearance" puzzle solving.

  8. the real scandal is coverig up black on white violence

  9. Georgia Resident4/8/12, 6:11 AM

    "This must really peeve blacks, who continue to want the case to be all about them."
    You've no idea. A black female recently complained to me that the media was "ignoring" the Trayvon Martin case. To my credit, I kept myself from gaping at that particular assertion, and was able to smile, nod, and back out slowly.

  10. What lacks legitimacy...

    Absolutely laughable. To the contrary, this is exactly what needs to be done. Except for one aspect: that Blacks are more criminal and therefore justifiably elicit more suspicion. To that extent, race ought to be part of the discussion.

    “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps...then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

    Who said that?

  11. Those folks, along with the general public, have latched onto Trayvon Martin for a combination of several compelling reasons:

    Patently false. The national attention for this case was 99% due to the racial angle, and the reason it hasn't been dropped yet is that Trayvon supporters are in denial about the spuriousness of their racial obsession.

  12. Anyone want to bet a dollar that the burglaries in Zimmerman's neighborhood have mysteriously stopped now that Trayvon's dead?

  13. Looks like the Cato Institute has published, excuse me, a completely clueless piece of this case: Trayvon Martin: Confronting the Problem of Enduring Racism.

    Whether it's an example of a wider bias at the institute, remains to be decided.

  14. "'There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps...then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.'

    Who said that?"

    Wasn't it the same guy who referred to NYC as "Hymietown"?

    It's OK for blacks not to want to be victims of black crime but apparently whites are literally just supposed to take it lying down (and robbed and depantsed). More of that "white privilege", I guess.

  15. Every time I hear the Trayvon story, I think of a scene from one of the Naked Gun sequels. Frank is receiving an award for killing his 100th drug dealer, but very modestly he admits that he just backed over the last two with his car, and they just happened to be drug dealers. I mean what are the odds that Zimmerman just happened to "profile" Trayvon.

  16. I wonder if this is because if they crucify Zimmerman, Hispanics may be alienated right before the election.

  17. Better work than most? Are you kidding? Reconsider what Wemple wrote here:

    How could a 17-year-old kid doing nothing wrong wind up shot to death walking home from the convenience store? How could the authorities bungle the case in so many ways? Do neighborhood watch captains provide protection or menace? What’s the deal with the stand-your-ground law?

    (a) Before Trayvon assaulted and battered the actual victim (you know, the man he forced to shoot him in self-defense) that "17-year-old-kid," a young burglar, was apparently walking the neighborhood casing the homes. (b) The authorities don't seem to have bungled the case at all-- they investigated carefully and haven't arrested anyone only because the criminal aggressor is no longer amenable to judicial process, while there's no evidence that his victim committed any crime. (c) By and large, neighborhood watch captains protect neighborhoods and only "menace" (in some poetic sense) burglars and muggers like Trayon Martin.* (d) There is no "deal" with the stand-your-ground law, because a victim in Zimmerman's position (on the ground with a heavyset young thug beating his head) can't retreat, and no jurisdiction in America now or ever would forbid him to defend himself.

    *Of course, there really are a lot of folks and elected officials representing them who want to "save" young black men by disarming their victims. If you think young black thugs' lives are worth more than their middle-aged victims' lives, then even if you "deplore" the crimes the young black thugs commit, you don't want any of their victims to fight back.

  18. About one of the white shooters father in Tulsa...Suspect's Father Murder Anniversary?

    Carl England, was shot and killed April 5, 2010, almost exactly two years before Friday's shootings, according to the Tulsa World's archives.

    A black man was charged and is serving a prison sentence for the crime.

  19. In the interest of full disclosure, what do you know about us when we submit a comment. If we post as anonymous, do you know our location? What are you seeing about us?
    Im just paranoid by nature. Do you know if we are posting every five minutes? On average, what percentage of comments are censored?

  20. I'm still puzzled by the rejoinder that the police bungled the case. Is this just shorthand for the police didn't arrest Zimmerman? Aside from the fact that most those making such a comment have no particular insight or experience regarding police investigations, I don't think I've heard any actual evidence in support of such an assertion.

  21. ""Police arrested two while[sic] male suspects early Sunday in recent shootings that left three people dead and left two more critically wounded, all black, in the Tulsa area."

    The aggregator's linked headlines w/lead paragraphs are oddly devoid of the usual opportunities for inferential "men of no appearance" puzzle solving."

    The main suspect arrested in this case is American Indian. The murders appears to be revenge for the murder of his father by a black, who was convicted of a minor charge and given a relative slap on the wrist(another example of the racist justice system being too hard on blacks no doubt). This is another all smoke and no fire story.

    Follow the link for the picture of the suspects.


  22. BTW; I believe with one exception, that every large, splashy, national headline-generating, hands-wringing-in-peoria, difference-making case in America over the past 20 years has involved at least one black person. Let's face it, your lives are now about blacks:

    Clarence Thomas - Anita Hill
    Rodney King
    The Jasper Truck Dragging
    "Nappy Headed Hoes"
    Tiger's wood
    Skip Gates

    I'm sure I'm missing a few; the only exception that I can think of is Columbine.

    Let's face it folks, you are gin-U-wine 100% afrophiles at this point. The media tries to get you involved in things like Robert Blake and gay republican politicians, but you don't give a shit. No one cares about two knee-grows abusing each other, and if it is two white people, regardless of how rich, beautiful of famous, it generally elicits a collective whine from mainstream (white) America.

    Thank you.

  23. "Anyone want to bet a dollar that the burglaries in Zimmerman's neighborhood have mysteriously stopped now that Trayvon's dead?"

    Well Zimmerman did go into hiding at the same time...

  24. "There’s no law directing the media to obsess only over the country’s most socially pressing problem at any given point in time."

    This should replace "All the News That's Fit to Print" and become the stated motto of every newspaper and media outlet.

  25. Georgia Resident said...
    "This must really peeve blacks, who continue to want the case to be all about them."
    You've no idea. A black female recently complained to me that the media was "ignoring" the Trayvon Martin case. To my credit, I kept myself from gaping at that particular assertion, and was able to smile, nod, and back out slowly.

    Actually, I think you shouldn't have "back[ed] out slowly." We have to confront this. No more pc from us. It's what has gotten us into this mess. The crime is one thing, bad enough, but the silence in the face of those who are so deceived is what threatens to take from us free speech, free thought.

    Take a look at the direction in which Canada is headed and the UK.

    In short, you can be polite in speaking what others would have you believe, by definition is impolite. Speaking a truth that, if it remains unspoken threatens all decent society, is not "polite."

  26. But, anti-white hatred sells - to WHOM - blacks or whites?

  27. Off topic - assortative mating gets noticed in UK. Right think tank thinks it's good news because it shows women are less dependent, left think tank actually picks up what's happening - i.e. they share the Charles Murray analysis (but probably don't know it).


  28. "Mark Caplan said...

    While I deplore black on black crime, it sure beats the alternative!"

    Hah. That was good. Reminds me of the old joke: What's the difference between capitalism and communism? In capitalism, man oppresses man. In communism, it's the other way round.

  29. Oh, yes, it's still about race.

    The MSM is just having to try a bit harder to make the racist charges stick. Now it's not about Trayvon and Zimmerman, it's about Sanford being "haunted" by its "racist past". What might that be? Well, the black baseball player, Jackie Robinson, had to flee racist threats 66 years ago. This, according to a professor, haunts Sanford to this very day.

    Racist Past Haunts Florida Town Where Trayvon Died

    I wonder how "haunted" Knoxville will feel 66 years from now?

  30. "How could a 17-year-old kid doing nothing wrong wind up shot to death walking home from the convenience store?"

    Unless, of course, you count knocking someone to the ground and smashing his head against a sidewalk as 'something wrong'.

    The MSM is crap.

  31. You'll recall how, initially, the Trayvon case was worth of being a national whoop-tee-doo because it told us all about Race in America

    It's ironic, isn't it? The more this case and surrounding hysteria reveal about Race in America the less they want to talk about it.

    Bill Cosby says we have to get the gun out of the picture. I don't know much about the law in question, but it seems to me Bill is really saying that Zimmerman (or any one of us) should just take his beating. Better still, remain indoors, lest "racial profiling" lead you into temptation.

  32. Trial junkie here. Ever so often some liberal will wail about "few black crime victims ever being in the news."

    The crimes that become national stories (for example, Scott Peterson, Natalie Holloway, and Casey Anthony) indeed almost always have white victims. They also have white defendants.

    Why so few crimes with black victims as a Big Story? The answer is you have to show the perpetrator, who is almost always black as well. This is why a black male killing his for-the-moment black girlfriend won't do as a major story on In Session, HLN, etc.

    Some liberals call this the "dead white girl syndrome," meaning the media only covers white female victims, not black ones.

    Well, why hasn't the national press covered the death of Channon Christian, a pretty white girl? She was tortured and murdered along with her boyfriend, Christopher Newsom, 5 years ago.

    The Christian-Newsom case even has a corrupt judge whose actions (buying drugs from probationers in his court) caused the original guilty verdicts to be overturned. The defendants will be tried again this year.

    Why isn't this case given one hundredth the national attention of the Trayvon Martin Affair? The answer is the defendants aren't the kind the MSM craves.

  33. Steve,

    I hope you will cover the shootings in Tulsa. The media have identified the suspects as white, but I detect a little George Zimmerman in Jake England . True his dad was white and apparently was killed by a black 2 years ago in that big story that consumed a week's worth of 24 hour newscycles. But I think the media are going to run hard with this Tulsa story to make up for Florida.

  34. rob:

    Alternatively, perhaps they've increased, now that the irritating neighborhood watch dude who kept following suspicious people around and calling the cops on them is safely out of thr picture.

  35. Basically the lefties/blacks won in 1968 - and they want to keep it that way.

    What did they win in 68? Nixon was elected in 68. The ship had long since sailed by then. The Yankee Puritan WASP Progressives or whatever you want call them won a real, tangible war in 1864 (blacks were and still are simply pawns). The Reconstruction continues.

  36. For the record, one of the "white" suspects in the shootings of five blacks in Tulsa over the weekend looks to be about as white as George Zimmerman.

    And his last name is "England." That must make him English.

  37. One shooter was an American Indian if I am not mistaken. Lots of Indians in Oklahoma (which used to be Indian Territory). And Indians and blacks don't always get along in that state; they never have. (Many of the Southeastern Indians who were exiled to Indian Territory were slave owners and supported the South during the Civil War).

    1. There are lots of Hispanics in Oklahoma too. Ok is just north of Tx and 8-hours or so from Mexico. Though he could have some plains Indian in his background, he looks more Hispanic to me. Patrick, the types of Indians displaced via Trail of Tears fought on BOTH sides of the civil war, as did the Indians native to Oklahoma. Indians get along with blacks the same as whites get along with blacks. Some do; some don't.

  38. It isn't about race, race is a social myth, we are all humans, but this is real, this is about systemic oppression in America, it is about a travesty of justice when this criminal Zimmerman gets a Grand Jury, thanks to his K-K-Konstitutional rights. We all know he is guilty, so why can't we have public, crowd-sourced justice? With preachers and photo ops?

    We'd like to give a shout-out to all our brothers and sisters who have decided to go down to Sanford, FL to show their displeasure. Now, some ignorant people might call a crowd outside a courthouse a form of jury intimidation, but we say it is justice. We are just glad the government is cool wit it, hopefully they'll let 'em demonstrate near the building. We'd hate to have the laws passed against those US-hating antiwar demonstrating types be used against a mob that just wants some justice.

    [Note plural first person pronoun used for greater legitimacy 99% style]

  39. I wonder how "haunted" Knoxville will feel 66 years from now?

    Knoxville massacre will never haunt anyone, for, as far as MSM are concerned, it had never happened. E.g., 100% of people I interact with read newspapers daily and generally are aware of what's going on from the news (college professors and graduate students). No one, not one person that I know personally, ever heard of the Knoxville massacre. Same is true of the Wichita Massacre, of course.

  40. "No one cares about two knee-grows abusing each other,"

    Especially, other knee-grows.

  41. "Anonymous said...

    Well, why hasn't the national press covered the death of Channon Christian, a pretty white girl? She was tortured and murdered along with her boyfriend, Christopher Newsom, 5 years ago."

    Good point. The "dead white girl" effect, that liberals like to talk about, only applies when the person who made them dead looks like Scott Peterson or Joran van der Sloot.

  42. A black man was charged and is serving a prison sentence for the crime.

    Assuming this is true...funny how we didn't hear anything about that at the time (I didn't anyway). Certainly not in any racial context. Although I do think Blacks often choose white victims, and for a number of reasons -- because ala Willie Sutton that's where the money is, as well as racial animosity.

    Here's an exercise: see if you can find a single news article about the heinous murder of Eve Carson that mentions that her killers were black. Fotos included with the story don't count -- the actual text has to tell us that they're black. Good luck.

  43. Is it 'racist' to complain that most victims of black crime are black? It's one thing to say black crime must stop, but another to say blacks should stop killing blacks, which implies they should be killing OTHER people.

    Suppose some white guy said the worst thing about white violence is most victims are white.. which implies whites should kill more non-whites.

  44. About one of the white shooters father in Tulsa...Suspect's Father Murder Anniversary?

    The guy whose father was shot identifies as a Cherokee Indian-and looks the part.

  45. I think the media gets on the horns of a dilemma after a point. They can only talk about race so much before people start wondering why we spend billions of dollars trying to keep such biologically and culturally disparate peoples together in the same polity.

  46. Trial junkie here. As a matter of fact, money doesn't seem to be the motive in a good many black on white murders I've come across. Earl Ofari Hutchinson, in an apologia for black on white murder, wrote that blacks kill whites "for the valuables they posess."

    In the Christian-Newsom case, the killers ditched Channon Christian's Toyota 4Runner, which according to her father who manages a Toyota dealership, was worth $15,000. Do you think one of the killers didn't know the way to a chop shop?

    They didn't try to ransom them either, and they later referred to the victims as "rich white folks." What better excuse for torturing them to death?

  47. Anti White stuff sells ... to White women. Consider the plight of White women. Most men are beneath them in status and standing, and thus asexual drones unless they amp up their Game, either in a socially constructive way (think grungy bike messenger tattooed guy) or a bad way (think thug).

    Thus, class aspirations, fantasies about bondage-minded 27 year old hunky billionaires, or sparkly vampires, or what have you, drives female entertainment. And the flipside is celebrated when "the wrong sort of White people" get it, or are defined and punished for being "the wrong sort of White person."

    You'll notice NONE of the "wrong sort of White person" being punished is an attractive young White woman. Even "the Help" features an attractive, "secretly HOT!" young White female heroine, and older, less attractive White women who get their wrong sort of White person beat-downs in the end.

    Most White women have never forgiven White men for being unsexy. Women will forgive nearly anything in a sexy man and nothing not even his existence for a non-sexy man. That's just the way it is.

    If every guy amped up his sexy dominance and became Russell Brand, that anti-White attitude would disappear like a case of the frowns at a Twilight convention attended by tweenies and their moms.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Trial junkie here. As a matter of fact, money doesn't seem to be the motive in a good many black on white murders I've come across. Earl Ofari Hutchinson, in an apologia for black on white murder, wrote that blacks kill whites "for the valuables they posess."

    Well, the black racist writer Hutchinson also happened to be good friends with one John Floyd Thomas. That would be one of LA's worst serial killers.

    That would also be a black male who seems to have exclusively raped and killed WHITE women for some 40 years.

    Interesting that Hutchinson pretends not to know about this form of racial violence. Not done for monetary reasons.

    Or one Cleophus Prince Jr, another black male serial killer exclusively raping and killing White women.

    Another Invisible Crime.

  49. No one, not one person that I know personally, ever heard of the Knoxville massacre. Same is true of the Wichita Massacre, of course.

    Yeah, and the Wichita survivor's story -- walking a mile naked through the snow after being shot in the head etc. -- is probably the most sensational crime story in the last 15 years (i.e., since the Internet made it possible to know all the candidates.) Plus the engagement ring and all that.

    If ever a story could have sold newspapers or TV ads for a month, that was it. But the "for-profit" mass media ignored it.

    Like Hollywood's refusal to make 100's of millions of dollars off Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, that tells you all you need to know.

  50. "the prestige press whooped up the story because anti-white hatred sells big time in modern America"

    It's not so much that the public DEMANDS the hatred, but that the media elites want to SUPPLY it.

    In the same way, when JFK Jr. died in a plane crash, there were stories for days on end about how great he was and could have been, when the general public was ready move on pretty quickly.

  51. Truth said...
    BTW; I believe with one exception, that every large, splashy, national headline-generating, hands-wringing-in-peoria, difference-making case in America over the past 20 years has involved at least one black person. Let's face it, your lives are now about blacks:

    Clarence Thomas - Anita Hill
    Rodney King
    The Jasper Truck Dragging
    "Nappy Headed Hoes"
    Tiger's wood
    Skip Gates

    I'm sure I'm missing a few; the only exception that I can think of is Columbine.

    That says more about YOUR racially biased memory bank as a black male in America than it does about actual media hysterics over the past 20 years.

    I'll school you with a more reasonable perspective.

    Over the last 20 years some Massive Media Cases:

    Joey Buttafuoco/Amy Fisher (endless coverage, 5!!! made for TV movies, Current Affair TV coverage helped save Fox network(before Fox News) from collapse.

    Woody Allen/Mia Farrow/Soon - Yi

    Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky (you might have missed that one)

    Scott Peterson, murder of his wife

    Various teacher/sex with students stories

    Natalee Holloway/Joran van der Sloot

    Elliot Spitzer and some whore (various other pols and their sexual problems)

    Rush Limbaugh recently and some feminist

    Just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more.

    Let's face it folks, you are gin-U-wine 100% afrophiles at this point. The media tries to get you involved in things like Robert Blake and gay republican politicians, but you don't give a shit. No one cares about two knee-grows abusing each other, and if it is two white people, regardless of how rich, beautiful of famous, it generally elicits a collective whine from mainstream (white) America.

    Thank you.

    You're welcome.

  52. Good point. The "dead white girl" effect, that liberals like to talk about, only applies when the person who made them dead looks like Scott Peterson or Joran van der Sloot.

    Van der Sloot always makes me think of Rick von Sloneker. But, allusions to recent iSteve posts aside, your point is well taken.

  53. Just a reminder, "Nice White Ladies" is Trademark Steve Sailer. He said it first, and best. From the post on "Dangerous Minds" with Michelle Pfeiffer.

  54. Joey Buttafuoco/Amy Fisher (endless coverage, 5!!!

    No: sorrid story, but it did not create a public dialogue, I.e. Hill-Thomas, sexual harassment, OJ, interracial relationships, etc.

    Woody Allen/Mia Farrow/Soon - Yi


    Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky

    Yep, forgot that one. Office power dynamics.

    Scott Peterson, murder of his wife

    No: See above.

    Various teacher/sex with students stories

    No: Not if you can't remember the names.

    Natalee Holloway/Joran van der Sloot

    No: White girl dies on black island, public demand for story drops precipitously when white guy gets arrested.

    Elliot Spitzer and some whore (various other pols and their sexual problems)

    No: forms a blob with 100 other politicians stories, not representative of anything.

    Rush Limbaugh recently and some feminist

    No, again, you can't remember name and story dead within a week.

  55. "Tens of thousands of white women yearly raped by blacks, zero black woman raped by whites."

    That just proves that horny white thugs are racist against black women.

    "Well, the black racist writer Hutchinson also happened to be good friends with one John Floyd Thomas. That would be one of LA's worst serial killers. That would also be a black male who seems to have exclusively raped and killed WHITE women for some 40 years."

    I'm sure when the Law & Order episode comes out he'll be played by this guy.

  56. White males are only appreciated to fight the Wars in Middle-East.

  57. The Wichita Massacre reminds me of the Hi Fi Murders committed in Ogden, Utah 38 years ago, where five victims were held hostage and tortured, one was raped, and three were killed. It was well before my time, but it inspired both a television movie and a terrific book. The crime was so horrific that it is supposedly still taught at the FBI Academy in Quantico.

    The NAACP threw a fit over the case, complaining that the death sentence of the two pers was illegitimate because it was by an all-white jury.

  58. "Really ? Do you know of many business willfully putting out 'products' designed to offend most of their customers ?"

    Good question. When I think about it, it does seem that some 'products' intentionally offend their consumers, if it satisfies a more important or deeper or unstated need. For centuries the Catholic Church dominated the Western World while maintaining that we are all sinners. Not exactly a 'flatter the customer' approach.

  59. DYork to Truth:

    Let's face it, your lives are now about blacks...

    That says more about YOUR racially biased memory bank as a black male in America than it does about actual media hysterics over the past 20 years.

    Let's face it - Truth has a point here. Blacks have been a serious problem in America. A problem without easy solution and the problem that's only getting worse as time goes on. Less competent AA doctors are only small part of it. Any serious unsolved problem always sticks like a sore thumb - and that is reflected in the media hysteria Truth is pointing to.

  60. candid_observer4/8/12, 8:24 PM

    With regard to the Tulsa killing story, the standard PC "moral" is greatly undermined by what what appears to be the driving motive of at least one of the killers: to avenge the death of his own father at the hands of a criminal who was black. The correct moral requires that the motivation be an irrational and primitive hatred of all blacks based on little more than their "otherness".

    Having your father killed by someone of the race against which you take "revenge" just doesn't tie into the proper set of motives for the "moral" to be illustrated. In fact, it may be seen to be inculcating in some the exactly wrong moral: that blacks are violent, and that sometimes others just snap because they can't deal with it.

    My guess is that the media is going to be pretty reluctant to go all in with this case.

  61. Now we have the Tulsa revenge killings of blacks by whites.

    Except that the younger guy, Jake England, is pretty obviously native American.

  62. ". Blacks have been a serious problem in America."

    It all depends on your view of things:

    there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

  63. "The correct moral requires that the motivation be an irrational and primitive hatred of all blacks based on little more than their "otherness".

    So if my grandfather died in WWII, I get to drive around Wisconsin shooting German-Americans?

  64. If every guy amped up his sexy dominance and became Russell Brand

    LOL classic Whiskey. Russell Brand is a scrawny fruitcake. He wouldn't last 20 seconds in a boxing ring or on a wrestling mat.

  65. Truth said...
    Joey Buttafuoco/Amy Fisher (endless coverage, 5!!!

    No: sorrid story, but it did not create a public dialogue, I.e. Hill-Thomas, sexual harassment, OJ, interracial relationships, etc.

    I present case after case and you simply deny it.

    Almost all of America's issues center on White people.

    Check that - ALL.

    That you have a need not to understand that says more about your wounded black male ego than anything else.

    The entire country now is obsessed with what White people (or Latinos with German names) are doing wrong. Their evil deeds, their immoral thoughts, their racial bias.

    The issue is you like almost all blacks simply can't be interested in any issue unless your people are involved so that's all you remember.

  66. Whiskey said...
    Anti White stuff sells ... to White women.

    The resident sociopath is back with his patented "Excuse the Jews, Blame the White women.

    Whiskey it's your fellow Scots-Irish (Code for Jews) who dominate the media production of stories. They dominate the Hollywood machine from executives, producers, writers, directors, agents.

    They create the product, the mindless masses have little to choose from.

    Most White women have never forgiven White men for being unsexy.

    Well for the love of Western Civilization when are you going to up your Game and get out there?

    There is no way in hell the 35+ year old whiskey has even touched a woman.

  67. "Well for the love of Western Civilization when are you going to up your Game and get out there?

    There is no way in hell the 35+ year old whiskey has even touched a woman."

    Sadly, it's probably too late. Most people find it within themselves to overcome their shy awkwardness when it comes to romance and sex, and risk ridicule, fail, learn, try again while in their teens and early to mid twenties. By the end of that period, even those who aren't born naturals, usually, gain at least some experience and find their footing, to some degree. And those who fail to take a risk or recover from failure at 15 or 25 are less and less likely to bring themselves to try with each passing year. By the time the desired sex becomes the subject of dogmatic theories as some distant "other", the book is pretty much closed. :(

  68. Just a reminder, "Nice White Ladies" is Trademark Steve Sailer. He said it first, and best. From the post on "Dangerous Minds" with Michelle Pfeiffer.

    No, he didn't say it first. He got it from a comedy skit.

  69. Less competent AA doctors are only small part of it.

    Met one of those recently - holy cow is it shockingly obvious how far in over his head he is.

    And given the obsession on this board with e.g. the SAT coaching industry and getting into the very best schools - you [& yours] would absolutely KILL for the edumakashun which has been handed to him on a silver platter.

    So if my grandfather died in WWII, I get to drive around Wisconsin shooting German-Americans?

    Only if you're Scots-Irish.

  70. Truth: It all depends on your view of things

    If you insist in hair splitting:
    "For all non-blacks, blacks have been a serious problem in America".

  71. "There is no way in hell the 35+ year old whiskey has even touched a woman."

    We are grateful. He seems to be mentally ill.

  72. Steve - this is slightly off topic, but it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on last week's Tulsa shootings. They don't seem to be getting a ton of national press, but IMO this is a much more interesting story than Trayvon.

    Cliff's Notes:

    Two guys, one white and one Cherokee, go on a shooting spree through the black part of Tulsa, a city with historically high levels of racial tension. The murders do seem to be racially motivated with the motive being revenge for the murder of the Cherokee guy's father.

    Weird how the Trayvon story blew up and this hasn't (yet)

  73. Trial junkie here. As a matter of fact, money doesn't seem to be the motive in a good many black on white murders I've come across. Earl Ofari Hutchinson, in an apologia for black on white murder, wrote that blacks kill whites "for the valuables they posess."

    Right. When Blacks "profile" and assault, rape, or kill Whites because "Whites are wealthy," that's not "racial profiling," it's just being a good criminal. Whites "profile" and then defend themselves against Blacks because "Blacks are criminal," that's "racial profiling," and a crime.

    You'll notice NONE of the "wrong sort of White person" being punished is an attractive young White woman. Even "the Help" features an attractive, "secretly HOT!" young White female heroine, and older, less attractive White women who get their wrong sort of White person beat-downs in the end.

    Wrong. Romantic comedies are full of good-looking White girls being put into their place. The brainy brunette putting the snobby blond in her place is quite common.

    Most White women have never forgiven White men for being unsexy. Women will forgive nearly anything in a sexy man and nothing not even his existence for a non-sexy man. That's just the way it is.

    Keep in mind that Whiskey is not channeling Roissy here. Roissy talks about women, not just White women. So don't make the mistake of thinking the "White" in his "White women" is incidental. It isn't. It's his way of whistling past the graveyard of countries like Japan. Japan is filled to the brim with educated, wealthy women and has one of the most "beta"-heavy male populations in the world. There are few countries anywhere in the world that don't have average males "sexier" and "more alpha" than Japan, according to Whiskey. But if Whiskey tried to apply his theory to Japan, it would fall to pieces, because...it isn't happening. Japan isn't importing "sexier" males.

    His whole "theory" hinges on the "White" part. I.e., it's down to some racial trait unique to White women.

    You'll have to ask Whiskey why his "theory" doesn't apply to women generally, or to Asian women, like, say, Japanese women. You'll have to ask Whiskey why his "theory" sounds so much like a jumped-up just-so story. Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer though. Like most cultists, he doesn't usually deign to answer questions or respond to criticism.

  74. "He got it from a comedy skit."

    Right, Mad TV. Probably with Key and Poole who now have their own Comedy Central Show. I saw Keegan-Michael Key at the Groundlings in an improv show in December, and he's a major talent.

  75. "For centuries the Catholic Church dominated the Western World while maintaining that we are all sinners. Not exactly a 'flatter the customer' approach."

    Ironic how both seemed to expand and prosper in that period. Now, both are waning together.

  76. "The issue is you like almost all blacks simply can't be interested in any issue unless your people are involved so that's all you remember."

    No, once again the issue is that YOU like almost all whites simply cannot be interested an any issue unless "my" people are involved. Do an audit of stories on this site that involve/don't involve blacks.

  77. "
    For all non-blacks, blacks have been a serious problem in America".

    The United States has less people, less blacks, and much more money than the European continent.

    Again, it all depends on your view of things.

  78. "The issue is you like almost all blacks simply can't be interested in any issue unless your people are involved so that's all you remember."

    No, once again the issue is that YOU like almost all whites simply cannot be interested an any issue unless "my" people are involved. Do an audit of stories on this site that involve/don't involve blacks.

  79. Weird how the Trayvon story blew up and this hasn't (yet)

    It looks like the guy in the driver's seat is Amerind or Mestizo. So, not really weird, no.

  80. "No, once again the issue is that YOU like almost all whites simply cannot be interested an any issue unless 'my' people are involved."

    My life away from this forum and a couple of others is very pleasant and I am very content with it. It is also almost completely free of any contact with or more than minimal awareness of blacks. All my non-political interests are typical SWPL (e.g., history, classical music, film, etc.) Your people simply aren't part of my life. I realize, though, that I had to make some effort to achieve this and it is subject to change over time. Hence, my presence here.

    "Do an audit of stories on this site that involve/don't involve blacks."

    You do understand that this website is devoted to Steve's interests, prime among them being human biodiversity, right?

    And however Steve chooses to use and define that phrase, for many of the rest of us it's just nice polite white people's code for what is an admittedly important topic of conversation to us: How "they" simply aren't as smart as we are, never will be but for the time being we're stuck with them so now what do we do?"

  81. "All my non-political interests are typical SWPL (e.g., history, classical music, film, etc.)"

    Yes, I believe you Kylie, to a degree; I think that you're the type who goes to the opera and in the middle of a beautiful aria, taps the guy next to you on the shoulder and exclaims loudly:

    "Did you hear that lovely piece? Blacks could NEVER have written that!"

  82. What you are shouts so loudly in my ears I cannot hear what you say.
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  83. I've just seen some interesting coverage of the Tulsa shootings, the main narrative now seems to be to attack the Stand Your Ground laws. From Slate (same article):
    "One of the gunmen's fathers was shot and killed last year, with the shooter claiming self-defense under a "Stand Your Ground" law"
    "Tulsa Shootings Offer More Evidence That Our Gun Laws Endanger Black Americans"
    I love the passive voice there; the gun laws run around endangering people who are sitting around at home minding their own business.

    Interesting how the media appear to be turning on a dime and attempting to make the Martin case about the SYG laws also. What's chilling is what appears to be spontaneous co-ordination; it only took a day or so to converge on this narrative.

    URL of story:

  84. "Yes, I believe you Kylie, to a degree; I think that you're the type who goes to the opera and in the middle of a beautiful aria, taps the guy next to you on the shoulder and exclaims loudly:

    "Did you hear that lovely piece? Blacks could NEVER have written that!""

    LOL! Truth, you're killing me! But even though you almost made me spit out my tea, I got to tell you that what Kylie says, pretty much, rings true for me as well.

    I haven't really spent much time pondering "The Black Issues" until Teach for America and Educational Reform started to rub my nose in it daily. Beforehand, I just thought of blacks as regular people, like any other. I knew that the way blacks got here and their first few hundred years here were sad and wrong. I knew that some people treat blacks badly just for being black, and that's a bad thing we should all watch out for, and that the right thing to do is to judge each individual black person based on his/her own characteristics, as one should do with any person. That's it. And all this was so basic that it didn't require much pondering, or any at all.

    I had (and still have) several black friends whose company I greatly enjoy, in part because we have a lot of common interests. Almost all of them grew up in majority white communities and had (have) classic SWPL or suburban white kid interests like failing at starting garage bands, independent films, indie rock, pretending to be saving the environment, trying out Buddhism or vegetarianism, Japanese manga and the like. One of my very close black friends majored in Japanese. My best friend who is half black of Hispanic origin is currently recovering from being some sort of a hippie/hipster creature in Austen, Texas for 5 years. Their blackness never really came up. They all seemed about invested in it as that kid with the Polish last name was invested in his Polish roots.

    Otherwise, black culture has never been all that interesting to me. I do enjoy Toni Morrison, Zadie Smith and James Baldwin, and I think the life story of that black kid who was brought to Russia in a cage, but became the god son of Peter the Great and an important figure within Russian nobility is really interesting. Does that count? Organized sports bore me to death, my top 50 favorite musicians/bands don't involve black people. I find hiphop vaguely embarrassing. I studied jazz and blues dutifully in my history of rock class, and i think them humbly for contributing to the creation of the music that i like, but I didn't enjoy them at all. I find all history interesting, but European history and the history of colonial Latin America always appealed to me most. I guess I find the imagery pleasing. My favorite films usually have a black person in a minor supporting role somewhere. My favorite TV shows had been The Tudors, Borgias, Xena the Warrior Princess, NCIS and Mad Men. Xena was in love with this black guy in 3 episodes, but his blackness was never mentioned, and NCIS has a rarely seen black guy in charge of them all, but they haven't really talked about him being black either...

    I think I always found this whole topic of manufactured racial tensions boring. Suburban schools raise you to believe that people shouldn't be invested in their national origins because that prevents them from seeing others as individuals, so I dismissed the whole topic of Black Community and Black Problems as vulgar, trite and without merit. Now that I've been thrust into a ghetto and told that it's all my fault, i find the topic less boring, but just as vulgar, trite, and lacking in merit.


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