April 2, 2012

Steve Jobs to be played by Ashton Kutcher

The AP reports:
Kutcher's publicist confirmed Tuesday that the independent film "Jobs" will begin production in May while he's on hiatus from the CBS sitcom "Two and a Half Men."

As I said in my VDARE review of Walter Isaacson's bestselling biography, because Kutcher (That 70s Show) looks the most like Steve Jobs of any actor, hopefully that will impel filmmakers to treat Jobs' life more as comedy than as mawkish tragedy.


  1. You'd think they could find a more complex type to play Jobs, or at least an actor able to give a layered performance, rather than simple shallow Ashton.

  2. Will the disease that he finally died from be used as an angle? Otherwise, I don't see his life as biopic material. He was an exceptional entrepreneur whose companies turned out some very good products, probably most comparable to some of the early tycoons in car manufacturing. We are not dealing with William Randoph Hearst.

  3. Noah Wylie gave a good performance as Jobs in Fire in the Valley. Anthony Michael Hall was even better as Bill Gates.

  4. A young William Hurt--like in ALTERED STATES--would have made a perfect Jobs.

  5. Kiwiguy - that's Pirates of Silicon VAlley. I don't see Fire in Silicon Valley as an alternate IMDB title.

  6. Hey, they could get Demi Moore to play Joan Baez.

  7. So, it was surely tragic that he died of cancer at 56. On the other hand, is the rest of his life story really tragic? Seems to me if you're going to get 56 years, there are a hell of a lot worse ways to spend them than Jobs did!

  8. Always liked Kutcher's tweet when he got the role on Two and Half Men:

    (Sqrt symbol) 6.25

  9. Kutcher was really good as a Game-influenced player-wannabe in the 2009 flick "Spread." The movie was pretty daring in many ways, and also features an amazingly hot Anne Heche.

  10. Steve Wozniak has endorsed Kutcher's casting, possibly for some kind of postmortem revenge. Curtis Armstrong would be perfect as Woz, if only he weren't the same age as Woz.

  11. Way to rub salt in Demi's wounds, Hollywood.

  12. The Social Network script was inspired by Pirates of Silicon Valley.


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