May 1, 2012

Latest girl racist: Zooey Deschanel

Now we're really getting somewhere!

Lena Dunham and Lesley Arfin are cool people to get lumped in with by the Junior Volunteer Thought Police, but the Girls writers can't compete on sheer adorability with Zooey Deschanel, comic actress, singer (above is the video of her singing Baby, It's Cold Outside in the shower in Elf), and daughter of a great artist.

In Jezebel, Lindy West pens "A Complete Guide to 'Hipster Racism,'" which is both as stupid and as stridently pro-stupidity as you'd expect:
When people are trying to be sensitive about race but they don't know what to say, they usually go with, "Well, race is a complicated issue." Except, no, it's not. Race is one of the least complicated issues that there is, because it's made up. It's arbitrary. It's as complicated as goddamn Santa Claus. Oh, that guy's mom was half-black, which makes his skin slightly more pigmented than mine, which therefore means that he's inherently 12.5% lazier than me? Science! Um, no.

What I didn't expect was this:
1. "Tee-Hee, Aren't I Adorable?" 
This category includes things like wide-eyed acoustic covers of hip-hop songs, suburban white girls flashing gang signs, and this Tweet from Zooey Deschanel: "Haha. :) RT @Sarabareilles: Home from tour and first things first: New Girl episodes I missed. #thuglife." See, it's hilarious, because we aren't thugs—we are darling girls, and real thugs are black people who do crime! Oh, hey, can I call you back? I need to sew more ric-rac on my apron. I hope a black person didn't get into my ric-rac Kaboodle and steal all of it! JK, LOL. RIP, Whitney. 
(Now, I'm obv not saying that Zooey Deschanel is some terrible racist. I don't know her, although I did sit next to her at a restaurant once, and she ordered "olives." She seemed lovely, and she didn't call anyone the n-word for the entire meal. But I'm saying that we are all kind of bizarrely cavalier and careless these days, throwing our most deeply-considered morals under the bus for the sake of a few cheap jokes. It's weird, and we owe the world a little more critical thinking.)

OK, so now I see the pattern. For years, I've been talking about those who get the joke and those who don't, and that's what we see being played out, with the clueless going on the offensive. This is like Georgia attacking Russia in 2008.

What we're seeing over the last couple of weeks are the unfunny, unsuccessful, uncool white girls in the media (e.g., Jezebel writers) waging war using charges of racism on the funny, successful, cool white girls in the media (e.g., Dunham, Arfin, Deschanel). 

Wow ... That's awesome. 

In this war, who would you rather share a foxhole with?


  1. Mean Girls meets 1984.

  2. Jesus, Steve, drop this Tiger Beat chick navel gazing thing. We're the 99 percent who don't give a rat's ass what the human tampons at Salon think.

  3. A photo of Lindy West is available here:

    The foxhole question is solved.

  4. "What we're seeing over the last couple of weeks are the unfunny, unsuccessful, uncool white girls in the media (e.g., Jezebel writers) waging war using charges of racism on the funny, successful, cool white girls in the media (e.g., Dunham, Arfin, Deschanel)."

    you forgot one adjective, steve, and it's probably the most relevant: unattractive vs attractive girls. look up a pic of lindy west. you'll see what i mean.

    and btw, west's vomitous ascii is the most hilarious case of projection i've yet seen effuse from the bowels of the SWPL reject brigade. it's practically a neon signpost saying 'look at these thoughts secretly going through my head.'

  5. 'wide-eyed acoustic covers of hip-hop songs'

    I assume she's referring to this version of Straight Outta Compton.

    Are there lots of covers like this?

  6. Being labeled a racist is losing its sting. Being labeled fat and ugly, however, is still soul-crushing.

  7. Fascinating.

    These people would have made first rate stooges for the Stasi or the KGB. They would have denounced their neighbors and competitors with glee.

  8. "We're the 99 percent who don't give a rat's ass what the human tampons at Salon think."

    Yes and that's how and why they were able to hijack the narrative of race in this country and twist to suit their own pathological loser ends.

    By the way, why compare them to tampons, which, after all, perform a useful if unseemly function? These creatures are totally useless as far as I can tell.

  9. Being more attractive than me is racist!

  10. I think it's his midlife crisis kicking in and he's looking at all the cute young ladies.

    Actually, I'd rather share a foxhole with Lindy West...those feminist ladies are always into the freaky stuff when they believe you're ideologically 'on board' with them. Hot girls are always tougher to deal with. And when you're going to die soon...

    ...Oh, sorry, the *culture* war. Um, yeah.

  11. "In this war, who would you rather share a foxhole with?"

    Lindy West desperately needs gastric banding surgery, tilting the scales at 263 lbs. When she is not accusing cute, thin, successful white chicks of anti-black racism, she's doing battle with rampant homos like Dan Savage over fat jokes. She is utterly humorless.

    And I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly.

  12. Myself, I think that Lena Dunham is considerably adorable - pretty and cute in a semi-frumpy sort of way. Save for that god-awful ugly tattoo, of course.

    Still, I agree with "Anonymous of 5/1/12 6:30 AM" above. Who among us cares what any of these SWPL hipsters think anyway?

  13. It's worth noting that Lindy West got her career started writing, in her special goofy style, for Dan Savage's weekly newspaper in Seattle, The Stranger. Unsurprisingly she adheres to the same strident leftism that characterizes Savage himself.

  14. white = racist and racist = white. Watch this gradually harden into the literal truth, a little more so every single day.

  15. It's weird, and we owe the world a little more critical thinking

    Oh you clueless dear.

    Jesus, Steve, drop this Tiger Beat chick navel gazing thing. We're the 99 percent who don't give a rat's ass what the human tampons at Salon think

    Shut up and sit down. This sh-t is fascinating, perversely funny and, unfortunately, relevant. And where else do you get to poke fun at anti-racist twits and defend Zooey Deschanel at the same time?
    So you got it Steve? No more posts that might lose the interest of this lone anonymous reader! You've been warned! Man up! Have you considered a weekly gun post?

  16. You certainly do have some crazy Khmer-Rouge wannabees over there in America. Batshit crazy.

  17. I think this issue is, um, more problematic than we're making it out to be. Or rather, that it is very simple, because it's not real (not that we know what real is) But, of course, it is actually very complex, as well as complicated, being filtered through structured norms put in place to silence the marginalized, but also, concomitantly, to marginalize the silenced, and the silent too, who can be very hard to hear.

  18. Simon in London5/1/12, 7:48 AM

    "This is like Georgia attacking Russia in 2008.

    What we're seeing over the last couple of weeks are the unfunny, unsuccessful, uncool white girls in the media (e.g., Jezebel writers) waging war using charges of racism on the funny, successful, cool white girls in the media (e.g., Dunham, Arfin, Deschanel).

    Wow ... That's awesome.

    In this war, who would you rather share a foxhole with?"

    Yeah, but unlike the real Georgia, THIS 'Georgia' can count on backup from the Lone Hyperpower. If this 'Russia' strikes back with conventional forces (wit), the SPLC et al will nuke them. And this 'Russia' has no nukes.

  19. To be fair to the EngSoc Inner Party, it never proposed shipping millions of aliens into Airstrip One. The fact that we were always at war with EastAsia didn't mean we had to bring millions of EastAsians into the country. The modern world is more insane than Orwell could have imagined.

  20. Ms. West's body would be useful provide ample cover under artillery barrage.

  21. The classic case of female status mongering. "She may be famous, attractive, and rich but...but...I am more pious!"

  22. Isn't this a generalized leftist pattern? Accusations of racism have been used by less cool people to tear down more cool people as long as the idea of "racism" has existed. More generally, the carefully aimed denunciation is a classical Stalinist political move. However, for it to work, the target has to be weak and of not much higher status than you. Going after Lena Dunham is one thing; Lindy West going after Zooey Deschanel is going to fizzle at best and backfire at worst.

  23. Since when does "thug" imply blackness, by the way? Is this a Tupac Shakur issue, and therefore generational?

    The word makes me think of brute violence and physical size. As far as race is concerned, it brings to mind only the ancient Subcontinental assassins--and them only in the most tenuous way. Has the meaning of the word "thug" undergone a transformation of which I'm unaware?

  24. Harry Baldwin5/1/12, 8:17 AM

    To be a hipster you are supposed to be ironic, but you're not allowed to be ironic about current social taboos regarding race. And since that's the ripest subject for irony in America today, avoiding it deprives the ironic attitude of all bite.

  25. Completely OT, but...

    Man, HBD explains things *everywhere.*

    Even in the jungles of darkest Africa, the women like their men tall:

    hy Pygmies of Africa Are So Short

    Some Pygmy women, after having sex with a Bantu man, have given birth to half-Bantu babies, a phenomenon that integrates Bantu genes into the Pygmy population. These women and their offspring stay in the Pygmy village, and so don't mix with the Bantu. However, offspring resulting from mating between a Pygmy man and Bantu woman are rare, so the Bantus don't have many Pygmy genes."

  26. What about 30 Rock? I can't believe the stuff they get away with. It seems the writers do "get the joke".

  27. Oblique, I suppose, but I do love how easy it is to call people "racist" now, not for doing or saying or thinking anything racist, but merely for omitting to drag race into everything. Make a funny video with your buddies? Unwittingly neglect to go out and get a new token "minority" buddy just to appear in your video? Shazam! You are a racist!

  28. Lindy West is white? Now, that is funny.

  29. I see an erstwhile and supposed liberal do-gooder, jockeying for sanctimonious moral high ground from which to judge others and pontificate. On this self-made plane the likes of Lindy West can actually be superior to Zooey Deschanel, smugly superior in fact. Even though everybody sees and knows the truth about that, i.e., about who of the two really is the successful, talented, physically attractive, and charming one, and who of the two is not. Is there anything more to this than that?

  30. "as complicated as goddamn Santa Claus."

    Now, that there's some writin', yes indeed.

  31. Crying 'racism' is instant virtue. And even a whiff of 'racism' is worse than rioting,raping, and robbing done by blacks.

    And while it's true that less successful like to morally-bait the successful, lots of successful folks--belmonters--love to morally bait the less successful--fishtowners.

    I think this phenom is bigger than ever cuz of facebook, twitter, and etc because millions of people now have access to every opinion of people who feel a need to post everything that comes across their minds.

  32. Sailer should put RACIST in quotes.

  33. heartiste is correct. It's a Dunning-Kruger thing: insight into your own motives decreases the worse they get.

  34. Human.... tampons?

    Does that mean.... babies?

    This is the most confusing insult ever.


  36. A photo of Lindy West is available here:

    OMG! Straight from "Central Casting"!

  37. I like this photo of Lindy better:

    She probably gets cold sweats from merely thinking about how cute Zooey Deschanel is.

  38. I don't think I'd want to share Zoey's foxhole with anyone. I'm selfish like that.

  39. Auntie Analogue5/1/12, 9:56 AM

    Let us with bated breath await Mr. Sailer's further coverage of this Boob And Pissile Crisis.

  40. "Rococo Marxism" may not be quite the right phrase here, but I for one am thoroughly enjoying each new canto in this china-smashing SWPL salon-tantrum.

    Ms. West, from the one picture I've seen, looks like she's studied the infamous "myspace" angles with the assiduity of a Caleb Deschanel.

    Still, I'm not sure which is the bigger joke that West can't get hip to: feminine jealousy qua the Sailer (1st?) Law of Female Journalism, or that stuff about-- what did she call it?-- our most deeply held moral beliefs?

    I don't doubt that, as far as that "moral" bit goes, she's being perfectly sincere, at least on a conscious level. If dutifully pining for an ironically-inclined Lisa Bonet from 1986 to show up, to rescue each and every extant white female foursome from the insufferable burden of its homogeneity is all that's required today to be a "moral person", then yes--

    I'm sure Lindy really really wants to mean to be a moral person.

    All things being equal, better to pine with jealousy over the sveltitude of a hip mocha chick than a hip vanilla chick. It means you're a more ethical sort of person.

  41. Sort of related to this, what fiction is out there that relates to SWPL #14 ("Having black friends")?

    My favorite is Terry Southern's perfect short story "Baby, You're Too Hip," a devastating putdown of hipsters/fake Beats/proto-SWPLs in the 1950s or 1960s. I'm sure there are others, maybe even from the McSweeney's/Eggers crowd.

  42. because we aren't thugs—we are darling girls, and real thugs are black people who do crime!

    I guess that was supposed to be her idea of biting sarcasm, but in fact - yeah, real thugs are "black people who do crime" and not "darling girls" (or anyone else) who break the latest and ever-evolving PC rules.

    On a side note - One of the pathetic things about Instapundit is his ongoing effort to look hip and with it by linking to Jezebel and The Frisky.

  43. "Oh, that guy's mom was half-black, which makes his skin slightly more pigmented than mine, which therefore means that he's inherently 12.5% lazier than me? Science!"

    If these people were totally clueless, how would they know about the laziness? They sure didn't get that info from TV. How is it that out of all the possible negative traits anti-racists always pick the right ones, when they are striking this particular pose? Ms. West IS clueless about arithmetic, though.

  44. This may be the most baffling post I've ever read on your site.

  45. 1. "Tee-Hee, Aren't I Adorable?"

    Ah, no Lindy, we've seen the photo and read the attitude. You're not.

    Zooey is so get over it.

    Along with the SWPL religiosity, intra-White status mongering and Not Getting The Joke I think there might be something else going on here.

    It's fashionable to throw around the autism spectrum disorder/Aspergy label nowadays, although mostly at males. But I wonder where some of these types of women fall on the scale, no pun intended.

    There is an almost manic need not to know certain things among these people, a fear of critical thinking despite tubby's claim that that is what is needed and a bull rush commitment to expressing their own unexamined thoughts and cherished stereotypes.

  46. She does make one true statement in her article:

    "What's actually complicated is our country's relationship with race, and our utter ineptitude at talking about it. We suck. I mean, I work on it every day, and I'm still a total fuck-up."

    Hey, we can't all be Vdare

  47. "Jesus, Steve, drop this Tiger Beat chick navel gazing thing. We're the 99 percent who don't give a rat's ass what the human tampons at Salon think."

    On the contrary the light hearted stuff keeps everyone from being inured against the really crappy stuff.

  48. I'd like to thank the writers at Jezebel for their good work. they should continue throwing accusations of racism at popular actresses, and then progress onto popular musicians. If half of my favorite bands were accused of racism, I'd probably start taking this charge a lot less seriously, as an adolescent.

    Kurt Cobain was once approached by a black teenager who identified himself as a big fan. Cobain was thrilled and said something like, "I never had a black person like my stuff before". That's probably racist or offensive in some way. Plus, Nirvana was considered the voice of a generation by some people, and they neglected their duty to write about black struggles. How could they not write a song in support of Rodney King?!?

    When showing his touring trailer to a journalist, Brian Molko was pretending he was on the Cribz and attempting to speak ebonics. That's definitely racist! Oh, and when asked who he'd like to cover his songs, Molko (being bisexual) said that he'd like a homophobic rapper to cover one of his more effeminate numbers. That's racist too, right?

    Ramona Falls's "Russia" was remixed with something by Lil Wayne which contrasted and highlighted the melodious, poetic nature of RF's work. That's probably racist as well.

    Is Jezebel TRYING to make racism sound cool? Perhaps this Lindy West person is a secret member of the KKK.

  49. "In this war, who would you rather share a foxhole with?"

    Before you answer that question understand that, to stick with the metaphor, sharing a foxhole with a 'hipster racist' makes you a teenage SS Hitlerjugend in Normandy (IE being under constant bombardment by heavy weapons including battleship guns, while waiting for a Crocodile to burn you alive.) It is an unequal struggle.

  50. I enjoy reading this blog--I just hope sone black person doesnt steal my computer! I mean,like,get real!

  51. Yes. That's it EXACTLY Steve.

    Anon -- Steve is quite correct to focus on the "Tiger Beat" stuff since that forms oh about 95% of the Media.

    That's WHY its hard left. Because it caters to fat/unattractive, and unfunny White girls in both readership and content-creation.

    I'm with Roissy/Heartiste on this one, the obesity epidemic has much to answer for. Not the least that if Lindy West was not fat, well she would not be pretty but if she had a fit, decent body she'd not be taking out her rage on "racists" -- White people she doesn't like: pretty and slender famous girls, Beta White males, etc.

  52. "In this war, who would you rather share a foxhole with?"

    Again, the right answer is Brit Marling.

    Beyond that, this topic is as interesting as debating which of the Golden Girls is hottest.

  53. To expand on ... "I think this phenom is bigger than ever cuz of facebook, twitter, and etc because millions of people now have access to every opinion of people who feel a need to post everything that comes across their minds."

    Before social networking and internet, MSM or big media controlled the debate in terms of what-is-sayable and what-is-NOT-sayable. But social networking, blogs, and internet stuff made it possible for all sorts of Americans to say whatever. So, a lot of politically incorrect views are aired. Liberals know this but can't stop it, and so their tactic is to shame FAMOUS POPULAR PEOPLE from joining in the circus. Thus, a dividing line is drawn between 'things said by racists on the net' and 'things never said by GOOD people'.
    Liberals used to have the power to silence certain voices. Now, they no longer have that power. So, the power they use is to SHAME famous people who say 'incorrect' things. Since most people have the 'popular mentality'--wanting to be liked by 'popular people', controlling 'popular speech' goes a long way to control speech as a whole.

    Of course, tons of liberals have always talked like Arfin and Deschanel, but we just didn't know it because, prior to twitter and etc, they said it to their friends, not to the whole world. I think many people use twitter as if talking to private friends when millions of people have access to it. Twitter feels 'intimate' even when it's not.
    Gives whole new meaning to 'medium is the message'.

  54. "By the way, why compare them to tampons, which, after all, perform a useful if unseemly function? These creatures are totally useless as far as I can tell."

    Well... Tampons cause cancer , and teenage girls have no use for them...

  55. "I'm with Roissy/Heartiste on this one, the obesity epidemic has much to answer for. Not the least that if Lindy West was not fat, well she would not be pretty but if she had a fit, decent body she'd not be taking out her rage on "racists" -- White people she doesn't like: pretty and slender famous girls, Beta White males, etc."

    Does that work in both directions? If certain men had more attractive bodies, would they be less likely to create websites dedicated to how much they hate girls?

  56. So Caleb Deshanel's strategy of being a well regarded cinematographer and siring to gals, one cute/quirky the other serious/dramatic who would become successful actresses paid off.
    That's a well laid plan and also a hint that getting a foot in the door in hollywood is worth a lot.

  57. Everybody is rayciss't.

  58. That's funny, I'd always assumed all the writers for Jezebel were middle-aged gay men

  59. Definitely Blanche Deveraux.

  60. I don't want to share a foxhole, I want to dive into her foxhole.

  61. a very knowing American5/1/12, 12:57 PM

    One little treat in Lindy West's post is the following:

    " ... that guy's mom was half-black, which makes his skin slightly more pigmented than mine, which therefore means that he's inherently 12.5% lazier than me?"

    Of course somebody whose mom was half-black is one quarter black, 25%, not 12.5%. It's possible West got her number by working with an assumed narrow-sense heritability of .5 for laziness. It's also possible West is not smarter than a fifth-grader.

  62. There was political correctness. Now, there is 'popular' correctness.

  63. There was an article at The Awl (ex-Gawker staff basically), nothing Sailer would like but it got to the crux rather swiftly: set up like a "Girls" screed template but actually concerning the unrelated, 2-3x-more-viewers, ergo 20x-less-relevant show "The Client List." The anti-backlash backlash started before even a 4th episode of the stupid HBO show was broadcast, which explains the sloppy dashed-off quality of a lot of the blog posts pro or con (i.e. the window's closing)

  64. Whiskey, I don't mean to encourage you in any way but was wondering if you'd seen Myrna Blyth's book which mines a similar vein albeit from the compromised perspective of a former editor of girly media. Most academic research arising from Cosmo-Quiz Studies focuses on how the magazines supposedly implant anorexia out of nowhere and objectify the Orient blah blah, but stop short there. Despite the number of women in anthro depts. who'd prefer writing papers about Marie Claire to something important, the codependency and co-exploitation factors don't seem to be a huge topic for them yet (epistemologically speaking--the group will still promiscuously accuse Christian Louboutin of imperalistic looksism or somesuch).

  65. Time to update Andy Warhol's maxim: in the future everyone will be called a racist.

  66. McCarthyism was said to be paranoid for seeing every leftist as a commie. But liberals now associate any innocent remark with the... KKK.

    Just like the ADL, which will have you believe any criticism of Jews is Nazism.

  67. It's wrong to see hooded young black males as potential thugs, but it's correct to see a white girl armed with only wit(tles) as a member of the hooded clan that burns crosses.

  68. Zimmerman was part of a neighborhood watch that 'profiled' black males, assuming that hooded black males could be burglars.

    The writer for Jezebel is part of the netizen watch that profiles white celebrities, assuming that anyone who deviates from the program is a closet-member of the KKK.

  69. "It's fashionable to throw around the autism spectrum disorder/Aspergy label nowadays, although mostly at males. But I wonder where some of these types of women fall on the scale, no pun intended."

    Good question, but what puts women to the bottom of the curve is weight (probably a combination of self-control and genes for fat storage). Aspergery women go to sf cons and do pretty well for themselves. They tend to bulk up--they can get away with being fat--but not all these hyperfeminists are Aspergery. It's more about self-delusion and trying to influence other people, neither of which is particularly Aspergery.

  70. People should do themselves a favor and read Mark Steyn on the origins of Baby it's Cold Outside. It was a Frank Loesser song he wrote not for the public but for he and his wife to perform at private parties.

    Wouldn't it be nice to have the kind of talent that would allow you to create an instant classic and keep it all to yourself?


  71. I thought this post was hilarious Steve.

    This is the natural cycle for alot of pretty actresses these days. The fans love them for their quirkiness. Their You Go Girl do your thing attitude. (They just happen to be beautiful). This lasts until they become more or less mainstream, then they turn on them.

    Hell hath no fury like a fat, self righteous female blogger. Ugh.

  72. I am Lugash.

    OT: Has anyone seen any background on Trayvon Martin's parents? What they do for a living, when they met etc. We know something about Zimmerman's folks, but nothing about the Martins.

    I am Lugash.

  73. Zooey

    With a name like that, she could be black. So they should cut her some slack. (Bonus rhyme included.)

  74. "Jesus, Steve, drop this Tiger Beat chick navel gazing thing. We're the 99 percent who don't give a rat's ass what the human tampons at Salon think."

    Sed contra. The ongoing racist white girls crisis has made me actually laugh out loud on several occasions. The ample Ms. West is right out of central casting.

  75. Steve, slightly OT.

    But there is another cat fight starting in Massachusetts between White liberal ladies. It turns out that Scott Brown challenger and left darling Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren apparently falsely claimed that she was an American Indian when she was hired at Harvard Law School in the 1990s. At least Harvard identified her as such in some of its literature (always wondered how she rose to prominence so fast).

    Several people including liberal reporter Margery Egan are disassociating themselves from her, Here is the link

    Its the first time I can recall seeing a blond haired blue eyed American Indian.

    Some of the comments in the link by Herald readers are quite funny (more than a few seem to have taken and successfully completed Intro to Race Realism 101).

  76. You're missing the point. The thing is, the attackers win. If they succeed in painting that sort of Zooey Deschanel text as "insensitive" (and they will) that means someone who says what John Derbyshire says is, with apologies to Half Sigma, Worse Than Hitler. If an show starring four white girls causes this much kerfuffle, then HBO won't make any more shows with four white girls. Who needs the aggravation?

    The attackers are winning. Zooey Deschanel doesn't want to be in a foxhole with you. She doesn't want to be in a foxhole, period. She and her ilk are going to put up a white flag, if you'll pardon the expression, and there will be no one left in any of these foxholes except marginalized no-account losers like us.

    The attackers always win.

  77. Maybe West has, or had, a black boyfriend. That's what usually causes such eruptions of stupidity.

  78. Elizabeth Warren apparently falsely claimed that she was an American Indian when she was hired at Harvard Law School in the 1990s.

    If you were from Oklahoma, wouldn't you?

  79. The attackers are winning. Zooey Deschanel doesn't want to be in a foxhole with you. She doesn't want to be in a foxhole, period. She and her ilk are going to put up a white flag, if you'll pardon the expression, and there will be no one left in any of these foxholes except marginalized no-account losers like us.

    Oh boy, they're winning.... what exactly? Don't throw me in this foxhole/briar patch!

  80. Beta females red-claw attacking apex-alpha females. Were not talking cattiness. Were talking career derailment. What are the implications for liberalism? Here is where I would be interested in Whiskey's take.

  81. there will be no one left in any of these foxholes except marginalized no-account losers like us.


  82. "Going after Lena Dunham is one thing; Lindy West going after Zooey Deschanel is going to fizzle at best and backfire at worst."

    No kidding. Deschanel's picture could be in the dictionary next to "nice girl next door." No one with a lick of sense is ever going to believe she hates anyone, let alone a whole race of people. The more they throw the word racist at people like her, the more they'll continue to devalue it.

  83. David... that's extremely insightful. Certainly from what I've seen, the only sex that the extreme BBWs can usually get is from black guys. They often end up marrying.

    When these women have children or think about having children - and the realities of personally being able to lose weight vs settling for a black guy... they make the same calculations as everyone else does, and align their politics to what they believe will work out best for their children.

    Repatriating their kids to Swaziland is not high on their agenda, obviously. Nor is anything that might even conceivably lead to such an eventuation.

    The elephant in the living room, so to speak.

  84. "Kurt Cobain was once approached by a black teenager who identified himself as a big fan. Cobain was thrilled and said something like, 'I never had a black person like my stuff before'. That's probably racist or offensive in some way."

    Are we so blind to black folks' good qualities?

    On average, they're much more musical than white folk.

    I'd consider it akin to a white sprinter being thrilled when some black dude says, "daymn, you fast."

  85. "No kidding. Deschanel's picture could be in the dictionary next to "nice girl next door." No one with a lick of sense is ever going to believe she hates anyone"

    Mr. Frasier Crane will disagree.

    Amazing how much make-up can change things

  86. Darwin's Sh*tlist5/1/12, 6:52 PM

    But if a group of people comes to you and says, "This thing that you are doing is hurting us," and you keep doing it for fun, then you are a dickweed!

    If all you're being is a dickweed, then it might be fair to ask how much you're really hurting anyone.

    Would somebody please tell that embittered sack of yogurt that nobody cares what she thinks. If she looked like Zooey Daschenel, maybe, but as it is, no.

  87. In this war, who would you rather share a foxhole with?

    I'm going to need pictures....

  88. Lindy West desperately needs gastric banding surgery, tilting the scales at 263 lbs. When she is not accusing cute, thin, successful white chicks of anti-black racism, she's doing battle with rampant homos like Dan Savage over fat jokes. She is utterly humorless.

    You make her sound like a less-attractive Amanda Marcotte.


  89. "hipster racism" is what Spike Lee was talking about when he attacked Tarantino for Pulp Fiction, but he hadn't come up with the word yet.

  90. "I thought this post was hilarious Steve."

    I think exhaustive coverage of the crisis is inspired. Too much 'Girls whiteness crisis' is never enough.

    The Deschanel sardonic atrocity must be fully worked through.

    Gilbert Pinfold.

  91. "Are we so blind to black folks' good qualities?

    On average, they're much more musical than white folk."

    It's a matter of taste in genres. Obviously, there are black folks out there who love Nirvana, Bob Dylan and Silversun Pickups, but, in general, they don't enjoy the above mentioned nearly as much as white people. Grunge wasn't a black thing. They weren't kept out of it, and they didn't stay out as a political statement or something. It just didn't resonate.

    I remember one time in college, a black coworker of mine and I had an 8 hour night shift together, so we took turns making each other listen to our most favorite songs and artists that we were really into. And each time one of ended up saying something like, "Yeah, I can tell they really know what they're doing, but... it just doesn't grip me".

  92. If cracking jokes on twitter is 'hipster racism', what is it when liberals use terms like 'teens' to describe blacks? Liberal Denialism?

  93. Germans have gotten a bad rap. Let's call them 'fellers'. So, fellers invaded Poland in 1939.

  94. What's up with Scandinavian women anyways?

  95. "Mr. Frasier Crane will disagree.

    Amazing how much make-up can change things"

    I don't know what you're talking about. I clicked on your link expecting to see some dramatic difference, but her face looks exactly the same. Granted, long hair suits her better, and being a brunette really brings out her eyes. Oh, and she is playing a real douchebag in that episode. Other than that, if ZD's face is a result of make up artistry and optical illusions, she was employing the same tricks back then too. Perhaps, personality is so important to you in a woman, that you can't find a bitchy woman attractive. that's really sweet.

  96. "More 'teens' news and more liberal cover-up... while getting all worked up about 'Girls'."

    Correctese or correctology is incredible in the news report. The news reporter says '... when they got into a confrontation'..

    Right!! Two helpless whites 'got into a confrontation', implying that they might have instigated the trouble. What happened is they were attacked by a black mob. The white couple were too scared and weak to confront anything. It was totally a lopsided attack, but it's described as a 'confrontation'.
    I wonder what they teach in journalism schools today. Where do they come up with stuff with 'armed with only skittles'--when clearly Trayon was armed with two tough fists with which he beat Zimmerman to a pulp?
    And when blacks attack whites, do white liberal reporters look for the most neutral way to describe the incident? If a black guys rapes a white woman, is it 'they got into a sexual confrontation'?

    And it's funny. Whites get beat up but a diversity of black anchor, Asian reporter, and black guys comment on it as if to remind us, 'diversity is love and strength'.

  97. West (and everyone else including me at first) missed the truth - Deschanel was actually re-tweeting a comment by singer Sara Bareilles. (I did wonder why Deschanel would be so eager to watch her own show.)

  98. as stupid and as stridently pro-stupidity as you'd expect

    Celebrating Black culture = racist.
    Disdaining Black culture = racist.

    Going where Blacks are = racist. Staying away from Blacks = racist.

    Acting Black = racist.
    Acting White = racist.

    Yes, this is aggressively stupid.

  99. Its the first time I can recall seeing a blond haired blue eyed American Indian.

    In Texas there are blue-eyed descendants of Indians who believe their genes for blue eyes are dominant.

  100. Hmm, would I rather be in a foxhole with any of the jellyheads from Jez, or a starving meth addicted cannibal in withdrawal. I think I will take my chances with the cannibal.

    BTW, "human tampons (at salon)..." LOL.

  101. What's this story about Georgia attacking Russia?

    Georgia attacked Russian-backed separatists in Georgian territory, Georgia did not attack Russia.

  102. Seneca @3:43-My wife (like Warren, from Oklahoma) is also a blue-eyed blonde-haired "Indian", but she won't use it to her advantage despite my protests.

    American Indian-ness is an interesting case of identity politics because you have official bodies determining who gets included. My wife is in the Cherokee Nation, which has no blood quantum requirements (just evidence that you are a descendent of someone previously on the tribal rolls). In an interesting story from a few years back, the Cherokees tried to kick out all the Freedmen (descendents of Cherokee slaves who were allowed to join the tribe after the Civil War) who only had black and no Cherokee blood

  103. All these people are 'racist' and they still vote for Obama. Bummer.

  104. You're missing the point. The thing is, the attackers win. If they succeed in painting that sort of Zooey Deschanel text as "insensitive" (and they will) that means someone who says what John Derbyshire says is, with apologies to Half Sigma, Worse Than Hitler. If an show starring four white girls causes this much kerfuffle, then HBO won't make any more shows with four white girls. Who needs the aggravation?

    Uh. Sitcoms will continue being made about white people doing funny white people things because they are after white people dollars. Having a 95%+ caucasian cast never stopped a show from being made and becoming a wild success. In fact quite the opposite. That's the calculus on the part of TV show producers. See: Almost every successful sitcom and every cable drama in the past decade that isn't the Wire.

  105. Simon in London5/4/12, 2:08 AM

    "What's this story about Georgia attacking Russia?

    Georgia attacked Russian-backed separatists in Georgian territory, Georgia did not attack Russia."

    Sort-of true, Georgia didn't invade Russia, but there were Russian 'peacekeeper' troops in South Ossetia, the Georgians attacked them. They were effectively attacking Russian-held territory, on the Russian border. In some ways that's even dumber than Argentina attacking the Falkland Islands, which are a long way from mainland Britain.

  106. There is allegedly an indian somewhere in my family tree (by family legend), but we all have green or blue eyes and pale skin.

  107. You do realise that Sarah Bareilles is the one who posted the #thuglife hash tag to Zooey and Zooey just retweeted it right? Or did you just think it sounded better if you made out Zooey was the one who wrote it?


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