May 2, 2012

Mayday illegal alien rallies flop 6th straight year

From the Associated Press:

May Day Protests Show Weak Immigration Movement
ATLANTA (AP) — While a black preacher told 100 immigration protesters that incarcerated blacks and detained immigrants faced similar challenges, Jesse Morgan stood to one side of the May Day demonstrators, holding a large sign that read "Radical Queers Resist." 
Although the rally was geared toward illegal immigrants, the 24-year-old Georgia State sociology major said gays can relate, too, because they often face discrimination. 
"And besides," he said. "There are queers who are undocumented." 
Over the last several years, May Day rallies in the United States have been dominated by activists pushing for a path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million people in the country illegally. But since 2006, when hundreds of thousands took to the streets in cities across America, the rallies have gotten smaller, less focused and increasingly splintered by any number of groups with a cause. 
In New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland, Calif., May Day protests were dominated by Occupy Wall Street activists, a sign of how far the immigration has fallen off the radar, unable to compete with the economy.

And yet, everybody knows that the only way the GOP can win the crucial Hispanic vote is by caving in on amnesty, because that's what American citizen Hispanics care so much about.


  1. By command of the Lightworker it is Loyalty Day now, comrade. Forward!

  2. Somewhat OT: in addition to being the left's Red Flag day and el día de manifestaciones contraproducentes a favor de la inmigración ilegal, May first has also been nominated as Victims of Communism Day.

  3. Off topic but interesting: Salon article on the charity that pays drug addicts to have sterilization surgery or long term contraception.

    The tone is fun--the writer conveys the outrage of some people about this, brings up eugenics and racism (though the numbers they quote do not support a racism charge at all), but never really engages much with the discussion. (I guess this is the standard journalistic technique of he said, she said.)

    One thing I found annoying about the story was that they didn't draw any differences at all between a voluntary program where someone pays you a few hundred dollars to be sterilized, and the older eugenics stuff where people were forcibly sterilized.

    Once, most sugar plantations were worked with slave labor. Now, they have to pay their workers, and their workers are free to leave. Those two situations are really different, and pretending they're the same thing doesn't make any sense. Similarly, giving you money to do something just isn't the same as forcing you to do it.

    Also, the whole concern with whether women were making good decisions about using birth control or sterilization surgery while drug addled seemed odd as hell to me. I mean, having a baby is also a very big decision--to my mind, a much, much bigger one than getting a contraceptive shot every 3 months, perhaps as big as sterilization surgery. And people definitely use birth control, including sterilization surgety, partly for economic reaons (and sometimes have abortions for economic reasons)--it's perfectly sensible to say "I can't afford kids right now" or "my lifestyle isn't really consistent with raising kids.".

    In my ideal world, the default for fertility would be off. Go get your fertility turned off and your ears pierced when you turn 14, and turn it back on when you're ready to have kids.

  4. Well, I saw that the occupy bunch is legalizing illegals isince they want to expand their base in blue states and take over red states like Texas. What interesting is the terrible inland counties like Frenso are growing isnce people don't move to other states but illegal capital La is at slow growth in either white or mexican or asian towns its built up too much. Liberal Santa Clara is growing but less illegals there some arr more likley to be asian illegals in Santa Clara and Orange and San Diego are growing moderately now the housing has dropped.

  5. I have no idea how well the OWS rallies went. They seem to have been fairly unsuccessful in generating media coverage. I have a theory that street demonstrations are now ineffective as a political tool, Western governments (I realize the situation in the developing world is different) proved with the invasion of Iraq that they can just ignore large street demonstrations with no serious consequences to them.

    But as for promoting more immigration, outside the U.S. May Day is a workers' holiday, and importing more cheap labor is contrary to workers' interests in a way so obvious that even some unions recognize it. I think if there is going to be a "left" at all in the future, it will be the "old left", for reasons that should be obvious if you pay any attention to the headlines.

  6. It's kind of funny when protest groups become so self-referential that they're the only ones who know what they're talking about. I mean, how are we supposed to know what Radical Queers Resist? Maybe they're resisting having their jobs taken by a flood of immigrants!

  7. What's always comical to me is California Gay Leadership can't seem to get a grip on the fact that if it werent for so many catholic immigrants, legal or not, bum rushing the state from south of the border, they would be able to get legally married by now.
    They are supporting the importation of people who are fundamentally against the gay lifestyle, and will vote the way their church advises them till the day they die.

  8. Giving 11 million former illegals the right to vote is scary! That's a segment of the populace you'd never convince that limited, controlled immigration is in our national interests. Every politian would be in a bidding war for their votes which would all center around whose willing to liberalize immigration with Mexico the most.

    I hope the moderates wake up to the fact that liberalism has lost it's moral high ground and grace in our society. Their distinctive polical outlook which was once the mark of social/political thoughtfulness now seems like nothing more than a tribal impulse to oppose anything insensitive, ie. "it's wrong for any 'undocumented' person to be called 'illegal'." They are actually using that argument these days. Yes, "they need a path to citizenship because it's insensitive (and racist!) to refer to them as 'illegals'." Obviously this is a grave injustice on par with Jim Crow. So, clearly nothing else to do but give them the right to vote in our elections!

  9. What happens with most of these kinds of "coalitions" is that the same list gets dusted off, and whoever's not busy that day sends a carload with their rep. Everyone injects their own agenda and the press gets a little bewildered as how to package it, unless the reporter has seen it enough and doesn't have his cynicism circuit completely shut off.
    A few years ago, you could guarantee that any urban rally would somehow morph into "Free Mumia".

  10. Even in my leftist days, there always seemed something lame and faux-European about May Day rallies-just a limpwristed attempt at a "day of rage".

  11. Reticent Man5/2/12, 9:11 AM

    You didn't excerpt the part where it says that the reason California votes democratic now is because prop 187 in 1994 angered Latinos.

    Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason.

  12. The illegal alien issue its a mistery to me.

  13. And yet, everybody knows that the only way the GOP can win the crucial Hispanic vote is by caving in on amnesty, because that's what American citizen Hispanics care so much about.

    There are results similar to the demonstrarion turnout in a recent Quinnipiac poll: Hispanic voters are divided as 45 percent want the court to uphold the Arizona law while 43 percent want the law overturned.

    What many non-Hispanics of the Democratic Party forget is that illegal aliens compete- often if not always- with Americans for jobs. In a lot of cases, illegal aliens take jobs away from American citizens of Hispanic descent.

    Regarding the line that illegal aliens take jobs that American citizens don't want, I recall that in my student days I worked several years at minimum wage restaurant jobs- jobs which are increasingly taken up by illegal aliens.

  14. Isn't this exactly why the elites will try to keep bringing these people in? Because they want a cheap labor class that isn't that inclined to politically organize? To the extent that amnesty facilitates this, they probably favor it, but it's not like they care that much about these people. Presumably, in their ideal world only the elites themselves would be citizens and have full rights while everyone else - illegals, ordinary Americans, etc. - are under their control as serfs.

  15. "While a black preacher told 100 immigration protesters that incarcerated blacks and detained immigrants faced similar challenges"

    I should hope the legal system treats with all criminals in an even handed fashion.

    "They are supporting the importation of people who are fundamentally against the gay lifestyle, and will vote the way their church advises them till the day they die."

    That maximizes drama though. It is just a coincidence that drama seems to be detrimental to civilization.

  16. "Dreams From My Father" needs re-reading...the one girlfriend was a composite:

  17. "And besides," he said. "There are queers who are undocumented."

    There are queers who are murderers, rapists, and child molesters, too.

    Salon article on the charity that pays drug addicts to have sterilization surgery or long term contraception.

    What a wonderful idea! Up the payout high enough and it will have a huge disparate impact on the present-oriented.

  18. I should add, it's not at all odd that liberals would both scoff at the social value of raising children, and freak out at the idea of people paying people to undergo sterilization. It would be odd if they were consistent.

  19. Obama: 'New York girlfriend' was composite

    ""None of this happened with Genevieve," Maraniss writes. "She remembered going to the theater only once with Barack, and it was not to see a work by a black playwright. When asked about this decades later, during a White House interview, Obama acknowledged that the scene did not happen with Genevieve. “It is an incident that happened,” he said. But not with her. He would not be more specific, but the likelihood is that it happened later, when he lived in Chicago. “That was not her,” he said. “That was an example of compression I was very sensitive in my book not to write about my girlfriends, partly out of respect for them. So that was a consideration. I [ITHM Bill Ayers] thought that [the anecdote involving the reaction of a white girlfriend to the angry black play] was a useful theme to make about sort of the interactions that I had in the relationships with white girlfriends."

    The girlfriend was Australian and the country estate was her stepfather's:

  20. Wiki on Obama's Australian girlfriend's stepfather:

    Jessup became a primary target of Senator Joseph McCarthy, who charged in the 1950 Tydings Committee hearings that Jessup was a security risk who had "an unusual affinity... for Communist causes." McCarthy wasn't allowed by the Tydings Committee to outline his case regarding Jessup but the committee did allow Jessup to fly in from Pakistan and give his defense against charges that McCarthy had not yet even made. Jessup was subsequently cleared of all charges by the Loyalty Board of the State Department and the Tydings Committee, and McCarthy was rebuked by many fellow senators and other statesmen. However, in two speeches on the floor of the Senate, McCarthy gave his evidence regarding Jessup's "unusual affinity for Communist causes":

    1.That Jessup had been affiliated with five Communist front groups; 2.That Jessup had been a leading light in the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) at a time that organization was reflecting the Communist Party line; 3.And that he had "pioneered the smear campaign against Nationalist China and Chiang Kai-shek" and propagated the "myth of the 'democratic Chinese Communist'" through the IPR magazine, Far Eastern Survey, over which he had "absolute control"; 4.That Jessup had associated with known Communists in the IPR; 5.That the IPR's American Council under Jessup's guidance had received more than $7,000 of Communist funds from Frederick Vanderbilt Field; 6.That Jessup had "expressed vigorous opposition" to attempts to investigate Communist penetration of the IPR; 7.That Jessup had urged that United States atom bomb production be brought to a halt in 1946, and that essential atomic ingredients be "dumped into the ocean"; 8.That Jessup had appeared as a character witness for Alger Hiss, and that later, after Alger Hiss's conviction, Jessup had found "no reason whatever to change his opinion about Hiss's veracity, loyalty and integrity."

  21. One can laminate queerness onto almost every other category: queer immigrants, queer disabled, queer blacks, queer veterans etc. A tiny minority that intersects with every other.

  22. When I went to Eagle Rock Elementary (LA) in the 50s, the May Day celebration was a big deal. This would be about 1956. All I remember is lots of crepe paper streamers on our wrists.

    How'd they get away with that? Wasn't there a commie taint to that day by then?

  23. Sorry previous link was to the FATHER of Obama's Australian girlfriend's stepfather.

    Genevieve Cook Weds Accountant
    Published: October 23, 1988

    At the Cosmopolitan Club in New York, Genevieve Hogan Cook, a daughter of Mrs. Philip C. Jessup Jr. of Washington and Michael J. Cook of Canberra, Australia, was married yesterday to Mohamed Moustafa, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahmoud H. Moustafa of Alexandria, Egypt. Judge Richard M. Palmer of Family Court in Manhattan officated.

    The bride's sister, Francesca Munro Cook, was the maid of honor, and their brother, Alexander Ibbitson Cook, was the best man.

    The bride, who will be known as Mrs. Moustafa-Cook, graduated from the Emma Willard School and Swarthmore College, and received a master's degree in education from the Bank Street College of Education. Her mother, Helen Ibbitson Jessup, is an architectural historian and a specialist in Indonesian art. Her father, a former Australian Ambassador to Vietnam, is the director of the Office of National Assessments, a Government agency in Canberra. Her stepfather, a former corporate secretary and general counsel of the International Nickel Company in New York and Toronto, is the secretary and general counsel of the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

    The bride is a step-granddaughter of the late Philip C. Jessup, an authority on international law who was a United States Ambassador at Large and a member of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. Jack B. Ibbitson of Melbourne, Australia, and the late Mr. Ibbitson, who was a banker in Melbourne.

    The bridegroom, an accountant in New York, attended the University of Alexandria. His father, who is retired, was the headmaster of a boys' school in Alexandria.

  24. Steve -


    [Well, to be strictly accurate: AYERS faked the white girlfriend on Obama's behalf.]

    Hate to say, "I told you so", but, well, I told you so...

  25. OT

    "Smoking gun" is leaked in Zimmerman case.

    It's Zimmerman's old MySpace page. In it, he blasts hispanic youths for vandalizing cars and acting like thugs. He uses the word "Mexicans."

    Crump crows: "[He] has a history and a habit of profiling people."

    As I have said, the whole case will turn on profiling. Not racism, burn marks, Skittles, etc. Profiling.

  26. To clarify, "profiling" will be used as evidence of a "depraved" mind.

  27. "What's always comical to me is California Gay Leadership can't seem to get a grip on the fact that if it werent for so many catholic immigrants, legal or not, bum rushing the state from south of the border, they would be able to get legally married by now.
    "They are supporting the importation of people who are fundamentally against the gay lifestyle, and will vote the way their church advises them till the day they die.

    Would that that were true, but it's not. Mexico isn't deeply Catholic in the sense that Americans tend to think, based on the stereotype we've been taught by movies. Their communist revolution put a major dent in that a century ago. It's still part of the culture, but in many cases it's only skin deep.

    Exit polls after California's homosexual marriage amendment showed that older first-generation Hispanic immigrants did vote against it, but not in overwhelming numbers. Their grandchildren had come around to the Democrat position entirely. So by bringing in more Mexicans, gays might lose a few votes in the short run, but they gain far more in the long run. With chain immigration to bring in families, it's not even clear they lose in the short run. In the meantime they gain immediate voters for all their other liberal causes, plus bodies in the right areas when it's time to redistrict.

  28. reticent man5/2/12, 1:36 PM

    oh I finally figured it out. Prop 187 isn't just the reason Hispanics vote democrat, it's also the reason they don't vote much at all. Deep down every Mexican wants to vote for a McCain or Bush or Romney, but they are so depressed about prop 187 that most of them just stay home completely.

  29. That's too bad. WE need parades like these to succeed so that Americans will grow more alarmed.

  30. WE need parades like these to succeed so that Americans will grow more alarmed.

    It could be that The Powers That Be [e.g. Andy Stern of the SEIU] realized that the parades were counterproductive and hence ordered that they be toned down [to the point of lapsing into obscurity and being forgotten].

  31. "There are queers who are undocumented."

    Those must be the dumb queers. Because nowadays homosexuality is generally considered grounds for asylum.

  32. Just a passing thought on teen unemployment: the fun jobs that teens used to take, not because they were so easy, but because they were performed by teams of teens, such as busboy, bar back, fast-food, beachcomber, were taken over by adult Mexicans - in many cases hard drinking, sexually aggressive, violent Mexicans using aliases and of questionable citizenship. What parent is going to toss their aspiring Ivy-Leaguer into that mix just to get some work experience?

    The store owners pay the Mexicans a child's wage and let the government subsidize the employees via emergency room visits, food stamps, public schooling.

    The practice is so obvious. If the INS were to have a convention, half the servers would be illegal aliens working with fraudulent social security numbers.

    Gingrich left the race today and made a comment about BO going to Afghanistan when he should have gone to Yemen - the real locus of Al Qaeda - so much for "all politics is local.". Newt should have left with the parting jab - "Barry, when is your leech of an illegal alien aunt going to get the hell out of the country?"

  33. To clarify, "profiling" will be used as evidence of a "depraved" mind.

    Yup. This is my guess, too.

    “It is an incident that happened,” he said.

    I.e., a black man and a white woman had an argument outside a playhouse somewhere, sometime in history.

    My favorite of Clinton's was when he denied raping "Mrs. So-and-so," who was unmarried at the time of the alleged rape. Technically non-perjuring, regardless of the truth of the allegations.

    One thing I found annoying about the story was that they didn't draw any differences at all between a voluntary program where someone pays you a few hundred dollars to be sterilized, and the older eugenics stuff where people were forcibly sterilized.

    One could argue that a person seeking money to pay for drugs is not making totally voluntary decisions. On the other hand, the person who lacks that much impulse control is exactly the type of drug addict you want to be sterilized...

  34. Obama had a few girl friends. Female friends, get it. Platonic dates.

    The woman who went to the theater with him one time only never emerged in the 2008 campaign because it never crossed her mind that she was a "girlfriend" of Barry's. Roissy can explain that.

    BO is a fraud in every way. Btw some blogger is now offering 10k for Barry's college records...

  35. "BO is a fraud in every way. Btw some blogger is now offering 10k for Barry's college records..."

    You can be very sure they were all destroyed and recreated - is that such a leap?

    I don't think there is any depth that the Educational Establishment won't go to preserve the image of America's Half Blood Prince.

    I'm including the standardized testing authorities.

    They would wage a war on sparrows for this guy.

  36. Two interesting, off-topic stories which bode ill for America's future: US now ranks 130th (below Thailand, above Timor) in premature births.

    Also, number of babies born with opiate addiction triples in a decade (though not all the increase is due to illicit drug use).

    Sounds like our bright multiculti future is getting brighter.

    Unrelated, but despite the mass Hispanic wave of the Bush years, Catholic Church memebrship falls by 5%, while in the decade after 9/11 Muslims increase by 67%.

  37. More illegals + less power and control for cossacks and peasants and better for Tevye and Anatevka.

  38. To clarify, "profiling" will be used as evidence of a "depraved" mind.

    Not possible. Any evidenece of "profiling" is inadmissible.

    Profiling isn't a crime, and Z didn't engage in profiling as part of a modus operandi in prior crimes.

  39. Speaking of sterilizing drug addicts, my cousin married a guy who was in foster care for a while because his mother was a crackhead who had way more kids than she could take care of (by now she's cleaned up and acknowledged it was for the best her kids were removed). All the people I just mentioned are white. Maybe Salon is right that the average birth-rate among addicts isn't much higher than normal, but maybe the variance is higher.

    I'm confused as to how the new story bolsters the Ayers theory. The book said it had composite characters as far back as the first edition. We now have two white girlfriends named, one preceding his move to Columbia and one just in NY. After he was elected Obama said there was another in Chicago whom he combined with Cook. How does postulating that Ayers wrote it help explain anything?

  40. "And besides. There are queers who are undocumented"

    Oh, this made me laugh. You gotta laugh... to keep from crying.

  41. It's Zimmerman's old MySpace page. In it, he blasts hispanic youths for vandalizing cars and acting like thugs. He uses the word "Mexicans."

    Crump crows: "[He] has a history and a habit of profiling people."

    As I have said, the whole case will turn on profiling. Not racism, burn marks, Skittles, etc.

    So, if a White guy blasts White guys for their behavior, he can be portrayed as a racist against blacks, if a mestizo guy blasts mestizo guys for their behavior, he can be portrayed as a racist against blacks, etc?

    So, when I say, "hey, doesn't the fact that yellows and 'black' south Asians do well in America pour cold water on the whole 'racist White society' thing," and liberals reply, "lack of White racism against yellows does not imply lack of White racism against blacks," that should go into one hermetically sealed compartment?

    And when I say, "hey, racism against one's own group doesn't imply racism against another group," and liberals say, "yes it does," that needs to go into another compartment?

    And the contents of these compartments must never interact? Sorta like matter and anti-matter?

  42. Svigor, exactly. The key to becoming a loon, for an intelligent person, is to perform so many mental backflips that he becomes permanently dizzy, lol.

    While profiling isn't a crime (yet), its subspecies racial profiling is regarded as absolutely wrong and corrupt. When coupled with a shooting death, racial profiling can be and is being portrayed as evidence of a "depraved mind" - necessary (but not sufficient) to prove Murder 2 in Florida. Florida says an act done by a "depraved mind" means an act "done from ill will, hatred, spite, or an evil intent." Connect the dots. This is the prosecution's case.

    Zimmerman be hating on minorities all his life - that's why he targeted Trayvon!!!!


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