May 14, 2012

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  1. He'd be at least third, behind Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan.

  2. So the major newsmag cover stories this week are about Obama's gay and real moms breastfeed three-year-olds.

    They'll do anything to avoid having to write about a loser issue like unsustainable budget deficits.

  3. Obama better keep the wrapper on the cigar if he plans to smoke it later.

  4. Yeah, I was speechless also. It almost piqued my curiosity enough to buy it.* Almost.

    * Full discosure : I subscribed to Newsweek in the early 90s.

  5. a loser issue like unsustainable budget deficits

    Or depression-level labor market participation [Spengler, Karl Denninger, Zero Hedge].

  6. Yeah, left me speechless also. Almost piqued my curiosity enough to buy the issue. Almost.*

    * Full discosure: I was a subsciber in the early 90s.

  7. Truth @WMarkW.

    FWIW, Michelle Obama doesn't think her husband is gay.

    'There was another reason for Michelle’s negative attitude toward Oprah. “Michelle is very jealous, I would say unusually so,” said someone who was very close to Oprah. “Most people after years of marriage have trust and don’t follow their husbands around and check on them. Michelle doesn’t seem to trust Barack at all. She insists on knowing his every movement and drops in on him at all kinds of odd times. It’s been the buzz of the White House. Oprah has gossiped about it and giggled about how obsessive Michelle is. This is what she hears from her friends who work in the East Wing, and, believe me, she has some good sources.

    “Michelle makes it clear to her inner circle, and this certainly includes Valerie (Jarrett), that she wants women around Barack watched and wants info about who he has an eye for and gets touchy with,” this person continued. “The thing is, she knows, like everybody, about JFK’s shenanigans, and she thinks, hey, JFK was young and good looking like my guy.'

    1. Might explain the dismissal of at least two of the President's close personal assistants. I think their job title was "body man". Yes, man. Michelle seems to be clueless and the press the same since they keep thinking the beard references are somehow racists.

  8. That halo looks cheap and shoddy, like it was made in China.

    They should have gotten him a Made with Gay Pride in the USA one.

    Also, I am offended by that cover. In honor of his person of colorness, It should have read: The First President on the down low.

  9. Getting hard to tell the vicious right wing smears from the adulatory left wing paeans.

  10. So, is this going to a trend among the failing News Magazines? Each one trying to outdo one another with even more outlandish covers.

    Jeez, these guys are desparate.

  11. Joe Sox-Pack5/14/12, 2:33 PM

    How Obama will be re-elected after this?

  12. Ah, but one day we will all be studying Valerie Jarrett's genius playbook. Truly the Kissinger/Mark Hanna/Cardinal Mazarin of her time

  13. Leftism is a religion and Obama is its saint.

  14. bigger and blacker5/14/12, 2:48 PM

    Hrmmm... Not exactly Muhammad Ali's Esquire cover, is it?

  15. So the major newsmag cover stories this week are about Obama's gay and real moms breastfeed three-year-olds.

    If that is what real moms are like, no wonder so many boys turn out gay. We all need to go back to a manlier age, when three-year-olds learned how to goose-step and give their lives for god, king, and country. Like in that right-wing paradise, North Korea!

    1. There is plenty of goose stepping going on right here in the good old USA. Haven't you read or watched the MSM lately?

  16. Evolution is speeding up all the time

  17. North Korea is right wing? Who knew?

  18. And we are all socialists now. Karl Marx must be spinning in his grave.

  19. That aint no halo. It's a galo.

  20. Harry Baldwin5/14/12, 3:20 PM

    TontoBubbaGoldstein said...
    * Full discosure : I subscribed to Newsweek in the early 90s.

    In the early 90s Newsweek ran a cover story on racial differences in intelligence. I still have the issue somewhere. The standards of permissible discussion have changed since then..

  21. Harry Baldwin5/14/12, 3:23 PM

    If I were going to steal one of the magazines from the dentist's office, it would be TIME. Breast feeding mom is hot.

  22. Did the Onion buy Newsweek? Or has US turned into Onionland?

  23. The great Mike Judge summed it up best:

    Butthead (after seeing something so stupid even he's astonished): "Uh .... Uhmmmm ...... Uh ..... OK!"

  24. "He's a prophet, and a poet, and I love him!". A line from the movie, Bob Roberts.

  25. "If that is what real moms are like, no wonder so many boys turn out gay. We all need to go back to a manlier age, when three-year-olds learned how to goose-step and give their lives for god, king, and country. Like in that right-wing paradise, North Korea!"

    I heard from a good source that Kim Jong-Il was actually black.

  26. department115/14/12, 4:01 PM

    I've never been in a single doctor's office where anyone was ever reading Newsweek. It's always either Vogue or Field and Stream.

  27. Karl Marx must be spinning in his grave
    you mean dancing triumphantly.

  28. Yeah, well, Obama's always seemed effeminate to me, with his stilted, halting delivery like he's trying to hide something. He looks like a love child of Stan Laurel. The way he acts, sometimes it's occurred to me that his fantasy self image resembles the following:

  29. He looks very "light" in this photo. Is only the white side gay? Don't want to lose the black Baptists. Tinting to match the message - Brilliant!

  30. "Karl Marx must be spinning in his grave"

    "you mean dancing triumphantly."

    No, so-called cultural Marxism has nothing to do with Marxism. It's bohemian decadent consumerist celebrityism.

  31. "Breast feeding mom is hot."

    That's something Leni Riefenstahl would have done if she'd grown up as a liberal in the US.

  32. I thought the first rule in politics was never wear a funny hat.

  33. HA HA HA

    If the Right keeps posting that image everywhere, Obama will never win the next election.

    In Al Franken's 'Why Not Me', he wins the 2000 election by hiring a crowd of flamboyant gay guys to follow Al Gore around rooting for him everywhere he goes.

  34. I remember reading an old issue of Fortune (mid 1980s) that attributed Asian-American academic success to higher IQ.

  35. The Republicans should go full-on ridicule of gays. Every gay joke you ever or never heard of, they should tell about Obama - in video parodies, campaign events, the works. The broad public, in its heart of hearts, would eat this up like a starving man, and the wickeder the jokes, the better - despite the inevitable official condemnation from the elites and weep-'n'-sputter-fests from the liberal Christians, the SWPL mums, the Andy Sullivans, and all the other tiresome usual suspects. (The sick jokes gays tell about each other - which are revoltingly funny - could be used to mitigate the gay demographic.)

    The mistake Republicans make is to think that Americans are a kind and gentle people, who want a kinder and gentler nation, and that, therefore, the GOP must always eventually give way and crook the knee to any communists who wave a false flag of "love and tolerance." Not at all. All wrong. These days, among political figures in America, popularity is to be had by anyone man enough to bray a few home truths with a horse laugh and not apologize. The younger generations are used to "Southpark" and so-called "ironic racism"; all that remains is for a politician to follow through on it (and ignore the spinmeisters of the MSM). Even Rand Paul, that cold fish, stepped up and made a joke about Obama's gayness, which went coast-to-coast. Why can't Romney do this? (Why can't Santorum pinch-hit, at least?)

    Politics is a bloodsport, and the American voter wants blood (figuratively); he is bawling for blood. The Newsweek cover is a golden opportunity to kick Barry where it REALLY hurts.

    To get enterprising GOPers (if any exist) started, how about a parody ad for "light-in-the-loafers loafers," featuring a Barry ringer. Put the halo above the loafers, etc. Or perhaps "The Adventures of Sheriff Obama and Dirty Sanchez." Not for print or TV or radio - for social media and YouTube.

    A smart GOP would already be on this. Unfortunately, we cannot be certain that very many people who work for the party of John ("The Google") McCain know what the internet is.

    But the GOP can no longer get on its knees for liberals, if the gaying of America and that Newsweek cover is what they have to get on their knees to. That crosses the line. Time to push back no matter what the flak. And when they come to you, little GOPer, with a scripted sob story about how their relative is gay, was bullied, and feels sad because of your hatred and intolerance and isn't Jesus about love, look them straight in the eye and reply, "That's the gayest story I ever heard." Then ROAR with laughter in their face.

  36. It's especially delicious because Obama actually

  37. I see the mainstream authors have been reading iSteve again...

  38. Ranseul Jacobs5/14/12, 7:02 PM

    This actually does signify something- that gay has come to surpass black in the victim power struggle.

  39. Which was the gay Teletubby again?

  40. It should have read: The First President on the down low.

    You know, that's a genius meme to spread. Blacks really, really hate gays, and spreading the meme of Obama being gay -- long simmering under the surface anyway -- could actually have impact when it comes to getting out the vote. Granted, your typical ghetto person is not terribly likely to vote, but if they get it in their heads that Obama is "President Down Low," it could make a difference.

    I'm going to plaster that everywhere I can. If Obama becomes a joke to the black community, then maybe we can elect that other guy, what's his name.

    Hey, at this point, slowing down the Train to Hell is a win.

  41. "...when three-year-olds learned how to goose-step and give their lives for god, king, and country."

    You aren't really clear on which side goose-stepped, and which side did the whole God, King and Country thing during the War, are you?

    Pity. That hipster pansy had a perfectly good sneer going there for a second.

    Mike James

  42. Appears there might be mucocele in the area of the procheilon. Perhaps a little oral trauma?

  43. Man's Country Chicago5/14/12, 8:11 PM

    It's especially delicious because Obama actually


    That would be the point.

  44. On a narrative level the left must now fold Obama's cynical gay marriage volte face into the myth of an inherent black-gay sympathy, allies under siege by common enemies.

    Ironic because here, as usual, the opinion of the black American street doesn't even register with a doting but condescending media.

  45. Look at the middle part of his upper lip in the photo. This spot looks swollen in an unnatural way, perhaps disintended. Odd-looking.

    Should we be thinking what we're thinking?

    Also, is a small "subliminal" image (a la "The Little Mermaid" or whatever) lurking there? Paul is dead this ain't.

  46. Let us recall that iSteve thought the Stuff White People Like author was writing from behind enemy lines. Wrong. That guy was about as politically heretical as Bono.

    And so on the question of Obama - iSteve once again took the measure of the man and pronounced: "typical heterosexual guy"......... WTF!?

    iSteve now knows Obama will in fact declare himself foreign, gay, Marxist, Muslim at some point post presidency

  47. >Which was the gay Teletubby again?<

    Jerry Falwell went to his grave cursing the name of Tinky-Winky, a Purple American who could have been Barney's son.

  48. Sorry, disintended s/b distended.

  49. OMG, a surest way to defeat Obama:

    On election day, put a few large posters with this picture at the closest legal distance of each polling place (40 feet in my state, I think). A large majority in this country is still very uncomfortable with promotion of homosexuality - a vivid reminder like this will be extremely effective in skewing votes of the general public.

  50. BTW, here is a high resolution, good color quality copy:

  51. Larry Sinclair scoped the entire rest of the press on this one by almost four years, for all the good it did him.

  52. That aint no halo. It's a galo.

    Very good but for clarity shouldnt it be a 'gaylo'?

  53. "...when three-year-olds learned how to goose-step and give their lives for god, king, and country."

    You aren't really clear on which side goose-stepped, and which side did the whole God, King and Country thing during the War, are you?

    The "side" that goose-stepped in their glorious May Day parades in Moscow?

    The "side" whose greatest achievements were the Holodomor, Great Purges, and Katyn Forest massacre?

  54. I thought the 'Oh look, here are a bunch of letters Obama wrote to his [white, totally not mannish-looking like Michelle] girlfriend' were released to help quell gay rumors.

  55. So, the entire "Just put this helmet on & climb in the tank, you'll be President in no time" fiasco hasn't occurred to his handlers? Giving the Stupid Party the opportunity (which they won't take, of course) to run those two pictures side by side on election posters? Rightly figuring the GOPs are too gutless to fight, I suppose.
    "Good losers" indeed.

  56. Well that explains the selection of Donna Summer to perform at his Nobel ceremony in Oslo.

  57. In the social setting of his adolescent years and undergraduate years, his paucity of known heterosexual involvements--dating, elective social interaction with females, etc--is unlikely to characterize many heterosexuals of such a setting. Moreover, in terms of trait heritability there remains a real question, as far as I can discern, whether Stannie Ann Dunham was heterosexual. Her obsession with masculizing her name and then feigning misery about the name--is suggestive of an outcropping of lesbian dispositions. Too, she rapidly became sexual unresponsive (was she genuinely ever?) to Soretto, who started playing around as a result. There is no indication of any heterosexual proclivity by her at any time after she split from him. The detailed facts taken in full array are not suggestive of either a mother or son who were sexually straight.


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