May 1, 2012

Non-ironic racism apparently not a crisis, ironically enough

Two weeks ago, two white reporters for the Virginia Pilot, evidently out on a Saturday night date, on their way home from a Norfolk, VA theater were beaten by a mob of blacks. 

Now you might think that a racist mob terrorizing passer-bys downtown would qualify as local news, especially when the victims were newspaper reporters. But, their newspaper didn't report the incident, until finally an editorial appeared today:
The next day, Forster searched Twitter for mention of the attack. 
One post chilled him. 
"I feel for the white man who got beat up at the light," wrote one person. 
"I don't," wrote another, indicating laughter. "(do it for trayvon martin)"


  1. The editorial was written by Michelle Washington, whose picture is attached. She's the first white non-18th century Washington who has come to my attention. Black husband? Descendant of the president?

  2. Ironic racism towards whites isn't considered a problem either. Its not an ironic/non-ironic issue, its a white/non-white victim issue.

  3. "Their newspaper didn't report the incident, until finally an editorial appeared today..."

    Sad state when even the conspiracy theorists are in disbelief it really happened.
    "Why the f*** is this pinned. None of this is true. I live in downtown Norfolk at the Rotunda. I can see all the way downtown. It hasnt been on local news or any of the websites here locally. These racebaiting threads need to stop. Can't you all see what TPTB are trying to do you IGNORANT SHEEP??!!".

  4. Tip of the iceberg ... assuming you look at the statistics of interracial crime. Which of course practically no one does. The media much prefers the kind of inductive hysteria seen in the aftermath of Trayvon Martin's death. It's pathetic really -- i.e. prefectly befitting America today.

  5. She's the first white non-18th century Washington who has come to my attention.

    The Forbes 400 Richest Americans
    #88 Dennis Washington

  6. Whenever I've seen a white Washington in recent years it's been a resident of a former British possession like Australia. Somehow I also distantly remembered a minor Latino actor by that name but a cursory search at IMDB showed nothing (except that the name is heavily black within the sample). This is a story around census time, with the runners-up being "Jefferson" and "Williams."

  7. No one among the hipster class wants to confront the reality of the criminality that is virulently racist and violent among the Black underclass. That would require action (basically locking up about 40-50% of young Black men for twenty years).

    So they would much rather focus on internecine battles about who is more moral. Like that old SNL skit about who is more muy macho? Fernando Llamas or Ricardo Montalbaln?

  8. PS - as a local I can tell you that the gun shows in the area have been packed with white people for the past few years and guns are flying off the dealer tables.

  9. Since the female victim sounds Iranian/Persian, maybe someone can spin this incident off as a black-on-brown crime. That's pretty much the only way the good folks at huffpo, dailykos,thinkprogress and the rest of the gang might care about this, since it's well known that iranians are "brown" people or something like that.

  10. The referenced Virginia Pilot account is a classic of "bury the lede" reporting. The races of the hoodlums and the victims/reporters are central to the story. The topic is first mentioned in 17th paragraph of the 24-para editorial.

    Then there's the case of the cop who responds to the scene. He's concerned for the welfare -- of the perpetrators, that is. Empathy for the victims or a determination to solve the crime, not so much. Hmmm, I wonder what his ethnic affiliation might be?

    It's called "crimestop," Ms. Washington.

  11. Trotsky (or Robert Putnam) might offer this advice to the SWPL set at the Virginia Pilot: You may not be interested in vibrant diversity, but vibrant diversity is interested in you.

  12. I read about this yesterday, and I had to see a photo of the moron who, when confronted by a mob of black kids at a traffic light in the ghetto, GETS OUT OF HIS CAR!!!

    Then I finally found a picture and it was all made clear.

    Are 20 & 30-something whites so inculcated with PC thinking that this idiot didn't expect a beatdown?

  13. Suppose this had been about a white mob assaulting black reporters. It'd be time for Duff Wilson style flood-the-zone coverage! The Front Page! Get me rewrite!

    But what if the hooligans turned out to be Mestizo rather than white. Mesitzos with black forebears, who had started businesses with their black friends.

    What a snooze that story would have turned out to be, barely worth a couple of paragraphs on the bottom of page B9.

  14. Anyone who has lived in a city with a large black population knows that there are parts of town into which whites cannot travel, period. Most whites in these cities avoid becoming victimes by avoiding these neighborhoods, especially at night, when large fractions of the aborigines are apt to be drunk or stoned.

  15. I was in Norfolk once, back in 1980. The hotel I stayed in had a sign prominently displayed on the front door that read "armed guard with shotgun on premises"

    I guess that Norfolk was a vibrant city, even back then.

  16. "beowulf said...

    Sad state when even the conspiracy theorists are in disbelief it really happened."

    They're too busy worrying about the conquest of the Earth by shape-changing reptillian overlords to get too bent out of shape by anything as prosaic as roving mobs of black "youth" bent on mayhem.

  17. "The editorial was written by Michelle Washington, whose picture is attached. She's the first white non-18th century Washington who has come to my attention. Black husband? Descendant of the president?"

    I knew a white Washington once. Her father was Canadian, though. Never met an American white Washington.

  18. >Are 20 & 30-something whites so inculcated with PC thinking that this idiot didn't expect a beatdown?<

    What twentysomethings don't know is amazing. Remember, they were about 10 when 9/11 happened, for example. So give 'em a copy of Derbyshire's Talk.

  19. I think at least part of the reason that such incidents are not given more attention is simply fear of retaliation. Many people are wary of writing candidly about race issues or much of anything to do with Muslims because it is so easy for your identity to be determined and your every posting to be tracked.

    I know it sounds paranoid but worrying about being tracked is not a fantasy.

    The Obama administration has been reported to have begun an effort to track his "enemies". It shouldn't be very hard. All the big political sites like Breitbart or National Review have automatic filters that flag entries like the "N" word. Profanity filters are common. Just set the filter to flag and store the identity of the those who use certain words or phrases. I used to develop database systems for a living. Even out of practice, I could set up a system to automatically generate a dossier on commenters in a couple days.

    The natural consequence of this type of technology is the commenters become reticent to express their opinions or suspicions.

    For example there are rumors on the web that Obama is gay. Certainly he has done little to scotch those speculations with his recent singing, dancing and stand up comedy performances. I don't know if it's true - probably not - but if you suspected that just speculating about it in a blog comment would get your name on a list somewhere would have a chilling effect. In fact i don't think it's too crazy to imagine that what I just wrote here has stuck me on a that list somewhere.

    The Obama administration knows about Steve Sailer. I'm pretty sure they have someone read every posting every day. They probably read every comment too and they won't have much difficulty identifying who said what, and where they live.

    Google got caught reading Wi-Fi addresses and content recently from their Google Earth survey cars. I think everyone should assume that everything they write on the web can be read by Eric Holder. Comforted?

    Michael Barrone or Carl Rove can look at the voting patterns in every district in the nation. Right now most of this information is handled in aggregates which conceals individuals. But it isn't very hard to build a system that would answer queries like this - Give me the names, addresses and phone numbers of everyone in a certain ZIP code who wrote about Barrack Obama and homosexuality.

    My name would pop up there just from this little example comment alone. In Oakland the home of both the Black Panthers and the Black Muslims that prospect is a little chilling.


  20. Albertosaurus:

    No, I'm pretty sure it's only moonbat crazy liberals who think having the government eavesdrop everyone all the time, regardless of little technicalities like the law, is a problem.

    Someone who wants to find out what you write badly enough will figure it out. However, some minimal steps (not using your real name, cycling nyms over time, not readnig/commenting from work or home) can make it a lot less likely that a casual check will find you.

    There have been some cases where Muslims in the US have been sentenced to serious jail time for what most everyone would assume was constitutionally protected speech. I think in one case, a guy was sent to prison for a long time for selling a satellite decoder that could get access to a channel produced by Hammas. Since 9/11, most powerful people and essentially all prestige media have been incredibly willing to accept crap like that on the theory that 9/11 and the anthrax attacks scared the hell out of them. Those laws and precedents will stick around. One day, people will be prosecuted on those same theories for ideas having nothing to do with radical Islam, quite likely including people who were 100% okay with those laws when they were being used to lock up Muslims. It is a great pity that those folks can't get the government and laws they deserve without the rest of us also getting them.

    The growth of the homeland security state is a much bigger threat to our nation's future than Islamic terrorism or domestic terrorism ever will be. And yet, who are you going to vote for to try to end it? Certainly not Romney or Obama.

  21. Is the The Simpsons a racist show for being about a fictional white family? How about Seinfeld for having four main white characters?

    These increasingly strange accusations of racism are a lot like witch trials in that no one cares about the costs to others of pointing fingers. No evidence is required to make an accusation. Someone doesn't even need to mention race for the accuser to say that the so called racist is using "code."

    The only hope I have is that these scenarios often collapse on their own outlandishness when too many people get in on the game. The Red Scare finally burnt out its fuel when McCarthy accused the Army and Eisenhower's inner circle of being communists. Maybe the same thing will happen here, and if fingers start to be pointed at The Simpsons or Seinfeld people will realize the Girls writers aren't any more racists than they are witches.

  22. These racism discussions have nothing to do with solving any actual problems related to race or racism, and everything with needing a topic for a weekly column or blog and not knowing much about anything more useful or interesting than what's been on TV lately.


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