May 6, 2012

Pym Fortuyn, RIP

This is the tenth anniversary of the assassination of Dutch immigration restrictionist politician Pym Fortuyn on Monday, May 6, 2002. The instantaneous response of European opinion was that he had it coming

The Narrative remains that Fortuyn was assassinated by some wacko animal rights activist, but that's a lot like saying Poland was invaded in 1939 by an animal rights activist. The assassin was a well-educated white leftist who was found sane by exhaustive inquiries. The only thing crazy about the killer was that he took seriously what the media was saying about the Fortuyn Menace. From Wikipedia:
In court at his trial, van der Graaf said he murdered Fortuyn to stop him from exploiting Muslims as "scapegoats" and targeting "the weak members of society" in seeking political power.

You'll notice that today is the day of the French presidential election, which happens every five years. In 2002, Fortuyn was murdered the day after the French election. That year, the elder Le Pen had eked into the final round against Chirac two weeks before, which unleashed a Continent-wide Two Weeks Hate against immigration restrictionists carried out by all respectable elements of European opinion. Whether this uproar helped provoke the Dutch assassin remains speculative, but of course nobody speculates about it.


  1. Things changed in the last 10 years...



  3. I have finally figured out why The Powers That Be hate immigration restriction so much. I'm sure there are a number of reasons. But one big reason is this:

    Western governments for years have been trying to maximize the resources they obtain from money printing. All Western governments have been continually running deficits and financing them with newly-created fiat.

    One thing that derails money printing is a wage-price spiral. That's what got going in the 1970's. Around 1979-80, Paul Volcker had to jack up interest rates very high to get inflation back under control.

    In the 1980's, The Powers That Be decided that they would continue money printing, but they would also take action to head off a wage-price spiral. So...

    - Continuing pressure to add women to the workforce
    - Open door import policy to force down U.S. wages
    - Open borders.

    They succeeded. You never hear about a wage-price spiral anymore.

    A protectionist trade policy and immigration restriction would get wages rising, which would make conditions difficult for the money printers. They would have to slow down or even halt their operation. That would be bad for big banks, the military-industrial complex, Social Security, and Medicare.

    All of the biggest and most powerful interest groups in America support continued money printing, and that necessitates open borders to keep wages low.


  5. You're coming off as really whiny right now.

    Let it go.

  6. All I know is if the Dutch had ANY brains they would end all non-European and especially muslim immigration immediately and for good.

  7. A protectionist trade policy and immigration restriction would get wages rising, which would make conditions difficult for the money printers. They would have to slow down or even halt their operation.

    They could print money, but they would have to make sure productivity was rising. But they're not good at that. They're good zero-sum games, rent-seeking, centralizing wealth, etc.

  8. Ex Submarine Officer5/6/12, 7:58 PM

    This is totally OT, but I was just wondering about something.

    Jewish people & Japanese people are pretty famous for their adolescent humor. They are also two of the populations climes w/the highest avg intelligent measured by standard testing.

    Is there a connection or a larger pattern here?

  9. One thing that derails money printing is a wage-price spiral. That's what got going in the 1970's. Around 1979-80, Paul Volcker had to jack up interest rates very high to get inflation back under control.

    In the 1980's, The Powers That Be decided that they would continue money printing, but they would also take action to head off a wage-price spiral. So...

    This is why it's futile to argue with neo-liberals that we should stop immigration to lower unemployment. Neo-liberals believe maintaining a certain level of unemployment is good because it puts downward pressure on wage inflation. This is also the reason why they think indebting labor is good. Heavily indebted labor is less likely to be in a position to press for raises.

  10. > You're coming off as really whiny right now. Let it go.

    Anon 7:09pm, you make no argument whatsoever. No one in the MSM is remembering Pym Fortuyn. If Sailer "let it go", no one would put these two pieces together.

    Why don't you STFU and leave? You add nothing to the discussion.

  11. "You're coming off as really whiny right now."

    If this is whining, we need more of it. No need to ever let go. One is all it takes. (Hum, these days we have computers and backups for all time...). I'd prefer every Monday to read a "Prm Fortuyn, RIP, Killed on a Monday by Insane Racist Inundated with Really Stupid Ideas and Isms" column. Just to keep me from forgetting how really stupid some of the politically correct, multi-culturist, nice-white-lady-feelgoody, neoCommie, NWO, and related isms out there really are. And to remind everyone that dumb ideas have costs.

  12. The reckless policies of the left-wing create a radical-right reaction. It is true in the case of Fortuyn, and of his neoconservative heir Geert Wilders. It is true in Greece (whose endless handouts and corruption wrecked their economy):

    Golden Dawn, a "neo-Nazi" political party, wins 8% of seats in the Greek elections, reports The Guardian.

  13. TPTB hate immigration restrictions because they want to elect a new (non-white) people. No need to get all wonky about it. It's nation-wrecking.

  14. That year, the elder Le Pen had eked into the final round against Chirac two weeks before, which unleashed a Continent-wide Two Weeks Hate against immigration restrictionists carried out by all respectable elements of European opinion. Whether this uproar helped provoke the Dutch assassin remains speculative, but of course nobody speculates about it.

    Classic, Steve. Especially that last sentence. Contrast that to the way many on the left and in the media not only speculated about the supposed influence of Fox News, Sarah Palin and other "right wingers" on the certifiably insane guy who shot Gabby Giffords, but declared it to be fact.

  15. Anon 8:10 pm. Well said, especially these parts.
    If this is whining, we need more of it.

    Just to keep me from forgetting how really stupid some of the politically correct, multi-culturist, nice-white-lady-feelgoody, neoCommie, NWO, and related isms out there really are. And to remind everyone that dumb ideas have costs.

  16. I don't know if Golden Dawn is neo-Nazi. They may be. But the Guardian would regard Mitt Romney as the heir to Hitler.

    Rather, I think it is return to traditionalism, that is in the offing. Nothing else tried so far has worked. That means traditional nationalism, traditional society, traditional currencies, traditional ways of enhancing a nation's competitive strengths and dealing with its competitive weaknesses.

    What exactly, did killing Pym Fortuyn accomplish? Is the Netherlands now a utopia of rainbow-celebrating, unicorn riding "peoples of the world?"

    Or is there a brutal sorting out of fantasy from reality as the money runs out, and Western welfare states collapse as rapidly as the Late Western Roman Empire, with a return to tradition?

    Steve has written about a "Deep State" but I think there is really a "deep culture." The FT has a review of a book about UK elites into a new oligarchy that applies to the US: in culture, media, business, politics, and so on. With ultra-central control. That is one "deep culture" embedded in the West since Diocletian. The other is radical decentralism, aka "traditional nationalism" of the English, Scandinavian, Dutch varieties, which does not subordinate nations into neo-Hapsburg, Roman Empire, Thousand Year Reich conglomerations. And allows regions/cities/towns to govern themselves pretty much. The Swiss are a perfect example of this, and admirable for it.

    As the money runs out, that's the future. Only far more bloody because men like Fortuyn were not around to apply reasonable and sensible measures early to the body politic when it was hard to see the danger (as Machiavelli said) than drastic surgery when everyone can see it.

  17. OT but awesome:

    Go to 4:00 or so for the fun

  18. Yes, if this is whining, I'll keep reading thankyouverymuch.

  19. "... Two Weeks Hate against immigration restrictionists carried out by all respectable elements of European opinion. Whether this uproar helped provoke the Dutch assassin remains speculative, but of course nobody speculates about it.

    Sometimes "climates of hate" are completely ignored. Other times (like the Giffords shooting in AZ and many others too numerous to mention) they are completely manufactured.

    Always “Who, whom?”

  20. theo the kraut5/7/12, 4:57 AM

    I wrote that sentence in Fortyun's Wikipedia entry, it was quite a fight, particularly to keep it in the lede. I'm glad to see that it sticks. The quotes are well sourced, though, so they had to accept it with gnashing teeth. Anyway I'd prefer people to refer to it with the original sources given (eg The Daily Telegraph), most wp editors are left leaning geeks, so articles have a tendency to go south as time goes by.

  21. It's a sign of how far gone things are in Europe that a gay Marxist like Pim Fortuyn was so widely described as a man of the Far Right!

  22. People like Bruce Bawer and Mark Steyn certainly did draw the connection to the hate directed at the anti-immigration spokesmen and Fortyn's murder. Bawer went so far as to accuse Europe's left-wing media of "painting a target" on Fortyn's back.
    But no, the mainstream media never made the connection, true enough.

  23. Man, if Whiskey isn't "Spengler" [Asia Times], then he's done a damned good job of memorizing [and regurgitating] everything that "Spengler" ever published.

    On this particular subject, I'm pretty much in agreement with everything that Whiskey just wrote.

    But on that other topic of "Don't blame the Scots-Irish, blame the Whyte Womynz who hate HATE HATE beta males," it would make a lot of sense if "Whiskey" were the creation of a Scots-Irish chauvinist like "Spengler".

  24. There was a yard sale in a close by neighborhood the other day and all the female participants were wearing bee-keeper suits. Head to toe burkhas with this hideous netting covering the face. How do the oh so tolerant see scenes such as this and not question their positions on immigration.

    Pym probably saw whole neighborhoods and regions in his native country turned into grossly foreign enclaves and he spoke out. He demonstrated actual bravery the complete opposite of our anonymous "anti-whiner".

  25. Jeff W,
    You are wrong.All economic booms throughout history, regardless of country are associated with rising wages - this is a cast iron linkage. The fact that American wages have stagnated over the decades is due to American economic growthrates stagnating.
    Look at China. Despite the fact that millions upon millions of previously unproductive peasants enter the labor force every year ( a greater influx than duffer immigrants to the USA), wages in China rise by a consistent 20% year in year out - high Chinese growth causes a demand for workers.
    This is NOT a call for more immigration to the USA - the dynamic in the USA is totally different, by rights the USA should be capitalizing on a high skilled highly educated highly productive workforce that makes high value added capital intensive goods. Bringing in an endless supply of Mexican duffers doesn't help this end, in fact, it destroys the dynamic.

  26. OT but awesome:


    But it's so confused. If the Indians were right and whites were wrong, then whites must go the way of the Indians as atonement.

  27. I don't know if Golden Dawn is neo-Nazi but they do have a clever, uniquely Greek riff on swastika as their symbol.

  28. Davis said...
    Pym probably saw whole neighborhoods and regions in his native country turned into grossly foreign enclaves and he spoke out. He demonstrated actual bravery the complete opposite of our anonymous "anti-whiner".

    I seriously doubt it. Immigrants to Holland, who are mostly Muslims, oppose homosexuality. I think that's why he opposed immigration. If the immigrants had been the sort of people who don't have strong feelings on such matters, I doubt he would have cared.

  29. "Propeller Island said...

    I don't know if Golden Dawn is neo-Nazi but they do have a clever, uniquely Greek riff on swastika as their symbol."

    They are fortunate that Hans Gruber was able to secure thier release.

  30. The fact that American wages have stagnated over the decades is due to American economic growthrates stagnating.

    I could see wages stagnating with stagnating economic growth, but why would the stagnation of growth rates cause wage stagnation?

  31. god we need a parlimentary system so we can ditch the GOP for a Le Pen type figure and make them actually pay attention to immigration like Le Pen made Sarko in this election.


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