May 16, 2012

Zimmerman: CYA by the NYT

The New York Times has a long article Trayvon Martin Case Shadowed by Series of Police Missteps by Serge F. Kovaleski. You can smell the CYA positioning all over the article as more evidence emerges and the media's Narrative crumbles. 

The first part of the article insinuates that police incompetence must be the explanation for why the prestige press has come up with so little strong evidence against George Zimmerman during the two months of media frenzy. But the rest of the story shows, despite the reporter's and editor's bias, that the cops did, on the whole, a decent job of investigating the case. Certainly, the local law enforcement folks, before politics kicked it upstairs to that comic special prosecutor, have done a far better job than the national media at uncovering the facts and evaluating them in a rational manner.


  1. What is "CYA"?

  2. Media sells hype...

  3. "What is CYA?"

    You're not from around here, are you?

  4. Police missteps but no media missteps. When legend becomes fact, print the legend.

  5. CYA means "cover your tuchas". (A tuchas is a booty and a booty is a butt.)

    I think the MSM are going to lie themselves into a corner or a dozen corners on this one. The main police mistake was not getting a statement from The Girlfriend. Other than that, they didn't do too badly. It will be funny to hear the next generation of lies that the J-school* White-haters cook up.

    (J-school stands for "Jerks with Media Control School"; MSM stands for "Mindless Socialist Movement".)

    Cover Your Ass
    Journalism School
    Mainstream Media
    Non-Asian Minority

  6. "You're not from around here, are you?"

    Most likely a Finn.

  7. You are so so right about the CYA angle.

  8. Why didn't you put CYA into Google? It's the first freaking result.

  9. >You're not from around here, are you?

    come on, given the blog we're posting on you could have added a tongue in cheek "boy" tot he end of that. :p

    1. I often add a tongue in cheek "boy" to the end of my comments, Cuz.

      Cuz = Cousin . For those not from around heeyah.

  10. "Police missteps but no media missteps. When legend becomes fact, print the legend."

    I love all the references and discussion of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance in these recent posts. Most underrated film ever.

  11. the reporter's and editor's bias

    But that's a "minor point", right?

  12. Steve,

    After all of this comes out, I'd love to hear another comparison between the tragic shooting of the viola player that you've compared the Trayvon Martin shooting to.
    Obviously, there are differences, like the lack of a blue wall to prevent an impartial investigation, but I'd still be interested.


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