July 9, 2012

Bill & Melinda rebranding 3rd World population control as feminist

I've long figured that Bill Gates is, under all the politically correct enthusiasms he espoused after getting sued for anti-trust by the Clinton Administration, an old line Progressive WASP robber baron, like the Rockefellers and Walker-Bushes, whose views on population control were summed up cogently here.

From the NYT:
Fulfilling Contraception Needs Could Lower Maternal Mortality Drastically, Study Says

A new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University shows that fulfilling unmet contraception demand by women in developing countries could reduce global maternal mortality by nearly a third, a potentially great improvement for one of the world’s most vulnerable populations.
The study, published on Tuesday in The Lancet, a British science journal, comes ahead of a major family planning conference in London organized by the British government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that is an attempt to refocus attention on the issue. It has faded from the international agenda in recent years, overshadowed by efforts to combat AIDS and other infectious diseases, as well as by ideological battles. 

In other words, if, by providing more and better contraceptives to Third Worlders, you can reduce maternity by 1/3rd that ought, all else being equal, to reduce maternal mortality by 1/3rd. So, this push by Bill and Melinda Gates to boost population control isn't about keeping nonwhite Third World babies from being born, it's about keeping nonwhite Third World women from dying! Are you in favor of nonwhite Third World women dying? Hunh? Hunh? Are ya? So, Melinda and I aren't racists, we are feminists, and anybody who says we're racist just wants nonwhite Third World women to die in childbirth.
The proportion of international population assistance funds that went to family planning fell to just 6 percent in 2008, down from 55 percent in 1995, while spending on H.I.V./AIDS represented 74 percent of the total in 2008, up from just 9 percent in 1995, according to Rachel Nugent, a professor of global health at the University of Washington, who cited figures from the United Nations Population Fund. 
But population growth has continued to surge, with the United Nations estimating last year that the world’s population, long expected to stabilize, will instead keep growing. Population experts warn that developing countries, particularly those in sub-Saharan Africa, where fertility continues to be high and shortages of food and water are worsening, will face deteriorating conditions if family sizes do not shrink. 
“Family planning kind of faded from the radar screen, and now it is coming back,” said John May, a visiting fellow at the Center for Global Development and author of a book, “World Population Policies: Their Origin, Evolution, and Impact.” 
“There is a realization from many different places that population issues are not going away,” he said. 
The issue of family planning is fraught in the United States, where government assistance often gets caught up in political battles. Contraception has again become controversial this political season, though the United States remains a major donor. 
The Gates Foundation and the British government are pressing the issue. About $4 billion is expected to be pledged at the London conference to provide family planning services to 120 million women from the world’s poorest countries over the next eight years. ...
Birth control reduces health risks, the researchers said, by delaying first pregnancies, which carry higher risks in very young women; cutting down on unsafe abortions, which account for 13 percent of all maternal deaths in developing countries; and controlling dangers associated with pregnancies that are too closely spaced.

Uh, and by cutting down on the number of births.
The authors of the Lancet study, researchers at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins, found that the number of maternal deaths in those countries in 2008 would have nearly doubled without contraception.
... The lack of birth control in poor countries has become an important issue for Melinda Gates, who argued in highly personal remarks in April that birth control should not be controversial, because it improves women’s lives. 
“Somewhere along the way we got confused by our own conversation and we stopped trying to save these lives,” she said. She added: : “We’re not talking about abortion. We’re not talking about population control. What I’m talking about is giving women the power to save their lives.”

Indeed, I suspect that much of the Gates Foundations' often disastrous interventions in American education are, at some level, intended as a triple bankshot plan to reduce NAM fertility by keeping NAMs in school longer.


  1. hmmm

    I oppose illegal immigration in the name of feminism. It hurts me deeply to see all those poor non-white women exploited by American capitalism. And when all those men arrive here, they leave their poor lonely women behind. For the sake of womenfolk, I say we end immigration now.

  2. I'm an environmentalist. Even more, I really, really like lions, elephants, hippos, chimps, gorillas, and open space. A billion more Africans means goodbye to Africa's megafauna. So whatever it takes to prevent that from happening, I'm in favor of.

  3. I call for the banning of sodomy to save those poor poor gays. Sodomy is 'homophobic' for it increases the chance of gays getting sexual diseases. The last thing I want is for gays to get sick and die. And so in the name of the gay right to life, I say let's not allow sodomy.

  4. No, Melinda Gates is typical of women in her class: educated, White, upper class, who believe with the fervency of Carrie Nation that NAMs can be "uplifted" if we can just get those icky White guys who are unsexy (like her husband) out of the way and devote enough resources. I know personally at least a dozen women just like her.

    And Melinda Gates is doubtless the source of Bill Gates do-goodism. He never cared about it one way or another before he got married, to the only woman who would have him (due to his enormous amount of money being canceled out by his profound unsexiness). Indeed his "good causes" don't matter with DOJ firmly in the hands of Democrats.

    If Gates had been dominant and a celebrity hound like say, Donald Trump, he'd never have espoused these crackpot ideas, he clearly goes along with desperate to keep his wife happy. Who in turn probably despises the bargain she made: all that money for ... sex with Bill Gates. Enough to make any woman weep with anger and hatred for all White males.

  5. Hey, whatever works

  6. Chief Seattle7/9/12, 5:57 PM

    Don't knock it Steve, you might give someone an idea. I don't care what justification they give, it's a good idea for all involved and all not involved.

  7. These two have bowed before the appropriate powers, and so won't be excoriated as racists... yet. A century hence everything they attempted will have largely failed, and it will have to be their fault(not the fault of those they attempted to help).

  8. Ha, ha, ha! I'll bet Gates read the same big NYT article I did a few months back, which described the totally exponential projected population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. I seem to recall there'd be something like 800M Nigerians in the middle scenario, and I suspect that not all of them would end up staying in Nigeria...

  9. But how does keeping NAMs in school longer reduce fertility? They just have babies while in high school and college

  10. Haha, Gates is continuing the philanthropic tradition started by John D. Rockefeller. Population control, AIDS prevention, "health," whatever, it's all the same undertaking.

  11. "intended as a triple bankshot plan to reduce NAM fertility..."
    Indeed, I suspect the same thing regarding the push for breastfeeding (it has some efficacy in inhibiting ovulation for a few months post partum.

  12. Whiskey said: I know personally at least a dozen women just like her.

    Hunsdon, indulging his inner bitch, said: At least a dozen women have turned Whiskey down.

    (You don't have to post it, Steve. A chuckle will do.)

  13. When Steve and Melinda take a stab at reducing genetic abnormalities caused by inbreeding in Southwest Asia and Saharan Africa, and when they push birth control aggressively in those regions, and among the diaspora, then I might be impressed. Talk about straining at gnats and swallowing camels.

  14. I don't know if Steve's right but I WANT TO BELIEVE...

  15. Maybe Bill and Melinda can find a way to make more NAMS gay--that would drop the fertility rate. Wowza.

    Wait--Gates has the money to finance the search for the cause of teh gay. If it IS the result of a bug....imagine how the starving of an entire continent could be avoided....and imagine a whole continent (well, most of it), as the playground for gays!

    What might they re-name it?

  16. Wait, funding for contraception was diverted in the name of fighting AIDS? But, but, I thought the Pope was personally responsible for millions of Africans dying of AIDS because he opposes birth control!!! (Um, isn't one way of fighting AIDS promoting condom usage? Isn't that a form of contraception? Or maybe the point is using forms that don't rely on men? Or maybe that don't rely on having to keep to a daily schedule...)

  17. ""intended as a triple bankshot plan to reduce NAM fertility..."
    Indeed, I suspect the same thing regarding the push for breastfeeding (it has some efficacy in inhibiting ovulation for a few months post partum."

    - Yes, because otherwise, after just carrying a baby for 9 months, with swollen ankles, difficulty sleeping, eating and going to the restroom all the time, going through a painful delivery, then waking every couple of hours to feed and change a newborn, most women would be find the draw of being able to get knocked up right away to again to be irresistable.

    Not to mention the chance to have a baby with a lower IQ and more health problems, or spend more on food if bottle feeding.

  18. Outlaw Josey and the pussycats7/9/12, 7:44 PM

    "I don't know if Steve's right but I WANT TO BELIEVE..."

    Believe it or not, it won't work. The idea of making all those Negroes in Africa stop breeding.. ha.

  19. I thought he was on safari, hunting for the African Einstein. What happened?
    Anytime one starts to hear about the need to safeguard women's rights somewhere then expect the drones to start blasting away. It's like the canary in a coal mine.

  20. So what's the problem with what Bill and Melinda are doing? Reduce third word birth rates AND maternal mortality? Sounds like a win/win to me.

  21. Anonydroid at 7:21 asked: What might they re-name it?

    Hunsdon offered, humbly: Afreaka?

  22. Hey, does anybody remember that article on mass-supplying porn, high speed Internet access, and feminism to the third world to reduce fertility? I was looking for that the other day...

  23. Steve, right now I'm writing from a hostel in a ger district of Ulaanbaatar. Many Mongolians are extremely poor (without running water, plumping, houses, etc) with poor access to pharmaceuticals (doctors give vitamins for many conditions), there is a culture of "secret lovers," and long, long winters with little to do. Yet, there are not lots of pregnant women and throngs of shoeless children running around. Just an observation.

  24. Anonydroid at 7:21 asked: What might they re-name it?


  25. It will be next to impossible to bring the birthrate down in Africa and very very difficult in much of South Asia.

    However, lowering the infant mortality rate will be possible, albeit difficult, and will be achieved (at least until the Great Meltdown Event in circa 2050).

    In the mean time, do the math...

    Just adding my sixpence' worth.


  26. Yup.

    In the liberal game of 'top trumps', the only possible card that comes close to race (which is the King, Queen and Jack of cads all rolled into one), is 'feminism' while not being a court card has the honorary 'ace' status.

    These people really are that shallow and conceited - it's precisely the way they think.

  27. Simon in London7/10/12, 1:23 AM

    "reduce NAM fertility by keeping NAMs in school longer" - which is highly dysgenic, since it's the smartest women who stay longest in school.

  28. I knew an embassy guard in a poor African country. He said that they got a shipment of condoms from some organization to hand out to the local population. The locals refused the handout. The ambassador came up with a plan. He told the guards to leave the boxes of condoms in a place where they were sure to be stolen. Sure enough they were stolen and the locals flaunted the guards with the condom packages to show how much more clever they were than the Americans.

  29. Jonathan Silber7/10/12, 6:48 AM

    Regarding Africa, I hear The Donald had put in a bid on the continent——and in fact had it under contract to purchase——with the intention of evicting the current residents, making the minimal improvements—-new carpet, fresh paint, some plants——and flipping it for a quick, tidy profit.

    But when the report came back from the inspection, he discovered that the property was in a state of total disrepair, down to the foundations; he was in fact looking at a complete gut-rehab, or even a tear down.

    In the current market, the numbers for either approach to redevelopment could not be made to work.

    So he walked from the deal, and got his deposit back.

  30. I don't get it Steve ... your tone is mocking, but aren't Gates' efforts exactly the kind of thing you would support?

    Incidentally, in Snowball, the Warren Buffett biography, Buffett is quoted talking about his contribution to the Gates Foundation, and conversations with Gates about why they do what they do. Buffett comes very close to saying what you're saying. From memory: "Once he found out the consistent relationship in country after country between infant mortality and birthrate, Gates was all over it. They're extremely rational about what they do."

  31. "if Gates had been dominant"

    Gates is (or was, certainly) both dominant and ruthless. Read Bob Cringeley's book.

  32. Population control is an obsession of two men arguably more influential in Gates's life than is Melinda: his father, and his bridge partner Warren Buffett.

    I'm surprised neither Steve nor any commenter mentioned this.

  33. No, Melinda Gates is typical of women in her class: educated, White, upper class, who believe with the fervency of Carrie Nation that NAMs can be "uplifted" if we can just get those icky White guys who are unsexy (like her husband) out of the way and devote enough resources. I know personally at least a dozen women just like her.

    Are you ever going to talk about the why? We know that you'd prefer we just do some "the magic happens here" math in our heads unconsciously, and mystically connect this stuff to Roissy-esque "that's just female wiring" for you. But that doesn't work because Japanese women, a population desperately in need of some "alphas" if there ever was one, simply do not fit the description above.

    So, what is it? Some genetic defect in White women? If so, then you're not simply describing female wiring, you're describing racial wiring, too.

    I think nurture is a more likely explanation than nature here. Women are nothing if not sensitive to status, i.e., social programming. They believe what their authority figures (first and foremost, the media) tell them. So, at bottom, your explanation is bullshit. It substitutes symptoms for causes. 2+2 (the second "2" being your passionate attachment to YKW) = 4.

  34. he got married, to the only woman who would have him

    Okay, that was really out to lunch, even for you.

    Who in turn probably despises the bargain she made: all that money for ... sex with Bill Gates. Enough to make any woman weep with anger and hatred for all White males.

    Did you go off-meds recently? Do you even know how you sound anymore?

  35. ""intended as a triple bankshot plan to reduce NAM fertility..."
    Indeed, I suspect the same thing regarding the push for breastfeeding (it has some efficacy in inhibiting ovulation for a few months post partum."

    - Yes, because otherwise, after just carrying a baby for 9 months, with swollen ankles, difficulty sleeping, eating and going to the restroom all the time, going through a painful delivery, then waking every couple of hours to feed and change a newborn, most women would be find the draw of being able to get knocked up right away to again to be irresistable.

    Uhm, how do I put this delicately? Let's just say lack of ovulation is a more "irresistible" barrier to pregnancy than the planning 3rd world women put into getting knocked up.

    Believe it or not, it won't work. The idea of making all those Negroes in Africa stop breeding.. ha.

    Correct. Blacks are below the IQ and temperament threshold for this kind of thing. When people get wealthy enough, they stop breeding so prodigiously. But a people has to pass the IQ and temperament (or luck) threshold to get wealthy enough.

    The only way to get good results from blacks as a race is to force the issue. This has been proven time and again. Slavery, Jim crow, strong-hand colonialism, etc. Period. The only way to "save" blacks (God please save me from the people wanting to "save" blacks) is imperialistic right-wing White supremacy. It's the only proven method.

    So what's the problem with what Bill and Melinda are doing? Reduce third word birth rates AND maternal mortality? Sounds like a win/win to me.

    They're trying to "save" blacks by ignoring the only proven methods, which are about as taboo as it gets. If I can figure this out, they can. Which means this is the strange bastard child of public relations, "compassionate conservatism," and unintended consequences waiting to happen.

  36. Chris:

    Ulaanbaatar rocks, but if you can get out to the national park to see the taki, the Prizhevalskii horse, that's definitely worth the trip.

  37. Agree with Outlaw Josie.

    It won't work. It will make things worse, not better. To name just one problem: the need for people to be morally consistent. Such a message will be said to be important for all and the unintended recipients will take it more to heart.
    They will also take the whole battery of morals and values to heart that must go along with this: radical autonomy, lessened belief in God, increased materialism, etc.
    In short, everyone will become more liberal, but Europeans (whites) even more so.

    The answer is that the vast majority of people alive today cannot handle this level of wealth and our civilization will come to an end sooner rather than later; it is already declining.

  38. Mongolia is not in a state of war with another nation. The Boers were having 13 kids a woman during the heaviest times of warfare.

  39. It will be next to impossible to bring the birthrate down in Africa and very very difficult in much of South Asia.

    Go here http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm

    Click on Total Fertility Rate and you can see what has happened from 1950-2010. TFR has fallen, is falling and there is every reason to believe will fall further. Whether it ever goes below replacement is hard to say, but so far things are headed in the right direction. Of course, to reach that point they will require the sort of helping hand that is the subject of this thread, so I'm certainly suggesting leaving it up to them alone.

  40. The proportion of international population assistance funds that went to family planning fell to just 6 percent in 2008, down from 55 percent in 1995, while spending on H.I.V./AIDS represented 74 percent of the total in 2008, up from just 9 percent in 1995...

    But population growth has continued to surge, with the United Nations estimating last year that the world’s population, long expected to stabilize, will instead keep growing.

    So, spending the lion's share of your money on crushing the AIDS epidemic in the one part of the world that doesn't use birth control was somehow not going to cause growth to surge?

    This just goes to show that leftoids aren't really too bright, and are even less foresighted.

  41. Click on Total Fertility Rate and you can see what has happened from 1950-2010. TFR has fallen, is falling and there is every reason to believe will fall further. Whether it ever goes below replacement is hard to say, but so far things are headed in the right direction. Of course, to reach that point they will require the sort of helping hand that is the subject of this thread, so I'm certainly suggesting leaving it up to them alone.

    That's true for non-Africans. If you don't include Sub-Saharan Africa, the world is already at replacement. Sub-Saharan Africa, outside of South Africa for some reason, appears to be more or less impervious to fertility decline. Yes, it has happened a little bit, but thanks to the Gates' quashing of the AIDS epidemic, there's really nothing preventing Africans from accounting for about half of all humanity in the next 50 years.

  42. "Chris: Ulaanbaatar rocks, but if you can get out to the national park to see the taki, the Prizhevalskii horse, that's definitely worth the trip."

    - The hookers there are 18c a go, if you can get over the squat bodies and deformed horse faces....

  43. "....there's really nothing preventing Africans from accounting for about half of all humanity in the next 50 years."

    - Gee thanks Libs! Really making some wonderful choices there creating your utopia. What exactly about Zimbabwe strikes you as paradise? Because that is what your children's backyard will be like.

    We really need to split this world up, let the libs have their little sandbox to play in where they and they alone face the consequences of their insanity.

  44. Corvinus,

    Sub-Saharan Africa has reduced its fertility substantially in the past twenty years. The trend is obvious. It's happening and there's good reason to expect it to continue happening.

    Also, AIDS in Africa has hardly been eradicated.

  45. Simon,

    Gee thanks Libs! Really making some wonderful choices there creating your utopia.

    Lol, calm down. The idea that africans will account for half of humanity in the next 50 years is totally outlandish, the stuff of the doomsayer amateur HDB tendency alone.

  46. Maybe Whiskey is on to something...

    "Women Are Giving Obama A Huge Lead Over Mitt Romney In Virginia"


    "Much of that strength in Virginia comes from Obama's astounding lead with women. Romney has narrowed the gender gap somewhat since basically securing the nomination, but that's not the case in Virginia so far. Obama leads by almost 20 points among women, but he trails by 7 points among men."

    --Whenever I'm on the road and see an Obama sticker, I always check to see who's inside. It's invariably a female. Rarely dudes.--

  47. It won't work. It will make things worse, not better. To name just one problem: the need for people to be morally consistent.

    The need to be morally consistent - is that like a unicorn, or the white stag? I'm not being facetious; what has you believing in this mythical quality?

  48. Maybe Whiskey is on to something...

    "Women Are Giving Obama A Huge Lead Over Mitt Romney In Virginia"


    "Much of that strength in Virginia comes from Obama's astounding lead with women. Romney has narrowed the gender gap somewhat since basically securing the nomination, but that's not the case in Virginia so far. Obama leads by almost 20 points among women, but he trails by 7 points among men."

    --Whenever I'm on the road and see an Obama sticker, I always check to see who's inside. It's invariably a female. Rarely dudes.--

    Yeah, I rather agree with Whiskey on this. I haven't met a white girl yet who doesn't think half-black babies are SOOOO CUTE. White guys usually couldn't care less. Possibly having a white mother and nonwhite father makes Obama more appealing to white women than to white men, much more so than normal for Dumbocrat politicians.

  49. per above fantasy, Africa --> Assfricker

  50. Yeah, I rather agree with Whiskey on this. I haven't met a white girl yet who doesn't think half-black babies are SOOOO CUTE. White guys usually couldn't care less.

    Straight guys don't say babies are SOOOO CUTE, period, you jackass. The "mulatoo babies are so cute" thing is Whites' way of saying "gosh, it's so not a bad thing that you have a half-African child and daddy's not around." It's like wanting to touch an afro and saying you love black hair, or insisting Michelle is brilliant and beautiful.

  51. Svigor,
    A white friend of mine married a black guy and had a kid with him. She could have done much better but he was a decent enough dude. She was nice, but rather naive and didn't anticipate any of the difficulties of having a half-black baby. One of which is that if a mom has her visibly black child out by herself everyone assumes she's been abandoned by the father even if she is married to him and he's at work. Also people tend to be less judgmental of an ugly, obese or very trashy white woman with a mixed race baby because folks assume she's making do with the few men who are attracted to her. However if the white mother is slim, attractive and has a reasonably classy demeanor people wonder how she could have sunk so low. And very few black men are successful and faithful enough to make putting up with this bullshit worth it.

  52. Skadhi the Raverner7/19/12, 8:02 PM

    Anyone who knows sociobiology will understand why family sizes are larger in places like Africa. Women there won't use contraceptives because their short lifespans and high infant mortality are why they feel a need for more kids born.


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