July 3, 2012

Joey from "Friends" elected President of Mexico

Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party is back in power after 12 years, with a President who looks like a mid-market anchorman trying to figure out if what the weatherman said on-air was just a joke or actually some kind of veiled insult directed at his intelligence.

Here's a new article in which two crack reporters from the New York Times struggle visibly to come up with anything to say about Enrique Pena Nieto. Can this guy possibly be as vapid as he looks? Isn't President of Mexico one of those really good jobs, like Mayor of Chicago? What's the story here?

And here's an ancient VDARE article from 2001 about Pena Nieto's backer Carlos Salinas, the PRI's president from 1988-1994.

Mexico is a quite interesting place, but Americans consider it in poor taste to pay much attention.

More globally, are politicians getting more youthful-looking?


  1. I've always been suspicious about Mexico since reading about how the Mexicans murdered the blameless Emperor Maximillian.

  2. Mexico is cool...

  3. He doesn't look like some squat aztec, but he doesn't look pure white either.

  4. His wife is telenovela actress Angelica Rivera. An interesting tidbit.

  5. He looks like a young Desi Arnaz. Lucy, you got some splainin to do!

  6. Angelica Rivera is his second wife. His Wikipedia page also states that he has two children out of wedlock.

    At least politicians in Mexico have more than one or two children like American politicians.

  7. actress Angelica Rivera

    Wow - if that chick has an ounce of aboriginal blood in her, then I'm a monkey's uncle - she looks like a cross between Jane Seymour and Christina Ricci.

    [Being Iberian, she probably has more Muslim & Sephardic Scots-Irish blood in her than aboriginal American.]

    Weird marriage, though - Wikipedia says that they each had three children by previous spouses - so kinduva Brady Bunch deal there.

    Hope nobody tries to pull a Woody MacAllen/Soon Yi MacPrevin.

  8. From wikipedia:"Peña Nieto has a son with Maritza Diaz Hernandez, born in 2005 while he was married to Mónica Pretelini. He has said that he takes care of his son's material needs, but has little contact with him. During the same time period, Peña Nieto conceived another son who died as an infant with an undisclosed partner.[36] On January 2012, Maritza Diaz Hernandez published on Facebook that Peña Nieto is a neglectful father, in response to pledges by PRI to protect and support all Mexican children.[37]"

    Guess it's another example of how "Latinos" are natural conservatives, what with their strong sense of family values...


  9. He doesn't look like some squat aztec, but he doesn't look pure white either.

    The racial equivalent of the "Would Not Bang" meme.

    2/10 Is Not White!

  10. Polichinello7/3/12, 6:32 AM

    At least politicians in Mexico have more than one or two children like American politicians.

    I guess we can put you down in the Mitt Romney camp.

  11. Regarding Steve's closing question:

    I think rulers have always wanted to look vigorous (for lack of a better word). At a minimum, you need to look like you're going to survive for a while. All the better if you look like you can kick butt.

    There's a campaign banner from one of Abe Lincoln's campaigns, hanging in the Chicago History Museum, in which his (large) penis is clearly outlined beneath his trousers. I've noticed the same type of thing in portraits of 18th-century leaders (Lafayette comes to mind).

    What's changed in this century is the technology for looking younger/healthier. Just consider how disgusting (to our eyes) the teeth of FDR et al. look in old newsreels.

    - A Solid Citizen

  12. That first pic looks more like Michael J Fox with a tan.


  13. I think rulers have always wanted to look vigorous (for lack of a better word). At a minimum, you need to look like you're going to survive for a while

    Does not seem to be a requirement for Hugo Chavez.

  14. The best part of the Mexican campaign was when Orange County's own favorite teen singer Rebecca Black (of "Friday" infamy) went to Mexico to campaign for the PRI. It turns out the seemingly generic white American teen is actually half-Mexican and related to PRI royalty.


  15. Sgt. Joe Friday7/3/12, 8:11 AM

    The new president of Mexico reminds me of LA's mayor, Tony Villar, a/k/a Antonio Villaraigosa. An empty suit who's not very bright.

    Wonder what Roissy would have to say about this guy? Probably a demonstration of the "you don't have to be smart to be high-status and bang hot chicks" or some variation thereof.

  16. "What's changed in this century is the technology for looking younger/healthier. Just consider how disgusting (to our eyes) the teeth of FDR et al. look in old newsreels."

    Yes but to people back then, the fact that he still had so many of his own teeth was evidence of his health and wealth; i.e., vigor.

  17. I used to fly around the country. I flew in big planes. I flew in little planes. I got fiendish pleasure when sitting in the back of a small prop plane that was jumping and swooping though the skies my colleagues all turned green. Not me. I'm afraid of tight places and spiders but airplanes never scared me.

    Except that one time in Mexico.

    As I boarded I saw the pilot. He was a teenager. In fact he looked just like this guy. Young looking Mexicans scare me.


  18. He looks like he could be a senior partner of any given American public relations firm. He definitely doesn't look like the typical Mexican crossing the fiction we used to call our southern border.

  19. http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/07/03/mexicos-return-to-perfect-dictatorship/


  20. Looks like Sailer.

  21. http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/two-plane-hijackers-beaten-to-death-by-passengers-in-china/story-e6frfq80-1226415821620

    Everybody was kung fu fighting

  22. That was how I viewed (since departed) BP CEO Tony Hayward when he showed up for Congress--across-the-pond equivalent of the blow-dry anchoroid. Of course Congress itself is full of people who look like understudies from the 11:00 news e.g. Exhibit A, Exh.B, Exh.C etc.

  23. PJ O'Rourke said the Institutional Revolutionary Party name "manages to include most of mankind's bad ideas about governance."

  24. Isn't it just as likely the "two crack reporters from the NYTimes" are the vapid ones?

  25. esperanza y cambio? meet the old (but young) jefe same as the old jefe

  26. Many drug cartel members and leaders pray to Santa Muerte, who is basically just an updated Aztec Death God. So "Deep Culture" suggesting that much of the Aztec / Nahuatl culture survived would tend to be confirmed by that ugliness. As would be the senseless mutiliation of bodies of rival cartel members, ritualistic killings and such, entirely reminiscent of what the Nahuatl (Aztecs and rivals) did to each other before the Conquest.

    And yes, what is interesting about Mexico is how lasting that Nahuatl culture has been, to the detriment of Mexico. Consider Al Capone. He may have killed a bunch of rivals, but he did not mutilate their bodies nor do so with ordinary citizens (like the husband and wife hung upside down disemboweled and beheaded from a Mexican bridge last year for posting stuff on Twitter).

  27. You know about the unholy alliance between limousine liberal Democrats, living in their gated communities sending their kids to private schools, and Orange County Republicans, who want open borders for cheap labor? Well cross breed those folks and then inbreed them for a few generations and you'll get something like the South American "elites".

  28. The physical features of Mexican elites bring out the silliest side of Sailer all the time.

  29. Global pols are not getting younger, Steve. You're getting older.

    You know you're past it when (1) you are older than the President; (2) your MD looks like Archie or Reggie.

  30. What I want to know is does the election of Senor Pena Nieto make it MORE likely or LESS likely that our government will admit tens of millions of Mexican refugees when the Grand Narco War reaches its inevitable endgame?

  31. "Everybody was kung fu fighting"

    If someone asks, "What is your art?", "Skyjacking" is never a good answer.

  32. "are politicians getting more youthful-looking?"

    As I get older,... yes!

    He looks like he belongs on a telenovela, which undoubtedly is why las mujeres voted for him.

  33. Why's he so short?

  34. "Can this guy possibly be as vapid as he looks?"

    All signs point to yes. One of the more memorable moments in the campaign was his failing to name three books that had influenced him in response to a softball question at a book festival, except, after some struggle, managing to come up with the Bible.

    My young Mexican friends are referring to him as the first Mirrey president.

  35. from the return to perfect dictatorship(in mexico):

    "Laura Becerril, a woman leaving the polls, commented, “I don’t even know how Pena won—everybody I know says they voted for López Obrador.”


  36. @ "Everybody was kung fu fighting"

    I like the Chinese version of transportation security much better than the US version.

  37. "http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/two-plane-hijackers-beaten-to-death-by-passengers-in-china/story-e6frfq80-1226415821620

    Everybody was kung fu fighting"

    One link away from it:

    Miri the seal and Jet the dolphin are the best of friends at the Coffs Harbour Pet Porpoise Pool

    Ms Carter said they allowed their seals and dolphins free time together to help build relationships. She said they would not be friends in the wild as they would be competing for fish.

  38. William Boot7/3/12, 1:31 PM

    Steve's series on Mexican racial discrimination raised a question:

    Why do the overwhelming majority of non-white South Americans discriminate against themselves when viewing TV?

    If you look at anything from Latin America, it will have a higher percentage of white people than nearly anything from the U.S. or Europe. Why would the overwhelming mestizo majority wish to watch only white people?

  39. Looks like Sailer.

    So are we gonna get us some MacSpielberg/MacLabeouf action on this blog?

  40. So now Mexico has the most attractive First Lady in the world...

  41. helene edwards7/3/12, 3:29 PM

    OT. Steve, Gregg Easterbrook is writing about the woeful utility Pepco in Montgomery Co., MD, which can't get the power back on. He notes "corruption" in the Maryland state house, but seems to think Spiro Agnew is still the exemplar.

  42. His wife kinda looks like Valerie Bertinelli in her "One Day at a Time" days.

  43. Harry Baldwin7/3/12, 3:52 PM

    a President who looks like a mid-market anchorman trying to figure out if what the weatherman said on-air was just a joke or actually some kind of veiled insult directed at his intelligence.

    He has that look Ted Baxter got when Murray would get off a good crack.

    Lou Grant: Put it on an idiot card for Ted.

    Ted Baxter: Cue cards, Lou. I don't know why everyone insists on calling cue cards idiot cards.

    Murray Slaughter: We just have trouble thinking of you as a cue.

  44. She looks turkish. Some turanid in her.

  45. I want to look deep. Any advice?

    Get that guy some smart-guy glasses.

  46. http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2010/07/26/crosswords/NParchie1/NParchie1-blogSpan.jpg

    They've elected Reggie and Veronica!

  47. http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2010/07/26/crosswords/NParchie1/NParchie1-blogSpan.jpg

    They've elected Reggie and Veronica.

  48. has anyone seen the new Lana Del Rey music video, "National Anthem"? Steve needs to write about how they push miscegnation via ads and so fourth so upfront these days. It's so obvious if you observe the ads and the depictations. even the anti-white media blog guy misses tons of ads. The whole E! channel is like that. it's extraordinary. who is behind this stuff?

  49. JeremiahJohnbalaya7/3/12, 5:33 PM

    Dude reminded me of Christopher Cousins, aka Ted Beneke, from Breaking Bad

  50. "Everybody was kung fu fighting"

    Either that or Mark Wahlberg visited China to promote his CGI puppet movie.

  51. This ties in with the starving Mexican meme when in reality Mexico is the second most obese country:


    "Presumptive Mexican Presidential Elect Enrique Pena Nieto has an op-ed in today's New York Times on his upcoming agenda for both the economy and security situation. None of it's too surprising, but I did find this passage a bit odd:

    'I will govern with pragmatic realism and a clear, long-term strategy. Developing countries like India, China and Brazil have shown the way to significant and lasting poverty alleviation through institutional reforms and economic policies focused on growth. It’s time for these improvements to come to Mexico.'

    The countries he mentions do indeed have impressive economic growth rates compared with Mexico, but their citizens are still much poorer than Mexicans. Mexico's per capital GDP in 2011 was $15,100, compared to $8,400 in China, $3,700 in India, and $11,600 in Brazil. According to the World Bank's most recent statistics, 5.2 percent of Mexicans live on less than $2 per day, compared to 29.8 percent in China, 10.8 percent in Brazil, and 68.7 percent in India."

  52. He looks just like Esai Morales, the actor who played the corrupt lawyer who represented the drug cartels in the TV show "Caprica."

  53. Looks like his career after 'Friends' turned out okay after all...

  54. Ghost of the AFLAC Duck Guy7/3/12, 10:00 PM

    trying to figure out if what the weatherman said on-air was just a joke or actually some kind of veiled insult directed at his intelligence.

    There, now that's the punchline you were looking for in the "women aren't funny" post.

  55. He looks just like Esai Morales, the actor who played the corrupt lawyer who represented the drug cartels in the TV show "Caprica."

    Us old timers remember Morales as the second-to-last precinct lieutenant before working class hero extraordinaire, Andy Sipowicz, was promoted to the job in the very final episode of NYPD Blue.

  56. I had just assumed Rebecca Black was another garden-variety JAP from Calabasas. Learning she's "half-Mexican" and therefore a PRI toady (of course; it's only logical!) doesn't surprise me much.

  57. a President who looks like a mid-market anchorman trying to figure out if what the weatherman said on-air was just a joke or actually some kind of veiled insult directed at his intelligence.

    Very good Steve! I actually found tears rolling down my cheeks as I laughed.

  58. tony danza


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