August 15, 2012

Beer Summit

From the Washington Post:
For Obama, hoppy days are here again
President Obama has been talking about beer on the campaign trail — a lot. And it’s no accident that he’s pushing the everyman’s drink to the independent crowd whose vote he needs.

I like the look on Obama's face. It's like he's trying hard to remember: 
"What is that witticism one says about beer? ... Now I remember! 'It's a naive domestic pilsener without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.' Yes, that apothegm will surely sway the downwardly mobile upper working class demographic I need. ... Good God, look at this creature to my right imbibe! I shall need the Secret Service to peel her off me before I'm halfway done with this swill. ... Oh dear, I've once more neglected to curl my pinky. The focus groups shan't be pleased."

Now, I actually would bet against the idea that the President's internal monolog sounds like Anna's son in The King and I, but it would be funny if it did. In fact, there are a lot of things about the President that could be pretty funny, but he's been treated as the national humor singularity for the last five years, with nothing escaping the event horizon of unfunnyness erected about him.


  1. That's pretty funny! I'll link to it.

  2. Bill Clinton's pot summit: nobody inhaled.

  3. Darwin's Sh*tlist8/15/12, 6:35 PM

    The one on the left looks like she could drink him under the table.

    Is his pinky sticking out?


  5. He drank beer at house parties in law school.

  6. "I like the look on Obama's face. It's like he's trying hard to remember"

    "You're not supposed to sip this stuff. Should I gulp it? No, wait, what was that word Valerie said the other night? Quaff! That's it! I'm supposed to quaff it."

    "Cracker mofos sure do like some nasty stuff."

    "I wonder if this is a good time to bring up the price of arugula again?"

  7. Interesting how he only gives a damn about middle class whites when he needs votes. He looks about as at home and relaxed with a beer as Hillary on an NRO cruise.

  8. He looks about as at home and relaxed with a beer as Hillary on an NRO cruise.

    This is a guy who's spent much of his adult life cultivating upper-class tastes. I'd bet anything he'd be much happier with a glass of expensive merlot.

  9. Nice white people story for the WaPo to run on the day Obama's illegals have their coming out party. Don't look at that line of people over there--70,000 in NJ alone!--hey, free beer! Like something from a Hagar the Horrible comic.

    The thing I always think is, get Obama away from that harridan of a wife (has there yet been a story that doesn't include an anecdote of her castigating or undercutting someone, whether an Olympic winner or her President husband?) and he's probably a pretty nice guy. A bit pretentious and stuck up like most Ivy Leaguers sure, but if he worked in your office and you went out to lunch together, you'd probably have a good time.
    Romney's the opposite--no warmth at all, the kind of boss you probably wouldn't like and who wouldn't like you. That's why it's a shame Obama's policies really are so destructive.

  10. I am not a beer fan. After working in the garden on a really hot day, the first few sips of beer taste great. However, once my throat has cooled, which occurs quickly, and the head of that ice cold brew has disappeared, I find the beverage to be bitter and kind of disgusting. Still, I've nothing against those who like it.

    However, I realize that every time I see a woman tipping back a bottle, as that young woman in the pic does, I find the woman herself to be...uh, ...I don't have a word. Were she to be drinking it from a glass, a mug, I wouldn't have this negative reaction, I don't believe. I'm trying to understand what I find disgusting about her and other females who drink their beer this way.

    Okay, the best I can do is say it looks as if the woman is trying to drink "like a man." That is what, I believe, disturbs me. I'd feel every bit the same disgust if a man ordered a Cosmopolitan with a straw, then lifted his pinky finger as he sipped it.

    What's with women of this generation and their bottles of beer?

  11. "I'd bet anything he'd be much happier with a glass of expensive merlot."

    Yes, especially now that he knows the "t" in "merlot" is silent.

    I bet "corpsman" is next on his vocabulary list.

  12. Romney's no coffee no alcohol religion makes him seem even more out of touch in the German american Midwest swing states.

  13. He looks like he's not enjoying the beer. He's probably thinking, "I wish I was sipping wine coolers over at Man's Country."

  14. I can just see the thought balloon above his head, trying to think of something that he could say to connect with his audience: "Now what was that earthy witticism I saw written on the men's room wall in that bar full of bitter clingers and Jesus freaks...'You don't buy pilsner,you lease it?'...'You obtain a short term option?'...Wish I could remember."

  15. Note there are never pictures released of the President sipping cocktails in the mansions of L.A. or Palm Beach or Spike Lee's joint.

  16. Romney doesn't drink. So maybe that's the angle here. Paul Ryan said something to the extent of Miller and sausage running in his blood so maybe Romney's covered.

  17. Obama's beer groupies.

  18. "Romney's no coffee no alcohol religion makes him seem even more out of touch in the German american Midwest swing states."

    How so? I live in a small town in one such state and you'd be surprised how many people don't drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages. They aren't Mormons, either.

  19. You're not as funny as you think you are.

  20. I love this bit from the article:

    Obama likes microbrews, too — so much so that he bought a beer-making kit (with personal funds) for the White House. The kitchen staff has made three varieties so far.

    Obama's the best kind of dilettante: the kind that makes other people do his fake hobbies for him.

    Otherwise, just another failed focus group attempt to sucker gullible white chumps into voting for a guy that has waged non-stop war on them. Made even more ludicrous by contrast with the implacable normalness of Paul Ryan and his adorable, skinny-assed wife. (Mrs. Romney was a hot little bit a summpin' too, back in the day.)

    It's your choice voters! A hate-filled Leftist incompetent and his bungling imbecile side-kick, or a super-accomplished if culturally odd technocrat and his brainy and utterly normal white-guy junior achiever.

  21. What will he promise in a inebrated state?. Maybe he will state the truth. Get Politicians drunk and they will spill the bean.

  22. People who work for Romney tend to love him. He shut down Bain and moved everyone to NYC and worked his rolodex when a partner's daughter went missing. She was found due to Bain employees fanning out in the streets handing out flyers and rewards -- a serious OD at her boyfriend's hangout, he called for the reward.

    By contrast, people who work for Obama find he has no loyalty, and is a total self-absorbed A-hole. Don't confuse media hype with reality. Romney is a controlled guy, but he doses out plenty of patronage and help to people who work for them. Obama is infamous for throwing people under the bus and being cold and stiff in person. Particularly to donors, and all White people who he really, really HATES HATES HATES.

  23. It's like Bill Clinton taking his holiday in the Rocky Mountains before the 1996 elections, because that sort of rugged outdoors thing polled well with independents.

  24. Romney's no coffee no alcohol religion makes him seem even more out of touch

    Expect to see Obama at coffee shops and bars a lot in the next few months. Talking about out of touch 1 per centers who pay proportionally far less in taxes than their beer swigging employees.

  25. I can´t imagine a pot smokin Hawaiian of his generation doesn´t have plenty of beer drinking under his belt. I think your wrong on this one Steve.

  26. The woman on O's right has excellent form, resting the bottle on the lower lip and pouring the beverage confidently onto the tongue--not puckering up and slobbering all over the thing like people do.

    The Onion needs to update
    this for the current president.

  27. "You're not as funny as you think you are."

    Agree. Steve should keep his day job as an hbd blogger.

    He does use withering sarcasm well when illustrating the absurdity of liberal anti-hbd and anti-white positions, however.

  28. " I live in a small town in one such state and you'd be surprised how many people don't drink alcohol..."

    That's because they're in 12 step programs, Kylie.

  29. Must have drunk a lot of brew at Cominskey Field, in "his" South Side of town, ya know?

  30. "Obama's the best kind of dilettante: the kind that makes other people do his fake hobbies for him."

    "Made even more ludicrous by contrast with the implacable normalness of Paul Ryan and his adorable, skinny-assed wife."

    The Ryan's seem "normal" to you? A grown man with kids who wakes up 90 minutes early every morning to do aerobics by the TV set? Where the fuck do you live

  31. The fake hobbies line was funny though?

  32. Made even more ludicrous by contrast with the implacable normalness of Paul Ryan and his adorable, skinny-assed wife.

    Paul Ryan looks like an adult Opie Taylor who is pining for the first chance he can get to commit suicide (maybe this is meant to offset Obama’s happy Opie look). Seriously, Ryan looks miserably depressed in nearly every photo.

    But what gets me most is the voice. Listening to his acceptance speech the other morning I was struck by the tone of his voice. He perfectly nails the fifth grade kid with his hand up all the time calling out the answers in class. It’s that sort of awkwardly nerdish and slightly neurotic/urgent know-it-all-ism and patronizing tone of someone who thinks himself an intellectual, and has others lauding him as an intellectual because of the urgency with which he presents his coherent enough answers (which sets him apart from other politicians), when the reality is that all we have is a guy of average intelligence and above average ambition who presents himself as having the sort of sub-par mind that actually thinks Ayn Rand’s novels are worth reading. Granted, they all have to dumb down. For all the media notes that Obama is an intellectual, every time he speaks in public he speaks as if the American public has the intellectual capacity of a 3rd grade kid who rides the short bus. I guess that’s all we get from here on out.

    What I don’t get is that when Ryan talks ideology he mentions one or two things. First, his devotion to Hayek, Mises, Friedman, and Rand, and/or his having “learned economics” from Jack Kemp. What? Movement conservative Jack Kemp and Mises?

    The obvious thing is, these two strands are irrevocably at odds. He talks like a libertarian when he presents his economic jingoisms, but when you look at his voting record, I don’t think you could possibly find a more pristine movement conservative. He voted for Iraq, he voted for the Patriot Act (each time), he voted for TARP, he voted for the Auto bailouts, he voted for the expansion of Medicare under Bush, his budget restores more than half of Obama proposed military cuts (and eliminates the automatic cuts to military spending), and increases military spending each of the ten years covered in the budget — I can’t think of a better caricature of a movement conservative politician – he’s never held a real private job, been a Washington hack since he graduated from college, he claims to be against big govt but supports it at every turn (even on social spending when it is a Republican proposing it), and his ultimate goal seems to be a gutted safety net whilst a huge military and huge “security” state remain ever expanding. How did he get from Hayek and Rand to that?

    Then again, Ryan has recently seen to it that he is noted for liking to listen to Rage Against the Machine, so maybe the Rand stuff was just meant to be jadedly ironic too.

  33. A grown man with kids who wakes up 90 minutes early every morning to do aerobics by the TV set?

    That is kind of gay to be honest.

  34. "In fact, there are a lot of things about the President that could be pretty funny, but he's been treated as the national humor singularity for the last five years, with nothing escaping the event horizon of unfunnyness erected about him."

    I guffawed at this one, it should be repeated at every water cooler(do they still have water coolers?) in the nation because it is sooo true!
    But really, let's face it, there is nothing funny about a nation's religion.

  35. Pay no attention to the naysayers, Steve; this was damn funny.

    Of course, you're right: Obama's thoughts probably don't sound like the upper-class snob from an 80s college movie. But can you imagine if a white guy with Obama's prep-school/Ivy background had been presented to us as a super-genius who was going to solve all our problems with his brilliance? The nerd jokes and claims of being out of touch would be flying fast and furious. Take the "silver spoon" jokes that were made about Bush Sr. and multiply them by a zillion.

  36. "The Ryan's seem "normal" to you? A grown man with kids who wakes up 90 minutes early every morning to do aerobics by the TV set? Where the fuck do you live"

    -As opposed to a Commander in Chief who spends every day masturbating to his own autobiography?

  37. Obama chillin wif da key base: single, urban white women in their government/corporate sinecures. For all his frustrating obtuseness in certain areas, Whiskey has this one nailed.

    Resentful ethnic minorities, gays, members of public employee unions and single, urban strivers (mostly women); that's the Democratic party. None of them have any business running a country.

    The jabs at Ryan are unfair. He has a pear-shaped body type which is a marker of early death for a man. He is buying lifespan for his family and doesn't have any margin to let himself go.

    The fundamental problem for Romney and Ryan is even if they win, economic collapse is baked into the cake. Even if they do everything right, the economy must contract. Resources must be wrested from government and returned to the private sector. The Fed's high-powered money spigot must be turned off. Millions will be out of work as decades of malinvestment are liquidated.

  38. P90x is hardly aerobics- your fat ass (im assuming) wouldn't last 5 minutes.

    It's not like he's sweating to the oldies.

    Dan in DC

  39. For the two women in the picture, this is a very exciting event--I'm having a beer with the president. For Obama, this is just one more photo op during which he's on camera and on stage, with lots of people waiting for him to screw up so they can make it today's story.

  40. That's because they're in 12 step programs, Kylie.

    Not bad. Truth >>> Le Sigh.

  41. When the story about Obama's youth as a weed afficionado in the "Choom Gang" came out, they also mentioned his crew used to love hanging out in the Hawaiin jungle drinking Rolling Rock, so he should have a decent familiarity with the macrobrews, even if it is a bit out of touch with it now.

  42. his [Ryan's] ultimate goal seems to be a gutted safety net whilst a huge military and huge “security” state remain ever expanding.

    So what, you'd prefer that the other way around? And please, cry me no rivers about so-called "safety nets." Is a life-time dependence on government now a safety net? Is a thirty year long government funded retirement a safety net? Is waltzing in from Mexico and receiving a bucket of free benefits a safety net? "Safety net" is a progressive canard.

  43. Obama is such a preppy.

    (not knocking that btw just ironic)

  44. Anonymous:

    "Spill the bean?" Worse than I'da thought--we're down to the very last one.

  45. "It's your choice voters! A hate-filled Leftist incompetent and his bungling imbecile side-kick, or a super-accomplished if culturally odd technocrat and his brainy and utterly normal white-guy junior achiever."

    The choice is between two sets of puppet politicians both owned by bankster billionaires and paid to destroy middle class prosperity and replace it with a third world economy consisting of a mega-rich elite in their fortified compounds surrounded by sea of desparate poverty.

  46. "" I live in a small town in one such state and you'd be surprised how many people don't drink alcohol..."

    That's because they're in 12 step programs, Kylie."

    Why, thank you, Dave. I'm touched you didn't assume that they'd fall off the wagon due to their proximity to me.

    Happily I've never been accused of driving anyone to drink though my husband is wont to say, "No jury who knew you would convict me...."

    I wonder what he means by that?

  47. "'A grown man with kids who wakes up 90 minutes early every morning to do aerobics by the TV set?'

    That is kind of gay to be honest."

    Really? Waking up "early every morning to do aerobics by the TV set" is not a euphemism for "staying up all night riding bareback while watching gay porn".

  48. "P90x is hardly aerobics- your fat ass (im assuming) wouldn't last 5 minutes."

    I'm 6'3 and was 217 lbs. the last time I weighed myself a few weeks ago...and it damn sure ain't Olympic powerlifting!

  49. "Obama chillin wif da key base: single, urban white women in their government/corporate sinecures. For all his frustrating obtuseness in certain areas, Whiskey has this one nailed."

    Except the key element is the government sinecure part not the woman part as (overwhelmingly) proved by the differences between women who have those kind of jobs and those without.

    So stressing the woman part is either divide and rule or personal "issues".

  50. I'm a wine expert of sorts. I finished sixth in the California Wine Tasting Championships a while back. In the Olympics a sixth place finish would be described as "finishing outside of the medals" but in wine tasting its pretty good. When I entered again a couple years ago I washed out in the first day of tasting. The competition had gotten much more serious. I would have to train and/or study if I ever expected to make it to the finals again.

    My wife at the time was surprised I didn't win outright. I had won a couple local less formal tastings. But my palette, the evidence suggests, is only good not great.

    Last year I tried to develop a similar tasting discrimination ability with beer. The local supermarket lets you make up a mixed six pack of foreign and domestic beers. Over the course of a month or two I compared every beer they had - and they had a lot.

    I discovered that I don't care for Indian Pale Ales, Chinese lagers, and most stouts. My favorites were Becks and Corona.

    A year ago some people began calling me "Dos Equis"" as a reference to their ads featuring the "most interesting man alive". Regrettably I found that I don't particularly care for Dos Equis.

    But beer tasting is not like wine tasting. I think I know why.

    Beer is more watery. You drink it when you are thirsty and any beer tastes great if you are thirsty enough.

    People drink wine under relatively controlled conditions. This means that your tasting impressions are stable. You can remember what a Cabernet tastes like. You can distinguish it easily enough from a Zinfandel. Taste one wine before lunch and it will taste the same after lunch or that evening. Beer isn't like that.

    If you drink a beer at 10:00 AM when you are thirsty, it tastes different from the same beer you drink at noon with lunch. Wine is drunk such that all the variance is in the wines themselves, but with beer, because you drink it to be refreshed, the major variance is you.


  51. Political comedy has been very weak since Obama took office. They had Sarah during the election season, but haven't had much material since.

  52. Olympic powerlifting

    There's no such thing as "Olympic powerlifting".

  53. "Safety net" is a progressive canard.

    Sure. But "defense" and "security" spending are canards too.

  54. So what, you'd prefer that the other way around? And please, cry me no rivers about so-called "safety nets." Is a life-time dependence on government now a safety net? Is a thirty year long government funded retirement a safety net? Is waltzing in from Mexico and receiving a bucket of free benefits a safety net? "Safety net" is a progressive canard.

    No, you're absolutely right. I totally agree with you. I think that young men in the prime of their lives should have to work for their job security, stability, and safety net. And since these things are increasingly only available to young men if they join the military for our "defense" and "security", by "work" I mean risk their lives, risk having their limbs blown off by IEDs, risk permanent brain damage, etc.

  55. "Well, of course, that's what people who work out look like. I could probably look like that myself with some exercise."

    Lol, if steroids totally change your body type and shrink your head, sure. I finally realized how Arnold pulled off the illusion of tallness all those years; he's proportioned like a tall person. Especially that head, which seems very small for his body.

    Rolling Rock

    What's funny is how RR was basically local cheapo beer near where it was produced, but expensive SWPL beer everywhere else.

    P.S., Ryan could take ballet and Obama would still be way more homo.

  56. The woman on O's right has excellent form, resting the bottle on the lower lip and pouring the beverage confidently onto the tongue--

    That's how slobs drink. Beer should always be poured into a glass unless you're just drinking the mass-market swill.

  57. That's how slobs drink. Beer should always be poured into a glass unless you're just drinking the mass-market swill.

    LOL. What a dork.

  58. " It’s that sort of awkwardly nerdish and slightly neurotic/urgent know-it-all-ism and patronizing tone of someone who thinks himself an intellectual, and has others lauding him as an intellectual because of the urgency with which he presents his coherent enough answers (which sets him apart from other politicians)"

    He sounds like a know-it-all because when it comes to his core issue, the federal budget, he has it down cold. Good for him, and good for us.

    Granted, a pure intellectual might question some of the dogma the GOP clings to about taxes, etc., but Ryan is also a politician, and has gotten budgets passed by the House. Bruce Bartlett might be smarter and more intellectual, but if he were elected to office, he would never get anything passed.

    Given that politics is the art of the possible, a Paul Ryan is about the best we can hope for on this subject, and would be a welcome improvement over the incumbents. My guess is that he is more empirical and objective than his old mentor Kemp, but is pragmatic enough to play along with some GOP dogma.

  59. "I would have to train and/or study if I ever expected to make it to the finals again."

    Just go on some roids, some D-ball, HGH, you'll be aaaah-eit.

    "That's how slobs drink. Beer should always be poured into a glass..."

    I agree, IF It came served in a can.

  60. He sounds like a know-it-all because when it comes to his core issue, the federal budget, he has it down cold. Good for him, and good for us.

    Actually he's a glib moron. People think he's smart because he sounds like a smarmy 5th grade know-it-all and because they think smart people read Ayn Rand.

  61. He sounds like a know-it-all because when it comes to his core issue, the federal budget, he has it down cold. Good for him, and good for us.

    He has no idea what he's talking about though.

    “Deficit” and “debt” fool most people, because these words sound negative. But think about it this way:

    A federal “deficit” occurs when the federal government creates and spends more dollars than it receives in taxes. Similarly, when the government runs a surplus, the government takes more dollars out of the economy than it sends into the economy. A government surplus is the economy’s deficit.

    The added dollars from federal deficit spending go to one of two places:

    1. Into the U.S. economy, where they become Net Savings, or

2. To foreign economies to pay for Net Imports

    Thus, the equation: Federal Deficits = Net Private Savings + Net Imports

    Banks create dollars by lending, but those are not net dollars. For every dollar created by a bank, a loan obligation also is created –- the new dollars are offset by new obligations, so they net to zero. Only the federal government creates net savings dollars.

    The more deficits rise, the more net savings rise.

    The misnamed “deficit” is the source of all net dollars, i.e. all net private savings. Cutting deficits cuts private savings, which depresses the economy. Cutting deficits is a prescription for depression.

  62. Obama's looks like someone just poured him a glass of Olympia.

  63. It's amazing how quick the commenters here are to point out supposed psychological complexes of Obama, when it's clear that most of the people hear have some personality imbalances.

  64. 'This chick's flat. That's not gonna to get guy's votes. Where's a hot coalburner like Kim K when you need one?'

  65. when it's clear that most of the people hear have some personality imbalances.

    Who doesn't? It's always funny to see what brings out the pepper spray at iSteve.

    Beer Summit I - maybe we'd enjoy our beers and relax a little more if we weren't sitting in direct sunlight in the middle of summer.

    Beer Summit II - good evening ladies, allow me to imbibe with you. Barkeep, a moderately hoppy pilsner. I do so enjoy enjoy a cold, moderately hoppy pilsner (sips cautiously).

    Like Steve said, that's probably not what's going thru the guy's head notwithstanding his prissy body language. He's just such an obvious target that people who make humor their business do backflips to avoid. Obama even has his own Internet Anti-Humor Squad.

  66. "I discovered that I don't care for Indian Pale Ales, Chinese lagers, and most stouts"
    Step 1, get the parlance right. It's India P A - they don't come from India they were supposed to be able to travel to India in a sailing ship without going off. And if you're going in for beermanship, say porter, not stout. No-one understands the difference but P is more "authentic",GNW.
    Basically, if you don't like IPA you don't like good beer. An IPA from a brewpub or craft brewery is one of the great drinking experiences. And Sierra Nevada IPA is a fine internationally-available beer. But you're right about one thing - a good IPA has so much taste that your palate shuts down after a few.

  67. The Tea Party is a going-out-of-business sale for the Baby Boomer generation. Paul Ryan is the salesman.

  68. The misnamed “deficit” is the source of all net dollars, i.e. all net private savings. Cutting deficits cuts private savings, which depresses the economy. Cutting deficits is a prescription for depression.

    Right, right. That's why Greece is in such good shape - all those huge deficits that were the result of net private savings.

  69. "It's amazing how quick the commenters here are to point out supposed psychological complexes of Obama, when it's clear that most of the people hear have some personality imbalances."

    Would you prefer it if we took our time?

  70. "Would you prefer it if we took our time?"

  71. Here in Brazil there was a pretty funny skit on Obama on TV. Michelle brings her whole extended family to live in the White House(using crude Black Stereotypes)having Obama lose it. His biggest problem is Michelle´s mother, the Matriarch of the White House. I think she does actually live in the white house in real life, btw...

  72. That's why Greece is in such good shape - all those huge deficits that were the result of net private savings.

    First of all, you have the causality backwards. Net private savings are only possible with a deficit. The deficit creates net private savings. Only the federal government creates net savings dollars. Bank loans net to zero.

    Secondly, Greece doesn't have its own currency. It can't create net private savings via deficits. It has to effectively borrow in a foreign currency. Greece is like a US state, which cannot create money via deficits.

  73. Miserable Old Brit8/18/12, 4:58 AM

    I'm a bit disappointed you don't know anything about beer, Steve. The President could just as well be thinking "why is she glugging that mass-produced swill while for the same price I'm savouring this fine locally-brewed craft ale double-hopped with Cascade from Oregon with the assertive bitterness of the hops beautifully balanced by a hint of sweetness from the malt.." and so on and so on and so on.
    What's wrong with the home-brewing is that brewing is a profession, not a hobby. I guess he would't have his domestic staff make his wine.

  74. "Anonymous said...

    It's amazing how quick the commenters here are to point out supposed psychological complexes of Obama, when it's clear that most of the people hear have some personality imbalances."

    No, that isn't clear at all, nor is it even true. What is clear is that you disagree with us and so - in grand lefty tradition - you impute the cause of our disagreement with you to be insanity.

  75. " in grand lefty tradition - you impute the cause of our disagreement with you to be insanity."

    You're not totally wrong, but then, he isn' base, either.

  76. "why is she glugging that mass-produced swill while for the same price..blah blah blah better microbeer"

    same price, lol.

    I love me some fancy microbrews, but at $5 a pour at a place where they may or may not have ever cleaned the keg lines.... bring on the 16oz canned pbr.

  77. Basically, if you don't like IPA you don't like good beer. An IPA from a brewpub or craft brewery is one of the great drinking experiences. And Sierra Nevada IPA is a fine internationally-available beer.
    agreed. The santa barbara brewery makes a great ipa - they don't bottle though..


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